/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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package org.hsqldb;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCConnection;
import org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver;
import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.CountUpDownLatch;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HashMap;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlDeque;
import org.hsqldb.lib.Iterator;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.SimpleLog;
import org.hsqldb.map.ValuePool;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowSetNavigator;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowSetNavigatorClient;
import org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlDatabaseProperties;
import org.hsqldb.persist.HsqlProperties;
import org.hsqldb.persist.PersistentStore;
import org.hsqldb.result.Result;
import org.hsqldb.result.ResultConstants;
import org.hsqldb.result.ResultLob;
import org.hsqldb.result.ResultProperties;
import org.hsqldb.rights.Grantee;
import org.hsqldb.rights.User;
import org.hsqldb.types.BlobDataID;
import org.hsqldb.types.ClobDataID;
import org.hsqldb.types.TimeData;
import org.hsqldb.types.TimestampData;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;
import org.hsqldb.types.TypedComparator;

Implementation of SQL sessions.
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Implementation of SQL sessions. * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.7.0 */
public class Session implements SessionInterface { // private volatile boolean isClosed; // public Database database; private final User sessionUser; private User user; private Grantee role; // transaction support public boolean isReadOnlyDefault; int isolationLevelDefault = SessionInterface.TX_READ_COMMITTED; int isolationLevel = SessionInterface.TX_READ_COMMITTED; boolean isReadOnlyIsolation; int actionIndex; long actionStartTimestamp; long actionTimestamp; long transactionTimestamp; long transactionEndTimestamp; final boolean txConflictRollback; final boolean txInterruptRollback; boolean isPreTransaction; boolean isTransaction; boolean isBatch; volatile boolean abortAction; volatile boolean abortTransaction; volatile boolean redoAction; HsqlArrayList rowActionList; volatile boolean tempUnlocked; public OrderedHashSet waitedSessions; public OrderedHashSet waitingSessions; OrderedHashSet tempSet; OrderedHashSet actionSet; public CountUpDownLatch latch = new CountUpDownLatch(); TimeoutManager timeoutManager; // current settings final String zoneString; final int sessionTimeZoneSeconds; int timeZoneSeconds; boolean isNetwork; private int sessionMaxRows; int sessionOptimization = 8; private final long sessionId; int sessionTxId = -1; private boolean ignoreCase; private long sessionStartTimestamp; // internal connection private JDBCConnection intConnection; // external connection private JDBCConnection extConnection; // schema public HsqlName currentSchema; public HsqlName loggedSchema; // query processing ParserCommand parser; boolean isProcessingScript; boolean isProcessingLog; public SessionContext sessionContext; int resultMaxMemoryRows; // public SessionData sessionData; // public StatementManager statementManager; // public Object special;
Constructs a new Session object.
  • db – the database to which this represents a connection
  • user – the initial user
  • autocommit – the initial autocommit value
  • readonly – the initial readonly value
  • id – the session identifier, as known to the database
/** * Constructs a new Session object. * * @param db the database to which this represents a connection * @param user the initial user * @param autocommit the initial autocommit value * @param readonly the initial readonly value * @param id the session identifier, as known to the database */
Session(Database db, User user, boolean autocommit, boolean readonly, long id, String zoneString, int timeZoneSeconds) { sessionId = id; database = db; this.user = user; this.sessionUser = user; this.zoneString = zoneString; this.sessionTimeZoneSeconds = timeZoneSeconds; this.timeZoneSeconds = timeZoneSeconds; rowActionList = new HsqlArrayList(32, true); waitedSessions = new OrderedHashSet(); waitingSessions = new OrderedHashSet(); tempSet = new OrderedHashSet(); actionSet = new OrderedHashSet(); isolationLevelDefault = database.defaultIsolationLevel; ignoreCase = database.sqlIgnoreCase; isolationLevel = isolationLevelDefault; txConflictRollback = database.txConflictRollback; txInterruptRollback = database.txInterruptRollback; isReadOnlyDefault = readonly; isReadOnlyIsolation = isolationLevel == SessionInterface.TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED; sessionContext = new SessionContext(this); sessionContext.isAutoCommit = autocommit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; sessionContext.isReadOnly = isReadOnlyDefault ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; parser = new ParserCommand(this, new Scanner()); setResultMemoryRowCount(database.getResultMaxMemoryRows()); resetSchema(); sessionData = new SessionData(database, this); statementManager = new StatementManager(database); timeoutManager = new TimeoutManager(); sessionStartTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } void resetSchema() { loggedSchema = null; currentSchema = user.getInitialOrDefaultSchema(); }
Retrieves the session identifier for this Session.
Returns:the session identifier for this Session
/** * Retrieves the session identifier for this Session. * * @return the session identifier for this Session */
public long getId() { return sessionId; } public int getRandomId() { return randomId; }
Closes this Session.
/** * Closes this Session. */
public synchronized void close() { if (isClosed) { return; } rollback(false); try { database.logger.writeOtherStatement(this, Tokens.T_DISCONNECT); } catch (HsqlException e) {} sessionData.closeAllNavigators(); sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.release(); statementManager.reset(); // keep sessionContext and sessionData rowActionList.clear(); isClosed = true; user = null; sessionContext.savepoints = null; sessionContext.lastIdentity = null; intConnection = null; database.sessionManager.removeSession(this); database.closeIfLast(); database = null; }
Retrieves whether this Session is closed.
Returns:true if this Session is closed
/** * Retrieves whether this Session is closed. * * @return true if this Session is closed */
public boolean isClosed() { return isClosed; } public synchronized void setIsolationDefault(int level) { if (level == SessionInterface.TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED) { level = SessionInterface.TX_READ_COMMITTED; } if (level == isolationLevelDefault) { return; } isolationLevelDefault = level; if (!isInMidTransaction()) { isolationLevel = isolationLevelDefault; isReadOnlyIsolation = level == SessionInterface.TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED; } }
sets ISOLATION for the next transaction only
/** * sets ISOLATION for the next transaction only */
public void setIsolation(int level) { if (isInMidTransaction()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25001); } if (level == SessionInterface.TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED) { level = SessionInterface.TX_READ_COMMITTED; } if (isolationLevel != level) { isolationLevel = level; isReadOnlyIsolation = level == SessionInterface.TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED; } } public synchronized int getIsolation() { return isolationLevel; }
Setter for iLastIdentity attribute.
