 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.config;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import org.cliffc.high_scale_lib.NonBlockingHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.Index;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.LocalStrategy;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.MigrationManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ConcurrentBiMap;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

public class Schema
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Schema.class);

    public static final Schema instance = new Schema();

    /* metadata map for faster keyspace lookup */
    private final Map<String, KeyspaceMetadata> keyspaces = new NonBlockingHashMap<>();

    /* Keyspace objects, one per keyspace. Only one instance should ever exist for any given keyspace. */
    private final Map<String, Keyspace> keyspaceInstances = new NonBlockingHashMap<>();

    /* metadata map for faster ColumnFamily lookup */
    private final ConcurrentBiMap<Pair<String, String>, UUID> cfIdMap = new ConcurrentBiMap<>();

    private volatile UUID version;
    private volatile UUID altVersion;

Initialize empty schema object and load the hardcoded system tables
/** * Initialize empty schema object and load the hardcoded system tables */
public Schema() { if (DatabaseDescriptor.isDaemonInitialized() || DatabaseDescriptor.isToolInitialized()) { load(SchemaKeyspace.metadata()); load(SystemKeyspace.metadata()); } }
load keyspace (keyspace) definitions, but do not initialize the keyspace instances. Schema version may be updated as the result.
/** * load keyspace (keyspace) definitions, but do not initialize the keyspace instances. * Schema version may be updated as the result. */
public Schema loadFromDisk() { return loadFromDisk(true); }
Load schema definitions from disk.
  • updateVersion – true if schema version needs to be updated
/** * Load schema definitions from disk. * * @param updateVersion true if schema version needs to be updated */
public Schema loadFromDisk(boolean updateVersion) { load(SchemaKeyspace.fetchNonSystemKeyspaces()); if (updateVersion) updateVersion(); return this; }
Load up non-system keyspaces
  • keyspaceDefs – The non-system keyspace definitions
Returns:self to support chaining calls
/** * Load up non-system keyspaces * * @param keyspaceDefs The non-system keyspace definitions * * @return self to support chaining calls */
public Schema load(Iterable<KeyspaceMetadata> keyspaceDefs) { keyspaceDefs.forEach(this::load); return this; }
Load specific keyspace into Schema
  • keyspaceDef – The keyspace to load up
Returns:self to support chaining calls
/** * Load specific keyspace into Schema * * @param keyspaceDef The keyspace to load up * * @return self to support chaining calls */
public Schema load(KeyspaceMetadata keyspaceDef) { keyspaceDef.tables.forEach(this::load); keyspaceDef.views.forEach(this::load); setKeyspaceMetadata(keyspaceDef); return this; }
Get keyspace instance by name
  • keyspaceName – The name of the keyspace
Returns:Keyspace object or null if keyspace was not found
/** * Get keyspace instance by name * * @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace * * @return Keyspace object or null if keyspace was not found */
public Keyspace getKeyspaceInstance(String keyspaceName) { return keyspaceInstances.get(keyspaceName); }
Retrieve a CFS by name even if that CFS is an index An index is identified by looking for '.' in the CF name and separating to find the base table containing the index
  • ksNameAndCFName –
Returns:The named CFS or null if the keyspace, base table, or index don't exist
/** * Retrieve a CFS by name even if that CFS is an index * * An index is identified by looking for '.' in the CF name and separating to find the base table * containing the index * @param ksNameAndCFName * @return The named CFS or null if the keyspace, base table, or index don't exist */
