 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenDataException;
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularData;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.*;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.*;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal;
import org.apache.cassandra.cache.AutoSavingCache;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.apache.cassandra.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionInfo.Holder;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.ILifecycleTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.SSTableIntervalTree;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.SSTableSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.View;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.WrappedLifecycleTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.UnfilteredRowIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.view.ViewBuilder;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Bounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.Token;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.SecondaryIndexBuilder;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.ISSTableScanner;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexSummaryRedistribution;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableRewriter;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SnapshotDeletingTask;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableWriter;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.MetadataCollector;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CompactionMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.repair.Validator;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.CompactionParams.TombstoneOption;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ActiveRepairService;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Refs;

import static java.util.Collections.singleton;

A singleton which manages a private executor of ongoing compactions.

Scheduling for compaction is accomplished by swapping sstables to be compacted into a set via Tracker. New scheduling attempts will ignore currently compacting sstables.
/** * <p> * A singleton which manages a private executor of ongoing compactions. * </p> * Scheduling for compaction is accomplished by swapping sstables to be compacted into * a set via Tracker. New scheduling attempts will ignore currently compacting * sstables. */
public class CompactionManager implements CompactionManagerMBean { public static final String MBEAN_OBJECT_NAME = "org.apache.cassandra.db:type=CompactionManager"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompactionManager.class); public static final CompactionManager instance; public static final int NO_GC = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public static final int GC_ALL = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // A thread local that tells us if the current thread is owned by the compaction manager. Used // by CounterContext to figure out if it should log a warning for invalid counter shards. public static final FastThreadLocal<Boolean> isCompactionManager = new FastThreadLocal<Boolean>() { @Override protected Boolean initialValue() { return false; } }; static { instance = new CompactionManager(); MBeanWrapper.instance.registerMBean(instance, MBEAN_OBJECT_NAME); } private final CompactionExecutor executor = new CompactionExecutor(); private final CompactionExecutor validationExecutor = new ValidationExecutor(); private final CompactionExecutor cacheCleanupExecutor = new CacheCleanupExecutor(); private final CompactionMetrics metrics = new CompactionMetrics(executor, validationExecutor); @VisibleForTesting final Multiset<ColumnFamilyStore> compactingCF = ConcurrentHashMultiset.create(); private final RateLimiter compactionRateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(Double.MAX_VALUE);
Gets compaction rate limiter. Rate unit is bytes per sec.
Returns:RateLimiter with rate limit set
/** * Gets compaction rate limiter. * Rate unit is bytes per sec. * * @return RateLimiter with rate limit set */
public RateLimiter getRateLimiter() { setRate(DatabaseDescriptor.getCompactionThroughputMbPerSec()); return compactionRateLimiter; }
Sets the rate for the rate limiter. When compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec is 0 or node is bootstrapping, this sets the rate to Double.MAX_VALUE bytes per second.
  • throughPutMbPerSec – throughput to set in mb per second
/** * Sets the rate for the rate limiter. When compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec is 0 or node is bootstrapping, * this sets the rate to Double.MAX_VALUE bytes per second. * @param throughPutMbPerSec throughput to set in mb per second */
public void setRate(final double throughPutMbPerSec) { double throughput = throughPutMbPerSec * 1024.0 * 1024.0; // if throughput is set to 0, throttling is disabled if (throughput == 0 || StorageService.instance.isBootstrapMode()) throughput = Double.MAX_VALUE; if (compactionRateLimiter.getRate() != throughput) compactionRateLimiter.setRate(throughput); }
Call this whenever a compaction might be needed on the given columnfamily. It's okay to over-call (within reason) if a call is unnecessary, it will turn into a no-op in the bucketing/candidate-scan phase.
/** * Call this whenever a compaction might be needed on the given columnfamily. * It's okay to over-call (within reason) if a call is unnecessary, it will * turn into a no-op in the bucketing/candidate-scan phase. */
public List<Future<?>> submitBackground(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { if (cfs.isAutoCompactionDisabled()) { logger.trace("Autocompaction is disabled"); return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * If a CF is currently being compacted, and there are no idle threads, submitBackground should be a no-op; * we can wait for the current compaction to finish and re-submit when more information is available. * Otherwise, we should submit at least one task to prevent starvation by busier CFs, and more if there * are idle threads stil. (CASSANDRA-4310) */ int count = compactingCF.count(cfs); if (count > 0 && executor.getActiveCount() >= executor.getMaximumPoolSize()) { logger.trace("Background compaction is still running for {}.{} ({} remaining). Skipping", cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.name, count); return Collections.emptyList(); } logger.trace("Scheduling a background task check for {}.{} with {}", cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.name, cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getName()); List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(1); Future<?> fut = executor.submitIfRunning(new BackgroundCompactionCandidate(cfs), "background task"); if (!fut.isCancelled()) futures.add(fut); else compactingCF.remove(cfs); return futures; } public boolean isCompacting(Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore> cfses) { for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : cfses) if (!cfs.getTracker().getCompacting().isEmpty()) return true; return false; }
Shutdowns both compaction and validation executors, cancels running compaction / validation, and waits for tasks to complete if tasks were not cancelable.
/** * Shutdowns both compaction and validation executors, cancels running compaction / validation, * and waits for tasks to complete if tasks were not cancelable. */
public void forceShutdown() { // shutdown executors to prevent further submission executor.shutdown(); validationExecutor.shutdown(); cacheCleanupExecutor.shutdown(); // interrupt compactions and validations for (Holder compactionHolder : CompactionMetrics.getCompactions()) { compactionHolder.stop(); } // wait for tasks to terminate // compaction tasks are interrupted above, so it shuold be fairy quick // until not interrupted tasks to complete. for (ExecutorService exec : Arrays.asList(executor, validationExecutor, cacheCleanupExecutor)) { try { if (!exec.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) logger.warn("Failed to wait for compaction executors shutdown"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("Interrupted while waiting for tasks to be terminated", e); } } } public void finishCompactionsAndShutdown(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(timeout, unit); } // the actual sstables to compact are not determined until we run the BCT; that way, if new sstables // are created between task submission and execution, we execute against the most up-to-date information class BackgroundCompactionCandidate implements Runnable { private final ColumnFamilyStore cfs; BackgroundCompactionCandidate(ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { compactingCF.add(cfs); this.cfs = cfs; } public void run() { try { logger.trace("Checking {}.{}", cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.name); if (!cfs.isValid()) { logger.trace("Aborting compaction for dropped CF"); return; } CompactionStrategyManager strategy = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager(); AbstractCompactionTask task = strategy.getNextBackgroundTask(getDefaultGcBefore(cfs, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds())); if (task == null) { logger.trace("No tasks available"); return; } task.execute(metrics); } finally { compactingCF.remove(cfs); } submitBackground(cfs); } }
Run an operation over all sstables using jobs threads
  • cfs – the column family store to run the operation on
  • operation – the operation to run
  • jobs – the number of threads to use - 0 means use all available. It never uses more than concurrent_compactors threads
Returns:status of the operation
/** * Run an operation over all sstables using jobs threads * * @param cfs the column family store to run the operation on * @param operation the operation to run * @param jobs the number of threads to use - 0 means use all available. It never uses more than concurrent_compactors threads * @return status of the operation * @throws ExecutionException * @throws InterruptedException */
