 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.util.bkd;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureArrays;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntroSelector;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntroSorter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.MSBRadixSorter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RadixSelector;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Selector;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Sorter;

Offline Radix selector for BKD tree. @lucene.internal
/** * * Offline Radix selector for BKD tree. * * @lucene.internal * */
public final class BKDRadixSelector { //size of the histogram private static final int HISTOGRAM_SIZE = 256; //size of the online buffer: 8 KB private static final int MAX_SIZE_OFFLINE_BUFFER = 1024 * 8; //histogram array private final long[] histogram; //bytes per dimension private final int bytesPerDim; // number of bytes to be sorted: bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES private final int bytesSorted; //data dimensions size private final int packedBytesLength; // data dimensions plus docID size private final int packedBytesDocIDLength; //flag to when we are moving to sort on heap private final int maxPointsSortInHeap; //reusable buffer private final byte[] offlineBuffer; //holder for partition points private final int[] partitionBucket; // scratch array to hold temporary data private final byte[] scratch; //Directory to create new Offline writer private final Directory tempDir; // prefix for temp files private final String tempFileNamePrefix; // data and index dimensions private final int numDataDims, numIndexDims;
Sole constructor.
/** * Sole constructor. */
public BKDRadixSelector(int numDataDims, int numIndexDims, int bytesPerDim, int maxPointsSortInHeap, Directory tempDir, String tempFileNamePrefix) { this.bytesPerDim = bytesPerDim; this.numDataDims = numDataDims; this.numIndexDims = numIndexDims; this.packedBytesLength = numDataDims * bytesPerDim; this.packedBytesDocIDLength = packedBytesLength + Integer.BYTES; // Selection and sorting is done in a given dimension. In case the value of the dimension are equal // between two points we tie break first using the data-only dimensions and if those are still equal // we tie-break on the docID. Here we account for all bytes used in the process. this.bytesSorted = bytesPerDim + (numDataDims - numIndexDims) * bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES; this.maxPointsSortInHeap = maxPointsSortInHeap; int numberOfPointsOffline = MAX_SIZE_OFFLINE_BUFFER / packedBytesDocIDLength; this.offlineBuffer = new byte[numberOfPointsOffline * packedBytesDocIDLength]; this.partitionBucket = new int[bytesSorted]; this.histogram = new long[HISTOGRAM_SIZE]; this.scratch = new byte[bytesSorted]; this.tempDir = tempDir; this.tempFileNamePrefix = tempFileNamePrefix; }
It uses the provided points from the given from to the given to to populate the partitionSlices array holder (length > 1) with two path slices so the path slice at position 0 contains partition - from points where the value of the dim is lower or equal to the to -from points on the slice at position 1. The dimCommonPrefix provides a hint for the length of the common prefix length for the dim where are partitioning the points. It return the value of the dim at the partition point. If the provided points is wrapping an OfflinePointWriter, the writer is destroyed in the process to save disk space.
/** * It uses the provided {@code points} from the given {@code from} to the given {@code to} * to populate the {@code partitionSlices} array holder (length > 1) with two path slices * so the path slice at position 0 contains {@code partition - from} points * where the value of the {@code dim} is lower or equal to the {@code to -from} * points on the slice at position 1. * * The {@code dimCommonPrefix} provides a hint for the length of the common prefix length for * the {@code dim} where are partitioning the points. * * It return the value of the {@code dim} at the partition point. * * If the provided {@code points} is wrapping an {@link OfflinePointWriter}, the * writer is destroyed in the process to save disk space. */
public byte[] select(PathSlice points, PathSlice[] partitionSlices, long from, long to, long partitionPoint, int dim, int dimCommonPrefix) throws IOException { checkArgs(from, to, partitionPoint); assert partitionSlices.length > 1 : "[partition alices] must be > 1, got " + partitionSlices.length; //If we are on heap then we just select on heap if (points.writer instanceof HeapPointWriter) { byte[] partition = heapRadixSelect((HeapPointWriter) points.writer, dim, Math.toIntExact(from), Math.toIntExact(to), Math.toIntExact(partitionPoint), dimCommonPrefix); partitionSlices[0] = new PathSlice(points.writer, from, partitionPoint - from); partitionSlices[1] = new PathSlice(points.writer, partitionPoint, to - partitionPoint); return partition; } OfflinePointWriter offlinePointWriter = (OfflinePointWriter) points.writer; try (PointWriter left = getPointWriter(partitionPoint - from, "left" + dim); PointWriter right = getPointWriter(to - partitionPoint, "right" + dim)) { partitionSlices[0] = new PathSlice(left, 0, partitionPoint - from); partitionSlices[1] = new PathSlice(right, 0, to - partitionPoint); return buildHistogramAndPartition(offlinePointWriter, left, right, from, to, partitionPoint, 0, dimCommonPrefix, dim); } } void checkArgs(long from, long to, long partitionPoint) { if (partitionPoint < from) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("partitionPoint must be >= from"); } if (partitionPoint >= to) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("partitionPoint must be < to"); } } private int findCommonPrefixAndHistogram(OfflinePointWriter points, long from, long to, int dim, int dimCommonPrefix) throws IOException{ //find common prefix int commonPrefixPosition = bytesSorted; final int offset = dim * bytesPerDim; try (OfflinePointReader reader = points.getReader(from, to - from, offlineBuffer)) { assert commonPrefixPosition > dimCommonPrefix; reader.next(); PointValue pointValue = reader.pointValue(); BytesRef packedValueDocID = pointValue.packedValueDocIDBytes(); // copy dimension System.arraycopy(packedValueDocID.bytes, packedValueDocID.offset + offset, scratch, 0, bytesPerDim); // copy data dimensions and docID System.arraycopy(packedValueDocID.bytes, packedValueDocID.offset + numIndexDims * bytesPerDim, scratch, bytesPerDim, (numDataDims - numIndexDims) * bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES); for (long i = from + 1; i < to; i++) { reader.next(); pointValue = reader.pointValue(); if (commonPrefixPosition == dimCommonPrefix) { histogram[getBucket(offset, commonPrefixPosition, pointValue)]++; // we do not need to check for common prefix anymore, // just finish the histogram and break for (long j = i + 1; j < to; j++) { reader.next(); pointValue = reader.pointValue(); histogram[getBucket(offset, commonPrefixPosition, pointValue)]++; } break; } else { //check common prefix and adjust histogram final int startIndex = (dimCommonPrefix > bytesPerDim) ? bytesPerDim : dimCommonPrefix; final int endIndex = (commonPrefixPosition > bytesPerDim) ? bytesPerDim : commonPrefixPosition; packedValueDocID = pointValue.packedValueDocIDBytes(); int j = FutureArrays.mismatch(scratch, startIndex, endIndex, packedValueDocID.bytes, packedValueDocID.offset + offset + startIndex, packedValueDocID.offset + offset + endIndex); if (j == -1) { if (commonPrefixPosition > bytesPerDim) { //tie-break on data dimensions + docID final int startTieBreak = numIndexDims * bytesPerDim; final int endTieBreak = startTieBreak + commonPrefixPosition - bytesPerDim; int k = FutureArrays.mismatch(scratch, bytesPerDim, commonPrefixPosition, packedValueDocID.bytes, packedValueDocID.offset + startTieBreak, packedValueDocID.offset + endTieBreak); if (k != -1) { commonPrefixPosition = bytesPerDim + k; Arrays.fill(histogram, 0); histogram[scratch[commonPrefixPosition] & 0xff] = i - from; } } } else { commonPrefixPosition = dimCommonPrefix + j; Arrays.fill(histogram, 0); histogram[scratch[commonPrefixPosition] & 0xff] = i - from; } if (commonPrefixPosition != bytesSorted) { histogram[getBucket(offset, commonPrefixPosition, pointValue)]++; } } } } //build partition buckets up to commonPrefix for (int i = 0; i < commonPrefixPosition; i++) { partitionBucket[i] = scratch[i] & 0xff; } return commonPrefixPosition; } private int getBucket(int offset, int commonPrefixPosition, PointValue pointValue) { int bucket; if (commonPrefixPosition < bytesPerDim) { BytesRef packedValue = pointValue.packedValue(); bucket = packedValue.bytes[packedValue.offset + offset + commonPrefixPosition] & 0xff; } else { BytesRef packedValueDocID = pointValue.packedValueDocIDBytes(); bucket = packedValueDocID.bytes[packedValueDocID.offset + numIndexDims * bytesPerDim + commonPrefixPosition - bytesPerDim] & 0xff; } return bucket; } private byte[] buildHistogramAndPartition(OfflinePointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, long from, long to, long partitionPoint, int iteration, int baseCommonPrefix, int dim) throws IOException { //find common prefix from baseCommonPrefix and build histogram int commonPrefix = findCommonPrefixAndHistogram(points, from, to, dim, baseCommonPrefix); //if all equals we just partition the points if (commonPrefix == bytesSorted) { offlinePartition(points, left, right, null, from, to, dim, commonPrefix - 1, partitionPoint); return partitionPointFromCommonPrefix(); } long leftCount = 0; long rightCount = 0; //Count left points and record the partition point for(int i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { long size = histogram[i]; if (leftCount + size > partitionPoint - from) { partitionBucket[commonPrefix] = i; break; } leftCount += size; } //Count right points for(int i = partitionBucket[commonPrefix] + 1; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { rightCount += histogram[i]; } long delta = histogram[partitionBucket[commonPrefix]]; assert leftCount + rightCount + delta == to - from : (leftCount + rightCount + delta) + " / " + (to - from); //special case when points are equal except last byte, we can just tie-break if (commonPrefix == bytesSorted - 1) { long tieBreakCount =(partitionPoint - from - leftCount); offlinePartition(points, left, right, null, from, to, dim, commonPrefix, tieBreakCount); return