  • i – the new value
/** * Setter for iLastIdentity attribute. * * @param i the new value */
void setLastIdentity(Number i) { sessionContext.lastIdentity = i; }
Getter for iLastIdentity attribute.
Returns:the current value
/** * Getter for iLastIdentity attribute. * * @return the current value */
public Number getLastIdentity() { return sessionContext.lastIdentity; }
Retrieves the Database instance to which this Session represents a connection.
Returns:the Database object to which this Session is connected
/** * Retrieves the Database instance to which this * Session represents a connection. * * @return the Database object to which this Session is connected */
public Database getDatabase() { return database; }
Retrieves the name, as known to the database, of the user currently controlling this Session.
Returns:the name of the user currently connected within this Session
/** * Retrieves the name, as known to the database, of the * user currently controlling this Session. * * @return the name of the user currently connected within this Session */
public String getUsername() { return user.getName().getNameString(); }
Retrieves the User object representing the user currently controlling this Session.
Returns:this Session's User object
/** * Retrieves the User object representing the user currently controlling * this Session. * * @return this Session's User object */
public User getUser() { return user; } public Grantee getGrantee() { return user; } public Grantee getRole() { return role; }
Sets this Session's User object to the one specified by the user argument.
  • user – the new User object for this session
/** * Sets this Session's User object to the one specified by the * user argument. * * @param user the new User object for this session */
public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } public void setRole(Grantee role) { this.role = role; } int getMaxRows() { return sessionContext.currentMaxRows; }
The SQL command SET MAXROWS n will override the Statement.setMaxRows(n) for the next direct statement only NB this is dedicated to the SET MAXROWS sql statement and should not otherwise be called. (fredt@users)
/** * The SQL command SET MAXROWS n will override the Statement.setMaxRows(n) * for the next direct statement only * * NB this is dedicated to the SET MAXROWS sql statement and should not * otherwise be called. (fredt@users) */
void setSQLMaxRows(int rows) { sessionMaxRows = rows; } void setFeature(String feature, boolean value) { int number = 8; if (value) { sessionOptimization |= number; } else { sessionOptimization &= ~number; } }
Checks whether this Session's current User has the privileges of the ADMIN role.
/** * Checks whether this Session's current User has the privileges of * the ADMIN role. */
void checkAdmin() { user.checkAdmin(); }
This is used for reading - writing to existing tables.
  • HsqlException –
/** * This is used for reading - writing to existing tables. * @throws HsqlException */
void checkReadWrite() { if (sessionContext.isReadOnly.booleanValue() || isReadOnlyIsolation) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25006); } }
This is used for creating new database objects such as tables.
  • HsqlException –
/** * This is used for creating new database objects such as tables. * @throws HsqlException */
void checkDDLWrite() { if (isProcessingScript || isProcessingLog) { return; } checkReadWrite(); } public long getActionTimestamp() { return actionTimestamp; }
Adds a delete action to the row and the transaction manager.
  • table – the table of the row
  • row – the deleted row
/** * Adds a delete action to the row and the transaction manager. * * @param table the table of the row * @param row the deleted row * @throws HsqlException */
public void addDeleteAction(Table table, PersistentStore store, Row row, int[] colMap) { // tempActionHistory.add("add delete action " + actionTimestamp); if (abortTransaction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001); } if (abortAction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40502); } getTransactionSystemTimestamp(); database.txManager.addDeleteAction(this, table, store, row, colMap); } void addInsertAction(Table table, PersistentStore store, Row row, int[] changedColumns) { getTransactionSystemTimestamp(); // tempActionHistory.add("add insert to transaction " + actionTimestamp); database.txManager.addInsertAction(this, table, store, row, changedColumns); // abort only after adding so that the new row gets removed from indexes if (abortTransaction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001); } if (abortAction) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40502); } } public HsqlArrayList getRowActionList() { return rowActionList; }
Setter for the autocommit attribute.
  • autocommit – the new value
/** * Setter for the autocommit attribute. * * @param autocommit the new value * @throws HsqlException */
public synchronized void setAutoCommit(boolean autocommit) { if (isClosed) { return; } if (sessionContext.depth > 0) { return; } if (sessionContext.isAutoCommit.booleanValue() != autocommit) { commit(false); sessionContext.isAutoCommit = autocommit ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } } public void beginAction(Statement cs) { actionIndex = rowActionList.size(); database.txManager.beginAction(this, cs); database.txManager.beginActionResume(this); } public void endAction(Result result) { // tempActionHistory.add("endAction " + actionTimestamp); abortAction = false; timeoutManager.endTimeout(); sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearStatementTables(); if (result.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) { sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearResultTables( actionTimestamp); database.txManager.rollbackAction(this); } else { sessionContext .diagnosticsVariables[ExpressionColumn.idx_row_count] = result.mode == ResultConstants.UPDATECOUNT ? Integer.valueOf(result.getUpdateCount()) : ValuePool.INTEGER_0; database.txManager.completeActions(this); } // tempActionHistory.add("endAction ends " + actionTimestamp); }
Explicit start of transaction by user
/** * Explicit start of transaction by user */
public void startTransaction() { database.txManager.beginTransaction(this); } public synchronized void startPhasedTransaction() {}
@todo- fredt - for two phased pre-commit - after this call, further state changing calls should fail
/** * @todo - fredt - for two phased pre-commit - after this call, further * state changing calls should fail */
public synchronized void prepareCommit() { if (isClosed) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_08003); } if (!database.txManager.prepareCommitActions(this)) { // tempActionHistory.add("commit aborts " + actionTimestamp); rollbackNoCheck(false); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001); } }
Commits any uncommitted transaction this Session may have open
  • HsqlException –
/** * Commits any uncommitted transaction this Session may have open * * @throws HsqlException */
public synchronized void commit(boolean chain) { // tempActionHistory.add("commit " + actionTimestamp); if (isClosed) { return; } if (sessionContext.depth > 0) { return; } if (isTransaction) { if (!database.txManager.commitTransaction(this)) { // tempActionHistory.add("commit aborts " + actionTimestamp); rollbackNoCheck(chain); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001); } } else { logSequences(); } endTransaction(true, chain); if (database != null && !sessionUser.isSystem() && database.logger.needsCheckpointReset()) { database.checkpointRunner.start(); } }
Rolls back any uncommitted transaction this Session may have open.