@SuppressWarnings("resource") private AllSSTableOpStatus parallelAllSSTableOperation(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final OneSSTableOperation operation, int jobs, OperationType operationType) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { logger.info("Starting {} for {}.{}", operationType, cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.getTableName()); List<LifecycleTransaction> transactions = new ArrayList<>(); List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); try (LifecycleTransaction compacting = cfs.markAllCompacting(operationType)) { if (compacting == null) return AllSSTableOpStatus.UNABLE_TO_CANCEL; Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables = Lists.newArrayList(operation.filterSSTables(compacting)); if (Iterables.isEmpty(sstables)) { logger.info("No sstables to {} for {}.{}", operationType.name(), cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.name); return AllSSTableOpStatus.SUCCESSFUL; } for (final SSTableReader sstable : sstables) { final LifecycleTransaction txn = compacting.split(singleton(sstable)); transactions.add(txn); Callable<Object> callable = new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { operation.execute(txn); return this; } }; Future<?> fut = executor.submitIfRunning(callable, "paralell sstable operation"); if (!fut.isCancelled()) futures.add(fut); else return AllSSTableOpStatus.ABORTED; if (jobs > 0 && futures.size() == jobs) { Future<?> f = FBUtilities.waitOnFirstFuture(futures); futures.remove(f); } } FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(futures); assert compacting.originals().isEmpty(); logger.info("Finished {} for {}.{} successfully", operationType, cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.getTableName()); return AllSSTableOpStatus.SUCCESSFUL; } finally { // wait on any unfinished futures to make sure we don't close an ongoing transaction try { FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(futures); } catch (Throwable t) { // these are handled/logged in CompactionExecutor#afterExecute } Throwable fail = Throwables.close(null, transactions); if (fail != null) logger.error("Failed to cleanup lifecycle transactions ({} for {}.{})", operationType, cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.getTableName(), fail); } } private static interface OneSSTableOperation { Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction transaction); void execute(LifecycleTransaction input) throws IOException; } public enum AllSSTableOpStatus { SUCCESSFUL(0), ABORTED(1), UNABLE_TO_CANCEL(2); public final int statusCode; AllSSTableOpStatus(int statusCode) { this.statusCode = statusCode; } } public AllSSTableOpStatus performScrub(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final boolean skipCorrupted, final boolean checkData, int jobs) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return performScrub(cfs, skipCorrupted, checkData, false, jobs); } public AllSSTableOpStatus performScrub(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final boolean skipCorrupted, final boolean checkData, final boolean reinsertOverflowedTTL, int jobs) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return parallelAllSSTableOperation(cfs, new OneSSTableOperation() { @Override public Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction input) { return input.originals(); } @Override public void execute(LifecycleTransaction input) throws IOException { scrubOne(cfs, input, skipCorrupted, checkData, reinsertOverflowedTTL); } }, jobs, OperationType.SCRUB); } public AllSSTableOpStatus performVerify(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final boolean extendedVerify) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { assert !cfs.isIndex(); return parallelAllSSTableOperation(cfs, new OneSSTableOperation() { @Override public Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction input) { return input.originals(); } @Override public void execute(LifecycleTransaction input) throws IOException { verifyOne(cfs, input.onlyOne(), extendedVerify); } }, 0, OperationType.VERIFY); } public AllSSTableOpStatus performSSTableRewrite(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final boolean excludeCurrentVersion, int jobs) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return parallelAllSSTableOperation(cfs, new OneSSTableOperation() { @Override public Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction transaction) { List<SSTableReader> sortedSSTables = Lists.newArrayList(transaction.originals()); Collections.sort(sortedSSTables, SSTableReader.sizeComparator.reversed()); Iterator<SSTableReader> iter = sortedSSTables.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SSTableReader sstable = iter.next(); if (excludeCurrentVersion && sstable.descriptor.version.equals(sstable.descriptor.getFormat().getLatestVersion())) { transaction.cancel(sstable); iter.remove(); } } return sortedSSTables; } @Override public void execute(LifecycleTransaction txn) { AbstractCompactionTask task = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getCompactionTask(txn, NO_GC, Long.MAX_VALUE); task.setUserDefined(true); task.setCompactionType(OperationType.UPGRADE_SSTABLES); task.execute(metrics); } }, jobs, OperationType.UPGRADE_SSTABLES); } public AllSSTableOpStatus performCleanup(final ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, int jobs) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { assert !cfStore.isIndex(); Keyspace keyspace = cfStore.keyspace; if (!StorageService.instance.isJoined()) { logger.info("Cleanup cannot run before a node has joined the ring"); return AllSSTableOpStatus.ABORTED; } // if local ranges is empty, it means no data should remain final Collection<Range<Token>> ranges = StorageService.instance.getLocalRanges(keyspace.getName()); final boolean hasIndexes = cfStore.indexManager.hasIndexes(); return parallelAllSSTableOperation(cfStore, new OneSSTableOperation() { @Override public Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction transaction) { List<SSTableReader> sortedSSTables = Lists.newArrayList(transaction.originals()); Iterator<SSTableReader> sstableIter = sortedSSTables.iterator(); int totalSSTables = 0; int skippedSStables = 0; while (sstableIter.hasNext()) { SSTableReader sstable = sstableIter.next(); totalSSTables++; if (!needsCleanup(sstable, ranges)) { logger.debug("Not cleaning up {} ([{}, {}]) - no tokens outside owned ranges {}", sstable, sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken(), ranges); sstableIter.remove(); transaction.cancel(sstable); skippedSStables++; } } logger.info("Skipping cleanup for {}/{} sstables for {}.{} since they are fully contained in owned ranges ({})", skippedSStables, totalSSTables, cfStore.keyspace.getName(), cfStore.getTableName(), ranges); sortedSSTables.sort(SSTableReader.sizeComparator); return sortedSSTables; } @Override public void execute(LifecycleTransaction txn) throws IOException { CleanupStrategy cleanupStrategy = CleanupStrategy.get(cfStore, ranges, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds()); doCleanupOne(cfStore, txn, cleanupStrategy, ranges, hasIndexes); } }, jobs, OperationType.CLEANUP); } public AllSSTableOpStatus performGarbageCollection(final ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, TombstoneOption tombstoneOption, int jobs) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { assert !cfStore.isIndex(); return parallelAllSSTableOperation(cfStore, new OneSSTableOperation() { @Override public Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction transaction) { Iterable<SSTableReader> originals = transaction.originals(); if (cfStore.getCompactionStrategyManager().onlyPurgeRepairedTombstones()) originals = Iterables.filter(originals, SSTableReader::isRepaired); List<SSTableReader> sortedSSTables = Lists.newArrayList(originals); Collections.sort(sortedSSTables, SSTableReader.maxTimestampAscending); return sortedSSTables; } @Override public void execute(LifecycleTransaction txn) throws IOException { logger.debug("Garbage collecting {}", txn.originals()); CompactionTask task = new CompactionTask(cfStore, txn, getDefaultGcBefore(cfStore, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds())) { @Override protected CompactionController getCompactionController(Set<SSTableReader> toCompact) { return new CompactionController(cfStore, toCompact, gcBefore, null, tombstoneOption); } }; task.setUserDefined(true); task.setCompactionType(OperationType.GARBAGE_COLLECT); task.execute(metrics); } }, jobs, OperationType.GARBAGE_COLLECT); } public AllSSTableOpStatus relocateSSTables(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, int jobs) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { if (!cfs.getPartitioner().splitter().isPresent()) { logger.info("Partitioner does not support splitting"); return AllSSTableOpStatus.ABORTED; } final Collection<Range<Token>> r = StorageService.instance.getLocalRanges(cfs.keyspace.getName()); if (r.isEmpty()) { logger.info("Relocate cannot run before a node has joined the ring"); return AllSSTableOpStatus.ABORTED; } final DiskBoundaries diskBoundaries = cfs.getDiskBoundaries(); return parallelAllSSTableOperation(cfs, new OneSSTableOperation() { @Override public Iterable<SSTableReader> filterSSTables(LifecycleTransaction transaction) { Set<SSTableReader> originals = Sets.newHashSet(transaction.originals()); Set<SSTableReader> needsRelocation = originals.stream().filter(s -> !inCorrectLocation(s)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); transaction.cancel(Sets.difference(originals, needsRelocation)); Map<Integer, List<SSTableReader>> groupedByDisk = groupByDiskIndex(needsRelocation); int maxSize = 0; for (List<SSTableReader> diskSSTables : groupedByDisk.values()) maxSize = Math.max(maxSize, diskSSTables.size()); List<SSTableReader> mixedSSTables = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) for (List<SSTableReader> diskSSTables : groupedByDisk.values()) if (i < diskSSTables.size()) mixedSSTables.add(diskSSTables.get(i)); return mixedSSTables; } public Map<Integer, List<SSTableReader>> groupByDiskIndex(Set<SSTableReader> needsRelocation) { return needsRelocation.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy((s) -> diskBoundaries.getDiskIndex(s))); } private boolean inCorrectLocation(SSTableReader sstable) { if (!cfs.getPartitioner().splitter().isPresent()) return true; int diskIndex = diskBoundaries.getDiskIndex(sstable); File diskLocation = diskBoundaries.directories.get(diskIndex).location; PartitionPosition diskLast = diskBoundaries.positions.get(diskIndex); // the location we get from directoryIndex is based on the first key in the sstable // now we need to make sure the last key is less than the boundary as well: return sstable.descriptor.directory.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(diskLocation.getAbsolutePath()) && sstable.last.compareTo(diskLast) <= 0; } @Override public void execute(LifecycleTransaction txn) { logger.debug("Relocating {}", txn.originals()); AbstractCompactionTask task = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getCompactionTask(txn, NO_GC, Long.MAX_VALUE); task.setUserDefined(true); task.setCompactionType(OperationType.RELOCATE); task.execute(metrics); } }, jobs, OperationType.RELOCATE); }
Submit anti-compactions for a collection of SSTables over a set of repaired ranges and marks corresponding SSTables as repaired.
