 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.message;

import static org.h2.api.ErrorCode.*;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLDataException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientConnectionException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLNonTransientException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLTimeoutException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLTransactionRollbackException;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLTransientException;
import org.h2.util.SortedProperties;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;

This exception wraps a checked exception. It is used in methods where checked exceptions are not supported, for example in a Comparator.
/** * This exception wraps a checked exception. * It is used in methods where checked exceptions are not supported, * for example in a Comparator. */
public class DbException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
If the SQL statement contains this text, then it is never added to the SQL exception. Hiding the SQL statement may be important if it contains a passwords, such as a CREATE LINKED TABLE statement.
/** * If the SQL statement contains this text, then it is never added to the * SQL exception. Hiding the SQL statement may be important if it contains a * passwords, such as a CREATE LINKED TABLE statement. */
public static final String HIDE_SQL = "--hide--"; private static final Properties MESSAGES = new Properties();
Thrown when OOME exception happens on handle error inside convert(Throwable).
/** * Thrown when OOME exception happens on handle error * inside {@link #convert(java.lang.Throwable)}. */
public static final SQLException SQL_OOME = new SQLException("OutOfMemoryError", "HY000", OUT_OF_MEMORY, new OutOfMemoryError()); private static final DbException OOME = new DbException(SQL_OOME); private Object source; static { try { byte[] messages = Utils.getResource( "/org/h2/res/_messages_en.prop"); if (messages != null) { MESSAGES.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(messages)); } String language = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); if (!"en".equals(language)) { byte[] translations = Utils.getResource( "/org/h2/res/_messages_" + language + ".prop"); // message: translated message + english // (otherwise certain applications don't work) if (translations != null) { Properties p = SortedProperties.fromLines( new String(translations, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); for (Entry<Object, Object> e : p.entrySet()) { String key = (String) e.getKey(); String translation = (String) e.getValue(); if (translation != null && !translation.startsWith("#")) { String original = MESSAGES.getProperty(key); String message = translation + "\n" + original; MESSAGES.put(key, message); } } } } } catch (OutOfMemoryError | IOException e) { DbException.traceThrowable(e); } } private DbException(SQLException e) { super(e.getMessage(), e); } private static String translate(String key, String... params) { String message = null; if (MESSAGES != null) { // Tomcat sets final static fields to null sometimes message = MESSAGES.getProperty(key); } if (message == null) { message = "(Message " + key + " not found)"; } if (params != null) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String s = params[i]; if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { params[i] = StringUtils.quoteIdentifier(s); } } message = MessageFormat.format(message, (Object[]) params); } return message; }
Get the SQLException object.
Returns:the exception
/** * Get the SQLException object. * * @return the exception */
public SQLException getSQLException() { return (SQLException) getCause(); }
Get the error code.
Returns:the error code
/** * Get the error code. * * @return the error code */
public int getErrorCode() { return getSQLException().getErrorCode(); }
Set the SQL statement of the given exception. This method may create a new object.
  • sql – the SQL statement
Returns:the exception
/** * Set the SQL statement of the given exception. * This method may create a new object. * * @param sql the SQL statement * @return the exception */
public DbException addSQL(String sql) { SQLException e = getSQLException(); if (e instanceof JdbcException) { JdbcException j = (JdbcException) e; if (j.getSQL() == null) { j.setSQL(filterSQL(sql)); } return this; } e = getJdbcSQLException(e.getMessage(), sql, e.getSQLState(), e.getErrorCode(), e, null); return new DbException(e); }
Create a database exception for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a database exception for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @return the exception */
public static DbException get(int errorCode) { return get(errorCode, (String) null); }
Create a database exception for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
  • p1 – the first parameter of the message
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a database exception for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @param p1 the first parameter of the message * @return the exception */
public static DbException get(int errorCode, String p1) { return get(errorCode, new String[] { p1 }); }
Create a database exception for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
  • cause – the cause of the exception
  • params – the list of parameters of the message
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a database exception for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @param cause the cause of the exception * @param params the list of parameters of the message * @return the exception */
public static DbException get(int errorCode, Throwable cause, String... params) { return new DbException(getJdbcSQLException(errorCode, cause, params)); }
Create a database exception for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
  • params – the list of parameters of the message
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a database exception for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @param params the list of parameters of the message * @return the exception */
public static DbException get(int errorCode, String... params) { return new DbException(getJdbcSQLException(errorCode, null, params)); }
Create a database exception for an arbitrary SQLState.
