 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.value;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.api.IntervalQualifier;
import org.h2.engine.Mode;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.ResultInterface;
import org.h2.result.SimpleResult;
import org.h2.store.DataHandler;
import org.h2.util.Bits;
import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.h2.util.IntervalUtils;
import org.h2.util.JdbcUtils;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;

This is the base class for all value classes. It provides conversion and comparison methods.
Author:Thomas Mueller, Noel Grandin, Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888
/** * This is the base class for all value classes. * It provides conversion and comparison methods. * * @author Thomas Mueller * @author Noel Grandin * @author Nicolas Fortin, Atelier SIG, IRSTV FR CNRS 24888 */
public abstract class Value extends VersionedValue {
The data type is unknown at this time.
/** * The data type is unknown at this time. */
public static final int UNKNOWN = -1;
The value type for NULL.
/** * The value type for NULL. */
public static final int NULL = 0;
The value type for BOOLEAN values.
/** * The value type for BOOLEAN values. */
public static final int BOOLEAN = 1;
The value type for BYTE values.
/** * The value type for BYTE values. */
public static final int BYTE = 2;
The value type for SHORT values.
/** * The value type for SHORT values. */
public static final int SHORT = 3;
The value type for INT values.
/** * The value type for INT values. */
public static final int INT = 4;
The value type for LONG values.
/** * The value type for LONG values. */
public static final int LONG = 5;
The value type for DECIMAL values.
/** * The value type for DECIMAL values. */
public static final int DECIMAL = 6;
The value type for DOUBLE values.
/** * The value type for DOUBLE values. */
public static final int DOUBLE = 7;
The value type for FLOAT values.
/** * The value type for FLOAT values. */
public static final int FLOAT = 8;
The value type for TIME values.
/** * The value type for TIME values. */
public static final int TIME = 9;
The value type for DATE values.
/** * The value type for DATE values. */
public static final int DATE = 10;
The value type for TIMESTAMP values.
/** * The value type for TIMESTAMP values. */
public static final int TIMESTAMP = 11;
The value type for BYTES values.
/** * The value type for BYTES values. */
public static final int BYTES = 12;
The value type for STRING values.
/** * The value type for STRING values. */
public static final int STRING = 13;
The value type for case insensitive STRING values.
/** * The value type for case insensitive STRING values. */
public static final int STRING_IGNORECASE = 14;
The value type for BLOB values.
/** * The value type for BLOB values. */
public static final int BLOB = 15;
The value type for CLOB values.
/** * The value type for CLOB values. */
public static final int CLOB = 16;
The value type for ARRAY values.
/** * The value type for ARRAY values. */
public static final int ARRAY = 17;
The value type for RESULT_SET values.
/** * The value type for RESULT_SET values. */
public static final int RESULT_SET = 18;
The value type for JAVA_OBJECT values.
/** * The value type for JAVA_OBJECT values. */
public static final int JAVA_OBJECT = 19;
The value type for UUID values.
/** * The value type for UUID values. */
public static final int UUID = 20;
The value type for string values with a fixed size.
/** * The value type for string values with a fixed size. */
public static final int STRING_FIXED = 21;
The value type for string values with a fixed size.
/** * The value type for string values with a fixed size. */
public static final int GEOMETRY = 22; /** * 23 was a short-lived experiment "TIMESTAMP UTC" which has been removed. */
The value type for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values.
/** * The value type for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values. */
public static final int TIMESTAMP_TZ = 24;
The value type for ENUM values.
/** * The value type for ENUM values. */
public static final int ENUM = 25;
The value type for INTERVAL YEAR values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL YEAR} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_YEAR = 26;
The value type for INTERVAL MONTH values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL MONTH} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_MONTH = 27;
The value type for INTERVAL DAY values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL DAY} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_DAY = 28;
The value type for INTERVAL HOUR values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL HOUR} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_HOUR = 29;
The value type for INTERVAL MINUTE values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL MINUTE} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_MINUTE = 30;
The value type for INTERVAL SECOND values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL SECOND} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_SECOND = 31;
The value type for INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH = 32;
The value type for INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR = 33;
The value type for INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE = 34;
The value type for INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND = 35;
The value type for INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE = 36;
The value type for INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND = 37;
The value type for INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND values.
/** * The value type for {@code INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND} values. */
public static final int INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND = 38;
The value type for ROW values.
/** * The value type for ROW values. */
public static final int ROW = 39;
The number of value types.
/** * The number of value types. */
public static final int TYPE_COUNT = ROW + 1; private static SoftReference<Value[]> softCache; private static final BigDecimal MAX_LONG_DECIMAL = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
The smallest Long value, as a BigDecimal.
/** * The smallest Long value, as a BigDecimal. */
public static final BigDecimal MIN_LONG_DECIMAL = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
Check the range of the parameters.
  • zeroBasedOffset – the offset (0 meaning no offset)
  • length – the length of the target
  • dataSize – the length of the source
/** * Check the range of the parameters. * * @param zeroBasedOffset the offset (0 meaning no offset) * @param length the length of the target * @param dataSize the length of the source */
static void rangeCheck(long zeroBasedOffset, long length, long dataSize) { if ((zeroBasedOffset | length) < 0 || length > dataSize - zeroBasedOffset) { if (zeroBasedOffset < 0 || zeroBasedOffset > dataSize) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("offset", zeroBasedOffset + 1); } throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("length", length); } }
Get the SQL expression for this value.
