/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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package org.hsqldb;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.index.Index;
import org.hsqldb.index.Index.IndexUse;
import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HashMappedList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedIntHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.Set;
import org.hsqldb.lib.StringUtil;
import org.hsqldb.map.ValuePool;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RangeIterator;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowIterator;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowSetNavigator;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowSetNavigatorDataChange;
import org.hsqldb.persist.CachedObject;
import org.hsqldb.persist.DataSpaceManager;
import org.hsqldb.persist.PersistentStore;
import org.hsqldb.result.Result;
import org.hsqldb.rights.Grantee;
import org.hsqldb.trigger.Trigger;
import org.hsqldb.types.BinaryData;
import org.hsqldb.types.Collation;
import org.hsqldb.types.DateTimeType;
import org.hsqldb.types.TimestampData;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;

Holds the data structures and methods for creation of a named database table.
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Holds the data structures and methods for creation of a named database table. * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.6.1 */
public class Table extends TableBase implements SchemaObject { public static final Table[] emptyArray = new Table[]{}; // main properties protected HsqlName tableName; protected long changeTimestamp; // public HashMappedList columnList; // columns in table int identityColumn; // -1 means no such column NumberSequence identitySequence; // next value of identity column // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Constraint[] constraintList; // constraint for the table Constraint[] fkConstraints; // Constraint[] fkMainConstraints; Constraint[] checkConstraints; TriggerDef[] triggerList; TriggerDef[][] triggerLists; // array of trigger lists Expression[] colDefaults; // expressions of DEFAULT values private boolean hasDefaultValues; // shortcut for above boolean[] colGenerated; // generated columns private boolean hasGeneratedValues; // shortcut for above boolean[] colUpdated; // auto update columns private boolean hasUpdatedValues; // shortcut for above boolean[] colRefFK; // foreign key columns boolean[] colMainFK; // columns referenced by foreign key int referentialActions; // has set null, set default or cascade int cascadingDeletes; // has on delete cascade boolean isDropped; // has been dropped private boolean hasDomainColumns; // shortcut private boolean hasNotNullColumns; // shortcut protected int[] defaultColumnMap; // holding 0,1,2,3,... private RangeVariable[] defaultRanges; // PeriodDefinition systemPeriod; PeriodDefinition applicationPeriod; int systemPeriodStartColumn; int systemPeriodEndColumn; // public Table(Database database, HsqlName name, int type) { this.database = database; this.tableName = name; this.persistenceId = database.persistentStoreCollection.getNextId(); switch (type) { case CHANGE_SET_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_STATEMENT; isSessionBased = true; break; case SYSTEM_SUBQUERY : persistenceScope = SCOPE_STATEMENT; isSessionBased = true; break; case INFO_SCHEMA_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_TRANSACTION; isSessionBased = true; break; case SYSTEM_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_FULL; isSchemaBased = true; break; case CACHED_TABLE : if (database.logger.isFileDatabase()) { persistenceScope = SCOPE_FULL; isSchemaBased = true; isCached = true; isLogged = !database.isFilesReadOnly(); break; } type = MEMORY_TABLE; // fall through case MEMORY_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_FULL; isSchemaBased = true; isLogged = !database.isFilesReadOnly(); break; case TEMP_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_TRANSACTION; isTemp = true; isSchemaBased = true; isSessionBased = true; break; case TEMP_TEXT_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_SESSION; if (!database.logger.isFileDatabase()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_MEMORY_ONLY); } isSchemaBased = true; isSessionBased = true; isTemp = true; isText = true; isReadOnly = true; break; case TEXT_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_FULL; if (!database.logger.isFileDatabase()) { if (!database.logger.isAllowedFullPath()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_MEMORY_ONLY); } isReadOnly = true; } isSchemaBased = true; isText = true; break; case VIEW_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_STATEMENT; isSchemaBased = true; isSessionBased = true; isView = true; break; case MODULE_TABLE : case RESULT_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_SESSION; isSessionBased = true; break; case TableBase.FUNCTION_TABLE : persistenceScope = SCOPE_STATEMENT; isSessionBased = true; break; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Table"); } // type may have changed above for CACHED tables tableType = type; identityColumn = -1; columnList = new HashMappedList(); indexList = Index.emptyArray; constraintList = Constraint.emptyArray; fkConstraints = Constraint.emptyArray; fkMainConstraints = Constraint.emptyArray; checkConstraints = Constraint.emptyArray; triggerList = TriggerDef.emptyArray; triggerLists = new TriggerDef[TriggerDef.NUM_TRIGS][]; for (int i = 0; i < TriggerDef.NUM_TRIGS; i++) { triggerLists[i] = TriggerDef.emptyArray; } if (database.isFilesReadOnly() && isFileBased()) { this.isReadOnly = true; } }
trigger transition table
/** trigger transition table */
public Table(Table table, HsqlName name) { persistenceScope = SCOPE_STATEMENT; name.schema = SqlInvariants.SYSTEM_SCHEMA_HSQLNAME; this.tableName = name; this.database = table.database; this.tableType = RESULT_TABLE; this.columnList = table.columnList; this.columnCount = table.columnCount; this.indexList = Index.emptyArray; this.constraintList = Constraint.emptyArray; createPrimaryKey(); } public int getType() { return SchemaObject.TABLE; }
Returns the HsqlName object fo the table
/** * Returns the HsqlName object fo the table */
public final HsqlName getName() { return tableName; }
Returns the catalog name or null, depending on a database property.
/** * Returns the catalog name or null, depending on a database property. */
public HsqlName getCatalogName() { return database.getCatalogName(); }
Returns the schema name.
/** * Returns the schema name. */
public HsqlName getSchemaName() { return tableName.schema; } public Grantee getOwner() { return tableName.schema.owner; } public OrderedHashSet getReferences() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); if (identitySequence != null && identitySequence.getName() != null) { set.add(identitySequence.getName()); } return set; } public RangeVariable[] getDefaultRanges() { if (defaultRanges == null) { defaultRanges = new RangeVariable[]{ new RangeVariable(this, 0) }; } return defaultRanges; } public OrderedHashSet getReferencesForDependents() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < colTypes.length; i++) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(i); OrderedHashSet refs = column.getReferences(); if (refs != null && !refs.isEmpty()) { set.add(column.getName()); } } for (int i = 0; i < fkConstraints.length; i++) { if (fkConstraints[i].getMainTableName() != getName()) { set.add(fkConstraints[i].getName()); } } for (int i = 0; i < triggerList.length; i++) { set.add(triggerList[i].getName()); } return set; } public OrderedHashSet getComponents() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); set.addAll(constraintList); set.addAll(triggerList); for (int i = 0; i < indexList.length; i++) { if (!indexList[i].isConstraint()) { set.add(indexList[i]); } } return set; } public void compile(Session session, SchemaObject parentObject) { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(i); column.compile(session, this); } } public String getSQL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Tokens.T_CREATE).append(' '); if (isTemp()) { sb.append(Tokens.T_GLOBAL).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_TEMPORARY).append(' '); } else if (isText()) { sb.append(Tokens.T_TEXT).append(' '); } else if (isCached()) { sb.append(Tokens.T_CACHED).append(' '); } else { sb.append(Tokens.T_MEMORY).append(' '); } sb.append(Tokens.T_TABLE).append(' '); sb.append(getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); sb.append('('); int[] pk = getPrimaryKey(); Constraint pkConst = getPrimaryConstraint(); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(j); String colname = column.getName().statementName; Type type = column.getDataType(); if (j > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(colname); sb.append(' '); sb.append(type.getTypeDefinition()); if (!type.isDistinctType() && !type.isDomainType()) { if (type.isCharacterType()) { Collation collation = type.getCollation(); if (collation.isObjectCollation()) { sb.append(' ').append(collation.getCollateSQL()); } } } String defaultString = column.getDefaultSQL(); if (defaultString != null) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_DEFAULT).append(' '); sb.append(defaultString); } if (column.isAutoUpdate()) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_UPDATE).append(' '); sb.append(column.getUpdateExpression().getSQL()); } if (column.isIdentity()) { sb.append(' ').append( column.getIdentitySequence().getSQLColumnDefinition()); } if (column.isGenerated()) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_GENERATED).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ALWAYS).append(' ').append( Tokens.T_AS).append(Tokens.T_OPENBRACKET); sb.append(column.getGeneratingExpression().getSQL()); sb.append(Tokens.T_CLOSEBRACKET); } if (column.getSystemPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_START) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_GENERATED).