 * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
 * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Studman <codehaus@michaelstudman.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Miguel Covarrubias <mlcovarrubias@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 William N Dortch <bill.dortch@gmail.com>
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 ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/

package org.jruby.runtime;

import com.headius.backport9.stack.StackWalker;
import com.headius.backport9.stack.impl.StackWalker8;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyBoolean;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyContinuation;
import org.jruby.exceptions.CatchThrow;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyRegexp;
import org.jruby.RubyThread;
import org.jruby.ast.executable.RuntimeCache;
import org.jruby.exceptions.Unrescuable;
import org.jruby.ext.fiber.ThreadFiber;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.ir.JIT;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.BacktraceData;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.BacktraceElement;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.RubyStackTraceElement;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.TraceType;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.TraceType.Gather;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.profile.ProfileCollection;
import org.jruby.runtime.scope.ManyVarsDynamicScope;
import org.jruby.util.RecursiveComparator;
import org.jruby.util.RubyDateFormatter;
import org.jruby.util.cli.Options;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

import static org.jruby.RubyBasicObject.NEVER;

public final class ThreadContext {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThreadContext.class);

    public static ThreadContext newContext(Ruby runtime) {
        return new ThreadContext(runtime);

    private final static int INITIAL_SIZE = 10;
    private final static int INITIAL_FRAMES_SIZE = 10;

The number of calls after which to do a thread event poll
/** The number of calls after which to do a thread event poll */
private final static int CALL_POLL_COUNT = 0xFFF; // runtime, nil, and runtimeCache cached here for speed of access from any thread public final Ruby runtime; public final IRubyObject nil; public final RubyBoolean tru; public final RubyBoolean fals; public final RuntimeCache runtimeCache; // Is this thread currently with in a function trace? private boolean isWithinTrace; private RubyThread thread; private static final WeakReference<ThreadFiber> NULL_FIBER_REF = new WeakReference<ThreadFiber>(null); private WeakReference<ThreadFiber> fiber = NULL_FIBER_REF; private ThreadFiber rootFiber; // hard anchor for root threads' fibers // Cache format string because it is expensive to create on demand private RubyDateFormatter dateFormatter; private Frame[] frameStack = new Frame[INITIAL_FRAMES_SIZE]; private int frameIndex = -1; private BacktraceElement[] backtrace = new BacktraceElement[INITIAL_FRAMES_SIZE]; private int backtraceIndex = -1; // List of active dynamic scopes. Each of these may have captured other dynamic scopes // to implement closures. private DynamicScope[] scopeStack = new DynamicScope[INITIAL_SIZE]; private int scopeIndex = -1; private static final CatchThrow[] EMPTY_CATCHTARGET_STACK = new CatchThrow[0]; private CatchThrow[] catchStack = EMPTY_CATCHTARGET_STACK; private int catchIndex = -1; private boolean isProfiling = false; // The flat profile data for this thread // private ProfileData profileData; private ProfileCollection profileCollection; private boolean eventHooksEnabled = true; CallType lastCallType; Visibility lastVisibility; IRubyObject lastExitStatus; // These two fields are required to support explicit call protocol // (via IR instructions) for blocks. private Throwable savedExcInLambda; // See handleBreakAndReturnsInLambda in IRRuntimeHelpers
This fields is no longer initialized, is null by default! Use getSecureRandom() instead.
/** * This fields is no longer initialized, is null by default! * Use {@link #getSecureRandom()} instead. * @deprecated */
@Deprecated public transient SecureRandom secureRandom; private static boolean tryPreferredPRNG = true; private static boolean trySHA1PRNG = true; public final JavaSites sites; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public SecureRandom getSecureRandom() { SecureRandom secureRandom = this.secureRandom; // Try preferred PRNG, which defaults to NativePRNGNonBlocking if (secureRandom == null && tryPreferredPRNG) { try { secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance(Options.PREFERRED_PRNG.load()); } catch (Exception e) { tryPreferredPRNG = false; } } // Try SHA1PRNG if (secureRandom == null && trySHA1PRNG) { try { secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); } catch (Exception e) { trySHA1PRNG = false; } } // Just let JDK do whatever it does if (secureRandom == null) { secureRandom = new SecureRandom(); } this.secureRandom = secureRandom; return secureRandom; } private Encoding[] encodingHolder;
Constructor for Context.