  • HsqlException –
/** * Rolls back any uncommitted transaction this Session may have open. * * @throws HsqlException */
public synchronized void rollback(boolean chain) { // tempActionHistory.add("rollback " + actionTimestamp); if (sessionContext.depth > 0) { return; } rollbackNoCheck(chain); } synchronized void rollbackNoCheck(boolean chain) { if (isClosed) { return; } if (isTransaction) { database.txManager.rollback(this); } endTransaction(false, chain); } private void endTransaction(boolean commit, boolean chain) { abortAction = false; abortTransaction = false; systemTimestampSet = false; sessionContext.resetStack(); sessionContext.savepoints.clear(); sessionContext.savepointTimestamps.clear(); rowActionList.clear(); sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearTransactionTables(); sessionData.closeAllTransactionNavigators(); sessionData.clearLobOps(); if (!chain) { sessionContext.isReadOnly = isReadOnlyDefault ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; setIsolation(isolationLevelDefault); } if (database.logger.getSqlEventLogLevel() > 0) { Statement endTX = commit ? StatementSession.commitNoChainStatement : StatementSession .rollbackNoChainStatement; database.logger.logStatementEvent(this, endTX, null, Result.updateZeroResult, SimpleLog.LOG_ERROR); } /* debug 190 tempActionHistory.add("commit ends " + actionTimestamp); tempActionHistory.clear(); //*/ }
Clear structures and reset variables to original. For JDBC use only. Note: sets autocommit true
/** * Clear structures and reset variables to original. For JDBC use only. * Note: sets autocommit true */
public synchronized void resetSession() { if (isClosed) { return; } rollbackNoCheck(false); sessionData.closeAllNavigators(); sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearAllTables(); sessionData.clearLobOps(); statementManager.reset(); sessionContext.lastIdentity = ValuePool.INTEGER_0; sessionContext.isAutoCommit = Boolean.TRUE; setResultMemoryRowCount(database.getResultMaxMemoryRows()); user = sessionUser; resetSchema(); setZoneSeconds(sessionTimeZoneSeconds); sessionMaxRows = 0; ignoreCase = database.sqlIgnoreCase; setIsolation(isolationLevelDefault); }
Registers a transaction SAVEPOINT. A new SAVEPOINT with the name of an existing one replaces the old SAVEPOINT.
  • name – name of the savepoint
/** * Registers a transaction SAVEPOINT. A new SAVEPOINT with the * name of an existing one replaces the old SAVEPOINT. * * @param name name of the savepoint * @throws HsqlException if there is no current transaction */
public synchronized void savepoint(String name) { int index = sessionContext.savepoints.getIndex(name); if (index != -1) { sessionContext.savepoints.remove(name); sessionContext.savepointTimestamps.remove(index); } actionTimestamp = database.txManager.getNextGlobalChangeTimestamp(); sessionContext.savepoints.add(name, ValuePool.getInt(rowActionList.size())); sessionContext.savepointTimestamps.addLast(actionTimestamp); }
Performs a partial transaction ROLLBACK to savepoint.
  • name – name of savepoint
/** * Performs a partial transaction ROLLBACK to savepoint. * * @param name name of savepoint * @throws HsqlException */
public synchronized void rollbackToSavepoint(String name) { if (isClosed) { return; } int index = sessionContext.savepoints.getIndex(name); if (index < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_3B001, name); } database.txManager.rollbackSavepoint(this, index); }
Performs a partial transaction ROLLBACK of current savepoint level.
  • HsqlException –
/** * Performs a partial transaction ROLLBACK of current savepoint level. * * @throws HsqlException */
public synchronized void rollbackToSavepoint() { if (isClosed) { return; } database.txManager.rollbackSavepoint(this, 0); } public synchronized void rollbackAction(int start, long timestamp) { if (isClosed) { return; } database.txManager.rollbackPartial(this, start, timestamp); }
Releases a savepoint
  • name – name of savepoint
/** * Releases a savepoint * * @param name name of savepoint * @throws HsqlException if name does not correspond to a savepoint */
public synchronized void releaseSavepoint(String name) { // remove this and all later savepoints int index = sessionContext.savepoints.getIndex(name); if (index < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_3B001, name); } while (sessionContext.savepoints.size() > index) { sessionContext.savepoints.remove(sessionContext.savepoints.size() - 1); sessionContext.savepointTimestamps.removeLast(); } } public boolean isInMidTransaction() { return isTransaction; } public void setNoSQL() { sessionContext.noSQL = Boolean.TRUE; } public void setIgnoreCase(boolean mode) { ignoreCase = mode; } public boolean isIgnorecase() { return ignoreCase; }
sets READ ONLY for next transaction / subtransaction only
  • readonly – the new value
/** * sets READ ONLY for next transaction / subtransaction only * * @param readonly the new value */
public void setReadOnly(boolean readonly) { if (!readonly && database.databaseReadOnly) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_READONLY); } if (isInMidTransaction()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25001); } sessionContext.isReadOnly = readonly ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } public synchronized void setReadOnlyDefault(boolean readonly) { if (!readonly && database.databaseReadOnly) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_READONLY); } isReadOnlyDefault = readonly; if (!isInMidTransaction()) { sessionContext.isReadOnly = isReadOnlyDefault ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } }
Getter for readonly attribute.
Returns:the current value
/** * Getter for readonly attribute. * * @return the current value */
public boolean isReadOnly() { return sessionContext.isReadOnly.booleanValue() || isReadOnlyIsolation; } public synchronized boolean isReadOnlyDefault() { return isReadOnlyDefault; }
Getter for autoCommit attribute.
Returns:the current value
/** * Getter for autoCommit attribute. * * @return the current value */
public synchronized boolean isAutoCommit() { return sessionContext.isAutoCommit.booleanValue(); } public synchronized int getStreamBlockSize() { return lobStreamBlockSize; }
Retrieves an internal Connection object equivalent to the one that created this Session.
