 * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
 * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
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package org.jruby.java.codegen;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyBasicObject;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.ast.executable.RuntimeCache;
import org.jruby.compiler.impl.SkinnyMethodAdapter;
import org.jruby.compiler.util.BasicObjectStubGenerator;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ASM;
import org.jruby.util.ClassDefiningClassLoader;
import org.jruby.util.ClassDefiningJRubyClassLoader;
import org.jruby.util.Loader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;

import static org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.JAVA_VERSION;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.ci;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.getBoxType;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.p;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.params;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.prettyParams;
import static org.jruby.util.CodegenUtils.sig;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC;
import static org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER;

On fly .class generator (used for Ruby interface impls).
/** * On fly .class generator (used for Ruby interface impls). * * @author headius */
public abstract class RealClassGenerator { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final int V_BC = JAVA_VERSION; // version used for generated byte-code //public static Map<String, List<Method>> buildSimpleToAllMap(Class[] interfaces, String[] superTypeNames) // throws SecurityException { // return buildSimpleToAllMap(interfaces, superTypeNames, null); //} static Map<String, List<Method>> buildSimpleToAllMap(Class[] interfaces, String[] superTypeNames, RubyClass implClass) throws SecurityException { final LinkedHashMap<String, List<Method>> simpleToAll = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // we're use the map's order to work-around bug when there's too getters for a property : // getFoo and isFoo in which case we make sure getFoo will come after isFoo in the map // so that the installed "foo" alias always triggers getFoo regardless of getMethods order for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { superTypeNames[i] = p(interfaces[i]); for ( Method method : interfaces[i].getMethods() ) { final String name = method.getName(); if ( Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) ) continue; if ( implClass != null ) { // only override default methods if present in implementing class if ( ! Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers()) && ! implClass.getMethods().containsKey(name) ) { continue; } } List<Method> methods = simpleToAll.get(name); if (methods == null) { simpleToAll.put(name, methods = new ArrayList<Method>(6)); if ( name.startsWith("is") && name.length() > 2 ) { final String getName = "get" + name.substring(2); List<Method> getMethods = simpleToAll.get(getName); if ( getMethods != null ) { // remove and re-add so that getFoo is after isFoo simpleToAll.remove(getName); simpleToAll.put(getName, getMethods); } } } methods.add(method); } } return simpleToAll; } // NOTE: assuming this is only used for interface-impl generation from: Java.newInterfaceImpl public static Class createOldStyleImplClass(Class[] superTypes, RubyClass rubyClass, Ruby ruby, String name, ClassDefiningClassLoader classLoader) { String[] superTypeNames = new String[superTypes.length]; // interfaces now do have a convention that they only override an interface default method // if a Ruby method (stub) is present in the implementing Ruby class : Map<String, List<Method>> simpleToAll = buildSimpleToAllMap(superTypes, superTypeNames, rubyClass); Class newClass = defineOldStyleImplClass(ruby, name, superTypeNames, simpleToAll, classLoader); return newClass; } // NOTE: only used for interface class generation from ... Java.generateRealClass public static Class createRealImplClass(Class superClass, Class[] interfaces, RubyClass rubyClass, Ruby ruby, String name) { String[] superTypeNames = new String[interfaces.length]; // interfaces now do have a convention that they only override an interface default method // if a Ruby method (stub) is present in the implementing Ruby class : Map<String, List<Method>> simpleToAll = buildSimpleToAllMap(interfaces, superTypeNames, rubyClass); Class newClass = defineRealImplClass(ruby, name, superClass, superTypeNames, simpleToAll); // Confirm all interfaces got implemented for (Class ifc : interfaces) { assert ifc.isAssignableFrom(newClass); } return newClass; }
This variation on defineImplClass uses all the classic type coercion logic for passing args and returning results.
