package org.testng;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.collections.Sets;
import org.testng.internal.ClassHelper;
import org.testng.internal.Configuration;
import org.testng.internal.DynamicGraph;
import org.testng.internal.ExitCode;
import org.testng.internal.IConfiguration;
import org.testng.internal.IResultListener2;
import org.testng.internal.OverrideProcessor;
import org.testng.internal.SuiteRunnerMap;
import org.testng.internal.Systematiser;
import org.testng.internal.Utils;
import org.testng.internal.Version;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.DefaultAnnotationTransformer;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.JDK15AnnotationFinder;
import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.GraphThreadPoolExecutor;
import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.IThreadWorkerFactory;
import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.SuiteWorkerFactory;
import org.testng.junit.JUnitTestFinder;
import org.testng.log4testng.Logger;
import org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.EmailableReporter2;
import org.testng.reporters.FailedReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.SuiteHTMLReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.VerboseReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter;
import org.testng.reporters.jq.Main;
import org.testng.util.Strings;
import org.testng.xml.IPostProcessor;
import org.testng.xml.Parser;
import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
import org.testng.xml.XmlInclude;
import org.testng.xml.XmlMethodSelector;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;

import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;

import org.testng.xml.internal.TestNamesMatcher;
import org.testng.xml.internal.XmlSuiteUtils;

import static org.testng.internal.Utils.defaultIfStringEmpty;
import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringEmpty;
import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringNotEmpty;
import static org.testng.xml.XmlSuite.ParallelMode.skipDeprecatedValues;

This class is the main entry point for running tests in the TestNG framework. Users can create their own TestNG object and invoke it in many different ways:
  • On an existing testng.xml
  • On a synthetic testng.xml, created entirely from Java
  • By directly setting the test classes
You can also define which groups to include or exclude, assign parameters, etc...

The command line parameters are:
  • -d outputdir: specify the output directory
  • -testclass class_name: specifies one or several class names
  • -testjar jar_name: specifies the jar containing the tests
  • -sourcedir src1;src2: ; separated list of source directories (used only when javadoc annotations are used)
  • -target
  • -groups
  • -testrunfactory
  • -listener

Please consult documentation for more details. FIXME: should support more than simple paths for suite xmls
Author:Cedric Beust
See Also:
  • usage()
/** * This class is the main entry point for running tests in the TestNG framework. * Users can create their own TestNG object and invoke it in many different * ways: * <ul> * <li>On an existing testng.xml * <li>On a synthetic testng.xml, created entirely from Java * <li>By directly setting the test classes * </ul> * You can also define which groups to include or exclude, assign parameters, etc... * <P/> * The command line parameters are: * <UL> * <LI>-d <TT>outputdir</TT>: specify the output directory</LI> * <LI>-testclass <TT>class_name</TT>: specifies one or several class names </li> * <LI>-testjar <TT>jar_name</TT>: specifies the jar containing the tests</LI> * <LI>-sourcedir <TT>src1;src2</TT>: ; separated list of source directories * (used only when javadoc annotations are used)</LI> * <LI>-target</LI> * <LI>-groups</LI> * <LI>-testrunfactory</LI> * <LI>-listener</LI> * </UL> * <P/> * Please consult documentation for more details. * * FIXME: should support more than simple paths for suite xmls * * @see #usage() * * @author <a href = "mailto:cedric&#64;">Cedric Beust</a> */
public class TestNG {
This class' log4testng Logger.
/** This class' log4testng Logger. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(TestNG.class);
The default name for a suite launched from the command line
/** The default name for a suite launched from the command line */
public static final String DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_SUITE_NAME = "Command line suite";
The default name for a test launched from the command line
/** The default name for a test launched from the command line */
public static final String DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_TEST_NAME = "Command line test";
The default name of the result's output directory (keep public, used by Eclipse).
/** The default name of the result's output directory (keep public, used by Eclipse). */
public static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUTDIR = "test-output";
System properties
/** System properties */
public static final String SHOW_TESTNG_STACK_FRAMES = ""; public static final String TEST_CLASSPATH = "testng.test.classpath"; private static TestNG m_instance; private static JCommander m_jCommander; private List<String> m_commandLineMethods; protected List<XmlSuite> m_suites = Lists.newArrayList(); private List<XmlSuite> m_cmdlineSuites; private String m_outputDir = DEFAULT_OUTPUTDIR; private String[] m_includedGroups; private String[] m_excludedGroups; private Boolean m_isJUnit = XmlSuite.DEFAULT_JUNIT; private Boolean m_isMixed = XmlSuite.DEFAULT_MIXED; protected boolean m_useDefaultListeners = true; private ITestRunnerFactory m_testRunnerFactory; // These listeners can be overridden from the command line private final Map<Class<? extends IClassListener>, IClassListener> m_classListeners = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<Class<? extends ITestListener>, ITestListener> m_testListeners = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<Class<? extends ISuiteListener>, ISuiteListener> m_suiteListeners = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<Class<? extends IReporter>, IReporter> m_reporters = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<Class<? extends IDataProviderListener>, IDataProviderListener> m_dataProviderListeners = Maps.newHashMap(); public static final Integer DEFAULT_VERBOSE = 1; // Command line suite parameters private int m_threadCount = -1; private XmlSuite.ParallelMode m_parallelMode = null; private XmlSuite.FailurePolicy m_configFailurePolicy; private Class[] m_commandLineTestClasses; private String m_defaultSuiteName=DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_SUITE_NAME; private String m_defaultTestName=DEFAULT_COMMAND_LINE_TEST_NAME; private Map<String, Integer> m_methodDescriptors = Maps.newHashMap(); private Set<XmlMethodSelector> m_selectors = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private ITestObjectFactory m_objectFactory; private final Map<Class<? extends IInvokedMethodListener>, IInvokedMethodListener> m_invokedMethodListeners = Maps .newHashMap(); private Integer m_dataProviderThreadCount = null; private String m_jarPath;
The path of the testng.xml file inside the jar file
/** The path of the testng.xml file inside the jar file */
private String m_xmlPathInJar = CommandLineArgs.XML_PATH_IN_JAR_DEFAULT; private List<String> m_stringSuites = Lists.newArrayList(); private IHookable m_hookable; private IConfigurable m_configurable; protected long m_end; protected long m_start; private final Map<Class<? extends IAlterSuiteListener>, IAlterSuiteListener> m_alterSuiteListeners= Maps.newHashMap(); private boolean m_isInitialized = false; private boolean isSuiteInitialized = false; private org.testng.internal.ExitCodeListener exitCodeListener; private ExitCode exitCode;
Default constructor. Setting also usage of default listeners/reporters.
/** * Default constructor. Setting also usage of default listeners/reporters. */
public TestNG() { init(true); }
Used by maven2 to have 0 output of any kind come out of testng.
  • useDefaultListeners – Whether or not any default reports should be added to tests.