  • sqlstate – the state to use
  • message – the message to use
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a database exception for an arbitrary SQLState. * * @param sqlstate the state to use * @param message the message to use * @return the exception */
public static DbException fromUser(String sqlstate, String message) { // do not translate as sqlstate is arbitrary : avoid "message not found" return new DbException(getJdbcSQLException(message, null, sqlstate, 0, null, null)); }
Create a syntax error exception.
  • sql – the SQL statement
  • index – the position of the error in the SQL statement
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a syntax error exception. * * @param sql the SQL statement * @param index the position of the error in the SQL statement * @return the exception */
public static DbException getSyntaxError(String sql, int index) { sql = StringUtils.addAsterisk(sql, index); return get(SYNTAX_ERROR_1, sql); }
Create a syntax error exception.
  • sql – the SQL statement
  • index – the position of the error in the SQL statement
  • message – the message
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a syntax error exception. * * @param sql the SQL statement * @param index the position of the error in the SQL statement * @param message the message * @return the exception */
public static DbException getSyntaxError(String sql, int index, String message) { sql = StringUtils.addAsterisk(sql, index); return new DbException(getJdbcSQLException(SYNTAX_ERROR_2, null, sql, message)); }
Create a syntax error exception for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
  • sql – the SQL statement
  • index – the position of the error in the SQL statement
  • params – the list of parameters of the message
Returns:the exception
/** * Create a syntax error exception for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @param sql the SQL statement * @param index the position of the error in the SQL statement * @param params the list of parameters of the message * @return the exception */
public static DbException getSyntaxError(int errorCode, String sql, int index, String... params) { sql = StringUtils.addAsterisk(sql, index); String sqlstate = getState(errorCode); String message = translate(sqlstate, params); return new DbException(getJdbcSQLException(message, sql, sqlstate, errorCode, null, null)); }
Gets a SQL exception meaning this feature is not supported.
  • message – what exactly is not supported
Returns:the exception
/** * Gets a SQL exception meaning this feature is not supported. * * @param message what exactly is not supported * @return the exception */
public static DbException getUnsupportedException(String message) { return get(FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_1, message); }
Gets a SQL exception meaning this value is invalid.
  • param – the name of the parameter
  • value – the value passed
Returns:the IllegalArgumentException object
/** * Gets a SQL exception meaning this value is invalid. * * @param param the name of the parameter * @param value the value passed * @return the IllegalArgumentException object */
public static DbException getInvalidValueException(String param, Object value) { return get(INVALID_VALUE_2, value == null ? "null" : value.toString(), param); }
Throw an internal error. This method seems to return an exception object, so that it can be used instead of 'return', but in fact it always throws the exception.
  • s – the message
Returns:the RuntimeException object
/** * Throw an internal error. This method seems to return an exception object, * so that it can be used instead of 'return', but in fact it always throws * the exception. * * @param s the message * @return the RuntimeException object * @throws RuntimeException the exception */
public static RuntimeException throwInternalError(String s) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(s); DbException.traceThrowable(e); throw e; }
Throw an internal error. This method seems to return an exception object, so that it can be used instead of 'return', but in fact it always throws the exception.
Returns:the RuntimeException object
/** * Throw an internal error. This method seems to return an exception object, * so that it can be used instead of 'return', but in fact it always throws * the exception. * * @return the RuntimeException object */
public static RuntimeException throwInternalError() { return throwInternalError("Unexpected code path"); }
Convert an exception to a SQL exception using the default mapping.
  • e – the root cause
Returns:the SQL exception object
/** * Convert an exception to a SQL exception using the default mapping. * * @param e the root cause * @return the SQL exception object */
public static SQLException toSQLException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof SQLException) { return (SQLException) e; } return convert(e).getSQLException(); }
Convert a throwable to an SQL exception using the default mapping. All errors except the following are re-thrown: StackOverflowError, LinkageError.