  • ruby –
  • name –
  • superTypeNames –
  • simpleToAll –
/** * This variation on defineImplClass uses all the classic type coercion logic * for passing args and returning results. * * @param ruby * @param name * @param superTypeNames * @param simpleToAll * @return */
public static Class defineOldStyleImplClass(final Ruby ruby, final String name, final String[] superTypeNames, final Map<String, List<Method>> simpleToAll, final ClassDefiningClassLoader loader) { Class newClass; synchronized (loader) { // try to load the specified name; only if that fails, try to define the class try { newClass = loader.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ClassWriter cw = ASM.newClassWriter(loader.asClassLoader()); String pathName = name.replace('.', '/'); // construct the class, implementing all supertypes cw.visit(V_BC, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, pathName, null, p(Object.class), superTypeNames); cw.visitSource(pathName + ".gen", null); // fields needed for dispatch and such cw.visitField(ACC_STATIC | ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class), null, null).visitEnd(); cw.visitField(ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_FINAL, "$self", ci(IRubyObject.class), null, null).visitEnd(); // create static init SkinnyMethodAdapter clinitMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", sig(void.class), null, null); // create constructor SkinnyMethodAdapter initMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", sig(void.class, IRubyObject.class), null, null); initMethod.aload(0); initMethod.invokespecial(p(Object.class), "<init>", sig(void.class)); // store the wrapper initMethod.aload(0); initMethod.aload(1); initMethod.putfield(pathName, "$self", ci(IRubyObject.class)); // end constructor initMethod.voidreturn(); initMethod.end(); int cacheSize = 0; final HashSet<String> implementedNames = new HashSet<String>(); // for each simple method name, implement the complex methods, calling the simple version for (Map.Entry<String, List<Method>> entry : simpleToAll.entrySet()) { final String simpleName = entry.getKey(); final List<Method> methods = entry.getValue(); Set<String> nameSet = JavaUtil.getRubyNamesForJavaName(simpleName, methods); implementedNames.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { final Method method = methods.get(i); final Class[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); final Class returnType = method.getReturnType(); String fullName = simpleName + prettyParams(paramTypes); if (implementedNames.contains(fullName)) continue; implementedNames.add(fullName); // indices for temp values final int baseIndex = calcBaseIndex(paramTypes, 1); SkinnyMethodAdapter mv = new SkinnyMethodAdapter( cw, ACC_PUBLIC, simpleName, sig(returnType, paramTypes), null, null); mv.start(); mv.line(1); switch ( simpleName ) { // TODO: this code should really check if a Ruby equals method is implemented or not. case "equals" : if ( defineDefaultEquals(2, mv, paramTypes, returnType) ) ; else defineOldStyleBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; case "hashCode" : if ( defineDefaultHashCode(3, mv, paramTypes, returnType) ) ; else defineOldStyleBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; case "toString" : if ( defineDefaultToString(4, mv, paramTypes, returnType) ) ; else defineOldStyleBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; case "__ruby_object" : if ( paramTypes.length == 0 && returnType == IRubyObject.class ) { mv.aload(0); mv.getfield(pathName, "$self", ci(IRubyObject.class)); mv.areturn(); break; } default : // cacheIndex = cacheSize++; defineOldStyleBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; } mv.end(); } } // end setup method clinitMethod.newobj(p(RuntimeCache.class)); clinitMethod.dup(); clinitMethod.invokespecial(p(RuntimeCache.class), "<init>", sig(void.class)); clinitMethod.dup(); clinitMethod.ldc(cacheSize); clinitMethod.invokevirtual(p(RuntimeCache.class), "initMethodCache", sig(void.class, int.class)); clinitMethod.putstatic(pathName, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class)); clinitMethod.voidreturn(); clinitMethod.end(); // end class cw.visitEnd(); // create the class final byte[] bytecode = cw.toByteArray(); newClass = loader.defineClass(name, bytecode); if ( DEBUG ) writeClassFile(name, bytecode); } } return newClass; } private static void defineOldStyleBody(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final String pathName, final String simpleName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType, final int baseIndex, final int cacheIndex, final Set<String> nameSet) { final int selfIndex = baseIndex; final int rubyIndex = selfIndex + 1; mv.line(5); // prepare temp locals mv.aload(0); mv.getfield(pathName, "$self", ci(IRubyObject.class)); mv.astore(selfIndex); mv.aload(selfIndex); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "getRuntime", sig(Ruby.class)); mv.astore(rubyIndex); // get method from cache mv.getstatic(pathName, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class)); mv.aload(selfIndex); mv.ldc(cacheIndex); for (String eachName : nameSet) { mv.ldc(eachName); } mv.invokevirtual(p(RuntimeCache.class), "searchWithCache", sig(DynamicMethod.class, params(IRubyObject.class, int.class, String.class, nameSet.size()))); // get current context mv.aload(rubyIndex); mv.invokevirtual(p(Ruby.class), "getCurrentContext", sig(ThreadContext.class)); // load self, class, and name mv.aloadMany(selfIndex, selfIndex); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "getMetaClass", sig(RubyClass.class)); mv.ldc(simpleName); // coerce arguments coerceArgumentsToRuby(mv, paramTypes, rubyIndex); // load null block mv.getstatic(p(Block.class), "NULL_BLOCK", ci(Block.class)); // invoke method mv.line(13); mv.invokevirtual(p(DynamicMethod.class), "call", sig(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, RubyModule.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class, Block.class)); coerceResultAndReturn(mv, returnType); }
This variation on defineImplClass uses all the classic type coercion logic for passing args and returning results.
