 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.* ;

import java.lang.reflect.Type ;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType ;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType ;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType ;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable ;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceTypelib;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceTypelibEval;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.Algorithms;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Display;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Pair;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.func.UnaryFunction;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Chain;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.OperationTracer;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.annotation.InfoMethod;

/** * * @author ken */
@TraceTypelib @TraceTypelibEval public class TypeEvaluator { private TypeEvaluator() {} private static Map<Class<?>,EvaluatedType> immutableTypes = new HashMap<Class<?>,EvaluatedType>() ; // Cache of representations of classes with bound type variables. // A class may be in many EvalMapKeys with different tvar bindings. // XXX EvaluatedClassDeclaration strongly references Class! // Design sketch: Create a custom Map implementation (or just something // with get/put/iterate) that has two maps: a HashMap for system classes, // and a WeakHashMap for non-system classes. private static Map<EvalMapKey,EvaluatedClassDeclaration> evalClassMap = new HashMap<EvalMapKey,EvaluatedClassDeclaration>() ; private static List<EvaluatedType> emptyETList = new ArrayList<EvaluatedType>(0) ; @TraceTypelib private static void mapPut( EvaluatedClassDeclaration ecd, Class cls ) { immutableTypes.put( cls, ecd ) ; EvalMapKey key = new EvalMapKey( cls, emptyETList ) ; evalClassMap.put( key, ecd ) ; } // Initialize the map with a few key classes that we do NOT want to evaluate // (evaluating Object leads to a getClass method, which leads to all of the // reflection classes, which leads to, ... (450 classes later). // NONE of these classes are interesting for gmbal, so let's just bootstrap // evalClassMap with Object, Object.toString, and String (needed for the // return type of Object.toString). // Kind of like grounding a meta-object protocol... static { try { // Initialize all of the classes in EvaluatedType to just // inherit from Object, except for Object, which has no // inheritance, and defines a toString() method. // We also need to handle String separately because // of the toString() method signature. // Also note that we will mark all of these as being immutable, // which is only questionable for Date. final Class[] classes = { int.class, byte.class, char.class, short.class, long.class, boolean.class, float.class, double.class, void.class, Integer.class, Byte.class, Character.class, Short.class, Boolean.class, Float.class, Double.class, Long.class, BigDecimal.class, BigInteger.class, Date.class, ObjectName.class, Class.class, Number.class } ; final Class objectClass = Object.class ; final Class stringClass = String.class ; final Class voidClass = Void.class ; final Method toStringMethod = getDeclaredMethod( objectClass, "toString" ) ; // Introduce the EvaluatedClassDeclarations we need final EvaluatedClassDeclaration objectECD = getECD( objectClass ) ; final EvaluatedClassDeclaration voidECD = getECD( voidClass ) ; final EvaluatedClassDeclaration stringECD = getECD( stringClass ) ; final EvaluatedMethodDeclaration toStringEMD = DeclarationFactory.emdecl( objectECD, PUBLIC, stringECD, "toString", emptyETList, toStringMethod ) ; final List<EvaluatedMethodDeclaration> toStringList = Algorithms.list( toStringEMD ) ; final List<EvaluatedClassDeclaration> objectList = Algorithms.list( objectECD ) ; // Now finalize the definitions of the ECDs voidECD.inheritance( objectList ) ; voidECD.freeze() ; objectECD.methods( toStringList ) ; objectECD.freeze() ; stringECD.inheritance( objectList ) ; stringECD.freeze() ; // And store them in the evalClassMap. mapPut( voidECD, voidClass ) ; mapPut( objectECD, objectClass ) ; mapPut( stringECD, stringClass ) ; // Finally initialize all of the TypeEvaluator classes. for (Class cls : classes) { EvaluatedClassDeclaration ecd = getECD( cls ) ; ecd.inheritance( objectList ) ; ecd.freeze() ; mapPut( ecd, cls ) ; } } catch (Exception exc) { throw Exceptions.self.internalTypeEvaluatorError( exc ) ; } setDebugLevel( Integer.getInteger( "org.glassfish.gmbal.TypelibDebugLevel", 0 ) ) ; }
Return the EvaluatedType corresponding to cls if cls represents an immutable type, otherwise return null.
  • cls –
Returns:an EvaluatedType, if cls is on the immutable list; otherwise null.
/** Return the EvaluatedType corresponding to cls if cls represents an * immutable type, otherwise return null. * @param cls * @return an EvaluatedType, if cls is on the immutable list; otherwise null. */
private static EvaluatedType getImmutableEvaluatedType( Class<?> cls ) { return immutableTypes.get( cls ) ; } public synchronized static void setDebugLevel( int level ) { // debug = level > 1 ; // debugEvaluate = level >= 1 ; } private static class EvalMapKey extends Pair<Class<?>,List<EvaluatedType>> { public EvalMapKey( Class<?> cls, List<EvaluatedType> decls ) { super( cls, decls ) ; } public static final EvalMapKey OBJECT_KEY = new EvalMapKey( Object.class, new ArrayList<EvaluatedType>(0) ) ; } private static EvaluatedClassDeclaration getECD( Class cls ) { return DeclarationFactory.ecdecl( PUBLIC, cls.getName(), cls, true ) ; } private static List<Method> getDeclaredMethods( final Class<?> cls ) { SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ; if (sman == null) { return Arrays.asList( cls.getDeclaredMethods() ) ; } else { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<List<Method>>() { public List<Method> run() { return Arrays.asList( cls.getDeclaredMethods() ) ; } } ) ; } } private static List<Field> getDeclaredFields( final Class<?> cls ) { SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ; if (sman == null) { return Arrays.asList( cls.getDeclaredFields() ) ; } else { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<List<Field>>() { public List<Field> run() { return Arrays.asList( cls.getDeclaredFields() ) ; } } ) ; } } private static Method getDeclaredMethod( final Class<?> cls, final String name, final Class<?>... sig ) throws NoSuchMethodException, PrivilegedActionException { SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ; if (sman == null) { return cls.getDeclaredMethod( name, sig ) ; } else { return AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Method>() { public Method run() throws Exception { return cls.getDeclaredMethod( name, sig ) ; } } ) ; } } public synchronized static int evalClassMapSize() { return evalClassMap.size() ; } public synchronized static void dumpEvalClassMap() { System.out.println( "TypeEvaluator: dumping eval class map") ; int numSystem = 0 ; int total = 0 ; for (Map.Entry<EvalMapKey,EvaluatedClassDeclaration> entry : evalClassMap.entrySet() ) { System.out.println( "\tKey:" + entry.getKey() + "=>" ) ; System.out.println( "\t\t" + entry.getValue() ) ; String name = entry.getKey().first().getName() ; if (!name.startsWith("org.glassfish.gmbal" )) { numSystem++ ; } total ++ ; } System.out.printf( "\nEvalClassMap contains %d entries, %d of which are system classes\n", total, numSystem ) ; // System.out.println( "Complete dump of eval class map") ; // System.out.println( ObjectUtility.defaultObjectToString(evalClassMap) ) ; } // XXX This is another weak hashmap that strongly references its key! private static Map<Class,EvaluatedType> classMap = new WeakHashMap<Class, EvaluatedType>() ;
Given any generic java type, evaluate all of its type bounds and return an evaluated type.
  • cls – The java type to evaluate
Returns:The evaluated type
/** Given any generic java type, evaluate all of its type bounds and * return an evaluated type. * * @param cls The java type to evaluate * @return The evaluated type */
public static synchronized EvaluatedType getEvaluatedType( Class cls ) { EvaluatedType etype = null ; try { etype = classMap.get( cls ) ; if (etype == null) { TypeEvaluationVisitor visitor = new TypeEvaluationVisitor() ; etype = visitor.evaluateType( cls ) ; classMap.put( cls, etype ) ; } } catch (Error err) { // Make sure that the OperationTracer context for ANY exception // is captured here for offline analysis. IllegalStateException thr = Exceptions.self.errorInTypeEval( cls, err ) ; dumpEvalClassMap(); throw thr ; } return etype ; } // Getting PartialDefinitions right is a bit tricky. // We need both the Class and the List<Type> in the key, because otherwise // we cannot tell the difference between List<List<String>> and // Enum<E extends Enum<E>>: the first case is not recursive (so each // instance of List evaluated to a different ECD) while the second is // (and each instance of Enum MUST evaluate to the same ECD, or we get // infinite recursion). private static class PartialDefinitions { private Map<Pair<Class<?>,List<Type>>,EvaluatedType> table = new HashMap<Pair<Class<?>,List<Type>>,EvaluatedType>() ; private Pair<Class<?>,List<Type>> getKey( Class cls ) { List<Type> list = new ArrayList<Type>() ; for (TypeVariable tv : cls.getTypeParameters()) { Type type ; Type[] bounds = tv.getBounds() ; if (bounds.length > 0) { if (bounds.length > 1) { throw Exceptions.self .multipleUpperBoundsNotSupported( tv ) ; } else { type = bounds[0] ; } } else { type = Object.class ; } list.add(type) ; } return new Pair<Class<?>,List<Type>>( cls, list ) ; } private Pair<Class<?>,List<Type>> getKey( ParameterizedType pt ) { List<Type> list = new ArrayList<Type>() ; for (Type type : pt.getActualTypeArguments()) { list.add(type) ; } return new Pair<Class<?>,List<Type>>( (Class<?>)pt.getRawType(), list ) ; } public EvaluatedType get( Class cls ) { return table.get( getKey( cls ) ) ; } public EvaluatedType get( ParameterizedType pt ) { return table.get( getKey( pt ) ) ; } public void put( Class cls, EvaluatedType et ) { table.put( getKey( cls ), et ) ; } public void put( ParameterizedType pt, EvaluatedType et ) { table.put( getKey( pt ), et ) ; } public void remove( Class cls ) { table.remove( getKey( cls ) ) ; } public void remove( ParameterizedType pt ) { table.remove( getKey( pt ) ) ; } } // Visits the various java.lang.reflect Types to generate an EvaluatedType @TraceTypelibEval @TraceTypelib private static class TypeEvaluationVisitor { private final Display<String,EvaluatedType> display ; private final PartialDefinitions partialDefinitions ; public TypeEvaluationVisitor( ) { display = new Display<String,EvaluatedType>() ; partialDefinitions = new PartialDefinitions() ; } // External entry point into the Visitor. @TraceTypelibEval public EvaluatedType evaluateType( Object type ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; if (type == null) { result = null ; } else if (type instanceof Class) { Class cls = (Class)type ; result = visitClassDeclaration( cls ) ; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType)type ; result = visitParameterizedType( pt ) ; } else if (type instanceof TypeVariable) { TypeVariable tvar = (TypeVariable)type ; result = visitTypeVariable( tvar ) ; } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { GenericArrayType gat = (GenericArrayType)type ; result = visitGenericArrayType( gat ) ; } else if (type instanceof WildcardType) { WildcardType wt = (WildcardType)type ; result = visitWildcardType( wt ) ; } else if (type instanceof Method) { throw Exceptions.self.evaluateTypeCalledWithMethod(type) ; } else { throw Exceptions.self.evaluateTypeCalledWithUnknownType(type) ; } return result ; } @InfoMethod private void describe( String msg, Object data ) {} @InfoMethod private void message( String msg ) {} // The kind-specific visitXXX methods @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType visitClassDeclaration( Class decl ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; try { if (decl.isArray()) { message( "decl is an array" ) ; return DeclarationFactory.egat( evaluateType( decl.getComponentType() ) ) ; } else { result = partialDefinitions.get( decl ) ; if (result == null) { // Create the classdecl as early as possible, because it // may be needed on methods or type bounds. EvaluatedClassDeclaration newDecl = DeclarationFactory.ecdecl( decl.getModifiers(), decl.getName(), decl ) ; partialDefinitions.put( decl, newDecl ) ; try { OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> bindings = getBindings( decl ) ; result = getCorrectDeclaration( bindings, decl, newDecl ) ; } finally { partialDefinitions.remove( decl ) ; } } if (decl.isAnnotationPresent(ForceTypelibError.class )) { throw new StackOverflowError( "Simulating stack overflow in test") ; } } } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType visitParameterizedType( ParameterizedType pt ) { Class<?> decl = (Class<?>)pt.getRawType() ; EvaluatedType result = null ; result = partialDefinitions.get( pt ) ; if (result == null) { // Create the classdecl as early as possible, because it // may be needed on methods or type bounds. EvaluatedClassDeclaration newDecl = DeclarationFactory.ecdecl( decl.getModifiers(), decl.getName(), decl ) ; partialDefinitions.put( pt, newDecl ) ; try { OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> bindings = getBindings( pt ) ; result = getCorrectDeclaration( bindings, decl, newDecl ) ; } finally { partialDefinitions.remove( pt ) ; } } return result ; } @InfoMethod private void fieldException( @Chain Exception exc, Field fld ) {} @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedFieldDeclaration visitFieldDeclaration( final EvaluatedClassDeclaration cdecl, final Field fld ) { EvaluatedFieldDeclaration result = null ; try { // Only looking at final fields if (!Modifier.isFinal(fld.getModifiers())) { return null ; } // Only looking at immutable types. // Note: do NOT use EvaluatedType.isImmutable here, as that // requires first evaluating the type, which defeats the // purpose of checking for immutable types in the first place! final Class fieldType = fld.getType() ; EvaluatedType ftype = getImmutableEvaluatedType( fieldType ) ; if (ftype == null) { return null ; } result = DeclarationFactory.efdecl(cdecl, fld.getModifiers(), ftype, fld.getName(), fld ) ; } catch (Exception exc) { fieldException( exc, fld ) ; } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedMethodDeclaration visitMethodDeclaration( final EvaluatedClassDeclaration cdecl, final Method mdecl ) { final List<EvaluatedType> eptypes = Algorithms.map( Arrays.asList( mdecl.getGenericParameterTypes() ), new UnaryFunction<Type,EvaluatedType>() { public EvaluatedType evaluate( Type type ) { return evaluateType( type ) ; } } ) ; describe( "eptypes", eptypes ) ; // Convenience for the test: all processing is done on a method // named getThing, and this is where we need to debug, out of the // many hundreds of other method calls. if (mdecl.getName().equals( "getThing" )) { message( "processing getThing method from test" ) ; } EvaluatedMethodDeclaration result = null ; try { result = DeclarationFactory.emdecl( cdecl, mdecl.getModifiers(), evaluateType( mdecl.getGenericReturnType() ), mdecl.getName(), eptypes, mdecl ) ; if (mdecl.isAnnotationPresent(ForceTypelibError.class )) { throw new StackOverflowError( "Simulating stack overflow in test") ; } } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType visitTypeVariable( TypeVariable tvar ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; try { result = lookup( tvar ) ; } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType visitGenericArrayType( GenericArrayType at ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; try { result = DeclarationFactory.egat( evaluateType( at.getGenericComponentType() ) ) ; } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType visitWildcardType( WildcardType wt ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; try { // ignore lower bounds // Only support 1 upper bound List<Type> ub = Arrays.asList( wt.getUpperBounds() ) ; if (ub.size() > 0) { if (ub.size() > 1) { throw Exceptions.self.multipleUpperBoundsNotSupported( wt) ; } result = evaluateType( ub.get(0) ) ; } else { result = EvaluatedType.EOBJECT ; } } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType lookup( TypeVariable tvar ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; try { result = display.lookup( tvar.getName() ) ; if (result == null) { Type[] bounds = tvar.getBounds() ; if (bounds.length > 0) { if (bounds.length > 1) { throw Exceptions.self .multipleUpperBoundsNotSupported( tvar ) ; } result = evaluateType( bounds[0] ) ; } else { result = EvaluatedType.EOBJECT ; } } } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private EvaluatedType getCorrectDeclaration( OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> bindings, Class decl, EvaluatedClassDeclaration newDecl ) { EvaluatedType result = null ; try { List<EvaluatedType> blist = bindings.getList() ; EvalMapKey key = new EvalMapKey( decl, blist ) ; if (blist.size() > 0) { newDecl.instantiations( blist ) ; } result = evalClassMap.get( key ) ; if (result == null) { message( "No result in evalClassMap" ) ; evalClassMap.put( key, newDecl ) ; processClass( newDecl, bindings.getMap(), decl ) ; result = newDecl ; } else { message( "Found result in evalClassMap" ) ; } } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } @TraceTypelib private void processClass( final EvaluatedClassDeclaration newDecl, final Map<String,EvaluatedType> bindings, final Class decl ) { display.enterScope() ; display.bind( bindings ) ; try { List<EvaluatedClassDeclaration> inheritance = Algorithms.map( getInheritance( decl ), new UnaryFunction<Type,EvaluatedClassDeclaration>() { public EvaluatedClassDeclaration evaluate( Type pt ) { return (EvaluatedClassDeclaration)evaluateType( pt ) ; } } ) ; describe( "inheritance", inheritance ) ; newDecl.inheritance( inheritance ) ; List<EvaluatedFieldDeclaration> newFields = Algorithms.map( getDeclaredFields( decl ), new UnaryFunction<Field,EvaluatedFieldDeclaration>() { public EvaluatedFieldDeclaration evaluate( Field fld ) { return visitFieldDeclaration( newDecl, fld ) ; } } ) ; newDecl.fields( newFields ) ; List<EvaluatedMethodDeclaration> newMethods = Algorithms.map( getDeclaredMethods( decl ), new UnaryFunction<Method,EvaluatedMethodDeclaration>() { public EvaluatedMethodDeclaration evaluate( Method md ) { return visitMethodDeclaration( newDecl, md ) ; } } ) ; newDecl.methods( newMethods ) ; newDecl.freeze() ; describe( "newDecl", newDecl ) ; } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } finally { display.exitScope() ; } } @TraceTypelib private List<Type> getInheritance( Class cls ) { List<Type> result = new ArrayList<Type>(0) ; try { result.add( cls.getGenericSuperclass() ) ; result.addAll( Arrays.asList( cls.getGenericInterfaces() ) ) ; } catch (Error err) { OperationTracer.freeze() ; throw err ; } return result ; } private OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> getBindings( Class decl ) { OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> result = new OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType>() ; for (TypeVariable tv : decl.getTypeParameters()) { EvaluatedType res = lookup( tv ) ; result.add( tv.getName(), res ) ; } return result ; } private OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> getBindings( ParameterizedType pt ) { OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType> result = new OrderedResult<String,EvaluatedType>() ; Iterator<Type> types = Arrays.asList(pt.getActualTypeArguments()).iterator() ; Iterator<TypeVariable> tvars = Arrays.asList(((Class)pt.getRawType()).getTypeParameters()).iterator() ; while (types.hasNext() && tvars.hasNext()) { Type type = types.next() ; TypeVariable tvar = tvars.next() ; result.add( tvar.getName(), evaluateType( type ) ) ; } if (types.hasNext() != tvars.hasNext()) { throw Exceptions.self.listsNotTheSameLengthInParamType(pt) ; } return result ; } public static class OrderedResult<K,V> { private List<V> list = new ArrayList<V>(0) ; private Map<K,V> map = new HashMap<K,V>() ; public List<V> getList() { return list ; } public Map<K,V> getMap() { return map ; } public void add( K key, V value ) { list.add( value ) ; map.put( key, value ) ; } } } }