 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.jdbc;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Ref;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.RowId;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.CommandInterface;
import org.h2.expression.ParameterInterface;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.TraceObject;
import org.h2.result.MergedResult;
import org.h2.result.ResultInterface;
import org.h2.result.ResultWithGeneratedKeys;
import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.util.IOUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.DataType;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueBoolean;
import org.h2.value.ValueByte;
import org.h2.value.ValueBytes;
import org.h2.value.ValueDate;
import org.h2.value.ValueDecimal;
import org.h2.value.ValueDouble;
import org.h2.value.ValueFloat;
import org.h2.value.ValueInt;
import org.h2.value.ValueLong;
import org.h2.value.ValueNull;
import org.h2.value.ValueShort;
import org.h2.value.ValueString;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;

Represents a prepared statement.
/** * Represents a prepared statement. */
public class JdbcPreparedStatement extends JdbcStatement implements PreparedStatement, JdbcPreparedStatementBackwardsCompat { protected CommandInterface command; private final String sqlStatement; private ArrayList<Value[]> batchParameters; private MergedResult batchIdentities; private HashMap<String, Integer> cachedColumnLabelMap; private final Object generatedKeysRequest; JdbcPreparedStatement(JdbcConnection conn, String sql, int id, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, boolean closeWithResultSet, Object generatedKeysRequest) { super(conn, id, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, closeWithResultSet); this.generatedKeysRequest = conn.scopeGeneratedKeys() ? false : generatedKeysRequest; setTrace(session.getTrace(), TraceObject.PREPARED_STATEMENT, id); this.sqlStatement = sql; command = conn.prepareCommand(sql, fetchSize); }
Cache the column labels (looking up the column index can sometimes show up on the performance profile).
  • cachedColumnLabelMap – the column map
/** * Cache the column labels (looking up the column index can sometimes show * up on the performance profile). * * @param cachedColumnLabelMap the column map */
void setCachedColumnLabelMap(HashMap<String, Integer> cachedColumnLabelMap) { this.cachedColumnLabelMap = cachedColumnLabelMap; }
Executes a query (select statement) and returns the result set. If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed (even if this statement fails).
Returns:the result set
/** * Executes a query (select statement) and returns the result set. If * another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed (even * if this statement fails). * * @return the result set * @throws SQLException if this object is closed or invalid */
@Override public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException { try { int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCodeAssign("ResultSet", TraceObject.RESULT_SET, id, "executeQuery()"); } batchIdentities = null; synchronized (session) { checkClosed(); closeOldResultSet(); ResultInterface result; boolean lazy = false; boolean scrollable = resultSetType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY; boolean updatable = resultSetConcurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE; try { setExecutingStatement(command); result = command.executeQuery(maxRows, scrollable); lazy = result.isLazy(); } finally { if (!lazy) { setExecutingStatement(null); } } resultSet = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, result, id, closedByResultSet, scrollable, updatable, cachedColumnLabelMap); } return resultSet; } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Executes a statement (insert, update, delete, create, drop) and returns the update count. If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed (even if this statement fails). If auto commit is on, this statement will be committed. If the statement is a DDL statement (create, drop, alter) and does not throw an exception, the current transaction (if any) is committed after executing the statement.
Returns:the update count (number of row affected by an insert, update or delete, or 0 if no rows or the statement was a create, drop, commit or rollback)
/** * Executes a statement (insert, update, delete, create, drop) * and returns the update count. * If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed * (even if this statement fails). * * If auto commit is on, this statement will be committed. * If the statement is a DDL statement (create, drop, alter) and does not * throw an exception, the current transaction (if any) is committed after * executing the statement. * * @return the update count (number of row affected by an insert, update or * delete, or 0 if no rows or the statement was a create, drop, * commit or rollback) * @throws SQLException if this object is closed or invalid */
@Override public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("executeUpdate"); checkClosedForWrite(); batchIdentities = null; try { return executeUpdateInternal(); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Executes a statement (insert, update, delete, create, drop) and returns the update count. If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed (even if this statement fails). If auto commit is on, this statement will be committed. If the statement is a DDL statement (create, drop, alter) and does not throw an exception, the current transaction (if any) is committed after executing the statement.
