/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
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package org.hsqldb.types;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

import org.hsqldb.OpTypes;
import org.hsqldb.Session;
import org.hsqldb.SessionInterface;
import org.hsqldb.Tokens;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.java.JavaSystem;
import org.hsqldb.map.ValuePool;

Type subclass for all NUMBER types.

Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Type subclass for all NUMBER types.<p> * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.9.0 */
public final class NumberType extends Type { static final int tinyintPrecision = 3; static final int smallintPrecision = 5; static final int integerPrecision = 10; static final int bigintPrecision = 19; static final int doublePrecision = 0; public static final int defaultNumericPrecision = 128; public static final int defaultNumericScale = 32; public static final int maxNumericPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE; static final int bigintSquareNumericPrecision = 40; // public static final int TINYINT_WIDTH = 8; public static final int SMALLINT_WIDTH = 16; public static final int INTEGER_WIDTH = 32; public static final int BIGINT_WIDTH = 64; public static final int DOUBLE_WIDTH = 128; // nominal width public static final int DECIMAL_WIDTH = 256; // nominal width // public static final Type SQL_NUMERIC_DEFAULT_INT = new NumberType(Types.NUMERIC, defaultNumericPrecision, 0); // public static final BigDecimal MAX_DOUBLE = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE); public static final BigDecimal MAX_LONG = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE); public static final BigDecimal MIN_LONG = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE); public static final BigDecimal MAX_INT = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE); public static final BigDecimal MIN_INT = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE); // public static final BigInteger MIN_LONG_BI = MIN_LONG.toBigInteger(); public static final BigInteger MAX_LONG_BI = MAX_LONG.toBigInteger(); // final int typeWidth; public NumberType(int type, long precision, int scale) { super(Types.SQL_NUMERIC, type, precision, scale); switch (type) { case Types.TINYINT : typeWidth = TINYINT_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : typeWidth = SMALLINT_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : typeWidth = INTEGER_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : typeWidth = BIGINT_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : typeWidth = DOUBLE_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : typeWidth = DECIMAL_WIDTH; break; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
Returns decimal precision for NUMERIC/DECIMAL. Returns binary precision for other parts.
/** * Returns decimal precision for NUMERIC/DECIMAL. Returns binary precision * for other parts. */
public int getPrecision() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return typeWidth; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return 64; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return (int) precision; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
Returns decimal precision.
/** * Returns decimal precision. */
public int getDecimalPrecision() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : return tinyintPrecision; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return smallintPrecision; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return integerPrecision; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return bigintPrecision; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return displaySize() - 1; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return (int) precision; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public int displaySize() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : if (scale == 0) { if (precision == 0) { return 646456995; // precision + "-.".length()} } return (int) precision + 1; } if (precision == scale) { return (int) precision + 3; } return (int) precision + 2; case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return 23; // String.valueOf(-Double.MAX_VALUE).length(); case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return 20; // decimal precision + "-".length(); case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return 11; // decimal precision + "-".length(); case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return 6; // decimal precision + "-".length(); case Types.TINYINT : return 4; // decimal precision + "-".length(); default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public int getJDBCTypeCode() { return typeCode == Types.SQL_BIGINT ? Types.BIGINT : typeCode; } public Class getJDBCClass() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return java.lang.Integer.class; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return java.lang.Long.class; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return java.lang.Double.class; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return java.math.BigDecimal.class; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public String getJDBCClassName() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return "java.lang.Integer"; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return "java.lang.Long"; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return "java.lang.Double"; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return "java.math.BigDecimal"; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public int getJDBCPrecision() { return getPrecision(); } public String