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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
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 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Anders Bengtsson <ndrsbngtssn@yahoo.se>
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Thomas E Enebo <enebo@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Jan Arne Petersen <jpetersen@uni-bonn.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Stefan Matthias Aust <sma@3plus4.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Charles O Nutter <headius@headius.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Damian Steer <pldms@mac.com>
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package org.jruby.util.io;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.IllegalBlockingModeException;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;

import org.jruby.Finalizable;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.JRubyFile;
import org.jruby.util.ResourceException;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;

import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.clearBuffer;
import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.flipBuffer;
import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.limitBuffer;
import static com.headius.backport9.buffer.Buffers.positionBuffer;

This file implements a seekable IO file.
/** * This file implements a seekable IO file. */
@Deprecated public class ChannelStream implements Stream, Finalizable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChannelStream.class); private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
The size of the read/write buffer allocated for this stream. This size has been scaled back from its original 16k because although the larger buffer size results in raw File.open times being rather slow (due to the cost of instantiating a relatively large buffer). We should try to find a happy medium, or potentially pool buffers, or perhaps even choose a value based on platform(??), but for now I am reducing it along with changes for the "large read" patch from JRUBY-2657.
/** * The size of the read/write buffer allocated for this stream. * * This size has been scaled back from its original 16k because although * the larger buffer size results in raw File.open times being rather slow * (due to the cost of instantiating a relatively large buffer). We should * try to find a happy medium, or potentially pool buffers, or perhaps even * choose a value based on platform(??), but for now I am reducing it along * with changes for the "large read" patch from JRUBY-2657. */
public final static int BUFSIZE = 4 * 1024;
The size at which a single read should turn into a chunkier bulk read. Currently, this size is about 4x a normal buffer size. This size was not really arrived at experimentally, and could potentially be increased. However, it seems like a "good size" and we should probably only adjust it if it turns out we would perform better with a larger buffer for large bulk reads.
/** * The size at which a single read should turn into a chunkier bulk read. * Currently, this size is about 4x a normal buffer size. * * This size was not really arrived at experimentally, and could potentially * be increased. However, it seems like a "good size" and we should * probably only adjust it if it turns out we would perform better with a * larger buffer for large bulk reads. */
private final static int BULK_READ_SIZE = 16 * 1024; private final static ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);
A cached EOFException. Since EOFException is only used by us internally, we create a single instance to avoid stack trace generation. Comment out the initialization of this field to cause a new one each time.
/** * A cached EOFException. Since EOFException is only used by us internally, * we create a single instance to avoid stack trace generation. Comment out * the initialization of this field to cause a new one each time. */
private static EOFException eofException = new EOFException(); private volatile Ruby runtime; protected ModeFlags modes; protected boolean sync = false; protected volatile ByteBuffer buffer; // r/w buffer protected boolean reading; // are we reading or writing? private ChannelDescriptor descriptor; private boolean blocking = true; private ByteList ungotChars = new ByteList(); private volatile boolean closedExplicitly = false; private volatile boolean eof = false; private volatile boolean autoclose = true; private ChannelStream(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, boolean autoclose) { this.runtime = runtime; this.descriptor = descriptor; this.modes = descriptor.getOriginalModes(); buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFSIZE); flipBuffer(buffer); this.reading = true; this.autoclose = autoclose; runtime.addInternalFinalizer(this); } private ChannelStream(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, ModeFlags modes, boolean autoclose) { this(runtime, descriptor, autoclose); this.modes = modes; } @Override public ByteBuffer getBuffer() { return buffer; } public Ruby getRuntime() { return runtime; } public void checkReadable() throws IOException { if (!modes.isReadable()) throw new IOException("not opened for reading"); } public void checkWritable() throws IOException { if (!modes.isWritable()) throw new IOException("not opened for writing"); } public void checkPermissionsSubsetOf(ModeFlags subsetModes) { subsetModes.isSubsetOf(modes); } public ModeFlags getModes() { return modes; } public void setModes(ModeFlags modes) { this.modes = modes; } public boolean isSync() { return sync; } public void setSync(boolean sync) { this.sync = sync; } public void setBinmode() { // No-op here, no binmode handling needed. } public boolean isBinmode() { return false; } public boolean isAutoclose() { return autoclose; } public void setAutoclose(boolean autoclose) { this.autoclose = autoclose; }
Implement IO#wait as per io/wait in MRI. waits until input available or timed out and returns self, or nil when EOF reached. The default implementation loops while ready returns 0.
