/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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package org.hsqldb;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.SimpleName;
import org.hsqldb.ParserDQL.CompileContext;
import org.hsqldb.RangeGroup.RangeGroupSimple;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.index.Index;
import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HashMap;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HashMappedList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedIntHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedLongHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RangeIterator;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowIterator;
import org.hsqldb.persist.PersistentStore;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;

Metadata for range variables, including conditions.
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Metadata for range variables, including conditions. * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.9.0 */
public class RangeVariable { static final RangeVariable[] emptyArray = new RangeVariable[]{}; // public static final int TABLE_RANGE = 1; public static final int TRANSITION_RANGE = 2; public static final int PARAMETER_RANGE = 3; public static final int VARIALBE_RANGE = 4; public static final int PLACEHOLDER_RANGE = 5; // private static final RowIterator emptyIterator = new RangeIteratorEmpty(); // Table rangeTable; final SimpleName tableAlias; private OrderedHashSet columnAliases; private SimpleName[] columnAliasNames; private OrderedHashSet columnNames; OrderedHashSet namedJoinColumns; HashMap namedJoinColumnExpressions; boolean[] columnsInGroupBy; boolean hasKeyedColumnInGroupBy; boolean[] usedColumns; boolean[] updatedColumns; boolean[] namedJoinColumnCheck; // RangeVariableConditions[] joinConditions; RangeVariableConditions[] whereConditions; int subRangeCount; // non-index conditions Expression joinCondition; // system period condition ExpressionPeriodOp periodCondition; // role based condition ExpressionLogical filterCondition; // boolean isLateral; boolean isLeftJoin; // table joined with LEFT / FULL OUTER JOIN boolean isRightJoin; // table joined with RIGHT / FULL OUTER JOIN boolean isJoin; // boolean hasLateral; boolean hasLeftJoin; boolean hasRightJoin; // int level; // int indexDistinctCount; // int rangePositionInJoin; // int rangePosition; // boolean isViewSubquery; // for variable and parameter lists HashMappedList variables; // variable, parameter, table int rangeType; // boolean isGenerated; public RangeVariable(HashMappedList variables, SimpleName rangeName, boolean isVariable, int rangeType) { this.variables = variables; this.rangeType = rangeType; rangeTable = null; tableAlias = rangeName; columnsInGroupBy = null; usedColumns = null; joinConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, true) }; whereConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, false) }; switch (rangeType) { case TRANSITION_RANGE : usedColumns = new boolean[variables.size()]; break; case PARAMETER_RANGE : case VARIALBE_RANGE : case PLACEHOLDER_RANGE : break; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "RangeVariable"); } } public RangeVariable(Table table, SimpleName alias, OrderedHashSet columnList, SimpleName[] columnNameList, CompileContext compileContext) { rangeType = TABLE_RANGE; rangeTable = table; tableAlias = alias; columnAliases = columnList; columnAliasNames = columnNameList; joinConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, true) }; whereConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, false) }; compileContext.registerRangeVariable(this); if (rangeTable.getColumnCount() != 0) { setRangeTableVariables(); } } public RangeVariable(Table table, int position) { rangeType = TABLE_RANGE; rangeTable = table; tableAlias = null; columnsInGroupBy = rangeTable.getNewColumnCheckList(); usedColumns = rangeTable.getNewColumnCheckList(); rangePosition = position; joinConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, true) }; whereConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, false) }; } public void setRangeTableVariables() { if (columnAliasNames != null && rangeTable.getColumnCount() != columnAliasNames.length) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42593); } columnsInGroupBy = rangeTable.getNewColumnCheckList(); usedColumns = rangeTable.getNewColumnCheckList(); joinConditions[0].rangeIndex = rangeTable.getPrimaryIndex(); whereConditions[0].rangeIndex = rangeTable.getPrimaryIndex(); } public void setJoinType(boolean isLeft, boolean isRight) { isJoin = true; isLeftJoin = isLeft; isRightJoin = isRight; if (isRightJoin) { whereConditions[0].rangeIndex = rangeTable.getPrimaryIndex(); } } public void setSystemPeriodCondition(ExpressionPeriodOp condition) { periodCondition = condition; } public void setFilterExpression(Session session, ExpressionLogical expr) { if (expr != null) { expr = (ExpressionLogical) expr.duplicate(); RangeGroup ranges = new RangeGroupSimple(new RangeVariable[]{ this }, false); expr.resolveColumnReferences(session, ranges, RangeGroup.emptyArray, null); filterCondition = expr; } } public void addNamedJoinColumns(OrderedHashSet columns) { namedJoinColumns = columns; } public void addColumn(int columnIndex) { if (usedColumns != null) { usedColumns[columnIndex] = true; } } public void addAllColumns() { if (usedColumns != null) { ArrayUtil.fillArray(usedColumns, true); } } public void addNamedJoinColumnExpression(String name, Expression e, int position) { if (namedJoinColumnExpressions == null) { namedJoinColumnExpressions = new HashMap(); } namedJoinColumnExpressions.put(name, e); if (namedJoinColumnCheck == null) { namedJoinColumnCheck = rangeTable.getNewColumnCheckList(); } namedJoinColumnCheck[position] = true; } public ExpressionColumn getColumnExpression(String name) { return namedJoinColumnExpressions == null ? null : (ExpressionColumn) namedJoinColumnExpressions .get(name); } public Table getTable() { return rangeTable; } public