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ALWAYS).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_AS).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ROW).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_START); } else if (column.getSystemPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_END) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_GENERATED).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ALWAYS).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_AS).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ROW).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_END); } if (!column.isNullable()) { Constraint c = getNotNullConstraintForColumn(j); if (c != null && !c.getName().isReservedName()) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_CONSTRAINT).append( ' ').append(c.getName().statementName); } sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_NOT).append(' ').append( Tokens.T_NULL); } if (pk.length == 1 && j == pk[0] && pkConst.getName().isReservedName()) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_PRIMARY).append(' ').append( Tokens.T_KEY); } } if (systemPeriod != null) { sb.append(','); sb.append(Tokens.T_PERIOD).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_FOR).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_SYSTEM_TIME); sb.append('('); sb.append(systemPeriod.getStartColumn().getName().statementName); sb.append(','); sb.append(systemPeriod.getEndColumn().getName().statementName); sb.append(')'); } if (applicationPeriod != null) { sb.append(','); sb.append(Tokens.T_PERIOD).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_FOR).append(' '); sb.append(applicationPeriod.getName().statementName); sb.append('('); sb.append( applicationPeriod.getStartColumn().getName().statementName); sb.append(','); sb.append( applicationPeriod.getEndColumn().getName().statementName); sb.append(')'); } Constraint[] constraintList = getConstraints(); for (int j = 0, vSize = constraintList.length; j < vSize; j++) { Constraint c = constraintList[j]; if (!c.isForward) { String d = c.getSQL(); if (d.length() > 0) { sb.append(','); sb.append(d); } } } sb.append(')'); if (onCommitPreserve()) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_COMMIT).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_PRESERVE); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_ROWS); } if (isSystemVersioned) { sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_WITH).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_SYSTEM).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_VERSIONING); } return sb.toString(); } public long getChangeTimestamp() { return changeTimestamp; } public final void setName(HsqlName name) { tableName = name; } String[] getSQL(OrderedHashSet resolved, OrderedHashSet unresolved) { for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.length; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.isForward) { unresolved.add(c); } else if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes .UNIQUE || c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject .ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { resolved.add(c.getName()); } } HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); list.add(getSQL()); if (!isTemp && !isText && identitySequence != null && identitySequence.getName() == null) { list.add(NumberSequence.getRestartSQL(this)); } for (int i = 0; i < indexList.length; i++) { if (!indexList[i].isConstraint() && indexList[i].getColumnCount() > 0) { list.add(indexList[i].getSQL()); } } String[] array = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return array; } public String getSQLForReadOnly() { if (isReadOnly) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TABLE).append( ' '); sb.append(getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_READ).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ONLY); return sb.toString(); } else { return null; } } public String[] getSQLForTextSource(boolean withHeader) { // readonly for TEXT tables only if (isText()) { HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); if (isReadOnly) { list.add(getSQLForReadOnly()); } // data source String dataSource = ((TextTable) this).getDataSourceDDL(); if (dataSource != null) { list.add(dataSource); } // header String header = ((TextTable) this).getDataSourceHeader(); if (withHeader && header != null && !isReadOnly) { list.add(header); } String[] array = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return array; } else { return null; } } public String getSQLForClustered() { if (!isCached() && !isText()) { return null; } Index index = getClusteredIndex(); if (index == null) { return null; } String colList = getColumnListSQL(index.getColumns(), index.getColumnCount()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TABLE).append(' '); sb.append(getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_CLUSTERED).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_ON).append(' ').append(colList); return sb.toString(); } public String getSQLForTableSpace() { if (!isCached() || tableSpace == DataSpaceManager.tableIdDefault) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TABLE).append(' '); sb.append(getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_SPACE).append(' ').append(tableSpace); return sb.toString(); } public String[] getTriggerSQL() { HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < triggerList.length; i++) { if (!triggerList[i].isSystem()) { list.add(triggerList[i].getSQL()); } } String[] array = new String[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return array; } public String getIndexRootsSQL(long[] roots) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TABLE).append(' '); sb.append(getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_INDEX).append(' ').append('\''); sb.append(StringUtil.getList(roots, " ", "")); sb.append(' '); sb.append(StringUtil.getList(new long[indexList.length], " ", "")); sb.append(' ').append(store.elementCount()); sb.append('\''); return sb.toString(); } public String getColumnListSQL(int[] col, int len) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('('); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sb.append(getColumn(col[i]).getName().statementName); if (i < len - 1) { sb.append(','); } } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } public String getColumnListWithTypeSQL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('('); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(j); String colname = column.getName().statementName; Type type = column.getDataType(); if (j > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(colname); sb.append(' '); sb.append(type.getTypeDefinition()); } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); } public boolean isConnected() { return true; }
compares two full table rows based on a set of columns
  • a – a full row
  • b – a full row
  • cols – array of column indexes to compare
  • coltypes – array of column types for the full row
Returns:comparison result, -1,0,+1
/** * compares two full table rows based on a set of columns * * @param a a full row * @param b a full row * @param cols array of column indexes to compare * @param coltypes array of column types for the full row * * @return comparison result, -1,0,+1 */
public static int compareRows(Session session, Object[] a, Object[] b, int[] cols, Type[] coltypes) { int fieldcount = cols.length; for (int j = 0; j < fieldcount; j++) { int i = coltypes[cols[j]].compare(session, a[cols[j]], b[cols[j]]); if (i != 0) { return i; } } return 0; }
Used to create row id's
/** * Used to create row id's */
public int getId() { return tableName.hashCode(); } public String getTableTypeString() { switch (tableType) { case TableBase.MEMORY_TABLE : return Tokens.T_MEMORY; case TableBase.CACHED_TABLE : return Tokens.T_CACHED; case TableBase.TEXT_TABLE : return Tokens.T_TEXT; case TableBase.MODULE_TABLE : return Tokens.T_MODULE; case TableBase.FUNCTION_TABLE : return Tokens.T_FUNCTION; case TableBase.INFO_SCHEMA_TABLE : case TableBase.VIEW_TABLE : return Tokens.T_VIEW; case TableBase.TEMP_TABLE : return Tokens.T_TEMP; case TableBase.SYSTEM_SUBQUERY : default : return "SUBQUERY"; } } public final boolean isSchemaBaseTable() { switch (tableType) { case TableBase.MEMORY_TABLE : case TableBase.CACHED_TABLE : case TableBase.TEXT_TABLE : return true; default : return false; } } public final boolean isWithDataSource() { return isWithDataSource; } public final boolean isText() { return isText; } public final boolean isTemp() { return isTemp; } public final boolean isReadOnly() { return isReadOnly; } public final boolean isView() { return isView; } public boolean isQueryBased() { return false; } public boolean isCached() { return isCached; } public boolean isDataReadOnly() { return isReadOnly; } public boolean isDropped() { return isDropped; }
returns false if the table has to be recreated in order to add / drop indexes. Only CACHED tables return false.
/** * returns false if the table has to be recreated in order to add / drop * indexes. Only CACHED tables return false. */
final boolean isIndexingMutable() { return !isCached; }
Used by INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE operations
/** * Used by INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE operations */
public void checkDataReadOnly() { if (isDataReadOnly()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // akede@users - 1.7.2 patch Files readonly public void setDataReadOnly(boolean value) { // Changing the Read-Only mode for the table is only allowed if the // the database can realize it. if (!value) { if (database.isFilesReadOnly() && isFileBased()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } else if (database.getType() == DatabaseType.DB_MEM && isText) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } } isReadOnly = value; }
Text or Cached Tables are normally file based
/** * Text or Cached Tables are normally file based */
public boolean isFileBased() { return isCached || isText; }
Adds a constraint.