/** * Used by maven2 to have 0 output of any kind come out * of testng. * @param useDefaultListeners Whether or not any default reports * should be added to tests. */
public TestNG(boolean useDefaultListeners) { init(useDefaultListeners); } private void init(boolean useDefaultListeners) { m_instance = this; m_useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; m_configuration = new Configuration(); } public int getStatus() { if (!exitCodeListener.hasTests()) { return ExitCode.HAS_NO_TEST; } return exitCode.getExitCode(); }
Sets the output directory where the reports will be created.
  • outputdir – The directory.
/** * Sets the output directory where the reports will be created. * @param outputdir The directory. */
public void setOutputDirectory(final String outputdir) { if (isStringNotEmpty(outputdir)) { m_outputDir = outputdir; } }
If this method is passed true before run(), the default listeners will not be used.
  • org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter
  • org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter
  • org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter
See Also:
/** * If this method is passed true before run(), the default listeners * will not be used. * <ul> * <li>org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter * <li>org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter * <li>org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter * </ul> * * @see org.testng.reporters.TestHTMLReporter * @see org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter * @see org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter */
public void setUseDefaultListeners(boolean useDefaultListeners) { m_useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; }
Sets a jar containing a testng.xml file.
  • jarPath –
/** * Sets a jar containing a testng.xml file. * * @param jarPath */
public void setTestJar(String jarPath) { m_jarPath = jarPath; }
Sets the path to the XML file in the test jar file.
/** * Sets the path to the XML file in the test jar file. */
public void setXmlPathInJar(String xmlPathInJar) { m_xmlPathInJar = xmlPathInJar; } private void parseSuiteFiles() { IPostProcessor processor = getProcessor(); for (XmlSuite s : m_suites) { if (s.isParsed()) { continue; } for (String suiteFile : s.getSuiteFiles()) { try { String fileNameToUse = s.getFileName(); if (fileNameToUse == null || fileNameToUse.trim().isEmpty()) { fileNameToUse = suiteFile; } Collection<XmlSuite> childSuites = Parser.parse(fileNameToUse, processor); for (XmlSuite cSuite : childSuites) { cSuite.setParentSuite(s); s.getChildSuites().add(cSuite); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } } private OverrideProcessor getProcessor() { return new OverrideProcessor(m_includedGroups, m_excludedGroups); } private void parseSuite(String suitePath) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("suiteXmlPath: \"" + suitePath + "\""); } try { Collection<XmlSuite> allSuites = Parser.parse(suitePath, getProcessor()); for (XmlSuite s : allSuites) { if (this.m_parallelMode != null) { s.setParallel(this.m_parallelMode); } if (this.m_threadCount > 0) { s.setThreadCount(this.m_threadCount); } if (m_testNames == null) { m_suites.add(s); continue; } // If test names were specified, only run these test names TestNamesMatcher testNamesMatcher = new TestNamesMatcher(s, m_testNames); List<String> missMatchedTestname = testNamesMatcher.getMissMatchedTestNames(); if (!missMatchedTestname.isEmpty()) { throw new TestNGException("The test(s) <" + missMatchedTestname + "> cannot be found."); } m_suites.addAll(testNamesMatcher.getSuitesMatchingTestNames()); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } catch (Exception ex) { // Probably a Yaml exception, unnest it Throwable t = ex; while (t.getCause() != null) { t = t.getCause(); } if (t instanceof TestNGException) { throw (TestNGException) t; } throw new TestNGException(t); } } public void initializeSuitesAndJarFile() { // The IntelliJ plug-in might have invoked this method already so don't initialize suites twice. if (isSuiteInitialized) { return; } isSuiteInitialized = true; if (!m_suites.isEmpty()) { parseSuiteFiles(); //to parse the suite files (<suite-file>), if any return; } // // Parse the suites that were passed on the command line // for (String suitePath : m_stringSuites) { parseSuite(suitePath); } // // jar path // // If suites were passed on the command line, they take precedence over the suite file // inside that jar path if (m_jarPath != null && !m_stringSuites.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder suites = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : m_stringSuites) { suites.append(s); } Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Ignoring the XML file inside " + m_jarPath + " and using " + suites + " instead"); return; } if (isStringEmpty(m_jarPath)) { return; } // We have a jar file and no XML file was specified: try to find an XML file inside the jar File jarFile = new File(m_jarPath); JarFileUtils utils = new JarFileUtils(getProcessor(),m_xmlPathInJar, m_testNames); m_suites.addAll(utils.extractSuitesFrom(jarFile)); }
Define the number of threads in the thread pool.
/** * Define the number of threads in the thread pool. */
public void setThreadCount(int threadCount) { if(threadCount < 1) { exitWithError("Cannot use a threadCount parameter less than 1; 1 > " + threadCount); } m_threadCount = threadCount; }
Define whether this run will be run in parallel mode.
Deprecated:Use #setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode) instead
/** * Define whether this run will be run in parallel mode. * @deprecated Use #setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode) instead */
@Deprecated public void setParallel(String parallel) { if (parallel == null) { setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode.NONE); } else { setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode.getValidParallel(parallel)); } } public void setParallel(XmlSuite.ParallelMode parallel) { m_parallelMode = skipDeprecatedValues(parallel); } public void setCommandLineSuite(XmlSuite suite) { m_cmdlineSuites = Lists.newArrayList(); m_cmdlineSuites.add(suite); m_suites.add(suite); }
Set the test classes to be run by this TestNG object. This method will create a dummy suite that will wrap these classes called "Command Line Test".

If used together with threadCount, parallel, groups, excludedGroups than this one must be set first.
  • classes – An array of classes that contain TestNG annotations.
/** * Set the test classes to be run by this TestNG object. This method * will create a dummy suite that will wrap these classes called * "Command Line Test". * <p/> * If used together with threadCount, parallel, groups, excludedGroups than this one must be set first. * * @param classes An array of classes that contain TestNG annotations. */
public void setTestClasses(Class[] classes) { m_suites.clear(); m_commandLineTestClasses = classes; }
Given a string com.example.Foo.f1, return an array where [0] is the class and [1] is the method.
/** * Given a string com.example.Foo.f1, return an array where [0] is the class and [1] * is the method. */
private String[] splitMethod(String m) { int index = m.lastIndexOf("."); if (index < 0) { throw new TestNGException("Bad format for command line method:" + m + ", expected <class>.<method>"); } return new String[] { m.substring(0, index), m.substring(index + 1).replaceAll("\\*", "\\.\\*") }; }
  • commandLineMethods – a string with the form "com.example.Foo.f1,com.example.Bar.f2"
Returns:a list of XmlSuite objects that represent the list of classes and methods passed in parameter.
