 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.message;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray;

import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;

The base class for objects that can print trace information about themselves.
/** * The base class for objects that can print trace information about themselves. */
public class TraceObject {
The trace type id for callable statements.
/** * The trace type id for callable statements. */
protected static final int CALLABLE_STATEMENT = 0;
The trace type id for connections.
/** * The trace type id for connections. */
protected static final int CONNECTION = 1;
The trace type id for database meta data objects.
/** * The trace type id for database meta data objects. */
protected static final int DATABASE_META_DATA = 2;
The trace type id for prepared statements.
/** * The trace type id for prepared statements. */
protected static final int PREPARED_STATEMENT = 3;
The trace type id for result sets.
/** * The trace type id for result sets. */
protected static final int RESULT_SET = 4;
The trace type id for result set meta data objects.
/** * The trace type id for result set meta data objects. */
protected static final int RESULT_SET_META_DATA = 5;
The trace type id for savepoint objects.
/** * The trace type id for savepoint objects. */
protected static final int SAVEPOINT = 6;
The trace type id for statements.
/** * The trace type id for statements. */
protected static final int STATEMENT = 8;
The trace type id for blobs.
/** * The trace type id for blobs. */
protected static final int BLOB = 9;
The trace type id for clobs.
/** * The trace type id for clobs. */
protected static final int CLOB = 10;
The trace type id for parameter meta data objects.
/** * The trace type id for parameter meta data objects. */
protected static final int PARAMETER_META_DATA = 11;
The trace type id for data sources.
/** * The trace type id for data sources. */
protected static final int DATA_SOURCE = 12;
The trace type id for XA data sources.
/** * The trace type id for XA data sources. */
protected static final int XA_DATA_SOURCE = 13;
The trace type id for transaction ids.
/** * The trace type id for transaction ids. */
protected static final int XID = 15;
The trace type id for array objects.
/** * The trace type id for array objects. */
protected static final int ARRAY = 16;
The trace type id for SQLXML objects.
/** * The trace type id for SQLXML objects. */
protected static final int SQLXML = 17; private static final int LAST = SQLXML + 1; private static final AtomicIntegerArray ID = new AtomicIntegerArray(LAST); private static final String[] PREFIX = { "call", "conn", "dbMeta", "prep", "rs", "rsMeta", "sp", "ex", "stat", "blob", "clob", "pMeta", "ds", "xads", "xares", "xid", "ar", "sqlxml" }; private static final SQLException SQL_OOME = DbException.SQL_OOME;
The trace module used by this object.
/** * The trace module used by this object. */
protected Trace trace; private int traceType; private int id;
Set the options to use when writing trace message.
  • trace – the trace object
  • type – the trace object type
  • id – the trace object id
/** * Set the options to use when writing trace message. * * @param trace the trace object * @param type the trace object type * @param id the trace object id */
protected void setTrace(Trace trace, int type, int id) { this.trace = trace; this.traceType = type; this.id = id; }
/** * INTERNAL */
public int getTraceId() { return id; }
/** * INTERNAL */
public String getTraceObjectName() { return PREFIX[traceType] + id; }
Get the next trace object id for this object type.
  • type – the object type
Returns:the new trace object id
/** * Get the next trace object id for this object type. * * @param type the object type * @return the new trace object id */
protected static int getNextId(int type) { return ID.getAndIncrement(type); }
Check if the debug trace level is enabled.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if the debug trace level is enabled. * * @return true if it is */
protected boolean isDebugEnabled() { return trace.isDebugEnabled(); }
Check if info trace level is enabled.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if info trace level is enabled. * * @return true if it is */
protected boolean isInfoEnabled() { return trace.isInfoEnabled(); }
Write trace information as an assignment in the form className prefixId = objectName.value.
  • className – the class name of the result
  • newType – the prefix type
  • newId – the trace object id of the created object
  • value – the value to assign this new object to
/** * Write trace information as an assignment in the form * className prefixId = objectName.value. * * @param className the class name of the result * @param newType the prefix type * @param newId the trace object id of the created object * @param value the value to assign this new object to */
protected void debugCodeAssign(String className, int newType, int newId, String value) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debugCode(className + " " + PREFIX[newType] + newId + " = " + getTraceObjectName() + "." + value + ";"); } }
Write trace information as a method call in the form objectName.methodName().
  • methodName – the method name
/** * Write trace information as a method call in the form * objectName.methodName(). * * @param methodName the method name */
protected void debugCodeCall(String methodName) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debugCode(getTraceObjectName() + "." + methodName + "();"); } }
Write trace information as a method call in the form objectName.methodName(param) where the parameter is formatted as a long value.