Returns:the SQL expression
/** * Get the SQL expression for this value. * * @return the SQL expression */
public String getSQL() { return getSQL(new StringBuilder()).toString(); }
Appends the SQL expression for this value to the specified builder.
  • builder – string builder
Returns:the specified string builder
/** * Appends the SQL expression for this value to the specified builder. * * @param builder * string builder * @return the specified string builder */
public abstract StringBuilder getSQL(StringBuilder builder);
Returns the data type.
Returns:the data type
/** * Returns the data type. * * @return the data type */
public abstract TypeInfo getType();
Get the value type.
Returns:the value type
/** * Get the value type. * * @return the value type */
public abstract int getValueType();
Get the memory used by this object.
Returns:the memory used in bytes
/** * Get the memory used by this object. * * @return the memory used in bytes */
public int getMemory() { /* * Java 11 with -XX:-UseCompressedOops for all values up to ValueLong * and ValueDouble. */ return 24; }
Get the value as a string.
Returns:the string
/** * Get the value as a string. * * @return the string */
public abstract String getString();
Get the value as an object.
Returns:the object
/** * Get the value as an object. * * @return the object */
public abstract Object getObject();
Set the value as a parameter in a prepared statement.
  • prep – the prepared statement
  • parameterIndex – the parameter index
/** * Set the value as a parameter in a prepared statement. * * @param prep the prepared statement * @param parameterIndex the parameter index */
public abstract void set(PreparedStatement prep, int parameterIndex) throws SQLException; @Override public abstract int hashCode();
Check if the two values have the same hash code. No data conversion is made; this method returns false if the other object is not of the same class. For some values, compareTo may return 0 even if equals return false. Example: ValueDecimal 0.0 and 0.00.
  • other – the other value
Returns:true if they are equal
/** * Check if the two values have the same hash code. No data conversion is * made; this method returns false if the other object is not of the same * class. For some values, compareTo may return 0 even if equals return * false. Example: ValueDecimal 0.0 and 0.00. * * @param other the other value * @return true if they are equal */
@Override public abstract boolean equals(Object other);
Get the order of this value type.
  • type – the value type
Returns:the order number
/** * Get the order of this value type. * * @param type the value type * @return the order number */
static int getOrder(int type) { switch (type) { case UNKNOWN: return 1_000; case NULL: return 2_000; case STRING: return 10_000; case CLOB: return 11_000; case STRING_FIXED: return 12_000; case STRING_IGNORECASE: return 13_000; case BOOLEAN: return 20_000; case BYTE: return 21_000; case SHORT: return 22_000; case INT: return 23_000; case LONG: return 24_000; case DECIMAL: return 25_000; case FLOAT: return 26_000; case DOUBLE: return 27_000; case INTERVAL_YEAR: return 28_000; case INTERVAL_MONTH: return 28_100; case INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: return 28_200; case INTERVAL_DAY: return 29_000; case INTERVAL_HOUR: return 29_100; case INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: return 29_200; case INTERVAL_MINUTE: return 29_300; case INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: return 29_400; case INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: return 29_500; case INTERVAL_SECOND: return 29_600; case INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return 29_700; case INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: return 29_800; case INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: return 29_900; case TIME: return 30_000; case DATE: return 31_000; case TIMESTAMP: return 32_000; case TIMESTAMP_TZ: return 34_000; case BYTES: return 40_000; case BLOB: return 41_000; case JAVA_OBJECT: return 42_000; case UUID: return 43_000; case GEOMETRY: return 44_000; case ENUM: return 45_000; case ARRAY: return 50_000; case ROW: return 51_000; case RESULT_SET: return 52_000; default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.getDataTypeOrder(type); } throw DbException.throwInternalError("type:"+type); } }
Get the higher value order type of two value types. If values need to be converted to match the other operands value type, the value with the lower order is converted to the value with the higher order.
  • t1 – the first value type
  • t2 – the second value type
Returns:the higher value type of the two
/** * Get the higher value order type of two value types. If values need to be * converted to match the other operands value type, the value with the * lower order is converted to the value with the higher order. * * @param t1 the first value type * @param t2 the second value type * @return the higher value type of the two */
public static int getHigherOrder(int t1, int t2) { if (t1 == Value.UNKNOWN || t2 == Value.UNKNOWN) { if (t1 == t2) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, "?, ?"); } else if (t1 == Value.NULL) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, "NULL, ?"); } else if (t2 == Value.NULL) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, "?, NULL"); } } if (t1 == t2) { return t1; } int o1 = getOrder(t1); int o2 = getOrder(t2); return o1 > o2 ? t1 : t2; }
Get the higher data type of two data types. If values need to be converted to match the other operands data type, the value with the lower order is converted to the value with the higher order.
  • type1 – the first data type
  • type2 – the second data type
Returns:the higher data type of the two
/** * Get the higher data type of two data types. If values need to be * converted to match the other operands data type, the value with the * lower order is converted to the value with the higher order. * * @param type1 the first data type * @param type2 the second data type * @return the higher data type of the two */
public static TypeInfo getHigherType(TypeInfo type1, TypeInfo type2) { int t1 = type1.getValueType(), t2 = type2.getValueType(); int dataType = getHigherOrder(t1, t2); long precision = Math.max(type1.getPrecision(), type2.getPrecision()); int scale = Math.max(type1.getScale(), type2.getScale()); ExtTypeInfo ext1 = type1.getExtTypeInfo(); ExtTypeInfo ext = dataType == t1 && ext1 != null ? ext1 : dataType == t2 ? type2.getExtTypeInfo() : null; return TypeInfo.getTypeInfo(dataType, precision, scale, ext); }
Check if a value is in the cache that is equal to this value. If yes, this value should be used to save memory. If the value is not in the cache yet, it is added.