  • runtime –
  • name –
  • superTypeNames –
  • simpleToAll –
/** * This variation on defineImplClass uses all the classic type coercion logic * for passing args and returning results. * * @param runtime * @param name * @param superTypeNames * @param simpleToAll * @return */
public static Class defineRealImplClass(final Ruby runtime, final String name, final Class superClass, final String[] superTypeNames, final Map<String, List<Method>> simpleToAll) { final ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); final String pathName = name.replace('.', '/'); boolean isRubyHierarchy = RubyBasicObject.class.isAssignableFrom(superClass); // construct the class, implementing all supertypes if (isRubyHierarchy) { // Ruby hierarchy...just extend it cw.visit(V_BC, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, pathName, null, p(superClass), superTypeNames); } else { // Non-Ruby hierarchy; add IRubyObject String[] plusIRubyObject = new String[superTypeNames.length + 1]; plusIRubyObject[0] = p(IRubyObject.class); System.arraycopy(superTypeNames, 0, plusIRubyObject, 1, superTypeNames.length); cw.visit(V_BC, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, pathName, null, p(superClass), plusIRubyObject); } cw.visitSource(pathName + ".gen", null); // fields needed for dispatch and such cw.visitField(ACC_STATIC | ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class), null, null).visitEnd(); // create static init SkinnyMethodAdapter clinitMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", sig(void.class), null, null); // create constructor SkinnyMethodAdapter initMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", sig(void.class, Ruby.class, RubyClass.class), null, null); if (isRubyHierarchy) { // superclass is in the Ruby object hierarchy; invoke typical Ruby superclass constructor initMethod.aloadMany(0, 1, 2); initMethod.invokespecial(p(superClass), "<init>", sig(void.class, Ruby.class, RubyClass.class)); } else { // superclass is not in Ruby hierarchy; store objects and call no-arg super constructor cw.visitField(ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE, "$ruby", ci(Ruby.class), null, null).visitEnd(); cw.visitField(ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE, "$rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class), null, null).visitEnd(); initMethod.aloadMany(0, 1); initMethod.putfield(pathName, "$ruby", ci(Ruby.class)); initMethod.aloadMany(0, 2); initMethod.putfield(pathName, "$rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class)); // only no-arg super constructor supported right now initMethod.aload(0); initMethod.invokespecial(p(superClass), "<init>", sig(void.class)); } initMethod.voidreturn(); initMethod.end(); if (isRubyHierarchy) { // override toJava SkinnyMethodAdapter toJavaMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "toJava", sig(Object.class, Class.class), null, null); toJavaMethod.aload(0); toJavaMethod.areturn(); toJavaMethod.end(); } else { // decorate with stubbed IRubyObject methods BasicObjectStubGenerator.addBasicObjectStubsToClass(cw); // add getRuntime and getMetaClass impls based on captured fields SkinnyMethodAdapter getRuntimeMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "getRuntime", sig(Ruby.class), null, null); getRuntimeMethod.aload(0); getRuntimeMethod.getfield(pathName, "$ruby", ci(Ruby.class)); getRuntimeMethod.areturn(); getRuntimeMethod.end(); SkinnyMethodAdapter getMetaClassMethod = new SkinnyMethodAdapter(cw, ACC_PUBLIC, "getMetaClass", sig(RubyClass.class), null, null); getMetaClassMethod.aload(0); getMetaClassMethod.getfield(pathName, "$rubyClass", ci(RubyClass.class)); getMetaClassMethod.areturn(); getMetaClassMethod.end(); } int cacheSize = 0; final HashSet<String> implementedNames = new HashSet<String>(); // for each simple method name, implement the complex methods, calling the simple version for (Map.Entry<String, List<Method>> entry : simpleToAll.entrySet()) { final String simpleName = entry.getKey(); final List<Method> methods = entry.getValue(); Set<String> nameSet = JavaUtil.getRubyNamesForJavaName(simpleName, methods); implementedNames.