Returns: internal connection.
/** * Retrieves an internal Connection object equivalent to the one * that created this Session. * * @return internal connection. */
JDBCConnection getInternalConnection() { if (intConnection == null) { intConnection = new JDBCConnection(this); } JDBCDriver.driverInstance.threadConnection.set(intConnection); return intConnection; } void releaseInternalConnection() { if (sessionContext.depth == 0) { JDBCDriver.driverInstance.threadConnection.set(null); } }
Retrieves the external JDBC connection
/** * Retrieves the external JDBC connection */
public JDBCConnection getJDBCConnection() { return extConnection; } public void setJDBCConnection(JDBCConnection connection) { extConnection = connection; } public String getDatabaseUniqueName() { return database.getNameString(); } // campbell-burnet@users 20020810 metadata 1.7.2 //---------------------------------------------------------------- private final long connectTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // more efficient for MetaData concerns than checkAdmin
Getter for admin attribute.
Returns:the current value
/** * Getter for admin attribute. * * @return the current value */
public boolean isAdmin() { return user.isAdmin(); }
Getter for connectTime attribute.
Returns:the value
/** * Getter for connectTime attribute. * * @return the value */
public long getConnectTime() { return connectTime; }
Count of actions in current transaction.
Returns:the current value
/** * Count of actions in current transaction. * * @return the current value */
public int getTransactionSize() { return rowActionList.size(); } public long getTransactionTimestamp() { return transactionTimestamp; } public Statement compileStatement(String sql, int props) { parser.reset(this, sql); Statement cs = parser.compileStatement(props); return cs; } public Statement compileStatement(String sql) { parser.reset(this, sql); Statement cs = parser.compileStatement(ResultProperties.defaultPropsValue); cs.setCompileTimestamp(Long.MAX_VALUE); return cs; }
Executes the command encapsulated by the cmd argument.
  • cmd – the command to execute
Returns:the result of executing the command
/** * Executes the command encapsulated by the cmd argument. * * @param cmd the command to execute * @return the result of executing the command */
public synchronized Result execute(Result cmd) { if (isClosed) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_08503)); } sessionContext.currentMaxRows = 0; isBatch = false; switch (cmd.mode) { case ResultConstants.LARGE_OBJECT_OP : { return performLOBOperation((ResultLob) cmd); } case ResultConstants.EXECUTE : { int maxRows = cmd.getUpdateCount(); if (maxRows == -1) { sessionContext.currentMaxRows = 0; } else { sessionContext.currentMaxRows = maxRows; } Statement cs = cmd.statement; if (cs == null || cs.compileTimestamp < database.schemaManager.schemaChangeTimestamp) { long csid = cmd.getStatementID(); cs = statementManager.getStatement(this, csid); cmd.setStatement(cs); if (cs == null) { // invalid sql has been removed already return Result.newErrorResult( Error.error(ErrorCode.X_07502)); } } Object[] pvals = (Object[]) cmd.valueData; Result result = executeCompiledStatement(cs, pvals, cmd.queryTimeout); result = performPostExecute(cmd, result); return result; } case ResultConstants.BATCHEXECUTE : { isBatch = true; Result result = executeCompiledBatchStatement(cmd); result = performPostExecute(cmd, result); return result; } case ResultConstants.EXECDIRECT : { Result result = executeDirectStatement(cmd); result = performPostExecute(cmd, result); return result; } case ResultConstants.BATCHEXECDIRECT : { isBatch = true; Result result = executeDirectBatchStatement(cmd); result = performPostExecute(cmd, result); return result; } case ResultConstants.PREPARE : { Statement cs; try { cs = statementManager.compile(this, cmd); } catch (Throwable t) { String errorString = cmd.getMainString(); return Result.newErrorResult(t, errorString); } Result result = Result.newPrepareResponse(cs); if (cs.getType() == StatementTypes.SELECT_CURSOR || cs.getType() == StatementTypes.CALL) { sessionData.setResultSetProperties(cmd, result); } result = performPostExecute(cmd, result); return result; } case ResultConstants.CLOSE_RESULT : { closeNavigator(cmd.getResultId()); return Result.updateZeroResult; } case ResultConstants.UPDATE_RESULT : { Result result = this.executeResultUpdate(cmd); result = performPostExecute(cmd, result); return result; } case ResultConstants.FREESTMT : { statementManager.freeStatement(cmd.getStatementID()); return Result.updateZeroResult; } case ResultConstants.GETSESSIONATTR : { int id = cmd.getStatementType(); return getAttributesResult(id); } case ResultConstants.SETSESSIONATTR : { return setAttributes(cmd); } case ResultConstants.ENDTRAN : { switch (cmd.getActionType()) { case ResultConstants.TX_COMMIT : try { commit(false); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.newErrorResult(t); } break; case ResultConstants.TX_COMMIT_AND_CHAIN : try { commit(true); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.newErrorResult(t); } break; case ResultConstants.TX_ROLLBACK : rollback(false); break; case ResultConstants.TX_ROLLBACK_AND_CHAIN : rollback(true); break; case ResultConstants.TX_SAVEPOINT_NAME_RELEASE : try { String name = cmd.getMainString(); releaseSavepoint(name); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.newErrorResult(t); } break; case ResultConstants.TX_SAVEPOINT_NAME_ROLLBACK : try { rollbackToSavepoint(cmd.getMainString()); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.newErrorResult(t); } break; case ResultConstants.PREPARECOMMIT : try { prepareCommit(); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.newErrorResult(t); } break; } return Result.updateZeroResult; } case ResultConstants.SETCONNECTATTR : { switch (cmd.getConnectionAttrType()) { case ResultConstants.SQL_ATTR_SAVEPOINT_NAME : try { savepoint(cmd.getMainString()); } catch (Throwable t) { return Result.newErrorResult(t); } // case ResultConstants.SQL_ATTR_AUTO_IPD // - always true // default: throw - case never happens } return Result.updateZeroResult; } case ResultConstants.REQUESTDATA : { return sessionData.getDataResultSlice(cmd.getResultId(), cmd.getUpdateCount(), cmd.getFetchSize()); } case ResultConstants.DISCONNECT : { close(); return Result.updateZeroResult; } default : { return Result.newErrorResult( Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Session")); } } } private Result performPostExecute(Result command, Result result) { if (result.mode == ResultConstants.DATA) { result = sessionData.getDataResultHead(command, result, isNetwork); } /* else if (result.