/** * Implement IO#wait as per io/wait in MRI. * waits until input available or timed out and returns self, or nil when EOF reached. * * The default implementation loops while ready returns 0. */
public void waitUntilReady() throws IOException, InterruptedException { while (ready() == 0) { Thread.sleep(10); } } public final boolean readDataBuffered() { return hasBufferedInputBytes(); } private boolean hasUngotChars() { return ungotChars.length() > 0; } public final boolean writeDataBuffered() { return !reading && buffer.position() > 0; } @Override public final int bufferedAvailable() { return buffer.remaining(); } @Override public final int refillBuffer() throws IOException { clearBuffer(buffer); int n = ((ReadableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).read(buffer); flipBuffer(buffer); return n; } public synchronized ByteList fgets(ByteList separatorString) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); ensureRead(); if (separatorString == null) { return readall(); } final ByteList separator = (separatorString == PARAGRAPH_DELIMETER) ? PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR : separatorString; descriptor.checkOpen(); if (feof()) { return null; } int c = read(); if (c == -1) { return null; } // unread back positionBuffer(buffer, buffer.position() - 1); ByteList buf = new ByteList(40); byte first = separator.getUnsafeBytes()[separator.getBegin()]; LineLoop : while (true) { ReadLoop: while (true) { byte[] bytes = buffer.array(); int offset = buffer.position(); int max = buffer.limit(); // iterate over remainder of buffer until we find a match for (int i = offset; i < max; i++) { c = bytes[i]; if (c == first) { // terminate and advance buffer when we find our char buf.append(bytes, offset, i - offset); if (i >= max) { clearBuffer(buffer); } else { positionBuffer(buffer, i + 1); } break ReadLoop; } } // no match, append remainder of buffer and continue with next block buf.append(bytes, offset, buffer.remaining()); int read = refillBuffer(); if (read == -1) break LineLoop; } // found a match above, check if remaining separator characters match, appending as we go for (int i = 0; i < separator.getRealSize(); i++) { if (c == -1) { break LineLoop; } else if (c != separator.getUnsafeBytes()[separator.getBegin() + i]) { buf.append(c); continue LineLoop; } buf.append(c); if (i < separator.getRealSize() - 1) { c = read(); } } break; } if (separatorString == PARAGRAPH_DELIMETER) { while (c == separator.getUnsafeBytes()[separator.getBegin()]) { c = read(); } ungetc(c); } return buf; } public synchronized int getline(ByteList dst, byte terminator) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); ensureRead(); descriptor.checkOpen(); int totalRead = 0; boolean found = false; if (hasUngotChars()) { for(int i = 0; i < ungotChars.length(); i++){ byte ungotc = (byte) ungotChars.get(i); dst.append(ungotc); found = ungotc == terminator; ++totalRead; } clearUngotChars(); } while (!found) { final byte[] bytes = buffer.array(); final int begin = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position(); final int end = begin + buffer.remaining(); int len = 0; for (int i = begin; i < end && !found; ++i) { found = bytes[i] == terminator; ++len; } if (len > 0) { dst.append(buffer, len); totalRead += len; } if (!found) { int n = refillBuffer(); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0 && totalRead < 1) { return -1; } break; } } } return totalRead; } public synchronized int getline(ByteList dst, byte terminator, long limit) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); ensureRead(); descriptor.checkOpen(); int totalRead = 0; boolean found = false; if (hasUngotChars()) { for(int i = 0; i < ungotChars.length(); i++){ byte ungotc = (byte) ungotChars.get(i); dst.append(ungotc); found = ungotc == terminator; limit--; ++totalRead; } clearUngotChars(); } while (!found) { final byte[] bytes = buffer.array(); final int begin = buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position(); final int end = begin + buffer.remaining(); int len = 0; for (int i = begin; i < end && limit-- > 0 && !found; ++i) { found = bytes[i] == terminator; ++len; } if (limit < 1) found = true; if (len > 0) { dst.append(buffer, len); totalRead += len; } if (!found) { int n = refillBuffer(); if (n <= 0) { if (n < 0 && totalRead < 1) { return -1; } break; } } } return totalRead; } /** * */ private void clearUngotChars() { if(ungotChars.length() > 0) { ungotChars.delete(0, ungotChars.length()); } }
Deprecated:readall do busy loop for the IO which has NONBLOCK bit. You should implement the logic by yourself with fread().