getNameString() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : return Tokens.T_TINYINT; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return Tokens.T_SMALLINT; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return Tokens.T_INTEGER; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return Tokens.T_BIGINT; case Types.SQL_REAL : return Tokens.T_REAL; case Types.SQL_FLOAT : return Tokens.T_FLOAT; case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return Tokens.T_DOUBLE; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : return Tokens.T_NUMERIC; case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return Tokens.T_DECIMAL; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public String getFullNameString() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return "DOUBLE PRECISION"; default : return getNameString(); } } public String getDefinition() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16); sb.append(getNameString()); sb.append('('); sb.append(precision); if (scale != 0) { sb.append(','); sb.append(scale); } sb.append(')'); return sb.toString(); default : return getNameString(); } } public long getMaxPrecision() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return maxNumericPrecision; default : return getNumericPrecisionInRadix(); } } public int getMaxScale() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return Short.MAX_VALUE; default : return 0; } } public boolean acceptsPrecision() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : return true; default : return false; } } public boolean acceptsScale() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : return true; default : return false; } } public int getPrecisionRadix() { if (typeCode == Types.SQL_DECIMAL || typeCode == Types.SQL_NUMERIC) { return 10; } return 2; } public boolean isNumberType() { return true; } public boolean isIntegralType() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return false; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return scale == 0; default : return true; } } public boolean isExactNumberType() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return false; default : return true; } } public boolean isDecimalType() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return true; default : return false; } } public int getNominalWidth() { return typeWidth; } public int precedenceDegree(Type other) { if (other.isNumberType()) { int otherWidth = ((NumberType) other).typeWidth; return otherWidth - typeWidth; } return Integer.MIN_VALUE; } public Type getAggregateType(Type other) { if (other == null) { return this; } if (other == SQL_ALL_TYPES) { return this; } if (this == other) { return this; } if (other.isCharacterType()) { return other.getAggregateType(this); } switch (other.typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : case Types.SQL_BIGINT : break; default : throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42562); } if (typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH) { return this; } if (((NumberType) other).typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH) { return other; } if (typeWidth <= BIGINT_WIDTH && ((NumberType) other).typeWidth <= BIGINT_WIDTH) { return (typeWidth > ((NumberType) other).typeWidth) ? this : other; } int newScale = scale > other.scale ? scale : other.scale; long newDigits = precision - scale > other.precision - other.scale ? precision - scale : other.precision - other.scale; return getNumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, newDigits + newScale, newScale); }
Returns a SQL type "wide" enough to represent the result of the expression.
A type is "wider" than the other if it can represent all its numeric values.
Arithmetic operation terms are promoted to a type that can represent the resulting values and avoid incorrect results.

FLOAT/REAL/DOUBLE used in an operation results in the same type, regardless of the type of the other operand. When the result or the expression is converted to the type of the target column for storage, an exception is thrown if the resulting value cannot be stored in the column

Types narrower than INTEGER (int) are promoted to INTEGER. The order of promotion is as follows


TINYINT and SMALLINT in any combination return INTEGER
In the case of NUMERIC/DECIMAL returned, the result precision is always large enough to express any value result, while the scale depends on the operation:
For ADD/SUBTRACT/DIVIDE, the scale is the larger of the two
For MULTIPLY, the scale is the sum of the two scales

/** * Returns a SQL type "wide" enough to represent the result of the * expression.<br> * A type is "wider" than the other if it can represent all its * numeric values.<BR> * Arithmetic operation terms are promoted to a type that can * represent the resulting values and avoid incorrect results.<p> * FLOAT/REAL/DOUBLE used in an operation results in the same type, * regardless of the type of the other operand. * When the result or the expression is converted to the * type of the target column for storage, an exception is thrown if the * resulting value cannot be stored in the column<p> * Types narrower than INTEGER (int) are promoted to * INTEGER. The order of promotion is as follows<p> * * INTEGER, BIGINT, NUMERIC/DECIMAL<p> * * TINYINT and SMALLINT in any combination return INTEGER<br> * TINYINT/SMALLINT/INTEGER and INTEGER return BIGINT<br> * TINYINT/SMALLINT/INTEGER and BIGINT return NUMERIC/DECIMAL<br> * BIGINT and BIGINT return NUMERIC/DECIMAL<br> * REAL/FLOAT/DOUBLE and any type return REAL/FLOAT/DOUBLE<br> * NUMERIC/DECIMAL any type other than REAL/FLOAT/DOUBLE returns NUMERIC/DECIMAL<br> * In the case of NUMERIC/DECIMAL returned, the result precision is always * large enough to express any value result, while the scale depends on the * operation:<br> * For ADD/SUBTRACT/DIVIDE, the scale is the larger of the two<br> * For MULTIPLY, the scale is the sum of the two scales<br> */