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) { while (sessionContext.depth > 0) { sessionContext.pop(); } } */ if (sqlWarnings != null && sqlWarnings.size() > 0) { if (result.mode == ResultConstants.UPDATECOUNT) { result = new Result(ResultConstants.UPDATECOUNT, result.getUpdateCount()); } HsqlException[] warnings = getAndClearWarnings(); result.addWarnings(warnings); } return result; } public RowSetNavigatorClient getRows(long navigatorId, int offset, int blockSize) { return sessionData.getRowSetSlice(navigatorId, offset, blockSize); } public synchronized void closeNavigator(long id) { sessionData.closeNavigator(id); } public Result executeDirectStatement(Result cmd) { String sql = cmd.getMainString(); HsqlArrayList list; int maxRows = cmd.getUpdateCount(); if (maxRows == -1) { sessionContext.currentMaxRows = 0; } else if (sessionMaxRows == 0) { sessionContext.currentMaxRows = maxRows; } else { sessionContext.currentMaxRows = sessionMaxRows; sessionMaxRows = 0; } try { list = parser.compileStatements(sql, cmd); } catch (Throwable e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } Result result = null; boolean recompile = false; HsqlName originalSchema = getCurrentSchemaHsqlName(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Statement cs = (Statement) list.get(i); if (i > 0) { if (cs.getCompileTimestamp() > database.txManager.getGlobalChangeTimestamp()) { recompile = true; } if (cs.getSchemaName() != null && cs.getSchemaName() != originalSchema) { recompile = true; } } if (recompile) { cs = compileStatement(cs.getSQL(), cmd.getExecuteProperties()); } cs.setGeneratedColumnInfo(cmd.getGeneratedResultType(), cmd.getGeneratedResultMetaData()); result = executeCompiledStatement(cs, ValuePool.emptyObjectArray, cmd.queryTimeout); if (result.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) { break; } } return result; } public Result executeDirectStatement(String sql) { try { Statement cs = compileStatement(sql); Result result = executeCompiledStatement(cs, ValuePool.emptyObjectArray, 0); return result; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } } public Result executeCompiledStatement(Statement cs, Object[] pvals, int timeout) { Result r; if (abortTransaction) { return handleAbortTransaction(); } if (sessionContext.depth > 0) { if (sessionContext.noSQL.booleanValue() || cs.isAutoCommitStatement()) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_46000)); } } if (cs.isAutoCommitStatement()) { if (isReadOnly()) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25006)); } try { /** special autocommit for backward compatibility */ commit(false); } catch (HsqlException e) { database.logger.logInfoEvent("Exception at commit"); } } sessionContext.currentStatement = cs; boolean isTX = cs.isTransactionStatement(); if (!isTX) { actionTimestamp = database.txManager.getNextGlobalChangeTimestamp(); sessionContext.setDynamicArguments(pvals); // statements such as DISCONNECT may close the session if (database.logger.getSqlEventLogLevel() >= SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL) { database.logger.logStatementEvent(this, cs, pvals, Result.updateZeroResult, SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL); } r = cs.execute(this); sessionContext.currentStatement = null; abortAction = false; sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.clearStatementTables(); return r; } timeoutManager.startTimeout(timeout); repeatLoop: while (true) { actionIndex = rowActionList.size(); database.txManager.beginAction(this, cs); if (redoAction) { redoAction = false; continue; } cs = sessionContext.currentStatement; if (cs == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_07502)); } if (abortTransaction) { return handleAbortTransaction(); } boolean interrupted = false; while (true) { try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { interrupted = txInterruptRollback; Thread.interrupted(); continue; } break; } if (abortAction) { r = Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40502)); endAction(r); break repeatLoop; } if (abortTransaction || interrupted) { Result result = handleAbortTransaction(); if (interrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } return result; } database.txManager.beginActionResume(this); // tempActionHistory.add("sql execute " + cs.sql + " " + actionTimestamp + " " + rowActionList.size()); sessionContext.setDynamicArguments(pvals); r = cs.execute(this); if (database.logger.getSqlEventLogLevel() >= SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL) { database.logger.logStatementEvent(this, cs, pvals, r, SimpleLog.LOG_NORMAL); } // tempActionHistory.add("sql execute end " + actionTimestamp + " " + rowActionList.size()); endAction(r); if (abortTransaction) { break repeatLoop; } if (redoAction) { redoAction = false; while (true) { try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.interrupted(); continue; } break; } } else { break repeatLoop; } } if (abortTransaction) { return handleAbortTransaction(); } if (sessionContext.depth == 0 && (sessionContext.isAutoCommit.booleanValue() || cs.isAutoCommitStatement())) { try { if (r.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) { rollbackNoCheck(false); } else { commit(false); } } catch (Exception e) { sessionContext.currentStatement = null; return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001, e)); } } sessionContext.currentStatement = null; return r; } private Result handleAbortTransaction() { rollbackNoCheck(false); sessionContext.currentStatement = null; return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_40001)); } private Result executeCompiledBatchStatement(Result cmd) { long csid; Statement cs; int[] updateCounts; int count; cs = cmd.statement; if (cs == null || cs.compileTimestamp < database.schemaManager.schemaChangeTimestamp) { csid = cmd.getStatementID(); cs = statementManager.getStatement(this, csid); if (cs == null) { // invalid sql has been removed already return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_07502)); } } count = 0; RowSetNavigator nav = cmd.initialiseNavigator(); updateCounts = new int[nav.getSize()]; Result generatedResult = null; if (cs.hasGeneratedColumns()) { generatedResult = Result.newGeneratedDataResult(cs.generatedResultMetaData()); } Result error = null; while (nav.next()) { Object[] pvals = nav.getCurrent(); Result in = executeCompiledStatement(cs, pvals, cmd.queryTimeout); // On the client side, iterate over the vals and throw // a BatchUpdateException if a batch status value of // esultConstants.EXECUTE_FAILED is encountered in the result if (in.isUpdateCount()) { if (cs.hasGeneratedColumns()) { RowSetNavigator navgen = in.getChainedResult().getNavigator(); while (navgen.next()) { Object[] generatedRow = navgen.getCurrent(); generatedResult.getNavigator().add(generatedRow); } } updateCounts[count++] = in.getUpdateCount(); } else if (in.isData()) { // FIXME: we don't have what it takes yet // to differentiate between things like // stored procedure calls to methods with // void return type and select statements with // a single row/column containing null updateCounts[count++] = ResultConstants.SUCCESS_NO_INFO; } else if (in.mode == ResultConstants.CALL_RESPONSE) { updateCounts[count++] = ResultConstants.SUCCESS_NO_INFO; } else if (in.