package io.ebean.datasource.pool;

import io.ebean.datasource.DataSourceAlert;
import io.ebean.datasource.DataSourceConfig;
import io.ebean.datasource.DataSourceConfigurationException;
import io.ebean.datasource.DataSourceInitialiseException;
import io.ebean.datasource.DataSourcePool;
import io.ebean.datasource.DataSourcePoolListener;
import io.ebean.datasource.InitDatabase;
import io.ebean.datasource.PoolStatistics;
import io.ebean.datasource.PoolStatus;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

A robust DataSource implementation.

  • Manages the number of connections closing connections that have been idle for some time.
  • Notifies when the datasource goes down and comes back up.
  • Provides PreparedStatement caching
  • Knows the busy connections
  • Traces connections that have been leaked

/** * A robust DataSource implementation. * <p> * <ul> * <li>Manages the number of connections closing connections that have been idle for some time.</li> * <li>Notifies when the datasource goes down and comes back up.</li> * <li>Provides PreparedStatement caching</li> * <li>Knows the busy connections</li> * <li>Traces connections that have been leaked</li> * </ul> * </p> */
public class ConnectionPool implements DataSourcePool { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectionPool.class);
The name given to this dataSource.
/** * The name given to this dataSource. */
private final String name; private final DataSourceConfig config;
Used to notify of changes to the DataSource status.
/** * Used to notify of changes to the DataSource status. */
private final DataSourceAlert notify;
Optional listener that can be notified when connections are got from and put back into the pool.
/** * Optional listener that can be notified when connections are got from and * put back into the pool. */
private final DataSourcePoolListener poolListener;
Properties used to create a Connection.
/** * Properties used to create a Connection. */
private final Properties connectionProps;
Queries, that are run for each connection on first open.
/** * Queries, that are run for each connection on first open. */
private final List<String> initSql;
The jdbc connection url.
/** * The jdbc connection url. */
private final String databaseUrl;
The jdbc driver.
/** * The jdbc driver. */
private final String databaseDriver;
The sql used to test a connection.
/** * The sql used to test a connection. */
private final String heartbeatsql; private final int heartbeatFreqSecs; private final int heartbeatTimeoutSeconds; private final long trimPoolFreqMillis;
The transaction isolation level as per java.sql.Connection.
/** * The transaction isolation level as per java.sql.Connection. */
private final int transactionIsolation;
The default autoCommit setting for Connections in this pool.
/** * The default autoCommit setting for Connections in this pool. */
private final boolean autoCommit; private final boolean readOnly; private final boolean failOnStart;
Max idle time in millis.
/** * Max idle time in millis. */
private final int maxInactiveMillis;
Max age a connection is allowed in millis. A value of 0 means no limit (no trimming based on max age).
/** * Max age a connection is allowed in millis. * A value of 0 means no limit (no trimming based on max age). */
private final long maxAgeMillis;
Flag set to true to capture stackTraces (can be expensive).
/** * Flag set to true to capture stackTraces (can be expensive). */
private boolean captureStackTrace;
The max size of the stack trace to report.
/** * The max size of the stack trace to report. */
private final int maxStackTraceSize;
flag to indicate we have sent an alert message.
/** * flag to indicate we have sent an alert message. */
private boolean dataSourceDownAlertSent;
The time the pool was last trimmed.
/** * The time the pool was last trimmed. */
private long lastTrimTime;
HeartBeat checking will discover when it goes down, and comes back up again.
/** * HeartBeat checking will discover when it goes down, and comes back up again. */
private boolean dataSourceUp;
Stores the dataSourceDown-reason (if there is any)
/** * Stores the dataSourceDown-reason (if there is any) */
private SQLException dataSourceDownReason;
The current alert.
/** * The current alert. */
private AtomicBoolean inWarningMode = new AtomicBoolean();
The minimum number of connections this pool will maintain.
/** * The minimum number of connections this pool will maintain. */
private int minConnections;
The maximum number of connections this pool will grow to.
/** * The maximum number of connections this pool will grow to. */
private int maxConnections;
The number of connections to exceed before a warning Alert is fired.
