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 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
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package org.jruby.parser;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.ast.AssignableNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IScopedNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.ast.VCallNode;
import org.jruby.ir.IRScope;
import org.jruby.ir.IRScopeType;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
import org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.Signature;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.scope.DynamicScopeGenerator;
import org.jruby.runtime.scope.ManyVarsDynamicScope;
import org.jruby.util.IdUtil;

StaticScope represents lexical scoping of variables and module/class constants. At a very high level every scopes enclosing scope contains variables in the next outer lexical layer. The enclosing scopes variables may or may not be reachable depending on the scoping rules for variables (governed by BlockStaticScope and LocalStaticScope). StaticScope also keeps track of current module/class that is in scope. previousCRefScope will point to the previous scope of the enclosing module/class (cref).
/** * StaticScope represents lexical scoping of variables and module/class constants. * * At a very high level every scopes enclosing scope contains variables in the next outer * lexical layer. The enclosing scopes variables may or may not be reachable depending * on the scoping rules for variables (governed by BlockStaticScope and LocalStaticScope). * * StaticScope also keeps track of current module/class that is in scope. previousCRefScope * will point to the previous scope of the enclosing module/class (cref). * */
public class StaticScope implements Serializable { public static final int MAX_SPECIALIZED_SIZE = 50; private static final long serialVersionUID = 3423852552352498148L; private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); // Next immediate scope. Variable and constant scoping rules make use of this variable // in different ways. final protected StaticScope enclosingScope; // Live reference to module private transient RubyModule cref = null; // Next CRef down the lexical structure private StaticScope previousCRefScope = null; // Our name holder (offsets are assigned as variables are added) [these are symbol strings. Use // as key to Symbol table for actual encoded versions]. private String[] variableNames; private int variableNamesLength; // A list of booleans indicating which variables are named captures from regexp private boolean[] namedCaptures; // Arity of this scope if there is one private Signature signature; // File name where this static scope came from or null if a native or artificial scope private String file; private DynamicScope dummyScope; protected IRScopeType scopeType; private static final String[] NO_NAMES = new String[0]; private Type type; private boolean isBlockOrEval; private boolean isArgumentScope; // Is this block and argument scope of a define_method. private long commandArgumentStack; private int firstKeywordIndex = -1; // Method/Closure that this static scope corresponds to. This is used to tell whether this // scope refers to a method scope or to determined IRScope of the parent of a compiling eval. private IRScope irScope; private RubyModule overlayModule; private volatile MethodHandle constructor; public enum Type { LOCAL, BLOCK, EVAL; public static Type fromOrdinal(int value) { return value < 0 || value >= values().length ? null : values()[value]; } } /** * */ protected StaticScope(Type type, StaticScope enclosingScope, String file) { this(type, enclosingScope, NO_NAMES); this.file = file; }
Construct a new static scope.
  • type – the type of scope
  • enclosingScope – the lexically containing scope.
/** * Construct a new static scope. * * @param type the type of scope * @param enclosingScope the lexically containing scope. */
protected StaticScope(Type type, StaticScope enclosingScope) { this(type, enclosingScope, NO_NAMES); }
Construct a new static scope. The array of strings should all be the interned versions, since several other optimizations depend on being able to do object equality checks.
  • type – the type of scope
  • enclosingScope – the lexically containing scope.
  • names – The list of interned String variable names.