  • v – the value to look for
Returns:the value in the cache or the value passed
/** * Check if a value is in the cache that is equal to this value. If yes, * this value should be used to save memory. If the value is not in the * cache yet, it is added. * * @param v the value to look for * @return the value in the cache or the value passed */
static Value cache(Value v) { if (SysProperties.OBJECT_CACHE) { int hash = v.hashCode(); Value[] cache; if (softCache == null || (cache = softCache.get()) == null) { cache = new Value[SysProperties.OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE]; softCache = new SoftReference<>(cache); } int index = hash & (SysProperties.OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE - 1); Value cached = cache[index]; if (cached != null) { if (cached.getValueType() == v.getValueType() && v.equals(cached)) { // cacheHit++; return cached; } } // cacheMiss++; // cache[cacheCleaner] = null; // cacheCleaner = (cacheCleaner + 1) & // (Constants.OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE - 1); cache[index] = v; } return v; }
Clear the value cache. Used for testing.
/** * Clear the value cache. Used for testing. */
public static void clearCache() { softCache = null; } public boolean getBoolean() { return ((ValueBoolean) convertTo(Value.BOOLEAN)).getBoolean(); } public Date getDate() { return ((ValueDate) convertTo(Value.DATE)).getDate(); } public Time getTime() { return ((ValueTime) convertTo(Value.TIME)).getTime(); } public Timestamp getTimestamp() { return ((ValueTimestamp) convertTo(Value.TIMESTAMP)).getTimestamp(); } public byte[] getBytes() { return ((ValueBytes) convertTo(Value.BYTES)).getBytes(); } public byte[] getBytesNoCopy() { return ((ValueBytes) convertTo(Value.BYTES)).getBytesNoCopy(); } public byte getByte() { return ((ValueByte) convertTo(Value.BYTE)).getByte(); } public short getShort() { return ((ValueShort) convertTo(Value.SHORT)).getShort(); } public BigDecimal getBigDecimal() { return ((ValueDecimal) convertTo(Value.DECIMAL)).getBigDecimal(); } public double getDouble() { return ((ValueDouble) convertTo(Value.DOUBLE)).getDouble(); } public float getFloat() { return ((ValueFloat) convertTo(Value.FLOAT)).getFloat(); } public int getInt() { return ((ValueInt) convertTo(Value.INT)).getInt(); } public long getLong() { return ((ValueLong) convertTo(Value.LONG)).getLong(); } public InputStream getInputStream() { return new ByteArrayInputStream(getBytesNoCopy()); }
Get the input stream
  • oneBasedOffset – the offset (1 means no offset)
  • length – the requested length
Returns:the new input stream
/** * Get the input stream * * @param oneBasedOffset the offset (1 means no offset) * @param length the requested length * @return the new input stream */
public InputStream getInputStream(long oneBasedOffset, long length) { byte[] bytes = getBytesNoCopy(); long zeroBasedOffset = oneBasedOffset - 1; rangeCheck(zeroBasedOffset, length, bytes.length); return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes, (int) zeroBasedOffset, (int) length); } public Reader getReader() { return new StringReader(getString()); }
Get the reader
  • oneBasedOffset – the offset (1 means no offset)
  • length – the requested length
Returns:the new reader
/** * Get the reader * * @param oneBasedOffset the offset (1 means no offset) * @param length the requested length * @return the new reader */
public Reader getReader(long oneBasedOffset, long length) { String string = getString(); long zeroBasedOffset = oneBasedOffset - 1; rangeCheck(zeroBasedOffset, length, string.length()); int offset = (int) zeroBasedOffset; return new StringReader(string.substring(offset, offset + (int) length)); }
Add a value and return the result.
  • v – the value to add
Returns:the result
/** * Add a value and return the result. * * @param v the value to add * @return the result */
public Value add(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Value v) { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("+"); } public int getSignum() { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("SIGNUM"); }
Return -value if this value support arithmetic operations.
Returns:the negative
/** * Return -value if this value support arithmetic operations. * * @return the negative */
public Value negate() { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("NEG"); }
Subtract a value and return the result.
  • v – the value to subtract
Returns:the result
/** * Subtract a value and return the result. * * @param v the value to subtract * @return the result */
public Value subtract(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Value v) { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("-"); }
Divide by a value and return the result.
  • v – the value to divide by
Returns:the result
/** * Divide by a value and return the result. * * @param v the value to divide by * @return the result */
public Value divide(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Value v) { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("/"); }
Multiply with a value and return the result.
  • v – the value to multiply with
Returns:the result
/** * Multiply with a value and return the result. * * @param v the value to multiply with * @return the result */
public Value multiply(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Value v) { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("*"); }
Take the modulus with a value and return the result.
  • v – the value to take the modulus with
Returns:the result
/** * Take the modulus with a value and return the result. * * @param v the value to take the modulus with * @return the result */
public Value modulus(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Value v) { throw getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation("%"); }
Compare a value to the specified type.