/** * @return a list of XmlSuite objects that represent the list of classes and methods passed * in parameter. * * @param commandLineMethods a string with the form "com.example.Foo.f1,com.example.Bar.f2" */
private List<XmlSuite> createCommandLineSuitesForMethods(List<String> commandLineMethods) { // // Create the <classes> tag // Set<Class> classes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (String m : commandLineMethods) { Class c = ClassHelper.forName(splitMethod(m)[0]); if (c != null) { classes.add(c); } } List<XmlSuite> result = createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(classes.toArray(new Class[0])); // // Add the method tags // List<XmlClass> xmlClasses = Lists.newArrayList(); for (XmlSuite s : result) { for (XmlTest t : s.getTests()) { xmlClasses.addAll(t.getClasses()); } } for (XmlClass xc : xmlClasses) { for (String m : commandLineMethods) { String[] split = splitMethod(m); String className = split[0]; if (xc.getName().equals(className)) { XmlInclude includedMethod = new XmlInclude(split[1]); xc.getIncludedMethods().add(includedMethod); } } } return result; } private List<XmlSuite> createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(Class[] classes) { // // See if any of the classes has an xmlSuite or xmlTest attribute. // If it does, create the appropriate XmlSuite, otherwise, create // the default one // XmlClass[] xmlClasses = Utils.classesToXmlClasses(classes); Map<String, XmlSuite> suites = Maps.newHashMap(); IAnnotationFinder finder = m_configuration.getAnnotationFinder(); for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { Class c = classes[i]; ITestAnnotation test = finder.findAnnotation(c, ITestAnnotation.class); String suiteName = getDefaultSuiteName(); String testName = getDefaultTestName(); boolean isJUnit = false; if (test != null) { suiteName = defaultIfStringEmpty(test.getSuiteName(), suiteName); testName = defaultIfStringEmpty(test.getTestName(), testName); } else { if (m_isMixed && JUnitTestFinder.isJUnitTest(c)) { isJUnit = true; testName = c.getName(); } } XmlSuite xmlSuite = suites.get(suiteName); if (xmlSuite == null) { xmlSuite = new XmlSuite(); xmlSuite.setName(suiteName); suites.put(suiteName, xmlSuite); } if (m_dataProviderThreadCount != null) { xmlSuite.setDataProviderThreadCount(m_dataProviderThreadCount); } XmlTest xmlTest = null; for (XmlTest xt : xmlSuite.getTests()) { if (xt.getName().equals(testName)) { xmlTest = xt; break; } } if (xmlTest == null) { xmlTest = new XmlTest(xmlSuite); xmlTest.setName(testName); xmlTest.setJUnit(isJUnit); } xmlTest.getXmlClasses().add(xmlClasses[i]); } return new ArrayList<>(suites.values()); } public void addMethodSelector(String className, int priority) { if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(className)) { m_methodDescriptors.put(className, priority); } } public void addMethodSelector(XmlMethodSelector selector) { m_selectors.add(selector); }
Set the suites file names to be run by this TestNG object. This method tries to load and parse the specified TestNG suite xml files. If a file is missing, it is ignored.
  • suites – A list of paths to one more XML files defining the tests. For example:
    TestNG tng = new TestNG();
    List suites = Lists.newArrayList();
/** * Set the suites file names to be run by this TestNG object. This method tries to load and * parse the specified TestNG suite xml files. If a file is missing, it is ignored. * * @param suites A list of paths to one more XML files defining the tests. For example: * * <pre> * TestNG tng = new TestNG(); * List<String> suites = Lists.newArrayList(); * suites.add("c:/tests/testng1.xml"); * suites.add("c:/tests/testng2.xml"); * tng.setTestSuites(suites); *; * </pre> */
public void setTestSuites(List<String> suites) { m_stringSuites = suites; }
Specifies the XmlSuite objects to run.
  • suites –
See Also:
/** * Specifies the XmlSuite objects to run. * @param suites * @see org.testng.xml.XmlSuite */
public void setXmlSuites(List<XmlSuite> suites) { m_suites = suites; }
Define which groups will be excluded from this run.
  • groups – A list of group names separated by a comma.
/** * Define which groups will be excluded from this run. * * @param groups A list of group names separated by a comma. */
public void setExcludedGroups(String groups) { m_excludedGroups = Utils.split(groups, ","); }
Define which groups will be included from this run.
  • groups – A list of group names separated by a comma.
/** * Define which groups will be included from this run. * * @param groups A list of group names separated by a comma. */
public void setGroups(String groups) { m_includedGroups = Utils.split(groups, ","); } private void setTestRunnerFactoryClass(Class testRunnerFactoryClass) { setTestRunnerFactory((ITestRunnerFactory) ClassHelper.newInstance(testRunnerFactoryClass)); } protected void setTestRunnerFactory(ITestRunnerFactory itrf) { m_testRunnerFactory= itrf; } public void setObjectFactory(Class c) { m_objectFactory = (ITestObjectFactory) ClassHelper.newInstance(c); } public void setObjectFactory(ITestObjectFactory factory) { m_objectFactory = factory; }
Define which listeners to user for this run.
  • classes – A list of classes, which must be either ISuiteListener, ITestListener or IReporter
/** * Define which listeners to user for this run. * * @param classes A list of classes, which must be either ISuiteListener, * ITestListener or IReporter */
public void setListenerClasses(List<Class<? extends ITestNGListener>> classes) { for (Class<? extends ITestNGListener> cls: classes) { addListener(ClassHelper.newInstance(cls)); } }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later /!\ Caution: IntelliJ is using it. Check with @akozlova before removing it @Deprecated public void addListener(Object listener) { if (! (listener instanceof ITestNGListener)) { exitWithError("Listener " + listener + " must be one of ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, " + " IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener"); } addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); } private static <E> void maybeAddListener(Map<Class<? extends E>, E> map, E value) { maybeAddListener(map, (Class<? extends E>) value.getClass(), value, false); } private static <E> void maybeAddListener(Map<Class<? extends E>, E> map, Class<? extends E> type, E value, boolean quiet) { if (map.containsKey(type)) { if (!quiet) { LOGGER.warn("Ignoring duplicate listener : " + type.getName()); } } else { map.put(type, value); } } public void addListener(ITestNGListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (listener instanceof ISuiteListener) { ISuiteListener suite = (ISuiteListener) listener; maybeAddListener(m_suiteListeners, suite); } if (listener instanceof ITestListener) { ITestListener test = (ITestListener) listener; maybeAddListener(m_testListeners, test); } if (listener instanceof IClassListener) { IClassListener clazz = (IClassListener) listener; maybeAddListener(m_classListeners, clazz); } if (listener instanceof IReporter) { IReporter reporter = (IReporter) listener; maybeAddListener(m_reporters, reporter); } if (listener instanceof IAnnotationTransformer) { setAnnotationTransformer((IAnnotationTransformer) listener); } if (listener instanceof IMethodInterceptor) { m_methodInterceptors.add((IMethodInterceptor) listener); } if (listener instanceof IInvokedMethodListener) { IInvokedMethodListener method = (IInvokedMethodListener) listener; maybeAddListener(m_invokedMethodListeners, method); } if (listener instanceof IHookable) { setHookable((IHookable) listener); } if (listener instanceof IConfigurable) { setConfigurable((IConfigurable) listener); } if (listener instanceof IExecutionListener) { m_configuration.addExecutionListener((IExecutionListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IConfigurationListener) { m_configuration.addConfigurationListener((IConfigurationListener) listener); } if (listener instanceof IAlterSuiteListener) { IAlterSuiteListener alter = (IAlterSuiteListener) listener; maybeAddListener(m_alterSuiteListeners, alter); } if (listener instanceof IDataProviderListener) { IDataProviderListener dataProvider = (IDataProviderListener) listener; maybeAddListener(m_dataProviderListeners, dataProvider); } }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addListener(IInvokedMethodListener listener) { addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addListener(ISuiteListener listener) { addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addListener(ITestListener listener) { addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addListener(IClassListener listener) { addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addListener(IReporter listener) { addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addInvokedMethodListener(IInvokedMethodListener listener) { addListener((ITestNGListener) listener); } public Set<IReporter> getReporters() { //This will now cause a different behavior for consumers of this method because unlike before they are no longer //going to be getting the original set but only a copy of it (since we internally moved from Sets to Maps) return Sets.newHashSet(m_reporters.values()); } public List<ITestListener> getTestListeners() { return Lists.newArrayList(m_testListeners.values()); } public List<ISuiteListener> getSuiteListeners() { return Lists.newArrayList(m_suiteListeners.values()); }
If m_verbose gets set, it will override the verbose setting in testng.xml
/** If m_verbose gets set, it will override the verbose setting in testng.xml */
private Integer m_verbose = null; private final IAnnotationTransformer m_defaultAnnoProcessor = new DefaultAnnotationTransformer(); private IAnnotationTransformer m_annotationTransformer = m_defaultAnnoProcessor; private Boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = false; private List<IMethodInterceptor> m_methodInterceptors = new ArrayList<IMethodInterceptor>();
The list of test names to run from the given suite
/** The list of test names to run from the given suite */
private List<String> m_testNames; private Integer m_suiteThreadPoolSize = CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT; private boolean m_randomizeSuites = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean m_preserveOrder = XmlSuite.DEFAULT_PRESERVE_ORDER; private Boolean m_groupByInstances; private IConfiguration m_configuration;
Sets the level of verbosity. This value will override the value specified in the test suites.
