 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>.
package org.hibernate.id;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreLogging;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.type.CustomType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

Factory and helper methods for IdentifierGenerator framework.
Author:Gavin King, Steve Ebersole
/** * Factory and helper methods for {@link IdentifierGenerator} framework. * * @author Gavin King * @author Steve Ebersole */
public final class IdentifierGeneratorHelper { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = CoreLogging.messageLogger( IdentifierGeneratorHelper.class );
Marker object returned from IdentifierGenerator.generate to indicate that we should short-circuit any continued generated id checking. Currently this is only used in the case of the foreign generator as a way to signal that we should use the associated entity's id value.
/** * Marker object returned from {@link IdentifierGenerator#generate} to indicate that we should short-circuit any * continued generated id checking. Currently this is only used in the case of the * {@link org.hibernate.id.ForeignGenerator foreign} generator as a way to signal that we should use the associated * entity's id value. */
public static final Serializable SHORT_CIRCUIT_INDICATOR = new Serializable() { @Override public String toString() { return "SHORT_CIRCUIT_INDICATOR"; } };
Marker object returned from IdentifierGenerator.generate to indicate that the entity's identifier will be generated as part of the datbase insertion.
/** * Marker object returned from {@link IdentifierGenerator#generate} to indicate that the entity's identifier will * be generated as part of the datbase insertion. */
public static final Serializable POST_INSERT_INDICATOR = new Serializable() { @Override public String toString() { return "POST_INSERT_INDICATOR"; } };
Get the generated identifier when using identity columns
  • rs – The result set from which to extract the the generated identity.
  • identifier – The name of the identifier column
  • type – The expected type mapping for the identity value.
  • dialect – The current database dialect.
Returns:The generated identity value
/** * Get the generated identifier when using identity columns * * @param rs The result set from which to extract the the generated identity. * @param identifier The name of the identifier column * @param type The expected type mapping for the identity value. * @param dialect The current database dialect. * * @return The generated identity value * * @throws SQLException Can be thrown while accessing the result set * @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem reading back a generated identity value. */
public static Serializable getGeneratedIdentity(ResultSet rs, String identifier, Type type, Dialect dialect) throws SQLException, HibernateException { if ( !rs.next() ) { throw new HibernateException( "The database returned no natively generated identity value" ); } final Serializable id = get( rs, identifier, type, dialect ); LOG.debugf( "Natively generated identity: %s", id ); return id; }
Extract the value from the result set (which is assumed to already have been positioned to the apopriate row) and wrp it in the appropriate Java numeric type.
  • rs – The result set from which to extract the value.
  • identifier – The name of the identifier column
  • type – The expected type of the value.
  • dialect – The current database dialect.
Returns:The extracted value.
/** * Extract the value from the result set (which is assumed to already have been positioned to the apopriate row) * and wrp it in the appropriate Java numeric type. * * @param rs The result set from which to extract the value. * @param identifier The name of the identifier column * @param type The expected type of the value. * @param dialect The current database dialect. * * @return The extracted value. * * @throws SQLException Indicates problems access the result set * @throws IdentifierGenerationException Indicates an unknown type. */
public static Serializable get(ResultSet rs, String identifier, Type type, Dialect dialect) throws SQLException, IdentifierGenerationException { if ( ResultSetIdentifierConsumer.class.isInstance( type ) ) { return ( (ResultSetIdentifierConsumer) type ).consumeIdentifier( rs ); } if ( CustomType.class.isInstance( type ) ) { final CustomType customType = (CustomType) type; if ( ResultSetIdentifierConsumer.class.isInstance( customType.getUserType() ) ) { return ( (ResultSetIdentifierConsumer) customType.getUserType() ).consumeIdentifier( rs ); } } ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = null; int columnCount = 1; try { resultSetMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); columnCount = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(); } catch (Exception e) { //Oracle driver will throw NPE } Class clazz = type.getReturnedClass(); if ( columnCount == 1 ) { if ( clazz == Long.class ) { return rs.getLong( 1 ); } else if ( clazz == Integer.class ) { return rs.getInt( 1 ); } else if ( clazz == Short.class ) { return rs.getShort( 1 ); } else if ( clazz == String.class ) { return rs.getString( 1 ); } else