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package org.apache.lucene.util;

Represents byte[], as a slice (offset + length) into an existing byte[]. The bytes member should never be null; use EMPTY_BYTES if necessary.

Important note: Unless otherwise noted, Lucene uses this class to represent terms that are encoded as UTF8 bytes in the index. To convert them to a Java String (which is UTF16), use utf8ToString. Using code like new String(bytes, offset, length) to do this is wrong, as it does not respect the correct character set and may return wrong results (depending on the platform's defaults)!

BytesRef implements Comparable. The underlying byte arrays are sorted lexicographically, numerically treating elements as unsigned. This is identical to Unicode codepoint order.

/** Represents byte[], as a slice (offset + length) into an * existing byte[]. The {@link #bytes} member should never be null; * use {@link #EMPTY_BYTES} if necessary. * * <p><b>Important note:</b> Unless otherwise noted, Lucene uses this class to * represent terms that are encoded as <b>UTF8</b> bytes in the index. To * convert them to a Java {@link String} (which is UTF16), use {@link #utf8ToString}. * Using code like {@code new String(bytes, offset, length)} to do this * is <b>wrong</b>, as it does not respect the correct character set * and may return wrong results (depending on the platform's defaults)! * * <p>{@code BytesRef} implements {@link Comparable}. The underlying byte arrays * are sorted lexicographically, numerically treating elements as unsigned. * This is identical to Unicode codepoint order. */
public final class BytesRef implements Comparable<BytesRef>, Cloneable {
An empty byte array for convenience
/** An empty byte array for convenience */
public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0];
The contents of the BytesRef. Should never be null.
/** The contents of the BytesRef. Should never be {@code null}. */
public byte[] bytes;
Offset of first valid byte.
/** Offset of first valid byte. */
public int offset;
Length of used bytes.
/** Length of used bytes. */
public int length;
Create a BytesRef with EMPTY_BYTES
/** Create a BytesRef with {@link #EMPTY_BYTES} */
public BytesRef() { this(EMPTY_BYTES); }
This instance will directly reference bytes w/o making a copy. bytes should not be null.
/** This instance will directly reference bytes w/o making a copy. * bytes should not be null. */
public BytesRef(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) { this.bytes = bytes; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; assert isValid(); }
This instance will directly reference bytes w/o making a copy. bytes should not be null
/** This instance will directly reference bytes w/o making a copy. * bytes should not be null */
public BytesRef(byte[] bytes) { this(bytes, 0, bytes.length); }
Create a BytesRef pointing to a new array of size capacity. Offset and length will both be zero.
/** * Create a BytesRef pointing to a new array of size <code>capacity</code>. * Offset and length will both be zero. */
public BytesRef(int capacity) { this.bytes = new byte[capacity]; }
Initialize the byte[] from the UTF8 bytes for the provided String.
  • text – This must be well-formed unicode text, with no unpaired surrogates.
/** * Initialize the byte[] from the UTF8 bytes * for the provided String. * * @param text This must be well-formed * unicode text, with no unpaired surrogates. */
public BytesRef(CharSequence text) { this(new byte[UnicodeUtil.maxUTF8Length(text.length())]); length = UnicodeUtil.UTF16toUTF8(text, 0, text.length(), bytes); }
Expert: compares the bytes against another BytesRef, returning true if the bytes are equal.
  • other – Another BytesRef, should not be null.
/** * Expert: compares the bytes against another BytesRef, * returning true if the bytes are equal. * * @param other Another BytesRef, should not be null. * @lucene.internal */
public boolean bytesEquals(BytesRef other) { return FutureArrays.equals(this.bytes, this.offset, this.offset + this.length, other.bytes, other.offset, other.offset + other.length); }
Returns a shallow clone of this instance (the underlying bytes are not copied and will be shared by both the returned object and this object.
See Also:
  • deepCopyOf
/** * Returns a shallow clone of this instance (the underlying bytes are * <b>not</b> copied and will be shared by both the returned object and this * object. * * @see #deepCopyOf */
@Override public BytesRef clone() { return new BytesRef(bytes, offset, length); }
Calculates the hash code as required by TermsHash during indexing.

This is currently implemented as MurmurHash3 (32 bit), using the seed from StringHelper.GOOD_FAST_HASH_SEED, but is subject to change from release to release.

/** Calculates the hash code as required by TermsHash during indexing. * <p> This is currently implemented as MurmurHash3 (32 * bit), using the seed from {@link * StringHelper#GOOD_FAST_HASH_SEED}, but is subject to * change from release to release. */
@Override public int hashCode() { return StringHelper.murmurhash3_x86_32(this, StringHelper.GOOD_FAST_HASH_SEED); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null) { return false; } if (other instanceof BytesRef) { return this.bytesEquals((BytesRef) other); } return false; }
Interprets stored bytes as UTF8 bytes, returning the resulting string
/** Interprets stored bytes as UTF8 bytes, returning the * resulting string */
public String utf8ToString() { final char[] ref = new char[length]; final int len = UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(bytes, offset, length, ref); return new String(ref, 0, len); }
Returns hex encoded bytes, eg [0x6c 0x75 0x63 0x65 0x6e 0x65]
/** Returns hex encoded bytes, eg [0x6c 0x75 0x63 0x65 0x6e 0x65] */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('['); final int end = offset + length; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) { if (i > offset) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(Integer.toHexString(bytes[i]&0xff)); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); }
Unsigned byte order comparison
/** Unsigned byte order comparison */
@Override public int compareTo(BytesRef other) { return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(this.bytes, this.offset, this.offset + this.length, other.bytes, other.offset, other.offset + other.length); }
Creates a new BytesRef that points to a copy of the bytes from other

The returned BytesRef will have a length of other.length and an offset of zero.

/** * Creates a new BytesRef that points to a copy of the bytes from * <code>other</code> * <p> * The returned BytesRef will have a length of other.length * and an offset of zero. */
public static BytesRef deepCopyOf(BytesRef other) { return new BytesRef(ArrayUtil.copyOfSubArray(other.bytes, other.offset, other.offset + other.length), 0, other.length); }
Performs internal consistency checks. Always returns true (or throws IllegalStateException)
/** * Performs internal consistency checks. * Always returns true (or throws IllegalStateException) */
public boolean isValid() { if (bytes == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("bytes is null"); } if (length < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("length is negative: " + length); } if (length > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("length is out of bounds: " + length + ",bytes.length=" + bytes.length); } if (offset < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("offset is negative: " + offset); } if (offset > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("offset out of bounds: " + offset + ",bytes.length=" + bytes.length); } if (offset + length < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("offset+length is negative: offset=" + offset + ",length=" + length); } if (offset + length > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalStateException("offset+length out of bounds: offset=" + offset + ",length=" + length + ",bytes.length=" + bytes.length); } return true; } }