
   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;

import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.BindableElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLEventSupport;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMContentElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMDefinitionElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMImportElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMShadowTreeElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMTemplateElement;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeException;
import org.apache.batik.bridge.ErrorConstants;
import org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractAttrNS;
import org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument;
import org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.NodeEventTarget;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.NodeXBL;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.ShadowTreeEvent;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.XBLManager;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.XBLManagerData;
import org.apache.batik.dom.xbl.XBLShadowTreeElement;
import org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable;
import org.apache.batik.util.XBLConstants;
import org.apache.batik.constants.XMLConstants;

import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.events.DocumentEvent;
import org.w3c.dom.events.Event;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventTarget;
import org.w3c.dom.events.MutationEvent;

A full featured sXBL manager.
Author:Cameron McCormack
Version:$Id: DefaultXBLManager.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $
/** * A full featured sXBL manager. * * @author <a href="mailto:cam%40mcc%2eid%2eau">Cameron McCormack</a> * @version $Id: DefaultXBLManager.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $ */
public class DefaultXBLManager implements XBLManager, XBLConstants {
Whether XBL processing is currently taking place.
/** * Whether XBL processing is currently taking place. */
protected boolean isProcessing;
The document.
/** * The document. */
protected Document document;
The BridgeContext.
/** * The BridgeContext. */
protected BridgeContext ctx;
Map of namespace URI/local name pairs to ordered sets of definition records.
/** * Map of namespace URI/local name pairs to ordered sets of * definition records. */
protected DoublyIndexedTable definitionLists = new DoublyIndexedTable();
Map of definition element/import element pairs to definition records.
/** * Map of definition element/import element pairs to definition records. */
protected DoublyIndexedTable definitions = new DoublyIndexedTable();
Map of shadow trees to content managers.
/** * Map of shadow trees to content managers. */
protected Map contentManagers = new HashMap();
Map of import elements to import records.
/** * Map of import elements to import records. */
protected Map imports = new HashMap();
DOM node inserted listener for the document.
/** * DOM node inserted listener for the document. */
protected DocInsertedListener docInsertedListener = new DocInsertedListener();
DOM node removed listener for the document.
/** * DOM node removed listener for the document. */
protected DocRemovedListener docRemovedListener = new DocRemovedListener();
DOM subtree mutation listener for the document.
/** * DOM subtree mutation listener for the document. */
protected DocSubtreeListener docSubtreeListener = new DocSubtreeListener();
DOM attribute listener for import elements.
/** * DOM attribute listener for import elements. */
protected ImportAttrListener importAttrListener = new ImportAttrListener();
DOM attribute listener for referencing definition elements.
/** * DOM attribute listener for referencing definition elements. */
protected RefAttrListener refAttrListener = new RefAttrListener();
Global event listener list for XBL binding related events.
/** * Global event listener list for XBL binding related events. */
protected EventListenerList bindingListenerList = new EventListenerList();
Global event listener list for ContentSelectionChanged events.
/** * Global event listener list for ContentSelectionChanged events. */
protected EventListenerList contentSelectionChangedListenerList = new EventListenerList();
Creates a new DefaultXBLManager for the given document.
/** * Creates a new DefaultXBLManager for the given document. */
public DefaultXBLManager(Document doc, BridgeContext ctx) { document = doc; this.ctx = ctx; ImportRecord ir = new ImportRecord(null, null); imports.put(null, ir); }
Starts XBL processing on the document.
/** * Starts XBL processing on the document. */
public void startProcessing() { if (isProcessing) { return; } // Get list of all current definitions in the document. NodeList nl = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(XBL_NAMESPACE_URI, XBL_DEFINITION_TAG); XBLOMDefinitionElement[] defs = new XBLOMDefinitionElement[nl.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) { defs[i] = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) nl.item(i); } // Get list of all imports in the document. nl = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(XBL_NAMESPACE_URI, XBL_IMPORT_TAG); Element[] imports = new Element[nl.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) { imports[i] = (Element) nl.item(i); } // Add document listeners. AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) document; XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) doc.initializeEventSupport(); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", docRemovedListener, true); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", docInsertedListener, true); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMSubtreeModified", docSubtreeListener, true); // Add definitions. for (XBLOMDefinitionElement def : defs) { if (def.getAttributeNS(null, XBL_REF_ATTRIBUTE).length() != 0) { addDefinitionRef(def); } else { String ns = def.getElementNamespaceURI(); String ln = def.getElementLocalName(); addDefinition(ns, ln, def, null); } } // Add imports. for (Element anImport : imports) { addImport(anImport); } // Bind all of the bindable elements in the document that have a // matching definition. isProcessing = true; bind(document.getDocumentElement()); }
Stops XBL processing on the document.
/** * Stops XBL processing on the document. */
public void stopProcessing() { if (!isProcessing) { return; } isProcessing = false; // Remove document listeners. AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) document; XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) doc.initializeEventSupport(); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", docRemovedListener, true); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", docInsertedListener, true); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMSubtreeModified", docSubtreeListener, true); // Remove all imports. int nSlots = imports.values().size(); ImportRecord[] irs = new ImportRecord[ nSlots ]; imports.values().toArray( irs ); for (ImportRecord ir : irs) { if (ir.importElement.getLocalName().equals(XBL_DEFINITION_TAG)) { removeDefinitionRef(ir.importElement); } else { removeImport(ir.importElement); } } // Remove all bindings. Object[] defRecs = definitions.getValuesArray(); definitions.clear(); for (Object defRec1 : defRecs) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) defRec1; TreeSet defs = (TreeSet) definitionLists.get(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName); if (defs != null) { while (!defs.isEmpty()) { defRec = (DefinitionRecord) defs.first(); defs.remove(defRec); removeDefinition(defRec); } definitionLists.put(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName, null); } } definitionLists = new DoublyIndexedTable(); contentManagers.clear(); }
Returns whether XBL processing is currently enabled.
/** * Returns whether XBL processing is currently enabled. */
public boolean isProcessing() { return isProcessing; }
Adds a definition through its referring definition element (one with a 'ref' attribute).
