package io.ebean.datasource.pool;

import io.ebean.datasource.PoolStatistics;
import io.ebean.datasource.PoolStatus;
import io.ebean.datasource.pool.ConnectionPool.Status;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class PooledConnectionQueue {

  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PooledConnectionQueue.class);

  private static final TimeUnit MILLIS_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;

  private final String name;

  private final ConnectionPool pool;

A 'circular' buffer designed specifically for free connections.
/** * A 'circular' buffer designed specifically for free connections. */
private final FreeConnectionBuffer freeList;
A 'slots' buffer designed specifically for busy connections. Fast add remove based on slot id.
/** * A 'slots' buffer designed specifically for busy connections. * Fast add remove based on slot id. */
private final BusyConnectionBuffer busyList;
Load statistics collected off connections that have closed fully (left the pool).
/** * Load statistics collected off connections that have closed fully (left the pool). */
private final PooledConnectionStatistics collectedStats = new PooledConnectionStatistics();
Currently accumulated load statistics.
/** * Currently accumulated load statistics. */
private PooledConnectionStatistics.LoadValues accumulatedValues = new PooledConnectionStatistics.LoadValues();
Main lock guarding all access
/** * Main lock guarding all access */
private final ReentrantLock lock;
Condition for threads waiting to take a connection
/** * Condition for threads waiting to take a connection */
private final Condition notEmpty; private int connectionId; private final long waitTimeoutMillis; private final long leakTimeMinutes; private final long maxAgeMillis; private int warningSize; private int maxSize; private int minSize;
Number of threads in the wait queue.
/** * Number of threads in the wait queue. */
private int waitingThreads;
Number of times a thread had to wait.
/** * Number of times a thread had to wait. */
private int waitCount;
Number of times a connection was got from this queue.
/** * Number of times a connection was got from this queue. */
private int hitCount;
The high water mark for the queue size.
/** * The high water mark for the queue size. */
private int highWaterMark;
Last time the pool was reset. Used to close busy connections as they are returned to the pool that where created prior to the lastResetTime.
/** * Last time the pool was reset. Used to close busy connections as they are * returned to the pool that where created prior to the lastResetTime. */
private long lastResetTime; private boolean doingShutdown; PooledConnectionQueue(ConnectionPool pool) { this.pool = pool; = pool.getName(); this.minSize = pool.getMinSize(); this.maxSize = pool.getMaxSize(); this.warningSize = pool.getWarningSize(); this.waitTimeoutMillis = pool.getWaitTimeoutMillis(); this.leakTimeMinutes = pool.getLeakTimeMinutes(); this.maxAgeMillis = pool.getMaxAgeMillis(); this.busyList = new BusyConnectionBuffer(maxSize, 20); this.freeList = new FreeConnectionBuffer(); this.lock = new ReentrantLock(false); this.notEmpty = lock.newCondition(); } private PoolStatus createStatus() { return new Status(minSize, maxSize, freeList.size(), busyList.size(), waitingThreads, highWaterMark, waitCount, hitCount); } public String toString() { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { return createStatus().toString(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Collect statistics of a connection that is fully closing
/** * Collect statistics of a connection that is fully closing */
void reportClosingConnection(PooledConnection pooledConnection) { collectedStats.add(pooledConnection.getStatistics()); } PoolStatistics getStatistics(boolean reset) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { PooledConnectionStatistics.LoadValues aggregate = collectedStats.getValues(reset); freeList.collectStatistics(aggregate, reset); busyList.collectStatistics(aggregate, reset);; this.accumulatedValues = (reset) ? new PooledConnectionStatistics.LoadValues() : aggregate; return new DataSourcePoolStatistics(aggregate.getCollectionStart(), aggregate.getCount(), aggregate.getErrorCount(), aggregate.getHwmMicros(), aggregate.getTotalMicros()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public PoolStatus getStatus(boolean reset) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { PoolStatus s = createStatus(); if (reset) { highWaterMark = busyList.size(); hitCount = 0; waitCount = 0; } return s; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } void setMinSize(int minSize) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { if (minSize > this.maxSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minSize " + minSize + " > maxSize " + this.maxSize); } this.minSize = minSize; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } void setMaxSize(int maxSize) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { if (maxSize < this.minSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxSize " + maxSize + " < minSize " + this.minSize); } this.busyList.setCapacity(maxSize); this.maxSize = maxSize; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } void setWarningSize(int warningSize) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { if (warningSize > this.maxSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("warningSize " + warningSize + " > maxSize " + this.maxSize); } this.warningSize = warningSize; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private int totalConnections() { return freeList.size() + busyList.size(); } void ensureMinimumConnections() throws SQLException { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { int add = minSize - totalConnections(); if (add > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < add; i++) { freeList.add(pool.createConnectionForQueue(connectionId++)); } notEmpty.signal(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Return a PooledConnection.
/** * Return a PooledConnection. */
void returnPooledConnection(PooledConnection c, boolean forceClose) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { if (!busyList.remove(c)) { logger.error("Connection [{}] not found in BusyList? ", c); } if (forceClose || c.shouldTrimOnReturn(lastResetTime, maxAgeMillis)) { c.closeConnectionFully(false); } else { freeList.add(c); notEmpty.signal(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private PooledConnection extractFromFreeList() { PooledConnection c = freeList.remove(); registerBusyConnection(c); return c; } PooledConnection getPooledConnection() throws SQLException { try { PooledConnection pc = _getPooledConnection(); pc.resetForUse(); return pc; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // restore the interrupted status as we throw SQLException Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new SQLException("Interrupted getting connection from pool", e); } }
Register the PooledConnection with the busyList.
/** * Register the PooledConnection with the busyList. */
private int registerBusyConnection(PooledConnection c) { int busySize = busyList.add(c); if (busySize > highWaterMark) { highWaterMark = busySize; } return busySize; } private PooledConnection _getPooledConnection() throws InterruptedException, SQLException { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lockInterruptibly(); try { if (doingShutdown) { throw new SQLException("Trying to access the Connection Pool when it is shutting down"); } // this includes attempts that fail with InterruptedException // or SQLException but that is ok as its only an indicator hitCount++; // are other threads already waiting? (they get priority) if (waitingThreads == 0) { if (!freeList.isEmpty()) { // we have a free connection to return return extractFromFreeList(); } if (busyList.size() < maxSize) { // grow the connection pool PooledConnection c = pool.createConnectionForQueue(connectionId++); int busySize = registerBusyConnection(c); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("DataSourcePool [{}] grow; id[{}] busy[{}] max[{}]", name, c.getName(), busySize, maxSize); } checkForWarningSize(); return c; } } try { // The pool is at maximum size. We are going to go into // a wait loop until connections are returned into the pool. waitCount++; waitingThreads++; return _getPooledConnectionWaitLoop(); } finally { waitingThreads--; } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Got into a loop waiting for connections to be returned to the pool.
/** * Got into a loop waiting for connections to be returned to the pool. */
private PooledConnection _getPooledConnectionWaitLoop() throws SQLException, InterruptedException { long nanos = MILLIS_TIME_UNIT.toNanos(waitTimeoutMillis); for (; ; ) { if (nanos <= 0) { String msg = "Unsuccessfully waited [" + waitTimeoutMillis + "] millis for a connection to be returned." + " No connections are free. You need to Increase the max connections of [" + maxSize + "]" + " or look for a connection pool leak using"; if (pool.isCaptureStackTrace()) { dumpBusyConnectionInformation(); } throw new SQLException(msg); } try { nanos = notEmpty.awaitNanos(nanos); if (!freeList.isEmpty()) { // successfully waited return extractFromFreeList(); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { notEmpty.signal(); // propagate to non-interrupted thread throw ie; } } } public void shutdown() { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { doingShutdown = true; PoolStatus status = createStatus(); PoolStatistics statistics = pool.getStatistics(false); logger.debug("DataSourcePool [{}] shutdown {} - Statistics {}", name, status, statistics); closeFreeConnections(true); if (!busyList.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Closing busy connections on shutdown size: " + busyList.size()); dumpBusyConnectionInformation(); closeBusyConnections(0); } } finally { lock.unlock(); doingShutdown = false; } }
Close all the connections in the pool and any current busy connections when they are returned. New connections will be then created on demand.