/** * Adds a constraint. */
public void addConstraint(Constraint c) { int index = c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY ? 0 : constraintList .length; constraintList = (Constraint[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray(constraintList, c, index, 1); updateConstraintLists(); } void updateConstraintLists() { int fkCount = 0; int mainCount = 0; int checkCount = 0; referentialActions = 0; cascadingDeletes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.length; i++) { switch (constraintList[i].getConstraintType()) { case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY : fkCount++; break; case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN : mainCount++; break; case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK : if (constraintList[i].isNotNull()) { break; } checkCount++; break; } } fkConstraints = fkCount == 0 ? Constraint.emptyArray : new Constraint[fkCount]; fkCount = 0; fkMainConstraints = mainCount == 0 ? Constraint.emptyArray : new Constraint[mainCount]; mainCount = 0; checkConstraints = checkCount == 0 ? Constraint.emptyArray : new Constraint[checkCount]; checkCount = 0; colRefFK = new boolean[columnCount]; colMainFK = new boolean[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.length; i++) { switch (constraintList[i].getConstraintType()) { case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY : fkConstraints[fkCount] = constraintList[i]; ArrayUtil.intIndexesToBooleanArray( constraintList[i].getRefColumns(), colRefFK); fkCount++; break; case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN : fkMainConstraints[mainCount] = constraintList[i]; ArrayUtil.intIndexesToBooleanArray( constraintList[i].getMainColumns(), colMainFK); if (constraintList[i].hasCoreTriggeredAction()) { referentialActions++; if (constraintList[i].getDeleteAction() == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.CASCADE) { cascadingDeletes++; } } mainCount++; break; case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK : if (constraintList[i].isNotNull()) { break; } checkConstraints[checkCount] = constraintList[i]; checkCount++; break; } } } void verifyConstraintsIntegrity() { for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.length; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes .FOREIGN_KEY || c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject .ConstraintTypes.MAIN) { if (c.getMain() != database.schemaManager.findUserTable( c.getMain().getName().name, c.getMain().getName().schema.name)) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "FK mismatch : " + c.getName().name); } if (c.getRef() != database.schemaManager.findUserTable( c.getRef().getName().name, c.getRef().getName().schema.name)) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "FK mismatch : " + c.getName().name); } } } }
Returns the list of constraints.
/** * Returns the list of constraints. */
public Constraint[] getConstraints() { return constraintList; }
Returns the list of FK constraints.
/** * Returns the list of FK constraints. */
public Constraint[] getFKConstraints() { return fkConstraints; }
Returns the primary constraint.
/** * Returns the primary constraint. */
public Constraint getPrimaryConstraint() { return hasPrimaryKey() ? constraintList[0] : null; }
columnMap is null for deletes
/** columnMap is null for deletes */
void collectFKReadLocks(int[] columnMap, OrderedHashSet set) { for (int i = 0; i < fkMainConstraints.length; i++) { Constraint constraint = fkMainConstraints[i]; Table ref = constraint.getRef(); int[] mainColumns = constraint.getMainColumns(); if (ref == this) { continue; } if (columnMap == null) { if (constraint.core.hasDeleteAction) { int[] cols = constraint.getDeleteAction() == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.CASCADE ? null : constraint .getRefColumns(); if (set.add(ref.getName())) { ref.collectFKReadLocks(cols, set); } } } else if (ArrayUtil.haveCommonElement(columnMap, mainColumns)) { if (set.add(ref.getName())) { ref.collectFKReadLocks(constraint.getRefColumns(), set); } } } }
columnMap is null for deletes
/** columnMap is null for deletes */
void collectFKWriteLocks(int[] columnMap, OrderedHashSet set) { for (int i = 0; i < fkMainConstraints.length; i++) { Constraint constraint = fkMainConstraints[i]; Table ref = constraint.getRef(); int[] mainColumns = constraint.getMainColumns(); if (ref == this) { continue; } if (columnMap == null) { if (constraint.core.hasDeleteAction) { int[] cols = constraint.getDeleteAction() == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.CASCADE ? null : constraint .getRefColumns(); if (set.add(ref.getName())) { ref.collectFKWriteLocks(cols, set); } } } else if (ArrayUtil.haveCommonElement(columnMap, mainColumns)) { if (constraint.core.hasUpdateAction) { if (set.add(ref.getName())) { ref.collectFKWriteLocks(constraint.getRefColumns(), set); } } } } } Constraint getNotNullConstraintForColumn(int colIndex) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.isNotNull() && c.notNullColumnIndex == colIndex) { return c; } } return null; }
Returns the UNIQUE or PK constraint with the given column signature.
/** * Returns the UNIQUE or PK constraint with the given column signature. */
Constraint getUniqueConstraintForColumns(int[] cols) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.isUniqueWithColumns(cols)) { return c; } } return null; }
Returns any foreign key constraint equivalent to the column sets
/** * Returns any foreign key constraint equivalent to the column sets */
Constraint getFKConstraintForColumns(Table tableMain, int[] mainCols, int[] refCols) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.isEquivalent(tableMain, mainCols, this, refCols)) { return c; } } return null; }
Returns any unique Constraint using this index
  • index –
/** * Returns any unique Constraint using this index * * @param index */
public Constraint getUniqueOrPKConstraintForIndex(Index index) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getMainIndex() == index && (c .getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes .UNIQUE || c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject .ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY)) { return c; } } return null; }
Returns the next constraint of a given type
  • from –
  • type –
/** * Returns the next constraint of a given type * * @param from * @param type */
int getNextConstraintIndex(int from, int type) { for (int i = from, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getConstraintType() == type) { return i; } } return -1; }
Performs the table level checks and adds a column to the table at the DDL level. Only used at table creation, not at alter column.
