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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Nick Sieger <> * Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph LaFata <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.util.cli; import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig; import org.jruby.exceptions.MainExitException; import org.jruby.runtime.profile.builtin.ProfileOutput; import org.jruby.util.JRubyFile; import org.jruby.util.FileResource; import org.jruby.util.KCode; import org.jruby.util.SafePropertyAccessor; import org.jruby.util.StringSupport; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.regex.Pattern;
Encapsulated logic for processing JRuby's command-line arguments. This class holds the processing logic for JRuby's non-JVM command-line arguments. All standard Ruby options are processed here, as well as nonstandard JRuby- specific options. Options passed directly to the JVM are processed separately, by either a launch script or by a native executable.
/** * Encapsulated logic for processing JRuby's command-line arguments. * * This class holds the processing logic for JRuby's non-JVM command-line arguments. * All standard Ruby options are processed here, as well as nonstandard JRuby- * specific options. * * Options passed directly to the JVM are processed separately, by either a launch * script or by a native executable. */
public class ArgumentProcessor { public static final String SEPARATOR = "(?<!jar:file|jar|file|classpath|uri:classloader|uri|http|https):"; private static final class Argument { final String originalValue; private String dashedValue; Argument(String value, boolean dashed) { this.originalValue = value; this.dashedValue = dashed ? null : value; } final String getDashedValue() { String dashedValue = this.dashedValue; if ( dashedValue == null ) { final String value = originalValue; dashedValue = ! value.startsWith("-") ? ('-' + value) : value; this.dashedValue = dashedValue; } return dashedValue; } public String toString() { return getDashedValue(); } } private final List<Argument> arguments; private int argumentIndex = 0; private boolean processArgv; private final boolean rubyOpts; final RubyInstanceConfig config; private boolean endOfArguments = false; private int characterIndex = 0; private static final Pattern VERSION_FLAG = Pattern.compile("^--[12]\\.[89012]$"); public ArgumentProcessor(String[] arguments, RubyInstanceConfig config) { this(arguments, true, false, false, config); } public ArgumentProcessor(String[] arguments, boolean processArgv, boolean dashed, boolean rubyOpts, RubyInstanceConfig config) { this.config = config; if (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) { this.arguments = new ArrayList<>(arguments.length); for (String argument : arguments) { this.arguments.add(new Argument(argument, dashed)); } } else { this.arguments = new ArrayList<>(0); } this.processArgv = processArgv; this.rubyOpts = rubyOpts; } public void processArguments() { processArguments(true); } public void processArguments(boolean inline) { checkProperties(); while (argumentIndex < arguments.size() && isInterpreterArgument(arguments.get(argumentIndex).originalValue)) { processArgument(); argumentIndex++; } if (inline && !config.isInlineScript() && config.getScriptFileName() == null && !config.isForceStdin()) { if (argumentIndex < arguments.size()) { config.setScriptFileName(arguments.get(argumentIndex).originalValue); //consume the file name argumentIndex++; } } if (processArgv) { processArgv(); } } private void processArgv() { ArrayList<String> arglist = new ArrayList<String>(); for (; argumentIndex < arguments.size(); argumentIndex++) { String arg = arguments.get(argumentIndex).originalValue; if (config.isArgvGlobalsOn() && arg.startsWith("-")) { arg = arg.substring(1); int split = arg.indexOf('='); if (split > 0) { final String key = arg.substring(0, split); final String val = arg.substring(split + 1); // argv globals getService their dashes replaced with underscores String globalName = key.replace('-', '_'); config.getOptionGlobals().put(globalName, val); } else { config.getOptionGlobals().put(arg, null); } } else { config.setArgvGlobalsOn(false); arglist.add(arg); } } // Remaining arguments are for the script itself arglist.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getArgv())); config.setArgv(arglist.toArray(new String[arglist.size()])); } private boolean isInterpreterArgument(String argument) { return argument.length() > 0 && (argument.charAt(0) == '-' || argument.charAt(0) == '+') && !endOfArguments; } private String getArgumentError(String additionalError) { return "jruby: invalid argument\n" + additionalError + "\n"; } private void processArgument() { String argument = arguments.get(argumentIndex).getDashedValue(); if (argument.length() == 1) { // sole "-" means read from stdin and pass remaining args as ARGV endOfArguments = true; config.setForceStdin(true); return; } FOR: for (characterIndex = 1; characterIndex < argument.length(); characterIndex++) { switch (argument.charAt(characterIndex)) { case '0': { disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); String temp = grabOptionalValue(); if (null == temp) { config.setRecordSeparator("\u0000"); } else if (temp.equals("0")) { config.setRecordSeparator("\n\n"); } else