/** * The number of connections to exceed before a warning Alert is fired. */
private int warningSize;
The time a thread will wait for a connection to become available.
/** * The time a thread will wait for a connection to become available. */
private final int waitTimeoutMillis;
The size of the preparedStatement cache;
/** * The size of the preparedStatement cache; */
private int pstmtCacheSize; private final PooledConnectionQueue queue; private Timer heartBeatTimer;
Used to find and close() leaked connections. Leaked connections are thought to be busy but have not been used for some time. Each time a connection is used it sets it's lastUsedTime.
/** * Used to find and close() leaked connections. Leaked connections are * thought to be busy but have not been used for some time. Each time a * connection is used it sets it's lastUsedTime. */
private long leakTimeMinutes; public ConnectionPool(String name, DataSourceConfig params) { this.config = params; = name; this.notify = params.getAlert(); this.poolListener = params.getListener(); this.autoCommit = params.isAutoCommit(); this.readOnly = params.isReadOnly(); this.failOnStart = params.isFailOnStart(); this.initSql = params.getInitSql(); this.transactionIsolation = params.getIsolationLevel(); this.maxInactiveMillis = 1000 * params.getMaxInactiveTimeSecs(); this.maxAgeMillis = 60000 * params.getMaxAgeMinutes(); this.leakTimeMinutes = params.getLeakTimeMinutes(); this.captureStackTrace = params.isCaptureStackTrace(); this.maxStackTraceSize = params.getMaxStackTraceSize(); this.databaseDriver = params.getDriver(); this.databaseUrl = params.getUrl(); this.pstmtCacheSize = params.getPstmtCacheSize(); this.minConnections = params.getMinConnections(); this.maxConnections = params.getMaxConnections(); this.waitTimeoutMillis = params.getWaitTimeoutMillis(); this.heartbeatsql = params.getHeartbeatSql(); this.heartbeatFreqSecs = params.getHeartbeatFreqSecs(); this.heartbeatTimeoutSeconds = params.getHeartbeatTimeoutSeconds(); this.trimPoolFreqMillis = 1000 * params.getTrimPoolFreqSecs(); queue = new PooledConnectionQueue(this); String un = params.getUsername(); String pw = params.getPassword(); if (un == null) { throw new DataSourceConfigurationException("DataSource user is null?"); } if (pw == null) { throw new DataSourceConfigurationException("DataSource password is null?"); } this.connectionProps = new Properties(); this.connectionProps.setProperty("user", un); this.connectionProps.setProperty("password", pw); Map<String, String> customProperties = params.getCustomProperties(); if (customProperties != null) { Set<Entry<String, String>> entrySet = customProperties.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : entrySet) { this.connectionProps.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } checkDriver(); try { if (!params.isOffline()) { if (config.useInitDatabase()) { initialiseDatabase(); } initialise(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DataSourceInitialiseException("Error initialising DataSource: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } class HeartBeatRunnable extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { checkDataSource(); } } @Override public java.util.logging.Logger getParentLogger() throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException { throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("We do not support java.util.logging"); } private void checkDriver() { // Ensure database driver is loaded try { ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (contextLoader != null) { Class.forName(databaseDriver, true, contextLoader); } else { Class.forName(databaseDriver, true, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Problem loading Database Driver [" + this.databaseDriver + "]: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void initialise() throws SQLException { //noinspection StringBufferReplaceableByString StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(70); sb.append("DataSourcePool [").append(name); sb.append("] autoCommit[").append(autoCommit); sb.append("] transIsolation[").append(TransactionIsolation.getDescription(transactionIsolation)); sb.append("] min[").append(minConnections); sb.append("] max[").append(maxConnections).append("]");; try { dataSourceUp = true; queue.ensureMinimumConnections(); startHeartBeatIfStopped(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (failOnStart) { throw e; } logger.error("Error trying to ensure minimum connections, maybe db server is down - message:" + e.getMessage(), e); } }
Initialise the database using the owner credentials if we can't connect using the normal credentials.

That is, if we think the username doesn't exist in the DB, initialise the DB using the owner credentials.