This is typically done when a database down event occurs.

/** * Close all the connections in the pool and any current busy connections * when they are returned. New connections will be then created on demand. * <p> * This is typically done when a database down event occurs. * </p> */
public void reset(long leakTimeMinutes) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { PoolStatus status = createStatus();"Reseting DataSourcePool [{}] {}", name, status); lastResetTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); closeFreeConnections(false); closeBusyConnections(leakTimeMinutes); String busyInfo = getBusyConnectionInformation(); if (!busyInfo.isEmpty()) {"Busy Connections:\n" + busyInfo); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void trim(long maxInactiveMillis, long maxAgeMillis) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { if (trimInactiveConnections(maxInactiveMillis, maxAgeMillis) > 0) { try { ensureMinimumConnections(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error trying to ensure minimum connections", e); } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Trim connections that have been not used for some time.
/** * Trim connections that have been not used for some time. */
private int trimInactiveConnections(long maxInactiveMillis, long maxAgeMillis) { long usedSince = System.currentTimeMillis() - maxInactiveMillis; long createdSince = (maxAgeMillis == 0) ? 0 : System.currentTimeMillis() - maxAgeMillis; int trimedCount = freeList.trim(usedSince, createdSince); if (trimedCount > 0) { logger.debug("DataSourcePool [{}] trimmed [{}] inactive connections. New size[{}]", name, trimedCount, totalConnections()); } return trimedCount; }
Close all the connections that are in the free list.
/** * Close all the connections that are in the free list. */
private void closeFreeConnections(boolean logErrors) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { freeList.closeAll(logErrors); } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Close any busy connections that have not been used for some time.

These connections are considered to have leaked from the connection pool.

Connection leaks occur when code doesn't ensure that connections are closed() after they have been finished with. There should be an appropriate try catch finally block to ensure connections are always closed and put back into the pool.

/** * Close any busy connections that have not been used for some time. * <p> * These connections are considered to have leaked from the connection pool. * </p> * <p> * Connection leaks occur when code doesn't ensure that connections are * closed() after they have been finished with. There should be an * appropriate try catch finally block to ensure connections are always * closed and put back into the pool. * </p> */
void closeBusyConnections(long leakTimeMinutes) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { busyList.closeBusyConnections(leakTimeMinutes); } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
As the pool grows it gets closer to the maxConnections limit. We can send an Alert (or warning) as we get close to this limit and hence an Administrator could increase the pool size if desired.

This is called whenever the pool grows in size (towards the max limit).

/** * As the pool grows it gets closer to the maxConnections limit. We can send * an Alert (or warning) as we get close to this limit and hence an * Administrator could increase the pool size if desired. * <p> * This is called whenever the pool grows in size (towards the max limit). * </p> */
private void checkForWarningSize() { // the the total number of connections that we can add // to the pool before it hits the maximum int availableGrowth = (maxSize - totalConnections()); if (availableGrowth < warningSize) { closeBusyConnections(leakTimeMinutes); String msg = "DataSourcePool [" + name + "] is [" + availableGrowth + "] connections from its maximum size."; pool.notifyWarning(msg); } } String getBusyConnectionInformation() { return getBusyConnectionInformation(false); } void dumpBusyConnectionInformation() { getBusyConnectionInformation(true); }
Returns information describing connections that are currently being used.
/** * Returns information describing connections that are currently being used. */
private String getBusyConnectionInformation(boolean toLogger) { final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock; lock.lock(); try { return busyList.getBusyConnectionInformation(toLogger); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }