 * Copyright 2017-2020 original authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.micronaut.core.convert;

import io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationClassValue;
import io.micronaut.core.annotation.AnnotationMetadata;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.format.Format;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.format.FormattingTypeConverter;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.format.ReadableBytesTypeConverter;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValues;
import io.micronaut.core.convert.value.ConvertibleValuesMap;
import io.micronaut.core.io.IOUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.io.buffer.ReferenceCounted;
import io.micronaut.core.naming.NameUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.reflect.ClassUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.reflect.ReflectionUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.type.Argument;
import io.micronaut.core.util.ArrayUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.util.CollectionUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.util.StringUtils;
import io.micronaut.core.util.clhm.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;

The default conversion service. Handles basic type conversion operations.
Author:Graeme Rocher
/** * The default conversion service. Handles basic type conversion operations. * * @author Graeme Rocher * @since 1.0 */
public class DefaultConversionService implements ConversionService<DefaultConversionService> { private static final int CACHE_MAX = 150; private static final TypeConverter UNCONVERTIBLE = (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.empty(); private final Map<ConvertiblePair, TypeConverter> typeConverters = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final Map<ConvertiblePair, TypeConverter> converterCache = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder<ConvertiblePair, TypeConverter>() .maximumWeightedCapacity(CACHE_MAX) .build();
/** * Constructor. */
public DefaultConversionService() { registerDefaultConverters(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> Optional<T> convert(Object object, Class<T> targetType, ConversionContext context) { if (object == null || targetType == null || context == null) { return Optional.empty(); } if (targetType == Object.class) { return Optional.of((T) object); } targetType = targetType.isPrimitive() ? ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(targetType) : targetType; if (targetType.isInstance(object) && !Iterable.class.isInstance(object) && !Map.class.isInstance(object)) { return Optional.of((T) object); } Class<?> sourceType = object.getClass(); final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = context.getAnnotationMetadata(); if (annotationMetadata.hasStereotype(Format.class)) { Optional<String> formattingAnn = annotationMetadata.getAnnotationNameByStereotype(Format.class); String formattingAnnotation = formattingAnn.orElse(null); ConvertiblePair pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceType, targetType, formattingAnnotation); TypeConverter typeConverter = converterCache.get(pair); if (typeConverter == null) { typeConverter = findTypeConverter(sourceType, targetType, formattingAnnotation); if (typeConverter == null) { return Optional.empty(); } else { converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); if (typeConverter == UNCONVERTIBLE) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return typeConverter.convert(object, targetType, context); } } } else if (typeConverter != UNCONVERTIBLE) { return typeConverter.convert(object, targetType, context); } } else { ConvertiblePair pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceType, targetType, null); TypeConverter typeConverter = converterCache.get(pair); if (typeConverter == null) { typeConverter = findTypeConverter(sourceType, targetType, null); if (typeConverter == null) { converterCache.put(pair, UNCONVERTIBLE); return Optional.empty(); } else { converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); if (typeConverter == UNCONVERTIBLE) { return Optional.empty(); } else { return typeConverter.convert(object, targetType, context); } } } else if (typeConverter != UNCONVERTIBLE) { return typeConverter.convert(object, targetType, context); } } return Optional.empty(); } @Override public <S, T> boolean canConvert(Class<S> sourceType, Class<T> targetType) { ConvertiblePair pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceType, targetType, null); TypeConverter typeConverter = converterCache.get(pair); if (typeConverter == null) { typeConverter = findTypeConverter(sourceType, targetType, null); if (typeConverter != null) { converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); return typeConverter != UNCONVERTIBLE; } return false; } return typeConverter != UNCONVERTIBLE; } @Override public <S, T> DefaultConversionService addConverter(Class<S> sourceType, Class<T> targetType, TypeConverter<S, T> typeConverter) { ConvertiblePair pair = newPair(sourceType, targetType, typeConverter); typeConverters.put(pair, typeConverter); converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); return this; } @Override public <S, T> DefaultConversionService addConverter(Class<S> sourceType, Class<T> targetType, Function<S, T> function) { ConvertiblePair pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceType, targetType); TypeConverter<S, T> typeConverter = TypeConverter.of(sourceType, targetType, function); typeConverters.put(pair, typeConverter); converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); return this; }
Default Converters.
