 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;
import org.apache.lucene.search.Sort;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMFile;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMInputStream;
import org.apache.lucene.store.RAMOutputStream;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TimSorter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.CompiledAutomaton;

import static org.apache.lucene.index.SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS;
import static org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;

An LeafReader which supports sorting documents by a given Sort. This is package private and is only used by Lucene for BWC when it needs to merge an unsorted flushed segment built by an older version (newly flushed segments are sorted since version 7.0).
/** * An {@link org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader} which supports sorting documents by a given * {@link Sort}. This is package private and is only used by Lucene for BWC when it needs to merge * an unsorted flushed segment built by an older version (newly flushed segments are sorted since version 7.0). * * @lucene.experimental */
class SortingLeafReader extends FilterLeafReader { //TODO remove from here; move to FreqProxTermsWriter or FreqProxFields? static class SortingFields extends FilterFields { private final Sorter.DocMap docMap; private final FieldInfos infos; public SortingFields(final Fields in, FieldInfos infos, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { super(in); this.docMap = docMap; this.infos = infos; } @Override public Terms terms(final String field) throws IOException { Terms terms = in.terms(field); if (terms == null) { return null; } else { return new SortingTerms(terms, infos.fieldInfo(field).getIndexOptions(), docMap); } } } private static class SortingTerms extends FilterTerms { private final Sorter.DocMap docMap; private final IndexOptions indexOptions; public SortingTerms(final Terms in, IndexOptions indexOptions, final Sorter.DocMap docMap) { super(in); this.docMap = docMap; this.indexOptions = indexOptions; } @Override public TermsEnum iterator() throws IOException { return new SortingTermsEnum(in.iterator(), docMap, indexOptions, hasPositions()); } @Override public TermsEnum intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm) throws IOException { return new SortingTermsEnum(in.intersect(compiled, startTerm), docMap, indexOptions, hasPositions()); } } private static class SortingTermsEnum extends FilterTermsEnum { final Sorter.DocMap docMap; // pkg-protected to avoid synthetic accessor methods private final IndexOptions indexOptions; private final boolean hasPositions; public SortingTermsEnum(final TermsEnum in, Sorter.DocMap docMap, IndexOptions indexOptions, boolean hasPositions) { super(in); this.docMap = docMap; this.indexOptions = indexOptions; this.hasPositions = hasPositions; } @Override public PostingsEnum postings( PostingsEnum reuse, final int flags) throws IOException { if (hasPositions && PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.POSITIONS)) { final PostingsEnum inReuse; final SortingPostingsEnum wrapReuse; if (reuse != null && reuse instanceof SortingPostingsEnum) { // if we're asked to reuse the given DocsEnum and it is Sorting, return // the wrapped one, since some Codecs expect it. wrapReuse = (SortingPostingsEnum) reuse; inReuse = wrapReuse.getWrapped(); } else { wrapReuse = null; inReuse = reuse; } final PostingsEnum inDocsAndPositions = in.postings(inReuse, flags); // we ignore the fact that offsets may be stored but not asked for, // since this code is expected to be used during addIndexes which will // ask for everything. if that assumption changes in the future, we can // factor in whether 'flags' says offsets are not required. final boolean storeOffsets = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) >= 0; return new SortingPostingsEnum(docMap.size(), wrapReuse, inDocsAndPositions, docMap, storeOffsets); } final PostingsEnum inReuse; final SortingDocsEnum wrapReuse; if (reuse != null && reuse instanceof SortingDocsEnum) { // if we're asked to reuse the given DocsEnum and it is Sorting, return // the wrapped one, since some Codecs expect it. wrapReuse = (SortingDocsEnum) reuse; inReuse = wrapReuse.getWrapped(); } else { wrapReuse = null; inReuse = reuse; } final PostingsEnum inDocs = in.postings(inReuse, flags); final boolean withFreqs = indexOptions.compareTo(IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS) >=0 && PostingsEnum.featureRequested(flags, PostingsEnum.FREQS); return new SortingDocsEnum(docMap.size(), wrapReuse, inDocs, withFreqs, docMap); } } static class SortingBinaryDocValues extends BinaryDocValues { private final CachedBinaryDVs dvs; private int docID = -1; public SortingBinaryDocValues(CachedBinaryDVs dvs) { this.dvs = dvs; } @Override public int nextDoc() { if (docID+1 == dvs.docsWithField.length()) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; } else { docID = dvs.docsWithField.nextSetBit(docID+1); } return docID; } @Override public int docID() { return docID; } @Override public int advance(int target) { docID = dvs.docsWithField.nextSetBit(target); return docID; } @Override public boolean advanceExact(int target) throws IOException { docID = target; return dvs.docsWithField.get(target); } @Override public BytesRef binaryValue() { return dvs.values[docID]; } @Override public long cost() { return dvs.docsWithField.cardinality(); } } private final Map<String,CachedNumericDVs> cachedNumericDVs = new HashMap<>(); static class CachedNumericDVs { private final long[] values; private final BitSet docsWithField; public CachedNumericDVs(long[] values, BitSet docsWithField) { this.values = values; this.docsWithField = docsWithField; } } private final Map<String,CachedBinaryDVs> cachedBinaryDVs = new HashMap<>(); static class CachedBinaryDVs { // TODO: at least cutover to BytesRefArray here: private final BytesRef[] values; private final BitSet docsWithField; public CachedBinaryDVs(BytesRef[] values, BitSet docsWithField) { this.values = values; this.docsWithField = docsWithField; } } private final Map<String,int[]> cachedSortedDVs = new HashMap<>(); static class SortingNumericDocValues extends NumericDocValues { private final CachedNumericDVs dvs; private int docID = -1; public SortingNumericDocValues(CachedNumericDVs dvs) { this.dvs = dvs; } @Override public int docID() { return docID; } @Override public int nextDoc() { if (docID+1 == dvs.docsWithField.length()) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; } else { docID = dvs.docsWithField.nextSetBit(docID+1); } return docID; } @Override public int advance(int target) { docID = dvs.docsWithField.nextSetBit(target); return docID; } @Override public boolean advanceExact(int target) throws IOException { docID = target; return dvs.docsWithField.get(target); } @Override public long longValue() { return dvs.values[docID]; } @Override public long cost() { return dvs.docsWithField.cardinality(); } } private static class SortingBits implements Bits { private final Bits in; private final Sorter.DocMap docMap; public SortingBits(final Bits in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { this.in = in; this.docMap = docMap; } @Override public boolean get(int index) { return in.get(docMap.newToOld(index)); } @Override public int length() { return in.length(); } } private static class SortingPointValues extends PointValues { private final PointValues in; private final Sorter.DocMap docMap; public SortingPointValues(final PointValues in, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { this.in = in; this.docMap = docMap; } @Override public void intersect(IntersectVisitor visitor) throws IOException { in.intersect(new IntersectVisitor() { @Override public void visit(int docID) throws IOException { visitor.visit(docMap.oldToNew(docID)); } @Override public void visit(int docID, byte[] packedValue) throws IOException { visitor.visit(docMap.oldToNew(docID), packedValue); } @Override public Relation compare(byte[] minPackedValue, byte[] maxPackedValue) { return visitor.compare(minPackedValue, maxPackedValue); } }); } @Override public long estimatePointCount(IntersectVisitor visitor) { return in.estimatePointCount(visitor); } @Override public byte[] getMinPackedValue() throws IOException { return in.getMinPackedValue(); } @Override