  • targetType – the type of the returned value
Returns:the converted value
/** * Compare a value to the specified type. * * @param targetType the type of the returned value * @return the converted value */
public final Value convertTo(int targetType) { return convertTo(targetType, null, null, null); }
Convert value to ENUM value
  • enumerators – the extended type information for the ENUM data type
Returns:value represented as ENUM
/** * Convert value to ENUM value * @param enumerators the extended type information for the ENUM data type * @return value represented as ENUM */
private Value convertToEnum(ExtTypeInfo enumerators) { return convertTo(ENUM, null, null, enumerators); }
Convert a value to the specified type.
  • targetType – the type of the returned value
  • mode – the mode
Returns:the converted value
/** * Convert a value to the specified type. * * @param targetType the type of the returned value * @param mode the mode * @return the converted value */
public final Value convertTo(int targetType, Mode mode) { return convertTo(targetType, mode, null, null); }
Convert a value to the specified type.
  • targetType – the type of the returned value
  • mode – the conversion mode
  • column – the column (if any), used for to improve the error message if conversion fails
Returns:the converted value
/** * Convert a value to the specified type. * * @param targetType the type of the returned value * @param mode the conversion mode * @param column the column (if any), used for to improve the error message if conversion fails * @return the converted value */
public final Value convertTo(TypeInfo targetType, Mode mode, Object column) { return convertTo(targetType.getValueType(), mode, column, targetType.getExtTypeInfo()); }
Convert a value to the specified type.
  • targetType – the type of the returned value
  • mode – the conversion mode
  • column – the column (if any), used for to improve the error message if conversion fails
  • extTypeInfo – the extended data type information, or null
Returns:the converted value
/** * Convert a value to the specified type. * * @param targetType the type of the returned value * @param mode the conversion mode * @param column the column (if any), used for to improve the error message if conversion fails * @param extTypeInfo the extended data type information, or null * @return the converted value */
protected Value convertTo(int targetType, Mode mode, Object column, ExtTypeInfo extTypeInfo) { // converting NULL is done in ValueNull // converting BLOB to CLOB and vice versa is done in ValueLob if (getValueType() == targetType) { return this; } try { switch (targetType) { case NULL: return ValueNull.INSTANCE; case BOOLEAN: return convertToBoolean(); case BYTE: return convertToByte(column); case SHORT: return convertToShort(column); case INT: return convertToInt(column); case LONG: return convertToLong(column); case DECIMAL: return convertToDecimal(); case DOUBLE: return convertToDouble(); case FLOAT: return convertToFloat(); case DATE: return convertToDate(); case TIME: return convertToTime(); case TIMESTAMP: return convertToTimestamp(mode); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: return convertToTimestampTimeZone(); case BYTES: return convertToBytes(mode); case STRING: return convertToString(mode); case STRING_IGNORECASE: return convertToStringIgnoreCase(mode); case STRING_FIXED: return convertToStringFixed(mode); case JAVA_OBJECT: return convertToJavaObject(); case ENUM: return convertToEnumInternal((ExtTypeInfoEnum) extTypeInfo); case BLOB: return convertToBlob(); case CLOB: return convertToClob(); case UUID: return convertToUuid(); case GEOMETRY: return convertToGeometry((ExtTypeInfoGeometry) extTypeInfo); case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: return convertToIntervalYearMonth(targetType); case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return convertToIntervalDayTime(targetType); case ARRAY: return convertToArray(); case ROW: return convertToRow(); case RESULT_SET: return convertToResultSet(); default: if (JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler != null) { return JdbcUtils.customDataTypesHandler.convert(this, targetType); } throw getDataConversionError(targetType); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, e, getString()); } } private ValueBoolean convertToBoolean() { switch (getValueType()) { case BYTE: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case DECIMAL: case DOUBLE: case FLOAT: return ValueBoolean.get(getSignum() != 0); case TIME: case DATE: case TIMESTAMP: case TIMESTAMP_TZ: case BYTES: case JAVA_OBJECT: case UUID: case ENUM: throw getDataConversionError(BOOLEAN); } String s = getString(); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { return ValueBoolean.TRUE; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("f") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("no") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) { return ValueBoolean.FALSE; } else { // convert to a number, and if it is not 0 then it is true return ValueBoolean.get(new BigDecimal(s).signum() != 0); } } private ValueByte convertToByte(Object column) { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return ValueByte.get(getBoolean() ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); case SHORT: case ENUM: case INT: return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(getInt(), column)); case LONG: return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(getLong(), column)); case DECIMAL: return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column), column)); case DOUBLE: return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(convertToLong(getDouble(), column), column)); case FLOAT: return ValueByte.get(convertToByte(convertToLong(getFloat(), column), column)); case BYTES: return ValueByte.get((byte) Integer.parseInt(getString(), 16)); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(BYTE); } return ValueByte.get(Byte.parseByte(getString().trim())); } private ValueShort convertToShort(Object column) { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return ValueShort.get(getBoolean() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0); case BYTE: return ValueShort.get(getByte()); case ENUM: case INT: return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(getInt(), column)); case LONG: return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(getLong(), column)); case DECIMAL: return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column), column)); case DOUBLE: return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(convertToLong(getDouble(), column), column)); case FLOAT: return ValueShort.get(convertToShort(convertToLong(getFloat(), column), column)); case BYTES: return ValueShort.get((short) Integer.parseInt(getString(), 16)); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(SHORT); } return ValueShort.get(Short.parseShort(getString().trim())); } private ValueInt convertToInt(Object column) { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return ValueInt.get(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0); case BYTE: case ENUM: case SHORT: return ValueInt.get(getInt()); case LONG: return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(getLong(), column)); case DECIMAL: return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column), column)); case DOUBLE: return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(convertToLong(getDouble(), column), column)); case FLOAT: return ValueInt.get(convertToInt(convertToLong(getFloat(), column), column)); case BYTES: return ValueInt.get((int) Long.parseLong(getString(), 16)); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(INT); } return ValueInt.get(Integer.parseInt(getString().trim())); } private ValueLong convertToLong(Object column) { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return ValueLong.get(getBoolean() ? 