/** * Default Converters. */
@SuppressWarnings({"OptionalIsPresent", "unchecked"}) protected void registerDefaultConverters() { // wrapper to primitive array converters addConverter(Double[].class, double[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { double[] doubles = new double[object.length]; for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { Double aDouble = object[i]; if (aDouble != null) { doubles[i] = aDouble; } } return Optional.of(doubles); }); addConverter(Integer[].class, int[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { int[] integers = new int[object.length]; for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { Integer o = object[i]; if (o != null) { integers[i] = o; } } return Optional.of(integers); }); // Object -> List addConverter(Object.class, List.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Optional<Argument<?>> firstTypeVariable = context.getFirstTypeVariable(); Argument<?> argument = firstTypeVariable.orElse(Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT); Optional converted = DefaultConversionService.this.convert(object, context.with(argument)); if (converted.isPresent()) { return Optional.of(Collections.singletonList(converted.get())); } return Optional.empty(); }); // String -> Class addConverter(CharSequence.class, Class.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { ClassLoader classLoader = targetType.getClassLoader(); if (classLoader == null) { classLoader = DefaultConversionService.class.getClassLoader(); } return ClassUtils.forName(object.toString(), classLoader); }); // AnnotationClassValue -> Class addConverter(AnnotationClassValue.class, Class.class, (object, targetType, context) -> object.getType()); addConverter(AnnotationClassValue.class, Object.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (targetType.equals(Class.class)) { return object.getType(); } else { if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(targetType)) { return Optional.of(object.getName()); } else { Optional i = object.getInstance(); if (i.isPresent() && targetType.isInstance(i.get())) { return i; } return Optional.empty(); } } }); addConverter(AnnotationClassValue[].class, Class.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (object.length > 0) { final AnnotationClassValue o = object[0]; if (o != null) { return o.getType(); } } return Optional.empty(); }); addConverter(AnnotationClassValue[].class, Class[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { List<Class> classes = new ArrayList<>(object.length); for (AnnotationClassValue<?> annotationClassValue : object) { if (annotationClassValue != null) { final Optional<? extends Class<?>> type = annotationClassValue.getType(); if (type.isPresent()) { classes.add(type.get()); } } } return Optional.of(classes.toArray(new Class[0])); }); // URI -> URL addConverter(URI.class, URL.class, uri -> { try { return uri.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } }); // InputStream -> String addConverter(InputStream.class, String.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(object)); try { return Optional.of(IOUtils.readText(reader)); } catch (IOException e) { context.reject(e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> byte[] addConverter(CharSequence.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(object.toString().getBytes(context.getCharset()))); addConverter(Integer.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES).putInt(object).array())); addConverter(Character.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES).putChar(object).array())); addConverter(Long.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES).putLong(object).array())); addConverter(Short.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ByteBuffer.allocate(Short.BYTES).putShort(object).array())); addConverter(Double.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ByteBuffer.allocate(Double.BYTES).putDouble(object).array())); addConverter(Float.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ByteBuffer.allocate(Float.BYTES).putFloat(object).array())); // InputStream -> Number addConverter(InputStream.class, Number.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Optional<String> convert = DefaultConversionService.this.convert(object, String.class, context); if (convert.isPresent()) { return convert.flatMap(val -> DefaultConversionService.this.convert(val, targetType, context)); } return Optional.empty(); }); // Reader -> String addConverter(Reader.class, String.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { BufferedReader reader = object instanceof BufferedReader ? (BufferedReader) object : new BufferedReader(object); try { return Optional.of(IOUtils.readText(reader)); } catch (IOException e) { context.reject(e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> File addConverter(CharSequence.class, File.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(new File(object.toString())); }); // String[] -> Enum addConverter(String[].class, Enum.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (object == null || object.length == 0) { return Optional.empty(); } StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(""); for (String string : object) { joiner.add(string); } final String val = joiner.toString(); return convert(val, targetType, context); }); addConverter(String[].class, CharSequence.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (object == null || object.length == 0) { return Optional.empty(); } StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(""); for (String string : object) { joiner.add(string); } return convert(joiner.toString(), targetType, context); }); // CharSequence -> Long for bytes addConverter(CharSequence.class, Number.class, new ReadableBytesTypeConverter()); // CharSequence -> Date addConverter( CharSequence.class, Date.