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package org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12;

import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMDocument;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLEventSupport;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMShadowTreeElement;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeUpdateHandler;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentLoader;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.ScriptingEnvironment;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.URIResolver;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgent;
import org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine;
import org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument;
import org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.EventSupport;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.NodeEventTarget;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.NodeXBL;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.XBLManager;
import org.apache.batik.script.Interpreter;
import org.apache.batik.script.InterpreterPool;
import org.apache.batik.util.SVGConstants;
import org.apache.batik.constants.XMLConstants;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.events.Event;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventTarget;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument;

Bridge context for SVG 1.2 documents. This is primarily for dispatching XBL events to bridges and for handling resource documents.
Author:Cameron McCormack
Version:$Id: SVG12BridgeContext.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $
/** * Bridge context for SVG 1.2 documents. This is primarily for dispatching * XBL events to bridges and for handling resource documents. * * @author <a href="mailto:cam%40mcc%2eid%2eau">Cameron McCormack</a> * @version $Id: SVG12BridgeContext.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $ */
public class SVG12BridgeContext extends BridgeContext {
The BindingListener for XBL binding events.
/** * The BindingListener for XBL binding events. */
protected XBLBindingListener bindingListener;
The ContentSelectionChangedListener for xbl:content element events.
/** * The ContentSelectionChangedListener for xbl:content element events. */
protected XBLContentListener contentListener;
The EventTarget that has the mouse capture.
/** * The EventTarget that has the mouse capture. */
protected EventTarget mouseCaptureTarget;
Whether the mouse capture event target will receive events that do not intersect with its geometry.
/** * Whether the mouse capture event target will receive events * that do not intersect with its geometry. */
protected boolean mouseCaptureSendAll;
Whether the mouse capture will be released on mouse up.
/** * Whether the mouse capture will be released on mouse up. */
protected boolean mouseCaptureAutoRelease;
Constructs a new bridge context.
  • userAgent – the user agent
/** * Constructs a new bridge context. * @param userAgent the user agent */
public SVG12BridgeContext(UserAgent userAgent) { super(userAgent); }
Constructs a new bridge context.
  • userAgent – the user agent
  • loader – document loader
/** * Constructs a new bridge context. * @param userAgent the user agent * @param loader document loader */
public SVG12BridgeContext(UserAgent userAgent, DocumentLoader loader) { super(userAgent, loader); }
Constructs a new bridge context.
  • userAgent – the user agent
  • interpreterPool – the interpreter pool
  • documentLoader – document loader
/** * Constructs a new bridge context. * @param userAgent the user agent * @param interpreterPool the interpreter pool * @param documentLoader document loader */
public SVG12BridgeContext(UserAgent userAgent, InterpreterPool interpreterPool, DocumentLoader documentLoader) { super(userAgent, interpreterPool, documentLoader); }
Returns a new URIResolver object.
/** * Returns a new URIResolver object. */
public URIResolver createURIResolver(SVGDocument doc, DocumentLoader dl) { return new SVG12URIResolver(doc, dl); }
Adds the GVT listener for AWT event support.
/** * Adds the GVT listener for AWT event support. */
public void addGVTListener(Document doc) { SVG12BridgeEventSupport.addGVTListener(this, doc); }
Disposes this BridgeContext.