1 : 0); case BYTE: case SHORT: case ENUM: case INT: return ValueLong.get(getInt()); case DECIMAL: return ValueLong.get(convertToLong(getBigDecimal(), column)); case DOUBLE: return ValueLong.get(convertToLong(getDouble(), column)); case FLOAT: return ValueLong.get(convertToLong(getFloat(), column)); case BYTES: { // parseLong doesn't work for ffffffffffffffff byte[] d = getBytes(); if (d.length == 8) { return ValueLong.get(Bits.readLong(d, 0)); } return ValueLong.get(Long.parseLong(getString(), 16)); } case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(LONG); } return ValueLong.get(Long.parseLong(getString().trim())); } private ValueDecimal convertToDecimal() { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return (ValueDecimal) (getBoolean() ? ValueDecimal.ONE : ValueDecimal.ZERO); case BYTE: case SHORT: case ENUM: case INT: return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(getInt())); case LONG: return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(getLong())); case DOUBLE: { double d = getDouble(); if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, Double.toString(d)); } return ValueDecimal.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(d)); } case FLOAT: { float f = getFloat(); if (Float.isInfinite(f) || Float.isNaN(f)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, Float.toString(f)); } // better rounding behavior than BigDecimal.valueOf(f) return ValueDecimal.get(new BigDecimal(Float.toString(f))); } case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(DECIMAL); } return ValueDecimal.get(new BigDecimal(getString().trim())); } private ValueDouble convertToDouble() { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return getBoolean() ? ValueDouble.ONE : ValueDouble.ZERO; case BYTE: case SHORT: case INT: return ValueDouble.get(getInt()); case LONG: return ValueDouble.get(getLong()); case DECIMAL: return ValueDouble.get(getBigDecimal().doubleValue()); case FLOAT: return ValueDouble.get(getFloat()); case ENUM: case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(DOUBLE); } return ValueDouble.get(Double.parseDouble(getString().trim())); } private ValueFloat convertToFloat() { switch (getValueType()) { case BOOLEAN: return getBoolean() ? ValueFloat.ONE : ValueFloat.ZERO; case BYTE: case SHORT: case INT: return ValueFloat.get(getInt()); case LONG: return ValueFloat.get(getLong()); case DECIMAL: return ValueFloat.get(getBigDecimal().floatValue()); case DOUBLE: return ValueFloat.get((float) getDouble()); case ENUM: case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(FLOAT); } return ValueFloat.get(Float.parseFloat(getString().trim())); } private ValueDate convertToDate() { switch (getValueType()) { case TIME: // because the time has set the date to 1970-01-01, // this will be the result return ValueDate.fromDateValue(DateTimeUtils.EPOCH_DATE_VALUE); case TIMESTAMP: return ValueDate.fromDateValue(((ValueTimestamp) this).getDateValue()); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: { ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) this; long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(), timeNanos = ts.getTimeNanos(); long millis = DateTimeUtils.getMillis(dateValue, timeNanos, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()); return ValueDate.fromMillis(millis); } case ENUM: throw getDataConversionError(DATE); } return ValueDate.parse(getString().trim()); } private ValueTime convertToTime() { switch (getValueType()) { case DATE: // need to normalize the year, month and day because a date // has the time set to 0, the result will be 0 return ValueTime.fromNanos(0); case TIMESTAMP: return ValueTime.fromNanos(((ValueTimestamp) this).getTimeNanos()); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: { ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) this; long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(), timeNanos = ts.getTimeNanos(); long millis = DateTimeUtils.getMillis(dateValue, timeNanos, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()); return ValueTime.fromNanos( DateTimeUtils.nanosFromLocalMillis(millis + DateTimeUtils.getTimeZoneOffset(millis)) + timeNanos % 1_000_000); } case ENUM: throw getDataConversionError(TIME); } return ValueTime.parse(getString().trim()); } private ValueTimestamp convertToTimestamp(Mode mode) { switch (getValueType()) { case TIME: return DateTimeUtils.normalizeTimestamp(0, ((ValueTime) this).getNanos()); case DATE: return ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(((ValueDate) this).getDateValue(), 0); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: { ValueTimestampTimeZone ts = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) this; long dateValue = ts.getDateValue(), timeNanos = ts.getTimeNanos(); long millis = DateTimeUtils.getMillis(dateValue, timeNanos, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins()); return ValueTimestamp.fromMillisNanos(millis, (int) (timeNanos % 1_000_000)); } case ENUM: throw getDataConversionError(TIMESTAMP); } return ValueTimestamp.parse(getString().trim(), mode); } private ValueTimestampTimeZone convertToTimestampTimeZone() { switch (getValueType()) { case TIME: { ValueTimestamp ts = DateTimeUtils.normalizeTimestamp(0, ((ValueTime) this).getNanos()); return DateTimeUtils.timestampTimeZoneFromLocalDateValueAndNanos(ts.getDateValue(), ts.getTimeNanos()); } case DATE: return DateTimeUtils.timestampTimeZoneFromLocalDateValueAndNanos(((ValueDate) this).getDateValue(), 0); case TIMESTAMP: { ValueTimestamp ts = (ValueTimestamp) this; return DateTimeUtils.timestampTimeZoneFromLocalDateValueAndNanos(ts.getDateValue(), ts.getTimeNanos()); } case ENUM: throw getDataConversionError(TIMESTAMP_TZ); } return ValueTimestampTimeZone.parse(getString().trim()); } private ValueBytes convertToBytes(Mode mode) { switch (getValueType()) { case JAVA_OBJECT: case BLOB: return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(getBytesNoCopy()); case UUID: case GEOMETRY: return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(getBytes()); case BYTE: return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(new byte[] { getByte() }); case SHORT: { int x = getShort(); return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(new