/** * @deprecated readall do busy loop for the IO which has NONBLOCK bit. You * should implement the logic by yourself with fread(). */
@Deprecated public synchronized ByteList readall() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { final long fileSize = descriptor.isSeekable() && descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SeekableByteChannel ? ((SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).size() : 0; // // Check file size - special files in /proc have zero size and need to be // handled by the generic read path. // if (fileSize > 0) { ensureRead(); SeekableByteChannel channel = (SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel(); final long left = fileSize - channel.position() + bufferedInputBytesRemaining(); if (left <= 0) { eof = true; return null; } if (left > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { if (getRuntime() != null) { throw getRuntime().newIOError("File too large"); } else { throw new IOException("File too large"); } } ByteList result = new ByteList((int) left); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(result.getUnsafeBytes(), result.begin(), (int) left); // // Copy any buffered data (including ungetc byte) // copyBufferedBytes(buf); // // Now read unbuffered directly from the file // while (buf.hasRemaining()) { final int MAX_READ_CHUNK = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // // When reading into a heap buffer, the jvm allocates a temporary // direct ByteBuffer of the requested size. To avoid allocating // a huge direct buffer when doing ludicrous reads (e.g. 1G or more) // we split the read up into chunks of no more than 1M // ByteBuffer tmp = buf.duplicate(); if (tmp.remaining() > MAX_READ_CHUNK) { limitBuffer(tmp, tmp.position() + MAX_READ_CHUNK); } int n = channel.read(tmp); if (n <= 0) { break; } positionBuffer(buf, tmp.position()); } eof = true; result.length(buf.position()); return result; } else if (descriptor.isNull()) { return new ByteList(0); } else { checkReadable(); ByteList byteList = new ByteList(); ByteList read = fread(BUFSIZE); if (read == null) { eof = true; return byteList; } while (read != null) { byteList.append(read); read = fread(BUFSIZE); } return byteList; } }
Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination ByteBuffer
  • dst – A ByteBuffer to place the data in.
Returns:The number of bytes copied.
/** * Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> * * @param dst A <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> to place the data in. * @return The number of bytes copied. */
private final int copyBufferedBytes(ByteBuffer dst) { final int bytesToCopy = dst.remaining(); if (hasUngotChars() && dst.hasRemaining()) { for(int i = 0; i < ungotChars.length(); i++){ byte ungotc = (byte) ungotChars.get(i); dst.put(ungotc); } clearUngotChars(); } if (buffer.hasRemaining() && dst.hasRemaining()) { if (dst.remaining() >= buffer.remaining()) { // // Copy out any buffered bytes // dst.put(buffer); } else { // // Need to clamp source (buffer) size to avoid overrun // ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate(); limitBuffer(tmp, tmp.position() + dst.remaining()); dst.put(tmp); positionBuffer(buffer, tmp.position()); } } return bytesToCopy - dst.remaining(); }
Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination ByteBuffer
  • dst – A ByteBuffer to place the data in.
Returns:The number of bytes copied.
/** * Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> * * @param dst A <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> to place the data in. * @return The number of bytes copied. */
private final int copyBufferedBytes(byte[] dst, int off, int len) { int bytesCopied = 0; if (hasUngotChars() && len > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < ungotChars.length(); i++){ byte ungotc = (byte) ungotChars.get(i); dst[off++] = ungotc; ++bytesCopied; } clearUngotChars(); } final int n = Math.min(len - bytesCopied, buffer.remaining()); buffer.get(dst, off, n); bytesCopied += n; return bytesCopied; }
Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination ByteBuffer
  • dst – A ByteList to place the data in.
  • len – The maximum number of bytes to copy.
Returns:The number of bytes copied.
/** * Copies bytes from the channel buffer into a destination <tt>ByteBuffer</tt> * * @param dst A <tt>ByteList</tt> to place the data in. * @param len The maximum number of bytes to copy. * @return The number of bytes copied. */
private final int copyBufferedBytes(ByteList dst, int len) { int bytesCopied = 0; dst.ensure(Math.min(len, bufferedInputBytesRemaining())); if (hasUngotChars()) { for(int i = 0; i < ungotChars.length(); i++){ byte ungotc = (byte) ungotChars.get(i); ++bytesCopied; dst.append(ungotc); } clearUngotChars(); } // // Copy out any buffered bytes // if (bytesCopied < len && buffer.hasRemaining()) { int n = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), len - bytesCopied); dst.append(buffer, n); bytesCopied += n; } return bytesCopied; }
Returns a count of how many bytes are available in the read buffer
Returns:The number of bytes that can be read without reading the underlying stream.
/** * Returns a count of how many bytes are available in the read buffer * * @return The number of bytes that can be read without reading the underlying stream. */
private final int bufferedInputBytesRemaining() { return reading ? (buffer.remaining() + (ungotChars.length())) : 0; }
Tests if there are bytes remaining in the read buffer.
Returns:true if there are bytes available in the read buffer.
/** * Tests if there are bytes remaining in the read buffer. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if there are bytes available in the read buffer. */
private final boolean hasBufferedInputBytes() { return reading && (buffer.hasRemaining() || hasUngotChars()); }
Returns a count of how many bytes of space is available in the write buffer.
Returns:The number of bytes that can be written to the buffer without flushing to the underlying stream.