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { final Method method = methods.get(i); final Class[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); final Class returnType = method.getReturnType(); String fullName = simpleName + prettyParams(paramTypes); if (implementedNames.contains(fullName)) continue; implementedNames.add(fullName); // indices for temp values final int baseIndex = calcBaseIndex(paramTypes, 1); SkinnyMethodAdapter mv = new SkinnyMethodAdapter( cw, ACC_PUBLIC, simpleName, sig(returnType, paramTypes), null, null); mv.start(); mv.line(1); switch ( simpleName ) { // cacheIndex = cacheSize++; case "equals" : if ( paramTypes.length == 1 && paramTypes[0] == Object.class && returnType == Boolean.TYPE ) { defineRealEqualsWithFallback(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); } else defineRealBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; case "hashCode" : if ( paramTypes.length == 0 && returnType == Integer.TYPE ) { defineRealHashCodeWithFallback(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); } else defineRealBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; case "toString" : if ( paramTypes.length == 0 && returnType == String.class ) { defineRealToStringWithFallback(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); } else defineRealBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; default : defineRealBody(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheSize++, nameSet); break; } mv.end(); } } // end setup method clinitMethod.newobj(p(RuntimeCache.class)); clinitMethod.dup(); clinitMethod.invokespecial(p(RuntimeCache.class), "<init>", sig(void.class)); clinitMethod.dup(); clinitMethod.ldc(cacheSize); clinitMethod.invokevirtual(p(RuntimeCache.class), "initMethodCache", sig(void.class, int.class)); clinitMethod.putstatic(pathName, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class)); clinitMethod.voidreturn(); clinitMethod.end(); // end class cw.visitEnd(); // first try to find the class Class newClass = null; for(Loader loader : runtime.getInstanceConfig().getExtraLoaders()) { try { newClass = loader.loadClass(name); break; } catch(ClassNotFoundException ignored) { } } final ClassDefiningJRubyClassLoader loader; if (superClass.getClassLoader() instanceof ClassDefiningJRubyClassLoader) { loader = new ClassDefiningJRubyClassLoader(superClass.getClassLoader()); } else { loader = new ClassDefiningJRubyClassLoader(runtime.getJRubyClassLoader()); } if (newClass == null) { try { newClass = loader.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) { } } // create the class if (newClass == null) { final byte[] bytecode = cw.toByteArray(); MultiClassLoader multiClassLoader = new MultiClassLoader(superClass.getClassLoader()); for(Loader cLoader : runtime.getInstanceConfig().getExtraLoaders()) { multiClassLoader.addClassLoader(cLoader.getClassLoader()); } try { newClass = new ClassDefiningJRubyClassLoader(multiClassLoader).defineClass(name, bytecode); } catch(Error ignored) { } if (newClass == null) { newClass = loader.defineClass(name, bytecode); } if ( DEBUG ) writeClassFile(name, bytecode); } return newClass; } private static void defineRealBody(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final String pathName, final String simpleName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType, final int baseIndex, final int cacheIndex, final Set<String> nameSet) { final int rubyIndex = baseIndex + 1; mv.line(5); // prepare temp locals mv.aload(0); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "getRuntime", sig(Ruby.class)); mv.astore(rubyIndex); // get method from cache mv.getstatic(pathName, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class)); mv.aload(0); mv.ldc(cacheIndex); for (String eachName : nameSet) { mv.ldc(eachName); } mv.invokevirtual(p(RuntimeCache.class), "searchWithCache", sig(DynamicMethod.class, params(IRubyObject.class, int.class, String.class, nameSet.size()))); // get current context mv.aload(rubyIndex); mv.invokevirtual(p(Ruby.class), "getCurrentContext", sig(ThreadContext.class)); // load self, class, and name mv.aloadMany(0, 0); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "getMetaClass", sig(RubyClass.class)); mv.ldc(simpleName); // coerce arguments coerceArgumentsToRuby(mv, paramTypes, rubyIndex); // load null block mv.getstatic(p(Block.class), "NULL_BLOCK", ci(Block.class)); // invoke method mv.line(13); mv.invokevirtual(p(DynamicMethod.class), "call", sig(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, RubyModule.