  • cfs – Column family for anti-compaction
  • ranges – Repaired ranges to be anti-compacted into separate SSTables.
  • sstables – Refs of SSTables within CF to anti-compact.
  • repairedAt – Unix timestamp of when repair was completed.
  • parentRepairSession – Corresponding repair session
Returns:Futures executing anti-compaction.
/** * Submit anti-compactions for a collection of SSTables over a set of repaired ranges and marks corresponding SSTables * as repaired. * * @param cfs Column family for anti-compaction * @param ranges Repaired ranges to be anti-compacted into separate SSTables. * @param sstables {@link Refs} of SSTables within CF to anti-compact. * @param repairedAt Unix timestamp of when repair was completed. * @param parentRepairSession Corresponding repair session * @return Futures executing anti-compaction. */
public ListenableFuture<?> submitAntiCompaction(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, final Refs<SSTableReader> sstables, final long repairedAt, final UUID parentRepairSession) { Runnable runnable = new WrappedRunnable() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("resource") public void runMayThrow() throws Exception { LifecycleTransaction modifier = null; while (modifier == null) { for (SSTableReader compactingSSTable : cfs.getTracker().getCompacting()) sstables.releaseIfHolds(compactingSSTable); // We don't anti-compact any SSTable that has been compacted during repair as it may have been compacted // with unrepaired data. Set<SSTableReader> compactedSSTables = new HashSet<>(); for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) if (sstable.isMarkedCompacted()) compactedSSTables.add(sstable); sstables.release(compactedSSTables); modifier = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(sstables, OperationType.ANTICOMPACTION); } performAnticompaction(cfs, ranges, sstables, modifier, repairedAt, parentRepairSession); } }; ListenableFuture<?> ret = null; try { ret = executor.submitIfRunning(runnable, "anticompaction"); return ret; } finally { if (ret == null || ret.isCancelled()) sstables.release(); } }
Make sure the {validatedForRepair} are marked for compaction before calling this. Caller must reference the validatedForRepair sstables (via ParentRepairSession.getActiveRepairedSSTableRefs(..)). NOTE: Repairs can take place on both unrepaired (incremental + full) and repaired (full) data. Although anti-compaction could work on repaired sstables as well and would result in having more accurate repairedAt values for these, we avoid anti-compacting already repaired sstables, as we currently don't make use of any actual repairedAt value and splitting up sstables just for that is not worth it. However, we will still update repairedAt if the SSTable is fully contained within the repaired ranges, as this does not require anticompaction.
  • cfs –
  • ranges – Ranges that the repair was carried out on
  • validatedForRepair – SSTables containing the repaired ranges. Should be referenced before passing them.
  • txn – Transaction across all SSTables that were repaired.
  • parentRepairSession – parent repair session ID
/** * Make sure the {validatedForRepair} are marked for compaction before calling this. * * Caller must reference the validatedForRepair sstables (via ParentRepairSession.getActiveRepairedSSTableRefs(..)). * * NOTE: Repairs can take place on both unrepaired (incremental + full) and repaired (full) data. * Although anti-compaction could work on repaired sstables as well and would result in having more accurate * repairedAt values for these, we avoid anti-compacting already repaired sstables, as we currently don't * make use of any actual repairedAt value and splitting up sstables just for that is not worth it. However, we will * still update repairedAt if the SSTable is fully contained within the repaired ranges, as this does not require * anticompaction. * * @param cfs * @param ranges Ranges that the repair was carried out on * @param validatedForRepair SSTables containing the repaired ranges. Should be referenced before passing them. * @param txn Transaction across all SSTables that were repaired. * @param parentRepairSession parent repair session ID * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */
public void performAnticompaction(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, Refs<SSTableReader> validatedForRepair, LifecycleTransaction txn, long repairedAt, UUID parentRepairSession) throws InterruptedException, IOException { logger.info("[repair #{}] Starting anticompaction for {}.{} on {}/{} sstables", parentRepairSession, cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.getTableName(), validatedForRepair.size(), cfs.getLiveSSTables()); logger.trace("[repair #{}] Starting anticompaction for ranges {}", parentRepairSession, ranges); Set<SSTableReader> sstables = new HashSet<>(validatedForRepair); Set<SSTableReader> mutatedRepairStatuses = new HashSet<>(); // SSTables that were completely repaired only Set<SSTableReader> nonAnticompacting = new HashSet<>(); Iterator<SSTableReader> sstableIterator = sstables.iterator(); try { List<Range<Token>> normalizedRanges = Range.normalize(ranges); while (sstableIterator.hasNext()) { SSTableReader sstable = sstableIterator.next(); List<String> anticompactRanges = new ArrayList<>(); // We don't anti-compact SSTables already marked repaired. See CASSANDRA-13153 // and CASSANDRA-14423. if (sstable.isRepaired()) // We never anti-compact already repaired SSTables nonAnticompacting.add(sstable); Bounds<Token> sstableBounds = new Bounds<>(sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken()); boolean shouldAnticompact = false; for (Range<Token> r : normalizedRanges) { if (r.contains(sstableBounds.left) && r.contains(sstableBounds.right)) { logger.info("[repair #{}] SSTable {} fully contained in range {}, mutating repairedAt instead of anticompacting", parentRepairSession, sstable, r); sstable.descriptor.getMetadataSerializer().mutateRepairedAt(sstable.descriptor, repairedAt); sstable.reloadSSTableMetadata(); if (!nonAnticompacting.contains(sstable)) // don't notify if the SSTable was already repaired mutatedRepairStatuses.add(sstable); sstableIterator.remove(); shouldAnticompact = true; break; } else if (r.intersects(sstableBounds) && !nonAnticompacting.contains(sstable)) { anticompactRanges.add(r.toString()); shouldAnticompact = true; } } if (!anticompactRanges.isEmpty()) logger.info("[repair #{}] SSTable {} ({}) will be anticompacted on range {}", parentRepairSession, sstable, sstableBounds, String.join(", ", anticompactRanges)); if (!shouldAnticompact) { logger.info("[repair #{}] SSTable {} ({}) not subject to anticompaction of repaired ranges {}, not touching repairedAt.", parentRepairSession, sstable, sstableBounds, normalizedRanges); nonAnticompacting.add(sstable); sstableIterator.remove(); } } cfs.getTracker().notifySSTableRepairedStatusChanged(mutatedRepairStatuses); txn.cancel(Sets.union(nonAnticompacting, mutatedRepairStatuses)); validatedForRepair.release(Sets.union(nonAnticompacting, mutatedRepairStatuses)); assert txn.originals().equals(sstables); if (!sstables.isEmpty()) doAntiCompaction(cfs, ranges, txn, repairedAt); txn.finish(); } finally { validatedForRepair.release(); txn.close(); } logger.info("[repair #{}] Completed anticompaction successfully", parentRepairSession); } public void performMaximal(final ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, boolean splitOutput) { FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(submitMaximal(cfStore, getDefaultGcBefore(cfStore, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds()), splitOutput)); } public List<Future<?>> submitMaximal(final ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, final int gcBefore, boolean splitOutput) { // here we compute the task off the compaction executor, so having that present doesn't // confuse runWithCompactionsDisabled -- i.e., we don't want to deadlock ourselves, waiting // for ourselves to finish/acknowledge cancellation before continuing. final Collection<AbstractCompactionTask> tasks = cfStore.getCompactionStrategyManager().getMaximalTasks(gcBefore, splitOutput); if (tasks == null) return Collections.emptyList(); List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); int nonEmptyTasks = 0; for (final AbstractCompactionTask task : tasks) { if (task.transaction.originals().size() > 0) nonEmptyTasks++; Runnable runnable = new WrappedRunnable() { protected void runMayThrow() { task.execute(metrics); } }; Future<?