/** * Performs the table level checks and adds a column to the table at the * DDL level. Only used at table creation, not at alter column. */
public void addColumn(ColumnSchema column) { String name = column.getName().name; if (findColumn(name) >= 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42504, name); } if (column.isIdentity()) { if (identityColumn != -1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42525, name); } identityColumn = columnCount; identitySequence = column.getIdentitySequence(); } addColumnNoCheck(column); } public void addColumnNoCheck(ColumnSchema column) { columnList.add(column.getName().name, column); columnCount++; } public boolean hasGeneratedColumn() { return hasGeneratedValues; } public boolean hasUpdatedColumn() { return hasUpdatedValues; } public boolean hasLobColumn() { return hasLobColumn; } public boolean hasIdentityColumn() { return identityColumn != -1; } public PeriodDefinition getSystemPeriod() { return systemPeriod; } public int getSystemPeriodStartIndex() { return systemPeriodStartColumn; } public int getSystemPeriodEndIndex() { return systemPeriodEndColumn; } public PeriodDefinition getApplicationPeriod() { return applicationPeriod; }
Match two valid, equal length, columns arrays for type of columns for referential constraints
  • col – column array from this Table
  • other – the other Table object
  • othercol – column array from the other Table
/** * Match two valid, equal length, columns arrays for type of columns for * referential constraints * * @param col column array from this Table * @param other the other Table object * @param othercol column array from the other Table */
void checkReferentialColumnsMatch(int[] col, Table other, int[] othercol) { for (int i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { Type type = colTypes[col[i]]; Type otherType = other.colTypes[othercol[i]]; if (!type.canCompareDirect(otherType)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42562); } } }
For removal or addition of columns, constraints and indexes HsqlName objects are used from the old tables but no object is reused. Does not work in this form for FK's as Constraint.ConstraintCore is not transferred to a referencing or referenced table
/** * For removal or addition of columns, constraints and indexes * * HsqlName objects are used from the old tables but no object is reused. * * Does not work in this form for FK's as Constraint.ConstraintCore * is not transferred to a referencing or referenced table */
Table moveDefinition(Session session, int newType, ColumnSchema[] columns, Constraint constraint, Index index, int[] colIndex, int adjust, OrderedHashSet dropConstraints, OrderedHashSet dropIndexes) { boolean newPK = false; if (constraint != null && constraint.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { newPK = true; } Table tn; if (isText) { tn = new TextTable(database, tableName, newType); ((TextTable) tn).dataSource = ((TextTable) this).dataSource; ((TextTable) tn).isReversed = ((TextTable) this).isReversed; ((TextTable) tn).isConnected = ((TextTable) this).isConnected; } else { tn = new Table(database, tableName, newType); } tn.systemPeriod = systemPeriod; tn.applicationPeriod = applicationPeriod; tn.isSystemVersioned = isSystemVersioned; if (tableType == TEMP_TABLE) { tn.persistenceScope = persistenceScope; } tn.tableSpace = tableSpace; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { int pos = ArrayUtil.find(colIndex, i); if (pos >= 0) { if (adjust < 0) { continue; } else if (adjust == 0) { if (columns.length != 0) { tn.addColumn(columns[pos]); continue; } } else { if (columns.length != 0) { tn.addColumn(columns[pos]); } } } ColumnSchema col = (ColumnSchema) columnList.get(i); col = col.duplicate(); col.setPrimaryKey(false); tn.addColumn(col); } // single column added anywhere or two or more columns addded at the end int count = ArrayUtil.countSmallerElements(colIndex, columnCount); for (int i = count; i < colIndex.length; i++) { tn.addColumn(columns[i]); } int[] pkCols = null; HsqlName indexName = getIndex(0).getName(); if (hasPrimaryKey() && !dropConstraints.contains( getPrimaryConstraint().getName())) { pkCols = getPrimaryKey(); pkCols = ArrayUtil.toAdjustedColumnArray(pkCols, colIndex, adjust); } else if (newPK) { pkCols = constraint.getMainColumns(); indexName = session.database.nameManager.newConstraintIndexName(tableName, constraint.getName(), session.database.sqlSysIndexNames); } tn.createPrimaryKey(indexName, pkCols, false); for (int i = 1; i < indexList.length; i++) { Index idx = indexList[i]; if (dropIndexes.contains(idx.getName())) { continue; } int[] colarr = ArrayUtil.toAdjustedColumnArray(idx.getColumns(), colIndex, adjust); Index newIdx = tn.createIndexStructure(idx.getName(), colarr, idx.getColumnDesc(), null, false, idx.isUnique(), idx.isConstraint(), idx.isForward()); newIdx.setClustered(idx.isClustered()); tn.addIndexStructure(newIdx); } if (index != null) { index.setTable(tn); tn.addIndexStructure(index); } HsqlArrayList newList = new HsqlArrayList(); if (newPK) { constraint.core.mainIndex = tn.indexList[0]; constraint.core.mainTable = tn; constraint.core.mainTableName = tn.tableName; newList.add(constraint); } for (int i = 0; i < constraintList.length; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (dropConstraints.contains(c.getName())) { continue; } c = c.duplicate(); c.updateTable(session, this, tn, colIndex, adjust); newList.add(c); } if (!newPK && constraint != null) { constraint.updateTable(session, this, tn, new int[]{}, 0); newList.add(constraint); } tn.constraintList = new Constraint[newList.size()]; newList.toArray(tn.constraintList); tn.updateConstraintLists(); tn.setBestRowIdentifiers(); tn.triggerList = triggerList; tn.triggerLists = triggerLists; for (int i = 0; i < tn.constraintList.length; i++) { tn.constraintList[i].compile(session, tn); } for (int i = 0; i < tn.columnCount; i++) { tn.getColumn(i).compile(session, tn); } return tn; }
Used for drop / retype column.
/** * Used for drop / retype column. */
void checkColumnInCheckConstraint(int colIndex) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK && !c.isNotNull() && c.hasColumn(colIndex)) { HsqlName name = c.getName(); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42502, name.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } }
Used for retype column. Checks whether column is in an FK or is referenced by a FK
  • colIndex – index
/** * Used for retype column. Checks whether column is in an FK or is * referenced by a FK * @param colIndex index */
void checkColumnInFKConstraint(int colIndex) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.hasColumn(colIndex) && (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject .ConstraintTypes.MAIN || c .getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes .FOREIGN_KEY)) { HsqlName name = c.getName(); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42533, name.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } }
Returns list of constraints dependent only on one column
/** * Returns list of constraints dependent only on one column */
OrderedHashSet getDependentConstraints(int colIndex) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.hasColumnOnly(colIndex)) { set.add(c); } } return set; }
Returns list of constraints dependent on more than one column
/** * Returns list of constraints dependent on more than one column */
OrderedHashSet getContainingConstraints(int colIndex) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.hasColumnPlus(colIndex)) { set.add(c); } } return set; } OrderedHashSet getContainingIndexNames(int colIndex) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = indexList.length; i < size; i++) { Index index = indexList[i]; if (ArrayUtil.find(index.getColumns(), colIndex) != -1) { set.add(index.getName()); } } return set; }
Returns list of MAIN constraints dependent on this PK or UNIQUE constraint
/** * Returns list of MAIN constraints dependent on this PK or UNIQUE constraint */
OrderedHashSet getDependentConstraints(Constraint constraint) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = fkMainConstraints.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = fkMainConstraints[i]; if (c.core.uniqueName == constraint.getName()) { set.add(c); } } return set; } public OrderedHashSet getDependentExternalConstraints() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN || c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY) { if (c.core.mainTable != c.core.refTable) { set.add(c); } } } return set; } public OrderedHashSet getUniquePKConstraintNames() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE || c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { set.add(c.getName()); } } return set; }
Used for column defaults and nullability. Checks whether column is in an FK with a given referential action type.
  • colIndex – index of column
  • actionType – referential action of the FK
/** * Used for column defaults and nullability. Checks whether column is in an * FK with a given referential action type. * * @param colIndex index of column * @param actionType referential action of the FK */
void checkColumnInFKConstraint(int colIndex, int actionType) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes .FOREIGN_KEY && c .hasColumn(colIndex) && (actionType == c .getUpdateAction() || actionType == c .getDeleteAction())) { HsqlName name = c.getName(); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42533, name.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } }
Returns the identity column index.
/** * Returns the identity column index. */
int getIdentityColumnIndex() { return identityColumn; }
Returns the index of given column name or throws if not found
/** * Returns the index of given column name or throws if not found */
public int getColumnIndex(String name) { int i = findColumn(name); if (i == -1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, name); } return i; }
Returns the index of given column name or -1 if not found.
/** * Returns the index of given column name or -1 if not found. */
public int findColumn(String name) { int index = columnList.getIndex(name); return index; }
sets the flag for the presence of any default expression
/** * sets the flag for the presence of any default expression */
void resetDefaultsFlag() { hasDefaultValues = false; hasGeneratedValues = false; hasUpdatedValues = false; hasNotNullColumns = false; hasDomainColumns = false; hasLobColumn = false; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { hasDefaultValues |= colDefaults[i] != null; hasGeneratedValues |= colGenerated[i]; hasUpdatedValues |= colUpdated[i]; hasNotNullColumns |= colNotNull[i]; if (colTypes[i].isDomainType()) { hasDomainColumns = true; } if (colTypes[i].isLobType()) { hasLobColumn = true; } } } public int[] getBestRowIdentifiers() { return bestRowIdentifierCols; } public boolean isBestRowIdentifiersStrict() { return bestRowIdentifierStrict; } public Index getClusteredIndex() { for (int i = 0; i < indexList.length; i++) { if (indexList[i].isClustered()) { return indexList[i]; } } return null; }
Finds an existing index for a column
/** * Finds an existing index for a column */
synchronized Index getIndexForColumn(Session session, int col) { int i = bestIndexForColumn[col]; if (i > -1) { return indexList[i]; } switch (tableType) { case TableBase.TEMP_TABLE : case TableBase.INFO_SCHEMA_TABLE : case TableBase.MODULE_TABLE : case TableBase.FUNCTION_TABLE : case TableBase.SYSTEM_SUBQUERY : case TableBase.VIEW_TABLE : { Index index = createIndexForColumns(session, new int[]{ col }); return index; } } return null; } boolean isIndexed(int colIndex) { return bestIndexForColumn[colIndex] != -1; } int[] getUniqueNotNullColumnGroup(boolean[] usedColumns) { for (int i = 0, count = constraintList.length; i < count; i++) { Constraint constraint = constraintList[i]; if (constraint.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE) { int[] indexCols = constraint.getMainColumns(); if (ArrayUtil.areAllIntIndexesInBooleanArray( indexCols, colNotNull) && ArrayUtil .areAllIntIndexesInBooleanArray( indexCols, usedColumns)) { return indexCols; } } else if (constraint.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { int[] indexCols = constraint.getMainColumns(); if (ArrayUtil.areAllIntIndexesInBooleanArray(indexCols, usedColumns)) { return indexCols; } } } return null; } boolean areColumnsNotNull(int[] indexes) { return ArrayUtil.areAllIntIndexesInBooleanArray(indexes, colNotNull); }
Shortcut for creating default PK's.
