 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates and others.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
 * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
 * Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
 * Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
 * version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
 * https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *   Payara Services - Fix to PUSH_PROMISE handling.

package org.glassfish.grizzly.http2;

import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.Termination.IN_FIN_TERMINATION;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.net.ssl.SSLEngine;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Transport;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.Attribute;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.AttributeBuilder;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.Filter;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainEvent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.NextAction;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ShutdownEvent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpBrokenContentException;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpEvents;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpHeader;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpRequestPacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpResponsePacket;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Method;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Protocol;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.http2.PushEvent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.DataChunk;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.FastHttpDateFormat;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.Header;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.NetLogger.Context;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.ErrorCode;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.HeaderBlockHead;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.HeadersFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.Http2Frame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.PushPromiseFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.SettingsFrame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.impl.FutureImpl;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ssl.SSLUtils;

/** * * @author oleksiys */
Create a new Http2ServerFilter using the specified Http2Configuration. Configuration may be changed post-construction by calling Http2BaseFilter.getConfiguration().
/** * Create a new {@link Http2ServerFilter} using the specified {@link Http2Configuration}. Configuration may be changed * post-construction by calling {@link #getConfiguration()}. */
public Http2ServerFilter(final Http2Configuration configuration) { super(configuration); }
The flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods, for which HTTP spec doesn't clearly state whether they support payload.

Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE.

Returns:true if "undefined" methods support payload, or false otherwise
/** * The flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods, for which HTTP spec * doesn't clearly state whether they support payload. * <p> * Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if "undefined" methods support payload, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise */
public boolean isAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods() { return allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods; }
The flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods, for which HTTP spec doesn't clearly state whether they support payload.

Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE.

  • allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods – true if "undefined" methods support payload, or false otherwise
/** * The flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods, for which HTTP spec * doesn't clearly state whether they support payload. * <p> * Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE. * * @param allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods <tt>true</tt> if "undefined" methods support * payload, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise */
public void setAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods(boolean allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods) { this.allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods = allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods; } @Override public NextAction handleAccept(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException { if (!shuttingDown.get()) { activeConnections.add(ctx.getConnection()); } return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } @Override public NextAction handleClose(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException { if (!shuttingDown.get()) { activeConnections.remove(ctx.getConnection()); } return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } @Override public NextAction handleRead(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException { LOGGER.finest(() -> String.format("handleRead(ctx=%s)", ctx)); // if