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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http2;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.Filter;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http2.frames.Http2Frame;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.Buffers;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;

The Filter responsible for transforming Http2Frames to Buffers and vise versa.
Author:Grizzly team
/** * The {@link Filter} responsible for transforming {@link Http2Frame}s to {@link Buffer}s and vise versa. * * @author Grizzly team */
public class Http2FrameCodec {
  • http2Session – the Http2Session from which the source buffer was obtained.
  • parsingState – the current FrameParsingState.
  • srcMessage – the inbound buffer.
Returns:one or more Http2Frames parsed from the source message.
/** * * @param http2Session the {@link Http2Session} from which the source buffer was obtained. * @param parsingState the current {@link FrameParsingState}. * @param srcMessage the inbound buffer. * @return one or more {@link Http2Frame}s parsed from the source message. * * @throws Http2SessionException if an error occurs parsing the frame(s). */
public List<Http2Frame> parse(final Http2Session http2Session, final FrameParsingState parsingState, Buffer srcMessage) throws Http2SessionException { if (parsingState.bytesToSkip() > 0) { if (!skip(parsingState, srcMessage)) { return null; } } srcMessage = parsingState.appendToRemainder(http2Session.getMemoryManager(), srcMessage); ParsingResult parsingResult = parseFrame(http2Session, parsingState, srcMessage); if (!parsingResult.isReady()) { return null; } Buffer remainder = parsingResult.remainder(); while (remainder.remaining() >= Http2Frame.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE) { parsingResult = parseFrame(http2Session, parsingState, remainder); if (!parsingResult.isReady()) { return parsingResult.frameList(); } remainder = parsingResult.remainder(); } return parsingResult.frameList(); } public Buffer serializeAndRecycle(final Http2Session http2Session, final Http2Frame frame) { NetLogger.log(NetLogger.Context.TX, http2Session, frame); final Buffer resultBuffer = frame.toBuffer(http2Session.getMemoryManager()); frame.recycle(); return resultBuffer; } public Buffer serializeAndRecycle(final Http2Session http2Session, final List<Http2Frame> frames) { Buffer resultBuffer = null; final int framesCount = frames.size(); for (int i = 0; i < framesCount; i++) { final Http2Frame frame = frames.get(i); NetLogger.log(NetLogger.Context.TX, http2Session, frame); final Buffer buffer = frame.toBuffer(http2Session.getMemoryManager()); frame.recycle(); resultBuffer = Buffers.appendBuffers(http2Session.getMemoryManager(), resultBuffer, buffer); } frames.clear(); return resultBuffer; } // --------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods private ParsingResult parseFrame(final Http2Session http2Session, final FrameParsingState state, final Buffer buffer) throws Http2SessionException { final int bufferSize = buffer.remaining(); final ParsingResult parsingResult = state.parsingResult(); if (bufferSize < Http2Frame.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE) { return parsingResult.setNeedMore(buffer); } final int len = http2Session.getFrameSize(buffer); if (len > http2Session.getPeerMaxFramePayloadSize() + Http2Frame.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE) { http2Session.onOversizedFrame(buffer); // skip the frame header buffer.position(buffer.position() + Http2Frame.FRAME_HEADER_SIZE); // figure out what to do with the remainder final Buffer remainder; final int remaining = buffer.remaining(); if (remaining > len) { final int bufferPos = buffer.position(); remainder = buffer.split(bufferPos + len); } else { remainder = Buffers.EMPTY_BUFFER; state.bytesToSkip(len - remaining); } return parsingResult.setParsed(null, remainder); } if (buffer.remaining() < len) { return parsingResult.setNeedMore(buffer); } final Buffer remainder = buffer.split(buffer.position() + len); final Http2Frame frame = http2Session.parseHttp2FrameHeader(buffer); return parsingResult.setParsed(frame, remainder); } private boolean skip(final FrameParsingState parsingState, final Buffer message) { final int bytesToSkip = parsingState.bytesToSkip(); final int dec = Math.min(bytesToSkip, message.remaining()); parsingState.bytesToSkip(bytesToSkip - dec); message.position(message.position() + dec); if (message.hasRemaining()) { message.shrink(); return true; } message.tryDispose(); return false; } public final static class FrameParsingState { private int bytesToSkip; private final ParsingResult parsingResult = new ParsingResult(); List<Http2Frame> getList() { return parsingResult.frameList; } Buffer appendToRemainder(final MemoryManager mm, final Buffer buffer) { final Buffer remainderBuffer = parsingResult.remainder; parsingResult.remainder = null; return Buffers.appendBuffers(mm, remainderBuffer, buffer, true); } int bytesToSkip() { return bytesToSkip; } void bytesToSkip(final int bytesToSkip) { this.bytesToSkip = bytesToSkip; } ParsingResult parsingResult() { return parsingResult; } } final static class ParsingResult { private Buffer remainder; private boolean isReady; private final List<Http2Frame> frameList = new ArrayList<>(4); private ParsingResult() { } ParsingResult setParsed(final Http2Frame frame, final Buffer remainder) { if (frame != null) { frameList.add(frame); } this.remainder = remainder; isReady = true; return this; } ParsingResult setNeedMore(final Buffer remainder) { this.remainder = remainder; isReady = false; return this; } List<Http2Frame> frameList() { return frameList; } Buffer remainder() { return remainder; } boolean isReady() { return isReady; } } }