/** * Shortcut for creating default PK's. */
public void createPrimaryKey() { createPrimaryKey(null, ValuePool.emptyIntArray, false); }
Creates a single or multi-column primary key and index. sets the colTypes array. Finalises the creation of the table. (fredt@users)
/** * Creates a single or multi-column primary key and index. sets the * colTypes array. Finalises the creation of the table. (fredt@users) */
public void createPrimaryKey(HsqlName indexName, int[] columns, boolean columnsNotNull) { if (columns == null) { columns = ValuePool.emptyIntArray; } for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { getColumn(columns[i]).setPrimaryKey(true); } setColumnStructures(); Type[] primaryKeyTypes = new Type[columns.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(colTypes, columns, primaryKeyTypes); HsqlName name = indexName; if (name == null) { name = database.nameManager.newAutoName("IDX", getSchemaName(), getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); } createPrimaryIndex(columns, primaryKeyTypes, name); setBestRowIdentifiers(); } public void createPrimaryKeyConstraint(HsqlName indexName, int[] columns, boolean columnsNotNull) { createPrimaryKey(indexName, columns, columnsNotNull); Constraint c = new Constraint(indexName, this, getPrimaryIndex(), SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY); addConstraint(c); } void setColumnStructures() { if (colTypes == null) { colTypes = new Type[columnCount]; } colDefaults = new Expression[columnCount]; colNotNull = new boolean[columnCount]; emptyColumnCheckList = new boolean[columnCount]; colGenerated = new boolean[columnCount]; colUpdated = new boolean[columnCount]; defaultColumnMap = new int[columnCount]; systemPeriodStartColumn = 0; systemPeriodEndColumn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { setSingleColumnTypeVars(i); } resetDefaultsFlag(); } void setColumnTypeVars(int i) { setSingleColumnTypeVars(i); resetDefaultsFlag(); } private void setSingleColumnTypeVars(int i) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(i); Type dataType = column.getDataType(); colTypes[i] = dataType; colNotNull[i] = column.isPrimaryKey() || !column.isNullable(); defaultColumnMap[i] = i; if (column.isIdentity()) { identitySequence = column.getIdentitySequence(); identityColumn = i; } else if (identityColumn == i) { identitySequence = null; identityColumn = -1; } colDefaults[i] = column.getDefaultExpression(); colGenerated[i] = column.isGenerated(); colUpdated[i] = column.isAutoUpdate(); if (column.isSystemPeriod()) { int type = column.getSystemPeriodType(); if (type == SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_START) { systemPeriodStartColumn = i; } else if (type == SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_END) { systemPeriodEndColumn = i; } } }
Returns direct mapping array.
/** * Returns direct mapping array. */
int[] getColumnMap() { return defaultColumnMap; }
Returns empty mapping array.
/** * Returns empty mapping array. */
int[] getNewColumnMap() { return new int[columnCount]; } boolean[] getColumnCheckList(int[] columnIndexes) { boolean[] columnCheckList = new boolean[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnIndexes.length; i++) { int index = columnIndexes[i]; if (index > -1) { columnCheckList[index] = true; } } return columnCheckList; } int[] findColumnIndexes(String[] list) { int[] cols = new int[list.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { cols[i] = findColumn(list[i]); } return cols; } int[] getColumnIndexes(OrderedHashSet set) { int[] cols = new int[set.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { cols[i] = getColumnIndex((String) set.get(i)); if (cols[i] == -1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, (String) set.get(i)); } } return cols; } int[] getColumnIndexes(HashMappedList list) { int[] cols = new int[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { cols[i] = ((Integer) list.get(i)).intValue(); } return cols; }
Returns the Column object at the given index
/** * Returns the Column object at the given index */
public ColumnSchema getColumn(int i) { return (ColumnSchema) columnList.get(i); } public OrderedHashSet getColumnNameSet(int[] columnIndexes) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < columnIndexes.length; i++) { set.add(((ColumnSchema) columnList.get(i)).getName()); } return set; } public OrderedHashSet getColumnNameSet(boolean[] columnCheckList) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCheckList.length; i++) { if (columnCheckList[i]) { set.add(columnList.get(i)); } } return set; } public void getColumnNames(boolean[] columnCheckList, Set set) { for (int i = 0; i < columnCheckList.length; i++) { if (columnCheckList[i]) { set.add(((ColumnSchema) columnList.get(i)).getName()); } } } public OrderedHashSet getColumnNameSet() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { set.add(((ColumnSchema) columnList.get(i)).getName()); } return set; }
Returns array for a new row with SQL DEFAULT value for each column n where exists[n] is false. This provides default values only where required and avoids evaluating these values where they will be overwritten.
/** * Returns array for a new row with SQL DEFAULT value for each column n * where exists[n] is false. This provides default values only where * required and avoids evaluating these values where they will be * overwritten. */
public Object[] getNewRowData(Session session) { Object[] data = new Object[columnCount]; int i; if (hasDefaultValues) { for (i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { Expression def = colDefaults[i]; if (def != null) { data[i] = def.getValue(session, colTypes[i]); } } } return data; } boolean hasTrigger(int trigVecIndex) { return triggerLists[trigVecIndex].length != 0; }
Adds a trigger.
/** * Adds a trigger. */
void addTrigger(TriggerDef td, HsqlName otherName) { int index = triggerList.length; if (otherName != null) { int pos = getTriggerIndex(otherName.name); if (pos != -1) { index = pos + 1; } } triggerList = (TriggerDef[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray(triggerList, td, index, 1); TriggerDef[] list = triggerLists[td.triggerType]; index = list.length; if (otherName != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { TriggerDef trigger = list[i]; if (trigger.getName().name.equals(otherName.name)) { index = i + 1; break; } } } list = (TriggerDef[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray(list, td, index, 1); triggerLists[td.triggerType] = list; }
Returns a trigger.
/** * Returns a trigger. */
TriggerDef getTrigger(String name) { for (int i = triggerList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (triggerList[i].getName().name.equals(name)) { return triggerList[i]; } } return null; } public int getTriggerIndex(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < triggerList.length; i++) { if (triggerList[i].getName().name.equals(name)) { return i; } } return -1; }
Drops a trigger.
/** * Drops a trigger. */
void removeTrigger(TriggerDef trigger) { TriggerDef td = null; for (int i = 0; i < triggerList.length; i++) { td = triggerList[i]; if (td.getName().name.equals(trigger.getName().name)) { td.terminate(); triggerList = (TriggerDef[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray(triggerList, null, i, -1); break; } } if (td == null) { return; } int index = td.triggerType; // look in each trigger in list for (int j = 0; j < triggerLists[index].length; j++) { td = triggerLists[index][j]; if (td.getName().name.equals(trigger.getName().name)) { triggerLists[index] = (TriggerDef[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray( triggerLists[index], null, j, -1); break; } } }
Used when dropping all triggers.