boolean hasAnyTerminalCondition() { for (int i = 0; i < joinConditions.length; i++) { if (joinConditions[0].terminalCondition != null) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < whereConditions.length; i++) { if (whereConditions[0].terminalCondition != null) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasAnyIndexCondition() { for (int i = 0; i < joinConditions.length; i++) { if (joinConditions[0].indexedColumnCount > 0) { return true; } } for (int i = 0; i < whereConditions.length; i++) { if (whereConditions[0].indexedColumnCount > 0) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasSingleIndexCondition() { return joinConditions.length == 1 && joinConditions[0].indexedColumnCount > 0; } public boolean setDistinctColumnsOnIndex(int[] colMap) { if (joinConditions.length != 1) { return false; } int[] indexColMap = joinConditions[0].rangeIndex.getColumns(); if (colMap.length > indexColMap.length) { return false; } if (colMap.length == indexColMap.length) { if (ArrayUtil.haveEqualSets(colMap, indexColMap, colMap.length)) { indexDistinctCount = colMap.length; return true; } } if (ArrayUtil.haveEqualArrays(colMap, indexColMap, colMap.length)) { indexDistinctCount = colMap.length; return true; } return false; }
Used for sort
/** * Used for sort */
public Index getSortIndex() { if (joinConditions.length == 1) { return joinConditions[0].rangeIndex; } else { return null; } }
Used for sort
/** * Used for sort */
public boolean setSortIndex(Index index, boolean reversed) { if (joinConditions.length == 1) { if (joinConditions[0].indexedColumnCount == 0) { joinConditions[0].rangeIndex = index; joinConditions[0].reversed = reversed; return true; } } return false; } public boolean reverseOrder() { if (joinConditions.length == 1) { joinConditions[0].reverseIndexCondition(); return true; } return false; } public OrderedHashSet getColumnNames() { if (columnNames == null) { columnNames = new OrderedHashSet(); rangeTable.getColumnNames(this.usedColumns, columnNames); } return columnNames; } public OrderedHashSet getUniqueColumnNameSet() { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); if (columnAliases != null) { set.addAll(columnAliases); return set; } for (int i = 0; i < rangeTable.columnList.size(); i++) { String name = rangeTable.getColumn(i).getName().name; boolean added = set.add(name); if (!added) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42578, name); } } return set; } public int findColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName) { if (namedJoinColumnExpressions != null && namedJoinColumnExpressions.containsKey(columnName)) { if (tableName != null && !resolvesTableName(tableName)) { return -1; } } if (resolvesSchemaAndTableName(schemaName, tableName)) { return findColumn(columnName); } return -1; }
Returns index for column
  • columnName – name of column
Returns:int index or -1 if not found
/** * Returns index for column * * @param columnName name of column * @return int index or -1 if not found */
public int findColumn(String columnName) { if (variables != null) { return variables.getIndex(columnName); } else if (columnAliases != null) { return columnAliases.getIndex(columnName); } else { return rangeTable.findColumn(columnName); } } public ColumnSchema getColumn(int i) { if (variables == null) { return rangeTable.getColumn(i); } else { return (ColumnSchema) variables.get(i); } } public SimpleName getColumnAlias(int i) { if (columnAliases == null) { return rangeTable.getColumn(i).getName(); } else { return columnAliasNames[i]; } } public boolean hasColumnAlias() { return columnAliases != null; } public boolean hasTableAlias() { return tableAlias != null; } public boolean isVariable() { return variables != null; } public SimpleName getTableAlias() { return tableAlias == null ? rangeTable.getName() : tableAlias; } public RangeVariable getRangeForTableName(String name) { if (resolvesTableName(name)) { return this; } return null; } private boolean resolvesSchemaAndTableName(String schemaName, String tableName) { return resolvesSchemaName(schemaName) && resolvesTableName(tableName); } private boolean resolvesTableName(String name) { if (name == null) { return true; } if (variables != null) { if (tableAlias != null) { return name.equals(tableAlias.name); } return false; } if (tableAlias == null) { if (name.equals(rangeTable.getName().name)) { return true; } } else if (name.equals(tableAlias.name)) { return true; } return false; } private boolean resolvesSchemaName(String name) { if (name == null) { return true; } if (variables != null) { return false; } if (tableAlias != null) { return false; } return name.equals(rangeTable.getSchemaName().name); } public PeriodDefinition findPeriod(String schemaName, String tableName, String periodName) { if (resolvesSchemaAndTableName(schemaName, tableName)) { PeriodDefinition period = rangeTable.getApplicationPeriod(); if (period != null && period.getName().name.equals(periodName)) { return period; } period = rangeTable.getSystemPeriod(); if (period != null && period.getName().name.equals(periodName)) { return period; } } return null; }
Add all columns to a list of expressions
/** * Add all columns to a list of expressions */
public void addTableColumns(HsqlArrayList exprList) { if (namedJoinColumns != null) { int count = exprList.size(); int position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Expression e = (Expression) exprList.get(i); String columnName = e.getColumnName(); if (namedJoinColumns.contains(columnName)) { if (position != i) { exprList.remove(i); exprList.add(position, e); } e = getColumnExpression(columnName); exprList.set(position, e); position++; } } } addTableColumns(exprList, exprList.size(), namedJoinColumns); }
Add all columns to a list of expressions
/** * Add all columns to a list of expressions */