> fut = executor.submitIfRunning(runnable, "maximal task"); if (!fut.isCancelled()) futures.add(fut); } if (nonEmptyTasks > 1) logger.info("Major compaction will not result in a single sstable - repaired and unrepaired data is kept separate and compaction runs per data_file_directory."); return futures; } public void forceCompactionForTokenRange(ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges) { Callable<Collection<AbstractCompactionTask>> taskCreator = () -> { Collection<SSTableReader> sstables = sstablesInBounds(cfStore, ranges); if (sstables == null || sstables.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("No sstables found for the provided token range"); return null; } return cfStore.getCompactionStrategyManager().getUserDefinedTasks(sstables, getDefaultGcBefore(cfStore, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds())); }; final Collection<AbstractCompactionTask> tasks = cfStore.runWithCompactionsDisabled(taskCreator, false, false); if (tasks == null) return; Runnable runnable = new WrappedRunnable() { protected void runMayThrow() throws Exception { try { for (AbstractCompactionTask task : tasks) if (task != null) task.execute(metrics); } finally { FBUtilities.closeAll(tasks.stream().map(task -> task.transaction).collect(Collectors.toList())); } } }; FBUtilities.waitOnFuture(executor.submitIfRunning(runnable, "force compaction for token range")); } private static Collection<SSTableReader> sstablesInBounds(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> tokenRangeCollection) { final Set<SSTableReader> sstables = new HashSet<>(); Iterable<SSTableReader> liveTables = cfs.getTracker().getView().select(SSTableSet.LIVE); SSTableIntervalTree tree = SSTableIntervalTree.build(liveTables); for (Range<Token> tokenRange : tokenRangeCollection) { Iterable<SSTableReader> ssTableReaders = View.sstablesInBounds(tokenRange.left.minKeyBound(), tokenRange.right.maxKeyBound(), tree); Iterables.addAll(sstables, ssTableReaders); } return sstables; } public void forceUserDefinedCompaction(String dataFiles) { String[] filenames = dataFiles.split(","); Multimap<ColumnFamilyStore, Descriptor> descriptors = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (String filename : filenames) { // extract keyspace and columnfamily name from filename Descriptor desc = Descriptor.fromFilename(filename.trim()); if (Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(desc) == null) { logger.warn("Schema does not exist for file {}. Skipping.", filename); continue; } // group by keyspace/columnfamily ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(desc.ksname).getColumnFamilyStore(desc.cfname); descriptors.put(cfs, cfs.getDirectories().find(new File(filename.trim()).getName())); } List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : descriptors.keySet()) futures.add(submitUserDefined(cfs, descriptors.get(cfs), getDefaultGcBefore(cfs, nowInSec))); FBUtilities.waitOnFutures(futures); } public void forceUserDefinedCleanup(String dataFiles) { String[] filenames = dataFiles.split(","); HashMap<ColumnFamilyStore, Descriptor> descriptors = Maps.newHashMap(); for (String filename : filenames) { // extract keyspace and columnfamily name from filename Descriptor desc = Descriptor.fromFilename(filename.trim()); if (Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(desc) == null) { logger.warn("Schema does not exist for file {}. Skipping.", filename); continue; } // group by keyspace/columnfamily ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(desc.ksname).getColumnFamilyStore(desc.cfname); desc = cfs.getDirectories().find(new File(filename.trim()).getName()); if (desc != null) descriptors.put(cfs, desc); } if (!StorageService.instance.isJoined()) { logger.error("Cleanup cannot run before a node has joined the ring"); return; } for (Map.Entry<ColumnFamilyStore,Descriptor> entry : descriptors.entrySet()) { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = entry.getKey(); Keyspace keyspace = cfs.keyspace; Collection<Range<Token>> ranges = StorageService.instance.getLocalRanges(keyspace.getName()); boolean hasIndexes = cfs.indexManager.hasIndexes(); SSTableReader sstable = lookupSSTable(cfs, entry.getValue()); if (sstable == null) { logger.warn("Will not clean {}, it is not an active sstable", entry.getValue()); } else { CleanupStrategy cleanupStrategy = CleanupStrategy.get(cfs, ranges, FBUtilities.nowInSeconds()); try (LifecycleTransaction txn = cfs.getTracker().tryModify(sstable, OperationType.CLEANUP)) { doCleanupOne(cfs, txn, cleanupStrategy, ranges, hasIndexes); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("forceUserDefinedCleanup failed: {}", e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } } public Future<?> submitUserDefined(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, final Collection<Descriptor> dataFiles, final int gcBefore) { Runnable runnable = new WrappedRunnable() { protected void runMayThrow() throws Exception { // look up the sstables now that we're on the compaction executor, so we don't try to re-compact // something that was already being compacted earlier. Collection<SSTableReader> sstables = new ArrayList<>(dataFiles.size()); for (Descriptor desc : dataFiles) { // inefficient but not in a performance sensitive path SSTableReader sstable = lookupSSTable(cfs, desc); if (sstable == null) { logger.info("Will not compact {}: it is not an active sstable", desc); } else { sstables.add(sstable); } } if (sstables.isEmpty()) { logger.info("No files to compact for user defined compaction"); } else { List<AbstractCompactionTask> tasks = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getUserDefinedTasks(sstables, gcBefore); try { for (AbstractCompactionTask task : tasks) { if (task != null) task.execute(metrics); } } finally { FBUtilities.closeAll(tasks.stream().map(task -> task.transaction).collect(Collectors.toList())); } } } }; return executor.submitIfRunning(runnable, "user defined task"); } // This acquire a reference on the sstable // This is not efficient, do not use in any critical path private SSTableReader lookupSSTable(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Descriptor descriptor) { for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL)) { if (sstable.descriptor.equals(descriptor)) return sstable; } return null; }
Does not mutate data, so is not scheduled.
/** * Does not mutate data, so is not scheduled. */
public Future<?> submitValidation(final ColumnFamilyStore cfStore, final Validator validator) { Callable<Object> callable = new Callable<Object>() { public Object call() throws IOException { try { doValidationCompaction(cfStore, validator); } catch (Throwable e) { // we need to inform the remote end of our failure, otherwise it will hang on repair forever validator.fail(); throw e; } return this; } }; return validationExecutor.submitIfRunning(callable, "validation"); } /* Used in tests. */ public void disableAutoCompaction() { for (String ksname : Schema.instance.getNonSystemKeyspaces()) { for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : Keyspace.open(ksname).getColumnFamilyStores()) cfs.disableAutoCompaction(); } } private void scrubOne(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, LifecycleTransaction modifier, boolean skipCorrupted, boolean checkData, boolean reinsertOverflowedTTL) throws IOException { CompactionInfo.Holder scrubInfo = null; try (Scrubber scrubber = new Scrubber(cfs, modifier, skipCorrupted, checkData, reinsertOverflowedTTL)) { scrubInfo = scrubber.getScrubInfo(); metrics.beginCompaction(scrubInfo); scrubber.scrub(); } finally { if (scrubInfo != null) metrics.finishCompaction(scrubInfo); } } private void verifyOne(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, SSTableReader sstable, boolean extendedVerify) throws IOException { CompactionInfo.Holder verifyInfo = null; try (Verifier verifier = new Verifier(cfs, sstable, false)) { verifyInfo = verifier.getVerifyInfo(); metrics.beginCompaction(verifyInfo); verifier.verify(extendedVerify); } finally { if (verifyInfo != null) metrics.finishCompaction(verifyInfo); } }
Determines if a cleanup would actually remove any data in this SSTable based on a set of owned ranges.
