/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
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package org.hsqldb.types;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.SchemaObject;
import org.hsqldb.Session;
import org.hsqldb.SessionInterface;
import org.hsqldb.SortAndSlice;
import org.hsqldb.Tokens;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.IntKeyHashMap;
import org.hsqldb.lib.IntValueHashMap;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.rights.Grantee;

Base class for type objects.

Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Base class for type objects.<p> * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.9.0 */
public abstract class Type implements SchemaObject, Cloneable { public static final Type[] emptyArray = new Type[]{}; // public final int typeComparisonGroup; public final int typeDataGroup; public final int typeCode; public final long precision; public final int scale; public UserTypeModifier userTypeModifier; // Type(int typeGroup, int type, long precision, int scale) { this.typeComparisonGroup = typeGroup; this.typeCode = type; this.precision = precision; this.scale = scale; this.typeDataGroup = typeCode == Types.SQL_CHAR ? Types.SQL_VARCHAR : typeCode; } // interface specific methods public final int getType() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getType(); } public final HsqlName getName() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getName(); } public final HsqlName getCatalogName() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getSchemaName().schema; } public final HsqlName getSchemaName() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getSchemaName(); } public final Grantee getOwner() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getOwner(); } public final OrderedHashSet getReferences() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getReferences(); } public final OrderedHashSet getComponents() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getComponents(); } public final void compile(Session session, SchemaObject parentObject) { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } userTypeModifier.compile(session); }
Retrieves the SQL character sequence required to (re)create the type, as a String
Returns:the SQL character sequence required to (re)create the type
/** * Retrieves the SQL character sequence required to (re)create the * type, as a String * * @return the SQL character sequence required to (re)create the type */
public String getSQL() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } return userTypeModifier.getSQL(); } public long getChangeTimestamp() { return 0; } public Type duplicate() { try { return (Type) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } } public abstract int displaySize();
Returns the JDBC type number of type, if it exists, otherwise the HSQLDB / SQL type.
/** * Returns the JDBC type number of type, if it exists, * otherwise the HSQLDB / SQL type. */
public abstract int getJDBCTypeCode();
Returns the JDBC class name of type, if it exists, otherwise the HSQLDB class name.
/** * Returns the JDBC class name of type, if it exists, * otherwise the HSQLDB class name. */
public abstract String getJDBCClassName(); public abstract Class getJDBCClass(); public int getJDBCScale() { return scale; } public int getJDBCPrecision() { return precision > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) precision; }
Returns the generic SQL CLI type number of type, if it exists, otherwise the HSQLDB type. The generic type is returned for DATETIME and INTERVAL types.
/** * Returns the generic SQL CLI type number of type, if it exists, * otherwise the HSQLDB type. The generic type is returned for DATETIME * and INTERVAL types. */
public int getSQLGenericTypeCode() { return typeCode; }
Returns the name of the type
/** * Returns the name of the type */
public abstract String getNameString();
Returns the name of the type
/** * Returns the name of the type */
public String getFullNameString() { return getNameString(); }
Returns the full definition of the type, including parameters
/** * Returns the full definition of the type, including parameters */
public abstract String getDefinition(); public Collation getCollation() { return null; } public Charset getCharacterSet() { return null; } public final String getTypeDefinition() { if (userTypeModifier == null) { return getDefinition(); } return getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName(); } public abstract int compare(Session session, Object a, Object b); public int compare(Session session, Object a, Object b, int opType) { if (a == b) { return 0; } return compare(session, a, b); } public int compare(Session session, Object a, Object b, SortAndSlice sort) { if (a == b) { return 0; } if (sort == null) { return compare(session, a, b); } if (a == null) { return sort.sortNullsLast[0] ? 1 : -1; } if (b == null) { return sort.sortNullsLast[0] ? -1 : 1; } int result = compare(session, a, b); return sort.sortDescending[0] ? -result : result; } public abstract Object convertToTypeLimits(SessionInterface session, Object a);
Explicit casts are handled by this method. SQL standard 6.12 rules for enforcement of size, precision and scale are implemented. For CHARACTER values, it performs truncation in all cases of long strings.
/** * Explicit casts are handled by this method. * SQL standard 6.12 rules for enforcement of size, precision and scale * are implemented. For CHARACTER values, it performs truncation in all * cases of long strings. */
public Object castToType(SessionInterface session, Object a, Type type) { return convertToType(session, a, type); }
Same as castToType except for CHARACTER values. Perform string truncation of trailing spaces only. For other long strings, it raises an exception.