public Type getCombinedType(Session session, Type other, int operation) { if (other.typeCode == Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES) { other = this; } switch (operation) { case OpTypes.ADD : case OpTypes.DIVIDE : break; case OpTypes.MULTIPLY : if (other.isIntervalType()) { return other.getCombinedType(session, this, OpTypes.MULTIPLY); } break; case OpTypes.SUBTRACT : default : // all derivatives of equality ops or comparison ops return getAggregateType(other); } if (!other.isNumberType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42562); } if (typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH || ((NumberType) other).typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH) { return Type.SQL_DOUBLE; } // resolution for INTEGER types if (operation != OpTypes.DIVIDE || session.database.sqlAvgScale == 0) { int sum; if (operation == OpTypes.DIVIDE) { sum = typeWidth; } else { sum = typeWidth + ((NumberType) other).typeWidth; } if (sum <= INTEGER_WIDTH) { return Type.SQL_INTEGER; } if (sum <= BIGINT_WIDTH) { return Type.SQL_BIGINT; } } int newScale; long newDigits; switch (operation) { case OpTypes.ADD : newScale = scale > other.scale ? scale : other.scale; newDigits = getDecimalPrecision() - scale > ((NumberType) other).getDecimalPrecision() - other.scale ? getDecimalPrecision() - scale : ((NumberType) other).getDecimalPrecision() - other.scale; newDigits++; break; case OpTypes.DIVIDE : newDigits = getDecimalPrecision() - scale + other.scale; newScale = scale > other.scale ? scale : other.scale; if (session.database.sqlAvgScale > newScale) { newScale = session.database.sqlAvgScale; } break; case OpTypes.MULTIPLY : newDigits = getDecimalPrecision() - scale + ((NumberType) other).getDecimalPrecision() - other.scale; newScale = scale + other.scale; break; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } return getNumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, newScale + newDigits, newScale); } public int compare(Session session, Object a, Object b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } if (a == null) { return -1; } if (b == null) { return 1; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { if (b instanceof Integer) { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); return (ai > bi) ? 1 : (bi > ai ? -1 : 0); } else if (b instanceof Double) { double ai = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bi = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return (ai > bi) ? 1 : (bi > ai ? -1 : 0); } else if (b instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal ad = convertToDecimal(a); return ad.compareTo((BigDecimal) b); } } // fall through case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { if (b instanceof Long) { long longa = ((Number) a).longValue(); long longb = ((Number) b).longValue(); return (longa > longb) ? 1 : (longb > longa ? -1 : 0); } else if (b instanceof Double) { BigDecimal ad = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue()); BigDecimal bd = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Double) b).doubleValue()); return ad.compareTo(bd); } else if (b instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal ad = convertToDecimal(a); return ad.compareTo((BigDecimal) b); } } // fall through case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { /** @todo big-decimal etc */ double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return compareDouble(ad, bd); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { BigDecimal bd = convertToDecimal(b); return ((BigDecimal) a).compareTo(bd); } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
@todo- review usage to see if range enforcement / java type conversion is necessary
/** @todo - review usage to see if range enforcement / java type conversion is necessary */
public Object convertToTypeLimits(SessionInterface session, Object a) { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return a; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return a; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal) a; if (scale != dec.scale()) { dec = dec.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN); } int p = JavaSystem.precision(dec); if (p > precision) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return dec; } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public Object convertToType(SessionInterface session, Object a, Type otherType) { if (a == null) { return a; } if (otherType.typeCode == typeCode) { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal) a; if (scale != dec.scale()) { dec = dec.