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package org.apache.lucene.util;

import java.util.Arrays;

Sorter implementation based on the TimSort algorithm.

This implementation is especially good at sorting partially-sorted arrays and sorts small arrays with binary sort.

NOTE:There are a few differences with the original implementation:

  • The extra amount of memory to perform merges is configurable. This allows small merges to be very fast while large merges will be performed in-place (slightly slower). You can make sure that the fast merge routine will always be used by having maxTempSlots equal to half of the length of the slice of data to sort.
  • Only the fast merge routine can gallop (the one that doesn't run in-place) and it only gallops on the longest slice.
/** * {@link Sorter} implementation based on the * <a href="http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Objects/listsort.txt">TimSort</a> * algorithm. * <p>This implementation is especially good at sorting partially-sorted * arrays and sorts small arrays with binary sort. * <p><b>NOTE</b>:There are a few differences with the original implementation:<ul> * <li><a name="maxTempSlots"></a>The extra amount of memory to perform merges is * configurable. This allows small merges to be very fast while large merges * will be performed in-place (slightly slower). You can make sure that the * fast merge routine will always be used by having <code>maxTempSlots</code> * equal to half of the length of the slice of data to sort. * <li>Only the fast merge routine can gallop (the one that doesn't run * in-place) and it only gallops on the longest slice. * </ul> * @lucene.internal */
public abstract class TimSorter extends Sorter { static final int MINRUN = 32; static final int THRESHOLD = 64; static final int STACKSIZE = 49; // depends on MINRUN static final int MIN_GALLOP = 7; final int maxTempSlots; int minRun; int to; int stackSize; int[] runEnds;
Create a new TimSorter.
/** * Create a new {@link TimSorter}. * @param maxTempSlots the <a href="#maxTempSlots">maximum amount of extra memory to run merges</a> */
protected TimSorter(int maxTempSlots) { super(); runEnds = new int[1 + STACKSIZE]; this.maxTempSlots = maxTempSlots; }
Minimum run length for an array of length length.
/** Minimum run length for an array of length <code>length</code>. */
static int minRun(int length) { assert length >= MINRUN; int n = length; int r = 0; while (n >= 64) { r |= n & 1; n >>>= 1; } final int minRun = n + r; assert minRun >= MINRUN && minRun <= THRESHOLD; return minRun; } int runLen(int i) { final int off = stackSize - i; return runEnds[off] - runEnds[off - 1]; } int runBase(int i) { return runEnds[stackSize - i - 1]; } int runEnd(int i) { return runEnds[stackSize - i]; } void setRunEnd(int i, int runEnd) { runEnds[stackSize - i] = runEnd; } void pushRunLen(int len) { runEnds[stackSize + 1] = runEnds[stackSize] + len; ++stackSize; }
Compute the length of the next run, make the run sorted and return its length.
/** Compute the length of the next run, make the run sorted and return its * length. */
int nextRun() { final int runBase = runEnd(0); assert runBase < to; if (runBase == to - 1) { return 1; } int o = runBase + 2; if (compare(runBase, runBase+1) > 0) { // run must be strictly descending while (o < to && compare(o - 1, o) > 0) { ++o; } reverse(runBase, o); } else { // run must be non-descending while (o < to && compare(o - 1, o) <= 0) { ++o; } } final int runHi = Math.max(o, Math.min(to, runBase + minRun)); binarySort(runBase, runHi, o); return runHi - runBase; } void ensureInvariants() { while (stackSize > 1) { final int runLen0 = runLen(0); final int runLen1 = runLen(1); if (stackSize > 2) { final int runLen2 = runLen(2); if (runLen2 <= runLen1 + runLen0) { // merge the smaller of 0 and 2 with 1 if (runLen2 < runLen0) { mergeAt(1); } else { mergeAt(0); } continue; } } if (runLen1 <= runLen0) { mergeAt(0); continue; } break; } } void exhaustStack() { while (stackSize > 1) { mergeAt(0); } } void reset(int from, int to) { stackSize = 0; Arrays.fill(runEnds, 0); runEnds[0] = from; this.to = to; final int length = to - from; this.minRun = length <= THRESHOLD ? length : minRun(length); } void mergeAt(int n) { assert stackSize >= 2; merge(runBase(n + 1), runBase(n), runEnd(n)); for (int j = n + 1; j > 