/** * Adds a definition through its referring definition element (one * with a 'ref' attribute). */
protected void addDefinitionRef(Element defRef) { String ref = defRef.getAttributeNS(null, XBL_REF_ATTRIBUTE); Element e = ctx.getReferencedElement(defRef, ref); if (!XBL_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(e.getNamespaceURI()) || !XBL_DEFINITION_TAG.equals(e.getLocalName())) { throw new BridgeException (ctx, defRef, ErrorConstants.ERR_URI_BAD_TARGET, new Object[] { ref }); } ImportRecord ir = new ImportRecord(defRef, e); imports.put(defRef, ir); NodeEventTarget et = (NodeEventTarget) defRef; et.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", refAttrListener, false, null); XBLOMDefinitionElement d = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) defRef; String ns = d.getElementNamespaceURI(); String ln = d.getElementLocalName(); addDefinition(ns, ln, (XBLOMDefinitionElement) e, defRef); }
Removes a definition through its referring definition element (one with a 'ref' attribute).
/** * Removes a definition through its referring definition element (one * with a 'ref' attribute). */
protected void removeDefinitionRef(Element defRef) { ImportRecord ir = (ImportRecord) imports.get(defRef); NodeEventTarget et = (NodeEventTarget) defRef; et.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", refAttrListener, false); DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(ir.node, defRef); removeDefinition(defRec); imports.remove(defRef); }
Imports bindings from another document.
/** * Imports bindings from another document. */
protected void addImport(Element imp) { String bindings = imp.getAttributeNS(null, XBL_BINDINGS_ATTRIBUTE); Node n = ctx.getReferencedNode(imp, bindings); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !(XBL_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(n.getNamespaceURI()) && XBL_XBL_TAG.equals(n.getLocalName()))) { throw new BridgeException (ctx, imp, ErrorConstants.ERR_URI_BAD_TARGET, new Object[] { n }); } ImportRecord ir = new ImportRecord(imp, n); imports.put(imp, ir); NodeEventTarget et = (NodeEventTarget) imp; et.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", importAttrListener, false, null); et = (NodeEventTarget) n; et.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", ir.importInsertedListener, false, null); et.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", ir.importRemovedListener, false, null); et.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMSubtreeModified", ir.importSubtreeListener, false, null); addImportedDefinitions(imp, n); }
Adds the definitions in the given imported subtree.
/** * Adds the definitions in the given imported subtree. */
protected void addImportedDefinitions(Element imp, Node n) { if (n instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement) { XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) n; String ns = def.getElementNamespaceURI(); String ln = def.getElementLocalName(); addDefinition(ns, ln, def, imp); } else { n = n.getFirstChild(); while (n != null) { addImportedDefinitions(imp, n); n = n.getNextSibling(); } } }
Removes an import.
/** * Removes an import. */
protected void removeImport(Element imp) { ImportRecord ir = (ImportRecord) imports.get(imp); NodeEventTarget et = (NodeEventTarget) ir.node; et.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", ir.importInsertedListener, false); et.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", ir.importRemovedListener, false); et.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMSubtreeModified", ir.importSubtreeListener, false); et = (NodeEventTarget) imp; et.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", importAttrListener, false); Object[] defRecs = definitions.getValuesArray(); for (Object defRec1 : defRecs) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) defRec1; if (defRec.importElement == imp) { removeDefinition(defRec); } } imports.remove(imp); }
Adds an xbl:definition element to the list of definitions that could possibly affect elements with the specified QName. This may or may not actually cause a new binding to come in to effect, as this new definition element may be added earlier in the document than another already in effect.
  • namespaceURI – the namespace URI of the bound elements
  • localName – the local name of the bound elements
  • def – the xbl:definition element
  • imp – the xbl:import or xbl;definition element through which this definition is being added, or null if the binding is in the original document
/** * Adds an xbl:definition element to the list of definitions that * could possibly affect elements with the specified QName. This * may or may not actually cause a new binding to come in to effect, * as this new definition element may be added earlier in the * document than another already in effect. * * @param namespaceURI the namespace URI of the bound elements * @param localName the local name of the bound elements * @param def the xbl:definition element * @param imp the xbl:import or xbl;definition element through which * this definition is being added, or null if the binding * is in the original document */
protected void addDefinition(String namespaceURI, String localName, XBLOMDefinitionElement def, Element imp) { ImportRecord ir = (ImportRecord) imports.get(imp); DefinitionRecord oldDefRec = null; DefinitionRecord defRec; TreeSet defs = (TreeSet) definitionLists.get(namespaceURI, localName); if (defs == null) { defs = new TreeSet(); definitionLists.put(namespaceURI, localName, defs); } else if (defs.size() > 0) { oldDefRec = (DefinitionRecord) defs.first(); } XBLOMTemplateElement template = null; for (Node n = def.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if (n instanceof XBLOMTemplateElement) { template = (XBLOMTemplateElement) n; break; } } defRec = new DefinitionRecord(namespaceURI, localName, def, template, imp); defs.add(defRec); definitions.put(def, imp, defRec); addDefinitionElementListeners(def, ir); if (defs.first() != defRec) { return; } if (oldDefRec != null) { XBLOMDefinitionElement oldDef = oldDefRec.definition; XBLOMTemplateElement oldTemplate = oldDefRec.template; if (oldTemplate != null) { removeTemplateElementListeners(oldTemplate, ir); } removeDefinitionElementListeners(oldDef, ir); } if (template != null) { addTemplateElementListeners(template, ir); } if (isProcessing) { rebind(namespaceURI, localName, document.getDocumentElement()); } }
Adds DOM mutation listeners to the given definition element.
/** * Adds DOM mutation listeners to the given definition element. */
protected void addDefinitionElementListeners(XBLOMDefinitionElement def, ImportRecord ir) { XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) def.initializeEventSupport(); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", ir.defAttrListener, false); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", ir.defNodeInsertedListener, false); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", ir.defNodeRemovedListener, false); }
Adds DOM mutation listeners to the given template element.
/** * Adds DOM mutation listeners to the given template element. */
protected void addTemplateElementListeners(XBLOMTemplateElement template, ImportRecord ir) { XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) template.initializeEventSupport(); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", ir.templateMutationListener, false); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", ir.templateMutationListener, false); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", ir.templateMutationListener, false); es.addImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMCharacterDataModified", ir.templateMutationListener, false); }
Removes an xbl:definition element from the list of definitions that could possibly affect elements with the specified QName. This will only cause a new binding to come in to effect if it is currently active.