/** * Returns a count of how many bytes of space is available in the write buffer. * * @return The number of bytes that can be written to the buffer without flushing * to the underlying stream. */
private final int bufferedOutputSpaceRemaining() { return !reading ? buffer.remaining() : 0; }
Tests if there is space available in the write buffer.
Returns:true if there are bytes available in the write buffer.
/** * Tests if there is space available in the write buffer. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if there are bytes available in the write buffer. */
private final boolean hasBufferedOutputSpace() { return !reading && buffer.hasRemaining(); }
Closes IO handler resources.
/** * Closes IO handler resources. * * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
public void fclose() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { try { synchronized (this) { closedExplicitly = true; close(); // not closing from finalize } } finally { Ruby localRuntime = getRuntime(); // Make sure we remove finalizers while not holding self lock, // otherwise there is a possibility for a deadlock! if (localRuntime != null) localRuntime.removeInternalFinalizer(this); // clear runtime so it doesn't get stuck in memory (JRUBY-2933) runtime = null; } }
Internal close.
/** * Internal close. * * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
private void close() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { // finish and close ourselves finish(true); } private void finish(boolean close) throws BadDescriptorException, IOException { try { flushWrite(); if (DEBUG) LOG.info("Descriptor for fileno {} closed by stream", descriptor.getFileno()); } finally { buffer = EMPTY_BUFFER; // clear runtime so it doesn't get stuck in memory (JRUBY-2933) runtime = null; // finish descriptor descriptor.finish(close); } }
/** * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
public synchronized int fflush() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkWritable(); try { flushWrite(); } catch (EOFException eofe) { return -1; } return 0; }
Flush the write buffer to the channel (if needed)
  • IOException –
/** * Flush the write buffer to the channel (if needed) * @throws IOException */
private void flushWrite() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (reading || !modes.isWritable() || buffer.position() == 0) return; // Don't bother int len = buffer.position(); flipBuffer(buffer); int n = descriptor.write(buffer); if(n != len) { // TODO: check the return value here } clearBuffer(buffer); }
Flush the write buffer to the channel (if needed)
  • IOException –
/** * Flush the write buffer to the channel (if needed) * @throws IOException */
private boolean flushWrite(final boolean block) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (reading || !modes.isWritable() || buffer.position() == 0) return false; // Don't bother int len = buffer.position(); int nWritten = 0; flipBuffer(buffer); // For Sockets, only write as much as will fit. if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { SelectableChannel selectableChannel = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel(); synchronized (selectableChannel.blockingLock()) { boolean oldBlocking = selectableChannel.isBlocking(); try { if (oldBlocking != block) { selectableChannel.configureBlocking(block); } nWritten = descriptor.write(buffer); } finally { if (oldBlocking != block) { selectableChannel.configureBlocking(oldBlocking); } } } } else { nWritten = descriptor.write(buffer); } if (nWritten != len) { buffer.compact(); return false; } clearBuffer(buffer); return true; } public InputStream newInputStream() { InputStream in = descriptor.getBaseInputStream(); return in == null ? new InputStreamAdapter(this) : in; } public OutputStream newOutputStream() { return new OutputStreamAdapter(this); } public void clearerr() { eof = false; }
/** * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
public boolean feof() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); if (eof) { return true; } else { return false; } }
  • IOException –
/** * @throws IOException */
public synchronized long fgetpos() throws IOException, PipeException, InvalidValueException, BadDescriptorException { // Correct position for read / write buffering (we could invalidate, but expensive) if (descriptor.isSeekable()) { SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = (SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel(); long pos = fileChannel.position(); // Adjust for buffered data if (reading) { pos -= buffer.remaining(); return pos - (pos > 0 && hasUngotChars() ? ungotChars.length() : 0); } else { return pos + buffer.position(); } } else if (descriptor.isNull()) { return 0; } else { throw new PipeException(); } }
Implementation of libc "lseek", which seeks on seekable streams, raises EPIPE if the fd is assocated with a pipe, socket, or FIFO, and doesn't do anything for other cases (like stdio).