  • methodName – the method name
  • param – one single long parameter
/** * Write trace information as a method call in the form * objectName.methodName(param) where the parameter is formatted as a long * value. * * @param methodName the method name * @param param one single long parameter */
protected void debugCodeCall(String methodName, long param) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debugCode(getTraceObjectName() + "." + methodName + "(" + param + ");"); } }
Write trace information as a method call in the form objectName.methodName(param) where the parameter is formatted as a Java string.
  • methodName – the method name
  • param – one single string parameter
/** * Write trace information as a method call in the form * objectName.methodName(param) where the parameter is formatted as a Java * string. * * @param methodName the method name * @param param one single string parameter */
protected void debugCodeCall(String methodName, String param) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debugCode(getTraceObjectName() + "." + methodName + "(" + quote(param) + ");"); } }
Write trace information in the form objectName.text.
  • text – the trace text
/** * Write trace information in the form objectName.text. * * @param text the trace text */
protected void debugCode(String text) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debugCode(getTraceObjectName() + "." + text); } }
Format a string as a Java string literal.
  • s – the string to convert
Returns:the Java string literal
/** * Format a string as a Java string literal. * * @param s the string to convert * @return the Java string literal */
protected static String quote(String s) { return StringUtils.quoteJavaString(s); }
Format a time to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • x – the time to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a time to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param x the time to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteTime(java.sql.Time x) { if (x == null) { return "null"; } return "Time.valueOf(\"" + x.toString() + "\")"; }
Format a timestamp to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • x – the timestamp to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a timestamp to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param x the timestamp to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteTimestamp(java.sql.Timestamp x) { if (x == null) { return "null"; } return "Timestamp.valueOf(\"" + x.toString() + "\")"; }
Format a date to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • x – the date to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a date to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param x the date to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteDate(java.sql.Date x) { if (x == null) { return "null"; } return "Date.valueOf(\"" + x.toString() + "\")"; }
Format a big decimal to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • x – the big decimal to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a big decimal to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param x the big decimal to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteBigDecimal(BigDecimal x) { if (x == null) { return "null"; } return "new BigDecimal(\"" + x.toString() + "\")"; }
Format a byte array to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • x – the byte array to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a byte array to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param x the byte array to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteBytes(byte[] x) { if (x == null) { return "null"; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(x.length * 2 + 45) .append("org.h2.util.StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(\""); return StringUtils.convertBytesToHex(builder, x).append("\")").toString(); }
Format a string array to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • s – the string array to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a string array to the Java source code that represents this * object. * * @param s the string array to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteArray(String[] s) { return StringUtils.quoteJavaStringArray(s); }
Format an int array to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • s – the int array to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format an int array to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param s the int array to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteIntArray(int[] s) { return StringUtils.quoteJavaIntArray(s); }
Format a map to the Java source code that represents this object.
  • map – the map to convert
Returns:the Java source code
/** * Format a map to the Java source code that represents this object. * * @param map the map to convert * @return the Java source code */
protected static String quoteMap(Map<String, Class<?>> map) { if (map == null) { return "null"; } if (map.size() == 0) { return "new Map()"; } return "new Map() /* " + map.toString() + " */"; }
Log an exception and convert it to a SQL exception if required.
  • ex – the exception
Returns:the SQL exception object
/** * Log an exception and convert it to a SQL exception if required. * * @param ex the exception * @return the SQL exception object */
protected SQLException logAndConvert(Throwable ex) { SQLException e = null; try { e = DbException.toSQLException(ex); if (trace == null) { DbException.traceThrowable(e); } else { int errorCode = e.getErrorCode(); if (errorCode >= 23000 && errorCode < 24000) { trace.info(e, "exception"); } else { trace.error(e, "exception"); } } } catch(Throwable another) { if (e == null) { try { e = new SQLException("GeneralError", "HY000", ErrorCode.GENERAL_ERROR_1, ex); } catch (OutOfMemoryError | NoClassDefFoundError ignored) { return SQL_OOME; } } e.addSuppressed(another); } return e; }
Get a SQL exception meaning this feature is not supported.
  • message – the message
Returns:the SQL exception
/** * Get a SQL exception meaning this feature is not supported. * * @param message the message * @return the SQL exception */
protected SQLException unsupported(String message) { try { throw DbException.getUnsupportedException(message); } catch (Exception e) { return logAndConvert(e); } } }