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package org.apache.lucene.util.bkd;

import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;

Utility class to read buffered points from in-heap arrays.
/** * Utility class to read buffered points from in-heap arrays. * * @lucene.internal * */
public final class HeapPointReader implements PointReader { private int curRead; final byte[] block; final int packedBytesLength; final int packedBytesDocIDLength; final int end; private final HeapPointValue pointValue; public HeapPointReader(byte[] block, int packedBytesLength, int start, int end) { this.block = block; curRead = start-1; this.end = end; this.packedBytesLength = packedBytesLength; this.packedBytesDocIDLength = packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES; if (start < end) { this.pointValue = new HeapPointValue(block, packedBytesLength); } else { //no values this.pointValue = null; } } @Override public boolean next() { curRead++; return curRead < end; } @Override public PointValue pointValue() { pointValue.setOffset(curRead * packedBytesDocIDLength); return pointValue; } @Override public void close() { }
Reusable implementation for a point value on-heap
/** * Reusable implementation for a point value on-heap */
static class HeapPointValue implements PointValue { final BytesRef packedValue; final BytesRef packedValueDocID; final int packedValueLength; HeapPointValue(byte[] value, int packedValueLength) { this.packedValueLength = packedValueLength; this.packedValue = new BytesRef(value, 0, packedValueLength); this.packedValueDocID = new BytesRef(value, 0, packedValueLength + Integer.BYTES); }
Sets a new value by changing the offset.
/** * Sets a new value by changing the offset. */
public void setOffset(int offset) { packedValue.offset = offset; packedValueDocID.offset = offset; } @Override public BytesRef packedValue() { return packedValue; } @Override public int docID() { int position = packedValueDocID.offset + packedValueLength; return ((packedValueDocID.bytes[position] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((packedValueDocID.bytes[++position] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((packedValueDocID.bytes[++position] & 0xFF) << 8) | (packedValueDocID.bytes[++position] & 0xFF); } @Override public BytesRef packedValueDocIDBytes() { return packedValueDocID; } } }