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN); } if (JavaSystem.precision(dec) > precision) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return dec; } default : return a; } } if (otherType.isIntervalType()) { int startType = ((IntervalType) otherType).startIntervalType; switch (startType) { case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_YEAR : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MONTH : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_DAY : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_MINUTE : case Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND : { double value = ((IntervalType) otherType).convertToDoubleStartUnits( a); return convertToType(session, Double.valueOf(value), Type.SQL_DOUBLE); } } } switch (otherType.typeCode) { case Types.SQL_CLOB : a = ((ClobData) a).getSubString( session, 0L, (int) ((ClobData) a).length(session)); // fall through case Types.SQL_CHAR : case Types.SQL_VARCHAR : { a = session.getScanner().convertToNumber((String) a, this); a = convertToDefaultType(session, a); return convertToTypeLimits(session, a); } case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : case Types.SQL_BIGINT : case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : break; case Types.SQL_BIT : case Types.SQL_BIT_VARYING : if (otherType.precision == 1) { if (((BinaryData) a).getBytes()[0] == 0) { a = ValuePool.INTEGER_0; } else { a = ValuePool.INTEGER_1; } break; } // fall through default : throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } switch (this.typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return convertToInt(session, a, this.typeCode); case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return convertToLong(session, a); case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return convertToDouble(a); case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : BigDecimal value = null; if (scale == 0 && a instanceof Double) { double d = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); if (session instanceof Session) { if (!((Session) session).database.sqlConvertTruncate) { d = java.lang.Math.rint(d); } } if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } value = BigDecimal.valueOf(d); } if (value == null) { value = convertToDecimal(a); } return convertToTypeLimits(session, value); default : throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } } public Object convertToTypeJDBC(SessionInterface session, Object a, Type otherType) { if (a == null) { return a; } if (otherType.isLobType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } switch (otherType.typeCode) { case Types.SQL_BOOLEAN : a = ((Boolean) a).booleanValue() ? ValuePool.INTEGER_1 : ValuePool.INTEGER_0; otherType = Type.SQL_INTEGER; } return convertToType(session, a, otherType); }
Relaxes SQL parameter type enforcement for DECIMAL, allowing long values.
/** * Relaxes SQL parameter type enforcement for DECIMAL, allowing long values. */
public Object convertToDefaultType(SessionInterface session, Object a) { if (a == null) { return a; } Type otherType; if (a instanceof Number) { if (a instanceof BigInteger) { a = new BigDecimal((BigInteger) a); } else if (a instanceof Float) { a = Double.valueOf(((Float) a).doubleValue()); } else if (a instanceof Byte) { a = ValuePool.getInt(((Byte) a).intValue()); } else if (a instanceof Short) { a = ValuePool.getInt(((Short) a).intValue()); } if (a instanceof Integer) { otherType = Type.SQL_INTEGER; } else if (a instanceof Long) { otherType = Type.SQL_BIGINT; } else if (a instanceof Double) { otherType = Type.SQL_DOUBLE; } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { otherType = Type.SQL_DECIMAL_DEFAULT; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return convertToInt(session, a, Types.INTEGER); case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return convertToLong(session, a); case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return convertToDouble(a); case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { a = convertToDecimal(a); BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal) a; if (scale != dec.scale()) { dec = dec.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN); } return dec; } default : throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } } else if (a instanceof String) { otherType = Type.SQL_VARCHAR; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } return convertToType(session, a, otherType); } public Object convertJavaToSQL(SessionInterface session, Object a) { return convertToDefaultType(session, a); } /** * Type narrowing from DOUBLE/DECIMAL/NUMERIC to BIGINT / INT / SMALLINT / TINYINT * following SQL rules. When conversion is from a non-integral type, * digits to the right of the decimal point are lost. */
Converter from a numeric object to Integer. Input is checked to be within range represented by the given number type.
/** * Converter from a numeric object to Integer. Input is checked to be * within range represented by the given number type. */
static Integer convertToInt(SessionInterface session, Object a, int type) { int value; if (a instanceof Integer) { if (type == Types.SQL_INTEGER) { return (Integer) a; } value = ((Integer) a).intValue(); } else if (a instanceof Long) { long temp = ((Long) a).longValue(); if (Integer.MAX_VALUE < temp || temp < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } value = (int) temp; } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal bd = ((BigDecimal) a); if (bd.compareTo(MAX_INT) > 0 || bd.compareTo(MIN_INT) < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } value = bd.intValue(); } else if (a instanceof Double || a instanceof Float) { double d = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); if (session instanceof Session) { if (!((Session) session).database.sqlConvertTruncate) { d = java.lang.Math.rint(d); } } if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d) || d >= (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1 || d <= (double) Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } value = (int) d; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } if (type == Types.TINYINT) { if (Byte.MAX_VALUE < value || value < Byte.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } } else if (type == Types.SQL_SMALLINT) { if (Short.MAX_VALUE < value || value < Short.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } } return Integer.valueOf(value); }
Converter from a numeric object to Long. Input is checked to be within range represented by Long.