/** * Determines if a cleanup would actually remove any data in this SSTable based * on a set of owned ranges. */
@VisibleForTesting public static boolean needsCleanup(SSTableReader sstable, Collection<Range<Token>> ownedRanges) { if (ownedRanges.isEmpty()) { return true; // all data will be cleaned } // unwrap and sort the ranges by LHS token List<Range<Token>> sortedRanges = Range.normalize(ownedRanges); // see if there are any keys LTE the token for the start of the first range // (token range ownership is exclusive on the LHS.) Range<Token> firstRange = sortedRanges.get(0); if (sstable.first.getToken().compareTo(firstRange.left) <= 0) return true; // then, iterate over all owned ranges and see if the next key beyond the end of the owned // range falls before the start of the next range for (int i = 0; i < sortedRanges.size(); i++) { Range<Token> range = sortedRanges.get(i); if (range.right.isMinimum()) { // we split a wrapping range and this is the second half. // there can't be any keys beyond this (and this is the last range) return false; } DecoratedKey firstBeyondRange = sstable.firstKeyBeyond(range.right.maxKeyBound()); if (firstBeyondRange == null) { // we ran off the end of the sstable looking for the next key; we don't need to check any more ranges return false; } if (i == (sortedRanges.size() - 1)) { // we're at the last range and we found a key beyond the end of the range return true; } Range<Token> nextRange = sortedRanges.get(i + 1); if (firstBeyondRange.getToken().compareTo(nextRange.left) <= 0) { // we found a key in between the owned ranges return true; } } return false; }
This function goes over a file and removes the keys that the node is not responsible for and only keeps keys that this node is responsible for.
  • IOException –
/** * This function goes over a file and removes the keys that the node is not responsible for * and only keeps keys that this node is responsible for. * * @throws IOException */
private void doCleanupOne(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, LifecycleTransaction txn, CleanupStrategy cleanupStrategy, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, boolean hasIndexes) throws IOException { assert !cfs.isIndex(); SSTableReader sstable = txn.onlyOne(); // if ranges is empty and no index, entire sstable is discarded if (!hasIndexes && !new Bounds<>(sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken()).intersects(ranges)) { txn.obsoleteOriginals(); txn.finish(); logger.info("SSTable {} ([{}, {}]) does not intersect the owned ranges ({}), dropping it", sstable, sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken(), ranges); return; } long start = System.nanoTime(); long totalkeysWritten = 0; long expectedBloomFilterSize = Math.max(cfs.metadata.params.minIndexInterval, SSTableReader.getApproximateKeyCount(txn.originals())); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Expected bloom filter size : {}", expectedBloomFilterSize); logger.info("Cleaning up {}", sstable); File compactionFileLocation = sstable.descriptor.directory; RateLimiter limiter = getRateLimiter(); double compressionRatio = sstable.getCompressionRatio(); if (compressionRatio == MetadataCollector.NO_COMPRESSION_RATIO) compressionRatio = 1.0; List<SSTableReader> finished; int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); try (SSTableRewriter writer = SSTableRewriter.construct(cfs, txn, false, sstable.maxDataAge); ISSTableScanner scanner = cleanupStrategy.getScanner(sstable, null); CompactionController controller = new CompactionController(cfs, txn.originals(), getDefaultGcBefore(cfs, nowInSec)); Refs<SSTableReader> refs = Refs.ref(Collections.singleton(sstable)); CompactionIterator ci = new CompactionIterator(OperationType.CLEANUP, Collections.singletonList(scanner), controller, nowInSec, UUIDGen.getTimeUUID(), metrics)) { writer.switchWriter(createWriter(cfs, compactionFileLocation, expectedBloomFilterSize, sstable.getSSTableMetadata().repairedAt, sstable, txn)); long lastBytesScanned = 0; while (ci.hasNext()) { if (ci.isStopRequested()) throw new CompactionInterruptedException(ci.getCompactionInfo()); try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = ci.next(); UnfilteredRowIterator notCleaned = cleanupStrategy.cleanup(partition)) { if (notCleaned == null) continue; if (writer.append(notCleaned) != null) totalkeysWritten++; long bytesScanned = scanner.getBytesScanned(); compactionRateLimiterAcquire(limiter, bytesScanned, lastBytesScanned, compressionRatio); lastBytesScanned = bytesScanned; } } // flush to ensure we don't lose the tombstones on a restart, since they are not commitlog'd cfs.indexManager.flushAllIndexesBlocking(); finished = writer.finish(); } if (!finished.isEmpty()) { String format = "Cleaned up to %s. %s to %s (~%d%% of original) for %,d keys. Time: %,dms."; long dTime = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start); long startsize = sstable.onDiskLength(); long endsize = 0; for (SSTableReader newSstable : finished) endsize += newSstable.onDiskLength(); double ratio = (double) endsize / (double) startsize; logger.info(String.format(format, finished.get(0).getFilename(), FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(startsize), FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(endsize), (int) (ratio * 100), totalkeysWritten, dTime)); } } static void compactionRateLimiterAcquire(RateLimiter limiter, long bytesScanned, long lastBytesScanned, double compressionRatio) { long lengthRead = (long) ((bytesScanned - lastBytesScanned) * compressionRatio) + 1; while (lengthRead >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { limiter.acquire(Integer.MAX_VALUE); lengthRead -= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (lengthRead > 0) { limiter.acquire((int) lengthRead); } } private static abstract class CleanupStrategy { protected final Collection<Range<Token>> ranges; protected final int nowInSec; protected CleanupStrategy(Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, int nowInSec) { this.ranges = ranges; this.nowInSec = nowInSec; } public static CleanupStrategy get(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, int nowInSec) { return cfs.indexManager.hasIndexes() ? new Full(cfs, ranges, nowInSec) : new Bounded(cfs, ranges, nowInSec); } public abstract ISSTableScanner getScanner(SSTableReader sstable, RateLimiter limiter); public abstract UnfilteredRowIterator cleanup(UnfilteredRowIterator partition); private static final class Bounded extends CleanupStrategy { public Bounded(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, int nowInSec) { super(ranges, nowInSec); instance.cacheCleanupExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cfs.cleanupCache(); } }); } @Override public ISSTableScanner getScanner(SSTableReader sstable, RateLimiter limiter) { return sstable.getScanner(ranges, limiter); } @Override public UnfilteredRowIterator cleanup(UnfilteredRowIterator partition) { return partition; } } private static final class Full extends CleanupStrategy { private final ColumnFamilyStore cfs; public Full(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, int nowInSec) { super(ranges, nowInSec); this.cfs = cfs; } @Override public ISSTableScanner getScanner(SSTableReader sstable, RateLimiter limiter) { return sstable.getScanner(limiter); } @Override public UnfilteredRowIterator cleanup(UnfilteredRowIterator partition) { if (Range.isInRanges(partition.partitionKey().getToken(), ranges)) return partition; cfs.invalidateCachedPartition(partition.partitionKey()); cfs.indexManager.deletePartition(partition, nowInSec); return null; } } } public static SSTableWriter createWriter(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, File compactionFileLocation, long expectedBloomFilterSize, long repairedAt, SSTableReader sstable, LifecycleTransaction txn) { FileUtils.createDirectory(compactionFileLocation); SerializationHeader header = sstable.header; if (header == null) header = SerializationHeader.make(sstable.metadata, Collections.singleton(sstable)); return SSTableWriter.create(cfs.metadata, Descriptor.fromFilename(cfs.getSSTablePath(compactionFileLocation)), expectedBloomFilterSize, repairedAt, sstable.getSSTableLevel(), header, cfs.indexManager.listIndexes(), txn); } public static SSTableWriter createWriterForAntiCompaction(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, File compactionFileLocation, int expectedBloomFilterSize, long repairedAt, Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, ILifecycleTransaction txn) { FileUtils.createDirectory(compactionFileLocation); int minLevel = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // if all sstables have the same level, we can compact them together without creating overlap during anticompaction // note that we only anticompact from unrepaired sstables, which is not leveled, but we still keep original level // after first migration to be able to drop the sstables back in their original place in the repaired sstable manifest for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) { if (minLevel == Integer.MAX_VALUE) minLevel = sstable.getSSTableLevel(); if (minLevel != sstable.getSSTableLevel()) { minLevel = 0; break; } } return SSTableWriter.create(Descriptor.fromFilename(cfs.getSSTablePath(compactionFileLocation)), (long) expectedBloomFilterSize, repairedAt, cfs.metadata, new MetadataCollector(sstables, cfs.metadata.comparator, minLevel), SerializationHeader.make(cfs.metadata, sstables), cfs.indexManager.listIndexes(), txn); }
Performs a readonly "compaction" of all sstables in order to validate complete rows, but without writing the merge result
/** * Performs a readonly "compaction" of all sstables in order to validate complete rows, * but without writing the merge result */
