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package org.apache.poi.ddf;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;

Generates escher records when provided the byte array containing those records.
See Also:
  • EscherRecordFactory
/** * Generates escher records when provided the byte array containing those records. * * @see EscherRecordFactory */
public class DefaultEscherRecordFactory implements EscherRecordFactory { private static Class<?>[] escherRecordClasses = { EscherBSERecord.class, EscherOptRecord.class, EscherTertiaryOptRecord.class, EscherClientAnchorRecord.class, EscherDgRecord.class, EscherSpgrRecord.class, EscherSpRecord.class, EscherClientDataRecord.class, EscherDggRecord.class, EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord.class, EscherChildAnchorRecord.class, EscherTextboxRecord.class }; private static Map<Short, Constructor<? extends EscherRecord>> recordsMap = recordsToMap( escherRecordClasses );
Creates an instance of the escher record factory
/** * Creates an instance of the escher record factory */
public DefaultEscherRecordFactory() { // no instance initialisation } @Override public EscherRecord createRecord(byte[] data, int offset) { short options = LittleEndian.getShort( data, offset ); short recordId = LittleEndian.getShort( data, offset + 2 ); // int remainingBytes = LittleEndian.getInt( data, offset + 4 ); // Options of 0x000F means container record // However, EscherTextboxRecord are containers of records for the // host application, not of other Escher records, so treat them // differently if (isContainer(options, recordId)) { EscherContainerRecord r = new EscherContainerRecord(); r.setRecordId( recordId ); r.setOptions( options ); return r; } if (recordId >= EscherBlipRecord.RECORD_ID_START && recordId <= EscherBlipRecord.RECORD_ID_END) { EscherBlipRecord r; if (recordId == EscherBitmapBlip.RECORD_ID_DIB || recordId == EscherBitmapBlip.RECORD_ID_JPEG || recordId == EscherBitmapBlip.RECORD_ID_PNG) { r = new EscherBitmapBlip(); } else if (recordId == EscherMetafileBlip.RECORD_ID_EMF || recordId == EscherMetafileBlip.RECORD_ID_WMF || recordId == EscherMetafileBlip.RECORD_ID_PICT) { r = new EscherMetafileBlip(); } else { r = new EscherBlipRecord(); } r.setRecordId( recordId ); r.setOptions( options ); return r; } Constructor<? extends EscherRecord> recordConstructor = recordsMap.get(Short.valueOf(recordId)); final EscherRecord escherRecord; if (recordConstructor == null) { return new UnknownEscherRecord(); } try { escherRecord = recordConstructor.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { return new UnknownEscherRecord(); } escherRecord.setRecordId(recordId); escherRecord.setOptions(options); return escherRecord; }
Converts from a list of classes into a map that contains the record id as the key and the Constructor in the value part of the map. It does this by using reflection to look up the RECORD_ID field then using reflection again to find a reference to the constructor.
  • recClasses – The records to convert
Returns:The map containing the id/constructor pairs.
/** * Converts from a list of classes into a map that contains the record id as the key and * the Constructor in the value part of the map. It does this by using reflection to look up * the RECORD_ID field then using reflection again to find a reference to the constructor. * * @param recClasses The records to convert * @return The map containing the id/constructor pairs. */
protected static Map<Short, Constructor<? extends EscherRecord>> recordsToMap(Class<?>[] recClasses) { Map<Short, Constructor<? extends EscherRecord>> result = new HashMap<>(); final Class<?>[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class[0]; for (Class<?> recClass : recClasses) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends EscherRecord> recCls = (Class<? extends EscherRecord>) recClass; short sid; try { sid = recCls.getField("RECORD_ID").getShort(null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Constructor<? extends EscherRecord> constructor; try { constructor = recCls.getConstructor(EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } result.put(Short.valueOf(sid), constructor); } return result; } public static boolean isContainer(short options, short recordId){ if(recordId >= EscherContainerRecord.DGG_CONTAINER && recordId <= EscherContainerRecord.SOLVER_CONTAINER){ return true; } else { if (recordId == EscherTextboxRecord.RECORD_ID) { return false; } else { return ( options & (short) 0x000F ) == (short) 0x000F; } } } }