/** * Disposes this BridgeContext. */
public void dispose() { clearChildContexts(); synchronized (eventListenerSet) { // remove all listeners added by Bridges for (Object anEventListenerSet : eventListenerSet) { EventListenerMememto m = (EventListenerMememto) anEventListenerSet; NodeEventTarget et = m.getTarget(); EventListener el = m.getListener(); boolean uc = m.getUseCapture(); String t = m.getEventType(); boolean in = m.getNamespaced(); if (et == null || el == null || t == null) { continue; } if (m instanceof ImplementationEventListenerMememto) { String ns = m.getNamespaceURI(); Node nde = (Node) et; AbstractNode n = (AbstractNode) nde.getOwnerDocument(); if (n != null) { XBLEventSupport es; es = (XBLEventSupport) n.initializeEventSupport(); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS(ns, t, el, uc); } } else if (in) { String ns = m.getNamespaceURI(); et.removeEventListenerNS(ns, t, el, uc); } else { et.removeEventListener(t, el, uc); } } } if (document != null) { removeDOMListeners(); removeBindingListener(); } if (animationEngine != null) { animationEngine.dispose(); animationEngine = null; } for (Object o : interpreterMap.values()) { Interpreter interpreter = (Interpreter) o; if (interpreter != null) interpreter.dispose(); } interpreterMap.clear(); if (focusManager != null) { focusManager.dispose(); } }
Adds a BindingListener to the XBLManager for the document, so that XBL binding events can be passed on to the BridgeUpdateHandlers.
/** * Adds a BindingListener to the XBLManager for the document, so that * XBL binding events can be passed on to the BridgeUpdateHandlers. */
public void addBindingListener() { AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) document; DefaultXBLManager xm = (DefaultXBLManager) doc.getXBLManager(); if (xm != null) { bindingListener = new XBLBindingListener(); xm.addBindingListener(bindingListener); contentListener = new XBLContentListener(); xm.addContentSelectionChangedListener(contentListener); } }
Removes the BindingListener from the XBLManager.
/** * Removes the BindingListener from the XBLManager. */
public void removeBindingListener() { AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) document; XBLManager xm = doc.getXBLManager(); if (xm instanceof DefaultXBLManager) { DefaultXBLManager dxm = (DefaultXBLManager) xm; dxm.removeBindingListener(bindingListener); dxm.removeContentSelectionChangedListener(contentListener); } }
Adds EventListeners to the DOM and CSSEngineListener to the CSSEngine to handle any modifications on the DOM tree or style properties and update the GVT tree in response. This overriden method adds implementation event listeners, so that mutations in shadow trees can be caught.
/** * Adds EventListeners to the DOM and CSSEngineListener to the * CSSEngine to handle any modifications on the DOM tree or style * properties and update the GVT tree in response. This overriden * method adds implementation event listeners, so that mutations in * shadow trees can be caught. */
public void addDOMListeners() { SVGOMDocument doc = (SVGOMDocument)document; XBLEventSupport evtSupport = (XBLEventSupport) doc.initializeEventSupport(); domAttrModifiedEventListener = new EventListenerWrapper(new DOMAttrModifiedEventListener()); evtSupport.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", domAttrModifiedEventListener, true); domNodeInsertedEventListener = new EventListenerWrapper(new DOMNodeInsertedEventListener()); evtSupport.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", domNodeInsertedEventListener, true); domNodeRemovedEventListener = new EventListenerWrapper(new DOMNodeRemovedEventListener()); evtSupport.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", domNodeRemovedEventListener, true); domCharacterDataModifiedEventListener = new EventListenerWrapper(new DOMCharacterDataModifiedEventListener()); evtSupport.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMCharacterDataModified", domCharacterDataModifiedEventListener, true); animatedAttributeListener = new AnimatedAttrListener(); doc.addAnimatedAttributeListener(animatedAttributeListener); focusManager = new SVG12FocusManager(document); CSSEngine cssEngine = doc.getCSSEngine(); cssPropertiesChangedListener = new CSSPropertiesChangedListener(); cssEngine.addCSSEngineListener(cssPropertiesChangedListener); }
Adds EventListeners to the input document to handle the cursor property. This is not done in the addDOMListeners method because addDOMListeners is only used for dynamic content whereas cursor support is provided for all content. Also note that it is very important that the listeners be registered for the capture phase as the 'default' behavior for cursors is handled by the BridgeContext during the capture phase and the 'custom' behavior (handling of 'auto' on anchors, for example), is handled during the bubbling phase.