  • verbose – the verbosity level (0 to 10 where 10 is most detailed) Actually, this is a lie: you can specify -1 and this will put TestNG in debug mode (no longer slicing off stack traces and all).
/** * Sets the level of verbosity. This value will override the value specified * in the test suites. * * @param verbose the verbosity level (0 to 10 where 10 is most detailed) * Actually, this is a lie: you can specify -1 and this will put TestNG * in debug mode (no longer slicing off stack traces and all). */
public void setVerbose(int verbose) { m_verbose = verbose; } private void initializeCommandLineSuites() { if (m_commandLineTestClasses != null || m_commandLineMethods != null) { if (null != m_commandLineMethods) { m_cmdlineSuites = createCommandLineSuitesForMethods(m_commandLineMethods); } else { m_cmdlineSuites = createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(m_commandLineTestClasses); } for (XmlSuite s : m_cmdlineSuites) { for (XmlTest t : s.getTests()) { t.setPreserveOrder(m_preserveOrder); } m_suites.add(s); if (m_groupByInstances != null) { s.setGroupByInstances(m_groupByInstances); } } } } private void initializeCommandLineSuitesParams() { if(null == m_cmdlineSuites) { return; } for (XmlSuite s : m_cmdlineSuites) { if (m_threadCount != -1) { s.setThreadCount(m_threadCount); } if (m_parallelMode != null) { s.setParallel(m_parallelMode); } if(m_configFailurePolicy != null) { s.setConfigFailurePolicy(m_configFailurePolicy); } } } private void initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups() { // If groups were specified on the command line, they should override groups // specified in the XML file boolean hasIncludedGroups = null != m_includedGroups && m_includedGroups.length > 0; boolean hasExcludedGroups = null != m_excludedGroups && m_excludedGroups.length > 0; List<XmlSuite> suites = m_cmdlineSuites != null ? m_cmdlineSuites : m_suites; if (hasIncludedGroups || hasExcludedGroups) { for (XmlSuite s : suites) { initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(s, hasIncludedGroups, m_includedGroups, hasExcludedGroups, m_excludedGroups); } } } private static void initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(XmlSuite s, boolean hasIncludedGroups, String[] m_includedGroups, boolean hasExcludedGroups, String[] m_excludedGroups) { if (hasIncludedGroups) { s.setIncludedGroups(Arrays.asList(m_includedGroups)); } if (hasExcludedGroups) { s.setExcludedGroups(Arrays.asList(m_excludedGroups)); } for (XmlSuite child : s.getChildSuites()) { initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(child, hasIncludedGroups, m_includedGroups, hasExcludedGroups, m_excludedGroups); } } private void addReporter(Class<? extends IReporter> r) { if (!m_reporters.containsKey(r)) { m_reporters.put(r, ClassHelper.newInstance(r)); } } private void initializeDefaultListeners() { this.exitCodeListener = new org.testng.internal.ExitCodeListener(); addListener((ITestNGListener) this.exitCodeListener); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { addReporter(SuiteHTMLReporter.class); addReporter(Main.class); addReporter(FailedReporter.class); addReporter(XMLReporter.class); if (System.getProperty("oldTestngEmailableReporter") != null) { addReporter(EmailableReporter.class); } else if (System.getProperty("noEmailableReporter") == null) { addReporter(EmailableReporter2.class); } addReporter(JUnitReportReporter.class); if (m_verbose != null && m_verbose > 4) { addListener(new VerboseReporter("[TestNG] ")); } } } private void initializeConfiguration() { ITestObjectFactory factory = m_objectFactory; // // Install the listeners found in ServiceLoader (or use the class // loader for tests, if specified). // addServiceLoaderListeners(); // // Install the listeners found in the suites // for (XmlSuite s : m_suites) { addListeners(s); // // Install the method selectors // for (XmlMethodSelector methodSelector : s.getMethodSelectors() ) { addMethodSelector(methodSelector.getClassName(), methodSelector.getPriority()); addMethodSelector(methodSelector); } // // Find if we have an object factory // if (s.getObjectFactory() != null) { if (factory == null) { factory = s.getObjectFactory(); } else { throw new TestNGException("Found more than one object-factory tag in your suites"); } } } m_configuration.setAnnotationFinder(new JDK15AnnotationFinder(getAnnotationTransformer())); m_configuration.setHookable(m_hookable); m_configuration.setConfigurable(m_configurable); m_configuration.setObjectFactory(factory); } private void addListeners(XmlSuite s) { for (String listenerName : s.getListeners()) { Class<?> listenerClass = ClassHelper.forName(listenerName); // If specified listener does not exist, a TestNGException will be thrown if(listenerClass == null) { throw new TestNGException("Listener " + listenerName + " was not found in project's classpath"); } ITestNGListener listener = (ITestNGListener) ClassHelper.newInstance(listenerClass); addListener(listener); } // Add the child suite listeners List<XmlSuite> childSuites = s.getChildSuites(); for (XmlSuite c : childSuites) { addListeners(c); } }
Using reflection to remain Java 5 compliant.
/** * Using reflection to remain Java 5 compliant. */
private void addServiceLoaderListeners() { Iterable<ITestNGListener> loader = m_serviceLoaderClassLoader != null ? ServiceLoader.load(ITestNGListener.class, m_serviceLoaderClassLoader) : ServiceLoader.load(ITestNGListener.class); for (ITestNGListener l : loader) { Utils.log("[TestNG]", 2, "Adding ServiceLoader listener:" + l); addListener(l); addServiceLoaderListener(l); } }
Before suites are executed, do a sanity check to ensure all required conditions are met. If not, throw an exception to stop test execution
  • TestNGException – if the sanity check fails
/** * Before suites are executed, do a sanity check to ensure all required * conditions are met. If not, throw an exception to stop test execution * * @throws TestNGException if the sanity check fails */
private void sanityCheck() { XmlSuiteUtils.validateIfSuitesContainDuplicateTests(m_suites); XmlSuiteUtils.adjustSuiteNamesToEnsureUniqueness(m_suites); }
Invoked by the remote runner.
/** * Invoked by the remote runner. */
public void initializeEverything() { // The Eclipse plug-in (RemoteTestNG) might have invoked this method already // so don't initialize suites twice. if (m_isInitialized) { return; } initializeSuitesAndJarFile(); initializeConfiguration(); initializeDefaultListeners(); initializeCommandLineSuites(); initializeCommandLineSuitesParams(); initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(); m_isInitialized = true; }
Run TestNG.
/** * Run TestNG. */
public void run() { initializeEverything(); sanityCheck(); runExecutionListeners(true /* start */); runSuiteAlterationListeners(); m_start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<ISuite> suiteRunners = runSuites(); m_end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(null != suiteRunners) { generateReports(suiteRunners); } runExecutionListeners(false /* finish */); exitCode = this.exitCodeListener.getStatus(); if(!exitCodeListener.hasTests()) { if (TestRunner.getVerbose() > 1) { System.err.println("[TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was run"); usage(); } } m_instance = null; m_jCommander = null; }
Run the test suites.

This method can be overridden by subclass.
For example, DistributedTestNG to run in master/slave mode according to commandline args.

Returns:- List of suites that were run as ISuite objects.
Since:6.9.11 when moving distributed/remote classes out into separate project
/** * Run the test suites. * <p> * This method can be overridden by subclass. <br/> * For example, DistributedTestNG to run in master/slave mode according to commandline args. * </p> * @return - List of suites that were run as {@link ISuite} objects. * @since 6.9.11 when moving distributed/remote classes out into separate project */
protected List<ISuite> runSuites() { return runSuitesLocally(); } private void runSuiteAlterationListeners() { for (IAlterSuiteListener l : m_alterSuiteListeners.values()) { l.alter(m_suites); } } private void runExecutionListeners(boolean start) { for (IExecutionListener l : m_configuration.getExecutionListeners()) { if (start) { l.onExecutionStart(); } else { l.onExecutionFinish(); } } }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addAlterSuiteListener(IAlterSuiteListener l) { addListener((ITestNGListener) l); }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO remove later @Deprecated public void addExecutionListener(IExecutionListener l) { addListener((ITestNGListener) l); } private static void usage() { if (m_jCommander == null) { m_jCommander = new JCommander(new CommandLineArgs()); } m_jCommander.usage(); } private void generateReports(List<ISuite> suiteRunners) { for (IReporter reporter : m_reporters.values()) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); reporter.generateReport(m_suites, suiteRunners, m_outputDir); Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Time taken by " + reporter + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); } catch(Exception ex) { System.err.println("[TestNG] Reporter " + reporter + " failed"); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } } }
This needs to be public for maven2, for now..At least until an alternative mechanism is found.
/** * This needs to be public for maven2, for now..At least * until an alternative mechanism is found. */
public List<ISuite> runSuitesLocally() { if (m_suites.isEmpty()) { error("No test suite found. Nothing to run"); usage(); return Collections.emptyList(); } SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap = new SuiteRunnerMap(); if (m_suites.get(0).getVerbose() >= 2) { Version.displayBanner(); } // First initialize the suite runners to ensure there are no configuration issues. // Create a map with XmlSuite as key and corresponding SuiteRunner as value for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) { createSuiteRunners(suiteRunnerMap, xmlSuite); } // // Run suites // if (m_suiteThreadPoolSize == 1 && !m_randomizeSuites) { // Single threaded and not randomized: run the suites in order for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) { runSuitesSequentially(xmlSuite, suiteRunnerMap, getVerbose(xmlSuite), getDefaultSuiteName()); } // // Generate the suites report // return Lists.newArrayList(suiteRunnerMap.values()); } // Multithreaded: generate a dynamic graph that stores the suite hierarchy. This is then // used to run related suites in specific order. Parent suites are run only // once all the child suites have completed execution DynamicGraph<ISuite> suiteGraph = new DynamicGraph<>(); for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) { populateSuiteGraph(suiteGraph, suiteRunnerMap, xmlSuite); } IThreadWorkerFactory<ISuite> factory = new SuiteWorkerFactory(suiteRunnerMap, 0 /* verbose hasn't been set yet */, getDefaultSuiteName()); GraphThreadPoolExecutor<ISuite> pooledExecutor = new GraphThreadPoolExecutor<>("suites", suiteGraph, factory, m_suiteThreadPoolSize, m_suiteThreadPoolSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>()); Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Starting executor for all suites"); // Run all suites in parallel; try { pooledExecutor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); pooledExecutor.shutdownNow(); } catch (InterruptedException handled) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); error("Error waiting for concurrent executors to finish " + handled.getMessage()); } // // Generate the suites report // return Lists.newArrayList(suiteRunnerMap.values()); } private static void error(String s) { LOGGER.error(s); }
Returns:the verbose level, checking in order: the verbose level on the suite, the verbose level on the TestNG object, or 1.
/** * @return the verbose level, checking in order: the verbose level on * the suite, the verbose level on the TestNG object, or 1. */
private int getVerbose(XmlSuite xmlSuite) { int result = xmlSuite.getVerbose() != null ? xmlSuite.getVerbose() : (m_verbose != null ? m_verbose : DEFAULT_VERBOSE); return result; }
Recursively runs suites. Runs the children suites before running the parent suite. This is done so that the results for parent suite can reflect the combined results of the children suites.