/** * Same as castToType except for CHARACTER values. Perform string * truncation of trailing spaces only. For other long strings, it raises * an exception. */
public abstract Object convertToType(SessionInterface session, Object a, Type type);
Convert type for JDBC reads. Same as convertToType, but supports non-standard SQL conversions supported by JDBC
/** * Convert type for JDBC reads. Same as convertToType, but supports non-standard * SQL conversions supported by JDBC */
public Object convertToTypeJDBC(SessionInterface session, Object a, Type otherType) { if (otherType.isLobType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } return convertToType(session, a, otherType); } public Object convertJavaToSQL(SessionInterface session, Object a) { return a; } public Object convertSQLToJava(SessionInterface session, Object a) { return a; }
Converts the object to the given type without limit checks. Used for JDBC writes.
/** * Converts the object to the given type without limit checks. Used for JDBC writes. */
public abstract Object convertToDefaultType( SessionInterface sessionInterface, Object o); public abstract String convertToString(Object a); public abstract String convertToSQLString(Object a); public abstract boolean canConvertFrom(Type otherType);
Can convert without changing the object
Returns:0 always, 1 range check required, -1 never
/** * Can convert without changing the object * @return 0 always, 1 range check required, -1 never */
public int canMoveFrom(Type otherType) { if (otherType == this) { return 0; } return -1; } public boolean canBeAssignedFrom(Type otherType) { if (otherType == null) { return true; } return otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES || typeComparisonGroup == otherType.typeComparisonGroup; } public boolean canCompareDirect(Type otherType) { return typeComparisonGroup == otherType.typeComparisonGroup; } public int arrayLimitCardinality() { return 0; } public Type collectionBaseType() { return null; } public boolean isArrayType() { return false; } public boolean isMultisetType() { return false; } public boolean isRowType() { return false; } public boolean isStructuredType() { return false; } public boolean isCharacterType() { return false; } public boolean isNumberType() { return false; } public boolean isIntegralType() { return false; } public boolean isExactNumberType() { return false; } public boolean isDecimalType() { return false; } public boolean isDateTimeType() { return false; } public boolean isDateTimeTypeWithZone() { return false; } public boolean isDateOrTimestampType() { return false; } public boolean isTimestampType() { return false; } public boolean isTimeType() { return false; } public boolean isIntervalType() { return false; } public boolean isIntervalYearMonthType() { return false; } public boolean isIntervalDaySecondType() { return false; } public boolean isBinaryType() { return false; } public boolean isUUIDType() { return false; } public boolean isBooleanType() { return false; } public boolean isLobType() { return false; } public boolean isBitType() { return false; } public boolean isObjectType() { return false; } public boolean isDistinctType() { return userTypeModifier == null ? false : userTypeModifier.schemaObjectType == SchemaObject.TYPE; } public boolean isDomainType() { return userTypeModifier == null ? false : userTypeModifier.schemaObjectType == SchemaObject.DOMAIN; } public int getDegree() { return 1; } public boolean acceptsPrecision() { return false; } public boolean requiresPrecision() { return false; } public long getMaxPrecision() { return 0; } public int getMaxScale() { return 0; } public int getPrecisionRadix() { return 0; } public boolean acceptsFractionalPrecision() { return false; } public boolean acceptsScale() { return false; } public int precedenceDegree(Type other) { if (other.typeCode == typeCode) { if (typeCode == Types.SQL_ARRAY) { return collectionBaseType().precedenceDegree( other.collectionBaseType()); } return 0; } return Integer.MIN_VALUE; }
Common type used in comparison operations. other must be comparable with this.