/** * Used when dropping all triggers. */
void releaseTriggers() { // look in each trigger list of each type of trigger for (int i = 0; i < TriggerDef.NUM_TRIGS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < triggerLists[i].length; j++) { triggerLists[i][j].terminate(); } triggerLists[i] = TriggerDef.emptyArray; } triggerList = TriggerDef.emptyArray; } void terminateTriggers() { // look in each trigger list of each type of trigger for (int i = 0; i < TriggerDef.NUM_TRIGS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < triggerLists[i].length; j++) { triggerLists[i][j].terminate(); } } }
Returns the index of the Index object of the given name or -1 if not found.
/** * Returns the index of the Index object of the given name or -1 if not found. */
int getIndexIndex(String indexName) { Index[] indexes = indexList; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { if (indexName.equals(indexes[i].getName().name)) { return i; } } // no such index return -1; }
Returns the Index object of the given name or null if not found.
/** * Returns the Index object of the given name or null if not found. */
Index getIndex(String indexName) { Index[] indexes = indexList; int i = getIndexIndex(indexName); return i == -1 ? null : indexes[i]; }
Returns the Index object of the given name or null if not found.
/** * Returns the Index object of the given name or null if not found. */
Index getUserIndex(String indexName) { Index[] indexes = indexList; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { if (indexName.equals(indexes[i].getName().name)) { if (!indexes[i].isConstraint()) { return indexes[i]; } } } return null; }
Returns the Index object of the given name or null if not found.
/** * Returns the Index object of the given name or null if not found. */
Index getSystemIndex(String indexName) { Index[] indexes = indexList; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { if (indexName.equals(indexes[i].getName().name)) { if (indexes[i].isConstraint()) { return indexes[i]; } } } return null; }
Return the position of the constraint within the list
/** * Return the position of the constraint within the list */
int getConstraintIndex(String constraintName) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { if (constraintList[i].getName().name.equals(constraintName)) { return i; } } return -1; }
return the named constraint
/** * return the named constraint */
public Constraint getConstraint(String constraintName) { int i = getConstraintIndex(constraintName); return (i < 0) ? null : constraintList[i]; }
Returns any unique Constraint using this index
  • index –
/** * Returns any unique Constraint using this index * * @param index */
public Constraint getUniqueConstraintForIndex(Index index) { for (int i = 0, size = constraintList.length; i < size; i++) { Constraint c = constraintList[i]; if (c.getMainIndex() == index) { if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes .PRIMARY_KEY || c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject .ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE) { return c; } } } return null; }
remove a named constraint
/** * remove a named constraint */
void removeConstraint(String name) { int index = getConstraintIndex(name); if (index != -1) { removeConstraint(index); } } void removeConstraint(int index) { constraintList = (Constraint[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray(constraintList, null, index, -1); updateConstraintLists(); } void renameColumn(ColumnSchema column, String newName, boolean isquoted) { String oldname = column.getName().name; int i = getColumnIndex(oldname); columnList.setKey(i, newName); column.getName().rename(newName, isquoted); } void renameColumn(ColumnSchema column, HsqlName newName) { String oldname = column.getName().name; int i = getColumnIndex(oldname); if (findColumn(newName.name) != -1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42504); } columnList.setKey(i, newName.name); column.getName().rename(newName); } public TriggerDef[] getTriggers() { return triggerList; } public boolean isWritable() { return !isReadOnly && !database.databaseReadOnly && !(database.isFilesReadOnly() && (isCached || isText)); } public boolean isInsertable() { return isWritable(); } public boolean isUpdatable() { return isWritable(); } public boolean isTriggerInsertable() { return false; } public boolean isTriggerUpdatable() { return false; } public boolean isTriggerDeletable() { return false; } public int[] getUpdatableColumns() { return defaultColumnMap; } public Table getBaseTable() { return this; } public int[] getBaseTableColumnMap() { return defaultColumnMap; }
Used to create an index automatically for system and temp tables. Used for internal operation tables with null Session param.
/** * Used to create an index automatically for system and temp tables. * Used for internal operation tables with null Session param. */
Index createIndexForColumns(Session session, int[] columns) { Index index = null; HsqlName indexName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("IDX_T", getSchemaName(), getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); try { index = createAndAddIndexStructure(session, indexName, columns, null, null, false, false, false); } catch (Throwable t) { return null; } return index; } void fireTriggers(Session session, int trigVecIndex, RowSetNavigatorDataChange rowSet) { if (!database.isReferentialIntegrity()) { return; } TriggerDef[] trigVec = triggerLists[trigVecIndex]; for (int i = 0, size = trigVec.length; i < size; i++) { TriggerDef td = trigVec[i]; boolean sqlTrigger = td instanceof TriggerDefSQL; if (td.hasOldTable()) { // } td.pushPair(session, null, null); } } void fireTriggers(Session session, int trigVecIndex, RowSetNavigator rowSet) { if (!database.isReferentialIntegrity()) { return; } TriggerDef[] trigVec = triggerLists[trigVecIndex]; for (int i = 0, size = trigVec.length; i < size; i++) { TriggerDef td = trigVec[i]; boolean sqlTrigger = td instanceof TriggerDefSQL; if (td.hasOldTable()) { // } td.pushPair(session, null, null); } }
Fires all row-level triggers of the given set (trigger type)
/** * Fires all row-level triggers of the given set (trigger type) * */
void fireTriggers(Session session, int trigVecIndex, Object[] oldData, Object[] newData, int[] cols) { if (!database.isReferentialIntegrity()) { return; } TriggerDef[] trigVec = triggerLists[trigVecIndex]; for (int i = 0, size = trigVec.length; i < size; i++) { TriggerDef td = trigVec[i]; boolean sqlTrigger = td instanceof TriggerDefSQL; if (cols != null && td.getUpdateColumnIndexes() != null && !ArrayUtil.haveCommonElement( td.getUpdateColumnIndexes(), cols)) { continue; } if (td.isForEachRow()) { switch (td.triggerType) { case Trigger.INSERT_BEFORE_ROW : break; case Trigger.INSERT_AFTER_ROW : if (!sqlTrigger) { newData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.duplicateArray(newData); } break; case Trigger.UPDATE_AFTER_ROW : if (!sqlTrigger) { oldData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.duplicateArray(oldData); newData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.duplicateArray(newData); } break; case Trigger.UPDATE_BEFORE_ROW : case Trigger.DELETE_BEFORE_ROW : case Trigger.DELETE_AFTER_ROW : if (!sqlTrigger) { oldData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.duplicateArray(oldData); } break; } td.pushPair(session, oldData, newData); } else { td.pushPair(session, null, null); } } }
Enforce max field sizes according to SQL column definition. SQL92 13.8
/** * Enforce max field sizes according to SQL column definition. * SQL92 13.8 */