partitionPointFromCommonPrefix(); } //create the delta points writer PointWriter deltaPoints; try (PointWriter tempDeltaPoints = getDeltaPointWriter(left, right, delta, iteration)) { //divide the points. This actually destroys the current writer offlinePartition(points, left, right, tempDeltaPoints, from, to, dim, commonPrefix, 0); deltaPoints = tempDeltaPoints; } long newPartitionPoint = partitionPoint - from - leftCount; if (deltaPoints instanceof HeapPointWriter) { return heapPartition((HeapPointWriter) deltaPoints, left, right, dim, 0, (int) deltaPoints.count(), Math.toIntExact(newPartitionPoint), ++commonPrefix); } else { return buildHistogramAndPartition((OfflinePointWriter) deltaPoints, left, right, 0, deltaPoints.count(), newPartitionPoint, ++iteration, ++commonPrefix, dim); } } private void offlinePartition(OfflinePointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, PointWriter deltaPoints, long from, long to, int dim, int bytePosition, long numDocsTiebreak) throws IOException { assert bytePosition == bytesSorted -1 || deltaPoints != null; int offset = dim * bytesPerDim; long tiebreakCounter = 0; try (OfflinePointReader reader = points.getReader(from, to - from, offlineBuffer)) { while (reader.next()) { PointValue pointValue = reader.pointValue(); int bucket = getBucket(offset, bytePosition, pointValue); if (bucket < this.partitionBucket[bytePosition]) { // to the left side left.append(pointValue); } else if (bucket > this.partitionBucket[bytePosition]) { // to the right side right.append(pointValue); } else { if (bytePosition == bytesSorted - 1) { if (tiebreakCounter < numDocsTiebreak) { left.append(pointValue); tiebreakCounter++; } else { right.append(pointValue); } } else { deltaPoints.append(pointValue); } } } } //Delete original file points.destroy(); } private byte[] partitionPointFromCommonPrefix() { byte[] partition = new byte[bytesPerDim]; for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerDim; i++) { partition[i] = (byte)partitionBucket[i]; } return partition; } private byte[] heapPartition(HeapPointWriter points, PointWriter left, PointWriter right, int dim, int from, int to, int partitionPoint, int commonPrefix) throws IOException { byte[] partition = heapRadixSelect(points, dim, from, to, partitionPoint, commonPrefix); for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { PointValue value = points.getPackedValueSlice(i); if (i < partitionPoint) { left.append(value); } else { right.append(value); } } return partition; } private byte[] heapRadixSelect(HeapPointWriter points, int dim, int from, int to, int partitionPoint, int commonPrefixLength) { final int dimOffset = dim * bytesPerDim + commonPrefixLength; final int dimCmpBytes = bytesPerDim - commonPrefixLength; final int dataOffset = numIndexDims * bytesPerDim - dimCmpBytes; new RadixSelector(bytesSorted - commonPrefixLength) { @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { points.swap(i, j); } @Override protected int byteAt(int i, int k) { assert k >= 0 : "negative prefix " + k; if (k < dimCmpBytes) { // dim bytes return points.block[i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dimOffset + k] & 0xff; } else { // data bytes return points.block[i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset + k] & 0xff; } } @Override protected Selector getFallbackSelector(int d) { final int skypedBytes = d + commonPrefixLength; final int dimStart = dim * bytesPerDim + skypedBytes; final int dimEnd = dim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim; final int dataOffset = numIndexDims * bytesPerDim; // data length is composed by the data dimensions plus the docID final int dataLength = (numDataDims - numIndexDims) * bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES; return new IntroSelector() { @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { points.swap(i, j); } @Override protected void setPivot(int i) { if (skypedBytes < bytesPerDim) { System.arraycopy(points.block, i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dim * bytesPerDim, scratch, 0, bytesPerDim); } System.arraycopy(points.block, i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset, scratch, bytesPerDim, dataLength); } @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { if (skypedBytes < bytesPerDim) { int iOffset = i * packedBytesDocIDLength; int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength; int cmp = FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(points.block, iOffset + dimStart, iOffset + dimEnd, points.block, jOffset + dimStart, jOffset + dimEnd); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } } int iOffset = i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset; int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset; return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(points.block, iOffset, iOffset + dataLength, points.block, jOffset, jOffset + dataLength); } @Override protected int comparePivot(int j) { if (skypedBytes < bytesPerDim) { int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength; int cmp = FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(scratch, skypedBytes, bytesPerDim, points.block, jOffset + dimStart, jOffset + dimEnd); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } } int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset; return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(scratch, bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim + dataLength, points.block, jOffset, jOffset + dataLength); } }; } }.select(from, to, partitionPoint); byte[] partition = new byte[bytesPerDim]; PointValue pointValue = points.getPackedValueSlice(partitionPoint); BytesRef packedValue = pointValue.packedValue(); System.arraycopy(packedValue.bytes, packedValue.offset + dim * bytesPerDim, partition, 0, bytesPerDim); return partition; }