/** * Removes an xbl:definition element from the list of definitions that * could possibly affect elements with the specified QName. This * will only cause a new binding to come in to effect if it is currently * active. */
protected void removeDefinition(DefinitionRecord defRec) { TreeSet defs = (TreeSet) definitionLists.get(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName); if (defs == null) { return; } Element imp = defRec.importElement; ImportRecord ir = (ImportRecord) imports.get(imp); DefinitionRecord activeDefRec = (DefinitionRecord) defs.first(); defs.remove(defRec); definitions.remove(defRec.definition, imp); removeDefinitionElementListeners(defRec.definition, ir); if (defRec != activeDefRec) { return; } if (defRec.template != null) { removeTemplateElementListeners(defRec.template, ir); } rebind(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName, document.getDocumentElement()); }
Removes DOM mutation listeners from the given definition element.
/** * Removes DOM mutation listeners from the given definition element. */
protected void removeDefinitionElementListeners (XBLOMDefinitionElement def, ImportRecord ir) { XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) def.initializeEventSupport(); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", ir.defAttrListener, false); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", ir.defNodeInsertedListener, false); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", ir.defNodeRemovedListener, false); }
Removes DOM mutation listeners from the given template element.
/** * Removes DOM mutation listeners from the given template element. */
protected void removeTemplateElementListeners (XBLOMTemplateElement template, ImportRecord ir) { XBLEventSupport es = (XBLEventSupport) template.initializeEventSupport(); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMAttrModified", ir.templateMutationListener, false); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeInserted", ir.templateMutationListener, false); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMNodeRemoved", ir.templateMutationListener, false); es.removeImplementationEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMCharacterDataModified", ir.templateMutationListener, false); }
Returns the definition record of the active definition for namespace URI/local name pair.
/** * Returns the definition record of the active definition for namespace * URI/local name pair. */
protected DefinitionRecord getActiveDefinition(String namespaceURI, String localName) { TreeSet defs = (TreeSet) definitionLists.get(namespaceURI, localName); if (defs == null || defs.size() == 0) { return null; } return (DefinitionRecord) defs.first(); }
Unbinds each bindable element in the given element's subtree.
/** * Unbinds each bindable element in the given element's subtree. */
protected void unbind(Element e) { if (e instanceof BindableElement) { setActiveDefinition((BindableElement) e, null); } else { NodeList nl = getXblScopedChildNodes(e); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { unbind((Element) n); } } } }
Binds each bindable element in the given element's subtree.
/** * Binds each bindable element in the given element's subtree. */
protected void bind(Element e) { AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) e.getOwnerDocument(); if (doc != document) { XBLManager xm = doc.getXBLManager(); if (xm instanceof DefaultXBLManager) { ((DefaultXBLManager) xm).bind(e); return; } } if (e instanceof BindableElement) { DefinitionRecord defRec = getActiveDefinition(e.getNamespaceURI(), e.getLocalName()); setActiveDefinition((BindableElement) e, defRec); } else { NodeList nl = getXblScopedChildNodes(e); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { bind((Element) n); } } } }
Rebinds each bindable element of the given name in the given element's subtree.
/** * Rebinds each bindable element of the given name in the given element's * subtree. */
protected void rebind(String namespaceURI, String localName, Element e) { AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) e.getOwnerDocument(); if (doc != document) { XBLManager xm = doc.getXBLManager(); if (xm instanceof DefaultXBLManager) { ((DefaultXBLManager) xm).rebind(namespaceURI, localName, e); return; } } if (e instanceof BindableElement && namespaceURI.equals(e.getNamespaceURI()) && localName.equals(e.getLocalName())) { DefinitionRecord defRec = getActiveDefinition(e.getNamespaceURI(), e.getLocalName()); setActiveDefinition((BindableElement) e, defRec); } else { NodeList nl = getXblScopedChildNodes(e); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { rebind(namespaceURI, localName, (Element) n); } } } }
Sets the given definition as the active one for a particular bindable element.
/** * Sets the given definition as the active one for a particular * bindable element. */
protected void setActiveDefinition(BindableElement elt, DefinitionRecord defRec) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(elt); rec.definitionElement = defRec == null ? null : defRec.definition; if (defRec != null && defRec.definition != null && defRec.template != null) { setXblShadowTree(elt, cloneTemplate(defRec.template)); } else { setXblShadowTree(elt, null); } }
Sets the shadow tree for the given bindable element.
/** * Sets the shadow tree for the given bindable element. */
protected void setXblShadowTree(BindableElement elt, XBLOMShadowTreeElement newShadow) { XBLOMShadowTreeElement oldShadow = (XBLOMShadowTreeElement) getXblShadowTree(elt); if (oldShadow != null) { fireShadowTreeEvent(elt, XBL_UNBINDING_EVENT_TYPE, oldShadow); ContentManager cm = getContentManager(oldShadow); if (cm != null) { cm.dispose(); } elt.setShadowTree(null); XBLRecord rec = getRecord(oldShadow); rec.boundElement = null; oldShadow.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMSubtreeModified", docSubtreeListener, false); } if (newShadow != null) { newShadow.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, "DOMSubtreeModified", docSubtreeListener, false, null); fireShadowTreeEvent(elt, XBL_PREBIND_EVENT_TYPE, newShadow); elt.setShadowTree(newShadow); XBLRecord rec = getRecord(newShadow); rec.boundElement = elt; AbstractDocument doc = (AbstractDocument) elt.getOwnerDocument(); XBLManager xm = doc.getXBLManager(); ContentManager cm = new ContentManager(newShadow, xm); setContentManager(newShadow, cm); } invalidateChildNodes(elt); if (newShadow != null) { NodeList nl = getXblScopedChildNodes(elt); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { bind((Element) n); } } dispatchBindingChangedEvent(elt, newShadow); fireShadowTreeEvent(elt, XBL_BOUND_EVENT_TYPE, newShadow); } else { dispatchBindingChangedEvent(elt, newShadow); } }
Fires a ShadowTreeEvent of the given type on this element.