/** * Converter from a numeric object to Long. Input is checked to be * within range represented by Long. */
static Long convertToLong(SessionInterface session, Object a) { if (a instanceof Integer) { return ValuePool.getLong(((Integer) a).intValue()); } else if (a instanceof Long) { return (Long) a; } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) a; if (bd.compareTo(MAX_LONG) > 0 || bd.compareTo(MIN_LONG) < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getLong(bd.longValue()); } else if (a instanceof Double || a instanceof Float) { double d = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); if (session instanceof Session) { if (!((Session) session).database.sqlConvertTruncate) { d = java.lang.Math.rint(d); } } if (Double.isInfinite(d) || Double.isNaN(d) || d >= (double) Long.MAX_VALUE + 1 || d <= (double) Long.MIN_VALUE - 1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getLong((long) d); } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } }
Converter from a numeric object to Double. Input is checked to be within range represented by Double
/** * Converter from a numeric object to Double. Input is checked to be * within range represented by Double */
private static Double convertToDouble(Object a) { if (a instanceof java.lang.Double) { return (Double) a; } double value = toDouble(a); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(value)); } public static double toDouble(Object a) { double value; if (a instanceof java.lang.Double) { return ((Double) a).doubleValue(); } else if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) a; value = bd.doubleValue(); int signum = bd.signum(); BigDecimal bdd = new BigDecimal(value + signum); if (bdd.compareTo(bd) != signum) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } } else if (a instanceof Number) { value = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22501); } return value; } private static BigDecimal convertToDecimal(Object a) { if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { return (BigDecimal) a; } else if (a instanceof Integer || a instanceof Long) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue()); } else if (a instanceof Double) { double value = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); if (Double.isInfinite(value) || Double.isNaN(value)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return BigDecimal.valueOf(value); } else { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public String convertToString(Object a) { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (this.typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return a.toString(); case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : double value = ((Double) a).doubleValue(); /** @todo - java 5 format change */ if (value == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return "-1E0/0"; } if (value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return "1E0/0"; } if (Double.isNaN(value)) { return "0E0/0E0"; } String s = Double.toString(value); // ensure the engine treats the value as a DOUBLE, not DECIMAL if (s.indexOf('E') < 0) { s = s.concat("E0"); } return s; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return ((BigDecimal) a).toPlainString(); default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public String convertToSQLString(Object a) { if (a == null) { return Tokens.T_NULL; } return convertToString(a); } public boolean canConvertFrom(Type otherType) { if (otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES) { return true; } if (otherType.isNumberType()) { return true; } if (otherType.isIntervalType()) { return true; } if (otherType.isCharacterType()) { return true; } if (otherType.isBitType() && otherType.precision == 1) { return true; } return false; } public int canMoveFrom(Type otherType) { if (otherType == this) { return 0; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : if (otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_SMALLINT || otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER) { return 1; } break; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : if (otherType.typeCode == Types.TINYINT) { return 0; } if (otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_INTEGER) { return 1; } break; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : if (otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_SMALLINT || otherType.typeCode == Types.TINYINT) { return 0; } break; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : break; case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : if (otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_DECIMAL || otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_NUMERIC) { if (scale == otherType.scale) { if (precision >= otherType.precision) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } } break; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : if (otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_REAL || otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_FLOAT || otherType.typeCode == Types.SQL_DOUBLE) { return 0; } } return -1; } public int compareToTypeRange(Object o) { if (o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long || o instanceof BigDecimal) { long temp = ((Number) o).longValue(); int min; int max; int result; switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : result = compareBigDecimalToLongLimits(o); if (result != 0) { return result; } min = Byte.MIN_VALUE; max = Byte.MAX_VALUE; break; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : result = compareBigDecimalToLongLimits(o); if (result != 0) { return result; } min = Short.MIN_VALUE; max = Short.MAX_VALUE; break; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : result = compareBigDecimalToLongLimits(o); if (result != 0) { return result; } min = Integer.MIN_VALUE; max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; break; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : result = compareBigDecimalToLongLimits(o); return result; case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : { if (precision - scale >= NumberType.bigintPrecision && o instanceof Long) { return 0; } if (precision - scale >= NumberType.integerPrecision && o instanceof Integer) { return 0; } BigDecimal dec = convertToDecimal(o); int s = dec.scale(); int p = JavaSystem.precision(dec); if (s < 0) { p -= s; s = 0; } return (precision - scale >= p - s) ? 