  • e – the root cause
Returns:the exception object
/** * Convert a throwable to an SQL exception using the default mapping. All * errors except the following are re-thrown: StackOverflowError, * LinkageError. * * @param e the root cause * @return the exception object */
public static DbException convert(Throwable e) { try { if (e instanceof DbException) { return (DbException) e; } else if (e instanceof SQLException) { return new DbException((SQLException) e); } else if (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) { return convertInvocation((InvocationTargetException) e, null); } else if (e instanceof IOException) { return get(IO_EXCEPTION_1, e, e.toString()); } else if (e instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { return get(OUT_OF_MEMORY, e); } else if (e instanceof StackOverflowError || e instanceof LinkageError) { return get(GENERAL_ERROR_1, e, e.toString()); } else if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } return get(GENERAL_ERROR_1, e, e.toString()); } catch (Throwable ex) { try { DbException dbException = new DbException( new SQLException("GeneralError", "HY000", GENERAL_ERROR_1, e)); dbException.addSuppressed(ex); return dbException; } catch (OutOfMemoryError ignore) { return OOME; } } }
Convert an InvocationTarget exception to a database exception.
  • te – the root cause
  • message – the added message or null
Returns:the database exception object
/** * Convert an InvocationTarget exception to a database exception. * * @param te the root cause * @param message the added message or null * @return the database exception object */
public static DbException convertInvocation(InvocationTargetException te, String message) { Throwable t = te.getTargetException(); if (t instanceof SQLException || t instanceof DbException) { return convert(t); } message = message == null ? t.getMessage() : message + ": " + t.getMessage(); return get(EXCEPTION_IN_FUNCTION_1, t, message); }
Convert an IO exception to a database exception.
  • e – the root cause
  • message – the message or null
Returns:the database exception object
/** * Convert an IO exception to a database exception. * * @param e the root cause * @param message the message or null * @return the database exception object */
public static DbException convertIOException(IOException e, String message) { if (message == null) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); if (t instanceof DbException) { return (DbException) t; } return get(IO_EXCEPTION_1, e, e.toString()); } return get(IO_EXCEPTION_2, e, e.toString(), message); }
Gets the SQL exception object for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
Returns:the SQLException object
/** * Gets the SQL exception object for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @return the SQLException object */
public static SQLException getJdbcSQLException(int errorCode) { return getJdbcSQLException(errorCode, (Throwable)null); }
Gets the SQL exception object for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
  • p1 – the first parameter of the message
Returns:the SQLException object
/** * Gets the SQL exception object for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @param p1 the first parameter of the message * @return the SQLException object */
public static SQLException getJdbcSQLException(int errorCode, String p1) { return getJdbcSQLException(errorCode, null, p1); }
Gets the SQL exception object for a specific error code.
  • errorCode – the error code
  • cause – the cause of the exception
  • params – the list of parameters of the message
Returns:the SQLException object
/** * Gets the SQL exception object for a specific error code. * * @param errorCode the error code * @param cause the cause of the exception * @param params the list of parameters of the message * @return the SQLException object */
public static SQLException getJdbcSQLException(int errorCode, Throwable cause, String... params) { String sqlstate = getState(errorCode); String message = translate(sqlstate, params); return getJdbcSQLException(message, null, sqlstate, errorCode, cause, null); }
Creates a SQLException.
  • message – the reason
  • sql – the SQL statement
  • state – the SQL state
  • errorCode – the error code
  • cause – the exception that was the reason for this exception
  • stackTrace – the stack trace
Returns:the SQLException object
/** * Creates a SQLException. * * @param message the reason * @param sql the SQL statement * @param state the SQL state * @param errorCode the error code * @param cause the exception that was the reason for this exception * @param stackTrace the stack trace * @return the SQLException object */