/** * Construct a new static scope. The array of strings should all be the * interned versions, since several other optimizations depend on being * able to do object equality checks. * * @param type the type of scope * @param enclosingScope the lexically containing scope. * @param names The list of interned String variable names. */
protected StaticScope(Type type, StaticScope enclosingScope, String[] names, int firstKeywordIndex) { assert names != null : "names is not null"; this.enclosingScope = enclosingScope; this.variableNames = names; this.variableNamesLength = names.length; this.type = type; if (enclosingScope != null && enclosingScope.irScope != null) { this.irScope = enclosingScope.irScope; this.scopeType = irScope.getScopeType(); } this.isBlockOrEval = (type != Type.LOCAL); this.isArgumentScope = !isBlockOrEval; this.firstKeywordIndex = firstKeywordIndex; } protected StaticScope(Type type, StaticScope enclosingScope, String[] names) { this(type, enclosingScope, names, -1); } public int getFirstKeywordIndex() { return firstKeywordIndex; } public DynamicScope construct(DynamicScope parent) { MethodHandle constructor = this.constructor; if (constructor == null) constructor = acquireConstructor(); try { return (DynamicScope) constructor.invokeExact(this, parent); } catch (Throwable e) { Helpers.throwException(e); return null; // not reached } } private synchronized MethodHandle acquireConstructor() { // check again MethodHandle constructor = this.constructor; if (constructor != null) return constructor; int numberOfVariables = getNumberOfVariables(); if (numberOfVariables > MAX_SPECIALIZED_SIZE) { constructor = ManyVarsDynamicScope.CONSTRUCTOR; } else { constructor = DynamicScopeGenerator.generate(numberOfVariables); } this.constructor = constructor; return constructor; } public IRScope getIRScope() { return irScope; } public IRScopeType getScopeType() { return scopeType; } public void setScopeType(IRScopeType scopeType) { this.scopeType = scopeType; } public void setIRScope(IRScope irScope) { this.irScope = irScope; this.scopeType = irScope.getScopeType(); }
Add a new variable to this (current) scope unless it is already defined in the current scope.
  • name – of new variable
Returns:index of variable
/** * Add a new variable to this (current) scope unless it is already defined in the * current scope. * * @param name of new variable * @return index of variable */
public int addVariableThisScope(String name) { int slot = exists(name); if (slot >= 0) return slot; // Clear constructor since we are adding a name constructor = null; // This is perhaps innefficient timewise? Optimal spacewise growVariableNames(name); // Returns slot of variable return variableNames.length - 1; }
Add a new named capture variable to this (current) scope.
  • name – name of variable.
Returns:index of variable
/** * Add a new named capture variable to this (current) scope. * * @param name name of variable. * @return index of variable */
public int addNamedCaptureVariable(String name) { int index = addVariableThisScope(name); growNamedCaptures(index); return index; }
Add a new variable to this (current) scope unless it is already defined in any reachable scope.
  • name – of new variable
Returns:index+depth merged location of scope
/** * Add a new variable to this (current) scope unless it is already defined in any * reachable scope. * * @param name of new variable * @return index+depth merged location of scope */
public int addVariable(String name) { int slot = isDefined(name); if (slot >= 0) return slot; // Clear constructor since we are adding a name constructor = null; // This is perhaps innefficient timewise? Optimal spacewise growVariableNames(name); // Returns slot of variable return variableNames.length - 1; } public String[] getVariables() { return variableNames.clone(); } public int getNumberOfVariables() { return variableNamesLength; } public void setVariables(String[] names) { assert names != null : "names is not null"; // Clear constructor since we are changing names constructor = null; variableNames = new String[names.length]; variableNamesLength = names.length; System.arraycopy(names, 0, variableNames, 0, names.length); }
Gets a constant back from lexical search from the cref in this scope. As it is for defined? we will not forced resolution of autoloads nor call const_defined
/** * Gets a constant back from lexical search from the cref in this scope. * As it is for defined? we will not forced resolution of autoloads nor * call const_defined */
public IRubyObject getConstantDefined(String internedName) { IRubyObject result = cref.fetchConstant(internedName); if (result != null) return result; return previousCRefScope == null ? null : previousCRefScope.getConstantDefinedNoObject(internedName); } public IRubyObject getConstantDefinedNoObject(String internedName) { if (previousCRefScope == null) return null; return getConstantDefined(internedName); } public IRubyObject getConstant(String internedName) { IRubyObject result = getConstantInner(internedName); // If we could not find the constant from cref..then try getting from inheritence hierarchy return result == null ? cref.getConstantNoConstMissing(internedName) : result; } public IRubyObject getConstantInner(String internedName) { IRubyObject result = cref.fetchConstant(internedName); if (result != null) { return result == RubyObject.UNDEF ? cref.resolveUndefConstant(internedName) : result; } return previousCRefScope == null ? null : previousCRefScope.getConstantInnerNoObject(internedName); } private IRubyObject getConstantInnerNoObject(String internedName) { if (previousCRefScope == null) return null; return getConstantInner(internedName); }
Next outer most scope in list of scopes. An enclosing scope may have no direct scoping relationship to its child. If I am in a localScope and then I enter something which creates another localScope the enclosing scope will be the first scope, but there are no valid scoping relationships between the two. Methods which walk the enclosing scopes are responsible for enforcing appropriate scoping relationships.
Returns:the parent scope
/** * Next outer most scope in list of scopes. An enclosing scope may have no direct scoping * relationship to its child. If I am in a localScope and then I enter something which * creates another localScope the enclosing scope will be the first scope, but there are * no valid scoping relationships between the two. Methods which walk the enclosing scopes * are responsible for enforcing appropriate scoping relationships. * * @return the parent scope */
public StaticScope getEnclosingScope() { return enclosingScope; }
Does the variable exist?
  • name – of the variable to find
Returns:index of variable or -1 if it does not exist
/** * Does the variable exist? * * @param name of the variable to find * @return index of variable or -1 if it does not exist */
public int exists(String name) { return findVariableName(name); } private int findVariableName(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < variableNames.length; i++) { if (name.equals(variableNames[i])) return i; } return -1; }
Is this name in the visible to the current scope
  • name – to be looked for
Returns:a location where the left-most 16 bits of number of scopes down it is and the right-most 16 bits represents its index in that scope
/** * Is this name in the visible to the current scope * * @param name to be looked for * @return a location where the left-most 16 bits of number of scopes down it is and the * right-most 16 bits represents its index in that scope */
public int isDefined(String name) { return isDefined(name, 0); }
Make a DASgn or LocalAsgn node based on scope logic
  • position –
  • name –
  • value –
Returns: Note: This is private code made public only for parser.
/** * Make a DASgn or LocalAsgn node based on scope logic * * @param position * @param name * @param value * @return * * Note: This is private code made public only for parser. */
public AssignableNode assign(ISourcePosition position, RubySymbol name, Node value) { return assign(position, name, value, this, 0); }
Register a keyword argument with this staticScope. It additionally will track where the first keyword argument started so we can test and tell whether we have a kwarg or an ordinary variable during live execution (See keywordExists).
  • position –
  • symbolID –
  • value –
/** * Register a keyword argument with this staticScope. It additionally will track * where the first keyword argument started so we can test and tell whether we have * a kwarg or an ordinary variable during live execution (See keywordExists). * @param position * @param symbolID * @param value * @return */
public AssignableNode assignKeyword(ISourcePosition position, RubySymbol symbolID, Node value) { AssignableNode assignment = assign(position, symbolID, value, this, 0); // register first keyword index encountered if (firstKeywordIndex == -1) firstKeywordIndex = ((IScopedNode) assignment).getIndex(); return assignment; } public boolean keywordExists(String name) { int slot = exists(name); return slot >= 0 && firstKeywordIndex != -1 && slot >= firstKeywordIndex; }
Get all visible variables that we can see from this scope that have been assigned (e.g. seen so far)
Returns:a list of all names (sans $~ and $_ which are special names)
/** * Get all visible variables that we can see from this scope that have been assigned * (e.g. seen so far) * * @return a list of all names (sans $~ and $_ which are special names) */
public String[] getAllNamesInScope() { return collectVariables(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::add).stream().toArray(String[]::new); }
Populate a deduplicated collection of variable names in scope using the given functions. This may include variables that are not strictly Ruby local variable names, so the consumer should validate names as appropriate.
