 * CodegenUtils.java
 * Created on January 31, 2007, 11:54 AM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
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package org.jruby.util;

import org.objectweb.asm.AnnotationVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;

import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

/** * * @author headius */
public class CodegenUtils {
Creates a dotted class name from a path/package name
/** * Creates a dotted class name from a path/package name */
public static String c(String p) { return p.replace('/', '.'); }
Creates a class path name, from a Class.
/** * Creates a class path name, from a Class. */
public static String p(Class n) { return n.getName().replace('.','/'); }
Creates a class identifier of form Labc/abc;, from a Class.
/** * Creates a class identifier of form Labc/abc;, from a Class. */
public static String ci(Class n) { if (n.isArray()) { n = n.getComponentType(); if (n.isPrimitive()) { if (n == Byte.TYPE) { return "[B"; } else if (n == Boolean.TYPE) { return "[Z"; } else if (n == Short.TYPE) { return "[S"; } else if (n == Character.TYPE) { return "[C"; } else if (n == Integer.TYPE) { return "[I"; } else if (n == Float.TYPE) { return "[F"; } else if (n == Double.TYPE) { return "[D"; } else if (n == Long.TYPE) { return "[J"; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type in compiler: " + n.getName()); } } else { return '[' + ci(n); } } else { if (n.isPrimitive()) { if (n == Byte.TYPE) { return "B"; } else if (n == Boolean.TYPE) { return "Z"; } else if (n == Short.TYPE) { return "S"; } else if (n == Character.TYPE) { return "C"; } else if (n == Integer.TYPE) { return "I"; } else if (n == Float.TYPE) { return "F"; } else if (n == Double.TYPE) { return "D"; } else if (n == Long.TYPE) { return "J"; } else if (n == Void.TYPE) { return "V"; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized type in compiler: " + n.getName()); } } else { return 'L' + p(n) + ';'; } } }
Creates a human-readable representation, from a Class.
/** * Creates a human-readable representation, from a Class. */
public static String human(Class n) { return n.getCanonicalName(); } public static String humanShort(Class n) { return n.getSimpleName(); }
Create a method signature from the given param types and return values
/** * Create a method signature from the given param types and return values */
public static String sig(Class retval, Class... params) { return sigParams(new StringBuilder(), null, params).append( ci(retval) ).toString(); } public static String sig(Class[] retvalParams) { Class[] justParams = new Class[retvalParams.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(retvalParams, 1, justParams, 0, justParams.length); return sigParams(new StringBuilder(), null, justParams).append( ci(retvalParams[0]) ).toString(); } public static String sig(Class retval, String descriptor, Class... params) { return sigParams(new StringBuilder(), descriptor, params).append( ci(retval) ).toString(); } @Deprecated // not used public static String sigParams(Class... params) { return sigParams(new StringBuilder(), null, params).toString(); } @Deprecated // not used public static String sigParams(String descriptor, Class... params) { return sigParams(new StringBuilder(), descriptor, params).toString(); } private static StringBuilder sigParams(final StringBuilder str, final String descriptor, final Class... params) { str.append('('); if ( descriptor != null ) str.append(descriptor); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { str.append( ci( params[i] ) ); } return str.append(')'); } public static String pretty(Class retval, Class... params) { return prettyParams(params) + human(retval); } public static CharSequence prettyParams(final Class... types) { return prettyParams(new StringBuilder(), types); } public static StringBuilder prettyParams(final StringBuilder str, final Class... types) { final int len1 = types.length - 1; str.append('('); for ( int i = 0; i <= len1; i++ ) { str.append( human( types[i] ) ); if ( i < len1 ) str.append(','); } return str.append(')'); } public static String prettyShortParams(final Class... types) { final int len1 = types.length - 1; StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder(); signature.append('('); for (int i = 0; i <= len1; i++) { signature.append( humanShort(types[i]) ); if ( i < len1 ) signature.append(','); } signature.append(')'); return signature.toString(); } public static Class[] params(Class... classes) { return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls, int times) { Class[] classes = new Class[times]; Arrays.fill(classes, cls); return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class clsFill, int times) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 1]; Arrays.fill(classes, 1, 1 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class cls2, Class clsFill, int times) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 2]; Arrays.fill(classes, 2, 2 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[1] = cls2; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class cls2, Class cls3, Class clsFill, int times) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 3]; Arrays.fill(classes, 3, 3 