0 : dec.signum(); } default : return 0; } if (max < temp) { return 1; } if (temp < min) { return -1; } return 0; } return 0; } public Object add(Session session, Object a, Object b, Type otherType) { if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad + bd)); // return Double.valueOf(ad + bd); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { a = convertToDefaultType(null, a); b = convertToDefaultType(null, b); BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a; BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b; abd = abd.add(bbd); return convertToTypeLimits(null, abd); } case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); return ValuePool.getInt(ai + bi); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { long longa = ((Number) a).longValue(); long longb = ((Number) b).longValue(); return ValuePool.getLong(longa + longb); } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public Object subtract(Session session, Object a, Object b, Type otherType) { if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad - bd)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { a = convertToDefaultType(null, a); b = convertToDefaultType(null, b); BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a; BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b; abd = abd.subtract(bbd); return convertToTypeLimits(null, abd); } case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); return ValuePool.getInt(ai - bi); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { long longa = ((Number) a).longValue(); long longb = ((Number) b).longValue(); return ValuePool.getLong(longa - longb); } default : } throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } public Object multiply(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad * bd)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { if (!(a instanceof BigDecimal)) { a = convertToDefaultType(null, a); } if (!(b instanceof BigDecimal)) { b = convertToDefaultType(null, b); } BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a; BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b; BigDecimal bd = abd.multiply(bbd); return convertToTypeLimits(null, bd); } case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); return ValuePool.getInt(ai * bi); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { long longa = ((Number) a).longValue(); long longb = ((Number) b).longValue(); return ValuePool.getLong(longa * longb); } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public Object divide(Session session, Object a, Object b) { if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); if (bd == 0 && (session == null || session.database.sqlDoubleNaN)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad / bd)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { if (!(a instanceof BigDecimal)) { a = convertToDefaultType(null, a); } if (!(b instanceof BigDecimal)) { b = convertToDefaultType(null, b); } BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a; BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b; if (bbd.signum() == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } BigDecimal bd = abd.divide(bbd, scale, RoundingMode.DOWN); return convertToTypeLimits(null, bd); } case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); if (bi == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return ValuePool.getInt(ai / bi); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { long al = ((Number) a).longValue(); long bl = ((Number) b).longValue(); if (bl == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return ValuePool.getLong(al / bl); } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public Object modulo(Session session, Object a, Object b, Type otherType) { if (!otherType.isNumberType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } a = truncate(a, scale); b = ((NumberType) otherType).truncate(b, otherType.scale); Object temp = divide(null, a, b); switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : temp = truncate(temp, 0); } temp = multiply(temp, b); temp = subtract(session, a, temp, this); return otherType.convertToType(null, temp, this); } public Object absolute(Object a) { return isNegative(a) ? negate(a) : a; } public Object negate(Object a) { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = -((Number) a).doubleValue(); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return ((BigDecimal) a).negate(); case Types.TINYINT : { int value = ((Number) a).intValue(); if (value == Byte.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getInt(-value); } case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : { int value = ((Number) a).intValue(); if (value == Short.