/** * Fires a ShadowTreeEvent of the given type on this element. */
protected void fireShadowTreeEvent(BindableElement elt, String type, XBLShadowTreeElement e) { DocumentEvent de = (DocumentEvent) elt.getOwnerDocument(); ShadowTreeEvent evt = (ShadowTreeEvent) de.createEvent("ShadowTreeEvent"); evt.initShadowTreeEventNS(XBL_NAMESPACE_URI, type, true, false, e); elt.dispatchEvent(evt); }
Clones a template element for use as a shadow tree.
/** * Clones a template element for use as a shadow tree. */
protected XBLOMShadowTreeElement cloneTemplate (XBLOMTemplateElement template) { XBLOMShadowTreeElement clone = (XBLOMShadowTreeElement) template.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(XBL_NAMESPACE_URI, XBL_SHADOW_TREE_TAG); NamedNodeMap attrs = template.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i); if (attr instanceof AbstractAttrNS) { clone.setAttributeNodeNS(attr); } else { clone.setAttributeNode(attr); } } for (Node n = template.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { clone.appendChild(n.cloneNode(true)); } return clone; }
Get the parent of a node in the fully flattened tree.
/** * Get the parent of a node in the fully flattened tree. */
public Node getXblParentNode(Node n) { Node contentElement = getXblContentElement(n); Node parent = contentElement == null ? n.getParentNode() : contentElement.getParentNode(); if (parent instanceof XBLOMContentElement) { parent = parent.getParentNode(); } if (parent instanceof XBLOMShadowTreeElement) { parent = getXblBoundElement(parent); } return parent; }
Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree.
/** * Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree. */
public NodeList getXblChildNodes(Node n) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); if (rec.childNodes == null) { rec.childNodes = new XblChildNodes(rec); } return rec.childNodes; }
Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree that are within the same shadow scope.
/** * Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree * that are within the same shadow scope. */
public NodeList getXblScopedChildNodes(Node n) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); if (rec.scopedChildNodes == null) { rec.scopedChildNodes = new XblScopedChildNodes(rec); } return rec.scopedChildNodes; }
Get the first child node of a node in the fully flattened tree.
/** * Get the first child node of a node in the fully flattened tree. */
public Node getXblFirstChild(Node n) { NodeList nl = getXblChildNodes(n); return nl.item(0); }
Get the last child node of a node in the fully flattened tree.
/** * Get the last child node of a node in the fully flattened tree. */
public Node getXblLastChild(Node n) { NodeList nl = getXblChildNodes(n); return nl.item(nl.getLength() - 1); }
Get the node which directly precedes a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
/** * Get the node which directly precedes a node in the xblParentNode's * xblChildNodes list. */
public Node getXblPreviousSibling(Node n) { Node p = getXblParentNode(n); if (p == null || getRecord(p).childNodes == null) { return n.getPreviousSibling(); } XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); if (!rec.linksValid) { updateLinks(n); } return rec.previousSibling; }
Get the node which directly follows a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
/** * Get the node which directly follows a node in the xblParentNode's * xblChildNodes list. */
public Node getXblNextSibling(Node n) { Node p = getXblParentNode(n); if (p == null || getRecord(p).childNodes == null) { return n.getNextSibling(); } XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); if (!rec.linksValid) { updateLinks(n); } return rec.nextSibling; }
Get the first element child of a node in the fully flattened tree.
/** * Get the first element child of a node in the fully flattened tree. */
public Element getXblFirstElementChild(Node n) { n = getXblFirstChild(n); while (n != null && n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { n = getXblNextSibling(n); } return (Element) n; }
Get the last element child of a node in the fully flattened tree.
/** * Get the last element child of a node in the fully flattened tree. */
public Element getXblLastElementChild(Node n) { n = getXblLastChild(n); while (n != null && n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { n = getXblPreviousSibling(n); } return (Element) n; }
Get the first element that precedes the a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
/** * Get the first element that precedes the a node in the * xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list. */
public Element getXblPreviousElementSibling(Node n) { do { n = getXblPreviousSibling(n); } while (n != null && n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE); return (Element) n; }
Get the first element that follows a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
/** * Get the first element that follows a node in the * xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list. */
public Element getXblNextElementSibling(Node n) { do { n = getXblNextSibling(n); } while (n != null && n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE); return (Element) n; }
Get the bound element whose shadow tree a node resides in.
/** * Get the bound element whose shadow tree a node resides in. */
public Element getXblBoundElement(Node n) { while (n != null && !(n instanceof XBLShadowTreeElement)) { XBLOMContentElement content = getXblContentElement(n); if (content != null) { n = content; } n = n.getParentNode(); } if (n == null) { return null; } return getRecord(n).boundElement; }
Get the shadow tree of a node.
/** * Get the shadow tree of a node. */
public Element getXblShadowTree(Node n) { if (n instanceof BindableElement) { BindableElement elt = (BindableElement) n; return elt.getShadowTree(); } return null; }
Get the xbl:definition elements currently binding an element.
/** * Get the xbl:definition elements currently binding an element. */
public NodeList getXblDefinitions(Node n) { final String namespaceURI = n.getNamespaceURI(); final String localName = n.getLocalName(); return new NodeList() { public Node item(int i) { TreeSet defs = (TreeSet) definitionLists.get(namespaceURI, localName); if (defs != null && defs.size() != 0 && i == 0) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) defs.first(); return defRec.definition; } return null; } public int getLength() { Set defs = (TreeSet) definitionLists.get(namespaceURI, localName); return defs != null && defs.size() != 0 ? 1 : 0; } }; }
Returns the XBL record for the given node.
/** * Returns the XBL record for the given node. */
protected XBLRecord getRecord(Node n) { XBLManagerData xmd = (XBLManagerData) n; XBLRecord rec = (XBLRecord) xmd.getManagerData(); if (rec == null) { rec = new XBLRecord(); rec.node = n; xmd.setManagerData(rec); } return rec; }
Updates the xblPreviousSibling and xblNextSibling properties of the given XBL node.
