package org.jruby.runtime.backtrace;

import java.util.Arrays;

import com.headius.backport9.stack.StackWalker;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyException;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.ast.util.ArgsUtil;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.jruby.util.TypeConverter;

public class TraceType {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TraceType.class);
    private static final StackWalker WALKER = ThreadContext.WALKER;
    private static final String[] FULL_MESSAGE_KEYS = {"highlight", "order"};

    private final Gather gather;
    private final Format format;

    public TraceType(Gather gather, Format format) {
        this.gather = gather;
        this.format = format;

    public Gather getGather() {
        return gather;

    public Format getFormat() {
        return format;

Get a normal Ruby backtrace, using the current Gather type.
  • context –
/** * Get a normal Ruby backtrace, using the current Gather type. * * @param context * @return */
public BacktraceData getBacktrace(ThreadContext context) { return gather.getBacktraceData(context); }
Get an integrated Ruby/Java backtrace if the current Gather type is NORMAL
  • context –
  • javaTrace –
/** * Get an integrated Ruby/Java backtrace if the current Gather type is NORMAL * * @param context * @param javaTrace * @return */
public BacktraceData getIntegratedBacktrace(ThreadContext context, StackTraceElement[] javaTrace) { return gather.getIntegratedBacktraceData(context, javaTrace); } public String printBacktrace(RubyException exception, boolean console) { return format.printBacktrace(exception, console); } public static void logBacktrace(Ruby runtime, RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { if (trace == null) trace = RubyStackTraceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(64 + trace.length * 48); buffer.append("Backtrace generated:\n"); renderBacktraceJRuby(runtime, trace, buffer, false);; } public static void logException(RubyException exception) {"Exception raised: {} : {}", exception.getMetaClass(), exception); }
Deprecated:use logException(RubyException)
/** * @deprecated use {@link #logException(org.jruby.RubyException)} */
public static void dumpException(RubyException exception) { logException(exception); } public static void dumpBacktrace(RubyException exception) { Ruby runtime = exception.getRuntime(); System.err.println("Backtrace generated:\n" + printBacktraceJRuby(exception, runtime.getPosix().isatty(FileDescriptor.err))); } public static void logCaller(RubyArray trace) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(64 + trace.size() * 48); buffer.append("Caller backtrace generated:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < trace.size(); i++) { // elements are already rendered as its an Array<RubyString> buffer.append(" ").append(trace.eltInternal(i)).append('\n'); }; }
Deprecated:use logCaller(RubyArray)
/** * @deprecated use {@link #logCaller(org.jruby.RubyArray)} */
public static void dumpCaller(RubyArray trace) { logCaller(trace); } public static void logCaller(RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { if (trace == null) trace = RubyStackTraceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; formatWithMRIBacktrace("Caller backtrace generated:\n", trace).toString() ); } private static StringBuilder formatWithMRIBacktrace(final String message, RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(64 + trace.length * 48); buffer.append(message); renderBacktraceMRI(trace, " ", buffer, false); return buffer; }
Deprecated:use logCaller(RubyStackTraceElement[])
/** * @deprecated use {@link #logCaller(org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.RubyStackTraceElement[]) } */
public static void dumpCaller(RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { logCaller(trace); } public static void logWarning(RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { if (trace == null) trace = RubyStackTraceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; formatWithMRIBacktrace("Warning backtrace generated:\n", trace).toString() ); }
Deprecated:use logWarning(RubyStackTraceElement[])
/** * @deprecated use {@link #logWarning(org.jruby.runtime.backtrace.RubyStackTraceElement[]) */
public static void dumpWarning(RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { logWarning(trace); } public static TraceType traceTypeFor(String style) { if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("raw")) return new TraceType(Gather.RAW, Format.JRUBY); else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("ruby_framed")) return new TraceType(Gather.NORMAL, Format.JRUBY); else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("normal")) return new TraceType(Gather.NORMAL, Format.JRUBY); else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("full")) return new TraceType(Gather.FULL, Format.JRUBY); else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("mri")) return new TraceType(Gather.NORMAL, Format.MRI); else return new TraceType(Gather.NORMAL, Format.JRUBY); } public enum Gather {
Full raw backtraces with all Java frames included.
/** * Full raw backtraces with all Java frames included. */
RAW { public BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { return new BacktraceData( stackStream, Stream.empty(), true, false, false); } },
A backtrace with interpreted frames intact, but don't remove Java frames.
/** * A backtrace with interpreted frames intact, but don't remove Java frames. */
