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package org.apache.lucene.util;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator;

Base implementation for a bit set.
/** * Base implementation for a bit set. * @lucene.internal */
public abstract class BitSet implements Bits, Accountable {
Build a BitSet from the content of the provided DocIdSetIterator. NOTE: this will fully consume the DocIdSetIterator.
/** Build a {@link BitSet} from the content of the provided {@link DocIdSetIterator}. * NOTE: this will fully consume the {@link DocIdSetIterator}. */
public static BitSet of(DocIdSetIterator it, int maxDoc) throws IOException { final long cost = it.cost(); final int threshold = maxDoc >>> 7; BitSet set; if (cost < threshold) { set = new SparseFixedBitSet(maxDoc); } else { set = new FixedBitSet(maxDoc); } set.or(it); return set; }
Set the bit at i.
/** Set the bit at <code>i</code>. */
public abstract void set(int i);
Clear the bit at i.
/** Clear the bit at <code>i</code>. */
public abstract void clear(int i);
Clears a range of bits.
  • startIndex – lower index
  • endIndex – one-past the last bit to clear
/** Clears a range of bits. * * @param startIndex lower index * @param endIndex one-past the last bit to clear */
public abstract void clear(int startIndex, int endIndex);
Return the number of bits that are set. NOTE: this method is likely to run in linear time
/** * Return the number of bits that are set. * NOTE: this method is likely to run in linear time */
public abstract int cardinality();
Return an approximation of the cardinality of this set. Some implementations may trade accuracy for speed if they have the ability to estimate the cardinality of the set without iterating over all the data. The default implementation returns cardinality().
/** * Return an approximation of the cardinality of this set. Some * implementations may trade accuracy for speed if they have the ability to * estimate the cardinality of the set without iterating over all the data. * The default implementation returns {@link #cardinality()}. */
public int approximateCardinality() { return cardinality(); }
Returns the index of the last set bit before or on the index specified. -1 is returned if there are no more set bits.
/** Returns the index of the last set bit before or on the index specified. * -1 is returned if there are no more set bits. */
public abstract int prevSetBit(int index);
Returns the index of the first set bit starting at the index specified. DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS is returned if there are no more set bits.
/** Returns the index of the first set bit starting at the index specified. * {@link DocIdSetIterator#NO_MORE_DOCS} is returned if there are no more set bits. */
public abstract int nextSetBit(int index);
Assert that the current doc is -1.
/** Assert that the current doc is -1. */
protected final void checkUnpositioned(DocIdSetIterator iter) { if (iter.docID() != -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("This operation only works with an unpositioned iterator, got current position = " + iter.docID()); } }
Does in-place OR of the bits provided by the iterator. The state of the iterator after this operation terminates is undefined.
/** Does in-place OR of the bits provided by the iterator. The state of the * iterator after this operation terminates is undefined. */
public void or(DocIdSetIterator iter) throws IOException { checkUnpositioned(iter); for (int doc = iter.nextDoc(); doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; doc = iter.nextDoc()) { set(doc); } } }