/** * Constructor for Context. */
private ThreadContext(Ruby runtime) { this.runtime = runtime; this.nil = runtime.getNil(); this.tru = runtime.getTrue(); this.fals = runtime.getFalse(); this.savedExcInLambda = null; if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProfilingEntireRun()) { startProfiling(); } this.runtimeCache = runtime.getRuntimeCache(); this.sites = runtime.sites; // TOPLEVEL self and a few others want a top-level scope. We create this one right // away and then pass it into top-level parse so it ends up being the top level. StaticScope topStaticScope = runtime.getStaticScopeFactory().newLocalScope(null); pushScope(new ManyVarsDynamicScope(topStaticScope, null)); Frame[] stack = frameStack; int length = stack.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { stack[i] = new Frame(); } BacktraceElement[] stack2 = backtrace; int length2 = stack2.length; for (int i = 0; i < length2; i++) { stack2[i] = new BacktraceElement(); } ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(this, "", "", 0); ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(this, "", "", 0); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (thread != null) { thread.dispose(); } }
Retrieve the runtime associated with this context. Note that there's no reason to call this method rather than accessing the runtime field directly.
See Also:
  • runtime.runtime
Returns:the runtime associated with this context
/** * Retrieve the runtime associated with this context. * * Note that there's no reason to call this method rather than accessing the * runtime field directly. * * @see ThreadContext#runtime * * @return the runtime associated with this context */
public final Ruby getRuntime() { return runtime; } public IRubyObject getErrorInfo() { return thread.getErrorInfo(); } public IRubyObject setErrorInfo(IRubyObject errorInfo) { thread.setErrorInfo(errorInfo); return errorInfo; } public Throwable getSavedExceptionInLambda() { return savedExcInLambda; } public void setSavedExceptionInLambda(Throwable e) { savedExcInLambda = e; } public CallType getLastCallType() { return lastCallType; } public Visibility getLastVisibility() { return lastVisibility; } public void setLastCallStatusAndVisibility(CallType callType, Visibility visibility) { lastCallType = callType; lastVisibility = visibility; } public IRubyObject getLastExitStatus() { return lastExitStatus; } public void setLastExitStatus(IRubyObject lastExitStatus) { this.lastExitStatus = lastExitStatus; } public void printScope() { LOG.debug("SCOPE STACK:"); for (int i = 0; i <= scopeIndex; i++) { LOG.debug("{}", scopeStack[i]); } } public DynamicScope getCurrentScope() { return scopeStack[scopeIndex]; } public StaticScope getCurrentStaticScope() { return scopeStack[scopeIndex].getStaticScope(); } private void expandFrameStack() { int newSize = frameStack.length * 2; frameStack = fillNewFrameStack(new Frame[newSize], newSize); } private Frame[] fillNewFrameStack(Frame[] newFrameStack, int newSize) { System.arraycopy(frameStack, 0, newFrameStack, 0, frameStack.length); for (int i = frameStack.length; i < newSize; i++) { newFrameStack[i] = new Frame(); } return newFrameStack; } public void pushScope(DynamicScope scope) { int index = ++scopeIndex; DynamicScope[] stack = scopeStack; stack[index] = scope; if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandScopeStack(); } } @JIT public DynamicScope pushNewScope(StaticScope staticScope) { DynamicScope scope = staticScope.construct(null); pushScope(scope); return scope; } public void popScope() { scopeStack[scopeIndex--] = null; } private void expandScopeStack() { int newSize = scopeStack.length * 2; DynamicScope[] newScopeStack = new DynamicScope[newSize]; System.arraycopy(scopeStack, 0, newScopeStack, 0, scopeStack.length); scopeStack = newScopeStack; } public RubyThread getThread() { return thread; } public RubyThread getFiberCurrentThread() { return thread.getFiberCurrentThread(); } public RubyDateFormatter getRubyDateFormatter() { if (dateFormatter == null) dateFormatter = new RubyDateFormatter(this); return dateFormatter; } public void setThread(RubyThread thread) { this.thread = thread; // associate the thread with this context, unless we're clearing the reference if (thread != null) { thread.setContext(this); } } public ThreadFiber getFiber() { ThreadFiber f = fiber.get(); if (f == null) return rootFiber; return f; } public void setFiber(ThreadFiber fiber) { this.fiber = new WeakReference<ThreadFiber>(fiber); }
Fibers must use the same recursion guards as their parent thread.