public int addTableColumns(HsqlArrayList exprList, int position, HashSet exclude) { Table table = getTable(); int count = table.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i); String columnName = columnAliases == null ? column.getName().name : (String) columnAliases .get(i); if (exclude != null && exclude.contains(columnName)) { continue; } Expression e = new ExpressionColumn(this, i); exprList.add(position++, e); } return position; } public void addTableColumns(RangeVariable subRange, Expression expression, HashSet exclude) { if (subRange == this) { Table table = getTable(); int count = table.getColumnCount(); addTableColumns(expression, 0, count, exclude); } } protected int getFirstColumnIndex(RangeVariable subRange) { if (subRange == this) { return 0; } return -1; } protected void addTableColumns(Expression expression, int start, int count, HashSet exclude) { Table table = getTable(); HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i); String columnName = columnAliases == null ? column.getName().name : (String) columnAliases .get(i); if (exclude != null && exclude.contains(columnName)) { continue; } Expression e = new ExpressionColumn(this, i); list.add(e); } Expression[] nodes = new Expression[list.size()]; list.toArray(nodes); expression.nodes = nodes; }
Removes reference to Index to avoid possible memory leaks after alter table or drop index
/** * Removes reference to Index to avoid possible memory leaks after alter * table or drop index */
public void setForCheckConstraint() { joinConditions[0].rangeIndex = null; whereConditions[0].rangeIndex = null; rangePosition = 0; }
used before condition processing
/** * used before condition processing */
public Expression getJoinCondition() { return joinCondition; } public void addJoinCondition(Expression e) { joinCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(joinCondition, e); } public void resetConditions() { Index index = joinConditions[0].rangeIndex; joinConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, true) }; joinConditions[0].rangeIndex = index; // index = whereConditions[0].rangeIndex; whereConditions = new RangeVariableConditions[]{ new RangeVariableConditions(this, false) }; whereConditions[0].rangeIndex = index; } public OrderedHashSet getSubqueries() { OrderedHashSet set = null; if (joinCondition != null) { set = joinCondition.collectAllSubqueries(set); } if (rangeTable instanceof TableDerived) { QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); if (queryExpression == null) { Expression dataExpression = rangeTable.getDataExpression(); if (dataExpression != null) { if (set == null) { set = new OrderedHashSet(); } OrderedHashSet.addAll(set, dataExpression.getSubqueries()); } } else { OrderedHashSet temp = queryExpression.getSubqueries(); set = OrderedHashSet.addAll(set, temp); set = OrderedHashSet.add(set, rangeTable); } } return set; } public OrderedHashSet collectAllExpressions(OrderedHashSet set, OrderedIntHashSet typeSet, OrderedIntHashSet stopAtTypeSet) { if (joinCondition != null) { set = joinCondition.collectAllExpressions(set, typeSet, stopAtTypeSet); } QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); Expression dataExpression = rangeTable.getDataExpression(); if (queryExpression != null) { set = queryExpression.collectAllExpressions(set, typeSet, stopAtTypeSet); } if (dataExpression != null) { set = dataExpression.collectAllExpressions(set, typeSet, stopAtTypeSet); } return set; } public void replaceColumnReferences(Session session, RangeVariable range, Expression[] list) { QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); Expression dataExpression = rangeTable.getDataExpression(); if (dataExpression != null) { dataExpression.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } if (queryExpression != null) { queryExpression.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } if (joinCondition != null) { joinCondition = joinCondition.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } for (int i = 0; i < joinConditions.length; i++) { joinConditions[i].replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } for (int i = 0; i < whereConditions.length; i++) { whereConditions[i].replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } } public void replaceRangeVariables(RangeVariable[] ranges, RangeVariable[] newRanges) { if (joinCondition != null) { joinCondition.replaceRangeVariables(ranges, newRanges); } } public void replaceExpressions(OrderedHashSet expressions, int resultRangePosition) { QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); Expression dataExpression = rangeTable.getDataExpression(); if (dataExpression != null) { dataExpression.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } if (queryExpression != null) { queryExpression.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } if (joinCondition != null) { joinCondition = joinCondition.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } for (int i = 0; i < joinConditions.length; i++) { joinConditions[i].replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } for (int i = 0; i < whereConditions.length; i++) { whereConditions[i].replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } } public void resolveRangeTable(Session session, RangeGroup rangeGroup, RangeGroup[] rangeGroups) { QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); Expression dataExpression = rangeTable.getDataExpression(); if (queryExpression == null && dataExpression == null) { return; } rangeGroups = (RangeGroup[]) ArrayUtil.toAdjustedArray(rangeGroups, rangeGroup, rangeGroups.length, 1); if (dataExpression != null) { HsqlList unresolved = dataExpression.resolveColumnReferences(session, RangeGroup.emptyGroup, rangeGroups, null); unresolved = Expression.resolveColumnSet(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray, RangeGroup.emptyArray, unresolved); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); dataExpression.resolveTypes(session, null); setRangeTableVariables(); } if (queryExpression != null) { queryExpression.resolveReferences(session, rangeGroups); HsqlList unresolved = queryExpression.getUnresolvedExpressions(); unresolved = Expression.resolveColumnSet(session, RangeVariable.emptyArray, RangeGroup.emptyArray, unresolved); ExpressionColumn.checkColumnsResolved(unresolved); queryExpression.resolveTypesPartOne(session); queryExpression.resolveTypesPartTwo(session); rangeTable.prepareTable(session); setRangeTableVariables(); } } void resolveRangeTableTypes(Session session, RangeVariable[] ranges) { QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); if (queryExpression != null) { if (queryExpression instanceof QuerySpecification) { QuerySpecification qs = (QuerySpecification) queryExpression; if (qs.isGrouped || qs.isAggregated || qs.isOrderSensitive) { // } else { moveConditionsToInner(session, ranges); } } queryExpression.resolveTypesPartThree(session); } } void moveConditionsToInner(Session session, RangeVariable[] ranges) { Expression[] colExpr; int exclude; HsqlArrayList conditionsList; Expression condition = null; if (whereConditions.length > 1) { return; } if (joinConditions.length > 1) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { if (ranges[i].isLeftJoin || ranges[i].isRightJoin) { return; } } exclude = ArrayUtil.find(ranges, this); conditionsList = new HsqlArrayList(); addConditionsToList(conditionsList, joinConditions[0].indexCond); if (joinConditions[0].indexCond != null && joinConditions[0].indexCond[0] != joinConditions[0].indexEndCond[0]) { addConditionsToList(conditionsList, joinConditions[0].indexEndCond); } addConditionsToList(conditionsList, whereConditions[0].indexCond); addConditionsToList(conditionsList, whereConditions[0].indexEndCond); RangeVariableResolver.decomposeAndConditions(session, joinConditions[0].nonIndexCondition, conditionsList); RangeVariableResolver.decomposeAndConditions(session, whereConditions[0].nonIndexCondition, conditionsList); for (int i = conditionsList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Expression e = (Expression) conditionsList.get(i); if (e == null || e.isTrue() || e.hasReference(ranges, exclude)) { conditionsList.remove(i); } } if (conditionsList.size() == 0) { if (rangeTable.isView()) { ((TableDerived) rangeTable).resetToView(); } return; } OrderedHashSet subquerySet = null; for (int i = 0; i < conditionsList.size(); i++) { Expression e = (Expression) conditionsList.get(i); subquerySet = e.collectAllSubqueries(subquerySet); if (subquerySet != null) { return; } } QueryExpression queryExpression = rangeTable.getQueryExpression(); colExpr = ((QuerySpecification) queryExpression).exprColumns; for (int i = 0; i < conditionsList.size(); i++) { Expression e = (Expression) conditionsList.get(i); e = e.duplicate(); e = e.replaceColumnReferences(session, this, colExpr); OrderedHashSet set = e.collectRangeVariables(null); if (set != null) { for (int j = 0; j < set.size(); j++) { RangeVariable range = (RangeVariable) set.get(j); if (this != range && range.rangeType == RangeVariable.TABLE_RANGE) { queryExpression.setCorrelated(); break; } } } condition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(condition, e); } queryExpression.addExtraConditions(condition); } private static void addConditionsToList(HsqlArrayList list, Expression[] array) { if (array == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] != null) { if (array[i].isSingleColumnCondition || array[i].isSingleColumnNull || array[i].isSingleColumnNotNull) { list.add(array[i]); } } } }
Retrieves a String representation of this obejct.

The returned String describes this object's table, alias access mode, index, join mode, Start, End and And conditions.

Returns:a String representation of this object
/** * Retrieves a String representation of this obejct. <p> * * The returned String describes this object's table, alias * access mode, index, join mode, Start, End and And conditions. * * @return a String representation of this object */
public String describe(Session session, int blanks) { StringBuilder sb; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(blanks); for (int i = 0; i < blanks; i++) { b.append(' '); } sb = new StringBuilder(); String temp = "INNER"; if (isLeftJoin) { temp = "LEFT OUTER"; if (isRightJoin) { temp = "FULL"; } } else if (isRightJoin) { temp = "RIGHT OUTER"; } sb.append(b).append("join type=").append(temp).append("\n"); sb.append(b).append("table=").append(rangeTable.getName().name).append( "\n"); if (tableAlias != null) { sb.append(b).append("alias=").append(tableAlias.name).append("\n"); } RangeVariableConditions[] conditions = joinConditions; if (whereConditions[0].hasIndexCondition()) { conditions = whereConditions; } sb.append(b).append("cardinality="); sb.append(rangeTable.getRowStore(session).elementCount()).append("\n"); boolean fullScan = !conditions[0].hasIndexCondition(); sb.append(b); if (conditions == whereConditions) { if (joinConditions[0].nonIndexCondition != null) { sb.append("join condition = ["); sb.append(joinConditions[0].nonIndexCondition.describe(session, blanks)); sb.append(b).append("]\n"); sb.append(b); } } sb.append("access=").append(fullScan ? "FULL SCAN" : "INDEX PRED").append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(b).append("OR condition = ["); } else { sb.append(b); if (conditions == whereConditions) { sb.append("where condition = ["); } else { sb.append("join condition = ["); } } sb.append(conditions[i].describe(session, blanks + 2)); sb.append(b).append("]\n"); } if (conditions == joinConditions) { sb.append(b); if (whereConditions[0].nonIndexCondition != null) { sb.append("where condition = ["); sb.append( whereConditions[0].nonIndexCondition.describe( session, blanks)); sb.append(b).append("]\n"); sb.append(b); } } return sb.toString(); } public RangeIteratorMain getIterator(Session session) { RangeIteratorMain it; if (this.isRightJoin) { it = new RangeIteratorRight(session, this, null); } else { it = new RangeIteratorMain(session, this); } session.sessionContext.setRangeIterator(it); return it; } public static RangeIterator getIterator(Session session, RangeVariable[] rangeVars) { if (rangeVars.length == 1) { return rangeVars[0].getIterator(session); } RangeIteratorMain[] iterators = new RangeIteratorMain[rangeVars.