/** * Implementation of libc "lseek", which seeks on seekable streams, raises * EPIPE if the fd is assocated with a pipe, socket, or FIFO, and doesn't * do anything for other cases (like stdio). * * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidValueException */
public synchronized void lseek(long offset, int type) throws IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException { if (descriptor.isSeekable()) { SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = (SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel(); clearUngotChars(); int adj = 0; if (reading) { // for SEEK_CUR, need to adjust for buffered data adj = buffer.remaining(); clearBuffer(buffer); flipBuffer(buffer); } else { flushWrite(); } try { switch (type) { case SEEK_SET: fileChannel.position(offset); break; case SEEK_CUR: fileChannel.position(fileChannel.position() - adj + offset); break; case SEEK_END: fileChannel.position(fileChannel.size() + offset); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new InvalidValueException(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } } else if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { // TODO: It's perhaps just a coincidence that all the channels for // which we should raise are instanceof SelectableChannel, since // stdio is not...so this bothers me slightly. -CON throw new PipeException(); } else { } } public synchronized void sync() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { flushWrite(); }
Ensure buffer is ready for reading, flushing remaining writes if required
  • IOException –
/** * Ensure buffer is ready for reading, flushing remaining writes if required * @throws IOException */
private void ensureRead() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (reading) return; flushWrite(); clearBuffer(buffer); flipBuffer(buffer); reading = true; }
Ensure buffer is ready for reading, flushing remaining writes if required
  • IOException –
/** * Ensure buffer is ready for reading, flushing remaining writes if required * @throws IOException */
private void ensureReadNonBuffered() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (reading) { if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { Ruby localRuntime = getRuntime(); if (localRuntime != null) { throw localRuntime.newIOError("sysread for buffered IO"); } else { throw new IOException("sysread for buffered IO"); } } } else { // libc flushes writes on any read from the actual file, so we flush here flushWrite(); clearBuffer(buffer); flipBuffer(buffer); reading = true; } } private void resetForWrite() throws IOException { if (descriptor.isSeekable()) { SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = (SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel(); if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { // we have read ahead, and need to back up fileChannel.position(fileChannel.position() - buffer.remaining()); } } // FIXME: Clearing read buffer here...is this appropriate? clearBuffer(buffer); reading = false; }
Ensure buffer is ready for writing.
  • IOException –
/** * Ensure buffer is ready for writing. * @throws IOException */
private void ensureWrite() throws IOException { if (!reading) return; resetForWrite(); } public synchronized ByteList read(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); ensureReadNonBuffered(); ByteList byteList = new ByteList(number); // TODO this should entry into error handling somewhere int bytesRead = descriptor.read(number, byteList); if (bytesRead == -1) { eof = true; } return byteList; } private ByteList bufferedRead(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); ensureRead(); int resultSize = 0; // 128K seems to be the minimum at which the stat+seek is faster than reallocation final int BULK_THRESHOLD = 128 * 1024; if (number >= BULK_THRESHOLD && descriptor.isSeekable() && descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SeekableByteChannel) { // // If it is a file channel, then we can pre-allocate the output buffer // to the total size of buffered + remaining bytes in file // SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = (SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel(); resultSize = (int) Math.min(fileChannel.size() - fileChannel.position() + bufferedInputBytesRemaining(), number); } else { // // Cannot discern the total read length - allocate at least enough for the buffered data // resultSize = Math.min(bufferedInputBytesRemaining(), number); } ByteList result = new ByteList(resultSize); bufferedRead(result, number); return result; } private int bufferedRead(ByteList dst, int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { int bytesRead = 0; // // Copy what is in the buffer, if there is some buffered data // bytesRead += copyBufferedBytes(dst, number); boolean done = false; // // Avoid double-copying for reads that are larger than the buffer size // while ((number - bytesRead) >= BUFSIZE) { // // limit each iteration to a max of BULK_READ_SIZE to avoid over-size allocations // final int bytesToRead = Math.min(BULK_READ_SIZE, number - bytesRead); final int n = descriptor.read(bytesToRead, dst); if (n == -1) { eof = true; done = true; break; } else if (n == 0) { done = true; break; } bytesRead += n; } // // Complete the request by filling the read buffer first // while (!done && bytesRead < number) { int read = refillBuffer(); if (read == -1) { eof = true; break; } else if (read == 0) { break; } // append what we read into our buffer and allow the loop to continue final