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) { updateCounts = ArrayUtil.arraySlice(updateCounts, 0, count); error = in; break; } else { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Session"); } } return Result.newBatchedExecuteResponse(updateCounts, generatedResult, error); } private Result executeDirectBatchStatement(Result cmd) { int[] updateCounts; int count; count = 0; RowSetNavigator nav = cmd.initialiseNavigator(); updateCounts = new int[nav.getSize()]; Result error = null; while (nav.next()) { Result in; Object[] data = nav.getCurrent(); String sql = (String) data[0]; try { Statement cs = compileStatement(sql); in = executeCompiledStatement(cs, ValuePool.emptyObjectArray, cmd.queryTimeout); } catch (Throwable t) { in = Result.newErrorResult(t); // if (t instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { // System.gc(); // } // "in" already equals "err" // maybe test for OOME and do a gc() ? // t.printStackTrace(); } if (in.isUpdateCount()) { updateCounts[count++] = in.getUpdateCount(); } else if (in.isData()) { // FIXME: we don't have what it takes yet // to differentiate between things like // stored procedure calls to methods with // void return type and select statements with // a single row/column containing null updateCounts[count++] = ResultConstants.SUCCESS_NO_INFO; } else if (in.mode == ResultConstants.CALL_RESPONSE) { updateCounts[count++] = ResultConstants.SUCCESS_NO_INFO; } else if (in.mode == ResultConstants.ERROR) { updateCounts = ArrayUtil.arraySlice(updateCounts, 0, count); error = in; break; } else { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Session"); } } return Result.newBatchedExecuteResponse(updateCounts, null, error); }
Retrieves the result of inserting, updating or deleting a row from an updatable result.
Returns:the result of executing the statement
/** * Retrieves the result of inserting, updating or deleting a row * from an updatable result. * * @return the result of executing the statement */
private Result executeResultUpdate(Result cmd) { long id = cmd.getResultId(); int actionType = cmd.getActionType(); Result result = sessionData.getDataResult(id); if (result == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_24501)); } Object[] pvals = (Object[]) cmd.valueData; Type[] types = cmd.metaData.columnTypes; StatementQuery statement = (StatementQuery) result.getStatement(); sessionContext.rowUpdateStatement.setRowActionProperties(result, actionType, statement, types); Result resultOut = executeCompiledStatement(sessionContext.rowUpdateStatement, pvals, cmd.queryTimeout); return resultOut; } // session DATETIME functions long currentDateSCN; long currentTimestampSCN; long currentMillis; private TimestampData currentDate; private TimestampData currentTimestamp; private TimestampData localTimestamp; private TimestampData transactionSystemTimestamp = getSystemTimestamp(false); boolean systemTimestampSet = false; private TimeData currentTime; private TimeData localTime;
Returns the current date, unchanged for the duration of the current execution unit (statement).

SQL standards require that CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are all evaluated at the same point of time in the duration of each SQL statement, no matter how long the SQL statement takes to complete.

When this method or a corresponding method for CURRENT_TIME or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is first called in the scope of a system change number, currentMillis is set to the current system time. All further CURRENT_XXXX calls in this scope will use this millisecond value. (fredt@users)

/** * Returns the current date, unchanged for the duration of the current * execution unit (statement).<p> * * SQL standards require that CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME and * CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are all evaluated at the same point of * time in the duration of each SQL statement, no matter how long the * SQL statement takes to complete.<p> * * When this method or a corresponding method for CURRENT_TIME or * CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is first called in the scope of a system change * number, currentMillis is set to the current system time. All further * CURRENT_XXXX calls in this scope will use this millisecond value. * (fredt@users) */
public synchronized TimestampData getCurrentDate() { resetCurrentTimestamp(); if (currentDate == null) { currentDate = (TimestampData) Type.SQL_DATE.getValue(this, currentMillis / 1000, 0, getZoneSeconds()); } return currentDate; }
Returns the current time, unchanged for the duration of the current execution unit (statement)
/** * Returns the current time, unchanged for the duration of the current * execution unit (statement) */
synchronized TimeData getCurrentTime(boolean withZone) { resetCurrentTimestamp(); if (withZone) { if (currentTime == null) { int seconds = (int) (HsqlDateTime.getNormalisedTime( getCalendarGMT(), currentMillis)) / 1000; int nanos = (int) (currentMillis % 1000) * 1000000; currentTime = new TimeData(seconds, nanos, getZoneSeconds()); } return currentTime; } else { if (localTime == null) { int seconds = (int) (HsqlDateTime.getNormalisedTime( getCalendarGMT(), currentMillis + getZoneSeconds() * 1000L)) / 1000; int nanos = (int) (currentMillis % 1000) * 1000000; localTime = new TimeData(seconds, nanos, 0); } return localTime; } }
Returns the current timestamp, unchanged for the duration of the current execution unit (statement)
/** * Returns the current timestamp, unchanged for the duration of the current * execution unit (statement) */