public void enforceRowConstraints(Session session, Object[] data) { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { Type type = colTypes[i]; ColumnSchema column; if (hasDomainColumns && type.isDomainType()) { Constraint[] constraints = type.userTypeModifier.getConstraints(); column = getColumn(i); for (int j = 0; j < constraints.length; j++) { constraints[j].checkCheckConstraint(session, this, column, data[i]); } } if (colNotNull[i] && data[i] == null) { String constraintName; Constraint c = getNotNullConstraintForColumn(i); if (c == null) { if (ArrayUtil.find(getPrimaryKey(), i) > -1) { c = getPrimaryConstraint(); } } constraintName = c == null ? "" : c.getName().name; column = getColumn(i); String[] info = new String[] { constraintName, tableName.statementName, column.getName().statementName }; throw Error.error(null, ErrorCode.X_23502, ErrorCode.COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, info); } } } public void enforceTypeLimits(Session session, Object[] data) { int i = 0; try { for (; i < columnCount; i++) { data[i] = colTypes[i].convertToTypeLimits(session, data[i]); } } catch (HsqlException e) { int code = e.getErrorCode(); if (code == -ErrorCode.X_22001 || code == -ErrorCode.X_22003 || code == -ErrorCode.X_22008) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(i); String[] info = new String[] { "", tableName.statementName, column.getName().statementName }; throw Error.error(e, code, ErrorCode.COLUMN_CONSTRAINT, info); } throw e; } } int indexTypeForColumn(Session session, int col) { int i = bestIndexForColumn[col]; if (i > -1) { return indexList[i].isUnique() && indexList[i].getColumnCount() == 1 ? Index.INDEX_UNIQUE : Index .INDEX_NON_UNIQUE; } switch (tableType) { case TableBase.TEMP_TABLE : case TableBase.INFO_SCHEMA_TABLE : case TableBase.MODULE_TABLE : case TableBase.FUNCTION_TABLE : case TableBase.SYSTEM_SUBQUERY : case TableBase.VIEW_TABLE : { return Index.INDEX_NON_UNIQUE; } } return Index.INDEX_NONE; }
Finds an existing index for a column group - for persistent tables
/** * Finds an existing index for a column group - for persistent tables */
synchronized Index getIndexForColumns(Session session, int[] cols) { int i = bestIndexForColumn[cols[0]]; if (i > -1) { return indexList[i]; } return null; }
Finds an existing index for an ordered full column group
/** * Finds an existing index for an ordered full column group */
Index getFullIndexForColumns(int[] cols) { for (int i = 0; i < indexList.length; i++) { if (ArrayUtil.haveEqualArrays(indexList[i].getColumns(), cols, cols.length)) { return indexList[i]; } } return null; }
Finds an existing index for an unordered full column group
/** * Finds an existing index for an unordered full column group */
Index getIndexForAllColumns(int[] cols) { for (int i = 0; i < indexList.length; i++) { if (ArrayUtil.haveEqualSets(indexList[i].getColumns(), cols, cols.length)) { return indexList[i]; } } return null; }
Finds an existing index for a column set or create one for temporary tables. synchronized required for shared INFORMATION_SCHEMA etc. tables
/** * Finds an existing index for a column set or create one for temporary * tables. * * synchronized required for shared INFORMATION_SCHEMA etc. tables */
synchronized IndexUse[] getIndexForColumns(Session session, OrderedIntHashSet set, int opType, boolean ordered) { if (set.isEmpty()) { return Index.emptyUseArray; } IndexUse[] indexUse = findIndexForColumns(session, set, opType, ordered); if (indexUse.length == 0) { Index selected = null; // index is not full; switch (tableType) { case TableBase.TEMP_TABLE : case TableBase.INFO_SCHEMA_TABLE : case TableBase.MODULE_TABLE : case TableBase.FUNCTION_TABLE : case TableBase.SYSTEM_SUBQUERY : case TableBase.VIEW_TABLE : { selected = createIndexForColumns(session, set.toArray()); break; } } if (selected != null) { indexUse = selected.asArray(); } } return indexUse; } IndexUse[] findIndexForColumns(Session session, OrderedIntHashSet set, int opType, boolean ordered) { IndexUse[] indexUse = Index.emptyUseArray; if (set.isEmpty()) { return Index.emptyUseArray; } for (int i = 0, count = indexList.length; i < count; i++) { Index currentIndex = getIndex(i); int[] indexcols = currentIndex.getColumns(); int matchCount = ordered ? set.getOrderedStartMatchCount(indexcols) : set.getStartMatchCount(indexcols); if (matchCount == 0) { continue; } if (matchCount == set.size()) { return currentIndex.asArray(); } if (matchCount == currentIndex.getColumnCount()) { if (currentIndex.isUnique()) { return currentIndex.asArray(); } } if (indexUse.length == 0 && matchCount == currentIndex.getColumnCount()) { indexUse = currentIndex.asArray(); } else { IndexUse[] newList = (IndexUse[]) ArrayUtil.resizeArray(indexUse, indexUse.length + 1); newList[newList.length - 1] = new IndexUse(currentIndex, matchCount); indexUse = newList; } } return indexUse; }
Returns an index on all the columns
/** * Returns an index on all the columns */
public Index getFullIndex(Session session) { if (fullIndex == null) { fullIndex = getFullIndexForColumns(defaultColumnMap); if (fullIndex == null) { fullIndex = createIndexForColumns(session, defaultColumnMap); } } return fullIndex; }
Return the list of file pointers to root nodes for this table's indexes.
/** * Return the list of file pointers to root nodes for this table's * indexes. */
public final long[] getIndexRootsArray() { PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(this); long[] roots = new long[indexList.length]; for (int index = 0; index < indexList.length; index++) { CachedObject accessor = store.getAccessor(indexList[index]); roots[index] = accessor == null ? -1 : accessor.getPos(); } return roots; }
Sets the index roots of a cached table to specified file pointers. If a file pointer is -1 then the particular index root is null. A null index root signifies an empty table. Accordingly, all index roots should be null or all should be a valid file pointer/reference.
/** * Sets the index roots of a cached table to specified file * pointers. If a * file pointer is -1 then the particular index root is null. A null index * root signifies an empty table. Accordingly, all index roots should be * null or all should be a valid file pointer/reference. */
public void setIndexRoots(long[] roots, long[] uniqueSize, long cardinality) { if (!isCached) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, tableName.name); } PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(this); for (int index = 0; index < indexList.length; index++) { store.setAccessor(indexList[index], roots[index]); } for (int index = 0; index < indexList.length; index++) { store.setElementCount(indexList[index], cardinality, uniqueSize[index]); } } public void setIndexRoots(long[] roots) { if (!isCached) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, tableName.name); } PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(this); for (int index = 0; index < indexList.length; index++) { store.setAccessor(indexList[index], roots[index]); } }
Sets the index roots.
/** * Sets the index roots. */
void setIndexRoots(Session session, String s) { if (!isCached) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, tableName.name); } int indexCount = getIndexCount(); ParserDQL p = new ParserDQL(session, new Scanner(session, s), null); long[] roots = new long[indexCount]; long[] uniqueSize = new long[indexCount]; long cardinality = -1; p.read(); for (int index = 0; index < indexCount; index++) { long v = p.readBigint(); roots[index] = v; } try { for (int index = 0; index < indexCount; index++) { long v = p.readBigint(); uniqueSize[index] = v; } cardinality = p.readBigint(); } catch (Exception e) { // version 1.x database } setIndexRoots(roots, uniqueSize, cardinality); } public void generateAndCheckData(Session session, Object[] data) { if (hasGeneratedValues || systemPeriod != null) { setGeneratedColumns(session, data); } enforceTypeLimits(session, data); if (hasDomainColumns || hasNotNullColumns) { enforceRowConstraints(session, data); } }
Mid level method for inserting single rows. Performs constraint checks and fires row level triggers.
/** * Mid level method for inserting single rows. Performs constraint checks and * fires row level triggers. */
Row insertSingleRow(Session session, PersistentStore store, Object[] data, int[] changedCols) { generateAndCheckData(session, data); if (isView) { // may have domain column return null; } Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, data, true); session.addInsertAction(this, store, row, changedCols); return row; }
Method for inserting system version history row
/** * Method for inserting system version history row */
Row insertSystemVersionHistoryRow(Session session, PersistentStore store, Object[] data) { TimestampData txTimestamp = session.getTransactionSystemTimestamp(); if (txTimestamp.equals(data[systemPeriodStartColumn])) { return null; } Object[] newData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.duplicateArray(data); newData[systemPeriodEndColumn] = txTimestamp; Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, newData, true); session.database.txManager.addInsertAction(session, store, row); return row; }
Multi-row insert method. Used for CREATE TABLE AS ... queries.