it's a stream chain (the stream is already assigned) - just // bypass the parsing part if (checkIfHttp2StreamChain(ctx)) { LOGGER.finest("Already registered HTTP2 stream chain, invoking action."); return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection(); Http2State http2State = Http2State.get(connection); if (http2State != null && http2State.isNeverHttp2()) { LOGGER.finest("Not a HTTP2 connection, invoking action."); return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } final HttpContent httpContent = ctx.getMessage(); final HttpHeader httpHeader = httpContent.getHttpHeader(); if (http2State == null) { // Not HTTP/2 (yet?) assert httpHeader.isRequest(); if (httpHeader.isSecure()) { // ALPN should've set the Http2State, but in our case it's null. // It means ALPN was bypassed - SSL without ALPN shouldn't work. // Don't try HTTP/2 in this case. LOGGER.finest("Secure connection, but http2State was null, ALPN was bypassed. Invoking action."); Http2State.create(connection).setNeverHttp2(); return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest = (HttpRequestPacket) httpHeader; if (Method.PRI.equals(httpRequest.getMethod())) { // PRI method // DIRECT HTTP/2.0 request http2State = doDirectUpgrade(ctx); } else { final boolean isLast = httpContent.isLast(); if (tryHttpUpgrade(ctx, httpRequest, isLast) && isLast) { enableOpReadNow(ctx); } return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } } final Http2Session http2Session = obtainHttp2Session(http2State, ctx, true); if (httpHeader.isSecure() && !getConfiguration().isDisableCipherCheck() && !CIPHER_CHECKED.isSet(connection)) { CIPHER_CHECKED.set(connection, connection); final SSLEngine engine = SSLUtils.getSSLEngine(connection); if (engine != null) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(CIPHER_SUITE_BLACK_LIST, engine.getSession().getCipherSuite()) >= 0) { http2Session.terminate(ErrorCode.INADEQUATE_SECURITY, null); return ctx.getStopAction(); } } } final Buffer framePayload; if (!http2Session.isHttp2InputEnabled()) { // Preface is not received yet if (http2State.isHttpUpgradePhase()) { // It's plain HTTP/1.1 data coming with upgrade request if (httpContent.isLast()) { http2State.setDirectUpgradePhase(); // expecting preface enableOpReadNow(ctx); } return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest = (HttpRequestPacket) httpHeader; // PRI message hasn't been checked try { if (!checkPRI(httpRequest, httpContent)) { // Not enough PRI content read return ctx.getStopAction(httpContent); } } catch (Exception e) { httpRequest.getProcessingState().setError(true); httpRequest.getProcessingState().setKeepAlive(false); final HttpResponsePacket httpResponse = httpRequest.getResponse(); httpResponse.setStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400); ctx.write(httpResponse); connection.closeSilently(); return ctx.getStopAction(); } final Buffer payload = httpContent.getContent(); framePayload = payload.split(payload.position() + PRI_PAYLOAD.length); } else { framePayload = httpContent.getContent(); } httpContent.recycle(); // Prime the initial value of push. Will be overridden if the settings contain a // new value. if (connection.getAttributes().getAttribute(HTTP2_PUSH_ENABLED) == null) { connection.getAttributes().setAttribute(HTTP2_PUSH_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE); } final List<Http2Frame> framesList = frameCodec.parse(http2Session, http2State.getFrameParsingState(), framePayload); if (!processFrames(ctx, http2Session, framesList)) { return ctx.getSuspendAction(); } return ctx.getStopAction(); } @Override public NextAction handleEvent(final FilterChainContext ctx, final FilterChainEvent event) throws IOException { LOGGER.finest(() -> String.format("handleEvent(ctx=%s, event=%s)", ctx, event)); final Object type = event.type(); if (type == ShutdownEvent.TYPE) { if (shuttingDown.compareAndSet(false, true)) { ((ShutdownEvent) event).addShutdownTask(new Callable<Filter>() { @Override public Filter call() throws Exception { final Collection<Connection> activeConnections = shuttingDown(); if (!activeConnections.isEmpty()) { final List<FutureImpl> futures = new ArrayList<>(activeConnections.size()); for (final Connection c : activeConnections) { if (c.isOpen()) { final Http2Session session = Http2Session.get(c); if (session != null) { futures.add(session.terminateGracefully()); } } } for (final FutureImpl f : futures) { f.get(); } } return Http2ServerFilter.this; } }); } } if (type == HttpEvents.IncomingHttpUpgradeEvent.TYPE) { final HttpHeader header = ((HttpEvents.IncomingHttpUpgradeEvent) event).getHttpHeader(); if (header.isRequest()) { // @TODO temporary not optimal solution, because we check the req here and in the handleRead() if (checkRequestHeadersOnUpgrade((HttpRequestPacket) header)) { // for the HTTP/2 upgrade request we want to obey HTTP/1.1 // content modifiers (transfer and content encodings) header.setIgnoreContentModifiers(false); return ctx.getStopAction(); } } return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } final Http2State state = Http2State.get(ctx.getConnection()); if (state == null || state.isNeverHttp2()) { return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } if (type == PushEvent.TYPE) { doPush(ctx, (PushEvent) event); return ctx.getSuspendAction(); } if (type == HttpEvents.ResponseCompleteEvent.TYPE) { final HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.get(ctx); final Http2Stream stream = (Http2Stream) httpContext.getContextStorage(); stream.onProcessingComplete(); final Http2Session http2Session = stream.getHttp2Session(); if (!http2Session.isHttp2InputEnabled()) { // it's the first HTTP/1.1 -> HTTP/2.0 upgrade request. // We have to notify regular HTTP codec filter as well state.finishHttpUpgradePhase(); // mark HTTP upgrade as finished (in case it's still on) return ctx.getInvokeAction(); } // it's pure HTTP/2.0 request processing return ctx.getStopAction(); } return super.handleEvent(ctx, event); } @Override protected void onPrefaceReceived(Http2Session http2Session) { // In ALPN case server will send the preface only after receiving preface // from a client http2Session.sendPreface(); } private Http2State doDirectUpgrade(final FilterChainContext ctx) { LOGGER.finest(() -> String.format("doDirectUpgrade(ctx=%s)", ctx)); final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection(); final Http2Session http2Session = new Http2Session(connection, true, this); // Create HTTP/2.0 connection for the given Grizzly Connection final Http2State http2State = Http2State.create(connection); http2State.setHttp2Session(http2Session); http2State.setDirectUpgradePhase(); http2Session.setupFilterChains(ctx, true); // server preface http2Session.sendPreface(); return http2State; } Collection<Connection> shuttingDown() { shuttingDown.compareAndSet(false, true); return activeConnections; } private boolean tryHttpUpgrade(final FilterChainContext ctx, final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest, final boolean isLast) throws Http2StreamException { if (!checkHttpMethodOnUpgrade(httpRequest)) { return false; } if (!checkRequestHeadersOnUpgrade(httpRequest)) { return false; } final boolean http2Upgrade = isHttp2UpgradingVersion(httpRequest); if (!http2Upgrade) { // Not HTTP/2.0 HTTP packet return false; } final SettingsFrame settingsFrame = getHttp2UpgradeSettings(httpRequest); if (settingsFrame == null) { // Not HTTP/2.0 HTTP packet return false; } final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection(); final Http2Session http2Session = new Http2Session(connection, true, this); // Create HTTP/2.0 connection for the given Grizzly Connection final Http2State http2State = Http2State.create(connection); http2State.setHttp2Session(http2Session); http2Session.setupFilterChains(ctx, true); if (isLast) { http2State.setDirectUpgradePhase(); // expecting preface } try { applySettings(http2Session, settingsFrame); } catch (Http2SessionException e) { Http2State.remove(connection); return false; } // Send 101 Switch Protocols back to the client final HttpResponsePacket httpResponse = httpRequest.getResponse(); httpResponse.setStatus(HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS_101); httpResponse.setHeader(Header.Connection, "Upgrade"); httpResponse.setHeader(Header.Upgrade, HTTP2_CLEAR); httpResponse.setIgnoreContentModifiers(true); ctx.write(httpResponse); // un-commit the response httpResponse.setCommitted(false); // server preface http2Session.sendPreface(); // reset the response object httpResponse.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK_200); httpResponse.getHeaders().clear(); httpRequest.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP_2_0); httpResponse.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP_2_0); httpRequest.getUpgradeDC().recycle(); httpResponse.getProcessingState().setKeepAlive(true); if (http2Session.isGoingAway()) { Http2State.remove(connection); return false; } // create a virtual stream for this request final Http2Stream stream = http2Session.acceptUpgradeStream(httpRequest, 0, !httpRequest.isExpectContent()); // replace the HttpContext final HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.newInstance(stream, stream, stream, httpRequest); httpRequest.getProcessingState().setHttpContext(httpContext); // add read-only HTTP2Stream attribute httpRequest.setAttribute(Http2Stream.HTTP2_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE, stream); httpContext.attach(ctx); return true; } private boolean checkHttpMethodOnUpgrade(final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest) { return httpRequest.getMethod() != Method.CONNECT; } private boolean checkPRI(final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest, final HttpContent httpContent) { if (!Method.PRI.equals(httpRequest.getMethod())) { // If it's not PRI after upgrade is completed - it must be an error throw new HttpBrokenContentException(); } // Check the PRI message payload final Buffer payload = httpContent.getContent(); if (payload.remaining() - 2 < PRI_PAYLOAD.length) { return false; } final int pos = payload.position(); for (int i = 0; i < PRI_PAYLOAD.length; i++) { if (payload.get(pos + i) != PRI_PAYLOAD[i]) { // Unexpected PRI payload throw new HttpBrokenContentException(); } } return true; } @Override protected void processCompleteHeader(final Http2Session http2Session, final FilterChainContext context, final HeaderBlockHead firstHeaderFrame) throws IOException { if (!ignoreFrameForStreamId(http2Session, firstHeaderFrame.getStreamId())) { processInRequest(http2Session, context, (HeadersFrame) firstHeaderFrame); } } private void processInRequest(final Http2Session http2Session, final FilterChainContext context, final HeadersFrame headersFrame) throws IOException { final Http2Request request = Http2Request.create(); request.setConnection(context.getConnection()); Http2Stream stream = http2Session.getStream(headersFrame.getStreamId()); if (stream != null) { final Http2Stream.State state = stream.getState(); if (state == Http2Stream.State.HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE || state == Http2Stream.State.CLOSED) { if (headersFrame.isEndStream()) { throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED); } throw new Http2StreamException(stream.getId(), ErrorCode.STREAM_CLOSED); } if (!headersFrame.isEndStream()) { throw new Http2StreamException(stream.getId(), ErrorCode.PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Received second HEADERS frame, but was not marked fin."); } try { stream.onRcvHeaders(headersFrame.isEndStream()); final Map<String, String> capture = NetLogger.isActive() ? new HashMap<>() : null; DecoderUtils.decodeTrailerHeaders(http2Session, stream.getRequest(), capture); NetLogger.log(Context.RX, http2Session, headersFrame, capture); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.COMPRESSION_ERROR, ioe.getCause().getMessage()); } catch (HeaderDecodingException hde) { if (hde.getErrorType() == HeaderDecodingException.ErrorType.SESSION) { throw new Http2SessionException(hde.getErrorCode(), hde.getMessage()); } else { throw new Http2StreamException(stream.getId(), hde.getErrorCode(), hde.getMessage()); } } if (headersFrame.isTruncated()) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "[{0}, {1}] Trailer headers truncated. Some headers may not be available.", new Object[] { http2Session.toString(), headersFrame.getStreamId() }); } } stream.flushInputData(); stream.inputBuffer.close(IN_FIN_TERMINATION); return; } stream = http2Session.acceptStream(request, headersFrame.getStreamId(), headersFrame.getStreamDependency(), headersFrame.isExclusive(), 0); if (stream == null) { // GOAWAY has been sent, so ignoring this request request.recycle(); return; } try { final Map<String, String> capture = NetLogger.isActive() ? new LinkedHashMap<>() : null; DecoderUtils.decodeRequestHeaders(http2Session, request, capture); NetLogger.log(Context.RX, http2Session, headersFrame, capture); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new Http2SessionException(ErrorCode.COMPRESSION_ERROR, ioe.getCause().getMessage()); } catch (HeaderDecodingException hde) { if (hde.getErrorType() == HeaderDecodingException.ErrorType.SESSION) { throw new Http2SessionException(hde.getErrorCode(), hde.getMessage()); } else { throw new Http2StreamException(stream.getId(), hde.getErrorCode(), hde.getMessage()); } } if (headersFrame.isTruncated()) { final HttpResponsePacket response = request.getResponse(); HttpStatus.REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE.setValues(response); final HttpHeader header = response.getHttpHeader(); header.setContentLength(0); header.setExpectContent(false); processOutgoingHttpHeader(context, http2Session, header, response); return; } onHttpHeadersParsed(request, context); request.getHeaders().mark(); prepareIncomingRequest(stream, request); final boolean isEOS = headersFrame.isEndStream(); stream.onRcvHeaders(isEOS); // stream HEADERS frame will be transformed to HTTP request packet if (isEOS) { request.setExpectContent(false); } final boolean isExpectContent = request.isExpectContent(); if (!isExpectContent) { stream.inputBuffer.terminate(IN_FIN_TERMINATION); } sendUpstream(http2Session, stream, request.httpContentBuilder().content(Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER).last(!isExpectContent).build()); }
/** * @inheritDoc */
@Override protected void onHttpHeadersParsed(final HttpHeader httpHeader, final FilterChainContext ctx) { Http2Request request = (Http2Request) httpHeader; DataChunk hostDC = null; // Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/) final DataChunk uriBC = request.getRequestURIRef().getRequestURIBC(); if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("https", 0)) { int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 5); int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart(); int slashPos; if (pos != -1) { slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3); if (slashPos == -1) { slashPos = uriBC.getLength(); // Set URI as "/" uriBC.setStart(uriBCStart + pos + 1); uriBC.setEnd(uriBCStart + pos + 2); } else { uriBC.setStart(uriBCStart + slashPos); uriBC.setEnd(uriBC.getEnd()); } hostDC = request.getHeaders().setValue(Header.Host); hostDC.set(uriBC, uriBCStart + pos + 3, uriBCStart + slashPos); } } // -------------------------- if (hostDC == null) { hostDC = request.getHeaders().getValue(Header.Host); } if (hostDC == null || hostDC.isNull()) { return; } request.setUnparsedHostC(hostDC); }