/** * Initialise the database using the owner credentials if we can't connect using the normal credentials. * <p> * That is, if we think the username doesn't exist in the DB, initialise the DB using the owner credentials. * </p> */
private void initialiseDatabase() throws SQLException { try (Connection connection = createUnpooledConnection(connectionProps, false)) { // successfully obtained a connection so skip initDatabase connection.clearWarnings(); } catch (SQLException e) {"Obtaining connection using ownerUsername:{} to initialise database", config.getOwnerUsername()); // expected when user does not exists, obtain a connection using owner credentials try (Connection ownerConnection = createUnpooledConnection(config.getOwnerUsername(), config.getOwnerPassword())) { // initialise the DB (typically create the user/role using the owner credentials etc) InitDatabase initDatabase = config.getInitDatabase();, config); ownerConnection.commit(); } catch (SQLException e2) { throw new SQLException("Failed to run InitDatabase with ownerUsername:" + config.getOwnerUsername() + " message:" + e2.getMessage(), e2); } } }
Returns false.
/** * Returns false. */
@Override public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> arg0) { return false; }
Not Implemented.
/** * Not Implemented. */
@Override public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> arg0) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("Not Implemented"); }
Return the dataSource name.
/** * Return the dataSource name. */
@Override public String getName() { return name; }
Return the max size of stack traces used when trying to find connection pool leaks.

This is only used when isCaptureStackTrace() is true.

/** * Return the max size of stack traces used when trying to find connection pool leaks. * <p> * This is only used when {@link #isCaptureStackTrace()} is true. * </p> */
int getMaxStackTraceSize() { return maxStackTraceSize; }
Returns false when the dataSource is down.
/** * Returns false when the dataSource is down. */
@Override public boolean isDataSourceUp() { return dataSourceUp; } @Override public SQLException getDataSourceDownReason() { return dataSourceDownReason; }
Called when the pool hits the warning level.
/** * Called when the pool hits the warning level. */
protected void notifyWarning(String msg) { if (inWarningMode.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // send an Error to the event log... logger.warn(msg); if (notify != null) { notify.dataSourceWarning(this, msg); } } } private synchronized void notifyDataSourceIsDown(SQLException ex) { if (dataSourceUp) { reset(); } dataSourceUp = false; if (ex != null) { dataSourceDownReason = ex; } if (!dataSourceDownAlertSent) { dataSourceDownAlertSent = true; logger.error("FATAL: DataSourcePool [" + name + "] is down or has network error!!!", ex); if (notify != null) { notify.dataSourceDown(this, ex); } } } private synchronized void notifyDataSourceIsUp() { if (dataSourceDownAlertSent) { // set to false here, so that a getConnection() call in DataSourceAlert.dataSourceUp // in same thread does not fire the event again (and end in recursion) // all other threads will be blocked, becasue method is synchronized. dataSourceDownAlertSent = false; logger.error("RESOLVED FATAL: DataSourcePool [" + name + "] is back up!"); if (notify != null) { notify.dataSourceUp(this); } } else if (!dataSourceUp) {"DataSourcePool [" + name + "] is back up!"); } if (!dataSourceUp) { dataSourceUp = true; dataSourceDownReason = null; reset(); startHeartBeatIfStopped(); } }
Trim connections (in the free list) based on idle time and maximum age.
/** * Trim connections (in the free list) based on idle time and maximum age. */
private void trimIdleConnections() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > (lastTrimTime + trimPoolFreqMillis)) { try { queue.trim(maxInactiveMillis, maxAgeMillis); lastTrimTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error trying to trim idle connections - message:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } }
Check the dataSource is up. Trim connections.

This is called by the HeartbeatRunnable which should be scheduled to run periodically (every heartbeatFreqSecs seconds actually).