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rangeVars.length; i++) { iterators[i] = rangeVars[i].getIterator(session); } return new RangeIteratorJoined(iterators); } public static class RangeIteratorBase implements RangeIterator { Session session; int rangePosition; RowIterator it = emptyIterator; PersistentStore store; boolean isBeforeFirst; RangeVariable rangeVar; private RangeIteratorBase() {} public boolean isBeforeFirst() { return isBeforeFirst; } public boolean next() { if (isBeforeFirst) { isBeforeFirst = false; } else { if (it == emptyIterator) { return false; } } if (session.abortTransaction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40000); } if (session.abortAction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40502); } if (it.next()) { return true; } else { return false; } } public Row getCurrentRow() { return it.getCurrentRow(); } public Object[] getCurrent() { return it.getCurrent(); } public Object getField(int col) { return it.getField(col); } public void setCurrent(Object[] data) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "RangeVariable"); } public long getRowId() { return ((long) rangeVar.rangeTable.getId() << 32) + it.getRowId(); } public void removeCurrent() {} public void reset() { it.release(); it = emptyIterator; isBeforeFirst = true; } public int getRangePosition() { return rangePosition; } public boolean hasNext() { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "RangeVariable"); } public void release() { it.release(); } } public static class RangeIteratorMain extends RangeIteratorBase { boolean hasLeftOuterRow; boolean isFullIterator; RangeVariableConditions[] conditions; RangeVariableConditions[] whereConditions; RangeVariableConditions[] joinConditions; ExpressionPeriodOp periodCondition; ExpressionLogical filterCondition; int condIndex = 0; // OrderedLongHashSet lookup; // Object[] currentJoinData = null; RangeIteratorMain() { super(); } private RangeIteratorMain(Session session, RangeVariable rangeVar) { this.rangePosition = rangeVar.rangePosition; this.store = rangeVar.rangeTable.getRowStore(session); this.session = session; this.rangeVar = rangeVar; isBeforeFirst = true; whereConditions = rangeVar.whereConditions; joinConditions = rangeVar.joinConditions; periodCondition = rangeVar.periodCondition; filterCondition = rangeVar.filterCondition; if (rangeVar.isRightJoin) { lookup = new OrderedLongHashSet(); } conditions = rangeVar.joinConditions; if (rangeVar.whereConditions[0].hasIndexCondition()) { conditions = rangeVar.whereConditions; } } public boolean isBeforeFirst() { return isBeforeFirst; } public boolean next() { if (session.abortTransaction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40000); } if (session.abortAction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40502); } while (condIndex < conditions.length) { if (isBeforeFirst) { isBeforeFirst = false; initialiseIterator(); } boolean result = findNext(); if (result) { return true; } it.release(); it = emptyIterator; isBeforeFirst = true; condIndex++; } condIndex = 0; return false; } public void removeCurrent() {} public void reset() { it.release(); it = emptyIterator; isBeforeFirst = true; condIndex = 0; } public int getRangePosition() { return rangeVar.rangePosition; } /** */ protected void initialiseIterator() { if (condIndex == 0) { hasLeftOuterRow = rangeVar.isLeftJoin; } if (conditions[condIndex].isFalse) { it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex.emptyIterator(); return; } rangeVar.rangeTable.materialiseCorrelated(session); if (conditions[condIndex].indexCond == null) { if (conditions[condIndex].reversed) { it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex.lastRow(session, store, rangeVar.indexDistinctCount, null); } else { it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex.firstRow(session, store, null, rangeVar.indexDistinctCount, null); } } else { getFirstRow(); if (!conditions[condIndex].isJoin) { hasLeftOuterRow = false; } } } private void getFirstRow() { if (currentJoinData == null || currentJoinData.length < conditions[condIndex].indexedColumnCount) { currentJoinData = new Object[conditions[condIndex].indexedColumnCount]; } int opType = conditions[condIndex].opType; for (int i = 0; i < conditions[condIndex].indexedColumnCount; i++) { int range = 0; int tempType = conditions[condIndex].opTypes[i]; if (tempType == OpTypes.IS_NULL || tempType == OpTypes.NOT || tempType == OpTypes.MAX) { currentJoinData[i] = null; continue; } Type valueType = conditions[condIndex].indexCond[i].getRightNode() .getDataType(); Object value = conditions[condIndex].indexCond[i].getRightNode().getValue( session); Type targetType = conditions[condIndex].indexCond[i].getLeftNode() .getDataType(); if (i == 0 && value == null) { it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex.emptyIterator(); return; } if (targetType != valueType) { range = targetType.compareToTypeRange(value); if (range == 0) { if (targetType.typeComparisonGroup != valueType.typeComparisonGroup) { value = targetType.convertToType(session, value, valueType); } } } if (i == 0) { int exprType = conditions[condIndex].indexCond[0].getType(); if (range < 0) { switch (exprType) { case OpTypes.GREATER : case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL : case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL_PRE : opType = OpTypes.NOT; value = null; break; default : it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex .emptyIterator(); return; } } else if (range > 0) { switch (exprType) { case OpTypes.NOT : value = null; break; case OpTypes.SMALLER : case OpTypes.SMALLER_EQUAL : if (conditions[condIndex].reversed) { opType = OpTypes.MAX; value = null; break; } // fall through default : it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex .emptyIterator(); return; } } } currentJoinData[i] = value; } it = conditions[condIndex].rangeIndex.findFirstRow(session, store, currentJoinData, conditions[condIndex].indexedColumnCount, rangeVar.indexDistinctCount, opType, conditions[condIndex].reversed, null); }
Advances to the next available value.