@SuppressWarnings("resource") private void doValidationCompaction(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Validator validator) throws IOException { // this isn't meant to be race-proof, because it's not -- it won't cause bugs for a CFS to be dropped // mid-validation, or to attempt to validate a droped CFS. this is just a best effort to avoid useless work, // particularly in the scenario where a validation is submitted before the drop, and there are compactions // started prior to the drop keeping some sstables alive. Since validationCompaction can run // concurrently with other compactions, it would otherwise go ahead and scan those again. if (!cfs.isValid()) return; Refs<SSTableReader> sstables = null; try { int gcBefore; int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); UUID parentRepairSessionId = validator.desc.parentSessionId; String snapshotName; boolean isGlobalSnapshotValidation = cfs.snapshotExists(parentRepairSessionId.toString()); if (isGlobalSnapshotValidation) snapshotName = parentRepairSessionId.toString(); else snapshotName = validator.desc.sessionId.toString(); boolean isSnapshotValidation = cfs.snapshotExists(snapshotName); if (isSnapshotValidation) { // If there is a snapshot created for the session then read from there. // note that we populate the parent repair session when creating the snapshot, meaning the sstables in the snapshot are the ones we // are supposed to validate. sstables = cfs.getSnapshotSSTableReader(snapshotName); // Computing gcbefore based on the current time wouldn't be very good because we know each replica will execute // this at a different time (that's the whole purpose of repair with snaphsot). So instead we take the creation // time of the snapshot, which should give us roughtly the same time on each replica (roughtly being in that case // 'as good as in the non-snapshot' case) gcBefore = cfs.gcBefore((int)(cfs.getSnapshotCreationTime(snapshotName) / 1000)); } else { // flush first so everyone is validating data that is as similar as possible StorageService.instance.forceKeyspaceFlush(cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.name); sstables = getSSTablesToValidate(cfs, validator); if (sstables == null) return; // this means the parent repair session was removed - the repair session failed on another node and we removed it if (validator.gcBefore > 0) gcBefore = validator.gcBefore; else gcBefore = getDefaultGcBefore(cfs, nowInSec); } // Create Merkle trees suitable to hold estimated partitions for the given ranges. // We blindly assume that a partition is evenly distributed on all sstables for now. MerkleTrees tree = createMerkleTrees(sstables, validator.desc.ranges, cfs); long start = System.nanoTime(); try (AbstractCompactionStrategy.ScannerList scanners = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getScanners(sstables, validator.desc.ranges); ValidationCompactionController controller = new ValidationCompactionController(cfs, gcBefore); CompactionIterator ci = new ValidationCompactionIterator(scanners.scanners, controller, nowInSec, metrics)) { // validate the CF as we iterate over it validator.prepare(cfs, tree); while (ci.hasNext()) { if (ci.isStopRequested()) throw new CompactionInterruptedException(ci.getCompactionInfo()); try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = ci.next()) { validator.add(partition); } } validator.complete(); } finally { if (isSnapshotValidation && !isGlobalSnapshotValidation) { // we can only clear the snapshot if we are not doing a global snapshot validation (we then clear it once anticompaction // is done). cfs.clearSnapshot(snapshotName); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { long duration = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start); logger.debug("Validation finished in {} msec, for {}", duration, validator.desc); } } finally { if (sstables != null) sstables.release(); } } private static MerkleTrees createMerkleTrees(Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, ColumnFamilyStore cfs) { MerkleTrees tree = new MerkleTrees(cfs.getPartitioner()); long allPartitions = 0; Map<Range<Token>, Long> rangePartitionCounts = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(ranges.size()); for (Range<Token> range : ranges) { long numPartitions = 0; for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables) numPartitions += sstable.estimatedKeysForRanges(Collections.singleton(range)); rangePartitionCounts.put(range, numPartitions); allPartitions += numPartitions; } for (Range<Token> range : ranges) { long numPartitions = rangePartitionCounts.get(range); double rangeOwningRatio = allPartitions > 0 ? (double)numPartitions / allPartitions : 0; // determine max tree depth proportional to range size to avoid blowing up memory with multiple tress, // capping at a configurable depth (default 18) to prevent large tree (CASSANDRA-11390, CASSANDRA-14096) int maxDepth = rangeOwningRatio > 0 ? (int) Math.floor(Math.max(0.0, DatabaseDescriptor.getRepairSessionMaxTreeDepth() - Math.log(1 / rangeOwningRatio) / Math.log(2))) : 0; // determine tree depth from number of partitions, capping at max tree depth (CASSANDRA-5263) int depth = numPartitions > 0 ? (int) Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.log(numPartitions) / Math.log(2)), maxDepth) : 0; tree.addMerkleTree((int) Math.pow(2, depth), range); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { // MT serialize may take time logger.debug("Created {} merkle trees with merkle trees size {}, {} partitions, {} bytes", tree.ranges().size(), tree.size(), allPartitions, MerkleTrees.serializer.serializedSize(tree, 0)); } return tree; } private synchronized Refs<SSTableReader> getSSTablesToValidate(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Validator validator) { Refs<SSTableReader> sstables; ActiveRepairService.ParentRepairSession prs = ActiveRepairService.instance.getParentRepairSession(validator.desc.parentSessionId); if (prs == null) return null; Set<SSTableReader> sstablesToValidate = new HashSet<>(); if (prs.isGlobal) prs.markSSTablesRepairing(cfs.metadata.cfId, validator.desc.parentSessionId); // note that we always grab all existing sstables for this - if we were to just grab the ones that // were marked as repairing, we would miss any ranges that were compacted away and this would cause us to overstream try (ColumnFamilyStore.RefViewFragment sstableCandidates = cfs.selectAndReference(View.select(SSTableSet.CANONICAL, (s) -> !prs.isIncremental || !s.isRepaired()))) { for (SSTableReader sstable : sstableCandidates.sstables) { if (new Bounds<>(sstable.first.getToken(), sstable.last.getToken()).intersects(validator.desc.ranges)) { sstablesToValidate.add(sstable); } } sstables = Refs.tryRef(sstablesToValidate); if (sstables == null) { logger.error("Could not reference sstables"); throw new RuntimeException("Could not reference sstables"); } } return sstables; }
Splits up an sstable into two new sstables. The first of the new tables will store repaired ranges, the second will store the non-repaired ranges. Once anticompation is completed, the original sstable is marked as compacted and subsequently deleted.
  • cfs –
  • repaired – a transaction over the repaired sstables to anticompacy
  • ranges – Repaired ranges to be placed into one of the new sstables. The repaired table will be tracked via the StatsMetadata.repairedAt field.
/** * Splits up an sstable into two new sstables. The first of the new tables will store repaired ranges, the second * will store the non-repaired ranges. Once anticompation is completed, the original sstable is marked as compacted * and subsequently deleted. * @param cfs * @param repaired a transaction over the repaired sstables to anticompacy * @param ranges Repaired ranges to be placed into one of the new sstables. The repaired table will be tracked via * the {@link org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.metadata.StatsMetadata#repairedAt} field. */
private void doAntiCompaction(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, LifecycleTransaction repaired, long repairedAt) { int numAnticompact = repaired.originals().size(); logger.info("Performing anticompaction on {} sstables", numAnticompact); //Group SSTables Collection<Collection<SSTableReader>> groupedSSTables = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().groupSSTablesForAntiCompaction(repaired.originals()); // iterate over sstables to check if the repaired / unrepaired ranges intersect them. int antiCompactedSSTableCount = 0; for (Collection<SSTableReader> sstableGroup : groupedSSTables) { try (LifecycleTransaction txn = repaired.split(sstableGroup)) { int antiCompacted = antiCompactGroup(cfs, ranges, txn, repairedAt); antiCompactedSSTableCount += antiCompacted; } } String format = "Anticompaction completed successfully, anticompacted from {} to {} sstable(s)."; logger.info(format, numAnticompact, antiCompactedSSTableCount); } @VisibleForTesting int antiCompactGroup(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Collection<Range<Token>> ranges, LifecycleTransaction anticompactionGroup, long repairedAt) { long groupMaxDataAge = -1; for (Iterator<SSTableReader> i = anticompactionGroup.originals().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { SSTableReader sstable = i.next(); if (groupMaxDataAge < sstable.maxDataAge) groupMaxDataAge = sstable.maxDataAge; } if (anticompactionGroup.originals().size() == 0) { logger.info("No valid anticompactions for this group, All sstables were compacted and are no longer available"); return 0; } logger.info("Anticompacting {}", anticompactionGroup); Set<SSTableReader> sstableAsSet = anticompactionGroup.originals(); File destination = cfs.getDirectories().getWriteableLocationAsFile(cfs.getExpectedCompactedFileSize(sstableAsSet, OperationType.ANTICOMPACTION)); long repairedKeyCount = 0; long unrepairedKeyCount = 0; int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds();
HACK WARNING We have multiple writers operating over the same Transaction, producing different sets of sstables that all logically replace the transaction's originals. The SSTableRewriter assumes it has exclusive control over the transaction state, and this will lead to temporarily inconsistent sstable/tracker state if we do not take special measures to avoid it. Specifically, if a number of rewriter have prepareToCommit() invoked in sequence, then two problematic things happen: 1. The obsoleteOriginals() call of the first rewriter immediately remove the originals from the tracker, despite their having been only partially replaced. To avoid this, we must either avoid obsoleteOriginals() or checkpoint() 2. The LifecycleTransaction may only have prepareToCommit() invoked once, and this will checkpoint() also. Similarly commit() would finalise partially complete on-disk state. To avoid these problems, we introduce a SharedTxn that proxies all calls onto the underlying transaction except prepareToCommit(), checkpoint(), obsoleteOriginals(), and commit(). We then invoke these methods directly once each of the rewriter has updated the transaction with their share of replacements. Note that for the same essential reason we also explicitly disable early open. By noop-ing checkpoint we avoid any of the problems with early open, but by continuing to explicitly disable it we also prevent any of the extra associated work from being performed.