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { SimpleDateFormat format = resolveFormat(context); return Optional.of(format.parse(object.toString())); } catch (ParseException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } } ); // Date -> CharSequence addConverter( Date.class, CharSequence.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { SimpleDateFormat format = resolveFormat(context); return Optional.of(format.format(object)); } ); // String -> Path addConverter( CharSequence.class, Path.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.ofNullable(Paths.get(object.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { context.reject("Invalid path [" + object + " ]: " + e.getMessage(), e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Integer addConverter(CharSequence.class, Integer.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Integer> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { Integer converted = Integer.valueOf(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> BigInteger addConverter(CharSequence.class, BigInteger.class, (CharSequence object, Class<BigInteger> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { BigInteger converted = new BigInteger(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Float addConverter(CharSequence.class, Float.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Float> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { Float converted = Float.valueOf(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Double addConverter(CharSequence.class, Double.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Double> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { Double converted = Double.valueOf(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Long addConverter(CharSequence.class, Long.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Long> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { Long converted = Long.valueOf(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Short addConverter(CharSequence.class, Short.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Short> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { Short converted = Short.valueOf(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Byte addConverter(CharSequence.class, Byte.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Byte> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { Byte converted = Byte.valueOf(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> BigDecimal addConverter(CharSequence.class, BigDecimal.class, (CharSequence object, Class<BigDecimal> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { BigDecimal converted = new BigDecimal(object.toString()); return Optional.of(converted); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Boolean addConverter(CharSequence.class, Boolean.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Boolean> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { String booleanString = object.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); switch (booleanString) { case "yes": case "y": case "on": case "true": return Optional.of(Boolean.TRUE); default: return Optional.of(Boolean.FALSE); } }); // String -> URL addConverter(CharSequence.class, URL.class, (CharSequence object, Class<URL> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { String spec = object.toString(); if (!spec.contains("://")) { spec = "http://" + spec; } return Optional.of(new URL(spec)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> URI addConverter(CharSequence.class, URI.class, (CharSequence object, Class<URI> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.of(new URI(object.toString())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Locale addConverter(CharSequence.class, Locale.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Locale> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.of(Locale.forLanguageTag(object.toString().replace('_', '-'))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> UUID addConverter(CharSequence.class, UUID.class, (CharSequence object, Class<UUID> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.of(UUID.fromString(object.toString())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Currency addConverter(CharSequence.class, Currency.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Currency> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.of(Currency.getInstance(object.toString())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> TimeZone addConverter(CharSequence.class, TimeZone.class, (CharSequence object, Class<TimeZone> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(TimeZone.getTimeZone(object.toString())); }); // String -> Charset addConverter(CharSequence.class, Charset.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Charset> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } try { return Optional.of(Charset.forName(object.toString())); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException | UnsupportedCharsetException e) { context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Character addConverter(CharSequence.class, Character.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Character> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { String str = object.toString(); if (str.length() == 1) { return Optional.of(str.charAt(0)); } else { return Optional.empty(); } }); // String -> Array addConverter(CharSequence.class, Object[].class, (CharSequence object, Class<Object[]> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (object instanceof AnnotationClassValue && targetType.equals(AnnotationClassValue[].class)) { AnnotationClassValue[] array = new AnnotationClassValue[1]; array[0] = (AnnotationClassValue) object; return Optional.of(array); } String str = object.toString(); String[] strings = str.split(","); Class<?