/** * Fibers must use the same recursion guards as their parent thread. */
public void useRecursionGuardsFrom(ThreadContext context) { this.symToGuards = context.symToGuards; } public void setRootFiber(ThreadFiber rootFiber) { this.rootFiber = rootFiber; } //////////////////// CATCH MANAGEMENT //////////////////////// private void expandCatchStack() { int newSize = catchStack.length * 2; if (newSize == 0) newSize = 1; CatchThrow[] newCatchStack = new CatchThrow[newSize]; System.arraycopy(catchStack, 0, newCatchStack, 0, catchStack.length); catchStack = newCatchStack; } @Deprecated public void pushCatch(RubyContinuation.Continuation catchTarget) { pushCatch((CatchThrow) catchTarget); } public void pushCatch(CatchThrow catchTarget) { int index = ++catchIndex; if (index == catchStack.length) { expandCatchStack(); } catchStack[index] = catchTarget; } public void popCatch() { catchIndex--; }
Find the active Continuation for the given tag. Must be called with an interned string.
  • tag – The interned string to search for
Returns:The continuation associated with this tag
/** * Find the active Continuation for the given tag. Must be called with an * interned string. * * @param tag The interned string to search for * @return The continuation associated with this tag */
public CatchThrow getActiveCatch(Object tag) { for (int i = catchIndex; i >= 0; i--) { CatchThrow c = catchStack[i]; if (c.tag == tag) return c; } // if this is a fiber, search prev for tag ThreadFiber fiber = getFiber(); ThreadFiber prev; if (fiber != null && (prev = fiber.getData().getPrev()) != null) { return prev.getThread().getContext().getActiveCatch(tag); } return null; } //////////////////// FRAME MANAGEMENT //////////////////////// private Frame pushFrame(Frame frame) { int index = ++this.frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; stack[index] = frame; if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } return frame; } public void pushEvalSimpleFrame(IRubyObject executeObject) { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame(); pushCallFrame(frame.getKlazz(), frame.getName(), executeObject, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } private void pushCallFrame(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block) { int index = ++this.frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; stack[index].updateFrame(clazz, self, name, block); if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } } private void pushCallFrame(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Visibility visibility, Block block) { int index = ++this.frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; stack[index].updateFrame(clazz, self, name, visibility, block); if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } } private void pushBackrefFrame() { int index = ++this.frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; stack[index].updateFrameForBackref(); if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } } private void popBackrefFrame() { Frame[] stack = frameStack; int index = frameIndex--; Frame frame = stack[index]; // if the frame was captured, we must replace it but not clear if (frame.isCaptured()) { stack[index] = new Frame(); } else { frame.clearFrameForBackref(); } } private void pushEvalFrame(IRubyObject self) { int index = ++this.frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; stack[index].updateFrameForEval(self); if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } } public void pushFrame() { int index = ++this.frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } } public void popFrame() { Frame[] stack = frameStack; int index = frameIndex--; Frame frame = stack[index]; // if the frame was captured, we must replace it but not clear if (frame.captured) { stack[index] = new Frame(); } else { frame.clear(); } } private void popFrameReal(Frame oldFrame) { frameStack[frameIndex--] = oldFrame; } public Frame getCurrentFrame() { return frameStack[frameIndex]; } public Frame getNextFrame() { int index = frameIndex; Frame[] stack = frameStack; if (index + 1 == stack.length) { expandFrameStack(); } return stack[index + 1]; } public Frame getPreviousFrame() { int index = frameIndex; return index < 1 ? null : frameStack[index - 1]; }
Set the $~ (backref) "global" to the given value.
  • match – the value to set
Returns:the value passed in
/** * Set the $~ (backref) "global" to the given value. * * @param match the value to set * @return the value passed in */
public IRubyObject setBackRef(IRubyObject match) { return getCurrentFrame().setBackRef(match); }
Get the value of the $~ (backref) "global".
Returns:the value of $~
/** * Get the value of the $~ (backref) "global". * * @return the value of $~ */
public IRubyObject getBackRef() { return frameStack[frameIndex].getBackRef(nil); }
MRI: rb_reg_last_match
/** * MRI: rb_reg_last_match */
public IRubyObject last_match() { return RubyRegexp.nth_match(0, frameStack[frameIndex].getBackRef(nil)); }
MRI: rb_reg_match_pre
/** * MRI: rb_reg_match_pre */
public IRubyObject match_pre() { return RubyRegexp.match_pre(frameStack[frameIndex].getBackRef(nil)); }
MRI: rb_reg_match_post
/** * MRI: rb_reg_match_post */
public IRubyObject match_post() { return RubyRegexp.match_post(frameStack[frameIndex].getBackRef(nil)); }
MRI: rb_reg_match_last
/** * MRI: rb_reg_match_last */
public IRubyObject match_last() { return RubyRegexp.match_last(frameStack[frameIndex].getBackRef(nil)); }
Set the $_ (lastlne) "global" to the given value.