/** * Check the dataSource is up. Trim connections. * <p> * This is called by the HeartbeatRunnable which should be scheduled to * run periodically (every heartbeatFreqSecs seconds actually). * </p> */
private void checkDataSource() { // first trim idle connections trimIdleConnections(); Connection conn = null; try { // Get a connection from the pool and test it conn = getConnection(); if (testConnection(conn)) { notifyDataSourceIsUp(); } else { notifyDataSourceIsDown(null); } } catch (SQLException ex) { notifyDataSourceIsDown(ex); } finally { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { logger.warn("Can't close connection in checkDataSource!"); } } }
Initializes the connection we got from the driver.
/** * Initializes the connection we got from the driver. */
private void initConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException { conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); // isolation level is set globally for all connections (at least for H2) // and you will need admin rights - so we do not change it, if it already // matches. if (conn.getTransactionIsolation() != transactionIsolation) { conn.setTransactionIsolation(transactionIsolation); } if (readOnly) { conn.setReadOnly(true); } if (initSql != null) { for (String query : initSql) { try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { stmt.execute(query); } } } }
Create an un-pooled connection with the given username and password.
/** * Create an un-pooled connection with the given username and password. */
public Connection createUnpooledConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException { Properties properties = new Properties(connectionProps); properties.setProperty("user", username); properties.setProperty("password", password); return createUnpooledConnection(properties, true); }
Create an un-pooled connection.
/** * Create an un-pooled connection. */
public Connection createUnpooledConnection() throws SQLException { return createUnpooledConnection(connectionProps, true); } private Connection createUnpooledConnection(Properties properties, boolean notifyIsDown) throws SQLException { try { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseUrl, properties); initConnection(conn); return conn; } catch (SQLException ex) { if (notifyIsDown) { notifyDataSourceIsDown(null); } throw ex; } }
Set a new maximum size. The pool should respect this new maximum immediately and not require a restart. You may want to increase the maxConnections if the pool gets large and hits the warning level.
/** * Set a new maximum size. The pool should respect this new maximum * immediately and not require a restart. You may want to increase the * maxConnections if the pool gets large and hits the warning level. */
@Override public void setMaxSize(int max) { queue.setMaxSize(max); this.maxConnections = max; }
Return the max size this pool can grow to.
/** * Return the max size this pool can grow to. */
public int getMaxSize() { return maxConnections; }
Set the min size this pool should maintain.
/** * Set the min size this pool should maintain. */
public void setMinSize(int min) { queue.setMinSize(min); this.minConnections = min; }
Return the min size this pool should maintain.
/** * Return the min size this pool should maintain. */
public int getMinSize() { return minConnections; }
Set a new maximum size. The pool should respect this new maximum immediately and not require a restart. You may want to increase the maxConnections if the pool gets large and hits the warning and or alert levels.
/** * Set a new maximum size. The pool should respect this new maximum * immediately and not require a restart. You may want to increase the * maxConnections if the pool gets large and hits the warning and or alert * levels. */
@Override public void setWarningSize(int warningSize) { queue.setWarningSize(warningSize); this.warningSize = warningSize; }
Return the warning size. When the pool hits this size it can send a notify message to an administrator.
/** * Return the warning size. When the pool hits this size it can send a * notify message to an administrator. */
@Override public int getWarningSize() { return warningSize; }
Return the time in millis that threads will wait when the pool has hit the max size. These threads wait for connections to be returned by the busy connections.
/** * Return the time in millis that threads will wait when the pool has hit * the max size. These threads wait for connections to be returned by the * busy connections. */
public int getWaitTimeoutMillis() { return waitTimeoutMillis; }
Return the time after which inactive connections are trimmed.
/** * Return the time after which inactive connections are trimmed. */
public int getMaxInactiveMillis() { return maxInactiveMillis; }
Return the maximum age a connection is allowed to be before it is trimmed out of the pool. This value can be 0 which means there is no maximum age.
/** * Return the maximum age a connection is allowed to be before it is trimmed * out of the pool. This value can be 0 which means there is no maximum age. */
public long getMaxAgeMillis() { return maxAgeMillis; } private boolean testConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException { if (heartbeatsql == null) { return conn.isValid(heartbeatTimeoutSeconds); } Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { // It should only error IF the DataSource is down or a network issue stmt = conn.createStatement(); if (heartbeatTimeoutSeconds > 0) { stmt.setQueryTimeout(heartbeatTimeoutSeconds); } rset = stmt.executeQuery(heartbeatsql); conn.commit(); return true; } finally { try { if (rset != null) { rset.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error closing resultSet", e); } try { if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error closing statement", e); } } }
Make sure the connection is still ok to use. If not then remove it from the pool.
/** * Make sure the connection is still ok to use. If not then remove it from * the pool. */
boolean validateConnection(PooledConnection conn) { try { return testConnection(conn); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("heartbeatsql test failed on connection:" + conn.getName() + " message:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } }
Called by the PooledConnection themselves, returning themselves to the pool when they have been finished with.

Note that connections may not be added back to the pool if returnToPool is false or if they where created before the recycleTime. In both of these cases the connection is fully closed and not pooled.

