package org.jruby.util.cli;

import com.headius.options.Option;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import org.jruby.ext.rbconfig.RbConfigLibrary;
import org.jruby.runtime.Constants;
import org.jruby.util.SafePropertyAccessor;

Utility methods to generate the command-line output strings for help, extended options, properties, version, and copyright strings.
/** * Utility methods to generate the command-line output strings for help, * extended options, properties, version, and copyright strings. */
public class OutputStrings { public static String getBasicUsageHelp() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb .append("Usage: jruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]\n") .append(" -0[octal] specify record separator (\\0, if no argument)\n") .append(" -a autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into $F)\n") .append(" -c check syntax only\n") .append(" -Cdirectory cd to directory, before executing your script\n") .append(" -d set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true)\n") .append(" -e 'command' one line of script. Several -e's allowed. Omit [programfile]\n") .append(" -Eex[:in] specify the default external and internal character encodings\n") .append(" -Fpattern split() pattern for autosplit (-a)\n") .append(" -G load a Bundler Gemspec before executing any user code\n") .append(" -i[extension] edit ARGV files in place (make backup if extension supplied)\n") .append(" -Idirectory specify $LOAD_PATH directory (may be used more than once)\n") .append(" -J[java option] pass an option on to the JVM (e.g. -J-Xmx512m)\n") .append(" use --properties to list JRuby properties\n") .append(" run 'java -help' for a list of other Java options\n") //.append(" -Kkcode specifies code-set (e.g. -Ku for Unicode, -Ke for EUC and -Ks\n") //.append(" for SJIS)\n") .append(" -l enable line ending processing\n") .append(" -n assume 'while gets(); ... end' loop around your script\n") .append(" -p assume loop like -n but print line also like sed\n") .append(" -rlibrary require the library, before executing your script\n") .append(" -s enable some switch parsing for switches after script name\n") .append(" -S look for the script in bin or using PATH environment variable\n") .append(" -T[level] turn on tainting checks\n") .append(" -U use UTF-8 as default internal encoding\n") .append(" -v print version number, then turn on verbose mode\n") .append(" -w turn warnings on for your script\n") .append(" -W[level] set warning level; 0=silence, 1=medium, 2=verbose (default)\n") .append(" -x[directory] strip off text before #!ruby line and perhaps cd to directory\n") .append(" -X[option] enable extended option (omit option to list)\n") .append(" -y enable parsing debug output\n") .append(" --copyright print the copyright\n") .append(" --debug sets the execution mode most suitable for debugger\n") .append(" functionality\n") .append(" --jdb runs JRuby process under JDB\n") .append(" --properties List all configuration Java properties\n") .append(" (prepend \"jruby.\" when passing directly to Java)\n") .append(" --environment Log environment and command line flags but do not run JRuby\n") .append(" --sample run with profiling using the JVM's sampling profiler\n") .append(" --profile run with instrumented (timed) profiling, flat format\n") .append(" --profile.api activate Ruby profiler API\n") .append(" --profile.flat synonym for --profile\n") .append(" --profile.graph run with instrumented (timed) profiling, graph format\n") .append(" --profile.html run with instrumented (timed) profiling, graph format in HTML\n") .append(" --profile.json run with instrumented (timed) profiling, graph format in JSON\n") .append(" --profile.out [file]\n") .append(" --profile.service <ProfilingService implementation classname>\n") .append(" output profile data to [file]\n") .append(" --client use the non-optimizing \"client\" JVM\n") .append(" (improves startup; default)\n") .append(" --server use the optimizing \"server\" JVM (improves perf)\n") .append(" --headless do not launch a GUI window, no matter what\n") .append(" --dev prioritize startup time over long term performance\n") .append(" --manage enable remote JMX management and monitoring of JVM and JRuby\n") .append(" --bytecode show the JVM bytecode produced by compiling specified code\n") .append(" --version print the version\n") .append(" --disable-gems do not load RubyGems on startup\n") .append(" --enable=feature[,...], --disable=feature[,...]\n") .append(" enable or disable features\n"); return sb.toString(); } public static String getFeaturesHelp() { return "Features:\n" + " gems rubygems (default: " + (Options.CLI_RUBYGEMS_ENABLE.defaultValue() ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")\n" + " did_you_mean did_you_mean (default: " + (Options.CLI_DID_YOU_MEAN_ENABLE.defaultValue() ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")\n" + " rubyopt RUBYOPT environment variable (default: " + (Options.CLI_RUBYOPT_ENABLE.defaultValue() ? "enabled" : "disabled") + ")\n" + " frozen-string-literal freeze all string literals (default: disabled)\n" ; } public static String getExtendedHelp() { return "Extended options:\n" + " -X-O run with ObjectSpace disabled (default; improves performance)\n" + " -X+O run with ObjectSpace enabled (reduces performance)\n" + " -X-C disable all compilation\n" + " -X-CIR disable all compilation and use IR runtime\n" + " -X+C force compilation of all scripts before they are run (except eval)\n" + " -X+CIR force compilation and use IR runtime\n" + " -X+JIR JIT compilation and use IR runtime\n" + " -Xsubstring? list options that contain substring in their name\n" + " -Xprefix... list options that are prefixed with prefix\n" ; } public static String getPropertyHelp() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb .append("# These properties can be used to alter runtime behavior for perf or compatibility.\n") .append("# Specify them by passing -X<property>=<value>\n") .append("# or if passing directly to Java, -Djruby.<property>=<value>\n") .append("# or put <property>=<value> in .jrubyrc\n") .append("#\n") .append("# This dump is a valid .jrubyrc file of current settings. Uncomment and modify\n") .append("# settings to customize.\n"); sb.append(Option.formatOptions(Options.PROPERTIES)); return sb.toString(); } public static String getVersionString() { return String.format( "jruby %s (%s) %s %s %s %s on %s%s%s [%s-%s]", Constants.VERSION, Constants.RUBY_VERSION, Constants.COMPILE_DATE, Constants.REVISION, SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("", "Unknown JVM"), SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("java.vm.version", "Unknown JVM version"), SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("java.runtime.version", SafePropertyAccessor.getProperty("java.version", "Unknown version")), Options.COMPILE_INVOKEDYNAMIC.load() ? " +indy" : "", Options.COMPILE_MODE.load().shouldJIT() ? " +jit" : "", RbConfigLibrary.getOSName(), RbConfigLibrary.getArchitecture() ); } public static String getCopyrightString() { return String.format("JRuby - Copyright (C) 2001-%s The JRuby Community (and contribs)",; } }