
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF16BEEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF16LEEncoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.platform.Platform;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

Wrapper around Stream that packs and unpacks LF <=> CRLF.
/** * Wrapper around Stream that packs and unpacks LF <=> CRLF. * @author nicksieger */
@Deprecated public class CRLFStreamWrapper implements Stream { private final Stream stream; private final boolean isWindows; private boolean binmode = false; private static final int CR = 13; private static final int LF = 10; public CRLFStreamWrapper(Stream stream) { = stream; // To differentiate between textmode and windows in how we handle crlf. this.isWindows = Platform.IS_WINDOWS; } public ChannelDescriptor getDescriptor() { return stream.getDescriptor(); } public void clearerr() { stream.clearerr(); } @Override public ByteBuffer getBuffer() { return stream.getBuffer(); } public ModeFlags getModes() { return stream.getModes(); } public void setModes(ModeFlags modes) { stream.setModes(modes); } public boolean isSync() { return stream.isSync(); } public void setSync(boolean sync) { stream.setSync(sync); } @Override public int bufferedAvailable() { return stream.bufferedAvailable(); } public void setBinmode() { binmode = true; stream.setBinmode(); } public boolean isBinmode() { return binmode; } public boolean isAutoclose() { return stream.isAutoclose(); } public void setAutoclose(boolean autoclose) { stream.setAutoclose(autoclose); } public ByteList fgets(ByteList separatorString) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { return convertCRLFToLF(stream.fgets(separatorString)); } public ByteList readall() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { return convertCRLFToLF(stream.readall()); } public int getline(ByteList dst, byte terminator) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (binmode) { return stream.getline(dst, terminator); } ByteList intermediate = new ByteList(); int result = stream.getline(intermediate, terminator); convertCRLFToLF(intermediate, dst); return result; } public int getline(ByteList dst, byte terminator, long limit) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (binmode) { return stream.getline(dst, terminator, limit); } ByteList intermediate = new ByteList(); int result = stream.getline(intermediate, terminator, limit); convertCRLFToLF(intermediate, dst); return result; } public ByteList fread(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { if (number == 0) { if (stream.feof()) { return null; } else { return new ByteList(0); } } boolean eof = false; ByteList bl = new ByteList(number > ChannelStream.BUFSIZE ? ChannelStream.BUFSIZE : number); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { int c = fgetc(); if (c == -1) { eof = true; break; } bl.append(c); } if (eof && bl.length() == 0) { return null; } return bl; } public int fwrite(ByteList string) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (isWindows) return stream.fwrite(convertLFToCRLF(string)); return stream.fwrite(convertCRLFToLF(string)); } public int fgetc() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { int c = stream.fgetc(); if (!binmode && c == CR) { c = stream.fgetc(); if (c != LF) { stream.ungetc(c); return CR; } } return c; } public int ungetc(int c) { return stream.ungetc(c); } public void fputc(int c) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { if (!binmode && c == LF) { stream.fputc(CR); } stream.fputc(c); } public ByteList read(int number) throws IOException, BadDescriptorException, EOFException { return convertCRLFToLF(; } public void fclose() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { stream.fclose(); } public int fflush() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { return stream.fflush(); } public void sync() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { stream.sync(); } public boolean feof() throws IOException, BadDescriptorException { return stream.feof(); } public long fgetpos() throws IOException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException, InvalidValueException { return stream.fgetpos(); } public void lseek(long offset, int type) throws IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException { stream.lseek(offset, type); } public void ftruncate(long newLength) throws IOException, PipeException, InvalidValueException, BadDescriptorException { stream.ftruncate(newLength); } public int ready() throws IOException { return stream.ready(); } public void waitUntilReady() throws IOException, InterruptedException { stream.waitUntilReady(); } public boolean readDataBuffered() { return stream.readDataBuffered(); } public boolean writeDataBuffered() { return stream.writeDataBuffered(); } public InputStream newInputStream() { return stream.newInputStream(); } public OutputStream newOutputStream() { return stream.newOutputStream(); } public boolean isBlocking() { return stream.isBlocking(); } public void setBlocking(boolean blocking) throws IOException { stream.setBlocking(blocking); } public void freopen(Ruby runtime, String path, ModeFlags modes) throws DirectoryAsFileException, IOException, InvalidValueException, PipeException, BadDescriptorException { stream.freopen(runtime, path, modes); } private ByteList convertCRLFToLF(ByteList input) { if (input == null || binmode) return input; ByteList result = new ByteList(); convertCRLFToLF(input, result); return result; } // FIXME: Horrific hack until we properly setup transcoding support of cr/lf logic in 1.9 proper. This class // is going away in 9k and the LE/BE logic is never used by 1.8 support. // I could not find any way in MRI to exercise this logic....endless needs // binmode set (which obviously would not work here). Leaving it for now // since I will likely be either doubling down on new knowledge for 1.7.2 // or ripping all this out when we have real transcoding logic ported // properly // private int skipCROfLF(ByteList src, int i, int c) { // Encoding encoding = src.getEncoding(); // int length = src.length(); // // if (encoding == UTF16BEEncoding.INSTANCE) { // if (i + 3 < length && c == 0 && src.get(i + 1) == CR && // src.get(i + 2) == 0 && src.get(i + 3) == LF) { // return i + 1; // } // } else if (encoding == UTF16LEEncoding.INSTANCE) { // if (i + 3 < length && c == CR && src.get(i + 1) == 0 && // src.get(i + 2) == LF && src.get(i + 3) == 0) { // return i + 1; // } // } else if (c == CR && i + 1 < length && src.get(i + 1) == LF) { // return i; // } // // return -1; // } // // private void convertCRLFToLF(ByteList src, ByteList dst) { // for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) { // int b = src.get(i); // int j = skipCROfLF(src, i, b); // if (j != -1) i = j; // // dst.append(b); // } // } private void convertCRLFToLF(ByteList src, ByteList dst) { for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); i++) { int b = src.get(i); if (b == CR && i + 1 < src.length() && src.get(i + 1) == LF) { continue; } dst.append(b); } } final byte[] CRBYTES = new byte[] { CR }; final byte[] CRLEBYTES = new byte[] { CR, 0}; final byte[] CRBEBYTES = new byte[] { 0, CR }; private byte[] crBytes(Encoding encoding) { if (encoding == UTF16BEEncoding.INSTANCE) return CRBEBYTES; if (encoding == UTF16LEEncoding.INSTANCE) return CRLEBYTES; return CRBYTES; } final byte[] LFBYTES = new byte[] { LF }; final byte[] LFLEBYTES = new byte[] { LF, 0 }; final byte[] LFBEBYTES = new byte[] { 0, LF }; private byte[] lfBytes(Encoding encoding) { if (encoding == UTF16BEEncoding.INSTANCE) return LFBEBYTES; if (encoding == UTF16LEEncoding.INSTANCE) return LFLEBYTES; return LFBYTES; } private ByteList convertLFToCRLF(ByteList bs) { if (bs == null || binmode) return bs; byte[] crBytes = crBytes(bs.getEncoding()); byte[] lfBytes = lfBytes(bs.getEncoding()); int p = bs.getBegin(); int end = p + bs.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = bs.getUnsafeBytes(); Encoding enc = bs.getEncoding(); ByteList result = new ByteList(); int lastWrittenIndex = p; while (p < end) { int c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end); int cLength = enc.codeToMbcLength(c); if (c == LF) { result.append(bytes, lastWrittenIndex, p - lastWrittenIndex); result.append(crBytes); result.append(lfBytes); lastWrittenIndex = p + cLength; } p += cLength; } if (lastWrittenIndex < end) { result.append(bytes, lastWrittenIndex, end - lastWrittenIndex); } return result; } public Channel getChannel() { return stream.getChannel(); } public final int refillBuffer() throws IOException { return stream.refillBuffer(); } }