  • collectionFactory – used to construct the collection
  • collectionPopulator – used to pass values into the collection
Type parameters:
  • <T> – resulting collection type
Returns:populated collection
/** * Populate a deduplicated collection of variable names in scope using the given functions. * * This may include variables that are not strictly Ruby local variable names, so the consumer should validate * names as appropriate. * * @param collectionFactory used to construct the collection * @param collectionPopulator used to pass values into the collection * @param <T> resulting collection type * @return populated collection */
public <T> T collectVariables(IntFunction<T> collectionFactory, BiConsumer<T, String> collectionPopulator) { StaticScope current = this; T collection = collectionFactory.apply(current.variableNamesLength); HashMap<String, Object> dedup = new HashMap<>(); while (current.isBlockOrEval) { for (String name : current.variableNames) { dedup.computeIfAbsent(name, key -> {collectionPopulator.accept(collection, key); return key;}); } current = current.enclosingScope; } // once more for method scope for (String name : current.variableNames) { dedup.computeIfAbsent(name, key -> {collectionPopulator.accept(collection, key); return key;}); } return collection; }
  • runtime – current runtime
Returns:populated RubyArray
/** * Convenience wrapper around {@link #collectVariables(IntFunction, BiConsumer)}. * * @param runtime current runtime * @return populated RubyArray */
public RubyArray getLocalVariables(Ruby runtime) { return collectVariables( runtime::newArray, (a, s) -> { if (IdUtil.isLocal(s)) a.append(runtime.newSymbol(s)); }); } public int isDefined(String name, int depth) { if (isBlockOrEval) { int slot = exists(name); if (slot >= 0) return (depth << 16) | slot; return enclosingScope.isDefined(name, depth + 1); } else { return (depth << 16) | exists(name); } } public AssignableNode addAssign(ISourcePosition position, RubySymbol symbolID, Node value) { int slot = addVariable(symbolID.idString()); // No bit math to store level since we know level is zero for this case return new DAsgnNode(position, symbolID, slot, value); } public AssignableNode assign(ISourcePosition position, RubySymbol symbolID, Node value, StaticScope topScope, int depth) { String id = symbolID.idString(); int slot = exists(id); // We can assign if we already have variable of that name here or we are the only // scope in the chain (which Local scopes always are). if (slot >= 0) { return isBlockOrEval ? new DAsgnNode(position, symbolID, ((depth << 16) | slot), value) : new LocalAsgnNode(position, symbolID, ((depth << 16) | slot), value); } else if (!isBlockOrEval && (topScope == this)) { slot = addVariable(id); return new LocalAsgnNode(position, symbolID, slot, value); } // If we are not a block-scope and we go there, we know that 'topScope' is a block scope // because a local scope cannot be within a local scope // If topScope was itself it would have created a LocalAsgnNode above. return isBlockOrEval ? enclosingScope.assign(position, symbolID, value, topScope, depth + 1) : topScope.addAssign(position, symbolID, value); } // Note: This is private code made public only for parser. public Node declare(ISourcePosition position, RubySymbol symbolID, int depth) { int slot = exists(symbolID.idString()); if (slot >= 0) { return isBlockOrEval ? new DVarNode(position, ((depth << 16) | slot), symbolID) : new LocalVarNode(position, ((depth << 16) | slot), symbolID); } return isBlockOrEval ? enclosingScope.declare(position, symbolID, depth + 1) : new VCallNode(position, symbolID); }
Make a DVar or LocalVar node based on scoping logic
  • position – the location that in the source that the new node will come from
  • symbolID – of the variable to be created is named
Returns:a DVarNode or LocalVarNode Note: This is private code made public only for parser.
/** * Make a DVar or LocalVar node based on scoping logic * * @param position the location that in the source that the new node will come from * @param symbolID of the variable to be created is named * @return a DVarNode or LocalVarNode * * Note: This is private code made public only for parser. */
public Node declare(ISourcePosition position, RubySymbol symbolID) { return declare(position, symbolID, 0); }
Gets the Local Scope relative to the current Scope. For LocalScopes this will be itself. Blocks will contain the LocalScope it contains.
/** * Gets the Local Scope relative to the current Scope. For LocalScopes this will be itself. * Blocks will contain the LocalScope it contains. * * @return localScope */
public StaticScope getLocalScope() { return (type != Type.BLOCK) ? this : enclosingScope.getLocalScope(); }
Get the live CRef module associated with this scope.