Sort the heap writer by the specified dim. It is used to sort the leaves of the tree
/** Sort the heap writer by the specified dim. It is used to sort the leaves of the tree */
public void heapRadixSort(final HeapPointWriter points, int from, int to, int dim, int commonPrefixLength) { final int dimOffset = dim * bytesPerDim + commonPrefixLength; final int dimCmpBytes = bytesPerDim - commonPrefixLength; final int dataOffset = numIndexDims * bytesPerDim - dimCmpBytes; new MSBRadixSorter(bytesSorted - commonPrefixLength) { @Override protected int byteAt(int i, int k) { assert k >= 0 : "negative prefix " + k; if (k < dimCmpBytes) { // dim bytes return points.block[i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dimOffset + k] & 0xff; } else { // data bytes return points.block[i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset + k] & 0xff; } } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { points.swap(i, j); } @Override protected Sorter getFallbackSorter(int k) { final int skypedBytes = k + commonPrefixLength; final int dimStart = dim * bytesPerDim + skypedBytes; final int dimEnd = dim * bytesPerDim + bytesPerDim; final int dataOffset = numIndexDims * bytesPerDim; // data length is composed by the data dimensions plus the docID final int dataLength = (numDataDims - numIndexDims) * bytesPerDim + Integer.BYTES; return new IntroSorter() { @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { points.swap(i, j); } @Override protected void setPivot(int i) { if (skypedBytes < bytesPerDim) { System.arraycopy(points.block, i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dim * bytesPerDim, scratch, 0, bytesPerDim); } System.arraycopy(points.block, i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset, scratch, bytesPerDim, dataLength); } @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { if (skypedBytes < bytesPerDim) { int iOffset = i * packedBytesDocIDLength; int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength; int cmp = FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(points.block, iOffset + dimStart, iOffset + dimEnd, points.block, jOffset + dimStart, jOffset + dimEnd); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } } int iOffset = i * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset; int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset; return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(points.block, iOffset, iOffset + dataLength, points.block, jOffset, jOffset + dataLength); } @Override protected int comparePivot(int j) { if (skypedBytes < bytesPerDim) { int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength; int cmp = FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(scratch, skypedBytes, bytesPerDim, points.block, jOffset + dimStart, jOffset + dimEnd); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } } int jOffset = j * packedBytesDocIDLength + dataOffset; return FutureArrays.compareUnsigned(scratch, bytesPerDim, bytesPerDim + dataLength, points.block, jOffset, jOffset + dataLength); } }; } }.sort(from, to); } private PointWriter getDeltaPointWriter(PointWriter left, PointWriter right, long delta, int iteration) throws IOException { if (delta <= getMaxPointsSortInHeap(left, right)) { return new HeapPointWriter(Math.toIntExact(delta), packedBytesLength); } else { return new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, "delta" + iteration, delta); } } private int getMaxPointsSortInHeap(PointWriter left, PointWriter right) { int pointsUsed = 0; if (left instanceof HeapPointWriter) { pointsUsed += ((HeapPointWriter) left).size; } if (right instanceof HeapPointWriter) { pointsUsed += ((HeapPointWriter) right).size; } assert maxPointsSortInHeap >= pointsUsed; return maxPointsSortInHeap - pointsUsed; } PointWriter getPointWriter(long count, String desc) throws IOException { //As we recurse, we hold two on-heap point writers at any point. Therefore the //max size for these objects is half of the total points we can have on-heap. if (count <= maxPointsSortInHeap / 2) { int size = Math.toIntExact(count); return new HeapPointWriter(size, packedBytesLength); } else { return new OfflinePointWriter(tempDir, tempFileNamePrefix, packedBytesLength, desc, count); } }
Sliced reference to points in an PointWriter.
/** Sliced reference to points in an PointWriter. */
public static final class PathSlice { public final PointWriter writer; public final long start; public final long count; public PathSlice(PointWriter writer, long start, long count) { this.writer = writer; this.start = start; this.count = count; } @Override public String toString() { return "PathSlice(start=" + start + " count=" + count + " writer=" + writer + ")"; } } }