byte[] { (byte) (x >> 8), (byte) x }); } case INT: { byte[] b = new byte[4]; Bits.writeInt(b, 0, getInt()); return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(b); } case LONG: { byte[] b = new byte[8]; Bits.writeLong(b, 0, getLong()); return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(b); } case ENUM: case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(BYTES); } String s = getString(); return ValueBytes.getNoCopy(mode != null && mode.charToBinaryInUtf8 ? s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) : StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(s.trim())); } private ValueString convertToString(Mode mode) { String s; if (getValueType() == BYTES && mode != null && mode.charToBinaryInUtf8) { // Bugfix - Can't use the locale encoding when enabling // charToBinaryInUtf8 in mode. // The following two target types also are the same issue. // @since 2018-07-19 little-pan s = new String(getBytesNoCopy(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { s = getString(); } return (ValueString) ValueString.get(s); } private ValueString convertToStringIgnoreCase(Mode mode) { String s; if (getValueType() == BYTES && mode != null && mode.charToBinaryInUtf8) { s = new String(getBytesNoCopy(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { s = getString(); } return ValueStringIgnoreCase.get(s); } private ValueString convertToStringFixed(Mode mode) { String s; if (getValueType() == BYTES && mode != null && mode.charToBinaryInUtf8) { s = new String(getBytesNoCopy(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { s = getString(); } return ValueStringFixed.get(s); } private ValueJavaObject convertToJavaObject() { switch (getValueType()) { case BYTES: case BLOB: return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(null, getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler()); case ENUM: case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(JAVA_OBJECT); } return ValueJavaObject.getNoCopy(null, StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(getString().trim()), getDataHandler()); } private ValueEnum convertToEnumInternal(ExtTypeInfoEnum extTypeInfo) { switch (getValueType()) { case BYTE: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case DECIMAL: return extTypeInfo.getValue(getInt()); case STRING: case STRING_IGNORECASE: case STRING_FIXED: return extTypeInfo.getValue(getString()); case JAVA_OBJECT: Object object = JdbcUtils.deserialize(getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler()); if (object instanceof String) { return extTypeInfo.getValue((String) object); } else if (object instanceof Integer) { return extTypeInfo.getValue((int) object); } //$FALL-THROUGH$ } throw getDataConversionError(ENUM); } private ValueLobDb convertToBlob() { switch (getValueType()) { case BYTES: return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(Value.BLOB, getBytesNoCopy()); case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(BLOB); } return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(BLOB, StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(getString().trim())); } private ValueLobDb convertToClob() { return ValueLobDb.createSmallLob(CLOB, getString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } private ValueUuid convertToUuid() { switch (getValueType()) { case BYTES: return ValueUuid.get(getBytesNoCopy()); case JAVA_OBJECT: Object object = JdbcUtils.deserialize(getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler()); if (object instanceof java.util.UUID) { return ValueUuid.get((java.util.UUID) object); } //$FALL-THROUGH$ case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(UUID); } return ValueUuid.get(getString()); } private Value convertToGeometry(ExtTypeInfoGeometry extTypeInfo) { ValueGeometry result; switch (getValueType()) { case BYTES: result = ValueGeometry.getFromEWKB(getBytesNoCopy()); break; case JAVA_OBJECT: Object object = JdbcUtils.deserialize(getBytesNoCopy(), getDataHandler()); if (DataType.isGeometry(object)) { result = ValueGeometry.getFromGeometry(object); break; } //$FALL-THROUGH$ case TIMESTAMP_TZ: throw getDataConversionError(GEOMETRY); default: result = ValueGeometry.get(getString()); } return extTypeInfo != null ? extTypeInfo.cast(result) : result; } private ValueInterval convertToIntervalYearMonth(int targetType) { switch (getValueType()) { case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: case Value.STRING_FIXED: { String s = getString(); try { return (ValueInterval) IntervalUtils .parseFormattedInterval(IntervalQualifier.valueOf(targetType - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR), s) .convertTo(targetType); } catch (Exception e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_DATETIME_CONSTANT_2, e, "INTERVAL", s); } } case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR: case Value.INTERVAL_MONTH: case Value.INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH: return IntervalUtils.intervalFromAbsolute(IntervalQualifier.valueOf(targetType - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR), IntervalUtils.intervalToAbsolute((ValueInterval) this)); } throw getDataConversionError(targetType); } private ValueInterval convertToIntervalDayTime(int targetType) { switch (getValueType()) { case Value.STRING: case Value.STRING_IGNORECASE: case Value.STRING_FIXED: { String s = getString(); try { return (ValueInterval) IntervalUtils .parseFormattedInterval(IntervalQualifier.valueOf(targetType - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR), s) .convertTo(targetType); } catch (Exception e) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_DATETIME_CONSTANT_2, e, "INTERVAL", s); } } case Value.INTERVAL_DAY: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE: case Value.INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND: case Value.INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND: return IntervalUtils.intervalFromAbsolute(IntervalQualifier.valueOf(targetType - Value.INTERVAL_YEAR), IntervalUtils.intervalToAbsolute((ValueInterval) this)); } throw getDataConversionError(targetType); } private ValueArray convertToArray() { Value[] a; switch (getValueType()) { case ROW: a = ((ValueRow) this).getList(); break; case BLOB: case CLOB: case RESULT_SET: a = new Value[] { ValueString.get(getString()) }; break; default: a = new Value[] { this }; } return ValueArray.get(a); } private Value convertToRow() { Value[] a; if (getValueType() == RESULT_SET) { ResultInterface result = ((ValueResultSet) this).getResult(); if (result.hasNext()) { a = result.currentRow(); if (result.hasNext()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SCALAR_SUBQUERY_CONTAINS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ROW); } } else { return ValueNull.INSTANCE; } } else { a = new Value[] { this }; } return ValueRow.get(a); } private ValueResultSet convertToResultSet() { SimpleResult result = new SimpleResult(); result.addColumn("X", "X", getType()); result.addRow(this); return ValueResultSet.get(result); }
Creates new instance of the DbException for data conversion error.