Returns:the update count (number of row affected by an insert, update or delete, or 0 if no rows or the statement was a create, drop, commit or rollback)
/** * Executes a statement (insert, update, delete, create, drop) * and returns the update count. * If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed * (even if this statement fails). * * If auto commit is on, this statement will be committed. * If the statement is a DDL statement (create, drop, alter) and does not * throw an exception, the current transaction (if any) is committed after * executing the statement. * * @return the update count (number of row affected by an insert, update or * delete, or 0 if no rows or the statement was a create, drop, * commit or rollback) * @throws SQLException if this object is closed or invalid */
@Override public long executeLargeUpdate() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("executeLargeUpdate"); checkClosedForWrite(); batchIdentities = null; try { return executeUpdateInternal(); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } } private int executeUpdateInternal() throws SQLException { closeOldResultSet(); synchronized (session) { try { setExecutingStatement(command); ResultWithGeneratedKeys result = command.executeUpdate(generatedKeysRequest); updateCount = result.getUpdateCount(); ResultInterface gk = result.getGeneratedKeys(); if (gk != null) { int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET); generatedKeys = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, gk, id, false, true, false); } } finally { setExecutingStatement(null); } } return updateCount; }
Executes an arbitrary statement. If another result set exists for this statement, this will be closed (even if this statement fails). If auto commit is on, and the statement is not a select, this statement will be committed.
Returns:true if a result set is available, false if not
/** * Executes an arbitrary statement. If another result set exists for this * statement, this will be closed (even if this statement fails). If auto * commit is on, and the statement is not a select, this statement will be * committed. * * @return true if a result set is available, false if not * @throws SQLException if this object is closed or invalid */
@Override public boolean execute() throws SQLException { try { int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCodeCall("execute"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { boolean returnsResultSet; synchronized (conn.getSession()) { closeOldResultSet(); boolean lazy = false; try { setExecutingStatement(command); if (command.isQuery()) { returnsResultSet = true; boolean scrollable = resultSetType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY; boolean updatable = resultSetConcurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE; ResultInterface result = command.executeQuery(maxRows, scrollable); lazy = result.isLazy(); resultSet = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, result, id, closedByResultSet, scrollable, updatable, cachedColumnLabelMap); } else { returnsResultSet = false; ResultWithGeneratedKeys result = command.executeUpdate(generatedKeysRequest); updateCount = result.getUpdateCount(); ResultInterface gk = result.getGeneratedKeys(); if (gk != null) { generatedKeys = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, command, gk, id, false, true, false); } } } finally { if (!lazy) { setExecutingStatement(null); } } } return returnsResultSet; } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Clears all parameters.
  • SQLException – if this object is closed or invalid
/** * Clears all parameters. * * @throws SQLException if this object is closed or invalid */
@Override public void clearParameters() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("clearParameters"); checkClosed(); ArrayList<? extends ParameterInterface> parameters = command.getParameters(); for (ParameterInterface param : parameters) { // can only delete old temp files if they are not in the batch param.setValue(null, batchParameters == null); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("executeQuery", sql); throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("addBatch", sql); throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("executeUpdate", sql); throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public long executeLargeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("executeLargeUpdate", sql); throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("execute", sql); throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } } // =============================================================
Sets a parameter to null.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • sqlType – the data type (Types.x)
/** * Sets a parameter to null. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNull("+parameterIndex+", "+sqlType+");"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueNull.INSTANCE); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setInt("+parameterIndex+", "+x+");"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueInt.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setString("+parameterIndex+", "+quote(x)+");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueString.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBigDecimal("+parameterIndex+", " + quoteBigDecimal(x) + ");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueDecimal.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setDate("+parameterIndex+", " + quoteDate(x) + ");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueDate.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setTime(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Time x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setTime("+parameterIndex+", " + quoteTime(x) + ");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueTime.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Timestamp x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setTimestamp("+parameterIndex+", " + quoteTimestamp(x) + ");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueTimestamp.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter. Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side).
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side). * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setObject("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } if (x == null) { // throw Errors.getInvalidValueException("null", "x"); setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueNull.INSTANCE); } else { setParameter(parameterIndex, DataType.convertToValue(session, x, Value.UNKNOWN)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter. The object is converted, if required, to the specified data type before sending to the database. Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side).
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value, null is allowed
  • targetSqlType – the type as defined in java.sql.Types
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. The object is converted, if required, to * the specified data type before sending to the database. * Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side). * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value, null is allowed * @param targetSqlType the type as defined in java.sql.Types * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setObject("+parameterIndex+", x, "+targetSqlType+");"); } int type = DataType.convertSQLTypeToValueType(targetSqlType); if (x == null) { setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueNull.INSTANCE); } else { Value v = DataType.convertToValue(conn.getSession(), x, type); setParameter(parameterIndex, v.convertTo(type, conn.getMode())); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter. The object is converted, if required, to the specified data type before sending to the database. Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side).