/** * HACK WARNING * * We have multiple writers operating over the same Transaction, producing different sets of sstables that all * logically replace the transaction's originals. The SSTableRewriter assumes it has exclusive control over * the transaction state, and this will lead to temporarily inconsistent sstable/tracker state if we do not * take special measures to avoid it. * * Specifically, if a number of rewriter have prepareToCommit() invoked in sequence, then two problematic things happen: * 1. The obsoleteOriginals() call of the first rewriter immediately remove the originals from the tracker, despite * their having been only partially replaced. To avoid this, we must either avoid obsoleteOriginals() or checkpoint() * 2. The LifecycleTransaction may only have prepareToCommit() invoked once, and this will checkpoint() also. * * Similarly commit() would finalise partially complete on-disk state. * * To avoid these problems, we introduce a SharedTxn that proxies all calls onto the underlying transaction * except prepareToCommit(), checkpoint(), obsoleteOriginals(), and commit(). * We then invoke these methods directly once each of the rewriter has updated the transaction * with their share of replacements. * * Note that for the same essential reason we also explicitly disable early open. * By noop-ing checkpoint we avoid any of the problems with early open, but by continuing to explicitly * disable it we also prevent any of the extra associated work from being performed. */
class SharedTxn extends WrappedLifecycleTransaction { public SharedTxn(ILifecycleTransaction delegate) { super(delegate); } public Throwable commit(Throwable accumulate) { return accumulate; } public void prepareToCommit() {} public void checkpoint() {} public void obsoleteOriginals() {} public void close() {} } CompactionStrategyManager strategy = cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager(); try (SharedTxn sharedTxn = new SharedTxn(anticompactionGroup); SSTableRewriter repairedSSTableWriter = SSTableRewriter.constructWithoutEarlyOpening(sharedTxn, false, groupMaxDataAge); SSTableRewriter unRepairedSSTableWriter = SSTableRewriter.constructWithoutEarlyOpening(sharedTxn, false, groupMaxDataAge); AbstractCompactionStrategy.ScannerList scanners = strategy.getScanners(anticompactionGroup.originals()); CompactionController controller = new CompactionController(cfs, sstableAsSet, getDefaultGcBefore(cfs, nowInSec)); CompactionIterator ci = new CompactionIterator(OperationType.ANTICOMPACTION, scanners.scanners, controller, nowInSec, UUIDGen.getTimeUUID(), metrics)) { int expectedBloomFilterSize = Math.max(cfs.metadata.params.minIndexInterval, (int)(SSTableReader.getApproximateKeyCount(sstableAsSet))); repairedSSTableWriter.switchWriter(CompactionManager.createWriterForAntiCompaction(cfs, destination, expectedBloomFilterSize, repairedAt, sstableAsSet, sharedTxn)); unRepairedSSTableWriter.switchWriter(CompactionManager.createWriterForAntiCompaction(cfs, destination, expectedBloomFilterSize, ActiveRepairService.UNREPAIRED_SSTABLE, sstableAsSet, sharedTxn)); Range.OrderedRangeContainmentChecker containmentChecker = new Range.OrderedRangeContainmentChecker(ranges); while (ci.hasNext()) { try (UnfilteredRowIterator partition = ci.next()) { // if current range from sstable is repaired, save it into the new repaired sstable if (containmentChecker.contains(partition.partitionKey().getToken())) { repairedSSTableWriter.append(partition); repairedKeyCount++; } // otherwise save into the new 'non-repaired' table else { unRepairedSSTableWriter.append(partition); unrepairedKeyCount++; } } } List<SSTableReader> anticompactedSSTables = new ArrayList<>(); repairedSSTableWriter.setRepairedAt(repairedAt).prepareToCommit(); unRepairedSSTableWriter.prepareToCommit(); anticompactionGroup.checkpoint(); anticompactionGroup.obsoleteOriginals(); anticompactionGroup.prepareToCommit(); anticompactedSSTables.addAll(repairedSSTableWriter.finished()); anticompactedSSTables.addAll(unRepairedSSTableWriter.finished()); repairedSSTableWriter.commit(); unRepairedSSTableWriter.commit(); Throwables.maybeFail(anticompactionGroup.commit(null)); logger.trace("Repaired {} keys out of {} for {}/{} in {}", repairedKeyCount, repairedKeyCount + unrepairedKeyCount, cfs.keyspace.getName(), cfs.getColumnFamilyName(), anticompactionGroup); return anticompactedSSTables.size(); } catch (Throwable e) { JVMStabilityInspector.inspectThrowable(e); logger.error("Error anticompacting " + anticompactionGroup, e); } return 0; }
Is not scheduled, because it is performing disjoint work from sstable compaction.