public static SQLException getJdbcSQLException(String message, String sql, String state, int errorCode, Throwable cause, String stackTrace) { sql = filterSQL(sql); // Use SQLState class value to detect type switch (errorCode / 1_000) { case 2: return new JdbcSQLNonTransientException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case 7: case 21: case 42: return new JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case 8: return new JdbcSQLNonTransientConnectionException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case 22: return new JdbcSQLDataException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case 23: return new JdbcSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case 28: return new JdbcSQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case 40: return new JdbcSQLTransactionRollbackException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); } // Check error code switch (errorCode){ case GENERAL_ERROR_1: case UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1: case METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_QUERY: case METHOD_ONLY_ALLOWED_FOR_QUERY: case SEQUENCE_EXHAUSTED: case OBJECT_CLOSED: case CANNOT_DROP_CURRENT_USER: case UNSUPPORTED_SETTING_COMBINATION: case FILE_RENAME_FAILED_2: case FILE_DELETE_FAILED_1: case IO_EXCEPTION_1: case NOT_ON_UPDATABLE_ROW: case IO_EXCEPTION_2: case TRACE_FILE_ERROR_2: case ADMIN_RIGHTS_REQUIRED: case ERROR_EXECUTING_TRIGGER_3: case COMMIT_ROLLBACK_NOT_ALLOWED: case FILE_CREATION_FAILED_1: case SAVEPOINT_IS_INVALID_1: case SAVEPOINT_IS_UNNAMED: case SAVEPOINT_IS_NAMED: case NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS_FOR_1: case DATABASE_IS_READ_ONLY: case WRONG_XID_FORMAT_1: case UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS_1: case UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM_1: case COMPRESSION_ERROR: case EXCEPTION_IN_FUNCTION_1: case ERROR_ACCESSING_LINKED_TABLE_2: case FILE_NOT_FOUND_1: case INVALID_CLASS_2: case DATABASE_IS_NOT_PERSISTENT: case RESULT_SET_NOT_UPDATABLE: case RESULT_SET_NOT_SCROLLABLE: case METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT: case ACCESS_DENIED_TO_CLASS_1: case RESULT_SET_READONLY: return new JdbcSQLNonTransientException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_1: return new JdbcSQLFeatureNotSupportedException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case LOCK_TIMEOUT_1: case STATEMENT_WAS_CANCELED: case LOB_CLOSED_ON_TIMEOUT_1: return new JdbcSQLTimeoutException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case FUNCTION_MUST_RETURN_RESULT_SET_1: case TRIGGER_SELECT_AND_ROW_BASED_NOT_SUPPORTED: case SUM_OR_AVG_ON_WRONG_DATATYPE_1: case MUST_GROUP_BY_COLUMN_1: case SECOND_PRIMARY_KEY: case FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND_1: case COLUMN_MUST_NOT_BE_NULLABLE_1: case USER_NOT_FOUND_1: case USER_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case SEQUENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND_1: case VIEW_NOT_FOUND_1: case VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case TRIGGER_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND_1: case ERROR_CREATING_TRIGGER_OBJECT_3: case CONSTRAINT_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case INVALID_VALUE_SCALE_PRECISION: case SUBQUERY_IS_NOT_SINGLE_COLUMN: case INVALID_USE_OF_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_1: case CONSTRAINT_NOT_FOUND_1: case AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME_1: case ORDER_BY_NOT_IN_RESULT: case ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case ROLE_NOT_FOUND_1: case USER_OR_ROLE_NOT_FOUND_1: case ROLES_AND_RIGHT_CANNOT_BE_MIXED: case METHODS_MUST_HAVE_DIFFERENT_PARAMETER_COUNTS_2: case ROLE_ALREADY_GRANTED_1: case COLUMN_IS_PART_OF_INDEX_1: case FUNCTION_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case FUNCTION_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND_1: case SCHEMA_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND_1: case SCHEMA_NAME_MUST_MATCH: case COLUMN_CONTAINS_NULL_VALUES_1: case SEQUENCE_BELONGS_TO_A_TABLE_1: case COLUMN_IS_REFERENCED_1: case CANNOT_DROP_LAST_COLUMN: case INDEX_BELONGS_TO_CONSTRAINT_2: case CLASS_NOT_FOUND_1: case METHOD_NOT_FOUND_1: case COLLATION_CHANGE_WITH_DATA_TABLE_1: case SCHEMA_CAN_NOT_BE_DROPPED_1: case ROLE_CAN_NOT_BE_DROPPED_1: case CANNOT_TRUNCATE_1: case CANNOT_DROP_2: case VIEW_IS_INVALID_2: case COMPARING_ARRAY_TO_SCALAR: case CONSTANT_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case CONSTANT_NOT_FOUND_1: case LITERALS_ARE_NOT_ALLOWED: case CANNOT_DROP_TABLE_1: case DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXISTS_1: case DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND_1: case WITH_TIES_WITHOUT_ORDER_BY: case CANNOT_MIX_INDEXED_AND_UNINDEXED_PARAMS: case TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND_1: case AGGREGATE_NOT_FOUND_1: case WINDOW_NOT_FOUND_1: case CAN_ONLY_ASSIGN_TO_VARIABLE_1: case PUBLIC_STATIC_JAVA_METHOD_NOT_FOUND_1: case JAVA_OBJECT_SERIALIZER_CHANGE_WITH_DATA_TABLE: case FOR_UPDATE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_DISTINCT_OR_GROUPED_SELECT: return new JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case HEX_STRING_ODD_1: case HEX_STRING_WRONG_1: case INVALID_VALUE_2: case SEQUENCE_ATTRIBUTES_INVALID: case INVALID_TO_CHAR_FORMAT: case PARAMETER_NOT_SET_1: case PARSE_ERROR_1: case INVALID_TO_DATE_FORMAT: case STRING_FORMAT_ERROR_1: case SERIALIZATION_FAILED_1: case DESERIALIZATION_FAILED_1: case SCALAR_SUBQUERY_CONTAINS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ROW: case STEP_SIZE_MUST_NOT_BE_ZERO: return new JdbcSQLDataException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case URL_RELATIVE_TO_CWD: case DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_1: case DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_2: case TRACE_CONNECTION_NOT_CLOSED: case DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN_1: case FILE_CORRUPTED_1: case URL_FORMAT_ERROR_2: case DRIVER_VERSION_ERROR_2: case FILE_VERSION_ERROR_1: case FILE_ENCRYPTION_ERROR_1: case WRONG_PASSWORD_FORMAT: case UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER: case UNSUPPORTED_LOCK_METHOD_1: case EXCEPTION_OPENING_PORT_2: case DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_1: case CONNECTION_BROKEN_1: case UNKNOWN_MODE_1: case CLUSTER_ERROR_DATABASE_RUNS_ALONE: case CLUSTER_ERROR_DATABASE_RUNS_CLUSTERED_1: case DATABASE_IS_CLOSED: case ERROR_SETTING_DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER_2: case OUT_OF_MEMORY: case UNSUPPORTED_SETTING_1: case REMOTE_CONNECTION_NOT_ALLOWED: case DATABASE_CALLED_AT_SHUTDOWN: case CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTING_WHEN_OPEN_1: case DATABASE_IS_IN_EXCLUSIVE_MODE: case INVALID_DATABASE_NAME_1: case AUTHENTICATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE: return new JdbcSQLNonTransientConnectionException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); case ROW_NOT_FOUND_WHEN_DELETING_1: case CONCURRENT_UPDATE_1: case ROW_NOT_FOUND_IN_PRIMARY_INDEX: return new JdbcSQLTransientException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); } // Default return new JdbcSQLException(message, sql, state, errorCode, cause, stackTrace); } private static String filterSQL(String sql) { return sql == null || !sql.contains(HIDE_SQL) ? sql : "-"; }
Convert an exception to an IO exception.
  • e – the root cause
Returns:the IO exception
/** * Convert an exception to an IO exception. * * @param e the root cause * @return the IO exception */
public static IOException convertToIOException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof IOException) { return (IOException) e; } if (e instanceof JdbcException) { if (e.getCause() != null) { e = e.getCause(); } } return new IOException(e.toString(), e); }
Builds message for an exception.
  • e – exception
/** * Builds message for an exception. * * @param e exception * @return message */
public static String buildMessageForException(JdbcException e) { String s = e.getOriginalMessage(); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(s != null ? s : "- "); s = e.getSQL(); if (s != null) { buff.append("; SQL statement:\n").append(s); } buff.append(" [").append(e.getErrorCode()).append('-').append(Constants.BUILD_ID).append(']'); return buff.toString(); }
Prints up to 100 next exceptions for a specified SQL exception.
  • e – SQL exception
  • s – print writer
/** * Prints up to 100 next exceptions for a specified SQL exception. * * @param e SQL exception * @param s print writer */
public static void printNextExceptions(SQLException e, PrintWriter s) { // getNextException().printStackTrace(s) would be very slow // if many exceptions are joined int i = 0; while ((e = e.getNextException()) != null) { if (i++ == 100) { s.println("(truncated)"); return; } s.println(e.toString()); } }
Prints up to 100 next exceptions for a specified SQL exception.
  • e – SQL exception
  • s – print stream
/** * Prints up to 100 next exceptions for a specified SQL exception. * * @param e SQL exception * @param s print stream */
public static void printNextExceptions(SQLException e, PrintStream s) { // getNextException().printStackTrace(s) would be very slow // if many exceptions are joined int i = 0; while ((e = e.getNextException()) != null) { if (i++ == 100) { s.println("(truncated)"); return; } s.println(e.toString()); } } public Object getSource() { return source; } public void setSource(Object source) { this.source = source; }
Write the exception to the driver manager log writer if configured.
  • e – the exception
/** * Write the exception to the driver manager log writer if configured. * * @param e the exception */
public static void traceThrowable(Throwable e) { PrintWriter writer = DriverManager.getLogWriter(); if (writer != null) { e.printStackTrace(writer); } } }