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value, null is allowed
  • targetSqlType – the type as defined in java.sql.Types
  • scale – is ignored
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. The object is converted, if required, to * the specified data type before sending to the database. * Objects of unknown classes are serialized (on the client side). * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value, null is allowed * @param targetSqlType the type as defined in java.sql.Types * @param scale is ignored * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setObject("+parameterIndex+", x, "+targetSqlType+", "+scale+");"); } setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBoolean("+parameterIndex+", "+x+");"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueBoolean.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setByte("+parameterIndex+", "+x+");"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueByte.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setShort("+parameterIndex+", (short) "+x+");"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueShort.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setLong("+parameterIndex+", "+x+"L);"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueLong.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setFloat("+parameterIndex+", "+x+"f);"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueFloat.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setDouble("+parameterIndex+", "+x+"d);"); } setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueDouble.get(x)); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
[Not supported] Sets the value of a column as a reference.
/** * [Not supported] Sets the value of a column as a reference. */
@Override public void setRef(int parameterIndex, Ref x) throws SQLException { throw unsupported("ref"); }
Sets the date using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to the local time zone.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • calendar – the calendar
/** * Sets the date using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to * the local time zone. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param calendar the calendar * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date x, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setDate("+parameterIndex+", " + quoteDate(x) + ", calendar);"); } if (x == null) { setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueNull.INSTANCE); } else { setParameter(parameterIndex, calendar != null ? DateTimeUtils.convertDate(x, calendar) : ValueDate.get(x)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the time using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to the local time zone.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • calendar – the calendar
/** * Sets the time using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to * the local time zone. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param calendar the calendar * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setTime(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Time x, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setTime("+parameterIndex+", " + quoteTime(x) + ", calendar);"); } if (x == null) { setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueNull.INSTANCE); } else { setParameter(parameterIndex, calendar != null ? DateTimeUtils.convertTime(x, calendar) : ValueTime.get(x)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the timestamp using a specified time zone. The value will be converted to the local time zone.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • calendar – the calendar
/** * Sets the timestamp using a specified time zone. The value will be * converted to the local time zone. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param calendar the calendar * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Timestamp x, Calendar calendar) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setTimestamp(" + parameterIndex + ", " + quoteTimestamp(x) + ", calendar);"); } if (x == null) { setParameter(parameterIndex, ValueNull.INSTANCE); } else { setParameter(parameterIndex, calendar != null ? DateTimeUtils.convertTimestamp(x, calendar) : ValueTimestamp.get(x)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
[Not supported] This feature is deprecated and not supported.
Deprecated:since JDBC 2.0, use setCharacterStream
/** * [Not supported] This feature is deprecated and not supported. * * @deprecated since JDBC 2.0, use setCharacterStream */
@Deprecated @Override public void setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { throw unsupported("unicodeStream"); }
Sets a parameter to null.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • sqlType – the data type (Types.x)
  • typeName – this parameter is ignored
/** * Sets a parameter to null. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param sqlType the data type (Types.x) * @param typeName this parameter is ignored * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNull("+parameterIndex+", "+sqlType+", "+quote(typeName)+");"); } setNull(parameterIndex, sqlType); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, Blob x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBlob("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v; if (x == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = conn.createBlob(x.getBinaryStream(), -1); } setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBlob("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createBlob(x, -1); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Clob x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setClob("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v; if (x == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = conn.createClob(x.getCharacterStream(), -1); } setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setClob("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v; if (x == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = conn.createClob(x, -1); } setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as an Array.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an Array. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setArray(int parameterIndex, Array x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setArray("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosed(); Value v; if (x == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = DataType.convertToValue(session, x.getArray(), Value.ARRAY); } setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a byte array.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a byte array. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte[] x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBytes("+parameterIndex+", "+quoteBytes(x)+");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueBytes.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of bytes
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of bytes * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBinaryStream("+parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createBlob(x, length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of bytes
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of bytes * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, (long) length); }
Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an input stream. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException { setBinaryStream(parameterIndex, x, -1); }
Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of bytes
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of bytes * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length) throws SQLException { setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, (long) length); }
Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of bytes
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of bytes * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setAsciiStream("+parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createClob(IOUtils.getAsciiReader(x), length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as an ASCII stream. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x) throws SQLException { setAsciiStream(parameterIndex, x, -1); }
Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of characters
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of characters * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader x, int length) throws SQLException { setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, x, (long) length); }
Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException { setCharacterStream(parameterIndex, x, -1); }
Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of characters
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of characters * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setCharacterStream("+parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createClob(x, length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
[Not supported]
/** * [Not supported] */
@Override public void setURL(int parameterIndex, URL x) throws SQLException { throw unsupported("url"); }
Gets the result set metadata of the query returned when the statement is executed. If this is not a query, this method returns null.