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[1] = cls2; classes[2] = cls3; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class cls2, Class cls3, Class cls4, Class clsFill, int times) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 4]; Arrays.fill(classes, 4, 4 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[1] = cls2; classes[2] = cls3; classes[3] = cls4; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class clsFill, int times, Class clsTail) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 2]; Arrays.fill(classes, 1, 1 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[times + 1] = clsTail; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class cls2, Class clsFill, int times, Class clsTail) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 3]; Arrays.fill(classes, 2, 2 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[1] = cls2; classes[times + 2] = clsTail; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class cls2, Class cls3, Class clsFill, int times, Class clsTail) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 4]; Arrays.fill(classes, 3, 3 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[1] = cls2; classes[2] = cls3; classes[times + 3] = clsTail; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class cls2, Class cls3, Class cls4, Class clsFill, int times, Class clsTail) { Class[] classes = new Class[times + 5]; Arrays.fill(classes, 4, 4 + times, clsFill); classes[0] = cls1; classes[1] = cls2; classes[2] = cls3; classes[3] = cls4; classes[times + 4] = clsTail; return classes; } public static Class[] params(Class cls1, Class[] clsFills, int times) { Class[] classes = new Class[clsFills.length * times + 1]; classes[0] = cls1; for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { int base = i * clsFills.length + 1; for (int j = 0; j < clsFills.length; j++) { classes[base + j] = clsFills[j]; } } return classes; } public static String getAnnotatedBindingClassName(Name javaMethodName, CharSequence typeName, boolean isStatic, int required, int optional, boolean multi, boolean framed) { return getAnnotatedBindingClassName(javaMethodName.toString(), typeName, isStatic, required, optional, multi, framed); } public static String getAnnotatedBindingClassName(String javaMethodName, CharSequence typeName, boolean isStatic, int required, int optional, boolean multi, boolean framed) { if (multi) { return new StringBuilder(typeName.length() + 8 + 3 + javaMethodName.length()) .append(typeName) .append("$INVOKER").append(isStatic ? "$s$" : "$i$") .append(javaMethodName) .toString(); } return new StringBuilder(typeName.length() + 8 + 3 + 4 + javaMethodName.length()) .append(typeName) .append("$INVOKER").append(isStatic ? "$s$" : "$i$") .append(required).append('$').append(optional).append('$') .append(javaMethodName) .toString(); } public static void visitAnnotationFields(AnnotationVisitor visitor, Map<String, Object> fields) { try { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldEntry : fields.entrySet()) { Object value = fieldEntry.getValue(); String key = fieldEntry.getKey(); if (value instanceof Map) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Class, Map<String, Object>> nestedAnnotationMap = (Map<Class, Map<String, Object>>) value; for (Map.Entry<Class, Map<String, Object>> nestedAnnotation : nestedAnnotationMap.entrySet()) { AnnotationVisitor annotationV; annotationV = visitor.visitAnnotation(key, Type.getType(nestedAnnotation.getKey()).getDescriptor()); visitAnnotationFields(annotationV, nestedAnnotation.getValue()); annotationV.visitEnd(); } } else if (value.getClass().isArray()) { Object[] values = (Object[]) value; AnnotationVisitor arrayV = visitor.visitArray(key); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(null, values[i]); visitAnnotationFields(arrayV, map); } arrayV.visitEnd(); } else if (value.getClass().isEnum()) { visitor.visitEnum(key, ci(value.getClass()), value.toString()); } else if (value instanceof Class) { visitor.visit(key, Type.getType((Class) value)); } else { visitor.visit(key, value); } } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new InvalidAnnotationDescriptorException("Fields " + fields + " did not match annotation format. See CodegenUtils#visitAnnotationFields for format", e); } } public static Class getBoxType(Class type) { if (type == int.class) { return Integer.class; } else if (type == byte.class) { return Byte.class; } else if (type == short.class) { return Short.class; } else if (type == char.class) { return Character.class; } else if (type == long.class) { return Long.class; } else if (type == float.class) { return Float.class; } else if (type == double.class) { return Double.class; } else if (type == boolean.class) { return Boolean.class; } else if (type == void.class) { return Void.class; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Not a native type: " + type); } } public static class InvalidAnnotationDescriptorException extends RuntimeException { public InvalidAnnotationDescriptorException() { } public InvalidAnnotationDescriptorException(String s) { super(s); } public InvalidAnnotationDescriptorException(String s, Throwable throwable) { super(s, throwable); } public InvalidAnnotationDescriptorException(Throwable throwable) { super(throwable); } } }