  • pooledConnection – the returning connection
/** * Called by the PooledConnection themselves, returning themselves to the * pool when they have been finished with. * <p> * Note that connections may not be added back to the pool if returnToPool * is false or if they where created before the recycleTime. In both of * these cases the connection is fully closed and not pooled. * </p> * * @param pooledConnection the returning connection */
void returnConnection(PooledConnection pooledConnection) { // return a normal 'good' connection returnTheConnection(pooledConnection, false); }
This is a bad connection and must be removed from the pool's busy list and fully closed.
/** * This is a bad connection and must be removed from the pool's busy list and fully closed. */
void returnConnectionForceClose(PooledConnection pooledConnection) { returnTheConnection(pooledConnection, true); }
Return connection. If forceClose is true then this is a bad connection that must be removed and closed fully.
/** * Return connection. If forceClose is true then this is a bad connection that * must be removed and closed fully. */
private void returnTheConnection(PooledConnection pooledConnection, boolean forceClose) { if (poolListener != null && !forceClose) { poolListener.onBeforeReturnConnection(pooledConnection); } queue.returnPooledConnection(pooledConnection, forceClose); if (forceClose) { // Got a bad connection so check the pool checkDataSource(); } }
Collect statistics of a connection that is fully closing
/** * Collect statistics of a connection that is fully closing */
void reportClosingConnection(PooledConnection pooledConnection) { queue.reportClosingConnection(pooledConnection); }
Returns information describing connections that are currently being used.
/** * Returns information describing connections that are currently being used. */
public String getBusyConnectionInformation() { return queue.getBusyConnectionInformation(); }
Dumps the busy connection information to the logs.

This includes the stackTrace elements if they are being captured. This is useful when needing to look a potential connection pool leaks.

/** * Dumps the busy connection information to the logs. * <p> * This includes the stackTrace elements if they are being captured. This is * useful when needing to look a potential connection pool leaks. * </p> */
public void dumpBusyConnectionInformation() { queue.dumpBusyConnectionInformation(); }
Close any busy connections that have not been used for some time.

These connections are considered to have leaked from the connection pool.

Connection leaks occur when code doesn't ensure that connections are closed() after they have been finished with. There should be an appropriate try catch finally block to ensure connections are always closed and put back into the pool.

/** * Close any busy connections that have not been used for some time. * <p> * These connections are considered to have leaked from the connection pool. * </p> * <p> * Connection leaks occur when code doesn't ensure that connections are * closed() after they have been finished with. There should be an * appropriate try catch finally block to ensure connections are always * closed and put back into the pool. * </p> */
public void closeBusyConnections(long leakTimeMinutes) { queue.closeBusyConnections(leakTimeMinutes); }
Grow the pool by creating a new connection. The connection can either be added to the available list, or returned.

This method is protected by synchronization in calling methods.

/** * Grow the pool by creating a new connection. The connection can either be * added to the available list, or returned. * <p> * This method is protected by synchronization in calling methods. * </p> */
PooledConnection createConnectionForQueue(int connId) throws SQLException { try { Connection c = createUnpooledConnection(); PooledConnection pc = new PooledConnection(this, connId, c); pc.resetForUse(); if (!dataSourceUp) { notifyDataSourceIsUp(); } return pc; } catch (SQLException ex) { notifyDataSourceIsDown(ex); throw ex; } }
Close all the connections in the pool.
  • Checks that the database is up.
  • Resets the Alert level.
  • Closes busy connections that have not been used for some time (aka leaks).
  • This closes all the currently available connections.
  • Busy connections are closed when they are returned to the pool.
/** * Close all the connections in the pool. * <ul> * <li>Checks that the database is up.</li> * <li>Resets the Alert level.</li> * <li>Closes busy connections that have not been used for some time (aka leaks).</li> * <li>This closes all the currently available connections.</li> * <li>Busy connections are closed when they are returned to the pool.</li> * </ul> */
public void reset() { queue.reset(leakTimeMinutes); inWarningMode.set(false); }
Return a pooled connection.
/** * Return a pooled connection. */
@Override public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return getPooledConnection(); }
Get a connection from the pool.

This will grow the pool if all the current connections are busy. This will go into a wait if the pool has hit its maximum size.