public ColumnFamilyStore getColumnFamilyStoreIncludingIndexes(Pair<String, String> ksNameAndCFName) { String ksName = ksNameAndCFName.left; String cfName = ksNameAndCFName.right; Pair<String, String> baseTable; /* * Split does special case a one character regex, and it looks like it can detect * if you use two characters to escape '.', but it still allocates a useless array. */ int indexOfSeparator = cfName.indexOf('.'); if (indexOfSeparator > -1) baseTable = Pair.create(ksName, cfName.substring(0, indexOfSeparator)); else baseTable = ksNameAndCFName; UUID cfId = cfIdMap.get(baseTable); if (cfId == null) return null; Keyspace ks = keyspaceInstances.get(ksName); if (ks == null) return null; ColumnFamilyStore baseCFS = ks.getColumnFamilyStore(cfId); //Not an index if (indexOfSeparator == -1) return baseCFS; if (baseCFS == null) return null; Index index = baseCFS.indexManager.getIndexByName(cfName.substring(indexOfSeparator + 1, cfName.length())); if (index == null) return null; //Shouldn't ask for a backing table if there is none so just throw? //Or should it return null? return index.getBackingTable().get(); } public ColumnFamilyStore getColumnFamilyStoreInstance(UUID cfId) { Pair<String, String> pair = cfIdMap.inverse().get(cfId); if (pair == null) return null; Keyspace instance = getKeyspaceInstance(pair.left); if (instance == null) return null; return instance.getColumnFamilyStore(cfId); }
Store given Keyspace instance to the schema
  • keyspace – The Keyspace instance to store
/** * Store given Keyspace instance to the schema * * @param keyspace The Keyspace instance to store * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if Keyspace is already stored */
public void storeKeyspaceInstance(Keyspace keyspace) { if (keyspaceInstances.containsKey(keyspace.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Keyspace %s was already initialized.", keyspace.getName())); keyspaceInstances.put(keyspace.getName(), keyspace); }
Remove keyspace from schema
  • keyspaceName – The name of the keyspace to remove
Returns:removed keyspace instance or null if it wasn't found
/** * Remove keyspace from schema * * @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace to remove * * @return removed keyspace instance or null if it wasn't found */
public Keyspace removeKeyspaceInstance(String keyspaceName) { return keyspaceInstances.remove(keyspaceName); }
Remove keyspace definition from system
  • ksm – The keyspace definition to remove
/** * Remove keyspace definition from system * * @param ksm The keyspace definition to remove */
public void clearKeyspaceMetadata(KeyspaceMetadata ksm) { keyspaces.remove(ksm.name); }
Given a keyspace name and column family name, get the column family meta data. If the keyspace name or column family name is not valid this function returns null.
  • keyspaceName – The keyspace name
  • cfName – The ColumnFamily name
Returns:ColumnFamily Metadata object or null if it wasn't found
/** * Given a keyspace name and column family name, get the column family * meta data. If the keyspace name or column family name is not valid * this function returns null. * * @param keyspaceName The keyspace name * @param cfName The ColumnFamily name * * @return ColumnFamily Metadata object or null if it wasn't found */
public CFMetaData getCFMetaData(String keyspaceName, String cfName) { assert keyspaceName != null; KeyspaceMetadata ksm = keyspaces.get(keyspaceName); return ksm == null ? null : ksm.getTableOrViewNullable(cfName); }
Get ColumnFamily metadata by its identifier
  • cfId – The ColumnFamily identifier
Returns:metadata about ColumnFamily
/** * Get ColumnFamily metadata by its identifier * * @param cfId The ColumnFamily identifier * * @return metadata about ColumnFamily */
public CFMetaData getCFMetaData(UUID cfId) { Pair<String,String> cf = getCF(cfId); return (cf == null) ? null : getCFMetaData(cf.left, cf.right); } public CFMetaData getCFMetaData(Descriptor descriptor) { return getCFMetaData(descriptor.ksname, descriptor.cfname); } public int getNumberOfTables() { return cfIdMap.size(); } public ViewDefinition getView(String keyspaceName, String viewName) { assert keyspaceName != null; KeyspaceMetadata ksm = keyspaces.get(keyspaceName); return (ksm == null) ? null : ksm.views.getNullable(viewName); }
Get metadata about keyspace by its name
  • keyspaceName – The name of the keyspace
Returns:The keyspace metadata or null if it wasn't found
/** * Get metadata about keyspace by its name * * @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace * * @return The keyspace metadata or null if it wasn't found */
public KeyspaceMetadata getKSMetaData(String keyspaceName) { assert keyspaceName != null; return keyspaces.get(keyspaceName); } private Set<String> getNonSystemKeyspacesSet() { return Sets.difference(keyspaces.keySet(), SchemaConstants.LOCAL_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES); }
Returns:collection of the non-system keyspaces (note that this count as system only the non replicated keyspaces, so keyspace like system_traces which are replicated are actually returned. See getUserKeyspace() below if you don't want those)
/** * @return collection of the non-system keyspaces (note that this count as system only the * non replicated keyspaces, so keyspace like system_traces which are replicated are actually * returned. See getUserKeyspace() below if you don't want those) */
public List<String> getNonSystemKeyspaces() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(getNonSystemKeyspacesSet()); }
Returns:a collection of keyspaces that do not use LocalStrategy for replication
/** * @return a collection of keyspaces that do not use LocalStrategy for replication */
public List<String> getNonLocalStrategyKeyspaces() { return keyspaces.values().stream() .filter(keyspace -> keyspace.params.replication.klass != LocalStrategy.class) .map(keyspace -> keyspace.name) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
Returns:collection of the user defined keyspaces
/** * @return collection of the user defined keyspaces */
public List<String> getUserKeyspaces() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(Sets.difference(getNonSystemKeyspacesSet(), SchemaConstants.REPLICATED_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES)); } public Keyspaces getReplicatedKeyspaces() { Keyspaces.Builder builder = Keyspaces.builder(); keyspaces.values() .stream() .filter(k -> !SchemaConstants.isLocalSystemKeyspace(k.name)) .forEach(builder::add); return builder.build(); }
Get metadata about keyspace inner ColumnFamilies
  • keyspaceName – The name of the keyspace
Returns:metadata about ColumnFamilies the belong to the given keyspace
/** * Get metadata about keyspace inner ColumnFamilies * * @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace * * @return metadata about ColumnFamilies the belong to the given keyspace */
public Iterable<CFMetaData> getTablesAndViews(String keyspaceName) { assert keyspaceName != null; KeyspaceMetadata ksm = keyspaces.get(keyspaceName); assert ksm != null; return ksm.tablesAndViews(); }
Returns:collection of the all keyspace names registered in the system (system and non-system)
/** * @return collection of the all keyspace names registered in the system (system and non-system) */
public Set<String> getKeyspaces() { return keyspaces.keySet(); } public Keyspaces getKeyspaces(Set<String> includedKeyspaceNames) { Keyspaces.Builder builder = Keyspaces.builder(); keyspaces.values() .stream() .filter(k -> includedKeyspaceNames.contains(k.name)) .forEach(builder::add); return builder.build(); }
Update (or insert) new keyspace definition
  • ksm – The metadata about keyspace
/** * Update (or insert) new keyspace definition * * @param ksm The metadata about keyspace */
public void setKeyspaceMetadata(KeyspaceMetadata ksm) { assert ksm != null; keyspaces.put(ksm.name, ksm); Keyspace keyspace = getKeyspaceInstance(ksm.name); if (keyspace != null) keyspace.setMetadata(ksm); } /* ColumnFamily query/control methods */
  • cfId – The identifier of the ColumnFamily to lookup
Returns:The (ksname,cfname) pair for the given id, or null if it has been dropped.
/** * @param cfId The identifier of the ColumnFamily to lookup * @return The (ksname,cfname) pair for the given id, or null if it has been dropped. */
public Pair<String,String> getCF(UUID cfId) { return cfIdMap.inverse().get(cfId); }
  • ksAndCFName – The identifier of the ColumnFamily to lookup
Returns:true if the KS and CF pair is a known one, false otherwise.
/** * @param ksAndCFName The identifier of the ColumnFamily to lookup * @return true if the KS and CF pair is a known one, false otherwise. */
public boolean hasCF(Pair<String, String> ksAndCFName) { return cfIdMap.containsKey(ksAndCFName); }
Lookup keyspace/ColumnFamily identifier
  • ksName – The keyspace name
  • cfName – The ColumnFamily name
Returns:The id for the given (ksname,cfname) pair, or null if it has been dropped.