int len = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), number - bytesRead); dst.append(buffer, len); bytesRead += len; } if (bytesRead == 0 && number != 0) { if (eof) { throw newEOFException(); } } return bytesRead; } private EOFException newEOFException() { if (eofException != null) { return eofException; } else { return new EOFException(); } } private int bufferedRead(ByteBuffer dst, boolean partial) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkReadable(); ensureRead(); boolean done = false; int bytesRead = 0; // // Copy what is in the buffer, if there is some buffered data // bytesRead += copyBufferedBytes(dst); // // Avoid double-copying for reads that are larger than the buffer size, or // the destination is a direct buffer. // while ((bytesRead < 1 || !partial) && (dst.remaining() >= BUFSIZE || dst.isDirect())) { ByteBuffer tmpDst = dst; if (!dst.isDirect()) { // // We limit reads to BULK_READ_SIZED chunks to avoid NIO allocating // a huge temporary native buffer, when doing reads into a heap buffer // If the dst buffer is direct, then no need to limit. // int bytesToRead = Math.min(BULK_READ_SIZE, dst.remaining()); if (bytesToRead < dst.remaining()) { tmpDst = dst.duplicate(); limitBuffer(tmpDst, tmpDst.position() + bytesToRead); } } int n = descriptor.read(tmpDst); if (n == -1) { eof = true; done = true; break; } else if (n == 0) { done = true; break; } else { bytesRead += n; } } // // Complete the request by filling the read buffer first // while (!done && dst.hasRemaining() && (bytesRead < 1 || !partial)) { int read = refillBuffer(); if (read == -1) { eof = true; done = true; break; } else if (read == 0) { done = true; break; } else { // append what we read into our buffer and allow the loop to continue bytesRead += copyBufferedBytes(dst); } } if (eof && bytesRead == 0 && dst.remaining() != 0) { throw newEOFException(); } return bytesRead; } private int bufferedRead() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { ensureRead(); if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { int len = refillBuffer(); if (len == -1) { eof = true; return -1; } else if (len == 0) { return -1; } } return buffer.get() & 0xFF; }
/** * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
private int bufferedWrite(ByteList buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkWritable(); ensureWrite(); // Ruby ignores empty syswrites if (buf == null || buf.length() == 0) return 0; if (buf.length() > buffer.capacity()) { // Doesn't fit in buffer. Write immediately. flushWrite(); // ensure nothing left to write int n = descriptor.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length())); if(n != buf.length()) { // TODO: check the return value here } } else { if (buf.length() > buffer.remaining()) flushWrite(); buffer.put(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length()); } if (isSync()) flushWrite(); return buf.getRealSize(); }
/** * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
private int bufferedWrite(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkWritable(); ensureWrite(); // Ruby ignores empty syswrites if (buf == null || !buf.hasRemaining()) return 0; final int nbytes = buf.remaining(); if (nbytes >= buffer.capacity()) { // Doesn't fit in buffer. Write immediately. flushWrite(); // ensure nothing left to write descriptor.write(buf); // TODO: check the return value here } else { if (nbytes > buffer.remaining()) flushWrite(); buffer.put(buf); } if (isSync()) flushWrite(); return nbytes - buf.remaining(); }
/** * @throws IOException * @throws BadDescriptorException */
private int bufferedWrite(int c) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkWritable(); ensureWrite(); if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) flushWrite(); buffer.put((byte) c); if (isSync()) flushWrite(); return 1; } public synchronized void ftruncate(long newLength) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, InvalidValueException { Channel ch = descriptor.getChannel(); if (!(ch instanceof SeekableByteChannel)) { throw new InvalidValueException(); } invalidateBuffer(); SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = (SeekableByteChannel) ch; long position = fileChannel.position(); if (newLength > fileChannel.size()) { // truncate can't lengthen files, so we save position, seek/write, and go back int difference = (int)(newLength - fileChannel.size()); fileChannel.position(fileChannel.size()); // FIXME: This worries me a bit, since it could allocate a lot with a large newLength fileChannel.write(ByteBuffer.allocate(difference)); } else { fileChannel.truncate(newLength); } fileChannel.position(position); }
Invalidate buffer before a position change has occurred (e.g. seek), flushing writes if required, and correcting file position if reading
  • IOException –
/** * Invalidate buffer before a position change has occurred (e.g. seek), * flushing writes if required, and correcting file position if reading * @throws IOException */
private void invalidateBuffer() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (!reading) flushWrite(); int posOverrun = buffer.remaining(); // how far ahead we are when reading clearBuffer(buffer); if (reading) { flipBuffer(buffer); // if the read buffer is ahead, back up SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = (SeekableByteChannel) descriptor.getChannel(); if (posOverrun != 0) fileChannel.position(fileChannel.position() - posOverrun); } }
Ensure close (especially flush) when we're finished with.