/** * Get a connection from the pool. * <p> * This will grow the pool if all the current connections are busy. This * will go into a wait if the pool has hit its maximum size. * </p> */
private PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws SQLException { PooledConnection c = queue.getPooledConnection(); if (captureStackTrace) { c.setStackTrace(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()); } if (poolListener != null) { poolListener.onAfterBorrowConnection(c); } return c; }
Send a message to the DataSourceAlertListener to test it. This is so that you can make sure the alerter is configured correctly etc.
/** * Send a message to the DataSourceAlertListener to test it. This is so that * you can make sure the alerter is configured correctly etc. */
public void testAlert() { String msg = "Just testing if alert message is sent successfully."; if (notify != null) { notify.dataSourceWarning(this, msg); } } @Override public void shutdown() { shutdown(false); }
This will close all the free connections, and then go into a wait loop, waiting for the busy connections to be freed.

The DataSources's should be shutdown AFTER thread pools. Leaked Connections are not waited on, as that would hang the server.

/** * This will close all the free connections, and then go into a wait loop, * waiting for the busy connections to be freed. * <p> * <p> * The DataSources's should be shutdown AFTER thread pools. Leaked * Connections are not waited on, as that would hang the server. * </p> */
@Override public synchronized void shutdown(boolean deregisterDriver) { offline(); if (deregisterDriver) { deregisterDriver(); } } @Override public synchronized void offline() { stopHeartBeatIfRunning(); queue.shutdown(); dataSourceUp = false; } @Override public synchronized boolean isOnline() { return dataSourceUp; } @Override public synchronized void online() throws SQLException { if (!dataSourceUp) { initialise(); } } private void startHeartBeatIfStopped() { // only start if it is not already running if (heartBeatTimer == null) { int freqMillis = heartbeatFreqSecs * 1000; if (freqMillis > 0) { heartBeatTimer = new Timer(name + ".heartBeat", true); heartBeatTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new HeartBeatRunnable(), freqMillis, freqMillis); } } } private void stopHeartBeatIfRunning() { // only stop if it was running if (heartBeatTimer != null) { heartBeatTimer.cancel(); heartBeatTimer = null; } }
Return the default autoCommit setting Connections in this pool will use.
Returns:true if the pool defaults autoCommit to true
/** * Return the default autoCommit setting Connections in this pool will use. * * @return true if the pool defaults autoCommit to true */
@Override public boolean isAutoCommit() { return autoCommit; }
Return the default transaction isolation level connections in this pool should have.
Returns:the default transaction isolation level
/** * Return the default transaction isolation level connections in this pool * should have. * * @return the default transaction isolation level */
int getTransactionIsolation() { return transactionIsolation; }
Return true if the connection pool is currently capturing the StackTrace when connections are 'got' from the pool.

This is set to true to help diagnose connection pool leaks.

/** * Return true if the connection pool is currently capturing the StackTrace * when connections are 'got' from the pool. * <p> * This is set to true to help diagnose connection pool leaks. * </p> */
public boolean isCaptureStackTrace() { return captureStackTrace; }
Set this to true means that the StackElements are captured every time a connection is retrieved from the pool. This can be used to identify connection pool leaks.
/** * Set this to true means that the StackElements are captured every time a * connection is retrieved from the pool. This can be used to identify * connection pool leaks. */
public void setCaptureStackTrace(boolean captureStackTrace) { this.captureStackTrace = captureStackTrace; }
Create an un-pooled connection with the given username and password.

This uses the default isolation level and autocommit mode.

/** * Create an un-pooled connection with the given username and password. * <p> * This uses the default isolation level and autocommit mode. */
@Override public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException { Properties props = new Properties(); props.putAll(connectionProps); props.setProperty("user", username); props.setProperty("password", password); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseUrl, props); initConnection(conn); return conn; }
Not implemented and shouldn't be used.
/** * Not implemented and shouldn't be used. */
@Override public int getLoginTimeout() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("Method not supported"); }
Not implemented and shouldn't be used.
/** * Not implemented and shouldn't be used. */
@Override public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("Method not supported"); }
Returns null.
/** * Returns null. */
@Override public PrintWriter getLogWriter() { return null; }
Not implemented.
/** * Not implemented. */
@Override public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter writer) throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("Method not supported"); }
For detecting and closing leaked connections. Connections that have been busy for more than leakTimeMinutes are considered leaks and will be closed on a reset().