public byte[] getMaxPackedValue() throws IOException { return in.getMaxPackedValue(); } @Override public int getNumDataDimensions() throws IOException { return in.getNumDataDimensions(); } @Override public int getNumIndexDimensions() throws IOException { return in.getNumIndexDimensions(); } @Override public int getBytesPerDimension() throws IOException { return in.getBytesPerDimension(); } @Override public long size() { return in.size(); } @Override public int getDocCount() { return in.getDocCount(); } } static class SortingSortedDocValues extends SortedDocValues { private final SortedDocValues in; private final int[] ords; private int docID = -1; SortingSortedDocValues(SortedDocValues in, int[] ords) { this.in = in; this.ords = ords; assert ords != null; } @Override public int docID() { return docID; } @Override public int nextDoc() { while (true) { docID++; if (docID == ords.length) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; break; } if (ords[docID] != -1) { break; } // skip missing docs } return docID; } @Override public int advance(int target) { if (target >= ords.length) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; } else { docID = target; if (ords[docID] == -1) { nextDoc(); } } return docID; } @Override public boolean advanceExact(int target) throws IOException { docID = target; return ords[target] != -1; } @Override public int ordValue() { return ords[docID]; } @Override public long cost() { return in.cost(); } @Override public BytesRef lookupOrd(int ord) throws IOException { return in.lookupOrd(ord); } @Override public int getValueCount() { return in.getValueCount(); } } // TODO: pack long[][] into an int[] (offset) and long[] instead: private final Map<String,long[][]> cachedSortedSetDVs = new HashMap<>(); static class SortingSortedSetDocValues extends SortedSetDocValues { private final SortedSetDocValues in; private final long[][] ords; private int docID = -1; private int ordUpto; SortingSortedSetDocValues(SortedSetDocValues in, long[][] ords) { this.in = in; this.ords = ords; } @Override public int docID() { return docID; } @Override public int nextDoc() { while (true) { docID++; if (docID == ords.length) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; break; } if (ords[docID] != null) { break; } // skip missing docs } ordUpto = 0; return docID; } @Override public int advance(int target) { if (target >= ords.length) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; } else { docID = target; if (ords[docID] == null) { nextDoc(); } else { ordUpto = 0; } } return docID; } @Override public boolean advanceExact(int target) throws IOException { docID = target; ordUpto = 0; return ords[docID] != null; } @Override public long nextOrd() { if (ordUpto == ords[docID].length) { return NO_MORE_ORDS; } else { return ords[docID][ordUpto++]; } } @Override public long cost() { return in.cost(); } @Override public BytesRef lookupOrd(long ord) throws IOException { return in.lookupOrd(ord); } @Override public long getValueCount() { return in.getValueCount(); } } private final Map<String,long[][]> cachedSortedNumericDVs = new HashMap<>(); static class SortingSortedNumericDocValues extends SortedNumericDocValues { private final SortedNumericDocValues in; private final long[][] values; private int docID = -1; private int upto; SortingSortedNumericDocValues(SortedNumericDocValues in, long[][] values) { this.in = in; this.values = values; } @Override public int docID() { return docID; } @Override public int nextDoc() { while (true) { docID++; if (docID == values.length) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; break; } if (values[docID] != null) { break; } // skip missing docs } upto = 0; return docID; } @Override public int advance(int target) { if (target >= values.length) { docID = NO_MORE_DOCS; return docID; } else { docID = target-1; return nextDoc(); } } @Override public boolean advanceExact(int target) throws IOException { docID = target; upto = 0; return values[docID] != null; } @Override public long nextValue() { if (upto == values[docID].length) { throw new AssertionError(); } else { return values[docID][upto++]; } } @Override public long cost() { return