/** * Common type used in comparison operations. other must be comparable * with this. */
public abstract Type getAggregateType(Type other);
Result type of combining values of two types in different operations. other type is not always comparable with this, but a operation should be valid without any explicit CAST
/** * Result type of combining values of two types in different operations. * other type is not always comparable with this, but a operation should * be valid without any explicit CAST */
public abstract Type getCombinedType(Session session, Type other, int operation); public int compareToTypeRange(Object o) { return 0; }
All arithmetic ops are called on the pre-determined Type object of the result
/** * All arithmetic ops are called on the pre-determined Type object of the result */
public Object absolute(Object a) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public Object negate(Object a) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public Object add(Session session, Object a, Object b, Type otherType) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public Object subtract(Session session, Object a, Object b, Type otherType) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public Object multiply(Object a, Object b) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public Object divide(Session session, Object a, Object b) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public Object concat(Session session, Object a, Object b) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } public int cardinality(Session session, Object a) { return 0; } public boolean isNegative(Object a) { return false; } public int hashCode(Object a) { if (a == null) { return 0; } return a.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) { return true; } if (other instanceof Type) { if (getClass() != other.getClass()) { return false; } return ((Type) other).typeCode == typeCode && ((Type) other).precision == precision && ((Type) other).scale == scale && ((Type) other).userTypeModifier == userTypeModifier; } return false; } public int hashCode() { return typeCode + ((int) precision << 8) + (scale << 16); }
@todo1.9.0 - review all - need max implementation defined lengths, used for parameters
/** @todo 1.9.0 - review all - need max implementation defined lengths, used for parameters */
// null type public static final Type SQL_ALL_TYPES = NullType.getNullType(); // character types public static final CharacterType SQL_CHAR = new CharacterType(Types.SQL_CHAR, 1); public static final CharacterType SQL_CHAR_UUID = new CharacterType(Types.SQL_CHAR, 36); public static final CharacterType SQL_CHAR_DEFAULT = new CharacterType(Types.SQL_CHAR, CharacterType.defaultCharPrecision); public static final CharacterType SQL_VARCHAR = new CharacterType(Types.SQL_VARCHAR, 0); public static final CharacterType SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT = new CharacterType(Types.SQL_VARCHAR, CharacterType.defaultVarcharPrecision); public static final ClobType SQL_CLOB = new ClobType(ClobType.defaultClobSize); // binary types public static final BitType SQL_BIT = new BitType(Types.SQL_BIT, 1); public static final BitType SQL_BIT_VARYING = new BitType(Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING, 1); public static final BitType SQL_BIT_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH = new BitType(Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING, BitType.maxBitPrecision); // binary types public static final BinaryType SQL_BINARY = new BinaryType(Types.SQL_BINARY, 1); public static final BinaryType SQL_BINARY_16 = new BinaryType(Types.SQL_BINARY, 16); public static final BinaryType SQL_BINARY_DEFAULT = new BinaryType(Types.SQL_BINARY, 32 * 1024); public static final BinaryType SQL_VARBINARY = new BinaryType(Types.SQL_VARBINARY, 0); public static final BinaryType SQL_VARBINARY_DEFAULT = new BinaryType(Types.SQL_VARBINARY, 32 * 1024); public static final BlobType SQL_BLOB = new BlobType(BlobType.defaultBlobSize); public static final BinaryUUIDType SQL_GUID = new BinaryUUIDType(); // other type public static final OtherType OTHER = OtherType.getOtherType(); // boolean type public static final BooleanType SQL_BOOLEAN = BooleanType.getBooleanType(); // number types public static final NumberType SQL_NUMERIC = new NumberType(Types.SQL_NUMERIC, NumberType.defaultNumericPrecision, 0); public static final NumberType SQL_DECIMAL = new NumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, NumberType.defaultNumericPrecision, 0); public static final NumberType SQL_DECIMAL_DEFAULT = new NumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, NumberType.defaultNumericPrecision, NumberType.defaultNumericScale); public static final NumberType SQL_DECIMAL_BIGINT_SQR = new NumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, NumberType.bigintSquareNumericPrecision, 0); public static final NumberType SQL_DOUBLE = new NumberType(Types.SQL_DOUBLE, 0, 0); // public static final NumberType TINYINT = new NumberType(Types.TINYINT, NumberType.tinyintPrecision, 0); public static final NumberType SQL_SMALLINT = new NumberType(Types.SQL_SMALLINT, NumberType.smallintPrecision, 0); public static final NumberType SQL_INTEGER = new NumberType(Types.SQL_INTEGER, NumberType.integerPrecision, 0); public static final NumberType SQL_BIGINT = new NumberType(Types.SQL_BIGINT, NumberType.bigintPrecision, 0); // date time public static final DateTimeType SQL_DATE = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.SQL_DATE, 0); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIME = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIME, Types.SQL_TIME, DTIType.defaultTimeFractionPrecision); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIME_MAX = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIME, Types.SQL_TIME, DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIME, Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE, DTIType.defaultTimeFractionPrecision); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIMESTAMP = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, DTIType.defaultTimestampFractionPrecision); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE, DTIType.defaultTimestampFractionPrecision); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIMESTAMP_NO_FRACTION = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, 0); public static final DateTimeType SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE_MAX = new DateTimeType(Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE, DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); // interval public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_DAY = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, DTIType.defaultIntervalFractionPrecision); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND_MAX_FRACTION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, DTIType.defaultIntervalFractionPrecision); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, DTIType.defaultIntervalFractionPrecision); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND, DTIType.defaultIntervalPrecision, DTIType.defaultIntervalFractionPrecision); // public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND, DTIType.maxIntervalSecondPrecision, DTIType.defaultIntervalFractionPrecision); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND_MAX_FRACTION_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND, DTIType.maxIntervalSecondPrecision, DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); // public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, 0); public static final IntervalType SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND_MAX_PRECISION = IntervalType.newIntervalType(Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND, DTIType.maxIntervalPrecision, DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); // public static final ArrayType SQL_ARRAY_ALL_TYPES = new ArrayType(SQL_ALL_TYPES, 0); public static ArrayType getDefaultArrayType(int type) { return new ArrayType(getDefaultType(type), ArrayType.defaultArrayCardinality); } public static Type getDefaultType(int type) { try { return getType(type, Type.SQL_VARCHAR.getCharacterSet(), Type.SQL_VARCHAR.getCollation(), 0, 0); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static Type getDefaultTypeWithSize(int type) { switch (type) { case Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES : return SQL_ALL_TYPES; case Types.SQL_ARRAY : return SQL_ARRAY_ALL_TYPES; case Types.SQL_CHAR : return SQL_CHAR_DEFAULT; case Types.SQL_VARCHAR : return SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT; case Types.SQL_CLOB : return SQL_CLOB; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return SQL_INTEGER; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return SQL_SMALLINT; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return SQL_BIGINT; case Types.TINYINT : return TINYINT; case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return SQL_DOUBLE; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : return SQL_NUMERIC; case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return SQL_DECIMAL; case Types.SQL_BOOLEAN : return SQL_BOOLEAN; case Types.SQL_BINARY : return SQL_BINARY_DEFAULT; case Types.SQL_VARBINARY : return SQL_VARBINARY_DEFAULT; case Types.SQL_GUID : return SQL_GUID; case Types.SQL_BLOB : return SQL_BLOB; case Types.SQL_BIT : return SQL_BIT; case Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING : return SQL_BIT_VARYING; case Types.SQL_DATE : return SQL_DATE; case Types.SQL_TIME : return SQL_TIME; case Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE : return SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE; case Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP : return SQL_TIMESTAMP; case Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE : return SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR : return SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH : return SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH : return SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY : return SQL_INTERVAL_DAY; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR : return SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE : return SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND : return SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR : return SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE : return SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND : return SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE : return SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND : return SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND; case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND : return SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND; case Types.OTHER : return OTHER; default : return null; } } public static int getHSQLDBTypeCode(int jdbcTypeNumber) { switch (jdbcTypeNumber) { case Types.BIGINT : return Types.SQL_BIGINT; case Types.LONGVARCHAR : return Types.SQL_VARCHAR; case Types.CLOB : return Types.SQL_CLOB; case Types.BINARY : return Types.SQL_BINARY; case Types.BIT : return Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING; case Types.VARBINARY : case Types.LONGVARBINARY : return Types.SQL_VARBINARY; case Types.BLOB : return Types.SQL_BLOB; case Types.ARRAY : return Types.SQL_ARRAY; default : return jdbcTypeNumber; } }
translate an internal type number to JDBC type number if a type is not supported internally, it is returned without translation
  • type – int
/** * translate an internal type number to JDBC type number if a type is not * supported internally, it is returned without translation * * @param type int * @return int */
public static int getJDBCTypeCode(int type) { switch (type) { case Types.SQL_BLOB : return Types.BLOB; case Types.SQL_CLOB : return Types.CLOB; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return Types.BIGINT; case Types.SQL_BINARY : return Types.BINARY; case Types.SQL_VARBINARY : return Types.VARBINARY; case Types.SQL_BIT : case Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING : return Types.BIT; case Types.SQL_ARRAY : return Types.ARRAY; default : return type; } } public static Type getType(Type type, Collation collation) { if (type.getCollation() == collation) { return type; } if (type.isCharacterType()) { type = new CharacterType(collation, type.typeCode, type.precision); } return type; }
Enforces precision and scale limits on type
/** * Enforces precision and scale limits on type */