Returns:true if a next value is available upon exit
/** * Advances to the next available value. <p> * * @return true if a next value is available upon exit */
private boolean findNext() { boolean result = false; while (true) { if (session.abortTransaction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40000); } if (session.abortAction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40502); } if (it.next()) {} else { it.release(); it = emptyIterator; break; } if (periodCondition != null) { if (!periodCondition.testCondition(session)) { continue; } } if (filterCondition != null) { if (!filterCondition.testCondition(session)) { continue; } } if (conditions[condIndex].terminalCondition != null) { if (!conditions[condIndex].terminalCondition.testCondition( session)) { break; } } if (conditions[condIndex].indexEndCondition != null) { if (!conditions[condIndex].indexEndCondition.testCondition( session)) { if (!conditions[condIndex].isJoin) { hasLeftOuterRow = false; } break; } } if (joinConditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition != null) { if (!joinConditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition .testCondition(session)) { continue; } } if (whereConditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition != null) { if (!whereConditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition .testCondition(session)) { hasLeftOuterRow = false; addFoundRow(); continue; } } Expression e = conditions[condIndex].excludeConditions; if (e != null && e.testCondition(session)) { continue; } addFoundRow(); hasLeftOuterRow = false; return true; } it.release(); it = emptyIterator; if (hasLeftOuterRow && condIndex == conditions.length - 1) { result = (whereConditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition == null || whereConditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition .testCondition(session)); hasLeftOuterRow = false; } return result; } private void addFoundRow() { if (rangeVar.isRightJoin) { long position = it.getRowId(); lookup.add(position); } } } public static class RangeIteratorRight extends RangeIteratorMain { private RangeIteratorRight(Session session, RangeVariable rangeVar, RangeIteratorMain main) { super(session, rangeVar); isFullIterator = true; } boolean isOnRightOuterRows; public void setOnOuterRows() { conditions = rangeVar.whereConditions; isOnRightOuterRows = true; hasLeftOuterRow = false; condIndex = 0; initialiseIterator(); } public boolean next() { if (isOnRightOuterRows) { if (it == emptyIterator) { return false; } return findNextRight(); } else { return super.next(); } } private boolean findNextRight() { boolean result = false; while (true) { if (it.next()) {} else { it = emptyIterator; break; } if (conditions[condIndex].indexEndCondition != null && !conditions[condIndex].indexEndCondition .testCondition(session)) { break; } if (conditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition != null && !conditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition .testCondition(session)) { continue; } if (!lookupAndTest()) { continue; } result = true; break; } if (result) { return true; } it.release(); return result; } private boolean lookupAndTest() { long position = it.getRowId(); boolean result = !lookup.contains(position); if (result) { if (conditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition != null) { result = conditions[condIndex].nonIndexCondition.testCondition( session); } } return result; } } public static class RangeIteratorJoined extends RangeIteratorBase { RangeIteratorMain[] rangeIterators; int currentIndex = 0; RangeIterator currentRange = null; public RangeIteratorJoined(RangeIteratorMain[] rangeIterators) { this.rangeIterators = rangeIterators; isBeforeFirst = true; } public Row getCurrentRow() { return currentRange.getCurrentRow(); } public Object[] getCurrent() { return currentRange.getCurrent(); } public boolean isBeforeFirst() { return isBeforeFirst; } public boolean next() { while (currentIndex >= 0) { currentRange = rangeIterators[currentIndex]; if (currentRange.next()) { if (currentIndex < rangeIterators.length - 1) { currentIndex++; continue; } return true; } else { currentRange.reset(); currentIndex--; } } currentRange = null; for (int i = 0; i < rangeIterators.length; i++) { rangeIterators[i].reset(); } return false; } public void removeCurrent() {} public void release() { it.release(); for (int i = 0; i < rangeIterators.length; i++) { rangeIterators[i].reset(); } } public void reset() { super.