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class, Block.class)); coerceResultAndReturn(mv, returnType); } private static void defineRealBodyWithFallback(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final String pathName, final String simpleName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType, final int baseIndex, final int cacheIndex, final Set<String> nameSet) { final int rubyIndex = baseIndex + 1; //mv.line(5); // prepare temp locals mv.aload(0); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "getRuntime", sig(Ruby.class)); mv.astore(rubyIndex); // get method from cache mv.getstatic(pathName, "$runtimeCache", ci(RuntimeCache.class)); mv.aload(0); mv.ldc(cacheIndex); for (String eachName : nameSet) { mv.ldc(eachName); } mv.invokevirtual(p(RuntimeCache.class), "searchWithCacheNoMethodMissing", sig(DynamicMethod.class, params(IRubyObject.class, int.class, String.class, nameSet.size()))); final int methodIndex = baseIndex + 2; mv.astore(methodIndex); Label fallback = new Label(); mv.aload(methodIndex); mv.ifnull(fallback); mv.aload(methodIndex); // method (!= null) // get current context mv.aload(rubyIndex); mv.invokevirtual(p(Ruby.class), "getCurrentContext", sig(ThreadContext.class)); // load self, class, and name mv.aloadMany(0, 0); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "getMetaClass", sig(RubyClass.class)); mv.ldc(simpleName); // coerce arguments coerceArgumentsToRuby(mv, paramTypes, rubyIndex); // load null block mv.getstatic(p(Block.class), "NULL_BLOCK", ci(Block.class)); // invoke method //mv.line(13); mv.invokevirtual(p(DynamicMethod.class), "call", sig(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, RubyModule.class, String.class, IRubyObject[].class, Block.class)); coerceResultAndReturn(mv, returnType); // fallback (default) impl : mv.label(fallback); switch ( simpleName ) { case "equals" : objectEquals(-1, mv); break; case "hashCode" : objectHashCode(-1, mv); break; case "toString" : objectToString(-1, mv); break; default : throw new UnsupportedOperationException(simpleName); } } private static void defineRealEqualsWithFallback(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final String pathName, final String simpleName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType, final int baseIndex, final int cacheIndex, final Set<String> nameSet) { defineRealBodyWithFallback(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheIndex, nameSet); } private static void defineRealHashCodeWithFallback(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final String pathName, final String simpleName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType, final int baseIndex, final int cacheIndex, final Set<String> nameSet) { defineRealBodyWithFallback(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheIndex, nameSet); } private static void defineRealToStringWithFallback(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final String pathName, final String simpleName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType, final int baseIndex, final int cacheIndex, final Set<String> nameSet) { defineRealBodyWithFallback(mv, pathName, simpleName, paramTypes, returnType, baseIndex, cacheIndex, nameSet); } private static boolean defineDefaultEquals(final int line, SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType) { if ( paramTypes.length == 1 && paramTypes[0] == Object.class && returnType == Boolean.TYPE ) { objectEquals(line, mv); return true; } return false; } private static void objectEquals(final int line, SkinnyMethodAdapter mv) { if ( line > 0 ) mv.line(line); mv.aload(0); mv.aload(1); mv.invokespecial(p(Object.class), "equals", sig(Boolean.TYPE, params(Object.class))); mv.ireturn(); } private static boolean defineDefaultHashCode(final int line, SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType) { if ( paramTypes.length == 0 && returnType == Integer.TYPE ) { objectHashCode(line, mv); return true; } return false; } private static void objectHashCode(final int line, SkinnyMethodAdapter mv) { if ( line > 0 ) mv.line(line); mv.aload(0); mv.invokespecial(p(Object.class), "hashCode", sig(Integer.TYPE)); mv.ireturn(); } private static boolean defineDefaultToString(final int line, SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, final Class[] paramTypes, final Class returnType) { if ( paramTypes.length == 0 && returnType == String.class ) { objectToString(line, mv); return true; } return false; } private static void objectToString(final int line, SkinnyMethodAdapter mv) { if ( line > 0 ) mv.line(line); mv.aload(0); mv.invokespecial(p(Object.class), "toString", sig(String.class)); mv.areturn(); } private static void writeClassFile(final String name, final byte[] bytecode) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(name + ".class"); fos.write(bytecode); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if ( fos != null ) fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } public static void coerceArgumentsToRuby(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, Class[] paramTypes, int