/** * Updates the xblPreviousSibling and xblNextSibling properties of the * given XBL node. */
protected void updateLinks(Node n) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); rec.previousSibling = null; rec.nextSibling = null; rec.linksValid = true; Node p = getXblParentNode(n); if (p != null) { NodeList xcn = getXblChildNodes(p); if (xcn instanceof XblChildNodes) { ((XblChildNodes) xcn).update(); } } }
Returns the content element that caused the given node to be present in the flattened tree.
/** * Returns the content element that caused the given node to be * present in the flattened tree. */
public XBLOMContentElement getXblContentElement(Node n) { return getRecord(n).contentElement; }
Determines the number of nodes events should bubble if the mouse pointer has moved from one element to another.
  • from – the element from which the mouse pointer moved
  • to – the element to which the mouse pointer moved
/** * Determines the number of nodes events should bubble if the * mouse pointer has moved from one element to another. * @param from the element from which the mouse pointer moved * @param to the element to which the mouse pointer moved */
public static int computeBubbleLimit(Node from, Node to) { ArrayList fromList = new ArrayList(10); ArrayList toList = new ArrayList(10); while (from != null) { fromList.add(from); from = ((NodeXBL) from).getXblParentNode(); } while (to != null) { toList.add(to); to = ((NodeXBL) to).getXblParentNode(); } int fromSize = fromList.size(); int toSize = toList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < fromSize && i < toSize; i++) { Node n1 = (Node) fromList.get(fromSize - i - 1); Node n2 = (Node) toList.get(toSize - i - 1); if (n1 != n2) { Node prevBoundElement = ((NodeXBL) n1).getXblBoundElement(); while (i > 0 && prevBoundElement != fromList.get(fromSize - i - 1)) { i--; } return fromSize - i - 1; } } return 1; }
Returns the ContentManager that handles the shadow tree the given node resides in.
/** * Returns the ContentManager that handles the shadow tree the given * node resides in. */
public ContentManager getContentManager(Node n) { Node b = getXblBoundElement(n); if (b != null) { Element s = getXblShadowTree(b); if (s != null) { ContentManager cm; Document doc = b.getOwnerDocument(); if (doc != document) { DefaultXBLManager xm = (DefaultXBLManager) ((AbstractDocument) doc).getXBLManager(); cm = (ContentManager) xm.contentManagers.get(s); } else { cm = (ContentManager) contentManagers.get(s); } return cm; } } return null; }
Records the ContentManager that handles the given shadow tree.
/** * Records the ContentManager that handles the given shadow tree. */
void setContentManager(Element shadow, ContentManager cm) { if (cm == null) { contentManagers.remove(shadow); } else { contentManagers.put(shadow, cm); } }
Mark the xblChildNodes and xblScopedChildNodes variables as invalid.
/** * Mark the xblChildNodes and xblScopedChildNodes variables * as invalid. */
public void invalidateChildNodes(Node n) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); if (rec.childNodes != null) { rec.childNodes.invalidate(); } if (rec.scopedChildNodes != null) { rec.scopedChildNodes.invalidate(); } }
Adds the specified ContentSelectionChangedListener to the global listener list.
/** * Adds the specified ContentSelectionChangedListener to the * global listener list. */
public void addContentSelectionChangedListener (ContentSelectionChangedListener l) { contentSelectionChangedListenerList.add (ContentSelectionChangedListener.class, l); }
Removes the specified ContentSelectionChangedListener from the global listener list.
/** * Removes the specified ContentSelectionChangedListener from the * global listener list. */
public void removeContentSelectionChangedListener (ContentSelectionChangedListener l) { contentSelectionChangedListenerList.remove (ContentSelectionChangedListener.class, l); }
Returns an array of the gloabl ContentSelectionChangedListeners.
/** * Returns an array of the gloabl ContentSelectionChangedListeners. */
protected Object[] getContentSelectionChangedListeners() { return contentSelectionChangedListenerList.getListenerList(); }
Called by the ContentManager of a shadow tree to indicate some selected nodes have changed.
/** * Called by the ContentManager of a shadow tree to indicate some * selected nodes have changed. */
void shadowTreeSelectedContentChanged(Set deselected, Set selected) { Iterator i = deselected.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Node n = (Node) i.next(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { unbind((Element) n); } } i = selected.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Node n = (Node) i.next(); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { bind((Element) n); } } }
Adds the specified BindingListener to the global listener list.
/** * Adds the specified BindingListener to the global listener list. */
public void addBindingListener(BindingListener l) { bindingListenerList.add(BindingListener.class, l); }
Removes the specified BindingListener from the global listener list.
/** * Removes the specified BindingListener from the global listener list. */
public void removeBindingListener(BindingListener l) { bindingListenerList.remove(BindingListener.class, l); }
Dispatches a BindingEvent the registered listeners.
  • bindableElement – the bindable element whose binding has changed
  • shadowTree – the new shadow tree of the bindable element
/** * Dispatches a BindingEvent the registered listeners. * @param bindableElement the bindable element whose binding has changed * @param shadowTree the new shadow tree of the bindable element */
protected void dispatchBindingChangedEvent(Element bindableElement, Element shadowTree) { Object[] ls = bindingListenerList.getListenerList(); for (int i = ls.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { BindingListener l = (BindingListener) ls[i + 1]; l.bindingChanged(bindableElement, shadowTree); } }
Returns whether the given definition element is the active one for its element name.
/** * Returns whether the given definition element is the active one * for its element name. */
protected boolean isActiveDefinition(XBLOMDefinitionElement def, Element imp) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(def, imp); if (defRec == null) { return false; } return defRec == getActiveDefinition(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName); }
Record class for storing information about an XBL definition.
/** * Record class for storing information about an XBL definition. */
protected static class DefinitionRecord implements Comparable {
The namespace URI.
/** * The namespace URI. */
public String namespaceURI;
The local name.
/** * The local name. */
public String localName;
The definition element.
/** * The definition element. */
public XBLOMDefinitionElement definition;
The template element for this definition.
/** * The template element for this definition. */
public XBLOMTemplateElement template;
The import element that imported this definition.
/** * The import element that imported this definition. */
public Element importElement;
Creates a new DefinitionRecord.