/** * Lookup keyspace/ColumnFamily identifier * * @param ksName The keyspace name * @param cfName The ColumnFamily name * * @return The id for the given (ksname,cfname) pair, or null if it has been dropped. */
public UUID getId(String ksName, String cfName) { return cfIdMap.get(Pair.create(ksName, cfName)); }
Load individual ColumnFamily Definition to the schema (to make ColumnFamily lookup faster)
  • cfm – The ColumnFamily definition to load
/** * Load individual ColumnFamily Definition to the schema * (to make ColumnFamily lookup faster) * * @param cfm The ColumnFamily definition to load */
public void load(CFMetaData cfm) { Pair<String, String> key = Pair.create(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName); if (cfIdMap.containsKey(key)) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Attempting to load already loaded table %s.%s", cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName)); logger.debug("Adding {} to cfIdMap", cfm); cfIdMap.put(key, cfm.cfId); }
Load individual View Definition to the schema (to make View lookup faster)
  • view – The View definition to load
/** * Load individual View Definition to the schema * (to make View lookup faster) * * @param view The View definition to load */
public void load(ViewDefinition view) { CFMetaData cfm = view.metadata; Pair<String, String> key = Pair.create(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName); if (cfIdMap.containsKey(key)) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Attempting to load already loaded view %s.%s", cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName)); logger.debug("Adding {} to cfIdMap", cfm); cfIdMap.put(key, cfm.cfId); }
Used for ColumnFamily data eviction out from the schema
  • cfm – The ColumnFamily Definition to evict
/** * Used for ColumnFamily data eviction out from the schema * * @param cfm The ColumnFamily Definition to evict */
public void unload(CFMetaData cfm) { cfIdMap.remove(Pair.create(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName)); }
Used for View eviction from the schema
  • view – The view definition to evict
/** * Used for View eviction from the schema * * @param view The view definition to evict */
private void unload(ViewDefinition view) { cfIdMap.remove(Pair.create(view.ksName, view.viewName)); } /* Function helpers */
Get all function overloads with the specified name
  • name – fully qualified function name
Returns:an empty list if the keyspace or the function name are not found; a non-empty collection of Function otherwise
/** * Get all function overloads with the specified name * * @param name fully qualified function name * @return an empty list if the keyspace or the function name are not found; * a non-empty collection of {@link Function} otherwise */
public Collection<Function> getFunctions(FunctionName name) { if (!name.hasKeyspace()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Function name must be fully quallified: got %s", name)); KeyspaceMetadata ksm = getKSMetaData(name.keyspace); return ksm == null ? Collections.emptyList() : ksm.functions.get(name); }
Find the function with the specified name
  • name – fully qualified function name
  • argTypes – function argument types
Returns:an empty Optional if the keyspace or the function name are not found; a non-empty optional of Function otherwise
/** * Find the function with the specified name * * @param name fully qualified function name * @param argTypes function argument types * @return an empty {@link Optional} if the keyspace or the function name are not found; * a non-empty optional of {@link Function} otherwise */
public Optional<Function> findFunction(FunctionName name, List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes) { if (!name.hasKeyspace()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Function name must be fully quallified: got %s", name)); KeyspaceMetadata ksm = getKSMetaData(name.keyspace); return ksm == null ? Optional.empty() : ksm.functions.find(name, argTypes); } /* Version control */
The schema version to announce. This will be either the "real" schema version including the cdc column, if no node in the cluster is running at 3.0, or a 3.0 compatible schema version, with the cdc column excluded, if at least one node is running 3.0.
Returns:"current" schema version
/** * The schema version to announce. * This will be either the "real" schema version including the {@code cdc} column, * if no node in the cluster is running at 3.0, or a 3.0 compatible * schema version, with the {@code cdc} column excluded, if at least one node is * running 3.0. * * @return "current" schema version */
public UUID getVersion() { return Gossiper.instance.isEnabled() && Gossiper.instance.isAnyNodeOn30() ? altVersion : version; }
The 3.11 schema version, always includes the cdc column.
/** * The 3.11 schema version, always includes the {@code cdc} column. */
public UUID getRealVersion() { return version; }
The "alternative" schema version, compatible to 3.0, always excludes the cdc column.
/** * The "alternative" schema version, compatible to 3.0, always excludes the * {@code cdc} column. */
public UUID getAltVersion() { return altVersion; }
Checks whether the given schema version is the same as the current local schema version, either the 3.0 compatible or "real" one.
/** * Checks whether the given schema version is the same as the current local schema * version, either the 3.0 compatible or "real" one. */
public boolean isSameVersion(UUID schemaVersion) { return schemaVersion != null && (schemaVersion.equals(version) || schemaVersion.equals(altVersion)); }
Checks whether the current schema is empty.
/** * Checks whether the current schema is empty. */
public boolean isEmpty() { return SchemaConstants.emptyVersion.equals(version); }
Read schema from system keyspace and calculate MD5 digest of every row, resulting digest will be converted into UUID which would act as content-based version of the schema. 3.11 note: we calculate the "real" schema version and the 3.0 compatible schema version here.
/** * Read schema from system keyspace and calculate MD5 digest of every row, resulting digest * will be converted into UUID which would act as content-based version of the schema. * * 3.11 note: we calculate the "real" schema version and the 3.0 compatible schema * version here. */
public void updateVersion() { Pair<UUID, UUID> mixedVersions = SchemaKeyspace.calculateSchemaDigest(); version = mixedVersions.left; altVersion = mixedVersions.right; SystemKeyspace.updateSchemaVersion(getVersion()); }
Like updateVersion, but also announces via gossip 3.11 note: we announce the "current" schema version, which can be either the 3.0 compatible one, if at least one node is still running 3.0, or the "real" schema version.