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getInt(-value); } case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { int value = ((Number) a).intValue(); if (value == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getInt(-value); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { long value = ((Number) a).longValue(); if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getLong(-value); } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public int getNumericPrecisionInRadix() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT : return 8; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return 16; case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return 32; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return 64; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return 64; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return (int) precision; default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public Type getIntegralType() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return SQL_NUMERIC_DEFAULT_INT; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return scale == 0 ? this : new NumberType(typeCode, precision, 0); default : return this; } } public static boolean isZero(Object a) { if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { return ((BigDecimal) a).signum() == 0; } else if (a instanceof Double) { return ((Double) a).doubleValue() == 0 || ((Double) a).isNaN(); } else { return ((Number) a).longValue() == 0; } } public boolean isNegative(Object a) { return compareToZero(a) < 0; } public int compareToZero(Object a) { if (a == null) { return 0; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); return ad == 0 ? 0 : ad < 0 ? -1 : 1; } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return ((BigDecimal) a).signum(); case Types.TINYINT : case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : case Types.SQL_INTEGER : { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); return ai == 0 ? 0 : ai < 0 ? -1 : 1; } case Types.SQL_BIGINT : { long al = ((Number) a).longValue(); return al == 0 ? 0 : al < 0 ? -1 : 1; } default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } public static long scaledDecimal(Object a, int scale) { if (a == null) { return 0; } if (scale == 0) { return 0; } BigDecimal value = ((BigDecimal) a); if (value.scale() == 0) { return 0; } value = value.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR); value = ((BigDecimal) a).subtract(value); return value.movePointRight(scale).longValue(); } public static int compareBigDecimalToLongLimits(Object value) { if (value instanceof BigDecimal) { int compare = compareToLongLimits((BigDecimal) value); return compare; } return 0; } public static int compareToLongLimits(BigDecimal value) { if (NumberType.MIN_LONG.compareTo(value) > 0) { return -1; } else if (NumberType.MAX_LONG.compareTo(value) < 0) { return 1; } return 0; } public static int compareToLongLimits(BigInteger value) { if (NumberType.MIN_LONG_BI.compareTo(value) > 0) { return -1; } else if (NumberType.MAX_LONG_BI.compareTo(value) < 0) { return 1; } return 0; } public Object ceiling(Object a) { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double ad = Math.ceil(((Double) a).doubleValue()); if (Double.isInfinite(ad)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { BigDecimal value = ((BigDecimal) a).setScale(0, RoundingMode.CEILING); return value; } default : return a; } } public Object floor(Object a) { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_FLOAT : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { double value = Math.floor(((Double) a).doubleValue()); if (Double.isInfinite(value)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(value)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : { BigDecimal value = ((BigDecimal) a).setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR); return value; } // fall through default : return a; } } public Object truncate(Object a, int s) { if (a == null) { return null; } BigDecimal dec = convertToDecimal(a); dec = dec.setScale(s, RoundingMode.DOWN); if (typeCode == Types.SQL_DECIMAL || typeCode == Types.SQL_NUMERIC) { dec = dec.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.DOWN); } a = convertToDefaultType(null, dec); return convertToTypeLimits(null, a); } public Object round(Object a, int s) { if (a == null) { return null; } BigDecimal dec = convertToDecimal(a); switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : { dec = dec.setScale(s, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); break; } case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : default : { dec = dec.setScale(s, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); dec = dec.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.DOWN); break; } } a = convertToDefaultType(null, dec); return convertToTypeLimits(null, a); } public static int compareDouble(double value1, double value2) { if (Double.isNaN(value1)) { return Double.isNaN(value2) ? 0 : -1; } if (Double.isNaN(value2)) { return 1; } return Double.compare(value1, value2); } public static NumberType getNumberType(int type, long precision, int scale) { switch (type) { case Types.SQL_INTEGER : return SQL_INTEGER; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT : return SQL_SMALLINT; case Types.SQL_BIGINT : return SQL_BIGINT; case Types.TINYINT : return TINYINT; case Types.SQL_REAL : case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : return SQL_DOUBLE; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : case Types.SQL_DECIMAL : return new NumberType(type, precision, scale); default : throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } } }