 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib;

import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Chain;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.ExceptionWrapper;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Log;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.LogLevel;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Message;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.WrapperGenerator;

/** * * @author ken */
@ExceptionWrapper( idPrefix="GMBALTLIB", resourceBundle = "org.glassfish.gmbal.logex.LogStrings" ) public interface Exceptions { static final Exceptions self = WrapperGenerator.makeWrapper( Exceptions.class ) ; // Allow 100 exceptions per class static final int EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS = 100 ; // TypeEvaluator static final int TYPE_EVALUATOR_START = 1 ; @Message( "Internal error in TypeEvaluator" ) @Log( id=TYPE_EVALUATOR_START + 0 ) IllegalStateException internalTypeEvaluatorError( @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "evaluateType should not be called with a Method ({0})" ) @Log( id=TYPE_EVALUATOR_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException evaluateTypeCalledWithMethod( Object type ) ; @Message( "evaluateType should not be called with an unknown type ({0})" ) @Log( id=TYPE_EVALUATOR_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException evaluateTypeCalledWithUnknownType( Object type ) ; @Message( "Multiple upper bounds not supported on {0}" ) @Log( id=TYPE_EVALUATOR_START + 3 ) UnsupportedOperationException multipleUpperBoundsNotSupported( Object type ) ; @Message( "Type list and TypeVariable list are not the same length for {0}" ) @Log( id=TYPE_EVALUATOR_START + 4 ) IllegalArgumentException listsNotTheSameLengthInParamType( ParameterizedType pt ) ; @Message( "Error thrown from getEvaluatedType for class {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_EVALUATOR_START + 5, level=LogLevel.SEVERE ) IllegalStateException errorInTypeEval( Class cls, @Chain Error err); }