Returns:the live module
/** * Get the live CRef module associated with this scope. * * @return the live module */
public RubyModule getModule() { return cref; } public StaticScope getPreviousCRefScope() { return previousCRefScope; } public void setPreviousCRefScope(StaticScope crefScope) { this.previousCRefScope = crefScope; } public void setModule(RubyModule module) { this.cref = module; for (StaticScope scope = getEnclosingScope(); scope != null; scope = scope.getEnclosingScope()) { if (scope.cref != null) { previousCRefScope = scope; return; } } }
Update current scoping structure to populate with proper cref scoping values. This should be called at any point when you reference a scope for the first time. For the interpreter this is done in a small number of places (defnNode, defsNode, and getBlock). The compiler does this in the same places.
Returns:the current cref, though this is largely an implementation detail
/** * Update current scoping structure to populate with proper cref scoping values. This should * be called at any point when you reference a scope for the first time. For the interpreter * this is done in a small number of places (defnNode, defsNode, and getBlock). The compiler * does this in the same places. * * @return the current cref, though this is largely an implementation detail */
public RubyModule determineModule() { if (cref == null) { cref = getEnclosingScope().determineModule(); assert cref != null : "CRef is always created before determine happens"; previousCRefScope = getEnclosingScope().previousCRefScope; } return cref; } public boolean isBlockScope() { return isBlockOrEval; }
Argument scopes represent scopes which contain arguments for zsuper. All LocalStaticScopes are argument scopes and BlockStaticScopes can be when they are used by define_method.
/** * Argument scopes represent scopes which contain arguments for zsuper. All LocalStaticScopes * are argument scopes and BlockStaticScopes can be when they are used by define_method. */
public boolean isArgumentScope() { return isArgumentScope; } public void makeArgumentScope() { this.isArgumentScope = true; }
For all block or method associated with static scopes this will return the signature for that signature-providing scope. module bodies and other non-arity specific code will return null.
/** * For all block or method associated with static scopes this will return the signature for that * signature-providing scope. module bodies and other non-arity specific code will return null. */
public Signature getSignature() { return signature; }
This happens in when first defining ArgsNodes or when reifying a method from AOT.
/** * This happens in when first defining ArgsNodes or when reifying a method from AOT. */
public void setSignature(Signature signature) { this.signature = signature; } public DynamicScope getDummyScope() { return dummyScope == null ? dummyScope = DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(this) : dummyScope; } public void setCommandArgumentStack(long commandArgumentStack) { this.commandArgumentStack = commandArgumentStack; } public long getCommandArgumentStack() { return commandArgumentStack; } private void growVariableNames(String name) { String[] newVariableNames = new String[variableNames.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(variableNames, 0, newVariableNames, 0, variableNames.length); variableNames = newVariableNames; variableNamesLength = newVariableNames.length; variableNames[variableNames.length - 1] = name; } private void growNamedCaptures(int index) { boolean[] namedCaptures = this.namedCaptures; boolean[] newNamedCaptures; if (namedCaptures != null) { newNamedCaptures = new boolean[Math.max(index + 1, namedCaptures.length)]; System.arraycopy(namedCaptures, 0, newNamedCaptures, 0, namedCaptures.length); } else { newNamedCaptures = new boolean[index + 1]; } newNamedCaptures[index] = true; this.namedCaptures = newNamedCaptures; } public boolean isNamedCapture(int index) { boolean[] namedCaptures = this.namedCaptures; return namedCaptures != null && index < namedCaptures.length && namedCaptures[index]; } @Override public String toString() { // FIXME: Do we need to persist cref as well? return "StaticScope(" + type + "):" + Arrays.toString(variableNames); } public Type getType() { return type; } public String getFile() { return file; } public StaticScope duplicate() { StaticScope dupe = new StaticScope(type, enclosingScope, variableNames == null ? NO_NAMES : variableNames); // irScope is not guaranteed to be set onto StaticScope until it is executed for the first time. // We can call duplicate before its first execution. if (irScope != null) dupe.setIRScope(irScope); dupe.setScopeType(scopeType); dupe.setPreviousCRefScope(previousCRefScope); dupe.setModule(cref); dupe.setSignature(signature); return dupe; } public RubyModule getOverlayModuleForRead() { return overlayModule; } public RubyModule getOverlayModuleForWrite(ThreadContext context) { RubyModule omod = overlayModule; if (omod == null) { overlayModule = omod = RubyModule.newModule(context.runtime); } return omod; } }