  • last – the value to set
Returns:the value passed in
/** * Set the $_ (lastlne) "global" to the given value. * * @param last the value to set * @return the value passed in */
public IRubyObject setLastLine(IRubyObject last) { return getCurrentFrame().setLastLine(last); }
Get the value of the $_ (lastline) "global".
Returns:the value of $_
/** * Get the value of the $_ (lastline) "global". * * @return the value of $_ */
public IRubyObject getLastLine() { return getCurrentFrame().getLastLine(nil); } /////////////////// BACKTRACE //////////////////// private static void expandBacktraceStack(ThreadContext context) { int newSize = context.backtrace.length * 2; context.backtrace = fillNewBacktrace(context, new BacktraceElement[newSize], newSize); } private static BacktraceElement[] fillNewBacktrace(ThreadContext context, BacktraceElement[] newBacktrace, int newSize) { System.arraycopy(context.backtrace, 0, newBacktrace, 0, context.backtrace.length); for (int i = context.backtrace.length; i < newSize; i++) { newBacktrace[i] = new BacktraceElement(); } return newBacktrace; } public static void pushBacktrace(ThreadContext context, String method, String file, int line) { int index = ++context.backtraceIndex; BacktraceElement[] stack = context.backtrace; BacktraceElement.update(stack[index], method, file, line); if (index + 1 == stack.length) { ThreadContext.expandBacktraceStack(context); } } public static void popBacktrace(ThreadContext context) { context.backtraceIndex--; } public boolean hasAnyScopes() { return scopeIndex > -1; }
Check if a scope is present on the call stack. This is the IR equivalent of isJumpTargetAlive
  • scope – the scope to look for
Returns:true if it exists. otherwise false.
/** * Check if a scope is present on the call stack. * This is the IR equivalent of isJumpTargetAlive * * @param scope the scope to look for * @return true if it exists. otherwise false. **/
public boolean scopeExistsOnCallStack(DynamicScope scope) { DynamicScope[] stack = scopeStack; for (int i = scopeIndex; i >= 0; i--) { if (stack[i] == scope) return true; } return false; } public String getFrameName() { return getCurrentFrame().getName(); } public IRubyObject getFrameSelf() { return getCurrentFrame().getSelf(); } public RubyModule getFrameKlazz() { return getCurrentFrame().getKlazz(); } public Block getFrameBlock() { return getCurrentFrame().getBlock(); } public String getFile() { return backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename; } public int getLine() { return backtrace[backtraceIndex].line; } public void setLine(int line) { backtrace[backtraceIndex].line = line; } public void setFileAndLine(String file, int line) { BacktraceElement b = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; b.filename = file; b.line = line; } public void setFileAndLine(ISourcePosition position) { BacktraceElement b = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; b.filename = position.getFile(); b.line = position.getLine(); } public Visibility getCurrentVisibility() { return getCurrentFrame().getVisibility(); } public void setCurrentVisibility(Visibility visibility) { getCurrentFrame().setVisibility(visibility); } public void pollThreadEvents() { thread.pollThreadEvents(this); } public int callNumber = 0; public int getCurrentTarget() { return callNumber; } public void callThreadPoll() { if ((callNumber++ & CALL_POLL_COUNT) == 0) pollThreadEvents(); } public static void callThreadPoll(ThreadContext context) { if ((context.callNumber++ & CALL_POLL_COUNT) == 0) context.pollThreadEvents(); } public void trace(RubyEvent event, String name, RubyModule implClass) { trace(event, name, implClass, backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename, backtrace[backtraceIndex].line + 1); } public void trace(RubyEvent event, String name, RubyModule implClass, String file, int line) { runtime.callEventHooks(this, event, file, line, name, implClass); }
Used by the evaluator and the compiler to look up a constant by name
/** * Used by the evaluator and the compiler to look up a constant by name */
@Deprecated public IRubyObject getConstant(String internedName) { return getCurrentStaticScope().getConstant(internedName); }
Render the current backtrace as a string to the given StringBuilder. This will honor the currently-configured backtrace format and content.