FULL { public BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { return new BacktraceData( stackStream, context.getBacktrace(), true, false, false); } },
A normal Ruby-style backtrace, but which includes any non-org.jruby frames
/** * A normal Ruby-style backtrace, but which includes any non-org.jruby frames */
INTEGRATED { public BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { return new BacktraceData( stackStream, context.getBacktrace(), false, false, true); } },
Normal Ruby-style backtrace, showing only Ruby and core class methods.
/** * Normal Ruby-style backtrace, showing only Ruby and core class methods. */
NORMAL { public BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { return new BacktraceData( stackStream, context.getBacktrace(), false, context.runtime.getInstanceConfig().getBacktraceMask(), false); } },
Normal Ruby-style backtrace, showing only Ruby and core class methods.
/** * Normal Ruby-style backtrace, showing only Ruby and core class methods. */
CALLER { public BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> stackStream) { return new BacktraceData( stackStream, context.getBacktrace(), false, true, false); } };
Gather current-stack backtrace data for a normal Ruby trace.
  • context –
/** * Gather current-stack backtrace data for a normal Ruby trace. * * @param context * @return */
public BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context) { return WALKER.walk(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), stream -> { BacktraceData data = getBacktraceData(context, stream); context.runtime.incrementBacktraceCount(); if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_BACKTRACES) { logBacktrace(context.runtime, data.getBacktrace(context.runtime)); } return data; }); }
Gather backtrace data for an integrated trace if the current gather type is "NORMAL", otherwise use the current gather type.
  • context –
  • javaTrace –
/** * Gather backtrace data for an integrated trace if the current gather type is "NORMAL", otherwise use the * current gather type. * * @param context * @param javaTrace * @return */
public BacktraceData getIntegratedBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, StackTraceElement[] javaTrace) { Gather useGather = this == NORMAL ? INTEGRATED : this; return WALKER.walk(javaTrace, stream -> { BacktraceData data = useGather.getBacktraceData(context, stream); context.runtime.incrementBacktraceCount(); if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_BACKTRACES) logBacktrace(context.runtime, data.getBacktrace(context.runtime)); return data; }); } public abstract BacktraceData getBacktraceData(ThreadContext context, Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame> javaTrace); } public enum Format {
Formatting like C Ruby
/** * Formatting like C Ruby */
MRI { public String printBacktrace(RubyException exception, boolean console) { return printBacktraceMRI(exception, console); } public void renderBacktrace(RubyStackTraceElement[] elts, StringBuilder buffer, boolean color) { renderBacktraceMRI(elts, buffer, color); } },
New JRuby formatting
/** * New JRuby formatting */
JRUBY { public String printBacktrace(RubyException exception, boolean console) { return printBacktraceJRuby(exception, console); } public void renderBacktrace(RubyStackTraceElement[] elts, StringBuilder buffer, boolean color) { renderBacktraceJRuby(null, elts, buffer, color); } }; public abstract String printBacktrace(RubyException exception, boolean console); public abstract void renderBacktrace(RubyStackTraceElement[] elts, StringBuilder buffer, boolean color); } public static String printFullMessage(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject exception, IRubyObject opts) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; IRubyObject optArg = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(runtime, opts); boolean highlight = false; boolean reverse = false; if (!optArg.isNil()) { IRubyObject[] highlightOrder = ArgsUtil.extractKeywordArgs(context, (RubyHash) optArg, FULL_MESSAGE_KEYS); IRubyObject vHigh = highlightOrder[0]; if (vHigh == null) vHigh = context.nil; if (vHigh != context.nil && vHigh != context.fals && vHigh != context.tru) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("expected true or false as highlight: " + vHigh); } highlight = vHigh.isTrue(); IRubyObject vOrder = highlightOrder[1]; if (vOrder != null) { vOrder = TypeConverter.checkID(vOrder); if (vOrder == runtime.newSymbol("bottom")) reverse = true; else if (vOrder == runtime.newSymbol("top")) reverse = false; else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("expected :top or :bottom as order: " + vOrder); } } } // TODO: reverse return printBacktraceMRI(exception, highlight); } private static String printBacktraceMRI(IRubyObject exception, boolean console) { final Ruby runtime = exception.getRuntime(); final ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); final IRubyObject backtrace = exception.callMethod(context, "backtrace"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream errorStream = new PrintStream(baos); boolean printedPosition = false; if (backtrace.isNil() || !