/** * Multi-row insert method. Used for CREATE TABLE AS ... queries. */
void insertIntoTable(Session session, Result result) { PersistentStore store = getRowStore(session); RowSetNavigator nav = result.initialiseNavigator(); while (nav.next()) { Object[] data = nav.getCurrent(); Object[] newData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.resizeArrayIfDifferent(data, columnCount); insertData(session, store, newData, true); } } /** * */ public void insertNoCheckFromLog(Session session, Object[] data) { systemUpdateIdentityValue(data); PersistentStore store = getRowStore(session); Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, data, true); boolean enforceUnique = true; if (isSystemVersioned) { enforceUnique = data[systemPeriodEndColumn].equals( DateTimeType.epochLimitTimestamp); } if (enforceUnique) { database.txManager.addInsertAction(session, this, store, row, null); } else { database.txManager.addInsertAction(session, store, row); } }
Used for system table inserts. No checks. No identity columns.
/** * Used for system table inserts. No checks. No identity * columns. */
public int insertSys(Session session, PersistentStore store, Result ins) { RowSetNavigator nav = ins.getNavigator(); int count = 0; while (nav.next()) { insertSys(session, store, nav.getCurrent()); count++; } return count; }
Used for subquery inserts. No checks. No identity columns.
/** * Used for subquery inserts. No checks. No identity * columns. */
void insertResult(Session session, PersistentStore store, Result ins) { RowSetNavigator nav = ins.initialiseNavigator(); while (nav.next()) { Object[] data = nav.getCurrent(); Object[] newData = (Object[]) ArrayUtil.resizeArrayIfDifferent(data, columnCount); insertData(session, store, newData, true); } }
Not for general use. Used by ScriptReader to unconditionally insert a row into the table when the .script file is read.
/** * Not for general use. * Used by ScriptReader to unconditionally insert a row into * the table when the .script file is read. */
public void insertFromScript(Session session, PersistentStore store, Object[] data) { boolean enforceUnique = true; systemUpdateIdentityValue(data); if (session.database.getProperties().isVersion18()) { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (data[i] != null) { int length; if (colTypes[i].isCharacterType() || colTypes[i].isBinaryType()) { if (data[i] instanceof String) { length = ((String) data[i]).length(); } else if (data[i] instanceof BinaryData) { length = (int) ((BinaryData) data[i]).length(session); } else { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.X_07000, "Table"); } if (length > colTypes[i].precision) { length = ((length / 10) + 1) * 10; colTypes[i] = Type.getType(colTypes[i].typeCode, colTypes[i].getCharacterSet(), colTypes[i].getCollation(), length, 0); ColumnSchema column = getColumn(i); column.setType(colTypes[i]); } } } } } if (isSystemVersioned) { enforceUnique = data[systemPeriodEndColumn].equals( DateTimeType.epochLimitTimestamp); } insertData(session, store, data, enforceUnique); }
For system operations outside transaction control
/** * For system operations outside transaction control */
public void insertData(Session session, PersistentStore store, Object[] data, boolean enforceUnique) { Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, data, false); store.indexRow(session, row); }
Used by the system tables only
/** * Used by the system tables only */
public void insertSys(Session session, PersistentStore store, Object[] data) { Row row = (Row) store.getNewCachedObject(session, data, false); store.indexRow(session, row); }
If there is an identity column in the table, sets the value and/or adjusts the identity value for the table.
/** * If there is an identity column in the table, sets * the value and/or adjusts the identity value for the table. */
protected void setIdentityColumn(Session session, Object[] data) { if (identityColumn != -1) { Number id = (Number) data[identityColumn]; if (identitySequence.getName() == null) { if (id == null) { id = (Number) identitySequence.getValueObject(); data[identityColumn] = id; } else { identitySequence.userUpdate(id.longValue()); } } else { if (id == null) { id = (Number) session.sessionData.getSequenceValue( identitySequence); data[identityColumn] = id; } } if (session != null) { session.setLastIdentity(id); } } } public Object getColumnDefaultOrGeneratedValue(Session session, ColumnSchema column, Object[] data) { Object value = null; if (column.isGenerated()) { Expression e = column.getGeneratingExpression(); RangeIterator range = session.sessionContext.getCheckIterator(getDefaultRanges()[0]); range.setCurrent(data); value = e.getValue(session, column.getDataType()); } else if (column.isSystemPeriod()) { switch (column.getSystemPeriodType()) { case SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_START : value = session.getTransactionSystemTimestamp(); break; case SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_END : value = DateTimeType.epochLimitTimestamp; break; } } else { value = column.getDefaultValue(session); } return value; } public void setGeneratedColumns(Session session, Object[] data) { if (hasGeneratedValues) { for (int i = 0; i < colGenerated.length; i++) { if (colGenerated[i]) { ColumnSchema column = getColumn(i); Expression e = column.getGeneratingExpression(); RangeIterator range = session.sessionContext.getCheckIterator( getDefaultRanges()[0]); range.setCurrent(data); data[i] = e.getValue(session, colTypes[i]); } } } if (systemPeriod != null) { data[systemPeriodStartColumn] = session.getTransactionSystemTimestamp(); data[systemPeriodEndColumn] = DateTimeType.epochLimitTimestamp; } } public void setUpdatedColumns(Session session, Object[] data, int[] colMap) { if (hasUpdatedValues) { for (int i = 0; i < colUpdated.length; i++) { if (colUpdated[i]) { if (ArrayUtil.find(colMap, i) < 0) { Expression e = getColumn(i).getUpdateExpression(); data[i] = e.getValue(session, colTypes[i]); } } } } } public void systemSetIdentityColumn(Session session, Object[] data) { if (identityColumn != -1) { Number id = (Number) data[identityColumn]; if (id == null) { id = (Number) identitySequence.getValueObject(); data[identityColumn] = id; } else { if (identitySequence.getName() == null) { identitySequence.userUpdate(id.longValue()); } } } }
If there is an identity column in the table, sets the max identity value.
/** * If there is an identity column in the table, sets * the max identity value. */
public void systemUpdateIdentityValue(Object[] data) { if (identityColumn != -1) { Number id = (Number) data[identityColumn]; if (id != null) { if (identitySequence.getName() == null) { identitySequence.systemUpdate(id.longValue()); } } } }
For log statements. Find a single row to delete.
/** * For log statements. Find a single row to delete. */
public Row getDeleteRowFromLog(Session session, Object[] data) { Row row = null; PersistentStore store = getRowStore(session); if (hasPrimaryKey()) { Index index = getPrimaryIndex(); int[] colsSequence = index.getDefaultColumnMap(); RowIterator it = index.findFirstRow(session, store, data, colsSequence); it.next(); row = it.getCurrentRow(); it.release(); } else if (bestIndex == null) { RowIterator it = rowIterator(session); while (it.next()) { row = it.getCurrentRow(); if (Table.compareRows( session, row.getData(), data, defaultColumnMap, colTypes) == 0) { break; } } it.release(); } else { RowIterator it = bestIndex.findFirstRow(session, store, data); while (it.next()) { row = it.getCurrentRow(); Object[] rowdata = row.getData(); // reached end of range if (bestIndex.compareRowNonUnique( session, rowdata, data, bestIndex.getColumns()) != 0) { row = null; break; } if (Table.compareRows( session, rowdata, data, defaultColumnMap, colTypes) == 0) { break; } } it.release(); } return row; } public RowIterator rowIteratorClustered(Session session) { PersistentStore store = getRowStore(session); Index index = getClusteredIndex(); if (index == null) { index = getPrimaryIndex(); } return index.firstRow(session, store, null, 0, null); } public RowIterator rowIteratorForScript(PersistentStore store) { Index index = getClusteredIndex(); if (index == null) { index = getPrimaryIndex(); } return index.firstRow(store); }
Path used for all stores
/** * Path used for all stores */
public PersistentStore getRowStore(Session session) { if (store != null) { return store; } if (isSessionBased) { return session.sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.getStore( this); } return database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(this); } public QueryExpression getQueryExpression() { return null; } public Expression getDataExpression() { return null; } public void prepareTable(Session session) {} public void materialise(Session session) {} public void materialiseCorrelated(Session session) {} }