if (temp.equals("777")) { config.setRecordSeparator("\uffff"); // Specify something that can't separate } else { try { int val = Integer.parseInt(temp, 8); config.setRecordSeparator(String.valueOf((char) val)); } catch (Exception e) { MainExitException mee = new MainExitException(1, getArgumentError(" -0 must be followed by either 0, 777, or a valid octal value")); mee.setUsageError(true); throw mee; } } break FOR; } case 'a': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setSplit(true); break; case 'c': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setShouldCheckSyntax(true); break; case 'C': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); try { String saved = grabValue(getArgumentError(" -C must be followed by a directory expression")); File base = new File(config.getCurrentDirectory()); File newDir = new File(saved); if (saved.startsWith("uri:classloader:")) { config.setCurrentDirectory(saved); } else if (newDir.isAbsolute()) { config.setCurrentDirectory(newDir.getCanonicalPath()); } else { config.setCurrentDirectory(new File(base, newDir.getPath()).getCanonicalPath()); } if (!(new File(config.getCurrentDirectory()).isDirectory()) && !config.getCurrentDirectory().startsWith("uri:classloader:")) { throw new MainExitException(1, "jruby: Can't chdir to " + saved + " (fatal)"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MainExitException(1, getArgumentError(" -C must be followed by a valid directory")); } break FOR; case 'd': config.setDebug(true); config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); break; case 'e': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.getInlineScript().append(grabValue(getArgumentError(" -e must be followed by an expression to report"))); config.getInlineScript().append('\n'); config.setHasInlineScript(true); break FOR; case 'E': processEncodingOption(grabValue(getArgumentError("unknown encoding name"))); break FOR; case 'F': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setInputFieldSeparator(grabValue(getArgumentError(" -F must be followed by a pattern for input field separation"))); break FOR; case 'h': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setShouldPrintUsage(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break; case 'i': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setInPlaceBackupExtension(grabOptionalValue()); if (config.getInPlaceBackupExtension() == null) { config.setInPlaceBackupExtension(""); } break FOR; case 'I': String s = grabValue(getArgumentError("-I must be followed by a directory name to add to lib path")); String separator =; if (":".equals(separator)) { separator = SEPARATOR; } String[] ls = s.split(separator); config.getLoadPaths().addAll(Arrays.asList(ls)); break FOR; case 'J': String js = grabOptionalValue(); config.getError().println("warning: " + argument + " argument ignored (launched in same VM?)"); if (js.equals("-cp") || js.equals("-classpath")) { for(;grabOptionalValue() != null;) {} grabValue(getArgumentError(" -J-cp must be followed by a path expression")); } break FOR; case 'K': // @Deprecated TODO no longer relevant in Ruby 2.x String eArg = grabValue(getArgumentError("provide a value for -K")); config.setKCode(KCode.create(eArg)); // source encoding config.setSourceEncoding(config.getKCode().getEncoding().toString()); // set external encoding if not already specified if (config.getExternalEncoding() == null) { config.setExternalEncoding(config.getKCode().getEncoding().toString()); } break; case 'l': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setProcessLineEnds(true); break; case 'n': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setAssumeLoop(true); config.setKernelGsubDefined(true); break; case 'p': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setAssumePrinting(true); config.setAssumeLoop(true); config.setKernelGsubDefined(true); break; case 'r': config.getRequiredLibraries().add(grabValue(getArgumentError("-r must be followed by a package to require"))); break FOR; case 's': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setArgvGlobalsOn(true); break; case 'G': config.setLoadGemfile(true); break; case 'S': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); runBinScript(); break FOR; case 'T': { grabOptionalValue(); break FOR; } case 'U': config.setInternalEncoding("UTF-8"); break; case 'v': config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); config.setShowVersion(true); break; case 'w': config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); break; case 'W': { String temp = grabOptionalValue(); if (temp == null) { config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); } else { if (temp.equals("0")) { config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.NIL); } else if (temp.equals("1")) { config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.FALSE); } else if (temp.equals("2")) { config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); } else { MainExitException mee = new MainExitException(1, getArgumentError(" -W must be followed by either 0, 1, 2 or nothing")); mee.setUsageError(true); throw mee; } } break FOR; } case 'x': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); try { String saved = grabOptionalValue(); if (saved != null) { File base = new File(config.getCurrentDirectory()); File newDir = new File(saved); if (saved.startsWith("uri:classloader:")) { config.setCurrentDirectory(saved); } else if (newDir.isAbsolute()) { config.setCurrentDirectory(newDir.getCanonicalPath()); } else { config.setCurrentDirectory(new File(base, newDir.getPath()).getCanonicalPath()); } if (!