synchronized TimestampData getCurrentTimestamp(boolean withZone) { resetCurrentTimestamp(); if (withZone) { if (currentTimestamp == null) { int nanos = (int) (currentMillis % 1000) * 1000000; currentTimestamp = new TimestampData((currentMillis / 1000), nanos, getZoneSeconds()); } return currentTimestamp; } else { if (localTimestamp == null) { int nanos = (int) (currentMillis % 1000) * 1000000; localTimestamp = new TimestampData(currentMillis / 1000 + getZoneSeconds(), nanos, 0); } return localTimestamp; } } synchronized TimestampData getSystemTimestamp(boolean withZone) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long seconds = millis / 1000; int nanos = (int) (millis % 1000) * 1000000; int offset = 0; if (!withZone) { TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getDefault(); offset = zone.getOffset(millis) / 1000; seconds += offset; offset = 0; } return new TimestampData(seconds, nanos, offset); } TimestampData getTransactionSystemTimestamp() { if (!systemTimestampSet) { transactionSystemTimestamp = getSystemTimestamp(false); systemTimestampSet = true; } return transactionSystemTimestamp; } private void resetCurrentTimestamp() { if (currentTimestampSCN != actionTimestamp) { currentTimestampSCN = actionTimestamp; currentMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); currentDate = null; currentTimestamp = null; localTimestamp = null; currentTime = null; localTime = null; } } private Result getAttributesResult(int id) { Result r = Result.newSessionAttributesResult(); Object[] data = r.getSingleRowData(); data[SessionInterface.INFO_ID] = ValuePool.getInt(id); switch (id) { case SessionInterface.INFO_ISOLATION : data[SessionInterface.INFO_INTEGER] = ValuePool.getInt(isolationLevel); break; case SessionInterface.INFO_AUTOCOMMIT : data[SessionInterface.INFO_BOOLEAN] = sessionContext.isAutoCommit; break; case SessionInterface.INFO_CONNECTION_READONLY : data[SessionInterface.INFO_BOOLEAN] = sessionContext.isReadOnly; break; case SessionInterface.INFO_CATALOG : data[SessionInterface.INFO_VARCHAR] = database.getCatalogName().name; break; } return r; } private Result setAttributes(Result r) { Object[] row = r.getSessionAttributes(); int id = ((Integer) row[SessionInterface.INFO_ID]).intValue(); try { switch (id) { case SessionInterface.INFO_AUTOCOMMIT : { boolean value = ((Boolean) row[SessionInterface.INFO_BOOLEAN]) .booleanValue(); this.setAutoCommit(value); break; } case SessionInterface.INFO_CONNECTION_READONLY : { boolean value = ((Boolean) row[SessionInterface.INFO_BOOLEAN]) .booleanValue(); this.setReadOnlyDefault(value); break; } case SessionInterface.INFO_ISOLATION : { int value = ((Integer) row[SessionInterface.INFO_INTEGER]) .intValue(); this.setIsolationDefault(value); break; } case SessionInterface.INFO_CATALOG : { String value = ((String) row[SessionInterface.INFO_VARCHAR]); this.setCatalog(value); } } } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } return Result.updateZeroResult; } public synchronized Object getAttribute(int id) { switch (id) { case SessionInterface.INFO_ISOLATION : return ValuePool.getInt(isolationLevel); case SessionInterface.INFO_AUTOCOMMIT : return sessionContext.isAutoCommit; case SessionInterface.INFO_CONNECTION_READONLY : return isReadOnlyDefault ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; case SessionInterface.INFO_CATALOG : return database.getCatalogName().name; } return null; } public synchronized void setAttribute(int id, Object object) { switch (id) { case SessionInterface.INFO_AUTOCOMMIT : { boolean value = ((Boolean) object).booleanValue(); this.setAutoCommit(value); break; } case SessionInterface.INFO_CONNECTION_READONLY : { boolean value = ((Boolean) object).booleanValue(); this.setReadOnlyDefault(value); break; } case SessionInterface.INFO_ISOLATION : { int value = ((Integer) object).intValue(); this.setIsolationDefault(value); break; } case SessionInterface.INFO_CATALOG : { String value = ((String) object); this.setCatalog(value); } } } // lobs public BlobDataID createBlob(long length) { long lobID = database.lobManager.createBlob(this, length); if (lobID == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502); } sessionData.registerNewLob(lobID); return new BlobDataID(lobID); } public ClobDataID createClob(long length) { long lobID = database.lobManager.createClob(this, length); if (lobID == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0F502); } sessionData.registerNewLob(lobID); return new ClobDataID(lobID); } public void registerResultLobs(Result result) { sessionData.registerLobForResult(result); } public void allocateResultLob(ResultLob result, InputStream inputStream) { sessionData.allocateLobForResult(result, inputStream); } Result performLOBOperation(ResultLob cmd) { long id = cmd.getLobID(); int operation = cmd.getSubType(); switch (operation) { case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_GET_LOB : { return database.lobManager.getLob(id, cmd.getOffset(), cmd.getBlockLength()); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_GET_LENGTH : { return database.lobManager.getLength(id); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_GET_BYTES : { return database.lobManager.getBytes( id, cmd.getOffset(), (int) cmd.getBlockLength()); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_SET_BYTES : { return database.lobManager.setBytes( id, cmd.getOffset(), cmd.getByteArray(), (int) cmd.getBlockLength()); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_GET_CHARS : { return database.lobManager.getChars( id, cmd.getOffset(), (int) cmd.getBlockLength()); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_SET_CHARS : { return database.lobManager.setChars( id, cmd.getOffset(), cmd.getCharArray(), (int) cmd.getBlockLength()); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_TRUNCATE : { return database.lobManager.truncate(id, cmd.getOffset()); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_DUPLICATE_LOB : { return database.lobManager.createDuplicateLob(id); } case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_CREATE_BYTES : case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_CREATE_CHARS : case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_GET_BYTE_PATTERN_POSITION : case ResultLob.LobResultTypes.REQUEST_GET_CHAR_PATTERN_POSITION : { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A501); } default : { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Session"); } } } // DatabaseMetaData.getURL should work as specified for // internal connections too. public String getInternalConnectionURL() { return DatabaseURL.S_URL_PREFIX + database.getURI(); } public Result cancel(Result result) { if (result.getType() == ResultConstants.SQLCANCEL) { if (result.getSessionRandomID() == randomId) { database.txManager.resetSession( null, this, TransactionManager.resetSessionStatement); } } return Result.updateZeroResult; } public boolean isProcessingScript() { return isProcessingScript; } public boolean isProcessingLog() { return isProcessingLog; } // schema object methods public void setSchema(String schema) { currentSchema = database.schemaManager.getSchemaHsqlName(schema); } public void setCatalog(String catalog) { if (database.getCatalogName().name.equals(catalog)) { return; } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_3D000); }
If schemaName is null, return the current schema name, else return the HsqlName object for the schema. If schemaName does not exist, throw.