  • sb – the StringBuilder to which to render the backtrace
/** * Render the current backtrace as a string to the given StringBuilder. This will honor the currently-configured * backtrace format and content. * * @param sb the StringBuilder to which to render the backtrace */
public void renderCurrentBacktrace(StringBuilder sb) { TraceType traceType = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getTraceType(); BacktraceData backtraceData = traceType.getBacktrace(this); traceType.getFormat().renderBacktrace(backtraceData.getBacktrace(runtime), sb, false); } public static final StackWalker WALKER = StackWalker.getInstance(); public static final StackWalker WALKER8 = new StackWalker8();
Create an Array with backtrace information for Kernel#caller
  • level –
  • length –
Returns:an Array with the backtrace
/** * Create an Array with backtrace information for Kernel#caller * @param level * @param length * @return an Array with the backtrace */
public IRubyObject createCallerBacktrace(int level, int length, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { runtime.incrementCallerCount(); RubyStackTraceElement[] fullTrace = getPartialTrace(level, length, stackStream); int traceLength = safeLength(level, length, fullTrace); // MRI started returning [] instead of nil some time after 1.9 (#4891) if (traceLength < 0) return runtime.newEmptyArray(); final IRubyObject[] traceArray = new IRubyObject[traceLength]; for (int i = 0; i < traceLength; i++) { traceArray[i] = RubyStackTraceElement.to_s_mri(this, fullTrace[i + level]); } RubyArray backTrace = RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, traceArray); if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_CALLERS) TraceType.logCaller(backTrace); return backTrace; }
Create an array containing Thread::Backtrace::Location objects for the requested caller trace level and length.
  • level – the level at which the trace should start
  • length – the length of the trace
Returns:an Array with the backtrace locations
/** * Create an array containing Thread::Backtrace::Location objects for the * requested caller trace level and length. * * @param level the level at which the trace should start * @param length the length of the trace * @return an Array with the backtrace locations */
public IRubyObject createCallerLocations(int level, Integer length, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { runtime.incrementCallerCount(); RubyStackTraceElement[] fullTrace = getPartialTrace(level, length, stackStream); int traceLength = safeLength(level, length, fullTrace); // MRI started returning [] instead of nil some time after 1.9 (#4891) if (traceLength < 0) return runtime.newEmptyArray(); RubyArray backTrace = RubyThread.Location.newLocationArray(runtime, fullTrace, level, traceLength); if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_CALLERS) TraceType.logCaller(backTrace); return backTrace; } private RubyStackTraceElement[] getFullTrace(Integer length, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { if (length != null && length == 0) return RubyStackTraceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; return TraceType.Gather.CALLER.getBacktraceData(this, stackStream).getBacktrace(runtime); } private RubyStackTraceElement[] getPartialTrace(int level, Integer length, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { if (length != null && length == 0) return RubyStackTraceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; return TraceType.Gather.CALLER.getBacktraceData(this, stackStream).getPartialBacktrace(runtime, level + length); } private static int safeLength(int level, Integer length, RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { final int baseLength = trace.length - level; return Math.min(length, baseLength); }
Return a single RubyStackTraceElement representing the nearest Ruby stack trace element. Used for warnings and Kernel#__dir__.
Returns:the nearest stack trace element
/** * Return a single RubyStackTraceElement representing the nearest Ruby stack trace element. * * Used for warnings and Kernel#__dir__. * * @return the nearest stack trace element */
public RubyStackTraceElement getSingleBacktrace(int level) { runtime.incrementWarningCount(); RubyStackTraceElement[] trace = WALKER.walk(stream -> getPartialTrace(level, 1, stream)); if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_WARNINGS) TraceType.logWarning(trace); return trace.length == 0 ? null : trace[trace.length - 1]; }
Same as calling getSingleBacktrace(0);
See Also:
  • getSingleBacktrace(int)
/** * Same as calling getSingleBacktrace(0); * * @see #getSingleBacktrace(int) */
public RubyStackTraceElement getSingleBacktrace() { return getSingleBacktrace(0); } public boolean isEventHooksEnabled() { return eventHooksEnabled; } public void setEventHooksEnabled(boolean flag) { eventHooksEnabled = flag; }
Create a snapshot Array with current backtrace information.