(new File(config.getCurrentDirectory()).isDirectory()) && !config.getCurrentDirectory().startsWith("uri:classloader:")) { throw new MainExitException(1, "jruby: Can't chdir to " + saved + " (fatal)"); } } config.setXFlag(true); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MainExitException(1, getArgumentError(" -x must be followed by a valid directory")); } break FOR; case 'X': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); String extendedOption = grabOptionalValue(); if (extendedOption == null) { if (SafePropertyAccessor.getBoolean("jruby.launcher.nopreamble", false)) { throw new MainExitException(0, OutputStrings.getExtendedHelp()); } else { throw new MainExitException(0, "jruby: missing argument\n" + OutputStrings.getExtendedHelp()); } } else if (extendedOption.equals("-O")) { config.setObjectSpaceEnabled(false); } else if (extendedOption.equals("+O")) { config.setObjectSpaceEnabled(true); } else if (extendedOption.equals("-C") || extendedOption.equals("-CIR")) { config.setCompileMode(RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode.OFF); } else if (extendedOption.equals("+C") || extendedOption.equals("+CIR")) { config.setCompileMode(RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode.FORCE); } else if (extendedOption.endsWith("...")) { Options.listPrefix(extendedOption.substring(0, extendedOption.length() - "...".length())); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); } else if (extendedOption.endsWith("?")) { Options.listContains(extendedOption.substring(0, extendedOption.length() - 1)); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); } else { MainExitException mee = new MainExitException(1, "jruby: invalid extended option " + extendedOption + " (-X will list valid options)\n"); mee.setUsageError(true); throw mee; } break FOR; case 'y': disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setParserDebug(true); break FOR; case '-': if (argument.equals("--command") || argument.equals("--bin")) { characterIndex = argument.length(); runBinScript(); break; } else if (argument.equals("--compat")) { characterIndex = argument.length(); grabValue(getArgumentError("--compat takes an argument, but will be ignored")); config.getError().println("warning: " + argument + " ignored"); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--copyright")) { disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setShowCopyright(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--debug")) { disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); Options.DEBUG_FULLTRACE.force("true"); RubyInstanceConfig.FULL_TRACE_ENABLED = true; config.setDebuggingFrozenStringLiteral(true); break FOR; } else if (argument.startsWith("--debug=")) { for (String debug : valueListFor(argument, "debug")) { boolean all = debug.equals("all"); if (all || debug.equals("frozen-string-literal")) { config.setDebuggingFrozenStringLiteral(true); continue; } config.getError().println("warning: unknown argument for --debug: `" + debug + "'"); } break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--jdb")) { config.setDebug(true); config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); break; } else if (argument.equals("--help")) { disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setShouldPrintUsage(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break; } else if (argument.equals("--properties")) { config.setShouldPrintProperties(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break; } else if (argument.equals("--version")) { disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setShowVersion(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--bytecode")) { config.setShowBytecode(true); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--fast")) { config.setCompileMode(RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode.FORCE); break FOR; } else if (argument.startsWith("--profile")) { characterIndex = argument.length(); int dotIndex = argument.indexOf('.'); if (dotIndex == -1) { config.setProfilingMode(RubyInstanceConfig.ProfilingMode.FLAT); } else { String profilingMode = argument.substring(dotIndex + 1, argument.length()); if (profilingMode.equals("out")) { // output file for profiling results String outputFile = grabValue(getArgumentError("--profile.out requires an output file argument")); try { config.setProfileOutput(new ProfileOutput(new File(outputFile))); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new MainExitException(1, String.format("jruby: %s", e.getMessage())); } } else if (profilingMode.equals("service")) { // service class name String service = grabValue(getArgumentError("--profile.service requires an class name argument")); config.setProfilingMode( RubyInstanceConfig.ProfilingMode.SERVICE); config.setProfilingService(service); } else { try { config.setProfilingMode(RubyInstanceConfig.ProfilingMode.valueOf(profilingMode.toUpperCase())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new MainExitException(1, String.format("jruby: unknown profiler mode \"%s\"", profilingMode)); } } } break