/** * If schemaName is null, return the current schema name, else return * the HsqlName object for the schema. If schemaName does not exist, * throw. */
HsqlName getSchemaHsqlName(String name) { return name == null ? currentSchema : database.schemaManager.getSchemaHsqlName(name); }
Same as above, but return string
/** * Same as above, but return string */
public String getSchemaName(String name) { return name == null ? currentSchema.name : database.schemaManager.getSchemaName(name); } public void setCurrentSchemaHsqlName(HsqlName name) { currentSchema = name; } public HsqlName getCurrentSchemaHsqlName() { return currentSchema; } public int getResultMemoryRowCount() { return resultMaxMemoryRows; } public void setResultMemoryRowCount(int count) { if (database.logger.getTempDirectoryPath() != null) { if (count < 0) { count = 0; } resultMaxMemoryRows = count; } } // warnings HsqlDeque sqlWarnings; public void addWarning(HsqlException warning) { if (sqlWarnings == null) { sqlWarnings = new HsqlDeque(); } if (sqlWarnings.size() > 9) { sqlWarnings.removeFirst(); } int index = sqlWarnings.indexOf(warning); if (index >= 0) { sqlWarnings.remove(index); } sqlWarnings.add(warning); } public HsqlException[] getAndClearWarnings() { if (sqlWarnings == null) { return HsqlException.emptyArray; } HsqlException[] array = new HsqlException[sqlWarnings.size()]; sqlWarnings.toArray(array); sqlWarnings.clear(); return array; } public HsqlException getLastWarning() { if (sqlWarnings == null || sqlWarnings.size() == 0) { return null; } return (HsqlException) sqlWarnings.getLast(); } public void clearWarnings() { if (sqlWarnings != null) { sqlWarnings.clear(); } } // session zone private Calendar calendar; private Calendar calendarGMT; public int getZoneSeconds() { return timeZoneSeconds; } public void setZoneSeconds(int seconds) { timeZoneSeconds = seconds; } public Calendar getCalendar() { if (calendar == null) { if (zoneString == null) { calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); } else { TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zoneString); calendar = new GregorianCalendar(zone); } } return calendar; } public Calendar getCalendarGMT() { if (calendarGMT == null) { calendarGMT = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } return calendarGMT; } public SimpleDateFormat getSimpleDateFormatGMT() { if (simpleDateFormatGMT == null) { simpleDateFormatGMT = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM", Locale.ENGLISH); simpleDateFormatGMT.setCalendar(getCalendarGMT()); } return simpleDateFormatGMT; } // services TypedComparator typedComparator = new TypedComparator(this); Scanner secondaryScanner; SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat; SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormatGMT; Random randomGenerator = new Random(); long seed = -1; public final int randomId = randomGenerator.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); // public TypedComparator getComparator() { return typedComparator; } public double random(long seed) { if (this.seed != seed) { randomGenerator.setSeed(seed); this.seed = seed; } return randomGenerator.nextDouble(); } public double random() { return randomGenerator.nextDouble(); } public Scanner getScanner() { if (secondaryScanner == null) { secondaryScanner = new Scanner(); } return secondaryScanner; } // properties HsqlProperties clientProperties; public HsqlProperties getClientProperties() { if (clientProperties == null) { clientProperties = new HsqlProperties(); clientProperties.setProperty( HsqlDatabaseProperties.jdbc_translate_tti_types, database.sqlTranslateTTI); clientProperties.setProperty( HsqlDatabaseProperties.sql_live_object, database.sqlLiveObject); } return clientProperties; } // logging and SEQUENCE current values void logSequences() { HashMap map = sessionData.sequenceUpdateMap; if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0, size = map.size(); i < size; i++) { NumberSequence sequence = (NumberSequence) it.next(); database.logger.writeSequenceStatement(this, sequence); } sessionData.sequenceUpdateMap.clear(); } String getStartTransactionSQL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Tokens.T_START).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TRANSACTION); if (isolationLevel != isolationLevelDefault) { sb.append(' '); appendIsolationSQL(sb, isolationLevel); } return sb.toString(); } String getTransactionIsolationSQL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TRANSACTION); sb.append(' '); appendIsolationSQL(sb, isolationLevel); return sb.toString(); } String getSessionIsolationSQL() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Tokens.T_SET).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_SESSION); sb.append(' ').append(Tokens.T_CHARACTERISTICS).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_AS).append(' ').append(Tokens.T_TRANSACTION).append( ' '); appendIsolationSQL(sb, isolationLevelDefault); return sb.toString(); } static void appendIsolationSQL(StringBuilder sb, int isolationLevel) { sb.append(Tokens.T_ISOLATION).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_LEVEL).append(' '); sb.append(getIsolationString(isolationLevel)); } static String getIsolationString(int isolationLevel) { switch (isolationLevel) { case SessionInterface.TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED : case SessionInterface.TX_READ_COMMITTED : StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Tokens.T_READ).append(' '); sb.append(Tokens.T_COMMITTED); return sb.toString(); case SessionInterface.TX_REPEATABLE_READ : case SessionInterface.TX_SERIALIZABLE : default : return Tokens.T_SERIALIZABLE; } } String getSetSchemaStatement() { return "SET SCHEMA " + currentSchema.statementName; } // timeouts class TimeoutManager { AtomicInteger currentTimeout = new AtomicInteger(); void startTimeout(int timeout) { currentTimeout.set(timeout); if (timeout == 0) { return; } database.timeoutRunner.addSession(Session.this); } boolean endTimeout() { currentTimeout.set(0); return true; } public boolean checkTimeout() { if (currentTimeout.get() == 0) { return true; } int result = currentTimeout.decrementAndGet(); if (result <= 0) { currentTimeout.set(0); database.txManager.resetSession( null, Session.this, TransactionManager.resetSessionStatement); return true; } return false; } } }