> componentType = ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(targetType.getComponentType()); Object newArray = Array.newInstance(componentType, strings.length); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { String string = strings[i]; Optional<?> converted = convert(string, componentType); if (converted.isPresent()) { Array.set(newArray, i, converted.get()); } } return Optional.of((Object[]) newArray); }); // String -> Int Array addConverter(CharSequence.class, int[].class, (CharSequence object, Class<int[]> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { String str = object.toString(); String[] strings = str.split(","); Object newArray = Array.newInstance(int.class, strings.length); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { String string = strings[i]; Optional<?> converted = convert(string, int.class); if (converted.isPresent()) { Array.set(newArray, i, converted.get()); } } return Optional.of((int[]) newArray); }); // String -> Char Array addConverter(String.class, char[].class, (String object, Class<char[]> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { return Optional.of(object.toCharArray()); }); // Object[] -> String[] addConverter(Object[].class, String[].class, (Object[] object, Class<String[]> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { String[] strings = new String[object.length]; for (int i = 0; i < object.length; i++) { Object o = object[i]; if (o != null) { strings[i] = o.toString(); } } return Optional.of(strings); }); // String -> Enum addConverter(CharSequence.class, Enum.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Enum> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(object)) { return Optional.empty(); } String stringValue = object.toString(); try { Enum val = Enum.valueOf(targetType, stringValue); return Optional.of(val); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { Enum val = Enum.valueOf(targetType, NameUtils.environmentName(stringValue)); return Optional.of(val); } catch (Exception e1) { Optional<Enum> valOpt = Arrays.stream(targetType.getEnumConstants()) .filter(val -> val.toString().equals(stringValue)) .findFirst(); if (valOpt.isPresent()) { return valOpt; } context.reject(object, e); return Optional.empty(); } } }); // Object -> String addConverter(Object.class, String.class, (Object object, Class<String> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> Optional.of(object.toString())); // Number -> Number addConverter(Number.class, Number.class, (Number object, Class<Number> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { Class targetNumberType = ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(targetType); if (targetNumberType.isInstance(object)) { return Optional.of(object); } if (targetNumberType == Integer.class) { return Optional.of(object.intValue()); } if (targetNumberType == Long.class) { return Optional.of(object.longValue()); } if (targetNumberType == Short.class) { return Optional.of(object.shortValue()); } if (targetNumberType == Byte.class) { return Optional.of(object.byteValue()); } if (targetNumberType == Float.class) { return Optional.of(object.floatValue()); } if (targetNumberType == Double.class) { return Optional.of(object.doubleValue()); } if (targetNumberType == BigInteger.class) { if (object instanceof BigDecimal) { return Optional.of(((BigDecimal) object).toBigInteger()); } return Optional.of(BigInteger.valueOf(object.longValue())); } if (targetNumberType == BigDecimal.class) { return Optional.of(new BigDecimal(object.toString())); } return Optional.empty(); }); // String -> List/Iterable addConverter(CharSequence.class, Iterable.class, (CharSequence object, Class<Iterable> targetType, ConversionContext context) -> { Optional<Argument<?>> typeVariable = context.getFirstTypeVariable(); Argument<?> componentType = typeVariable.orElse(Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT); ConversionContext newContext = context.with(componentType); Class<?> targetComponentType = ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(componentType.getType()); String[] strings = object.toString().split(","); List list = new ArrayList(); for (String string : strings) { Optional converted = convert(string, targetComponentType, newContext); if (converted.isPresent()) { list.add(converted.get()); } } return CollectionUtils.convertCollection((Class) targetType, list); }); TypeConverter<Object, Optional> objectToOptionalConverter = (object, targetType, context) -> { Optional<Argument<?>> typeVariable = context.getFirstTypeVariable(); Argument<?> componentType = typeVariable.orElse(Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT); Class<?> targetComponentType = ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(componentType.getType()); ConversionContext newContext = context.with(componentType).with(context.getAnnotationMetadata()); Optional converted = convert(object, targetComponentType, newContext); if (converted.isPresent()) { return Optional.of(converted); } return Optional.of(Optional.empty()); }; // Optional handling addConverter(Object.class, Optional.class, objectToOptionalConverter); addConverter(Object.class, OptionalInt.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Optional<Integer> converted = convert(object, Integer.class, context); return converted.map(integer -> Optional.of(OptionalInt.of(integer))).orElseGet(() -> Optional.of(OptionalInt.empty())); }); addConverter(Object.class, OptionalLong.