/** * Like updateVersion, but also announces via gossip * * 3.11 note: we announce the "current" schema version, which can be either the 3.0 * compatible one, if at least one node is still running 3.0, or the "real" schema version. */
public void updateVersionAndAnnounce() { updateVersion(); UUID current = getVersion(); MigrationManager.passiveAnnounce(current, current == getAltVersion()); }
Clear all KS/CF metadata and reset version.
/** * Clear all KS/CF metadata and reset version. */
public synchronized void clear() { for (String keyspaceName : getNonSystemKeyspaces()) { KeyspaceMetadata ksm = getKSMetaData(keyspaceName); ksm.tables.forEach(this::unload); ksm.views.forEach(this::unload); clearKeyspaceMetadata(ksm); } updateVersionAndAnnounce(); } public void addKeyspace(KeyspaceMetadata ksm) { assert getKSMetaData(ksm.name) == null; load(ksm); Keyspace.open(ksm.name); MigrationManager.instance.notifyCreateKeyspace(ksm); } public void updateKeyspace(String ksName, KeyspaceParams newParams) { KeyspaceMetadata ksm = update(ksName, ks -> ks.withSwapped(newParams)); MigrationManager.instance.notifyUpdateKeyspace(ksm); } public void dropKeyspace(String ksName) { KeyspaceMetadata ksm = Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(ksName); String snapshotName = Keyspace.getTimestampedSnapshotNameWithPrefix(ksName, ColumnFamilyStore.SNAPSHOT_DROP_PREFIX); CompactionManager.instance.interruptCompactionFor(ksm.tablesAndViews(), true); Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.open(ksm.name); // remove all cfs from the keyspace instance. List<UUID> droppedCfs = new ArrayList<>(); for (CFMetaData cfm : ksm.tablesAndViews()) { ColumnFamilyStore cfs = keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(cfm.cfName); unload(cfm); if (DatabaseDescriptor.isAutoSnapshot()) cfs.snapshot(snapshotName); Keyspace.open(ksm.name).dropCf(cfm.cfId); droppedCfs.add(cfm.cfId); } // remove the keyspace from the static instances. Keyspace.clear(ksm.name); clearKeyspaceMetadata(ksm); Keyspace.writeOrder.awaitNewBarrier(); // force a new segment in the CL CommitLog.instance.forceRecycleAllSegments(droppedCfs); MigrationManager.instance.notifyDropKeyspace(ksm); } public void addTable(CFMetaData cfm) { assert getCFMetaData(cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName) == null; // Make sure the keyspace is initialized // and init the new CF before switching the KSM to the new one // to avoid races as in CASSANDRA-10761 Keyspace.open(cfm.ksName).initCf(cfm, true); // Update the keyspaces map with the updated metadata update(cfm.ksName, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.tables.with(cfm))); // Update the table ID <-> table name map (cfIdMap) load(cfm); MigrationManager.instance.notifyCreateColumnFamily(cfm); } public void updateTable(CFMetaData table) { CFMetaData current = getCFMetaData(table.ksName, table.cfName); assert current != null; boolean changeAffectsStatements = current.apply(table); Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.open(current.ksName); keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(current.cfName).reload(); MigrationManager.instance.notifyUpdateColumnFamily(current, changeAffectsStatements); } public void dropTable(String ksName, String tableName) { KeyspaceMetadata oldKsm = getKSMetaData(ksName); assert oldKsm != null; ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(ksName).getColumnFamilyStore(tableName); assert cfs != null; // make sure all the indexes are dropped, or else. cfs.indexManager.markAllIndexesRemoved(); // reinitialize the keyspace. CFMetaData cfm = oldKsm.tables.get(tableName).get(); KeyspaceMetadata newKsm = oldKsm.withSwapped(oldKsm.tables.without(tableName)); unload(cfm); setKeyspaceMetadata(newKsm); CompactionManager.instance.interruptCompactionFor(Collections.singleton(cfm), true); if (DatabaseDescriptor.isAutoSnapshot()) cfs.snapshot(Keyspace.getTimestampedSnapshotNameWithPrefix(cfs.name, ColumnFamilyStore.SNAPSHOT_DROP_PREFIX)); Keyspace.open(ksName).dropCf(cfm.cfId); MigrationManager.instance.notifyDropColumnFamily(cfm); CommitLog.instance.forceRecycleAllSegments(Collections.singleton(cfm.cfId)); } public void addView(ViewDefinition view) { assert getCFMetaData(view.ksName, view.viewName) == null; Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.open(view.ksName); // Make sure the keyspace is initialized and initialize the table. keyspace.initCf(view.metadata, true); // Update the keyspaces map with the updated metadata update(view.ksName, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.views.with(view))); // Update