in.cost(); } @Override public int docValueCount() { return values[docID].length; } } static class SortingDocsEnum extends FilterPostingsEnum { private static final class DocFreqSorter extends TimSorter { private int[] docs; private int[] freqs; private final int[] tmpDocs; private int[] tmpFreqs; public DocFreqSorter(int maxDoc) { super(maxDoc / 64); this.tmpDocs = new int[maxDoc / 64]; } public void reset(int[] docs, int[] freqs) { this.docs = docs; this.freqs = freqs; if (freqs != null && tmpFreqs == null) { tmpFreqs = new int[tmpDocs.length]; } } @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { return docs[i] - docs[j]; } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int tmpDoc = docs[i]; docs[i] = docs[j]; docs[j] = tmpDoc; if (freqs != null) { int tmpFreq = freqs[i]; freqs[i] = freqs[j]; freqs[j] = tmpFreq; } } @Override protected void copy(int src, int dest) { docs[dest] = docs[src]; if (freqs != null) { freqs[dest] = freqs[src]; } } @Override protected void save(int i, int len) { System.arraycopy(docs, i, tmpDocs, 0, len); if (freqs != null) { System.arraycopy(freqs, i, tmpFreqs, 0, len); } } @Override protected void restore(int i, int j) { docs[j] = tmpDocs[i]; if (freqs != null) { freqs[j] = tmpFreqs[i]; } } @Override protected int compareSaved(int i, int j) { return tmpDocs[i] - docs[j]; } } private final int maxDoc; private final DocFreqSorter sorter; private int[] docs; private int[] freqs; private int docIt = -1; private final int upto; private final boolean withFreqs; SortingDocsEnum(int maxDoc, SortingDocsEnum reuse, final PostingsEnum in, boolean withFreqs, final Sorter.DocMap docMap) throws IOException { super(in); this.maxDoc = maxDoc; this.withFreqs = withFreqs; if (reuse != null) { if (reuse.maxDoc == maxDoc) { sorter = reuse.sorter; } else { sorter = new DocFreqSorter(maxDoc); } docs = reuse.docs; freqs = reuse.freqs; // maybe null } else { docs = new int[64]; sorter = new DocFreqSorter(maxDoc); } docIt = -1; int i = 0; int doc; if (withFreqs) { if (freqs == null || freqs.length < docs.length) { freqs = new int[docs.length]; } while ((doc = in.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS){ if (i >= docs.length) { docs = ArrayUtil.grow(docs, docs.length + 1); freqs = ArrayUtil.grow(freqs, freqs.length + 1); } docs[i] = docMap.oldToNew(doc); freqs[i] = in.freq(); ++i; } } else { freqs = null; while ((doc = in.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS){ if (i >= docs.length) { docs = ArrayUtil.grow(docs, docs.length + 1); } docs[i++] = docMap.oldToNew(doc); } } // TimSort can save much time compared to other sorts in case of // reverse sorting, or when sorting a concatenation of sorted readers sorter.reset(docs, freqs); sorter.sort(0, i); upto = i; } // for testing boolean reused(PostingsEnum other) { if (other == null || !(other instanceof SortingDocsEnum)) { return false; } return docs == ((SortingDocsEnum) other).docs; } @Override public int advance(final int target) throws IOException { // need to support it for checkIndex, but in practice it won't be called, so // don't bother to implement efficiently for now. return slowAdvance(target); } @Override public int docID() { return docIt < 0 ? -1 : docIt >= upto ? NO_MORE_DOCS : docs[docIt]; } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { return withFreqs && docIt < upto ? freqs[docIt] : 1; } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { if (++docIt >= upto) return NO_MORE_DOCS; return docs[docIt]; }
Returns the wrapped PostingsEnum.
/** Returns the wrapped {@link PostingsEnum}. */
PostingsEnum getWrapped() { return in; } // we buffer up docs/freqs only, don't forward any positions requests to underlying enum @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public int startOffset() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public int endOffset() throws IOException { return -1; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() throws IOException { return null; } } static class SortingPostingsEnum extends FilterPostingsEnum {
A TimSorter which sorts two parallel arrays of doc IDs and offsets in one go. Everytime a doc ID is 'swapped', its corresponding offset is swapped too.