rubyIndex) { // load arguments into IRubyObject[] for dispatch if (paramTypes.length != 0) { mv.pushInt(paramTypes.length); mv.anewarray(p(IRubyObject.class)); // TODO: make this do specific-arity calling for (int i = 0, argIndex = 1; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { Class paramType = paramTypes[i]; mv.dup(); mv.pushInt(i); // convert to IRubyObject if (paramTypes[i].isPrimitive()) { mv.aload(rubyIndex); if (paramType == byte.class || paramType == short.class || paramType == char.class || paramType == int.class) { mv.iload(argIndex++); mv.invokestatic(p(JavaUtil.class), "convertJavaToRuby", sig(IRubyObject.class, Ruby.class, int.class)); } else if (paramType == long.class) { mv.lload(argIndex); argIndex += 2; // up two slots, for long's two halves mv.invokestatic(p(JavaUtil.class), "convertJavaToRuby", sig(IRubyObject.class, Ruby.class, long.class)); } else if (paramType == float.class) { mv.fload(argIndex++); mv.invokestatic(p(JavaUtil.class), "convertJavaToRuby", sig(IRubyObject.class, Ruby.class, float.class)); } else if (paramType == double.class) { mv.dload(argIndex); argIndex += 2; // up two slots, for long's two halves mv.invokestatic(p(JavaUtil.class), "convertJavaToRuby", sig(IRubyObject.class, Ruby.class, double.class)); } else if (paramType == boolean.class) { mv.iload(argIndex++); mv.invokestatic(p(JavaUtil.class), "convertJavaToRuby", sig(IRubyObject.class, Ruby.class, boolean.class)); } } else if (!IRubyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) { mv.aload(rubyIndex); mv.aload(argIndex++); mv.invokestatic(p(JavaUtil.class), "convertJavaToUsableRubyObject", sig(IRubyObject.class, Ruby.class, Object.class)); } else { mv.aload(argIndex++); } mv.aastore(); } } else { mv.getstatic(p(IRubyObject.class), "NULL_ARRAY", ci(IRubyObject[].class)); } } public static void coerceResultAndReturn(SkinnyMethodAdapter mv, Class returnType) { // if we expect a return value, unwrap it if (returnType != void.class) { // TODO: move the bulk of this logic to utility methods if (returnType.isPrimitive()) { if (returnType == boolean.class) { mv.getstatic(p(Boolean.class), "TYPE", ci(Class.class)); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "toJava", sig(Object.class, Class.class)); mv.checkcast(p(Boolean.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Boolean.class), "booleanValue", sig(boolean.class)); mv.ireturn(); } else { mv.getstatic(p(getBoxType(returnType)), "TYPE", ci(Class.class)); mv.invokeinterface(p(IRubyObject.class), "toJava", sig(Object.class, Class.class)); if (returnType == byte.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Number.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Number.class), "byteValue", sig(byte.class)); mv.ireturn(); } else if (returnType == short.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Number.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Number.class), "shortValue", sig(short.class)); mv.ireturn(); } else if (returnType == char.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Character.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Character.class), "charValue", sig(char.class)); mv.ireturn(); } else if (returnType == int.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Number.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Number.class), "intValue", sig(int.class)); mv.ireturn(); } else if (returnType == long.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Number.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Number.class), "longValue", sig(long.class)); mv.lreturn(); } else if (returnType == float.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Number.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Number.class), "floatValue", sig(float.class)); mv.freturn(); } else if (returnType == double.class) { mv.checkcast(p(Number.class)); mv.invokevirtual(p(Number.class), "doubleValue", sig(double.class)); mv.dreturn(); } } } else { // if the return type is not an IRubyObject implementer, coerce to that type before casting if (!IRubyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) { mv.ldc(Type.getType(returnType)); mv.invokeinterface( p(IRubyObject.class), "toJava", sig(Object.class, Class.class)); } mv.checkcast(p(returnType)); mv.areturn(); } } else { mv.voidreturn(); } } public static int calcBaseIndex(final Class[] params, int baseIndex) { for (Class paramType : params) { if (paramType == double.class || paramType == long.class) { baseIndex += 2; } else { baseIndex += 1; } } return baseIndex; } }