  • xmlSuite – XML Suite to be executed
  • suiteRunnerMap – Maps XmlSuites to respective ISuite
  • verbose – verbose level
  • defaultSuiteName – default suite name
/** * Recursively runs suites. Runs the children suites before running the parent * suite. This is done so that the results for parent suite can reflect the * combined results of the children suites. * * @param xmlSuite XML Suite to be executed * @param suiteRunnerMap Maps {@code XmlSuite}s to respective {@code ISuite} * @param verbose verbose level * @param defaultSuiteName default suite name */
private void runSuitesSequentially(XmlSuite xmlSuite, SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap, int verbose, String defaultSuiteName) { for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { runSuitesSequentially(childSuite, suiteRunnerMap, verbose, defaultSuiteName); } SuiteRunnerWorker srw = new SuiteRunnerWorker(suiteRunnerMap.get(xmlSuite), suiteRunnerMap, verbose, defaultSuiteName);; }
Populates the dynamic graph with the reverse hierarchy of suites. Edges are added pointing from child suite runners to parent suite runners, hence making parent suite runners dependent on all the child suite runners
  • suiteGraph – dynamic graph representing the reverse hierarchy of SuiteRunners
  • suiteRunnerMap – Map with XMLSuite as key and its respective SuiteRunner as value
  • xmlSuite – XML Suite
/** * Populates the dynamic graph with the reverse hierarchy of suites. Edges are * added pointing from child suite runners to parent suite runners, hence making * parent suite runners dependent on all the child suite runners * * @param suiteGraph dynamic graph representing the reverse hierarchy of SuiteRunners * @param suiteRunnerMap Map with XMLSuite as key and its respective SuiteRunner as value * @param xmlSuite XML Suite */
private void populateSuiteGraph(DynamicGraph<ISuite> suiteGraph /* OUT */, SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap, XmlSuite xmlSuite) { ISuite parentSuiteRunner = suiteRunnerMap.get(xmlSuite); if (xmlSuite.getChildSuites().isEmpty()) { suiteGraph.addNode(parentSuiteRunner); } else { for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { suiteGraph.addEdge(0, parentSuiteRunner, suiteRunnerMap.get(childSuite)); populateSuiteGraph(suiteGraph, suiteRunnerMap, childSuite); } } }
Creates the SuiteRunners and populates the suite runner map with this information
  • suiteRunnerMap – Map with XMLSuite as key and it's respective SuiteRunner as value. This is updated as part of this method call
  • xmlSuite – Xml Suite (and its children) for which SuiteRunners are created
/** * Creates the {@code SuiteRunner}s and populates the suite runner map with * this information * @param suiteRunnerMap Map with XMLSuite as key and it's respective * SuiteRunner as value. This is updated as part of this method call * @param xmlSuite Xml Suite (and its children) for which {@code SuiteRunner}s are created */
private void createSuiteRunners(SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap /* OUT */, XmlSuite xmlSuite) { if (null != m_isJUnit && ! m_isJUnit.equals(XmlSuite.DEFAULT_JUNIT)) { xmlSuite.setJUnit(m_isJUnit); } // If the skip flag was invoked on the command line, it // takes precedence if (null != m_skipFailedInvocationCounts) { xmlSuite.setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(m_skipFailedInvocationCounts); } // Override the XmlSuite verbose value with the one from TestNG if (m_verbose != null) { xmlSuite.setVerbose(m_verbose); } if (null != m_configFailurePolicy) { xmlSuite.setConfigFailurePolicy(m_configFailurePolicy); } for (XmlTest t : xmlSuite.getTests()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> ms : m_methodDescriptors.entrySet()) { XmlMethodSelector xms = new XmlMethodSelector(); xms.setName(ms.getKey()); xms.setPriority(ms.getValue()); t.getMethodSelectors().add(xms); } for (XmlMethodSelector selector : m_selectors) { t.getMethodSelectors().add(selector); } } suiteRunnerMap.put(xmlSuite, createSuiteRunner(xmlSuite)); for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { createSuiteRunners(suiteRunnerMap, childSuite); } }
Creates a suite runner and configures its initial state
  • xmlSuite –
Returns:returns the newly created suite runner
/** * Creates a suite runner and configures its initial state * @param xmlSuite * @return returns the newly created suite runner */
private SuiteRunner createSuiteRunner(XmlSuite xmlSuite) { SuiteRunner result = new SuiteRunner(getConfiguration(), xmlSuite, m_outputDir, m_testRunnerFactory, m_useDefaultListeners, m_methodInterceptors, m_invokedMethodListeners.values(), m_testListeners.values(), m_classListeners.values(), m_dataProviderListeners, Systematiser.getComparator()); for (ISuiteListener isl : m_suiteListeners.values()) { result.addListener(isl); } for (IReporter r : result.getReporters()) { maybeAddListener(m_reporters, r.getClass(), r, true); } for (IConfigurationListener cl : m_configuration.getConfigurationListeners()) { result.addConfigurationListener(cl); } return result; } protected IConfiguration getConfiguration() { return m_configuration; }
The TestNG entry point for command line execution.
  • argv – the TestNG command line parameters.
/** * The TestNG entry point for command line execution. * * @param argv the TestNG command line parameters. * @throws FileNotFoundException */
public static void main(String[] argv) { TestNG testng = privateMain(argv, null); System.exit(testng.getStatus()); }
Note: this method is not part of the public API and is meant for internal usage only.
/** * <B>Note</B>: this method is not part of the public API and is meant for internal usage only. */
public static TestNG privateMain(String[] argv, ITestListener listener) { TestNG result = new TestNG(); if (null != listener) { result.addListener((Object)listener); } // // Parse the arguments // try { CommandLineArgs cla = new CommandLineArgs(); m_jCommander = new JCommander(cla, argv); validateCommandLineParameters(cla); result.configure(cla); } catch(ParameterException ex) { exitWithError(ex.getMessage()); } // // Run // try {; } catch(TestNGException ex) { if (TestRunner.getVerbose() > 1) { ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } else { error(ex.getMessage()); } result.exitCode = ExitCode.newExitCodeRepresentingFailure(); } return result; }
Configure the TestNG instance based on the command line parameters.