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < rangeIterators.length; i++) { rangeIterators[i].reset(); } } public int getRangePosition() { return 0; } } static final class RangeIteratorEmpty implements RowIterator { public Object getField(int col) { return null; } public boolean next() { return false; } public Row getCurrentRow() { return null; } public Object[] getCurrent() { return null; } public boolean hasNext() { return false; } public long getPos() { return -1; } public int getStorageSize() { return 0; } public void release() {} public void removeCurrent() {} public long getRowId() { return 0L; } } static final class RangeIteratorCheck implements RangeIterator { final int rangePosition; Object[] currentData; RangeIteratorCheck() { this.rangePosition = 0; } RangeIteratorCheck(int rangePosition) { this.rangePosition = rangePosition; } public Object getField(int col) { return currentData[col]; } public boolean next() { return false; } public Row getCurrentRow() { return null; } public Object[] getCurrent() { return currentData; } public boolean hasNext() { return false; } public long getPos() { return -1; } public int getStorageSize() { return 0; } public void release() {} public void removeCurrent() {} public long getRowId() { return 0L; } public boolean isBeforeFirst() { return false; } public void setCurrent(Object[] data) { this.currentData = data; } public void reset() {} public int getRangePosition() { return rangePosition; } } public static class RangeVariableConditions { final RangeVariable rangeVar; Expression[] indexCond; Expression[] indexEndCond; int[] opTypes; int[] opTypesEnd; Expression indexEndCondition; int indexedColumnCount; Index rangeIndex; final boolean isJoin; Expression excludeConditions; Expression nonIndexCondition; Expression terminalCondition; int opType; int opTypeEnd; boolean isFalse; boolean reversed; boolean hasIndex; RangeVariableConditions(RangeVariable rangeVar, boolean isJoin) { this.rangeVar = rangeVar; this.isJoin = isJoin; } RangeVariableConditions(RangeVariableConditions base) { this.rangeVar = base.rangeVar; this.isJoin = base.isJoin; nonIndexCondition = base.nonIndexCondition; } boolean hasIndexCondition() { return indexedColumnCount > 0; } boolean hasIndex() { return hasIndex; } void addCondition(Expression e) { if (e == null) { return; } if (e instanceof ExpressionLogical) { if (((ExpressionLogical) e).isTerminal) { terminalCondition = e; } } nonIndexCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(nonIndexCondition, e); isFalse = Expression.EXPR_FALSE.equals(nonIndexCondition); if (rangeIndex == null || rangeIndex.getColumnCount() == 0) { return; } if (indexedColumnCount == 0) { return; } if (e.getIndexableExpression(rangeVar) == null) { return; } int colIndex = e.getLeftNode().getColumnIndex(); int[] indexCols = rangeIndex.getColumns(); switch (e.getType()) { case OpTypes.GREATER : case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL : case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL_PRE : { // replaces existing condition if (opType == OpTypes.NOT) { if (indexCols[indexedColumnCount - 1] == colIndex) { nonIndexCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions( nonIndexCondition, indexCond[indexedColumnCount - 1]); indexCond[indexedColumnCount - 1] = e; opType = e.opType; opTypes[indexedColumnCount - 1] = e.opType; if (e.getType() == OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL_PRE && indexedColumnCount == 1) { indexEndCond[indexedColumnCount - 1] = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions( indexEndCond[indexedColumnCount - 1], e.nodes[2]); } } } else { addToIndexConditions(e); } break; } case OpTypes.SMALLER : case OpTypes.SMALLER_EQUAL : { if (opType == OpTypes.GREATER || opType == OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL || opType == OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL_PRE || opType == OpTypes.NOT) { if (opTypeEnd != OpTypes.MAX) { break; } if (indexCols[indexedColumnCount - 1] == colIndex) { indexEndCond[indexedColumnCount - 1] = e; indexEndCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions( indexEndCondition, e); opTypeEnd = e.opType; opTypesEnd[indexedColumnCount - 1] = e.opType; } } else { addToIndexEndConditions(e); } break; } default : } } private boolean addToIndexConditions(Expression e) { if (opType == OpTypes.EQUAL || opType == OpTypes.IS_NULL) { if (indexedColumnCount < rangeIndex.getColumnCount()) { if (rangeIndex.getColumns()[indexedColumnCount] == e.getLeftNode().getColumnIndex()) { indexCond[indexedColumnCount] = e; opType = e.opType; opTypes[indexedColumnCount] = e.opType; opTypeEnd = OpTypes.MAX; opTypesEnd[indexedColumnCount] = OpTypes.MAX; indexedColumnCount++; return true; } } } return false; } private boolean addToIndexEndConditions(Expression e) { if (opType == OpTypes.EQUAL || opType == OpTypes.IS_NULL) { if (indexedColumnCount < rangeIndex.getColumnCount()) { if (rangeIndex.getColumns()[indexedColumnCount] == e.getLeftNode().getColumnIndex()) { Expression condition = ExpressionLogical.newNotNullCondition( e.getLeftNode()); indexCond[indexedColumnCount] = condition; indexEndCond[indexedColumnCount] = e; indexEndCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(indexEndCondition, e); opType = OpTypes.NOT; opTypes[indexedColumnCount] = OpTypes.NOT; opTypeEnd = e.opType; opTypesEnd[indexedColumnCount] = e.opType; indexedColumnCount++; return true; } } } return false; }
  • exprList – has the same length as index column count
  • index – Index to use
  • colCount – number of columns searched
/** * * @param exprList has the same length as index column count * @param index Index to use * @param colCount number of columns searched */