/** * A {@link TimSorter} which sorts two parallel arrays of doc IDs and * offsets in one go. Everytime a doc ID is 'swapped', its corresponding offset * is swapped too. */
private static final class DocOffsetSorter extends TimSorter { private int[] docs; private long[] offsets; private final int[] tmpDocs; private final long[] tmpOffsets; public DocOffsetSorter(int maxDoc) { super(maxDoc / 64); this.tmpDocs = new int[maxDoc / 64]; this.tmpOffsets = new long[maxDoc / 64]; } public void reset(int[] docs, long[] offsets) { this.docs = docs; this.offsets = offsets; } @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { return docs[i] - docs[j]; } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int tmpDoc = docs[i]; docs[i] = docs[j]; docs[j] = tmpDoc; long tmpOffset = offsets[i]; offsets[i] = offsets[j]; offsets[j] = tmpOffset; } @Override protected void copy(int src, int dest) { docs[dest] = docs[src]; offsets[dest] = offsets[src]; } @Override protected void save(int i, int len) { System.arraycopy(docs, i, tmpDocs, 0, len); System.arraycopy(offsets, i, tmpOffsets, 0, len); } @Override protected void restore(int i, int j) { docs[j] = tmpDocs[i]; offsets[j] = tmpOffsets[i]; } @Override protected int compareSaved(int i, int j) { return tmpDocs[i] - docs[j]; } } private final int maxDoc; private final DocOffsetSorter sorter; private int[] docs; private long[] offsets; private final int upto; private final IndexInput postingInput; private final boolean storeOffsets; private int docIt = -1; private int pos; private int startOffset = -1; private int endOffset = -1; private final BytesRef payload; private int currFreq; private final RAMFile file; SortingPostingsEnum(int maxDoc, SortingPostingsEnum reuse, final PostingsEnum in, Sorter.DocMap docMap, boolean storeOffsets) throws IOException { super(in); this.maxDoc = maxDoc; this.storeOffsets = storeOffsets; if (reuse != null) { docs = reuse.docs; offsets = reuse.offsets; payload = reuse.payload; file = reuse.file; if (reuse.maxDoc == maxDoc) { sorter = reuse.sorter; } else { sorter = new DocOffsetSorter(maxDoc); } } else { docs = new int[32]; offsets = new long[32]; payload = new BytesRef(32); file = new RAMFile(); sorter = new DocOffsetSorter(maxDoc); } final IndexOutput out = new RAMOutputStream(file, false); int doc; int i = 0; while ((doc = in.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { if (i == docs.length) { final int newLength = ArrayUtil.oversize(i + 1, 4); docs = ArrayUtil.growExact(docs, newLength); offsets = ArrayUtil.growExact(offsets, newLength); } docs[i] = docMap.oldToNew(doc); offsets[i] = out.getFilePointer(); addPositions(in, out); i++; } upto = i; sorter.reset(docs, offsets); sorter.sort(0, upto); out.close(); this.postingInput = new RAMInputStream("", file); } // for testing boolean reused(PostingsEnum other) { if (other == null || !(other instanceof SortingPostingsEnum)) { return false; } return docs == ((SortingPostingsEnum) other).docs; } private void addPositions(final PostingsEnum in, final IndexOutput out) throws IOException { int freq = in.freq(); out.writeVInt(freq); int previousPosition = 0; int previousEndOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < freq; i++) { final int pos = in.nextPosition(); final BytesRef payload = in.getPayload(); // The low-order bit of token is set only if there is a payload, the // previous bits are the delta-encoded position. final int token = (pos - previousPosition) << 1 | (payload == null ? 0 : 1); out.writeVInt(token); previousPosition = pos; if (storeOffsets) { // don't encode offsets if they are not stored final int startOffset = in.startOffset(); final int endOffset = in.endOffset(); out.writeVInt(startOffset - previousEndOffset); out.writeVInt(endOffset - startOffset); previousEndOffset = endOffset; } if (payload != null) { out.writeVInt(payload.length); out.writeBytes(payload.bytes, payload.offset, payload.length); } } } @Override public int advance(final int target) throws IOException { // need to support it for checkIndex, but in practice it won't be called, so // don't bother to implement efficiently for now. return slowAdvance(target); } @Override public int docID() { return docIt < 0 ? -1 : docIt >= upto ? NO_MORE_DOCS : docs[docIt]; } @Override public int endOffset() throws IOException { return endOffset; } @Override public int freq() throws IOException { return currFreq; } @Override public BytesRef getPayload() throws IOException { return payload.length == 0 ? null : payload; } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { if (++docIt >= upto) return DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; postingInput.seek(offsets[docIt]); currFreq = postingInput.readVInt(); // reset variables used in nextPosition pos = 0; endOffset = 0; return docs[docIt]; } @Override public int nextPosition() throws IOException { final int token = postingInput.readVInt(); pos += token >>> 1; if (storeOffsets) { startOffset = endOffset + postingInput.readVInt(); endOffset = startOffset + postingInput.readVInt(); } if ((token & 1) != 0) { payload.offset = 0; payload.length = postingInput.readVInt(); if (payload.length > payload.bytes.length) { payload.bytes = new byte[ArrayUtil.oversize(payload.length, 1)]; } postingInput.readBytes(payload.bytes, 0, payload.length); } else { payload.length = 0; } return pos; } @Override public int startOffset() throws IOException { return startOffset; }
Returns the wrapped PostingsEnum.