  • targetType – Target data type.
Returns:instance of the DbException.
/** * Creates new instance of the DbException for data conversion error. * * @param targetType Target data type. * @return instance of the DbException. */
DbException getDataConversionError(int targetType) { DataType from = DataType.getDataType(getValueType()); DataType to = DataType.getDataType(targetType); throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATA_CONVERSION_ERROR_1, (from != null ? from.name : "type=" + getValueType()) + " to " + (to != null ? to.name : "type=" + targetType)); }
Compare this value against another value given that the values are of the same data type.
  • v – the other value
  • mode – the compare mode
Returns:0 if both values are equal, -1 if the other value is smaller, and 1 otherwise
/** * Compare this value against another value given that the values are of the * same data type. * * @param v the other value * @param mode the compare mode * @return 0 if both values are equal, -1 if the other value is smaller, and * 1 otherwise */
public abstract int compareTypeSafe(Value v, CompareMode mode);
Compare this value against another value using the specified compare mode.
  • v – the other value
  • databaseMode – the database mode
  • compareMode – the compare mode
Returns:0 if both values are equal, -1 if this value is smaller, and 1 otherwise
/** * Compare this value against another value using the specified compare * mode. * * @param v the other value * @param databaseMode the database mode * @param compareMode the compare mode * @return 0 if both values are equal, -1 if this value is smaller, and * 1 otherwise */
public final int compareTo(Value v, Mode databaseMode, CompareMode compareMode) { if (this == v) { return 0; } if (this == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return -1; } else if (v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return 1; } Value l = this; int leftType = l.getValueType(); int rightType = v.getValueType(); if (leftType != rightType || leftType == Value.ENUM) { int dataType = Value.getHigherOrder(leftType, rightType); if (dataType == Value.ENUM) { ExtTypeInfoEnum enumerators = ExtTypeInfoEnum.getEnumeratorsForBinaryOperation(l, v); l = l.convertToEnum(enumerators); v = v.convertToEnum(enumerators); } else { l = l.convertTo(dataType, databaseMode); v = v.convertTo(dataType, databaseMode); } } return l.compareTypeSafe(v, compareMode); }
Compare this value against another value using the specified compare mode.
  • v – the other value
  • forEquality – perform only check for equality
  • databaseMode – the database mode
  • compareMode – the compare mode
Returns:0 if both values are equal, -1 if this value is smaller, 1 if other value is larger, Integer.MIN_VALUE if order is not defined due to NULL comparison
/** * Compare this value against another value using the specified compare * mode. * * @param v the other value * @param forEquality perform only check for equality * @param databaseMode the database mode * @param compareMode the compare mode * @return 0 if both values are equal, -1 if this value is smaller, 1 * if other value is larger, {@link Integer#MIN_VALUE} if order is * not defined due to NULL comparison */
public int compareWithNull(Value v, boolean forEquality, Mode databaseMode, CompareMode compareMode) { if (this == ValueNull.INSTANCE || v == ValueNull.INSTANCE) { return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } Value l = this; int leftType = l.getValueType(); int rightType = v.getValueType(); if (leftType != rightType || leftType == Value.ENUM) { int dataType = Value.getHigherOrder(leftType, rightType); if (dataType == Value.ENUM) { ExtTypeInfoEnum enumerators = ExtTypeInfoEnum.getEnumeratorsForBinaryOperation(l, v); l = l.convertToEnum(enumerators); v = v.convertToEnum(enumerators); } else { l = l.convertTo(dataType, databaseMode); v = v.convertTo(dataType, databaseMode); } } return l.compareTypeSafe(v, compareMode); }
Returns true if this value is NULL or contains NULL value.
Returns:true if this value is NULL or contains NULL value
/** * Returns true if this value is NULL or contains NULL value. * * @return true if this value is NULL or contains NULL value */
public boolean containsNull() { return false; }
Convert the scale.