FOR; } else if (VERSION_FLAG.matcher(argument).matches()) { config.getError().println("warning: " + argument + " ignored"); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--debug-frozen-string-literal")) { config.setDebuggingFrozenStringLiteral(true); break FOR; } else if (argument.startsWith("--disable")) { final int len = argument.length(); if (len == "--disable".length()) { characterIndex = len; String feature = grabValue(getArgumentError("missing argument for --disable"), false); argument = "--disable=" + feature; } for (String disable : valueListFor(argument, "disable")) { enableDisableFeature(disable, false); } break FOR; } else if (argument.startsWith("--enable")) { final int len = argument.length(); if (len == "--enable".length()) { characterIndex = len; String feature = grabValue(getArgumentError("missing argument for --enable"), false); argument = "--enable=" + feature; } for (String enable : valueListFor(argument, "enable")) { enableDisableFeature(enable, true); } break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--gemfile")) { config.setLoadGemfile(true); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--dump")) { characterIndex = argument.length(); String error = "--dump only supports [version, copyright, usage, yydebug, syntax, insns] on JRuby"; String dumpArg = grabValue(getArgumentError(error)); if (dumpArg.equals("version")) { config.setShowVersion(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break FOR; } else if (dumpArg.equals("copyright")) { config.setShowCopyright(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break FOR; } else if (dumpArg.equals("usage")) { config.setShouldPrintUsage(true); config.setShouldRunInterpreter(false); break FOR; } else if (dumpArg.equals("yydebug")) { config.setParserDebug(true); break FOR; } else if (dumpArg.equals("syntax")) { config.setShouldCheckSyntax(true); } else if (dumpArg.equals("insns")) { config.setShowBytecode(true); } else { MainExitException mee = new MainExitException(1, error); mee.setUsageError(true); throw mee; } break; } else if (argument.equals("--dev")) { // most we can do after JVM boot Options.COMPILE_INVOKEDYNAMIC.force("false"); config.setCompileMode(RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode.OFF); break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--server")) { // ignore this...can't do anything with it after boot break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--client")) { // ignore this...can't do anything with it after boot break FOR; } else if (argument.equals("--yydebug")) { disallowedInRubyOpts(argument); config.setParserDebug(true); } else if (argument.equals("--verbose")) { config.setVerbosity(RubyInstanceConfig.Verbosity.TRUE); break FOR; } else { if (argument.equals("--")) { // ruby interpreter compatibilty // Usage: ruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]) endOfArguments = true; break; } } default: throw new MainExitException(1, "jruby: unknown option " + argument); } } } private void enableDisableFeature(String name, boolean enable) { BiFunction<ArgumentProcessor, Boolean, Void> feature = FEATURES.get(name); if (feature == null) { config.getError().println("warning: unknown argument for --" + (enable ? "enable" : "disable") + ": `" + name + "'"); } else { feature.apply(this, enable); } } private static String[] valueListFor(String argument, String key) { int length = key.length() + 3; // 3 is from -- and = (e.g. --disable=) String[] values = argument.substring(length).split(","); if (values.length == 0) errorMissingEquals(key); return values; } private void disallowedInRubyOpts(CharSequence option) { if (rubyOpts) { throw new MainExitException(1, "jruby: invalid switch in RUBYOPT: " + option + " (RuntimeError)"); } } private static void errorMissingEquals(String label) { MainExitException mee; mee = new MainExitException(1, "missing argument for --" + label + "\n"); mee.setUsageError(true); throw mee; } private void processEncodingOption(String value) { List<String> encodings = StringSupport.split(value, ':', 3); switch (encodings.size()) { case 3: throw new MainExitException(1, "extra argument for -E: " + encodings.get(2)); case 2: config.setInternalEncoding(encodings.get(1)); case 1: config.setExternalEncoding(encodings.get(0)); // Zero is impossible } } private void runBinScript() { String scriptName = grabValue("jruby: provide a bin script to execute"); if (scriptName.equals("irb")) { scriptName = "jirb"; } config.setScriptFileName(resolveScript(scriptName)); // run as a command if we couldn't find a script if (config.getScriptFileName() == null) { config.setScriptFileName(scriptName); config.getRequiredLibraries().add("jruby/commands"); config.getInlineScript().append("JRuby::Commands.").append(scriptName); config.getInlineScript().append("\n"); config.setHasInlineScript(true); } endOfArguments = true; } private String resolve(String path, String scriptName) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_SCRIPT_RESOLUTION) { config.getError().println("Trying path: " + path); } try { FileResource fullName = JRubyFile.createRestrictedResource(path, scriptName); if (fullName.exists() && fullName.isFile()) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.DEBUG_SCRIPT_RESOLUTION) { config.getError().println("Found: " + fullName.absolutePath()); } return fullName.absolutePath(); } } catch (Exception e) { // keep going } return null; } private String resolveScript(String scriptName) { // These try/catches are to allow failing over to the "commands" logic // when running from within a jruby-complete jar file, which has // jruby.home = a jar file URL that does not resolve correctly with // JRubyFile.create. String result = resolve(config.getCurrentDirectory(), scriptName); if (result != null) return scriptName;// use relative filename result = resolve(config.getJRubyHome() + "/bin", scriptName); if (result != null) return result; // since the current directory is also on the classpath we // want to find it on filesystem first result = resolve(config.getCurrentDirectory() + "/bin", scriptName); if (result != null) return result; result = resolve("uri:classloader:/bin", scriptName); if (result != null) return result; Object maybePath = config.getEnvironment().get("PATH"); if (maybePath != null) { String path = maybePath.toString(); String[] paths = path.split(File.pathSeparator); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { result = resolve(new File(paths[i]).getAbsolutePath(), scriptName); if (result != null) return result; } } if (config.isDebug()) { config.getError().println("warning: could not resolve -S script: " + scriptName); } // fall back to JRuby::Commands return null; } @Deprecated public String resolveScriptUsingClassLoader(String scriptName) { if (RubyInstanceConfig.defaultClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("bin/" + scriptName) != null){ return "classpath:/bin/" + scriptName; } return null; } private String grabValue(String errorMessage) { return grabValue(errorMessage, true); } private String grabValue(String errorMessage, boolean usageError) { String optValue = grabOptionalValue(); if (optValue != null) { return optValue; } argumentIndex++; if (argumentIndex < arguments.size()) { return arguments.get(argumentIndex).originalValue; } MainExitException mee = new MainExitException(1, errorMessage); if (usageError) mee.setUsageError(true); throw mee; } private String grabOptionalValue() { characterIndex++; String argValue = arguments.get(argumentIndex).originalValue; if (characterIndex < argValue.length()) { return argValue.substring(characterIndex); } return null; } private static final Set<String> KNOWN_PROPERTIES = new HashSet<>(Options.PROPERTIES.size() + 16, 1); static { Options.addPropertyNames(KNOWN_PROPERTIES); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.home"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.script"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add(""); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.lib"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.bindir"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.jar"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.compat.version"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.reflection"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.thread.pool.enabled"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.memory.max"); KNOWN_PROPERTIES.add("jruby.stack.max"); } private static final List<String> KNOWN_PROPERTY_PREFIXES = new ArrayList<>(4); static { KNOWN_PROPERTY_PREFIXES.add("jruby.openssl."); } private static void checkProperties() { for (String propertyName : System.getProperties().stringPropertyNames()) { if (propertyName.startsWith("jruby.")) { if (!isPropertySupported(propertyName)) { System.err.println("jruby: warning: unknown property " + propertyName); } } } } private static boolean isPropertySupported(String propertyName) { if (KNOWN_PROPERTIES.contains(propertyName)) { return true; } for (String prefix : KNOWN_PROPERTY_PREFIXES) { if (propertyName.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } private static final Map<String, BiFunction<ArgumentProcessor, Boolean, Void>> FEATURES; static { Map<String, BiFunction<ArgumentProcessor, Boolean, Void>> features = new HashMap<>(12, 1); BiFunction<ArgumentProcessor, Boolean, Void> function; features.put("all", new BiFunction<ArgumentProcessor, Boolean, Void>() { public Void apply(ArgumentProcessor processor, Boolean enable) { // disable all features for (Map.Entry<String, BiFunction<ArgumentProcessor, Boolean, Void>> entry : FEATURES.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equals("all")) continue; // skip self entry.getValue().apply(processor, enable); } return null; } }); features.put("gem", (ArgumentProcessor processor, Boolean enable) -> { processor.config.setDisableGems(!enable); return null; }); features.put("gems", (ArgumentProcessor processor, Boolean enable) -> { processor.config.setDisableGems(!enable); return null; }); features.put("did-you-mean", function = (ArgumentProcessor processor, Boolean enable) -> { processor.config.setDisableDidYouMean(!enable); return null; }); features.put("did_you_mean", function); // alias features.put("rubyopt", (ArgumentProcessor processor, Boolean enable) -> { processor.config.setDisableRUBYOPT(!enable); return null; }); features.put("frozen-string-literal", function = (ArgumentProcessor processor, Boolean enable) -> { processor.config.setFrozenStringLiteral(enable); return null; }); features.put("frozen_string_literal", function); // alias FEATURES = features; } }