/** * Adds EventListeners to the input document to handle the cursor * property. * This is not done in the addDOMListeners method because * addDOMListeners is only used for dynamic content whereas * cursor support is provided for all content. * Also note that it is very important that the listeners be * registered for the capture phase as the 'default' behavior * for cursors is handled by the BridgeContext during the * capture phase and the 'custom' behavior (handling of 'auto' * on anchors, for example), is handled during the bubbling phase. */
public void addUIEventListeners(Document doc) { EventTarget evtTarget = (EventTarget)doc.getDocumentElement(); AbstractNode n = (AbstractNode) evtTarget; XBLEventSupport evtSupport = (XBLEventSupport) n.initializeEventSupport(); EventListener domMouseOverListener = new EventListenerWrapper(new DOMMouseOverEventListener()); evtSupport.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOVER, domMouseOverListener, true); storeImplementationEventListenerNS (evtTarget, XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOVER, domMouseOverListener, true); EventListener domMouseOutListener = new EventListenerWrapper(new DOMMouseOutEventListener()); evtSupport.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOUT, domMouseOutListener, true); storeImplementationEventListenerNS (evtTarget, XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVGConstants.SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOUT, domMouseOutListener, true); } public void removeUIEventListeners(Document doc) { EventTarget evtTarget = (EventTarget)doc.getDocumentElement(); AbstractNode n = (AbstractNode) evtTarget; XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) n.initializeEventSupport(); synchronized (eventListenerSet) { for (Object anEventListenerSet : eventListenerSet) { EventListenerMememto elm = (EventListenerMememto) anEventListenerSet; NodeEventTarget et = elm.getTarget(); if (et == evtTarget) { EventListener el = elm.getListener(); boolean uc = elm.getUseCapture(); String t = elm.getEventType(); boolean in = elm.getNamespaced(); if (et == null || el == null || t == null) { continue; } if (elm instanceof ImplementationEventListenerMememto) { String ns = elm.getNamespaceURI(); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS(ns, t, el, uc); } else if (in) { String ns = elm.getNamespaceURI(); et.removeEventListenerNS(ns, t, el, uc); } else { et.removeEventListener(t, el, uc); } } } } }
Removes event listeners from the DOM and CSS engine.
/** * Removes event listeners from the DOM and CSS engine. */
protected void removeDOMListeners() { SVGOMDocument doc = (SVGOMDocument)document; doc.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", domAttrModifiedEventListener, true); doc.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", domNodeInsertedEventListener, true); doc.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", domNodeRemovedEventListener, true); doc.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMCharacterDataModified", domCharacterDataModifiedEventListener, true); doc.removeAnimatedAttributeListener(animatedAttributeListener); CSSEngine cssEngine = doc.getCSSEngine(); if (cssEngine != null) { cssEngine.removeCSSEngineListener (cssPropertiesChangedListener); cssEngine.dispose(); doc.setCSSEngine(null); } }
Adds to the eventListenerSet the specified implementation event listener registration.
/** * Adds to the eventListenerSet the specified implementation event * listener registration. */
protected void storeImplementationEventListenerNS(EventTarget t, String ns, String s, EventListener l, boolean b) { synchronized (eventListenerSet) { ImplementationEventListenerMememto m = new ImplementationEventListenerMememto(t, ns, s, l, b, this); eventListenerSet.add(m); } } public BridgeContext createSubBridgeContext(SVGOMDocument newDoc) { CSSEngine eng = newDoc.getCSSEngine(); if (eng != null) { return (BridgeContext)newDoc.getCSSEngine().getCSSContext(); } BridgeContext subCtx = super.createSubBridgeContext(newDoc); if (isDynamic() && subCtx.isDynamic()) { setUpdateManager(subCtx, updateManager); if (updateManager != null) { ScriptingEnvironment se; if (newDoc.isSVG12()) { se = new SVG12ScriptingEnvironment(subCtx); } else { se = new ScriptingEnvironment(subCtx); } se.loadScripts(); se.dispatchSVGLoadEvent(); if (newDoc.isSVG12()) { DefaultXBLManager xm = new DefaultXBLManager(newDoc, subCtx); setXBLManager(subCtx, xm); newDoc.setXBLManager(xm); xm.startProcessing(); } } } return subCtx; }
Starts mouse capture.