0; --j) { setRunEnd(j, runEnd(j-1)); } --stackSize; } void merge(int lo, int mid, int hi) { if (compare(mid - 1, mid) <= 0) { return; } lo = upper2(lo, mid, mid); hi = lower2(mid, hi, mid - 1); if (hi - mid <= mid - lo && hi - mid <= maxTempSlots) { mergeHi(lo, mid, hi); } else if (mid - lo <= maxTempSlots) { mergeLo(lo, mid, hi); } else { mergeInPlace(lo, mid, hi); } } @Override public void sort(int from, int to) { checkRange(from, to); if (to - from <= 1) { return; } reset(from, to); do { ensureInvariants(); pushRunLen(nextRun()); } while (runEnd(0) < to); exhaustStack(); assert runEnd(0) == to; } @Override void doRotate(int lo, int mid, int hi) { final int len1 = mid - lo; final int len2 = hi - mid; if (len1 == len2) { while (mid < hi) { swap(lo++, mid++); } } else if (len2 < len1 && len2 <= maxTempSlots) { save(mid, len2); for (int i = lo + len1 - 1, j = hi - 1; i >= lo; --i, --j) { copy(i, j); } for (int i = 0, j = lo; i < len2; ++i, ++j) { restore(i, j); } } else if (len1 <= maxTempSlots) { save(lo, len1); for (int i = mid, j = lo; i < hi; ++i, ++j) { copy(i, j); } for (int i = 0, j = lo + len2; j < hi; ++i, ++j) { restore(i, j); } } else { reverse(lo, mid); reverse(mid, hi); reverse(lo, hi); } } void mergeLo(int lo, int mid, int hi) { assert compare(lo, mid) > 0; int len1 = mid - lo; save(lo, len1); copy(mid, lo); int i = 0, j = mid + 1, dest = lo + 1; outer: for (;;) { for (int count = 0; count < MIN_GALLOP; ) { if (i >= len1 || j >= hi) { break outer; } else if (compareSaved(i, j) <= 0) { restore(i++, dest++); count = 0; } else { copy(j++, dest++); ++count; } } // galloping... int next = lowerSaved3(j, hi, i); for (; j < next; ++dest) { copy(j++, dest); } restore(i++, dest++); } for (; i < len1; ++dest) { restore(i++, dest); } assert j == dest; } void mergeHi(int lo, int mid, int hi) { assert compare(mid - 1, hi - 1) > 0; int len2 = hi - mid; save(mid, len2); copy(mid - 1, hi - 1); int i = mid - 2, j = len2 - 1, dest = hi - 2; outer: for (;;) { for (int count = 0; count < MIN_GALLOP; ) { if (i < lo || j < 0) { break outer; } else if (compareSaved(j, i) >= 0) { restore(j--, dest--); count = 0; } else { copy(i--, dest--); ++count; } } // galloping int next = upperSaved3(lo, i + 1, j); while (i >= next) { copy(i--, dest--); } restore(j--, dest--); } for (; j >= 0; --dest) { restore(j--, dest); } assert i == dest; } int lowerSaved(int from, int to, int val) { int len = to - from; while (len > 0) { final int half = len >>> 1; final int mid = from + half; if (compareSaved(val, mid) > 0) { from = mid + 1; len = len - half -1; } else { len = half; } } return from; } int upperSaved(int from, int to, int val) { int len = to - from; while (len > 0) { final int half = len >>> 1; final int mid = from + half; if (compareSaved(val, mid) < 0) { len = half; } else { from = mid + 1; len = len - half -1; } } return from; } // faster than lowerSaved when val is at the beginning of [from:to[ int lowerSaved3(int from, int to, int val) { int f = from, t = f + 1; while (t < to) { if (compareSaved(val, t) <= 0) { return lowerSaved(f, t, val); } int delta = t - f; f = t; t += delta << 1; } return lowerSaved(f, to, val); } //faster than upperSaved when val is at the end of [from:to[ int upperSaved3(int from, int to, int val) { int f = to - 1, t = to; while (f > from) { if (compareSaved(val, f) >= 0) { return upperSaved(f, t, val); } final int delta = t - f; t = f; f -= delta << 1; } return upperSaved(from, t, val); }
Copy data from slot src to slot dest.
/** Copy data from slot <code>src</code> to slot <code>dest</code>. */
protected abstract void copy(int src, int dest);
Save all elements between slots i and i+len into the temporary storage.
/** Save all elements between slots <code>i</code> and <code>i+len</code> * into the temporary storage. */
protected abstract void save(int i, int len);
Restore element j from the temporary storage into slot i.
/** Restore element <code>j</code> from the temporary storage into slot <code>i</code>. */
protected abstract void restore(int i, int j);
Compare element i from the temporary storage with element j from the slice to sort, similarly to Sorter.compare(int, int).
/** Compare element <code>i</code> from the temporary storage with element * <code>j</code> from the slice to sort, similarly to * {@link #compare(int, int)}. */
protected abstract int compareSaved(int i, int j); }