public static Type getType(int type, Charset charset, Collation collation, long precision, int scale) { switch (type) { case Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES : return SQL_ALL_TYPES; case Types.SQL_CHAR : case Types.SQL_VARCHAR : case Types.SQL_CLOB : return CharacterType.getCharacterType(type, precision, collation); case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return SQL_INTEGER; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return SQL_SMALLINT; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return SQL_BIGINT; case Types.TINYINT : return TINYINT; case Types.SQL_FLOAT : if (precision > 53) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42592, "" + precision); } // fall through case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return SQL_DOUBLE; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : if (precision == 0) { precision = NumberType.defaultNumericPrecision; } return NumberType.getNumberType(type, precision, scale); case Types.SQL_BOOLEAN : return SQL_BOOLEAN; case Types.SQL_BINARY : case Types.SQL_VARBINARY : case Types.SQL_BLOB : return BinaryType.getBinaryType(type, precision); case Types.SQL_GUID : return SQL_GUID; case Types.SQL_BIT : case Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING : return BitType.getBitType(type, precision); case Types.SQL_DATE : case Types.SQL_TIME : case Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE : case Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP : case Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE : return DateTimeType.getDateTimeType(type, scale); case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_HOUR : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_MINUTE : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE_TO_SECOND : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND : return IntervalType.getIntervalType(type, precision, scale); case Types.OTHER : return OTHER; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Type"); } } public static Type getAggregateType(Type add, Type existing) { if (existing == null || existing.typeCode == Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES) { return add; } if (add == null || add.typeCode == Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES) { return existing; } return existing.getAggregateType(add); } public static final IntValueHashMap typeAliases; public static final IntValueHashMap typeNames; public static final IntKeyHashMap jdbcConvertTypes; static { typeNames = new IntValueHashMap(37); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_CHARACTER, Types.SQL_CHAR); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_VARCHAR, Types.SQL_VARCHAR); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_VARCHAR_IGNORECASE, Types.VARCHAR_IGNORECASE); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_NVARCHAR, Types.SQL_VARCHAR); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_DATE, Types.SQL_DATE); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_TIME, Types.SQL_TIME); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_TIMESTAMP, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_INTERVAL, Types.SQL_INTERVAL); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_TINYINT, Types.TINYINT); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_SMALLINT, Types.SQL_SMALLINT); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_INTEGER, Types.SQL_INTEGER); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_BIGINT, Types.SQL_BIGINT); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_REAL, Types.SQL_REAL); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_FLOAT, Types.SQL_FLOAT); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_DOUBLE, Types.SQL_DOUBLE); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_NUMERIC, Types.SQL_NUMERIC); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_DECIMAL, Types.SQL_DECIMAL); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_BOOLEAN, Types.SQL_BOOLEAN); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_BINARY, Types.SQL_BINARY); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_VARBINARY, Types.SQL_VARBINARY); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_CLOB, Types.SQL_CLOB); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_BLOB, Types.SQL_BLOB); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_BIT, Types.SQL_BIT); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_OTHER, Types.OTHER); typeNames.put(Tokens.T_UUID, Types.SQL_GUID); // typeAliases = new IntValueHashMap(64); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_CHAR, Types.SQL_CHAR); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_INT, Types.SQL_INTEGER); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_DEC, Types.SQL_DECIMAL); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_LONGVARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_DATETIME, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_LONGVARBINARY, Types.LONGVARBINARY); typeAliases.put(Tokens.T_OBJECT, Types.OTHER); // jdbcConvertTypes = new IntKeyHashMap(37); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_CHAR, Type.SQL_CHAR_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_VARCHAR, Type.SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_LONGVARCHAR, Type.SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_NVARCHAR, Type.SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_DATE, Type.SQL_DATE); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_TIME, Type.SQL_TIME); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Type.SQL_TIMESTAMP); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_TINYINT, Type.TINYINT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_SMALLINT, Type.SQL_SMALLINT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_INTEGER, Type.SQL_INTEGER); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_BIGINT, Type.SQL_BIGINT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_REAL, Type.SQL_DOUBLE); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_FLOAT, Type.SQL_DOUBLE); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_DOUBLE, Type.SQL_DOUBLE); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_NUMERIC, Type.SQL_NUMERIC); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_DECIMAL, Type.SQL_DECIMAL); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_BOOLEAN, Type.SQL_BOOLEAN); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_BINARY, Type.SQL_BINARY_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_VARBINARY, Type.SQL_VARBINARY_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_LONGVARBINARY, Type.SQL_VARBINARY_DEFAULT); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_CLOB, Type.SQL_CLOB); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_BLOB, Type.SQL_BLOB); jdbcConvertTypes.put(Tokens.SQL_BIT, Type.SQL_BIT); } public static int getTypeNr(String name) { int i = typeNames.get(name, Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (i == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { i = typeAliases.get(name, Integer.MIN_VALUE); } return i; } public static Type getTypeForJDBCConvertToken(int name) { return (Type) jdbcConvertTypes.get(name); } public static boolean isSupportedSQLType(int typeNumber) { if (getDefaultType(typeNumber) == null) { return false; } return true; } public static boolean matches(Type[] one, Type[] other) { for (int i = 0; i < one.length; i++) { if (one[i].typeCode != other[i].typeCode) { return false; } } return true; } }