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package org.apache.lucene.util.bkd;

import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;

Utility class to write new points into in-heap arrays. @lucene.internal
/** * Utility class to write new points into in-heap arrays. * * @lucene.internal * */
public final class HeapPointWriter implements PointWriter { public final byte[] block; final int size; final int packedBytesLength; final int packedBytesDocIDLength; private final byte[] scratch; private int nextWrite; private boolean closed; private HeapPointReader.HeapPointValue pointValue; public HeapPointWriter(int size, int packedBytesLength) { this.packedBytesDocIDLength = packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES; this.packedBytesLength = packedBytesLength; this.block = new byte[packedBytesDocIDLength * size]; this.size = size; this.scratch = new byte[packedBytesDocIDLength]; if (size > 0) { pointValue = new HeapPointReader.HeapPointValue(block, packedBytesLength); } else { //no values pointValue = null; } }
Returns a reference, in result, to the byte[] slice holding this value
/** Returns a reference, in <code>result</code>, to the byte[] slice holding this value */
public PointValue getPackedValueSlice(int index) { assert index < nextWrite : "nextWrite=" + (nextWrite) + " vs index=" + index; pointValue.setOffset(index * packedBytesDocIDLength); return pointValue; } @Override public void append(byte[] packedValue, int docID) { assert closed == false : "point writer is already closed"; assert packedValue.length == packedBytesLength : "[packedValue] must have length [" + packedBytesLength + "] but was [" + packedValue.length + "]"; assert nextWrite < size : "nextWrite=" + (nextWrite + 1) + " vs size=" + size; System.arraycopy(packedValue, 0, block, nextWrite * packedBytesDocIDLength, packedBytesLength); int position = nextWrite * packedBytesDocIDLength + packedBytesLength; block[position] = (byte) (docID >> 24); block[++position] = (byte) (docID >> 16); block[++position] = (byte) (docID >> 8); block[++position] = (byte) (docID >> 0); nextWrite++; } @Override public void append(PointValue pointValue) { assert closed == false : "point writer is already closed"; assert nextWrite < size : "nextWrite=" + (nextWrite + 1) + " vs size=" + size; BytesRef packedValueDocID = pointValue.packedValueDocIDBytes(); assert packedValueDocID.length == packedBytesDocIDLength : "[packedValue] must have length [" + (packedBytesDocIDLength) + "] but was [" + packedValueDocID.length + "]"; System.arraycopy(packedValueDocID.bytes, packedValueDocID.offset, block, nextWrite * packedBytesDocIDLength, packedBytesDocIDLength); nextWrite++; } public void swap(int i, int j) { int indexI = i * packedBytesDocIDLength; int indexJ = j * packedBytesDocIDLength; // scratch1 = values[i] System.arraycopy(block, indexI, scratch, 0, packedBytesDocIDLength); // values[i] = values[j] System.arraycopy(block, indexJ, block, indexI, packedBytesDocIDLength); // values[j] = scratch1 System.arraycopy(scratch, 0, block, indexJ, packedBytesDocIDLength); } public int computeCardinality(int from, int to, int numDataDims, int bytesPerDim, int[] commonPrefixLengths) { assert packedBytesLength == numDataDims * bytesPerDim; int leafCardinality = 1; for (int i = from + 1; i < to; i++) { for (int dim = 0; dim < numDataDims; dim++) { final int start = dim * bytesPerDim + commonPrefixLengths[dim]; final int end = dim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim; if (FutureArrays.mismatch(block, i * packedBytesDocIDLength + start, i * packedBytesDocIDLength + end, block, (i - 1) * packedBytesDocIDLength + start, (i - 1) * packedBytesDocIDLength + end) != -1) { leafCardinality++; break; } } } return leafCardinality; } @Override public long count() { return nextWrite; } @Override public PointReader getReader(long start, long length) { assert closed : "point writer is still open and trying to get a reader"; assert start + length <= size: "start=" + start + " length=" + length + " docIDs.length=" + size; assert start + length <= nextWrite: "start=" + start + " length=" + length + " nextWrite=" + nextWrite; return new HeapPointReader(block, packedBytesLength, (int) start, Math.toIntExact(start+length)); } @Override public void close() { closed = true; } @Override public void destroy() { } @Override public String toString() { return "HeapPointWriter(count=" + nextWrite + " size=" + size + ")"; } }