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 * Copyright (C) 2002 Benoit Cerrina <b.cerrina@wanadoo.fr>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
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package org.jruby.runtime;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyBasicObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.BacktraceElement;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.scope.ManyVarsDynamicScope;

Internal live representation of a block ({...} or do ... end).
/** * Internal live representation of a block ({...} or do ... end). */
public class Binding {
frame of method which defined this block
/** * frame of method which defined this block */
private final Frame frame; public String method; public String filename; public int line; private Visibility visibility;
'self' at point when the block is defined
/** * 'self' at point when the block is defined */
private IRubyObject self;
A reference to all variable values (and names) that are in-scope for this block.
/** * A reference to all variable values (and names) that are in-scope for this block. */
private final DynamicScope dynamicScope;
Binding-local scope for 1.9 mode.
/** * Binding-local scope for 1.9 mode. */
private DynamicScope evalScope;
Location of eval scope. Because bindings are usually cloned before used for eval, we indirect the reference of the eval scope through another Binding reference, allowing us to share the same eval scope across multiple cloned Binding instances.
/** * Location of eval scope. * * * Because bindings are usually cloned before used for eval, we indirect * the reference of the eval scope through another Binding reference, * allowing us to share the same eval scope across multiple cloned Binding * instances. */
private Binding evalScopeBinding = this; public Binding(IRubyObject self, Frame frame, Visibility visibility, DynamicScope dynamicScope, String method, String filename, int line) { frame.getClass(); // null check this.self = self; this.frame = frame; this.visibility = visibility; this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; this.method = method; this.filename = filename; this.line = line; } private Binding(IRubyObject self, Frame frame, Visibility visibility, DynamicScope dynamicScope, String method, String filename, int line, DynamicScope dummyScope) { frame.getClass(); // null check this.self = self; this.frame = frame; this.visibility = visibility; this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; this.method = method; this.filename = filename; this.line = line; this.dummyScope = dummyScope; } public Binding(Frame frame, DynamicScope dynamicScope, String method, String filename, int line) { frame.getClass(); // null check this.self = frame.getSelf(); this.frame = frame; this.visibility = frame.getVisibility(); this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; this.method = method; this.filename = filename; this.line = line; } public Binding(IRubyObject self) { this.self = self; this.frame = Block.NULL_BLOCK.getFrame(); this.dynamicScope = null; } public Binding(IRubyObject self, Frame frame, Visibility visibility) { frame.getClass(); // null check this.self = self; this.frame = frame; this.visibility = visibility; this.dynamicScope = null; } public Binding(IRubyObject self, DynamicScope dynamicScope) { this.self = self; this.frame = Block.NULL_BLOCK.getFrame(); this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; } public Binding(IRubyObject self, Frame frame, Visibility visibility, DynamicScope dynamicScope) { frame.getClass(); // null check this.self = self; this.frame = frame; this.visibility = visibility; this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; } private Binding(Binding other) { this(other.self, other.frame, other.visibility, other.dynamicScope, other.method, other.filename, other.line, other.dummyScope); }
Clone the binding, but maintain a reference to the original "eval binding" to continue sharing eval context.
Returns:a new Binding with shared eval context
/** * Clone the binding, but maintain a reference to the original "eval * binding" to continue sharing eval context. * * @return a new Binding with shared eval context */
public Binding cloneForEval() { Binding clone = new Binding(this); clone.evalScopeBinding = this; return clone; }
Clone the binding. The frame will be duplicated, and eval context will point to the new binding, but other fields will be copied as-is.
Returns:a new cloned Binding
/** * Clone the binding. The frame will be duplicated, and eval context will * point to the new binding, but other fields will be copied as-is. * * @return a new cloned Binding */
public Binding clone() { return new Binding(this); } public Visibility getVisibility() { return visibility; } public void setVisibility(Visibility visibility) { this.visibility = visibility; } public IRubyObject getSelf() { return self; } public void setSelf(IRubyObject self) { this.self = self; }
Gets the dynamicVariables that are local to this block. Parent dynamic scopes are also accessible via the current dynamic scope.
Returns:Returns all relevant variable scoping information
/** * Gets the dynamicVariables that are local to this block. Parent dynamic scopes are also * accessible via the current dynamic scope. * * @return Returns all relevant variable scoping information */
public DynamicScope getDynamicScope() { return dynamicScope; } private DynamicScope dummyScope; public DynamicScope getDummyScope(StaticScope staticScope) { if (dummyScope == null || dummyScope.getStaticScope() != staticScope) { return dummyScope = DynamicScope.newDummyScope(staticScope, dynamicScope); } return dummyScope; }
Gets the frame.
Returns:Returns a RubyFrame
/** * Gets the frame. * * @return Returns a RubyFrame */
public Frame getFrame() { return frame; } public String getFile() { return filename; } public void setFile(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } public int getLine() { return line; } public void setLine(int line) { this.line = line; } public String getMethod() { return method; } public void setMethod(String method) { this.method = method; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if(this == other) { return true; } if(!(other instanceof Binding)) { return false; } Binding bOther = (Binding)other; return this.self == bOther.self && this.dynamicScope == bOther.dynamicScope; } // FIXME: This is because we clone the same explicit binding whenever we execute because both the captured Frame // and the binding gets mutated during execution. This means that we cannot share the same instance across // concurrent evals of the same binding. The mutated Frames I think can become new frames during execution and // most of the binding clone can probably go away and we can push the values stored in a binding through the execution // path. public final DynamicScope getEvalScope(Ruby runtime) { // We create one extra dynamicScope on a binding so that when we 'eval "b=1", binding' the // 'b' will get put into this new dynamic scope. The original scope does not see the new // 'b' and successive evals with this binding will. Note: This only happens for explicit // bindings. Implicit bindings will always dispose of the scope they create. // No eval scope set, so we create one if (evalScopeBinding.evalScope == null) { // bindings scopes must always be ManyVars scopes since evals can grow them evalScopeBinding.evalScope = new ManyVarsDynamicScope(runtime.getStaticScopeFactory().newEvalScope(dynamicScope.getStaticScope()), dynamicScope); } return evalScopeBinding.evalScope; } @Deprecated public Binding(IRubyObject self, Frame frame, Visibility visibility, DynamicScope dynamicScope, BacktraceElement backtrace) { this.self = self; this.frame = frame; this.visibility = visibility; this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; this.method = backtrace.method; this.filename = backtrace.filename; this.line = backtrace.line; } @Deprecated public Binding(Frame frame, DynamicScope dynamicScope, BacktraceElement backtrace) { this.self = frame.getSelf(); this.frame = frame; this.visibility = frame.getVisibility(); this.dynamicScope = dynamicScope; this.method = backtrace.method; this.filename = backtrace.filename; this.line = backtrace.line; } @Deprecated public BacktraceElement getBacktrace() { return new BacktraceElement(method, filename, line); } @Deprecated public static final Binding DUMMY = new Binding( RubyBasicObject.NEVER, // Can't use Frame.DUMMY because of circular static init seeing it before it's assigned new Frame(), Visibility.PUBLIC); }