/** * Creates a new DefinitionRecord. */
public DefinitionRecord(String ns, String ln, XBLOMDefinitionElement def, XBLOMTemplateElement t, Element imp) { namespaceURI = ns; localName = ln; definition = def; template = t; importElement = imp; }
Returns whether two definition records are the same.
/** * Returns whether two definition records are the same. */
public boolean equals(Object other) { return compareTo(other) == 0; }
Compares two definition records.
/** * Compares two definition records. */
public int compareTo(Object other) { DefinitionRecord rec = (DefinitionRecord) other; AbstractNode n1, n2; if (importElement == null) { n1 = definition; if (rec.importElement == null) { n2 = rec.definition; } else { n2 = (AbstractNode) rec.importElement; } } else if (rec.importElement == null) { n1 = (AbstractNode) importElement; n2 = rec.definition; } else if (definition.getOwnerDocument() == rec.definition.getOwnerDocument()) { n1 = definition; n2 = rec.definition; } else { n1 = (AbstractNode) importElement; n2 = (AbstractNode) rec.importElement; } short comp = n1.compareDocumentPosition(n2); if ((comp & AbstractNode.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) != 0) { return -1; } if ((comp & AbstractNode.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } }
Record class for storing information about an XBL import.
/** * Record class for storing information about an XBL import. */
protected class ImportRecord {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
public Element importElement;
The imported tree.
/** * The imported tree. */
public Node node;
The DOM node inserted listener for definitions accessed through this import.
/** * The DOM node inserted listener for definitions accessed through * this import. */
public DefNodeInsertedListener defNodeInsertedListener;
The DOM node removed listener for definitions accessed through this import.
/** * The DOM node removed listener for definitions accessed through * this import. */
public DefNodeRemovedListener defNodeRemovedListener;
The DOM attribute mutation listener for definitions accessed through this import.
/** * The DOM attribute mutation listener for definitions accessed through * this import. */
public DefAttrListener defAttrListener;
The DOM node inserted listener for the imported tree.
/** * The DOM node inserted listener for the imported tree. */
public ImportInsertedListener importInsertedListener;
The DOM node removed listener for the imported tree.
/** * The DOM node removed listener for the imported tree. */
public ImportRemovedListener importRemovedListener;
The DOM subtree modified listener for the imported tree.
/** * The DOM subtree modified listener for the imported tree. */
public ImportSubtreeListener importSubtreeListener;
The DOM subtree modified listener for templates of definitions accessed through this import.
/** * The DOM subtree modified listener for templates of definitions * accessed through this import. */
public TemplateMutationListener templateMutationListener;
Creates a new ImportRecord.
/** * Creates a new ImportRecord. */
public ImportRecord(Element imp, Node n) { importElement = imp; node = n; defNodeInsertedListener = new DefNodeInsertedListener(imp); defNodeRemovedListener = new DefNodeRemovedListener(imp); defAttrListener = new DefAttrListener(imp); importInsertedListener = new ImportInsertedListener(imp); importRemovedListener = new ImportRemovedListener(); importSubtreeListener = new ImportSubtreeListener(imp, importRemovedListener); templateMutationListener = new TemplateMutationListener(imp); } }
DOM node inserted listener for imported XBL trees.
/** * DOM node inserted listener for imported XBL trees. */
protected class ImportInsertedListener implements EventListener {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
protected Element importElement;
Creates a new ImportInsertedListener.
/** * Creates a new ImportInsertedListener. */
public ImportInsertedListener(Element importElement) { this.importElement = importElement; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (target instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement) { XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) target; addDefinition(def.getElementNamespaceURI(), def.getElementLocalName(), def, importElement); } } }
DOM node removed listener for imported XBL trees.
/** * DOM node removed listener for imported XBL trees. */
protected static class ImportRemovedListener implements EventListener {
List of definition elements to be removed from the document.
/** * List of definition elements to be removed from the document. */
protected LinkedList toBeRemoved = new LinkedList();
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { toBeRemoved.add(evt.getTarget()); } }
DOM subtree listener for imported XBL trees.
/** * DOM subtree listener for imported XBL trees. */
protected class ImportSubtreeListener implements EventListener {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
protected Element importElement;
The ImportedRemovedListener to check for to-be-removed definitions.
/** * The ImportedRemovedListener to check for to-be-removed definitions. */
protected ImportRemovedListener importRemovedListener;
Creates a new ImportSubtreeListener.
/** * Creates a new ImportSubtreeListener. */
public ImportSubtreeListener(Element imp, ImportRemovedListener irl) { importElement = imp; importRemovedListener = irl; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { Object[] defs = importRemovedListener.toBeRemoved.toArray(); importRemovedListener.toBeRemoved.clear(); for (Object def1 : defs) { XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) def1; DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(def, importElement); removeDefinition(defRec); } } }
DOM node inserted listener for the document.
/** * DOM node inserted listener for the document. */
protected class DocInsertedListener implements EventListener {
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (target instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement) { // only handle definition elements in document-level scope if (getXblBoundElement((Node) target) == null) { // ??? suspect cast ??? XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) target; if (def.getAttributeNS(null, XBL_REF_ATTRIBUTE).length() == 0) { addDefinition(def.getElementNamespaceURI(), def.getElementLocalName(), def, null); } else { addDefinitionRef(def); } } } else if (target instanceof XBLOMImportElement) { // only handle import elements in document-level scope if (getXblBoundElement((Node) target) == null) { // ??? suspect cast ??? addImport((Element) target); } } else { evt = XBLEventSupport.getUltimateOriginalEvent(evt); target = evt.getTarget(); Node parent = getXblParentNode((Node) target); if (parent != null) { invalidateChildNodes(parent); } if (target instanceof BindableElement) { // Only bind it if it's not the descendent of a bound // element. If it is, and this new element will be // selected by an xbl:content element in the shadow tree, // the ContentManager will bind it. for (Node n = ((Node) target).getParentNode(); n != null; n = n.getParentNode()) { if (n instanceof BindableElement && getRecord(n).definitionElement != null) { return; } } bind((Element) target); } } } }
DOM node removed listener for the document.
/** * DOM node removed listener for the document. */
protected class DocRemovedListener implements EventListener {
List of definition elements to be removed from the document.