Returns:the backtrace
/** * Create a snapshot Array with current backtrace information. * @return the backtrace */
public Stream<BacktraceElement> getBacktrace() { return getBacktrace(0); } public final Stream<BacktraceElement> getBacktrace(int level) { int backtraceIndex = this.backtraceIndex; if ( level < 0 ) level = backtraceIndex + 1 + level; int end = backtraceIndex - level; BacktraceElement[] backtrace = this.backtrace; return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, end).mapToObj(i -> backtrace[backtraceIndex - i]); } public static String createRawBacktraceStringFromThrowable(final Throwable ex, final boolean color) { return WALKER.walk(ex.getStackTrace(), stream -> TraceType.printBacktraceJRuby(null, new BacktraceData(stream, Stream.empty(), true, false, false).getBacktraceWithoutRuby(), ex.getClass().getName(), ex.getLocalizedMessage(), color)); } private Frame pushFrameForBlock(Binding binding) { Frame lastFrame = getNextFrame(); Frame bindingFrame = binding.getFrame(); bindingFrame.setVisibility(binding.getVisibility()); pushFrame(bindingFrame); return lastFrame; } public void preAdoptThread() { pushFrame(); getCurrentFrame().setSelf(runtime.getTopSelf()); } public void preExtensionLoad(IRubyObject self) { pushFrame(); getCurrentFrame().setSelf(self); getCurrentFrame().setVisibility(Visibility.PUBLIC); } public void preBsfApply(String[] names) { // FIXME: I think we need these pushed somewhere? StaticScope staticScope = runtime.getStaticScopeFactory().newLocalScope(null); staticScope.setVariables(names); pushFrame(); } public void postBsfApply() { popFrame(); } public void preMethodFrameAndScope(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block, StaticScope staticScope) { pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, block); pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(staticScope)); } public void preMethodFrameAndDummyScope(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block, StaticScope staticScope) { pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, block); pushScope(staticScope.getDummyScope()); } public void preMethodNoFrameAndDummyScope(StaticScope staticScope) { pushScope(staticScope.getDummyScope()); } public void postMethodFrameAndScope() { popScope(); popFrame(); } public void preMethodFrameOnly(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Block block) { pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, block); } public void preMethodFrameOnly(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self, Visibility visiblity, Block block) { pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, visiblity, block); } public void preMethodFrameOnly(RubyModule clazz, String name, IRubyObject self) { pushCallFrame(clazz, name, self, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } public void preBackrefMethod() { pushBackrefFrame(); } public void postMethodFrameOnly() { popFrame(); } public void postBackrefMethod() { popBackrefFrame(); } public void preMethodScopeOnly(StaticScope staticScope) { pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(staticScope)); } public void postMethodScopeOnly() { popScope(); } public void preMethodBacktraceAndScope(String name, StaticScope staticScope) { preMethodScopeOnly(staticScope); } public void postMethodBacktraceAndScope() { postMethodScopeOnly(); } public void preMethodBacktraceOnly(String name) { } public void preMethodBacktraceDummyScope(String name, StaticScope staticScope) { pushScope(staticScope.getDummyScope()); } public void postMethodBacktraceOnly() { } public void postMethodBacktraceDummyScope() { popScope(); } public void prepareTopLevel(RubyClass objectClass, IRubyObject topSelf) { pushFrame(); setCurrentVisibility(Visibility.PRIVATE); Frame frame = getCurrentFrame(); frame.setSelf(topSelf); getCurrentStaticScope().setModule(objectClass); } public void preNodeEval(IRubyObject self) { pushEvalFrame(self); } public void postNodeEval() { popFrame(); } public void preExecuteUnder(IRubyObject executeUnderObj, RubyModule executeUnderClass, Block block) { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame(); DynamicScope scope = getCurrentScope(); StaticScope sScope = runtime.getStaticScopeFactory().newBlockScope(scope.getStaticScope()); sScope.setModule(executeUnderClass); pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(sScope, scope)); pushCallFrame(frame.getKlazz(), frame.getName(), executeUnderObj, block); getCurrentFrame().setVisibility(getPreviousFrame().getVisibility()); } public void postExecuteUnder() { popFrame(); popScope(); } public void preTrace() { setWithinTrace(true); pushFrame(); } public void postTrace() { popFrame(); setWithinTrace(false); } public Frame preYieldSpecificBlock(Binding binding, StaticScope scope) { Frame lastFrame = preYieldNoScope(binding); // new scope for this invocation of the block, based on parent scope pushScope(DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(scope, binding.getDynamicScope())); return lastFrame; } public Frame preYieldNoScope(Binding binding) { return pushFrameForBlock(binding); } @JIT public Frame preYieldNoScope(Block block) { return pushFrameForBlock(block.getBinding()); } public void preEvalScriptlet(DynamicScope scope) { pushScope(scope); } public void postEvalScriptlet() { popScope(); } public Frame preEvalWithBinding(Binding binding) { return pushFrameForBlock(binding); } public void postEvalWithBinding(Binding binding, Frame lastFrame) { popFrameReal(lastFrame); } public void postYield(Binding binding, Frame lastFrame) { popScope(); popFrameReal(lastFrame); } public void postYieldNoScope(Frame lastFrame) { popFrameReal(lastFrame); } public void preScopedBody(DynamicScope scope) { pushScope(scope); } public void postScopedBody() { popScope(); }
Is this thread actively tracing at this moment.