If you want to use a connection for that longer then you should consider creating an unpooled connection or setting longRunning to true on that connection.

/** * For detecting and closing leaked connections. Connections that have been * busy for more than leakTimeMinutes are considered leaks and will be * closed on a reset(). * <p> * If you want to use a connection for that longer then you should consider * creating an unpooled connection or setting longRunning to true on that * connection. * </p> */
public void setLeakTimeMinutes(long leakTimeMinutes) { this.leakTimeMinutes = leakTimeMinutes; }
Return the number of minutes after which a busy connection could be considered leaked from the connection pool.
/** * Return the number of minutes after which a busy connection could be * considered leaked from the connection pool. */
public long getLeakTimeMinutes() { return leakTimeMinutes; }
Return the preparedStatement cache size.
/** * Return the preparedStatement cache size. */
public int getPstmtCacheSize() { return pstmtCacheSize; }
Set the preparedStatement cache size.
/** * Set the preparedStatement cache size. */
public void setPstmtCacheSize(int pstmtCacheSize) { this.pstmtCacheSize = pstmtCacheSize; }
Return the current status of the connection pool.

If you pass reset = true then the counters such as hitCount, waitCount and highWaterMark are reset.

/** * Return the current status of the connection pool. * <p> * If you pass reset = true then the counters such as * hitCount, waitCount and highWaterMark are reset. * </p> */
@Override public PoolStatus getStatus(boolean reset) { return queue.getStatus(reset); }
Return the aggregated load statistics collected on all the connections in the pool.
/** * Return the aggregated load statistics collected on all the connections in the pool. */
@Override public PoolStatistics getStatistics(boolean reset) { return queue.getStatistics(reset); }
Deregister the JDBC driver.
/** * Deregister the JDBC driver. */
private void deregisterDriver() { try { logger.debug("Deregister the JDBC driver " + this.databaseDriver); DriverManager.deregisterDriver(DriverManager.getDriver(this.databaseUrl)); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("Error trying to deregister the JDBC driver " + this.databaseDriver, e); } } public static class Status implements PoolStatus { private final int minSize; private final int maxSize; private final int free; private final int busy; private final int waiting; private final int highWaterMark; private final int waitCount; private final int hitCount; Status(int minSize, int maxSize, int free, int busy, int waiting, int highWaterMark, int waitCount, int hitCount) { this.minSize = minSize; this.maxSize = maxSize; = free; this.busy = busy; this.waiting = waiting; this.highWaterMark = highWaterMark; this.waitCount = waitCount; this.hitCount = hitCount; } public String toString() { return "min[" + minSize + "] max[" + maxSize + "] free[" + free + "] busy[" + busy + "] waiting[" + waiting + "] highWaterMark[" + highWaterMark + "] waitCount[" + waitCount + "] hitCount[" + hitCount + "]"; }
Return the min pool size.
/** * Return the min pool size. */
@Override public int getMinSize() { return minSize; }
Return the max pool size.
/** * Return the max pool size. */
@Override public int getMaxSize() { return maxSize; }
Return the current number of free connections in the pool.
/** * Return the current number of free connections in the pool. */
@Override public int getFree() { return free; }
Return the current number of busy connections in the pool.
/** * Return the current number of busy connections in the pool. */
@Override public int getBusy() { return busy; }
Return the current number of threads waiting for a connection.
/** * Return the current number of threads waiting for a connection. */
@Override public int getWaiting() { return waiting; }
Return the high water mark of busy connections.
/** * Return the high water mark of busy connections. */
@Override public int getHighWaterMark() { return highWaterMark; }
Return the total number of times a thread had to wait.
/** * Return the total number of times a thread had to wait. */
@Override public int getWaitCount() { return waitCount; }
Return the total number of times there was an attempt to get a connection.

If the attempt to get a connection failed with a timeout or other exception those attempts are still included in this hit count.

/** * Return the total number of times there was an attempt to get a * connection. * <p> * If the attempt to get a connection failed with a timeout or other * exception those attempts are still included in this hit count. * </p> */
@Override public int getHitCount() { return hitCount; } } }