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Optional<Long> converted = convert(object, Long.class, context); return converted.map(longValue -> Optional.of(OptionalLong.of(longValue))).orElseGet(() -> Optional.of(OptionalLong.empty())); }); // Iterable -> String addConverter(Iterable.class, String.class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(CollectionUtils.toString(object))); // Iterable -> Object addConverter(Iterable.class, Object.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (Optional.class.isAssignableFrom(targetType)) { return objectToOptionalConverter.convert(object, (Class) targetType, context); } Iterator<?> i = object.iterator(); int count = 0; Object value = null; while (i.hasNext()) { if (count > 0) { context.reject(object, new ConversionErrorException(Argument.of(targetType), new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert an iterable with more than 1 value to a non collection object"))); return Optional.empty(); } count++; value = i.next(); } return convert(value, targetType, context); }); // Iterable -> Iterable (inner type conversion) addConverter(Iterable.class, Iterable.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { if (ConvertibleValues.class.isAssignableFrom(targetType)) { if (object instanceof ConvertibleValues) { return Optional.of(object); } return Optional.empty(); } Optional<Argument<?>> typeVariable = context.getFirstTypeVariable(); Argument<?> componentType = typeVariable.orElse(Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT); Class<?> targetComponentType = ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(componentType.getType()); if (targetType.isInstance(object) && targetComponentType == Object.class) { return Optional.of(object); } List list = new ArrayList(); ConversionContext newContext = context.with(componentType); for (Object o : object) { Optional<?> converted = convert(o, targetComponentType, newContext); if (converted.isPresent()) { list.add(converted.get()); } } return CollectionUtils.convertCollection((Class) targetType, list); }); // Object[] -> String addConverter(Object[].class, String.class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(ArrayUtils.toString(object))); // Object[] -> Object[] (inner type conversion) addConverter(Object[].class, Object[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Class<?> targetComponentType = targetType.getComponentType(); List results = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : object) { Optional<?> converted = convert(o, targetComponentType, context); if (converted.isPresent()) { results.add(converted.get()); } } return Optional.of(results.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(targetComponentType, results.size()))); }); // Iterable -> Object[] addConverter(Iterable.class, Object[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Class<?> targetComponentType = targetType.getComponentType(); List results = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : object) { Optional<?> converted = convert(o, targetComponentType, context); if (converted.isPresent()) { results.add(converted.get()); } } return Optional.of(results.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(targetComponentType, results.size()))); }); addConverter(Object[].class, Iterable.class, (object, targetType, context) -> convert(Arrays.asList(object), targetType, context) ); addConverter(Object.class, Object[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Class<?> targetComponentType = targetType.getComponentType(); Optional<?> converted = convert(object, targetComponentType); if (converted.isPresent()) { Object[] result = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(targetComponentType, 1); result[0] = converted.get(); return Optional.of(result); } return Optional.empty(); }); // Map -> Map (inner type conversion) addConverter(Map.class, Map.class, (object, targetType, context) -> { Argument<?> keyArgument = context.getTypeVariable("K").orElse(Argument.of(String.class, "K")); boolean isProperties = targetType.equals(Properties.class); Argument<?> valArgument = context.getTypeVariable("V").orElseGet(() -> { if (isProperties) { return Argument.of(String.class, "V"); } return Argument.of(Object.class, "V"); }); Class keyType = keyArgument.getType(); Class valueType = valArgument.getType(); ConversionContext keyContext = context.with(keyArgument); ConversionContext valContext = context.with(valArgument); Map newMap = isProperties ? new Properties() : new LinkedHashMap(); for (Object o : object.entrySet()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o; Object key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (!keyType.isInstance(key)) { Optional convertedKey = convert(key, keyType, keyContext); if (convertedKey.isPresent()) { key = convertedKey.get(); } else { continue; } } if (!valueType.isInstance(value) || value instanceof Map || value instanceof Collection) { Optional converted = convert(value, valueType, valContext); if (converted.isPresent()) { value = converted.get(); } else { continue; } } newMap.put(key, value); } return Optional.of(newMap); }); addConverter(Map.class, ConvertibleValues.class, (object, targetType, context) -> Optional.of(new ConvertibleValuesMap<Object>(object))); // Micronaut ByteBuffer -> byte for streamed results from HTTP clients addConverter(io.micronaut.core.io.buffer.ByteBuffer.class, byte[].class, (object, targetType, context) -> { byte[] result = object.toByteArray(); ((ReferenceCounted) object).release(); return Optional.of(result); }); }
Find the type converter.
  • sourceType – sourceType
  • targetType – targetType
  • formattingAnnotation – formattingAnnotation
Type parameters:
  • <T> – Generic type
Returns:type converter
/** * Find the type converter. * @param sourceType sourceType * @param targetType targetType * @param formattingAnnotation formattingAnnotation * @param <T> Generic type * @return type converter */
protected <T> TypeConverter findTypeConverter(Class<?> sourceType, Class<T> targetType, String formattingAnnotation) { TypeConverter typeConverter = UNCONVERTIBLE; List<Class> sourceHierarchy = ClassUtils.resolveHierarchy(sourceType); List<Class> targetHierarchy = ClassUtils.resolveHierarchy(targetType); for (Class sourceSuperType : sourceHierarchy) { for (Class targetSuperType : targetHierarchy) { ConvertiblePair pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceSuperType, targetSuperType, formattingAnnotation); typeConverter = typeConverters.get(pair); if (typeConverter != null) { converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); return typeConverter; } } } boolean hasFormatting = formattingAnnotation != null; if (hasFormatting) { for (Class sourceSuperType : sourceHierarchy) { for (Class targetSuperType : targetHierarchy) { ConvertiblePair pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceSuperType, targetSuperType); typeConverter = typeConverters.get(pair); if (typeConverter != null) { converterCache.put(pair, typeConverter); return typeConverter; } } } } return typeConverter; } private SimpleDateFormat resolveFormat(ConversionContext context) { AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = context.getAnnotationMetadata(); Optional<String> format = annotationMetadata.stringValue(Format.class); return format .map(pattern -> new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, context.getLocale())) .orElseGet(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", context.getLocale())); } private <S, T> ConvertiblePair newPair(Class<S> sourceType, Class<T> targetType, TypeConverter<S, T> typeConverter) { ConvertiblePair pair; if (typeConverter instanceof FormattingTypeConverter) { pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceType, targetType, ((FormattingTypeConverter) typeConverter).annotationType().getName()); } else { pair = new ConvertiblePair(sourceType, targetType); } return pair; }
Binds the source and target.
/** * Binds the source and target. */
private final class ConvertiblePair { final Class source; final Class target; final String formattingAnnotation; ConvertiblePair(Class source, Class target) { this(source, target, null); } ConvertiblePair(Class source, Class target, String formattingAnnotation) { this.source = source; this.target = target; this.formattingAnnotation = formattingAnnotation; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } ConvertiblePair pair = (ConvertiblePair) o; if (!source.equals(pair.source)) { return false; } if (!target.equals(pair.target)) { return false; } return formattingAnnotation != null ? formattingAnnotation.equals(pair.formattingAnnotation) : pair.formattingAnnotation == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = source.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + target.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (formattingAnnotation != null ? formattingAnnotation.hashCode() : 0); return result; } } }