/** * Ensure close (especially flush) when we're finished with. */
@Override public void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); if (closedExplicitly) return; if (DEBUG) { LOG.info("finalize() for not explicitly closed stream"); } // FIXME: I got a bunch of NPEs when I didn't check for nulls here...HOW?! if (descriptor != null && descriptor.isOpen()) { // tidy up finish(autoclose); } } public int ready() throws IOException { if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { int ready_stat = 0; java.nio.channels.Selector sel = SelectorFactory.openWithRetryFrom(null, ((SelectableChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).provider()); SelectableChannel selchan = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel(); synchronized (selchan.blockingLock()) { boolean is_block = selchan.isBlocking(); try { selchan.configureBlocking(false); selchan.register(sel, java.nio.channels.SelectionKey.OP_READ); ready_stat = sel.selectNow(); sel.close(); } catch (Throwable ex) { } finally { if (sel != null) { try { sel.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } selchan.configureBlocking(is_block); } } return ready_stat; } else { return newInputStream().available(); } } public synchronized void fputc(int c) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { bufferedWrite(c); } public int ungetc(int c) { if (c == -1) { return -1; } // putting a bit back, so we're not at EOF anymore eof = false; // save the ungot ungotChars.prepend((byte)c); return c; } public synchronized int fgetc() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (eof) { return -1; } checkReadable(); int c = read(); if (c == -1) { eof = true; return c; } return c & 0xff; } public synchronized int fwrite(ByteList string) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { return bufferedWrite(string); } public synchronized int write(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { return bufferedWrite(buf); } public synchronized int writenonblock(ByteList buf) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { checkWritable(); ensureWrite(); // Ruby ignores empty syswrites if (buf == null || buf.length() == 0) return 0; if (buffer.position() != 0 && !flushWrite(false)) return 0; if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { SelectableChannel selectableChannel = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel(); synchronized (selectableChannel.blockingLock()) { boolean oldBlocking = selectableChannel.isBlocking(); try { if (oldBlocking) { selectableChannel.configureBlocking(false); } return descriptor.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length())); } finally { if (oldBlocking) { selectableChannel.configureBlocking(oldBlocking); } } } } else { // can't set nonblocking, so go ahead with it...not much else we can do return descriptor.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.getUnsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length())); } } public synchronized ByteList fread(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { try { if (number == 0) { if (eof) { return null; } else { return new ByteList(0); } } return bufferedRead(number); } catch (EOFException e) { eof = true; return null; } } public synchronized ByteList readnonblock(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { assert number >= 0; if (number == 0) { return null; } if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { SelectableChannel selectableChannel = (SelectableChannel)descriptor.getChannel(); synchronized (selectableChannel.blockingLock()) { boolean oldBlocking = selectableChannel.isBlocking(); try { selectableChannel.configureBlocking(false); return readpartial(number); } finally { selectableChannel.configureBlocking(oldBlocking); } } } else if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SeekableByteChannel) { return fread(number); } else { return null; } } public synchronized ByteList readpartial(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { assert number >= 0; if (number == 0) { return null; } if (descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SeekableByteChannel) { return fread(number); } if (hasBufferedInputBytes()) { // already have some bytes buffered, just return those return bufferedRead(Math.min(bufferedInputBytesRemaining(), number)); } else { // otherwise, we try an unbuffered read to get whatever's available return read(number); } } public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { return read(dst, !(descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SeekableByteChannel)); } public synchronized int read(ByteBuffer dst, boolean partial) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { assert dst.hasRemaining(); return bufferedRead(dst, partial); } public synchronized int read() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { try { descriptor.checkOpen(); if (hasUngotChars()) { int c = ungotChars.get(0); ungotChars.delete(0,1); return c; } return bufferedRead(); } catch (EOFException e) { eof = true; return -1; } } public ChannelDescriptor getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } public void setBlocking(boolean block) throws IOException { if (!(descriptor.getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel)) { return; } synchronized (((SelectableChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).blockingLock()) { blocking = block; try { ((SelectableChannel) descriptor.getChannel()).configureBlocking(block); } catch (IllegalBlockingModeException e) { // ignore this; select() will set the correct mode when it is finished } } } public boolean isBlocking() { return blocking; } public synchronized void freopen(Ruby runtime, String path, ModeFlags modes) throws DirectoryAsFileException, IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException { // flush first flushWrite(); // reset buffer clearBuffer(buffer); if (reading) { flipBuffer(buffer); } this.modes = modes; if (descriptor.isOpen()) { descriptor.close(); } if (path.equals("/dev/null") || path.equalsIgnoreCase("nul:") || path.equalsIgnoreCase("nul")) { descriptor = descriptor.reopen(new NullChannel(), modes); } else { String cwd = runtime.getCurrentDirectory(); JRubyFile theFile = JRubyFile.create(cwd,path); if (theFile.isDirectory() && modes.isWritable()) { throw runtime.newErrnoEISDirError(path); } if (modes.isCreate()) { if (theFile.exists() && modes.isExclusive()) { throw runtime.newErrnoEEXISTError("File exists - " + path); } theFile.createNewFile(); } else { if (!theFile.exists()) { throw runtime.newErrnoENOENTError("file not found - " + path); } } // We always open this rw since we can only open it r or rw. RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(theFile, modes.toJavaModeString()); if (modes.isTruncate()) file.setLength(0L); descriptor = descriptor.reopen(file, modes); try { if (modes.isAppendable()) lseek(0, SEEK_END); } catch (PipeException pe) { // ignore, it's a pipe or fifo } } } public static Stream open(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor) { return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, true), descriptor.getOriginalModes()); } public static Stream fdopen(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, ModeFlags modes) throws InvalidValueException { // check these modes before constructing, so we don't finalize the partially-initialized stream descriptor.checkNewModes(modes); return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, modes, true), modes); } public static Stream open(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, boolean autoclose) { return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, autoclose), descriptor.getOriginalModes()); } public static Stream fdopen(Ruby runtime, ChannelDescriptor descriptor, ModeFlags modes, boolean autoclose) throws InvalidValueException { // check these modes before constructing, so we don't finalize the partially-initialized stream descriptor.checkNewModes(modes); return maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(new ChannelStream(runtime, descriptor, modes, autoclose), modes); } private static Stream maybeWrapWithLineEndingWrapper(Stream stream, ModeFlags modes) { if (modes.isText() || // FIXME: Remove this one textmode is part of transcoding. (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && stream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof SeekableByteChannel && !modes.isBinary())) { return new CRLFStreamWrapper(stream); } return stream; } @Deprecated // no longer used public static Stream fopen(Ruby runtime, String path, ModeFlags modes) throws FileNotFoundException, DirectoryAsFileException, FileExistsException, IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException { try { ChannelDescriptor descriptor = ChannelDescriptor.open(runtime.getCurrentDirectory(), path, modes, runtime.getClassLoader()); Stream stream = fdopen(runtime, descriptor, modes); return stream; } catch (ResourceException resourceException) { throw resourceException.newRaiseException(runtime); } } public Channel getChannel() { return getDescriptor().getChannel(); } private static final class InputStreamAdapter extends java.io.InputStream { private final ChannelStream stream; public InputStreamAdapter(ChannelStream stream) { this.stream = stream; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { synchronized (stream) { // If it can be pulled direct from the buffer, don't go via the slow path if (stream.hasBufferedInputBytes()) { try { return stream.read(); } catch (BadDescriptorException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } } byte[] b = new byte[1]; // java.io.InputStream#read must return an unsigned value; return read(b, 0, 1) == 1 ? b[0] & 0xff: -1; } @Override public int read(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (bytes == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null destination buffer"); } if ((len | off | (off + len) | (bytes.length - (off + len))) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } if (len == 0) { return 0; } try { synchronized(stream) { final int available = stream.bufferedInputBytesRemaining(); if (available >= len) { return stream.copyBufferedBytes(bytes, off, len); } else if (stream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { SelectableChannel ch = (SelectableChannel) stream.getDescriptor().getChannel(); synchronized (ch.blockingLock()) { boolean oldBlocking = ch.isBlocking(); try { if (!oldBlocking) { ch.configureBlocking(true); } return stream.bufferedRead(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len), true); } finally { if (!oldBlocking) { ch.configureBlocking(oldBlocking); } } } } else { return stream.bufferedRead(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len), true); } } } catch (BadDescriptorException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } catch (EOFException ex) { return -1; } } @Override public int available() throws IOException { synchronized (stream) { return !stream.eof ? stream.bufferedInputBytesRemaining() : 0; } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { synchronized (stream) { stream.fclose(); } } catch (BadDescriptorException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } } private static final class OutputStreamAdapter extends java.io.OutputStream { private final ChannelStream stream; public OutputStreamAdapter(ChannelStream stream) { this.stream = stream; } @Override public void write(int i) throws IOException { synchronized (stream) { if (!stream.isSync() && stream.hasBufferedOutputSpace()) { stream.buffer.put((byte) i); return; } } byte[] b = { (byte) i }; write(b, 0, 1); } @Override public void write(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (bytes == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null source buffer"); } if ((len | off | (off + len) | (bytes.length - (off + len))) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } try { synchronized(stream) { if (!stream.isSync() && stream.bufferedOutputSpaceRemaining() >= len) { stream.buffer.put(bytes, off, len); } else if (stream.getDescriptor().getChannel() instanceof SelectableChannel) { SelectableChannel ch = (SelectableChannel) stream.getDescriptor().getChannel(); synchronized (ch.blockingLock()) { boolean oldBlocking = ch.isBlocking(); try { if (!oldBlocking) { ch.configureBlocking(true); } stream.bufferedWrite(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len)); } finally { if (!oldBlocking) { ch.configureBlocking(oldBlocking); } } } } else { stream.bufferedWrite(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, off, len)); } } } catch (BadDescriptorException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { synchronized (stream) { stream.fclose(); } } catch (BadDescriptorException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { try { synchronized (stream) { stream.flushWrite(true); } } catch (BadDescriptorException ex) { throw new IOException(ex.getMessage()); } } } }