/** * Configure the TestNG instance based on the command line parameters. */
protected void configure(CommandLineArgs cla) { if (cla.verbose != null) { setVerbose(cla.verbose); } setOutputDirectory(cla.outputDirectory); String testClasses = cla.testClass; if (null != testClasses) { String[] strClasses = testClasses.split(","); List<Class> classes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String c : strClasses) { classes.add(ClassHelper.fileToClass(c)); } setTestClasses(classes.toArray(new Class[classes.size()])); } setOutputDirectory(cla.outputDirectory); if (cla.testNames != null) { setTestNames(Arrays.asList(cla.testNames.split(","))); } // List<String> testNgXml = (List<String>) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_DEF); // if (null != testNgXml) { // setTestSuites(testNgXml); // } // Note: can't use a Boolean field here because we are allowing a boolean // parameter with an arity of 1 ("-usedefaultlisteners false") if (cla.useDefaultListeners != null) { setUseDefaultListeners("true".equalsIgnoreCase(cla.useDefaultListeners)); } setGroups(cla.groups); setExcludedGroups(cla.excludedGroups); setTestJar(cla.testJar); setXmlPathInJar(cla.xmlPathInJar); setJUnit(cla.junit); setMixed(cla.mixed); setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(cla.skipFailedInvocationCounts); if (cla.parallelMode != null) { setParallel(cla.parallelMode); } if (cla.configFailurePolicy != null) { setConfigFailurePolicy(cla.configFailurePolicy); } if (cla.threadCount != null) { setThreadCount(cla.threadCount); } if (cla.dataProviderThreadCount != null) { setDataProviderThreadCount(cla.dataProviderThreadCount); } if (cla.suiteName != null) { setDefaultSuiteName(cla.suiteName); } if (cla.testName != null) { setDefaultTestName(cla.testName); } if (cla.listener != null) { String sep = ";"; if (cla.listener.contains(",")) { sep = ","; } String[] strs = Utils.split(cla.listener, sep); List<Class<? extends ITestNGListener>> classes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String cls : strs) { Class<?> clazz = ClassHelper.fileToClass(cls); if (ITestNGListener.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { classes.add((Class<? extends ITestNGListener>) clazz); } } setListenerClasses(classes); } if (null != cla.methodSelectors) { String[] strs = Utils.split(cla.methodSelectors, ","); for (String cls : strs) { String[] sel = Utils.split(cls, ":"); try { if (sel.length == 2) { addMethodSelector(sel[0], Integer.parseInt(sel[1])); } else { error("Method selector value was not in the format org.example.Selector:4"); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { error("Method selector value was not in the format org.example.Selector:4"); } } } if (cla.objectFactory != null) { setObjectFactory(ClassHelper.fileToClass(cla.objectFactory)); } if (cla.testRunnerFactory != null) { setTestRunnerFactoryClass( ClassHelper.fileToClass(cla.testRunnerFactory)); } if (cla.reporter != null) { ReporterConfig reporterConfig = ReporterConfig.deserialize(cla.reporter); addReporter(reporterConfig); } if (cla.commandLineMethods.size() > 0) { m_commandLineMethods = cla.commandLineMethods; } if (cla.suiteFiles != null) { setTestSuites(cla.suiteFiles); } setSuiteThreadPoolSize(cla.suiteThreadPoolSize); setRandomizeSuites(cla.randomizeSuites); } public void setSuiteThreadPoolSize(Integer suiteThreadPoolSize) { m_suiteThreadPoolSize = suiteThreadPoolSize; } public Integer getSuiteThreadPoolSize() { return m_suiteThreadPoolSize; } public void setRandomizeSuites(boolean randomizeSuites) { m_randomizeSuites = randomizeSuites; }
This method is invoked by Maven's Surefire, only remove it once Surefire has been modified to no longer call it.
/** * This method is invoked by Maven's Surefire, only remove it once * Surefire has been modified to no longer call it. */
public void setSourcePath(String path) { // nop }
This method is invoked by Maven's Surefire to configure the runner, do not remove unless you know for sure that Surefire has been updated to use the new configure(CommandLineArgs) method.
Deprecated:use new configure(CommandLineArgs) method
/** * This method is invoked by Maven's Surefire to configure the runner, * do not remove unless you know for sure that Surefire has been updated * to use the new configure(CommandLineArgs) method. * * @deprecated use new configure(CommandLineArgs) method */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) @Deprecated public void configure(Map cmdLineArgs) { CommandLineArgs result = new CommandLineArgs(); Integer verbose = (Integer) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.LOG); if (null != verbose) { result.verbose = verbose; } result.outputDirectory = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); String testClasses = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_CLASS); if (null != testClasses) { result.testClass = testClasses; } String testNames = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAMES); if (testNames != null) { result.testNames = testNames; } String useDefaultListeners = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.USE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS); if (null != useDefaultListeners) { result.useDefaultListeners = useDefaultListeners; } result.groups = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.GROUPS); result.excludedGroups = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.EXCLUDED_GROUPS); result.testJar = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_JAR); result.xmlPathInJar = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.XML_PATH_IN_JAR); result.junit = (Boolean) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.JUNIT); result.mixed = (Boolean) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.MIXED); result.skipFailedInvocationCounts = (Boolean) cmdLineArgs.get( CommandLineArgs.SKIP_FAILED_INVOCATION_COUNTS); String parallelMode = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.PARALLEL); if (parallelMode != null) { result.parallelMode = XmlSuite.ParallelMode.getValidParallel(parallelMode); } String threadCount = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.THREAD_COUNT); if (threadCount != null) { result.threadCount = Integer.parseInt(threadCount); } // Not supported by Surefire yet Integer dptc = (Integer) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.DATA_PROVIDER_THREAD_COUNT); if (dptc != null) { result.dataProviderThreadCount = dptc; } String defaultSuiteName = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_NAME); if (defaultSuiteName != null) { result.suiteName = defaultSuiteName; } String defaultTestName = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAME); if (defaultTestName != null) { result.testName = defaultTestName; } Object listeners = cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.LISTENER); if (listeners instanceof List) { result.listener = Utils.join((List<?>) listeners, ","); } else { result.listener = (String) listeners; } String ms = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.METHOD_SELECTORS); if (null != ms) { result.methodSelectors = ms; } String objectFactory = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.OBJECT_FACTORY); if(null != objectFactory) { result.objectFactory = objectFactory; } String runnerFactory = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.TEST_RUNNER_FACTORY); if (null != runnerFactory) { result.testRunnerFactory = runnerFactory; } String reporterConfigs = (String) cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.REPORTER); if (reporterConfigs != null) { result.reporter = reporterConfigs; } String failurePolicy = (String)cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY); if (failurePolicy != null) { result.configFailurePolicy = failurePolicy; } Object suiteThreadPoolSize = cmdLineArgs.get(CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE); if (null != suiteThreadPoolSize) { if (suiteThreadPoolSize instanceof String){ result.suiteThreadPoolSize=Integer.parseInt((String) suiteThreadPoolSize); } if (suiteThreadPoolSize instanceof Integer){ result.suiteThreadPoolSize=(Integer) suiteThreadPoolSize; } } configure(result); }
Only run the specified tests from the suite.
/** * Only run the specified tests from the suite. */
public void setTestNames(List<String> testNames) { m_testNames = testNames; } public void setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(Boolean skip) { m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = skip; } private void addReporter(ReporterConfig reporterConfig) { IReporter instance = reporterConfig.newReporterInstance(); if (instance != null) { addListener(instance); } else { LOGGER.warn("Could not find reporter class : " + reporterConfig.getClassName()); } }
Specify if this run should be made in JUnit mode
  • isJUnit –
/** * Specify if this run should be made in JUnit mode * * @param isJUnit */
public void setJUnit(Boolean isJUnit) { m_isJUnit = isJUnit; }
Specify if this run should be made in mixed mode
/** * Specify if this run should be made in mixed mode */
public void setMixed(Boolean isMixed) { if(isMixed==null){ return; } m_isMixed = isMixed; }
Deprecated:The TestNG version is now established at load time. This method is not required anymore and is now a no-op.
/** * @deprecated The TestNG version is now established at load time. This * method is not required anymore and is now a no-op. */
@Deprecated public static void setTestNGVersion() {"setTestNGVersion has been deprecated."); }
Returns true if this is the JDK 1.4 JAR version of TestNG, false otherwise.
Returns:true if this is the JDK 1.4 JAR version of TestNG, false otherwise.
/** * Returns true if this is the JDK 1.4 JAR version of TestNG, false otherwise. * * @return true if this is the JDK 1.4 JAR version of TestNG, false otherwise. */
@Deprecated public static boolean isJdk14() { return false; }
Double check that the command line parameters are valid.