(backtrace instanceof RubyArray)) { if (context.getFile() != null && context.getFile().length() > 0) { errorStream.print(context.getFile() + ':' + context.getLine()); printedPosition = true; } else { errorStream.print(context.getLine()); printedPosition = true; } } else if (((RubyArray) backtrace).getLength() == 0) { printErrorPos(context, errorStream); } else { IRubyObject mesg = ((RubyArray) backtrace).first(); if (mesg.isNil()) { printErrorPos(context, errorStream); } else { errorStream.print(mesg); printedPosition = true; } } RubyClass type = exception.getMetaClass(); String info = exception.toString(); if (type == runtime.getRuntimeError() && (info == null || info.length() == 0)) { errorStream.print(": unhandled exception\n"); } else { if (printedPosition) errorStream.print(": "); String path = type.getName(); if (info.length() == 0) { errorStream.print(path + '\n'); } else { if (path.startsWith("#")) { path = null; } String tail = null; int idx = info.indexOf('\n'); if (idx != -1) { tail = info.substring(idx + 1); info = info.substring(0, idx); } errorStream.print(info); if (path != null) { errorStream.print(" (" + path + ")\n"); } else { errorStream.print('\n'); } if (tail != null) { errorStream.print(tail + '\n'); } } } printBacktraceToStream(backtrace, errorStream, 1); return baos.toString(); } private static final String FIRST_COLOR = "\033[0;31m"; private static final String KERNEL_COLOR = "\033[0;36m"; private static final String EVAL_COLOR = "\033[0;33m"; private static final String CLEAR_COLOR = "\033[0m"; public static String printBacktraceJRuby(Ruby runtime, RubyStackTraceElement[] frames, String type, String message, boolean color) { if (frames == null) frames = RubyStackTraceElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(64 + frames.length * 48); buffer.append(type).append(": ").append(message).append('\n'); renderBacktraceJRuby(runtime, frames, buffer, color); return buffer.toString(); } protected static String printBacktraceJRuby(RubyException exception, boolean console) { final Ruby runtime = exception.getRuntime(); final ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); boolean color = console && runtime.getInstanceConfig().getBacktraceColor(); // exception line String message; try { message = exception.callMethod(context, "message").toString(); } catch (org.jruby.exceptions.Exception unused) { message = exception.message(context).toString(); } if (exception.getMetaClass() == runtime.getRuntimeError() && message.length() == 0) { message = "No current exception"; } String type = exception.getMetaClass().getName(); return printBacktraceJRuby(exception.getRuntime(), exception.getBacktraceElements(), type, message, color); } private static void renderBacktraceJRuby(Ruby runtime, RubyStackTraceElement[] frames, StringBuilder buffer, boolean color) { // find longest method name int longestMethod = 0; for (RubyStackTraceElement frame : frames) { longestMethod = Math.max(longestMethod, frame.getMethodName().length()); } // backtrace lines boolean first = true; for (RubyStackTraceElement frame : frames) { if (color) { if (first) { buffer.append(FIRST_COLOR); } else if (frame.isBinding() || frame.getFileName().equals("(eval)")) { buffer.append(EVAL_COLOR); } else if (frame.getFileName().indexOf(".java") != -1) { buffer.append(KERNEL_COLOR); } first = false; } buffer.append(" "); // method name String methodName = runtime == null ? frame.getMethodName() : runtime.newSymbol(frame.getMethodName()).idString(); for (int j = 0; j < longestMethod - methodName.length(); j++) { buffer.append(' '); } buffer .append(methodName) .append(" at ") .append(frame.getFileName()) .append(':') .append(frame.getLineNumber()); if (color) { buffer.append(CLEAR_COLOR); } buffer .append('\n'); } } private static void renderBacktraceMRI(RubyStackTraceElement[] trace, StringBuilder buffer, boolean color) { renderBacktraceMRI(trace, "", buffer, color); } private static void renderBacktraceMRI(RubyStackTraceElement[] trace, String linePrefix, StringBuilder buffer, boolean color) { for (int i = 0; i < trace.length; i++) { RubyStackTraceElement element = trace[i]; buffer .append(linePrefix) .append(element.getFileName()) .append(':') .append(element.getLineNumber()) .append(":in `") .append(element.getMethodName()) .append("'\n"); } } private static void printErrorPos(ThreadContext context, PrintStream errorStream) { if (context.getFile() != null && context.getFile().length() > 0) { if (context.getFrameName() != null) { errorStream.print(context.getFile() + ':' + context.getLine()); errorStream.print(":in '" + context.getFrameName() + '\''); } else if (context.getLine() != 0) { errorStream.print(context.getFile() + ':' + context.getLine()); } else { errorStream.print(context.getFile()); } } } public static void printBacktraceToStream(IRubyObject backtrace, PrintStream errorStream, int skip) { if ( backtrace.isNil() ) return; if ( backtrace instanceof RubyArray ) { IRubyObject[] elements = ((RubyArray) backtrace).toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe(); for (int i = skip; i < elements.length; i++) { IRubyObject stackTraceLine = elements[i]; if (stackTraceLine instanceof RubyString) { errorStream.println("\tfrom " + stackTraceLine); } else { errorStream.println("\t" + stackTraceLine); } } } } @Deprecated public static IRubyObject generateMRIBacktrace(Ruby runtime, RubyStackTraceElement[] trace) { if (trace == null) return runtime.getNil(); ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext(); final IRubyObject[] traceArray = new IRubyObject[trace.length]; for (int i = 0; i < trace.length; i++) { traceArray[i] = RubyStackTraceElement.to_s_mri(context, trace[i]); } return RubyArray.newArrayMayCopy(runtime, traceArray); } @Deprecated public RubyStackTraceElement getBacktraceElement(ThreadContext context, int uplevel) { // NOTE: could be optimized not to walk the whole stack RubyStackTraceElement[] elements = getBacktrace(context).getBacktrace(context.runtime); // User can ask for level higher than stack if (elements.length <= uplevel + 1) uplevel = -1; return elements[uplevel + 1]; } }