Returns:the meta data or null if this is not a query
/** * Gets the result set metadata of the query returned when the statement is * executed. If this is not a query, this method returns null. * * @return the meta data or null if this is not a query * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("getMetaData"); checkClosed(); ResultInterface result = command.getMetaData(); if (result == null) { return null; } int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET_META_DATA); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCodeAssign("ResultSetMetaData", TraceObject.RESULT_SET_META_DATA, id, "getMetaData()"); } String catalog = conn.getCatalog(); return new JdbcResultSetMetaData( null, this, result, catalog, session.getTrace(), id); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Clears the batch.
/** * Clears the batch. */
@Override public void clearBatch() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("clearBatch"); checkClosed(); batchParameters = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Closes this statement. All result sets that where created by this statement become invalid after calling this method.
/** * Closes this statement. * All result sets that where created by this statement * become invalid after calling this method. */
@Override public void close() throws SQLException { try { super.close(); batchParameters = null; batchIdentities = null; if (command != null) { command.close(); command = null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Executes the batch. If one of the batched statements fails, this database will continue.
Returns:the array of update counts
/** * Executes the batch. * If one of the batched statements fails, this database will continue. * * @return the array of update counts */
@Override public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("executeBatch"); if (batchParameters == null) { // Empty batch is allowed, see JDK-4639504 and other issues batchParameters = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); } batchIdentities = new MergedResult(); int size = batchParameters.size(); int[] result = new int[size]; boolean error = false; SQLException next = null; checkClosedForWrite(); try { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Value[] set = batchParameters.get(i); ArrayList<? extends ParameterInterface> parameters = command.getParameters(); for (int j = 0; j < set.length; j++) { Value value = set[j]; ParameterInterface param = parameters.get(j); param.setValue(value, false); } try { result[i] = executeUpdateInternal(); // Cannot use own implementation, it returns batch identities ResultSet rs = super.getGeneratedKeys(); batchIdentities.add(((JdbcResultSet) rs).result); } catch (Exception re) { SQLException e = logAndConvert(re); if (next == null) { next = e; } else { e.setNextException(next); next = e; } result[i] = Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED; error = true; } } batchParameters = null; if (error) { throw new JdbcBatchUpdateException(next, result); } return result; } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } } @Override public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { if (batchIdentities != null) { try { int id = getNextId(TraceObject.RESULT_SET); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCodeAssign("ResultSet", TraceObject.RESULT_SET, id, "getGeneratedKeys()"); } checkClosed(); generatedKeys = new JdbcResultSet(conn, this, null, batchIdentities.getResult(), id, false, true, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } } return super.getGeneratedKeys(); }
Adds the current settings to the batch.
/** * Adds the current settings to the batch. */
@Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { try { debugCodeCall("addBatch"); checkClosedForWrite(); try { ArrayList<? extends ParameterInterface> parameters = command.getParameters(); int size = parameters.size(); Value[] set = new Value[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ParameterInterface param = parameters.get(i); param.checkSet(); Value value = param.getParamValue(); set[i] = value; } if (batchParameters == null) { batchParameters = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); } batchParameters.add(set); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • autoGeneratedKeys – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param autoGeneratedKeys ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("executeUpdate("+quote(sql)+", "+autoGeneratedKeys+");"); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • autoGeneratedKeys – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param autoGeneratedKeys ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public long executeLargeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("executeLargeUpdate("+quote(sql)+", "+autoGeneratedKeys+");"); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • columnIndexes – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param columnIndexes ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("executeUpdate(" + quote(sql) + ", " + quoteIntArray(columnIndexes) + ");"); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • columnIndexes – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param columnIndexes ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public long executeLargeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("executeLargeUpdate(" + quote(sql) + ", " + quoteIntArray(columnIndexes) + ");"); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • columnNames – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param columnNames ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("executeUpdate(" + quote(sql) + ", " + quoteArray(columnNames) + ");"); } throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • columnNames – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param columnNames ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public long executeLargeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("executeLargeUpdate(" + quote(sql) + ", " + quoteArray(columnNames) + ");"); } throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • autoGeneratedKeys – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param autoGeneratedKeys ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("execute(" + quote(sql) + ", " + autoGeneratedKeys + ");"); } throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • columnIndexes – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param columnIndexes ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("execute(" + quote(sql) + ", " + quoteIntArray(columnIndexes) + ");"); } throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement.