void addIndexCondition(Expression[] exprList, Index index, int colCount) { int indexColCount = index.getColumnCount(); rangeIndex = index; indexCond = new Expression[indexColCount]; indexEndCond = new Expression[indexColCount]; opTypes = new int[indexColCount]; opTypesEnd = new int[indexColCount]; opType = exprList[0].opType; opTypes[0] = exprList[0].opType; switch (opType) { case OpTypes.NOT : indexCond = exprList; opTypeEnd = OpTypes.MAX; opTypesEnd[0] = OpTypes.MAX; break; case OpTypes.GREATER : case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL : case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL_PRE : indexCond = exprList; if (exprList[0].getType() == OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL_PRE) { indexEndCond[0] = indexEndCondition = exprList[0].nodes[2]; } opTypeEnd = OpTypes.MAX; opTypesEnd[0] = OpTypes.MAX; break; case OpTypes.SMALLER : case OpTypes.SMALLER_EQUAL : { Expression e = exprList[0].getLeftNode(); e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IS_NULL, e); e = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.NOT, e); indexCond[0] = e; indexEndCond[0] = indexEndCondition = exprList[0]; opTypeEnd = opType; opTypesEnd[0] = opType; opType = OpTypes.NOT; opTypes[0] = OpTypes.NOT; break; } case OpTypes.IS_NULL : case OpTypes.EQUAL : { indexCond = exprList; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) { Expression e = exprList[i]; indexEndCond[i] = e; indexEndCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(indexEndCondition, e); opType = e.opType; opTypes[i] = e.opType; opTypesEnd[i] = e.opType; } opTypeEnd = opType; break; } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "RangeVariable"); } indexedColumnCount = colCount; hasIndex = true; } private void reverseIndexCondition() { if (indexedColumnCount == 0) { reversed = true; return; } if (opType == OpTypes.EQUAL || opType == OpTypes.IS_NULL) { // } else { indexEndCondition = null; Expression[] temp = indexCond; indexCond = indexEndCond; indexEndCond = temp; int[] temptypes = opTypes; opTypes = opTypesEnd; opTypesEnd = temptypes; for (int i = 0; i < indexedColumnCount; i++) { Expression e = indexEndCond[i]; indexEndCondition = ExpressionLogical.andExpressions(indexEndCondition, e); } if (indexedColumnCount > 1 && opTypes[indexedColumnCount - 1] == OpTypes.MAX) { indexedColumnCount--; opTypes[indexedColumnCount] = 0; opTypesEnd[indexedColumnCount] = 0; } opType = opTypes[indexedColumnCount - 1]; opTypeEnd = opTypesEnd[indexedColumnCount - 1]; } reversed = true; } String describe(Session session, int blanks) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(blanks); for (int i = 0; i < blanks; i++) { b.append(' '); } sb.append("index=").append(rangeIndex.getName().name).append("\n"); if (hasIndexCondition()) { if (indexedColumnCount > 0) { sb.append(b).append("start conditions=["); for (int j = 0; j < indexedColumnCount; j++) { if (indexCond != null && indexCond[j] != null) { sb.append(indexCond[j].describe(session, blanks)); } } sb.append("]\n"); } if (this.opTypeEnd != OpTypes.EQUAL && indexEndCondition != null) { String temp = indexEndCondition.describe(session, blanks); sb.append(b).append("end condition=[").append(temp).append( "]\n"); } } if (nonIndexCondition != null) { String temp = nonIndexCondition.describe(session, blanks); sb.append(b).append("other condition=[").append(temp).append( "]\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private void replaceColumnReferences(Session session, RangeVariable range, Expression[] list) { if (indexCond != null) { for (int i = 0; i < indexCond.length; i++) { if (indexCond[i] != null) { indexCond[i] = indexCond[i].replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } } } if (indexEndCond != null) { for (int i = 0; i < indexEndCond.length; i++) { if (indexEndCond[i] != null) { indexEndCond[i] = indexEndCond[i].replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } } } if (indexEndCondition != null) { indexEndCondition = indexEndCondition.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } if (excludeConditions != null) { excludeConditions = excludeConditions.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } if (nonIndexCondition != null) { nonIndexCondition = nonIndexCondition.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } if (terminalCondition != null) { terminalCondition = terminalCondition.replaceColumnReferences(session, range, list); } } private void replaceExpressions(OrderedHashSet expressions, int resultRangePosition) { if (indexCond != null) { for (int i = 0; i < indexCond.length; i++) { if (indexCond[i] != null) { indexCond[i] = indexCond[i].replaceExpressions( expressions, resultRangePosition); } } } if (indexEndCond != null) { for (int i = 0; i < indexEndCond.length; i++) { if (indexEndCond[i] != null) { indexEndCond[i] = indexEndCond[i].replaceExpressions( expressions, resultRangePosition); } } } if (indexEndCondition != null) { indexEndCondition = indexEndCondition.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } if (excludeConditions != null) { excludeConditions = excludeConditions.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } if (nonIndexCondition != null) { nonIndexCondition = nonIndexCondition.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } if (terminalCondition != null) { terminalCondition = terminalCondition.replaceExpressions(expressions, resultRangePosition); } } } }