/** * Starts mouse capture. */
public void startMouseCapture(EventTarget target, boolean sendAll, boolean autoRelease) { mouseCaptureTarget = target; mouseCaptureSendAll = sendAll; mouseCaptureAutoRelease = autoRelease; }
Stops mouse capture.
/** * Stops mouse capture. */
public void stopMouseCapture() { mouseCaptureTarget = null; }
A class used to store an implementation EventListener added to the DOM.
/** * A class used to store an implementation EventListener added to the DOM. */
protected static class ImplementationEventListenerMememto extends EventListenerMememto {
Creates a new ImplementationEventListenerMememto.
/** * Creates a new ImplementationEventListenerMememto. */
public ImplementationEventListenerMememto(EventTarget t, String s, EventListener l, boolean b, BridgeContext c) { super(t, s, l, b, c); }
Creates a new ImplementationEventListenerMememto.
/** * Creates a new ImplementationEventListenerMememto. */
public ImplementationEventListenerMememto(EventTarget t, String n, String s, EventListener l, boolean b, BridgeContext c) { super(t, n, s, l, b, c); } }
Wrapper for DOM event listeners so that they will see only original events (i.e., not retargetted).
/** * Wrapper for DOM event listeners so that they will see only * original events (i.e., not retargetted). */
protected static class EventListenerWrapper implements EventListener {
The wrapped listener.
/** * The wrapped listener. */
protected EventListener listener;
Creates a new EventListenerWrapper.
/** * Creates a new EventListenerWrapper. */
public EventListenerWrapper(EventListener l) { listener = l; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { listener.handleEvent(EventSupport.getUltimateOriginalEvent(evt)); }
String representation of this listener wrapper.
/** * String representation of this listener wrapper. */
public String toString() { return super.toString() + " [wrapping " + listener.toString() + "]"; } }
The BindingListener.
/** * The BindingListener. */
protected class XBLBindingListener implements BindingListener {
Invoked when the specified bindable element's binding has changed.
/** * Invoked when the specified bindable element's binding has changed. */
public void bindingChanged(Element bindableElement, Element shadowTree) { BridgeUpdateHandler h = getBridgeUpdateHandler(bindableElement); if (h instanceof SVG12BridgeUpdateHandler) { SVG12BridgeUpdateHandler h12 = (SVG12BridgeUpdateHandler) h; try { h12.handleBindingEvent(bindableElement, shadowTree); } catch (Exception e) { userAgent.displayError(e); } } } }
The ContentSelectionChangedListener.
/** * The ContentSelectionChangedListener. */
protected class XBLContentListener implements ContentSelectionChangedListener {
Invoked after an xbl:content element has updated its selected nodes list.
  • csce – the ContentSelectionChangedEvent object
/** * Invoked after an xbl:content element has updated its selected * nodes list. * @param csce the ContentSelectionChangedEvent object */
public void contentSelectionChanged(ContentSelectionChangedEvent csce) { Element e = (Element) csce.getContentElement().getParentNode(); if (e instanceof XBLOMShadowTreeElement) { e = ((NodeXBL) e).getXblBoundElement(); } BridgeUpdateHandler h = getBridgeUpdateHandler(e); if (h instanceof SVG12BridgeUpdateHandler) { SVG12BridgeUpdateHandler h12 = (SVG12BridgeUpdateHandler) h; try { h12.handleContentSelectionChangedEvent(csce); } catch (Exception ex) { userAgent.displayError(ex); } } } } }