  • sql – ignored
  • columnNames – ignored
/** * Calling this method is not legal on a PreparedStatement. * * @param sql ignored * @param columnNames ignored * @throws SQLException Unsupported Feature */
@Override public boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("execute(" + quote(sql) + ", " + quoteArray(columnNames) + ");"); } throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Get the parameter meta data of this prepared statement.
Returns:the meta data
/** * Get the parameter meta data of this prepared statement. * * @return the meta data */
@Override public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws SQLException { try { int id = getNextId(TraceObject.PARAMETER_META_DATA); if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCodeAssign("ParameterMetaData", TraceObject.PARAMETER_META_DATA, id, "getParameterMetaData()"); } checkClosed(); return new JdbcParameterMetaData( session.getTrace(), this, command, id); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } } // ============================================================= private void setParameter(int parameterIndex, Value value) { checkClosed(); parameterIndex--; ArrayList<? extends ParameterInterface> parameters = command.getParameters(); if (parameterIndex < 0 || parameterIndex >= parameters.size()) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("parameterIndex", parameterIndex + 1); } ParameterInterface param = parameters.get(parameterIndex); // can only delete old temp files if they are not in the batch param.setValue(value, batchParameters == null); }
[Not supported] Sets the value of a parameter as a row id.
/** * [Not supported] Sets the value of a parameter as a row id. */
@Override public void setRowId(int parameterIndex, RowId x) throws SQLException { throw unsupported("rowId"); }
Sets the value of a parameter.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNString("+parameterIndex+", "+quote(x)+");"); } Value v = x == null ? (Value) ValueNull.INSTANCE : ValueString.get(x); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of characters
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of characters * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNCharacterStream("+ parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createClob(x, length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a character stream. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException { setNCharacterStream(parameterIndex, x, -1); }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, NClob x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNClob("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); Value v; if (x == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = conn.createClob(x.getCharacterStream(), -1); } setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, Reader x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNClob("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createClob(x, -1); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of characters
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. This method does not close the * reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of characters * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setClob("+parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createClob(x, length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob. This method does not close the stream. The stream may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of bytes
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Blob. * This method does not close the stream. * The stream may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of bytes * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setBlob("+parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createBlob(x, length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. This method does not close the reader. The reader may be closed after executing the statement.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
  • length – the maximum number of characters
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a Clob. * This method does not close the reader. * The reader may be closed after executing the statement. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @param length the maximum number of characters * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setNClob(int parameterIndex, Reader x, long length) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setNClob("+parameterIndex+", x, "+length+"L);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); try { Value v = conn.createClob(x, length); setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } finally { afterWriting(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
Sets the value of a parameter as a SQLXML.
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index (1, 2, ...)
  • x – the value
/** * Sets the value of a parameter as a SQLXML. * * @param parameterIndex the parameter index (1, 2, ...) * @param x the value * @throws SQLException if this object is closed */
@Override public void setSQLXML(int parameterIndex, SQLXML x) throws SQLException { try { if (isDebugEnabled()) { debugCode("setSQLXML("+parameterIndex+", x);"); } checkClosedForWrite(); Value v; if (x == null) { v = ValueNull.INSTANCE; } else { v = conn.createClob(x.getCharacterStream(), -1); } setParameter(parameterIndex, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
/** * INTERNAL */
@Override public String toString() { return getTraceObjectName() + ": " + command; } @Override protected boolean checkClosed(boolean write) { if (super.checkClosed(write)) { // if the session was re-connected, re-prepare the statement ArrayList<? extends ParameterInterface> oldParams = command.getParameters(); command = conn.prepareCommand(sqlStatement, fetchSize); ArrayList<? extends ParameterInterface> newParams = command.getParameters(); for (int i = 0, size = oldParams.size(); i < size; i++) { ParameterInterface old = oldParams.get(i); Value value = old.getParamValue(); if (value != null) { ParameterInterface n = newParams.get(i); n.setValue(value, false); } } return true; } return false; } }