/** * Double check that the command line parameters are valid. */
protected static void validateCommandLineParameters(CommandLineArgs args) { String testClasses = args.testClass; List<String> testNgXml = args.suiteFiles; String testJar = args.testJar; List<String> methods = args.commandLineMethods; if (testClasses == null && testJar == null && (testNgXml == null || testNgXml.isEmpty()) && (methods == null || methods.isEmpty())) { throw new ParameterException("You need to specify at least one testng.xml, one class" + " or one method"); } String groups = args.groups; String excludedGroups = args.excludedGroups; if (testJar == null && (null != groups || null != excludedGroups) && testClasses == null && (testNgXml == null || testNgXml.isEmpty())) { throw new ParameterException("Groups option should be used with testclass option"); } Boolean junit = args.junit; Boolean mixed = args.mixed; if (junit && mixed) { throw new ParameterException(CommandLineArgs.MIXED + " can't be combined with " + CommandLineArgs.JUNIT); } }
Returns:true if at least one test failed.
/** * @return true if at least one test failed. */
public boolean hasFailure() { return this.exitCode.hasFailure(); }
Returns:true if at least one test failed within success percentage.
/** * @return true if at least one test failed within success percentage. */
public boolean hasFailureWithinSuccessPercentage() { return this.exitCode.hasFailureWithinSuccessPercentage(); }
Returns:true if at least one test was skipped.
/** * @return true if at least one test was skipped. */
public boolean hasSkip() { return this.exitCode.hasSkip(); } static void exitWithError(String msg) { System.err.println(msg); usage(); System.exit(1); } public String getOutputDirectory() { return m_outputDir; } public IAnnotationTransformer getAnnotationTransformer() { return m_annotationTransformer; }
Deprecated:Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead
/** * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead */
// TODO make private @Deprecated public void setAnnotationTransformer(IAnnotationTransformer t) { // compare by reference! if (m_annotationTransformer != m_defaultAnnoProcessor && m_annotationTransformer != t) { LOGGER.warn("AnnotationTransformer already set"); } m_annotationTransformer = t; }
Returns:the defaultSuiteName
/** * @return the defaultSuiteName */
public String getDefaultSuiteName() { return m_defaultSuiteName; }
  • defaultSuiteName – the defaultSuiteName to set
/** * @param defaultSuiteName the defaultSuiteName to set */
public void setDefaultSuiteName(String defaultSuiteName) { m_defaultSuiteName = defaultSuiteName; }
Returns:the defaultTestName
/** * @return the defaultTestName */
public String getDefaultTestName() { return m_defaultTestName; }
  • defaultTestName – the defaultTestName to set
/** * @param defaultTestName the defaultTestName to set */
public void setDefaultTestName(String defaultTestName) { m_defaultTestName = defaultTestName; }
Sets the policy for whether or not to ever invoke a configuration method again after it has failed once. Possible values are defined in XmlSuite. The default value is FailurePolicy.SKIP
  • failurePolicy – the configuration failure policy
/** * Sets the policy for whether or not to ever invoke a configuration method again after * it has failed once. Possible values are defined in {@link XmlSuite}. The default * value is {@link org.testng.xml.XmlSuite.FailurePolicy#SKIP} * @param failurePolicy the configuration failure policy */
public void setConfigFailurePolicy(XmlSuite.FailurePolicy failurePolicy) { m_configFailurePolicy = failurePolicy; }
Deprecated:Use setConfigFailurePolicy(FailurePolicy) instead
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #setConfigFailurePolicy(org.testng.xml.XmlSuite.FailurePolicy)} instead */
@Deprecated public void setConfigFailurePolicy(String failurePolicy) { setConfigFailurePolicy(XmlSuite.FailurePolicy.getValidPolicy(failurePolicy)); }
Returns the configuration failure policy.
Returns:config failure policy
/** * Returns the configuration failure policy. * @return config failure policy */
public XmlSuite.FailurePolicy getConfigFailurePolicy() { return m_configFailurePolicy; } // DEPRECATED: to be removed after a major version change
Deprecated:since 5.1
/** * @deprecated since 5.1 */
@Deprecated public static TestNG getDefault() { return m_instance; } @Deprecated /** * @deprecated - This class stands deprecated as of TestNG v6.13 */ public static class ExitCodeListener implements IResultListener2 { private TestNG m_mainRunner; public ExitCodeListener() { m_mainRunner = TestNG.m_instance; } public ExitCodeListener(TestNG runner) { m_mainRunner = runner; } @Override public void beforeConfiguration(ITestResult tr) { } @Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onStart(ITestContext context) { setHasRunTests(); } @Override public void onFinish(ITestContext context) { } @Override public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) { setHasRunTests(); } private void setHasRunTests() { }
See Also:
  • onConfigurationFailure.onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult)
/** * @see org.testng.IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationFailure(org.testng.ITestResult) */
@Override public void onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult itr) { }
See Also:
  • onConfigurationSkip.onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult)
/** * @see org.testng.IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationSkip(org.testng.ITestResult) */
@Override public void onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult itr) { }
See Also:
  • onConfigurationSuccess.onConfigurationSuccess(ITestResult)
/** * @see org.testng.IConfigurationListener#onConfigurationSuccess(org.testng.ITestResult) */
@Override public void onConfigurationSuccess(ITestResult itr) { } } private void setConfigurable(IConfigurable c) { // compare by reference! if (m_configurable != null && m_configurable != c) { LOGGER.warn("Configurable already set"); } m_configurable = c; } private void setHookable(IHookable h) { // compare by reference! if (m_hookable != null && m_hookable != h) { LOGGER.warn("Hookable already set"); } m_hookable = h; } public void setMethodInterceptor(IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor) { m_methodInterceptors.add(methodInterceptor); } public void setDataProviderThreadCount(int count) { m_dataProviderThreadCount = count; }
Add a class loader to the searchable loaders.
/** Add a class loader to the searchable loaders. */
public void addClassLoader(final ClassLoader loader) { if (loader != null) { ClassHelper.addClassLoader(loader); } } public void setPreserveOrder(boolean b) { m_preserveOrder = b; } protected long getStart() { return m_start; } protected long getEnd() { return m_end; } public void setGroupByInstances(boolean b) { m_groupByInstances = b; } ///// // ServiceLoader testing // private URLClassLoader m_serviceLoaderClassLoader; private Map<Class<? extends ITestNGListener>, ITestNGListener> serviceLoaderListeners = Maps.newHashMap(); /* * Used to test ServiceClassLoader */ public void setServiceLoaderClassLoader(URLClassLoader ucl) { m_serviceLoaderClassLoader = ucl; } /* * Used to test ServiceClassLoader */ private void addServiceLoaderListener(ITestNGListener l) { if (! serviceLoaderListeners.containsKey(l.getClass())) { serviceLoaderListeners.put(l.getClass(), l); } } /* * Used to test ServiceClassLoader */ public List<ITestNGListener> getServiceLoaderListeners() { return Lists.newArrayList(serviceLoaderListeners.values()); } // // ServiceLoader testing ///// }