See Also:
Returns:true if so
/** * Is this thread actively tracing at this moment. * * @return true if so * @see org.jruby.Ruby#callEventHooks(ThreadContext, RubyEvent, String, int, String, org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject) */
public boolean isWithinTrace() { return isWithinTrace; }
Set whether we are actively tracing or not on this thread.
  • isWithinTrace – true is so
See Also:
/** * Set whether we are actively tracing or not on this thread. * * @param isWithinTrace true is so * @see org.jruby.Ruby#callEventHooks(ThreadContext, RubyEvent, String, int, String, org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject) */
public void setWithinTrace(boolean isWithinTrace) { this.isWithinTrace = isWithinTrace; }
Return a binding representing the current call's state
Returns:the current binding
/** * Return a binding representing the current call's state * @return the current binding */
public Binding currentBinding() { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame().capture(); BacktraceElement elt = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; return new Binding(frame, getCurrentScope(), elt.getMethod(), elt.getFilename(), elt.getLine()); }
Return a binding representing the current call's state but with a specified self
  • self – the self object to use
Returns:the current binding, using the specified self
/** * Return a binding representing the current call's state but with a specified self * @param self the self object to use * @return the current binding, using the specified self */
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self) { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame().capture(); BacktraceElement elt = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; return new Binding(self, frame, frame.getVisibility(), getCurrentScope(), elt.getMethod(), elt.getFilename(), elt.getLine()); }
Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the specified visibility and self.
  • self – the self object to use
  • visibility – the visibility to use
Returns:the current binding using the specified self and visibility
/** * Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the * specified visibility and self. * @param self the self object to use * @param visibility the visibility to use * @return the current binding using the specified self and visibility */
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self, Visibility visibility) { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame().capture(); BacktraceElement elt = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; return new Binding(self, frame, visibility, getCurrentScope(), elt.getMethod(), elt.getFilename(), elt.getLine()); }
Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the specified scope and self.
  • self – the self object to use
  • scope – the scope to use
Returns:the current binding using the specified self and scope
/** * Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the * specified scope and self. * @param self the self object to use * @param scope the scope to use * @return the current binding using the specified self and scope */
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self, DynamicScope scope) { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame().capture(); BacktraceElement elt = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; return new Binding(self, frame, frame.getVisibility(), scope, elt.getMethod(), elt.getFilename(), elt.getLine()); }
Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the specified visibility, scope, and self. For shared-scope binding consumers like for loops.
  • self – the self object to use
  • visibility – the visibility to use
  • scope – the scope to use
Returns:the current binding using the specified self, scope, and visibility
/** * Return a binding representing the current call's state but with the * specified visibility, scope, and self. For shared-scope binding * consumers like for loops. * * @param self the self object to use * @param visibility the visibility to use * @param scope the scope to use * @return the current binding using the specified self, scope, and visibility */
public Binding currentBinding(IRubyObject self, Visibility visibility, DynamicScope scope) { Frame frame = getCurrentFrame().capture(); BacktraceElement elt = backtrace[backtraceIndex]; return new Binding(self, frame, visibility, scope, elt.getMethod(), elt.getFilename(), elt.getLine()); }
Get the profile collection for this thread (ThreadContext).
