package org.jruby.parser;

import org.jruby.Ruby;

Gives instances of static scopes based on compile mode.
/** * Gives instances of static scopes based on compile mode. */
public class StaticScopeFactory { private final StaticScope dummyScope; public StaticScopeFactory(Ruby runtime) { dummyScope = new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.LOCAL, null); dummyScope.setModule(runtime.getObject()); } public StaticScope newBlockScope(StaticScope parent, String file) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.BLOCK, parent, file); } public StaticScope newBlockScope(StaticScope parent) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.BLOCK, parent); } public StaticScope newBlockScope(StaticScope parent, String[] names) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.BLOCK, parent, names); } public StaticScope newEvalScope(StaticScope parent) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.EVAL, parent); } @Deprecated public StaticScope newEvalScope(StaticScope parent, String[] names) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.EVAL, parent, names); } public StaticScope newLocalScope(StaticScope parent, String file) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.LOCAL, parent, file); } public StaticScope newLocalScope(StaticScope parent) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.LOCAL, parent); } public StaticScope newLocalScope(StaticScope parent, String[] names) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.LOCAL, parent, names); } // We only call these from inside IR impl (IR is all or nothing) public static StaticScope newIRBlockScope(StaticScope parent) { return new StaticScope(StaticScope.Type.BLOCK, parent); } public static StaticScope newStaticScope(StaticScope parent, StaticScope.Type type, String[] names) { if(names == null) { return new StaticScope(type, parent); } else { return new StaticScope(type, parent, names); } } public static StaticScope newStaticScope(StaticScope parent, StaticScope.Type type, String[] names, int keywordArgIndex) { if(names == null) { return new StaticScope(type, parent); } else { return new StaticScope(type, parent, names, keywordArgIndex); } } public StaticScope getDummyScope() { return dummyScope; } }