/** * Is not scheduled, because it is performing disjoint work from sstable compaction. */
public Future<?> submitIndexBuild(final SecondaryIndexBuilder builder) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { metrics.beginCompaction(builder); try { builder.build(); } finally { metrics.finishCompaction(builder); } } }; return executor.submitIfRunning(runnable, "index build"); } public Future<?> submitCacheWrite(final AutoSavingCache.Writer writer) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!AutoSavingCache.flushInProgress.add(writer.cacheType())) { logger.trace("Cache flushing was already in progress: skipping {}", writer.getCompactionInfo()); return; } try { metrics.beginCompaction(writer); try { writer.saveCache(); } finally { metrics.finishCompaction(writer); } } finally { AutoSavingCache.flushInProgress.remove(writer.cacheType()); } } }; return executor.submitIfRunning(runnable, "cache write"); } public List<SSTableReader> runIndexSummaryRedistribution(IndexSummaryRedistribution redistribution) throws IOException { metrics.beginCompaction(redistribution); try { return redistribution.redistributeSummaries(); } finally { metrics.finishCompaction(redistribution); } } public static int getDefaultGcBefore(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, int nowInSec) { // 2ndary indexes have ExpiringColumns too, so we need to purge tombstones deleted before now. We do not need to // add any GcGrace however since 2ndary indexes are local to a node. return cfs.isIndex() ? nowInSec : cfs.gcBefore(nowInSec); } private static class ValidationCompactionIterator extends CompactionIterator { public ValidationCompactionIterator(List<ISSTableScanner> scanners, ValidationCompactionController controller, int nowInSec, CompactionMetrics metrics) { super(OperationType.VALIDATION, scanners, controller, nowInSec, UUIDGen.getTimeUUID(), metrics); } } /* * Controller for validation compaction that always purges. * Note that we should not call cfs.getOverlappingSSTables on the provided * sstables because those sstables are not guaranteed to be active sstables * (since we can run repair on a snapshot). */ private static class ValidationCompactionController extends CompactionController { public ValidationCompactionController(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, int gcBefore) { super(cfs, gcBefore); } @Override public Predicate<Long> getPurgeEvaluator(DecoratedKey key) { /* * The main reason we always purge is that including gcable tombstone would mean that the * repair digest will depends on the scheduling of compaction on the different nodes. This * is still not perfect because gcbefore is currently dependend on the current time at which * the validation compaction start, which while not too bad for normal repair is broken for * repair on snapshots. A better solution would be to agree on a gcbefore that all node would * use, and we'll do that with CASSANDRA-4932. * Note validation compaction includes all sstables, so we don't have the problem of purging * a tombstone that could shadow a column in another sstable, but this is doubly not a concern * since validation compaction is read-only. */ return time -> true; } } public Future<?> submitViewBuilder(final ViewBuilder builder) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { metrics.beginCompaction(builder); try { builder.run(); } finally { metrics.finishCompaction(builder); } } }; if (executor.isShutdown()) { logger.info("Compaction executor has shut down, not submitting index build"); return null; } return executor.submit(runnable); } public int getActiveCompactions() { return CompactionMetrics.getCompactions().size(); } static class CompactionExecutor extends JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor { protected CompactionExecutor(int minThreads, int maxThreads, String name, BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue) { super(minThreads, maxThreads, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue, new NamedThreadFactory(name, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY), "internal"); } private CompactionExecutor(int threadCount, String name) { this(threadCount, threadCount, name, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>()); } public CompactionExecutor() { this(Math.max(1, DatabaseDescriptor.getConcurrentCompactors()), "CompactionExecutor"); } protected void beforeExecute(Thread t, Runnable r) { // can't set this in Thread factory, so we do it redundantly here isCompactionManager.set(true); super.beforeExecute(t, r); } // modified from DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor so that CompactionInterruptedExceptions are not logged @Override public void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) { DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor.maybeResetTraceSessionWrapper(r); if (t == null) t = DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor.extractThrowable(r); if (t != null) { if (t instanceof CompactionInterruptedException) { logger.info(t.getMessage()); if (t.getSuppressed() != null && t.getSuppressed().length > 0) logger.warn("Interruption of compaction encountered exceptions:", t); else logger.trace("Full interruption stack trace:", t); } else { DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor.handleOrLog(t); } } // Snapshots cannot be deleted on Windows while segments of the root element are mapped in NTFS. Compactions // unmap those segments which could free up a snapshot for successful deletion. SnapshotDeletingTask.rescheduleFailedTasks(); } public ListenableFuture<?> submitIfRunning(Runnable task, String name) { return submitIfRunning(Executors.callable(task, null), name); }
Submit the task but only if the executor has not been shutdown.If the executor has been shutdown, or in case of a rejected execution exception return a cancelled future.
  • task – - the task to submit
  • name – - the task name to use in log messages
Returns:the future that will deliver the task result, or a future that has already been cancelled if the task could not be submitted.
/** * Submit the task but only if the executor has not been shutdown.If the executor has * been shutdown, or in case of a rejected execution exception return a cancelled future. * * @param task - the task to submit * @param name - the task name to use in log messages * * @return the future that will deliver the task result, or a future that has already been * cancelled if the task could not be submitted. */
public ListenableFuture<?> submitIfRunning(Callable<?> task, String name) { if (isShutdown()) { logger.info("Executor has been shut down, not submitting {}", name); return Futures.immediateCancelledFuture(); } try { ListenableFutureTask ret = ListenableFutureTask.create(task); execute(ret); return ret; } catch (RejectedExecutionException ex) { if (isShutdown()) logger.info("Executor has shut down, could not submit {}", name); else logger.error("Failed to submit {}", name, ex); return Futures.immediateCancelledFuture(); } } } private static class ValidationExecutor extends CompactionExecutor { public ValidationExecutor() { super(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "ValidationExecutor", new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>()); } } private static class CacheCleanupExecutor extends CompactionExecutor { public CacheCleanupExecutor() { super(1, "CacheCleanupExecutor"); } } public interface CompactionExecutorStatsCollector { void beginCompaction(CompactionInfo.Holder ci); void finishCompaction(CompactionInfo.Holder ci); } public List<Map<String, String>> getCompactions() { List<Holder> compactionHolders = CompactionMetrics.getCompactions(); List<Map<String, String>> out = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(compactionHolders.size()); for (CompactionInfo.Holder ci : compactionHolders) out.add(ci.getCompactionInfo().asMap()); return out; } public List<String> getCompactionSummary() { List<Holder> compactionHolders = CompactionMetrics.getCompactions(); List<String> out = new ArrayList<String>(compactionHolders.size()); for (CompactionInfo.Holder ci : compactionHolders) out.add(ci.getCompactionInfo().toString()); return out; } public TabularData getCompactionHistory() { try { return SystemKeyspace.getCompactionHistory(); } catch (OpenDataException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public long getTotalBytesCompacted() { return metrics.bytesCompacted.getCount(); } public long getTotalCompactionsCompleted() { return metrics.totalCompactionsCompleted.getCount(); } public int getPendingTasks() { return metrics.pendingTasks.getValue(); } public long getCompletedTasks() { return metrics.completedTasks.getValue(); } public void stopCompaction(String type) { OperationType operation = OperationType.valueOf(type); for (Holder holder : CompactionMetrics.getCompactions()) { if (holder.getCompactionInfo().getTaskType() == operation) holder.stop(); } } public void stopCompactionById(String compactionId) { for (Holder holder : CompactionMetrics.getCompactions()) { UUID holderId = holder.getCompactionInfo().compactionId(); if (holderId != null && holderId.equals(UUID.fromString(compactionId))) holder.stop(); } } public void setConcurrentCompactors(int value) { if (value > executor.getCorePoolSize()) { // we are increasing the value executor.setMaximumPoolSize(value); executor.setCorePoolSize(value); } else if (value < executor.getCorePoolSize()) { // we are reducing the value executor.setCorePoolSize(value); executor.setMaximumPoolSize(value); } } public int getCoreCompactorThreads() { return executor.getCorePoolSize(); } public void setCoreCompactorThreads(int number) { executor.setCorePoolSize(number); } public int getMaximumCompactorThreads() { return executor.getMaximumPoolSize(); } public void setMaximumCompactorThreads(int number) { executor.setMaximumPoolSize(number); } public int getCoreValidationThreads() { return validationExecutor.getCorePoolSize(); } public void setCoreValidationThreads(int number) { validationExecutor.setCorePoolSize(number); } public int getMaximumValidatorThreads() { return validationExecutor.getMaximumPoolSize(); } public void setMaximumValidatorThreads(int number) { validationExecutor.setMaximumPoolSize(number); }
Try to stop all of the compactions for given ColumnFamilies. Note that this method does not wait for all compactions to finish; you'll need to loop against isCompacting if you want that behavior.
  • columnFamilies – The ColumnFamilies to try to stop compaction upon.
  • interruptValidation – true if validation operations for repair should also be interrupted
/** * Try to stop all of the compactions for given ColumnFamilies. * * Note that this method does not wait for all compactions to finish; you'll need to loop against * isCompacting if you want that behavior. * * @param columnFamilies The ColumnFamilies to try to stop compaction upon. * @param interruptValidation true if validation operations for repair should also be interrupted * */
public void interruptCompactionFor(Iterable<CFMetaData> columnFamilies, boolean interruptValidation) { assert columnFamilies != null; // interrupt in-progress compactions for (Holder compactionHolder : CompactionMetrics.getCompactions()) { CompactionInfo info = compactionHolder.getCompactionInfo(); if ((info.getTaskType() == OperationType.VALIDATION) && !interruptValidation) continue; // cfmetadata is null for index summary redistributions which are 'global' - they involve all keyspaces/tables if (info.getCFMetaData() == null || Iterables.contains(columnFamilies, info.getCFMetaData())) compactionHolder.stop(); // signal compaction to stop } } public void interruptCompactionForCFs(Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore> cfss, boolean interruptValidation) { List<CFMetaData> metadata = new ArrayList<>(); for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs : cfss) metadata.add(cfs.metadata); interruptCompactionFor(metadata, interruptValidation); } public void waitForCessation(Iterable<ColumnFamilyStore> cfss) { long start = System.nanoTime(); long delay = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toNanos(1); while (System.nanoTime() - start < delay) { if (CompactionManager.instance.isCompacting(cfss)) Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); else break; } } }