/** * List of definition elements to be removed from the document. */
protected LinkedList defsToBeRemoved = new LinkedList();
List of import elements to be removed from the document.
/** * List of import elements to be removed from the document. */
protected LinkedList importsToBeRemoved = new LinkedList();
List of nodes to have their XBL child lists invalidated.
/** * List of nodes to have their XBL child lists invalidated. */
protected LinkedList nodesToBeInvalidated = new LinkedList();
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (target instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement) { // only handle definition elements in document-level scope if (getXblBoundElement((Node) target) == null) { defsToBeRemoved.add(target); } } else if (target instanceof XBLOMImportElement) { // only handle import elements in document-level scope if (getXblBoundElement((Node) target) == null) { importsToBeRemoved.add(target); } } Node parent = getXblParentNode((Node) target); if (parent != null) { nodesToBeInvalidated.add(parent); } } }
DOM subtree mutation listener for the document.
/** * DOM subtree mutation listener for the document. */
protected class DocSubtreeListener implements EventListener {
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { Object[] defs = docRemovedListener.defsToBeRemoved.toArray(); docRemovedListener.defsToBeRemoved.clear(); for (Object def1 : defs) { XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) def1; if (def.getAttributeNS(null, XBL_REF_ATTRIBUTE).length() == 0) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(def, null); removeDefinition(defRec); } else { removeDefinitionRef(def); } } Object[] imps = docRemovedListener.importsToBeRemoved.toArray(); docRemovedListener.importsToBeRemoved.clear(); for (Object imp : imps) { removeImport((Element) imp); } Object[] nodes = docRemovedListener.nodesToBeInvalidated.toArray(); docRemovedListener.nodesToBeInvalidated.clear(); for (Object node : nodes) { invalidateChildNodes((Node) node); } } }
DOM mutation listener for template elements.
/** * DOM mutation listener for template elements. */
protected class TemplateMutationListener implements EventListener {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
protected Element importElement;
Creates a new TemplateMutationListener.
/** * Creates a new TemplateMutationListener. */
public TemplateMutationListener(Element imp) { importElement = imp; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { Node n = (Node) evt.getTarget(); while (n != null && !(n instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement)) { n = n.getParentNode(); } DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(n, importElement); if (defRec == null) { return; } rebind(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName, document.getDocumentElement()); } }
DOM attribute mutation listener for definition elements.
/** * DOM attribute mutation listener for definition elements. */
protected class DefAttrListener implements EventListener {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
protected Element importElement;
Creates a new DefAttrListener.
/** * Creates a new DefAttrListener. */
public DefAttrListener(Element imp) { importElement = imp; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (!(target instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement)) { return; } XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) target; if (!isActiveDefinition(def, importElement)) { return; } MutationEvent mevt = (MutationEvent) evt; String attrName = mevt.getAttrName(); if (attrName.equals(XBL_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE)) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(def, importElement); removeDefinition(defRec); addDefinition(def.getElementNamespaceURI(), def.getElementLocalName(), def, importElement); } else if (attrName.equals(XBL_REF_ATTRIBUTE)) { if (mevt.getNewValue().length() != 0) { DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(def, importElement); removeDefinition(defRec); addDefinitionRef(def); } } } }
DOM node inserted listener for definition elements.
/** * DOM node inserted listener for definition elements. */
protected class DefNodeInsertedListener implements EventListener {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
protected Element importElement;
Creates a new DefNodeInsertedListener.
/** * Creates a new DefNodeInsertedListener. */
public DefNodeInsertedListener(Element imp) { importElement = imp; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { MutationEvent mevt = (MutationEvent) evt; Node parent = mevt.getRelatedNode(); if (!(parent instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement)) { return; } EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (!(target instanceof XBLOMTemplateElement)) { return; } XBLOMTemplateElement template = (XBLOMTemplateElement) target; DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(parent, importElement); if (defRec == null) { return; } ImportRecord ir = (ImportRecord) imports.get(importElement); if (defRec.template != null) { for (Node n = parent.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if (n == template) { removeTemplateElementListeners(defRec.template, ir); defRec.template = template; break; } else if (n == defRec.template) { return; } } } else { defRec.template = template; } addTemplateElementListeners(template, ir); rebind(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName, document.getDocumentElement()); } }
DOM node removed listener for definition elements.
/** * DOM node removed listener for definition elements. */
protected class DefNodeRemovedListener implements EventListener {
The import element.
/** * The import element. */
protected Element importElement;
Creates a new DefNodeRemovedListener.
/** * Creates a new DefNodeRemovedListener. */
public DefNodeRemovedListener(Element imp) { importElement = imp; }
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { MutationEvent mevt = (MutationEvent) evt; Node parent = mevt.getRelatedNode(); if (!(parent instanceof XBLOMDefinitionElement)) { return; } EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (!(target instanceof XBLOMTemplateElement)) { return; } XBLOMTemplateElement template = (XBLOMTemplateElement) target; DefinitionRecord defRec = (DefinitionRecord) definitions.get(parent, importElement); if (defRec == null || defRec.template != template) { return; } ImportRecord ir = (ImportRecord) imports.get(importElement); removeTemplateElementListeners(template, ir); defRec.template = null; for (Node n = template.getNextSibling(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) { if (n instanceof XBLOMTemplateElement) { defRec.template = (XBLOMTemplateElement) n; break; } } addTemplateElementListeners(defRec.template, ir); rebind(defRec.namespaceURI, defRec.localName, document.getDocumentElement()); } }
DOM attribute mutation listener for import elements.
/** * DOM attribute mutation listener for import elements. */
protected class ImportAttrListener implements EventListener {
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (target != evt.getCurrentTarget()) { return; } MutationEvent mevt = (MutationEvent) evt; if (mevt.getAttrName().equals(XBL_BINDINGS_ATTRIBUTE)) { Element imp = (Element) target; removeImport(imp); addImport(imp); } } }
DOM attribute mutation listener for referencing definition elements.
/** * DOM attribute mutation listener for referencing definition elements. */
protected class RefAttrListener implements EventListener {
Handles the event.