  • onlyToSmallerScale – if the scale should not reduced
  • targetScale – the requested scale
Returns:the value
/** * Convert the scale. * * @param onlyToSmallerScale if the scale should not reduced * @param targetScale the requested scale * @return the value */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public Value convertScale(boolean onlyToSmallerScale, int targetScale) { return this; }
Convert the precision to the requested value. The precision of the returned value may be somewhat larger than requested, because values with a fixed precision are not truncated.
  • precision – the new precision
  • force – true if losing numeric precision is allowed
Returns:the new value
/** * Convert the precision to the requested value. The precision of the * returned value may be somewhat larger than requested, because values with * a fixed precision are not truncated. * * @param precision the new precision * @param force true if losing numeric precision is allowed * @return the new value */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public Value convertPrecision(long precision, boolean force) { return this; } private static byte convertToByte(long x, Object column) { if (x > Byte.MAX_VALUE || x < Byte.MIN_VALUE) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_2, Long.toString(x), getColumnName(column)); } return (byte) x; } private static short convertToShort(long x, Object column) { if (x > Short.MAX_VALUE || x < Short.MIN_VALUE) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_2, Long.toString(x), getColumnName(column)); } return (short) x; }
Convert to integer, throwing exception if out of range.
  • x – integer value.
  • column – Column info.
/** * Convert to integer, throwing exception if out of range. * * @param x integer value. * @param column Column info. * @return x */
public static int convertToInt(long x, Object column) { if (x > Integer.MAX_VALUE || x < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_2, Long.toString(x), getColumnName(column)); } return (int) x; } private static long convertToLong(double x, Object column) { if (x > Long.MAX_VALUE || x < Long.MIN_VALUE) { // TODO document that +Infinity, -Infinity throw an exception and // NaN returns 0 throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_2, Double.toString(x), getColumnName(column)); } return Math.round(x); } private static long convertToLong(BigDecimal x, Object column) { if (x.compareTo(MAX_LONG_DECIMAL) > 0 || x.compareTo(Value.MIN_LONG_DECIMAL) < 0) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_2, x.toString(), getColumnName(column)); } return x.setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).longValue(); } private static String getColumnName(Object column) { return column == null ? "" : column.toString(); }
Copy a large value, to be used in the given table. For values that are kept fully in memory this method has no effect.
  • handler – the data handler
  • tableId – the table where this object is used
Returns:the new value or itself
/** * Copy a large value, to be used in the given table. For values that are * kept fully in memory this method has no effect. * * @param handler the data handler * @param tableId the table where this object is used * @return the new value or itself */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") public Value copy(DataHandler handler, int tableId) { return this; }
Check if this value is linked to a specific table. For values that are kept fully in memory, this method returns false.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if this value is linked to a specific table. For values that are * kept fully in memory, this method returns false. * * @return true if it is */
public boolean isLinkedToTable() { return false; }
Remove the underlying resource, if any. For values that are kept fully in memory this method has no effect.
/** * Remove the underlying resource, if any. For values that are kept fully in * memory this method has no effect. */
public void remove() { // nothing to do }
Check if the precision is smaller or equal than the given precision.
  • precision – the maximum precision
Returns:true if the precision of this value is smaller or equal to the given precision
/** * Check if the precision is smaller or equal than the given precision. * * @param precision the maximum precision * @return true if the precision of this value is smaller or equal to the * given precision */
public boolean checkPrecision(long precision) { return getType().getPrecision() <= precision; }
Get a medium size SQL expression for debugging or tracing. If the precision is too large, only a subset of the value is returned.
Returns:the SQL expression
/** * Get a medium size SQL expression for debugging or tracing. If the * precision is too large, only a subset of the value is returned. * * @return the SQL expression */
public String getTraceSQL() { return getSQL(new StringBuilder()).toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return getTraceSQL(); }
Create an exception meaning the specified operation is not supported for this data type.
  • op – the operation
Returns:the exception
/** * Create an exception meaning the specified operation is not supported for * this data type. * * @param op the operation * @return the exception */
protected final DbException getUnsupportedExceptionForOperation(String op) { return DbException.getUnsupportedException( DataType.getDataType(getValueType()).name + " " + op); }
Get the table (only for LOB object).
Returns:the table id
/** * Get the table (only for LOB object). * * @return the table id */
public int getTableId() { return 0; }
Get the byte array.
Returns:the byte array
/** * Get the byte array. * * @return the byte array */
public byte[] getSmall() { return null; }
Copy this value to a temporary file if necessary.
Returns:the new value
/** * Copy this value to a temporary file if necessary. * * @return the new value */
public Value copyToTemp() { return this; }
Create an independent copy of this value if needed, that will be bound to a result. If the original row is removed, this copy is still readable.
Returns:the value (this for small objects)
/** * Create an independent copy of this value if needed, that will be bound to * a result. If the original row is removed, this copy is still readable. * * @return the value (this for small objects) */
public Value copyToResult() { return this; }
Returns result for result set value, or single-row result with this value in column X for other values.
/** * Returns result for result set value, or single-row result with this value * in column X for other values. * * @return result */
public ResultInterface getResult() { SimpleResult rs = new SimpleResult(); rs.addColumn("X", "X", getType()); rs.addRow(this); return rs; }
Return the data handler for the values that support it (actually only Java objects).
Returns:the data handler
/** * Return the data handler for the values that support it * (actually only Java objects). * @return the data handler */
protected DataHandler getDataHandler() { return null; } }