/** * * @param ctx the current {@link FilterChainContext} * @param http2Session the {@link Http2Session} associated with this {@link HttpHeader} * @param httpHeader the out-going {@link HttpHeader} * @param entireHttpPacket the complete {@link HttpPacket} * * @throws IOException if an error occurs sending the packet */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void processOutgoingHttpHeader(final FilterChainContext ctx, final Http2Session http2Session, final HttpHeader httpHeader, final HttpPacket entireHttpPacket) throws IOException { final HttpResponsePacket response = (HttpResponsePacket) httpHeader; final Http2Stream stream = Http2Stream.getStreamFor(response); assert stream != null; if (!response.isCommitted()) { prepareOutgoingResponse(response); } final FilterChainContext.TransportContext transportContext = ctx.getTransportContext(); stream.getOutputSink().writeDownStream(entireHttpPacket, ctx, transportContext.getCompletionHandler(), transportContext.getMessageCloner()); } private void doPush(final FilterChainContext ctx, final PushEvent pushEvent) { LOGGER.finest(() -> String.format("doPush(ctx=%s, pushEvent=%s)", ctx, pushEvent)); final Http2Session http2Session = Http2Session.get(ctx.getConnection()); if (http2Session == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to find valid Http2Session"); } try { final HttpRequestPacket source = (HttpRequestPacket) pushEvent.getHttpRequest(); Http2Stream parentStream = (Http2Stream) source.getAttribute(Http2Stream.HTTP2_PARENT_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE); if (parentStream == null) { parentStream = Http2Stream.getStreamFor(pushEvent.getHttpRequest()); } if (parentStream == null) { return; } final String eventPath = pushEvent.getPath(); String path = eventPath; String query = null; final int idx = eventPath.indexOf('?'); if (idx != -1) { path = eventPath.substring(0, idx); query = eventPath.substring(idx + 1); } final Http2Request request = Http2Request.create(); request.setAttribute(Http2Stream.HTTP2_PARENT_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE, parentStream); request.setConnection(ctx.getConnection()); request.getRequestURIRef().init(path); request.getQueryStringDC().setString(query); request.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP_2_0); request.setMethod(pushEvent.getMethod()); request.setSecure(pushEvent.getHttpRequest().isSecure()); request.getHeaders().copyFrom(pushEvent.getHeaders()); request.setExpectContent(false); prepareOutgoingRequest(request); prepareOutgoingResponse(request.getResponse()); final Http2Stream pushStream; http2Session.getNewClientStreamLock().lock(); try { pushStream = http2Session.openStream(request, http2Session.getNextLocalStreamId(), parentStream.getId(), false, 0); pushStream.inputBuffer.terminate(IN_FIN_TERMINATION); http2Session.getDeflaterLock().lock(); try { boolean logging = NetLogger.isActive(); final Map<String, String> capture = logging ? new LinkedHashMap<>() : null; List<Http2Frame> pushPromiseFrames = http2Session.encodeHttpRequestAsPushPromiseFrames(ctx, pushStream.getRequest(), parentStream.getId(), pushStream.getId(), null, capture); if (logging) { for (Http2Frame http2Frame : pushPromiseFrames) { if (http2Frame.getType() == PushPromiseFrame.TYPE) { NetLogger.log(Context.TX, http2Session, (PushPromiseFrame) http2Frame, capture); break; } } } pushStream.onSendPushPromise(); http2Session.getOutputSink().writeDownStream(pushPromiseFrames); } finally { http2Session.getDeflaterLock().unlock(); } } finally { http2Session.getNewClientStreamLock().unlock(); } request.getProcessingState().setHttpContext(HttpContext.newInstance(pushStream, pushStream, pushStream, request)); // now send the request upstream... submit(ctx.getConnection(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { http2Session.sendMessageUpstream(pushStream, HttpContent.builder(request).content(Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER).build()); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to push resource identified by path [{0}]", pushEvent.getPath()); LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { pushEvent.recycle(); ctx.resume(ctx.getStopAction()); } } private void submit(final Connection c, final Runnable runnable) { if (threadPool != null) { threadPool.submit(runnable); } else { final Transport t = c.getTransport(); final ExecutorService workerThreadPool = t.getWorkerThreadPool(); if (workerThreadPool != null) { workerThreadPool.submit(runnable); } else { t.getKernelThreadPool().submit(runnable); } } } private void prepareOutgoingResponse(final HttpResponsePacket response) { response.setProtocol(Protocol.HTTP_2_0); String contentType = response.getContentType(); if (contentType != null) { response.getHeaders().setValue(Header.ContentType).setString(contentType); } if (response.getContentLength() != -1) { // FixedLengthTransferEncoding will set proper Content-Length header FIXED_LENGTH_ENCODING.prepareSerialize(null, response, null); } if (!response.containsHeader(Header.Date)) { response.getHeaders().addValue(Header.Date).setBytes(FastHttpDateFormat.getCurrentDateBytes()); } } private void enableOpReadNow(final FilterChainContext ctx) { // make sure we won't enable OP_READ once upper layer complete HTTP request processing final FilterChainContext newContext = ctx.copy(); ctx.getInternalContext().removeAllLifeCycleListeners(); // enable read now to start accepting HTTP2 frames newContext.resume(newContext.getStopAction()); } }