the table ID <-> table name map (cfIdMap) load(view); keyspace.viewManager.reload(); MigrationManager.instance.notifyCreateView(view); } public void updateView(ViewDefinition view) { ViewDefinition current = getKSMetaData(view.ksName).views.get(view.viewName).get(); boolean changeAffectsStatements = current.metadata.apply(view.metadata); Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.open(current.ksName); keyspace.getColumnFamilyStore(current.viewName).reload(); Keyspace.open(current.ksName).viewManager.update(current.viewName); MigrationManager.instance.notifyUpdateView(current, changeAffectsStatements); } public void dropView(String ksName, String viewName) { KeyspaceMetadata oldKsm = getKSMetaData(ksName); assert oldKsm != null; ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(ksName).getColumnFamilyStore(viewName); assert cfs != null; // make sure all the indexes are dropped, or else. cfs.indexManager.markAllIndexesRemoved(); // reinitialize the keyspace. ViewDefinition view = oldKsm.views.get(viewName).get(); KeyspaceMetadata newKsm = oldKsm.withSwapped(oldKsm.views.without(viewName)); unload(view); setKeyspaceMetadata(newKsm); CompactionManager.instance.interruptCompactionFor(Collections.singleton(view.metadata), true); if (DatabaseDescriptor.isAutoSnapshot()) cfs.snapshot(Keyspace.getTimestampedSnapshotName(cfs.name)); Keyspace.open(ksName).dropCf(view.metadata.cfId); Keyspace.open(ksName).viewManager.reload(); MigrationManager.instance.notifyDropView(view); CommitLog.instance.forceRecycleAllSegments(Collections.singleton(view.metadata.cfId)); } public void addType(UserType ut) { update(ut.keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.types.with(ut))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyCreateUserType(ut); } public void updateType(UserType ut) { update(ut.keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.types.without(ut.name).with(ut))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyUpdateUserType(ut); } public void dropType(UserType ut) { update(ut.keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.types.without(ut.name))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyDropUserType(ut); } public void addFunction(UDFunction udf) { update(udf.name().keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.functions.with(udf))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyCreateFunction(udf); } public void updateFunction(UDFunction udf) { update(udf.name().keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.functions.without(udf.name(), udf.argTypes()).with(udf))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyUpdateFunction(udf); } public void dropFunction(UDFunction udf) { update(udf.name().keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.functions.without(udf.name(), udf.argTypes()))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyDropFunction(udf); } public void addAggregate(UDAggregate uda) { update(uda.name().keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.functions.with(uda))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyCreateAggregate(uda); } public void updateAggregate(UDAggregate uda) { update(uda.name().keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.functions.without(uda.name(), uda.argTypes()).with(uda))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyUpdateAggregate(uda); } public void dropAggregate(UDAggregate uda) { update(uda.name().keyspace, ks -> ks.withSwapped(ks.functions.without(uda.name(), uda.argTypes()))); MigrationManager.instance.notifyDropAggregate(uda); } private synchronized KeyspaceMetadata update(String keyspaceName, java.util.function.Function<KeyspaceMetadata, KeyspaceMetadata> transformation) { KeyspaceMetadata current = getKSMetaData(keyspaceName); if (current == null) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Keyspace %s doesn't exist", keyspaceName)); KeyspaceMetadata transformed = transformation.apply(current); setKeyspaceMetadata(transformed); return transformed; }
Converts the given schema version to a string. Returns unknown, if version is null or "(empty)", if version refers to an empty) schema.
/** * Converts the given schema version to a string. Returns {@code unknown}, if {@code version} is {@code null} * or {@code "(empty)"}, if {@code version} refers to an {@link SchemaConstants#emptyVersion empty) schema. */
public static String schemaVersionToString(UUID version) { return version == null ? "unknown" : SchemaConstants.emptyVersion.equals(version) ? "(empty)" : version.toString(); } }