/** * Handles the event. */
public void handleEvent(Event evt) { EventTarget target = evt.getTarget(); if (target != evt.getCurrentTarget()) { return; } MutationEvent mevt = (MutationEvent) evt; if (mevt.getAttrName().equals(XBL_REF_ATTRIBUTE)) { Element defRef = (Element) target; removeDefinitionRef(defRef); if (mevt.getNewValue().length() == 0) { XBLOMDefinitionElement def = (XBLOMDefinitionElement) defRef; String ns = def.getElementNamespaceURI(); String ln = def.getElementLocalName(); addDefinition(ns, ln, (XBLOMDefinitionElement) defRef, null); } else { addDefinitionRef(defRef); } } } }
XBL record.
/** * XBL record. */
protected class XBLRecord {
The node.
/** * The node. */
public Node node;
The xblChildNodes NodeList for this node.
/** * The xblChildNodes NodeList for this node. */
public XblChildNodes childNodes;
The xblScopedChildNodes NodeList for this node.
/** * The xblScopedChildNodes NodeList for this node. */
public XblScopedChildNodes scopedChildNodes;
The content element which caused this node to appear in the flattened tree.
/** * The content element which caused this node to appear in the * flattened tree. */
public XBLOMContentElement contentElement;
The definition element that applies to this element.
/** * The definition element that applies to this element. */
public XBLOMDefinitionElement definitionElement;
The bound element that owns this shadow tree, if this node is an XBLOMShadowTreeElement.
/** * The bound element that owns this shadow tree, if this node * is an XBLOMShadowTreeElement. */
public BindableElement boundElement;
Whether the next/previous links are valid.
/** * Whether the next/previous links are valid. */
public boolean linksValid;
The following sibling in the flattened tree.
/** * The following sibling in the flattened tree. */
public Node nextSibling;
The previous sibling in the flattened tree.
/** * The previous sibling in the flattened tree. */
public Node previousSibling; }
To iterate over the XBL child nodes.
/** * To iterate over the XBL child nodes. */
protected class XblChildNodes implements NodeList {
The XBLRecord.
/** * The XBLRecord. */
protected XBLRecord record;
The nodes.
/** * The nodes. */
protected List nodes;
The number of nodes.
/** * The number of nodes. */
protected int size;
Creates a new XblChildNodes.
/** * Creates a new XblChildNodes. */
public XblChildNodes(XBLRecord rec) { record = rec; nodes = new ArrayList(); size = -1; }
Update the NodeList.
/** * Update the NodeList. */
protected void update() { size = 0; Node shadowTree = getXblShadowTree(record.node); Node last = null; Node m = shadowTree == null ? record.node.getFirstChild() : shadowTree.getFirstChild(); while (m != null) { last = collectXblChildNodes(m, last); m = m.getNextSibling(); } if (last != null) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(last); rec.nextSibling = null; rec.linksValid = true; } }
Find the XBL child nodes of this element.
/** * Find the XBL child nodes of this element. */
protected Node collectXblChildNodes(Node n, Node prev) { boolean isChild = false; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (!XBL_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(n.getNamespaceURI())) { isChild = true; } else if (n instanceof XBLOMContentElement) { ContentManager cm = getContentManager(n); if (cm != null) { NodeList selected = cm.getSelectedContent((XBLOMContentElement) n); for (int i = 0; i < selected.getLength(); i++) { prev = collectXblChildNodes(selected.item(i), prev); } } } } else { isChild = true; } if (isChild) { nodes.add(n); size++; if (prev != null) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord(prev); rec.nextSibling = n; rec.linksValid = true; } XBLRecord rec = getRecord(n); rec.previousSibling = prev; rec.linksValid = true; prev = n; } return prev; }
Mark the xblNextSibling and xblPreviousSibling variables on each node in the list as invalid, then invalidate the NodeList.
/** * Mark the xblNextSibling and xblPreviousSibling variables * on each node in the list as invalid, then invalidate the * NodeList. */
public void invalidate() { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { XBLRecord rec = getRecord((Node) nodes.get(i)); rec.previousSibling = null; rec.nextSibling = null; rec.linksValid = false; } nodes.clear(); size = -1; }
Returns the first node in the list.
/** * Returns the first node in the list. */
public Node getFirstNode() { if (size == -1) { update(); } return size == 0 ? null : (Node) nodes.get(0); }
Returns the last node in the list.
/** * Returns the last node in the list. */
public Node getLastNode() { if (size == -1) { update(); } return size == 0 ? null : (Node) nodes.get( nodes.size() -1 ); }
DOM: Implements NodeList.item(int).
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link org.w3c.dom.NodeList#item(int)}. */
public Node item(int index) { if (size == -1) { update(); } if (index < 0 || index >= size) { return null; } return (Node) nodes.get(index); }
DOM: Implements NodeList.getLength().
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link org.w3c.dom.NodeList#getLength()}. */
public int getLength() { if (size == -1) { update(); } return size; } }
To iterate over the scoped XBL child nodes.
/** * To iterate over the scoped XBL child nodes. */
protected class XblScopedChildNodes extends XblChildNodes {
Creates a new XblScopedChildNodes object.
/** * Creates a new XblScopedChildNodes object. */
public XblScopedChildNodes(XBLRecord rec) { super(rec); }
Update the NodeList.
/** * Update the NodeList. */
protected void update() { size = 0; Node shadowTree = getXblShadowTree(record.node); Node n = shadowTree == null ? record.node.getFirstChild() : shadowTree.getFirstChild(); while (n != null) { collectXblScopedChildNodes(n); n = n.getNextSibling(); } }
Find the XBL child nodes of this element.
/** * Find the XBL child nodes of this element. */
protected void collectXblScopedChildNodes(Node n) { boolean isChild = false; if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { if (!n.getNamespaceURI().equals(XBL_NAMESPACE_URI)) { isChild = true; } else if (n instanceof XBLOMContentElement) { ContentManager cm = getContentManager(n); if (cm != null) { NodeList selected = cm.getSelectedContent((XBLOMContentElement) n); for (int i = 0; i < selected.getLength(); i++) { collectXblScopedChildNodes(selected.item(i)); } } } } else { isChild = true; } if (isChild) { nodes.add(n); size++; } } } }