/** Returns the wrapped {@link PostingsEnum}. */
PostingsEnum getWrapped() { return in; } }
Return a sorted view of reader according to the order defined by sort. If the reader is already sorted, this method might return the reader as-is.
/** Return a sorted view of <code>reader</code> according to the order * defined by <code>sort</code>. If the reader is already sorted, this * method might return the reader as-is. */
public static LeafReader wrap(LeafReader reader, Sort sort) throws IOException { return wrap(reader, new Sorter(sort).sort(reader)); }
Expert: same as wrap(LeafReader, Sort) but operates directly on a DocMap.
/** Expert: same as {@link #wrap(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader, Sort)} but operates directly on a {@link Sorter.DocMap}. */
static LeafReader wrap(LeafReader reader, Sorter.DocMap docMap) { if (docMap == null) { // the reader is already sorted return reader; } if (reader.maxDoc() != docMap.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reader.maxDoc() should be equal to docMap.size(), got" + reader.maxDoc() + " != " + docMap.size()); } assert Sorter.isConsistent(docMap); return new SortingLeafReader(reader, docMap); } final Sorter.DocMap docMap; // pkg-protected to avoid synthetic accessor methods private SortingLeafReader(final LeafReader in, final Sorter.DocMap docMap) { super(in); this.docMap = docMap; } @Override public void document(final int docID, final StoredFieldVisitor visitor) throws IOException { in.document(docMap.newToOld(docID), visitor); } @Override public Terms terms(String field) throws IOException { Terms terms = super.terms(field); return terms==null ? null : new SortingTerms(terms, in.getFieldInfos().fieldInfo(field).getIndexOptions(), docMap); } @Override public BinaryDocValues getBinaryDocValues(String field) throws IOException { final BinaryDocValues oldDocValues = in.getBinaryDocValues(field); if (oldDocValues == null) return null; CachedBinaryDVs dvs; synchronized (cachedBinaryDVs) { dvs = cachedBinaryDVs.get(field); if (dvs == null) { FixedBitSet docsWithField = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc()); BytesRef[] values = new BytesRef[maxDoc()]; while (true) { int docID = oldDocValues.nextDoc(); if (docID == NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); docsWithField.set(newDocID); values[newDocID] = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(oldDocValues.binaryValue()); } dvs = new CachedBinaryDVs(values, docsWithField); cachedBinaryDVs.put(field, dvs); } } return new SortingBinaryDocValues(dvs); } @Override public Bits getLiveDocs() { final Bits inLiveDocs = in.getLiveDocs(); if (inLiveDocs == null) { return null; } else { return new SortingBits(inLiveDocs, docMap); } } @Override public PointValues getPointValues(String fieldName) throws IOException { final PointValues inPointValues = in.getPointValues(fieldName); if (inPointValues == null) { return null; } else { return new SortingPointValues(inPointValues, docMap); } } private final Map<String,CachedNumericDVs> cachedNorms = new HashMap<>(); @Override public NumericDocValues getNormValues(String field) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues oldNorms = in.getNormValues(field); if (oldNorms == null) return null; CachedNumericDVs norms; synchronized (cachedNorms) { norms = cachedNorms.get(field); if (norms == null) { FixedBitSet docsWithField = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc()); long[] values = new long[maxDoc()]; while (true) { int docID = oldNorms.nextDoc(); if (docID == NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); docsWithField.set(newDocID); values[newDocID] = oldNorms.longValue(); } norms = new CachedNumericDVs(values, docsWithField); cachedNorms.put(field, norms); } } return new SortingNumericDocValues(norms); } @Override public NumericDocValues getNumericDocValues(String field) throws IOException { final NumericDocValues oldDocValues = in.getNumericDocValues(field); if (oldDocValues == null) return null; CachedNumericDVs dvs; synchronized (cachedNumericDVs) { dvs = cachedNumericDVs.get(field); if (dvs == null) { FixedBitSet docsWithField = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc()); long[] values = new long[maxDoc()]; while (true) { int docID = oldDocValues.nextDoc(); if (docID == NO_MORE_DOCS) { break; } int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); docsWithField.set(newDocID); values[newDocID] = oldDocValues.longValue(); } dvs = new CachedNumericDVs(values, docsWithField); cachedNumericDVs.put(field, dvs); } } return new SortingNumericDocValues(dvs); } @Override public SortedNumericDocValues getSortedNumericDocValues(String field) throws IOException { final SortedNumericDocValues oldDocValues = in.getSortedNumericDocValues(field); if (oldDocValues == null) { return null; } long[][] values; synchronized (cachedSortedNumericDVs) { values = cachedSortedNumericDVs.get(field); if (values == null) { values = new long[maxDoc()][]; int docID; while ((docID = oldDocValues.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS) { int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); long[] docValues = new long[oldDocValues.docValueCount()]; for(int i=0;i<docValues.length;i++) { docValues[i] = oldDocValues.nextValue(); } values[newDocID] = docValues; } cachedSortedNumericDVs.put(field, values); } } return new SortingSortedNumericDocValues(oldDocValues, values); } @Override public SortedDocValues getSortedDocValues(String field) throws IOException { SortedDocValues oldDocValues = in.getSortedDocValues(field); if (oldDocValues == null) { return null; } int[] ords; synchronized (cachedSortedDVs) { ords = cachedSortedDVs.get(field); if (ords == null) { ords = new int[maxDoc()]; Arrays.fill(ords, -1); int docID; while ((docID = oldDocValues.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS) { int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); ords[newDocID] = oldDocValues.ordValue(); } cachedSortedDVs.put(field, ords); } } return new SortingSortedDocValues(oldDocValues, ords); } @Override public SortedSetDocValues getSortedSetDocValues(String field) throws IOException { SortedSetDocValues oldDocValues = in.getSortedSetDocValues(field); if (oldDocValues == null) { return null; } long[][] ords; synchronized (cachedSortedSetDVs) { ords = cachedSortedSetDVs.get(field); if (ords == null) { ords = new long[maxDoc()][]; int docID; while ((docID = oldDocValues.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS) { int newDocID = docMap.oldToNew(docID); long[] docOrds = new long[1]; int upto = 0; while (true) { long ord = oldDocValues.nextOrd(); if (ord == NO_MORE_ORDS) { break; } if (upto == docOrds.length) { docOrds = ArrayUtil.grow(docOrds); } docOrds[upto++] = ord; } ords[newDocID] = ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(docOrds, 0, upto); } cachedSortedSetDVs.put(field, ords); } } return new SortingSortedSetDocValues(oldDocValues, ords); } @Override public Fields getTermVectors(final int docID) throws IOException { return in.getTermVectors(docMap.newToOld(docID)); } @Override public String toString() { return "SortingLeafReader(" + in + ")"; } // no caching on sorted views @Override public CacheHelper getCoreCacheHelper() { return null; } @Override public CacheHelper getReaderCacheHelper() { return null; } }