if ( clazz == BigInteger.class ) { return rs.getBigDecimal( 1 ).setScale( 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY ).toBigInteger(); } else if ( clazz == BigDecimal.class ) { return rs.getBigDecimal( 1 ).setScale( 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY ); } else { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "unrecognized id type : " + type.getName() + " -> " + clazz.getName() ); } } else { try { return extractIdentifier( rs, identifier, type, clazz ); } catch (SQLException e) { if ( StringHelper.isQuoted( identifier, dialect ) ) { return extractIdentifier( rs, StringHelper.unquote( identifier, dialect ), type, clazz ); } throw e; } } } private static Serializable extractIdentifier(ResultSet rs, String identifier, Type type, Class clazz) throws SQLException { if ( clazz == Long.class ) { return rs.getLong( identifier ); } else if ( clazz == Integer.class ) { return rs.getInt( identifier ); } else if ( clazz == Short.class ) { return rs.getShort( identifier ); } else if ( clazz == String.class ) { return rs.getString( identifier ); } else if ( clazz == BigInteger.class ) { return rs.getBigDecimal( identifier ).setScale( 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY ).toBigInteger(); } else if ( clazz == BigDecimal.class ) { return rs.getBigDecimal( identifier ).setScale( 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY ); } else { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "unrecognized id type : " + type.getName() + " -> " + clazz.getName() ); } }
Wrap the given value in the given Java numeric class.
  • value – The primitive value to wrap.
  • clazz – The Java numeric type in which to wrap the value.
Returns:The wrapped type.
Deprecated:Use the holders instead.
/** * Wrap the given value in the given Java numeric class. * * @param value The primitive value to wrap. * @param clazz The Java numeric type in which to wrap the value. * * @return The wrapped type. * * @throws IdentifierGenerationException Indicates an unhandled 'clazz'. * @deprecated Use the {@link #getIntegralDataTypeHolder holders} instead. */
@Deprecated public static Number createNumber(long value, Class clazz) throws IdentifierGenerationException { if ( clazz == Long.class ) { return value; } else if ( clazz == Integer.class ) { return (int) value; } else if ( clazz == Short.class ) { return (short) value; } else { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "unrecognized id type : " + clazz.getName() ); } } public static IntegralDataTypeHolder getIntegralDataTypeHolder(Class integralType) { if ( integralType == Long.class || integralType == Integer.class || integralType == Short.class ) { return new BasicHolder( integralType ); } else if ( integralType == BigInteger.class ) { return new BigIntegerHolder(); } else if ( integralType == BigDecimal.class ) { return new BigDecimalHolder(); } else { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "Unknown integral data type for ids : " + integralType.getName() ); } } public static long extractLong(IntegralDataTypeHolder holder) { if ( holder.getClass() == BasicHolder.class ) { ( (BasicHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return ( (BasicHolder) holder ).value; } else if ( holder.getClass() == BigIntegerHolder.class ) { ( (BigIntegerHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return ( (BigIntegerHolder) holder ).value.longValue(); } else if ( holder.getClass() == BigDecimalHolder.class ) { ( (BigDecimalHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return ( (BigDecimalHolder) holder ).value.longValue(); } throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "Unknown IntegralDataTypeHolder impl [" + holder + "]" ); } public static BigInteger extractBigInteger(IntegralDataTypeHolder holder) { if ( holder.getClass() == BasicHolder.class ) { ( (BasicHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return BigInteger.valueOf( ( (BasicHolder) holder ).value ); } else if ( holder.getClass() == BigIntegerHolder.class ) { ( (BigIntegerHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return ( (BigIntegerHolder) holder ).value; } else if ( holder.getClass() == BigDecimalHolder.class ) { ( (BigDecimalHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); // scale should already be set... return ( (BigDecimalHolder) holder ).value.toBigInteger(); } throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "Unknown IntegralDataTypeHolder impl [" + holder + "]" ); } public static BigDecimal extractBigDecimal(IntegralDataTypeHolder holder) { if ( holder.getClass() == BasicHolder.class ) { ( (BasicHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return BigDecimal.valueOf( ( (BasicHolder) holder ).value ); } else if ( holder.getClass() == BigIntegerHolder.class ) { ( (BigIntegerHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); return new BigDecimal( ( (BigIntegerHolder) holder ).value ); } else if ( holder.getClass() == BigDecimalHolder.class ) { ( (BigDecimalHolder) holder ).checkInitialized(); // scale should already be set... return ( (BigDecimalHolder) holder ).value; } throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "Unknown IntegralDataTypeHolder impl [" + holder + "]" ); } public static class BasicHolder implements IntegralDataTypeHolder { private final Class exactType; private long value = Long.MIN_VALUE; public BasicHolder(Class exactType) { this.exactType = exactType; if ( exactType != Long.class && exactType != Integer.class && exactType != Short.class ) { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "Invalid type for basic integral holder : " + exactType ); } } public long getActualLongValue() { return value; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder initialize(long value) { this.value = value; return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder initialize(ResultSet resultSet, long defaultValue) throws SQLException { long value = resultSet.getLong( 1 ); if ( resultSet.wasNull() ) { value = defaultValue; } return initialize( value ); } public void bind(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, int position) throws SQLException { // TODO : bind it as 'exact type'? Not sure if that gains us anything... LOG.tracef( "binding parameter [%s] - [%s]", position, value ); preparedStatement.setLong( position, value ); } public IntegralDataTypeHolder increment() { checkInitialized(); value++; return this; } private void checkInitialized() { if ( value == Long.MIN_VALUE ) { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "integral holder was not initialized" ); } } public IntegralDataTypeHolder add(long addend) { checkInitialized(); value += addend; return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder decrement() { checkInitialized(); value--; return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder subtract(long subtrahend) { checkInitialized(); value -= subtrahend; return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder multiplyBy(IntegralDataTypeHolder factor) { return multiplyBy( extractLong( factor ) ); } public IntegralDataTypeHolder multiplyBy(long factor) { checkInitialized(); value *= factor; return this; } public boolean eq(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { return eq( extractLong( other ) ); } public boolean eq(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value == value; } public boolean lt(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { return lt( extractLong( other ) ); } public boolean lt(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value < value; } public boolean gt(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { return gt( extractLong( other ) ); } public boolean gt(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value > value; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder copy() { BasicHolder copy = new BasicHolder( exactType ); copy.value = value; return copy; } public Number makeValue() { // TODO : should we check for truncation? checkInitialized(); if ( exactType == Long.class ) { return value; } else if ( exactType == Integer.class ) { return (int) value; } else { return (short) value; } } public Number makeValueThenIncrement() { final Number result = makeValue(); value++; return result; } public Number makeValueThenAdd(long addend) { final Number result = makeValue(); value += addend; return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "BasicHolder[" + exactType.getName() + "[" + value + "]]"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) { return false; } BasicHolder that = (BasicHolder) o; return value == that.value; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) ( value ^ ( value >>> 32 ) ); } } public static class BigIntegerHolder implements IntegralDataTypeHolder { private BigInteger value; public IntegralDataTypeHolder initialize(long value) { this.value = BigInteger.valueOf( value ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder initialize(ResultSet resultSet, long defaultValue) throws SQLException { final BigDecimal rsValue = resultSet.getBigDecimal( 1 ); if ( resultSet.wasNull() ) { return initialize( defaultValue ); } this.value = rsValue.setScale( 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY ).toBigInteger(); return this; } public void bind(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, int position) throws SQLException { preparedStatement.setBigDecimal( position, new BigDecimal( value ) ); } public IntegralDataTypeHolder increment() { checkInitialized(); value = value.add( BigInteger.ONE ); return this; } private void checkInitialized() { if ( value == null ) { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "integral holder was not initialized" ); } } public IntegralDataTypeHolder add(long increment) { checkInitialized(); value = value.add( BigInteger.valueOf( increment ) ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder decrement() { checkInitialized(); value = value.subtract( BigInteger.ONE ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder subtract(long subtrahend) { checkInitialized(); value = value.subtract( BigInteger.valueOf( subtrahend ) ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder multiplyBy(IntegralDataTypeHolder factor) { checkInitialized(); value = value.multiply( extractBigInteger( factor ) ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder multiplyBy(long factor) { checkInitialized(); value = value.multiply( BigInteger.valueOf( factor ) ); return this; } public boolean eq(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { checkInitialized(); return value.compareTo( extractBigInteger( other ) ) == 0; } public boolean eq(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value.compareTo( BigInteger.valueOf( value ) ) == 0; } public boolean lt(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { checkInitialized(); return value.compareTo( extractBigInteger( other ) ) < 0; } public boolean lt(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value.compareTo( BigInteger.valueOf( value ) ) < 0; } public boolean gt(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { checkInitialized(); return value.compareTo( extractBigInteger( other ) ) > 0; } public boolean gt(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value.compareTo( BigInteger.valueOf( value ) ) > 0; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder copy() { BigIntegerHolder copy = new BigIntegerHolder(); copy.value = value; return copy; } public Number makeValue() { checkInitialized(); return value; } public Number makeValueThenIncrement() { final Number result = makeValue(); value = value.add( BigInteger.ONE ); return result; } public Number makeValueThenAdd(long addend) { final Number result = makeValue(); value = value.add( BigInteger.valueOf( addend ) ); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "BigIntegerHolder[" + value + "]"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) { return false; } BigIntegerHolder that = (BigIntegerHolder) o; return this.value == null ? that.value == null : value.equals( that.value ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0; } } public static class BigDecimalHolder implements IntegralDataTypeHolder { private BigDecimal value; public IntegralDataTypeHolder initialize(long value) { this.value = BigDecimal.valueOf( value ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder initialize(ResultSet resultSet, long defaultValue) throws SQLException { final BigDecimal rsValue = resultSet.getBigDecimal( 1 ); if ( resultSet.wasNull() ) { return initialize( defaultValue ); } this.value = rsValue.setScale( 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY ); return this; } public void bind(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, int position) throws SQLException { preparedStatement.setBigDecimal( position, value ); } public IntegralDataTypeHolder increment() { checkInitialized(); value = value.add( BigDecimal.ONE ); return this; } private void checkInitialized() { if ( value == null ) { throw new IdentifierGenerationException( "integral holder was not initialized" ); } } public IntegralDataTypeHolder add(long increment) { checkInitialized(); value = value.add( BigDecimal.valueOf( increment ) ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder decrement() { checkInitialized(); value = value.subtract( BigDecimal.ONE ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder subtract(long subtrahend) { checkInitialized(); value = value.subtract( BigDecimal.valueOf( subtrahend ) ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder multiplyBy(IntegralDataTypeHolder factor) { checkInitialized(); value = value.multiply( extractBigDecimal( factor ) ); return this; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder multiplyBy(long factor) { checkInitialized(); value = value.multiply( BigDecimal.valueOf( factor ) ); return this; } public boolean eq(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { checkInitialized(); return value.compareTo( extractBigDecimal( other ) ) == 0; } public boolean eq(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value.compareTo( BigDecimal.valueOf( value ) ) == 0; } public boolean lt(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { checkInitialized(); return value.compareTo( extractBigDecimal( other ) ) < 0; } public boolean lt(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value.compareTo( BigDecimal.valueOf( value ) ) < 0; } public boolean gt(IntegralDataTypeHolder other) { checkInitialized(); return value.compareTo( extractBigDecimal( other ) ) > 0; } public boolean gt(long value) { checkInitialized(); return this.value.compareTo( BigDecimal.valueOf( value ) ) > 0; } public IntegralDataTypeHolder copy() { BigDecimalHolder copy = new BigDecimalHolder(); copy.value = value; return copy; } public Number makeValue() { checkInitialized(); return value; } public Number makeValueThenIncrement() { final Number result = makeValue(); value = value.add( BigDecimal.ONE ); return result; } public Number makeValueThenAdd(long addend) { final Number result = makeValue(); value = value.add( BigDecimal.valueOf( addend ) ); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "BigDecimalHolder[" + value + "]"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) { return false; } BigDecimalHolder that = (BigDecimalHolder) o; return this.value == null ? that.value == null : this.value.equals( that.value ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0; } }
Disallow instantiation of IdentifierGeneratorHelper.
/** * Disallow instantiation of IdentifierGeneratorHelper. */
private IdentifierGeneratorHelper() { } }