Returns:the thread's profile collection
/** * Get the profile collection for this thread (ThreadContext). * * @return the thread's profile collection * */
public ProfileCollection getProfileCollection() { return profileCollection; } public void startProfiling() { isProfiling = true; // use new profiling data every time profiling is started, useful in // case users keep a reference to previous data after profiling stop profileCollection = runtime.getProfilingService().newProfileCollection( this ); } public void stopProfiling() { isProfiling = false; } public boolean isProfiling() { return isProfiling; } private int currentMethodSerial = 0; public int profileEnter(int nextMethod) { int previousMethodSerial = currentMethodSerial; currentMethodSerial = nextMethod; if (isProfiling()) { getProfileCollection().profileEnter(nextMethod); } return previousMethodSerial; } public int profileEnter(String name, DynamicMethod nextMethod) { // profiled method is added in the MethodEnhancer (if necessary) // @see BuiltinProfilingService.DefaultMethodEnhancer return profileEnter((int) nextMethod.getSerialNumber()); } public int profileExit(int nextMethod, long startTime) { int previousMethodSerial = currentMethodSerial; currentMethodSerial = nextMethod; if (isProfiling()) { getProfileCollection().profileExit(nextMethod, startTime); } return previousMethodSerial; } public Set<RecursiveComparator.Pair> getRecursiveSet() { return recursiveSet; } public void setRecursiveSet(Set<RecursiveComparator.Pair> recursiveSet) { this.recursiveSet = recursiveSet; } public void setExceptionRequiresBacktrace(boolean exceptionRequiresBacktrace) { this.exceptionRequiresBacktrace = exceptionRequiresBacktrace; } @JIT public void exceptionBacktraceOn() { this.exceptionRequiresBacktrace = true; } @JIT public void exceptionBacktraceOff() { this.exceptionRequiresBacktrace = false; } private Map<String, Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject>> symToGuards; private static class RecursiveError extends Error implements Unrescuable { public RecursiveError(Object tag) { this.tag = tag; } public final Object tag; @Override public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } } public interface RecursiveFunctionEx<T> { IRubyObject call(ThreadContext context, T state, IRubyObject obj, boolean recur); } public <T> IRubyObject safeRecurse(RecursiveFunctionEx<T> func, T state, IRubyObject obj, String name, boolean outer) { Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> guards = safeRecurseGetGuards(name); boolean outermost = outer && !guards.containsKey(NEVER); // check guards if (guards.containsKey(obj)) { if (outer && !outermost) { throw new RecursiveError(guards); } return func.call(this, state, obj, true); } else { if (outermost) { return safeRecurseOutermost(func, state, obj, guards); } else { return safeRecurseInner(func, state, obj, guards); } } } private <T> IRubyObject safeRecurseOutermost(RecursiveFunctionEx<T> func, T state, IRubyObject obj, Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> guards) { boolean recursed = false; guards.put(NEVER, NEVER); try { return safeRecurseInner(func, state, obj, guards); } catch (RecursiveError re) { if (re.tag != guards) { throw re; } recursed = true; guards.remove(NEVER); return func.call(this, state, obj, true); } finally { if (!recursed) guards.remove(NEVER); } } private Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> safeRecurseGetGuards(String name) { Map<String, Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject>> symToGuards = this.symToGuards; if (symToGuards == null) { this.symToGuards = symToGuards = new HashMap<>(); } Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> guards = symToGuards.get(name); if (guards == null) { guards = new IdentityHashMap<>(); symToGuards.put(name, guards); } return guards; } private <T> IRubyObject safeRecurseInner(RecursiveFunctionEx<T> func, T state, IRubyObject obj, Map<IRubyObject, IRubyObject> guards) { try { guards.put(obj, obj); return func.call(this, state, obj, false); } finally { guards.remove(obj); } } private Set<RecursiveComparator.Pair> recursiveSet; // Do we have to generate a backtrace when we generate an exception on this thread or can we // MAYBE omit creating the backtrace for the exception (only some rescue forms and only for // descendents of StandardError are eligible). public boolean exceptionRequiresBacktrace = true; public Encoding[] encodingHolder() { if (encodingHolder == null) encodingHolder = new Encoding[1]; return encodingHolder; } @Deprecated public void setFile(String file) { backtrace[backtraceIndex].filename = file; } @Deprecated private org.jruby.util.RubyDateFormat dateFormat; @Deprecated public org.jruby.util.RubyDateFormat getRubyDateFormat() { if (dateFormat == null) dateFormat = new org.jruby.util.RubyDateFormat("-", Locale.US); return dateFormat; } }