 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
 * available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.ActiveDirectoryAuthentication;

Various SQLServer security utilities.
/** * Various SQLServer security utilities. * */
class SQLServerSecurityUtility { static final private java.util.logging.Logger connectionlogger = java.util.logging.Logger .getLogger("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.internals.SQLServerConnection"); static final int GONE = 410; static final int TOO_MANY_RESQUESTS = 429; static final int NOT_FOUND = 404; static final int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; static final int NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 599;
Give the hash of given plain text
  • plainText –
  • key –
  • length –
Returns:hash of the plain text using provided key
/** * Give the hash of given plain text * * @param plainText * @param key * @param length * @return hash of the plain text using provided key * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws InvalidKeyException */
static byte[] getHMACWithSHA256(byte[] plainText, byte[] key, int length) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { byte[] computedHash; byte[] hash = new byte[length]; Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256"); SecretKeySpec ivkeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA256"); mac.init(ivkeySpec); computedHash = mac.doFinal(plainText); // truncating hash if needed System.arraycopy(computedHash, 0, hash, 0, hash.length); return hash; }
Compare two arrays
  • buffer1 – first array
  • buffer2 – second array
  • buffer2Index –
  • lengthToCompare –
Returns:true if array contains same bytes otherwise false
/** * Compare two arrays * * @param buffer1 * first array * @param buffer2 * second array * @param buffer2Index * @param lengthToCompare * @return true if array contains same bytes otherwise false */
static boolean compareBytes(byte[] buffer1, byte[] buffer2, int buffer2Index, int lengthToCompare) { if (null == buffer1 || null == buffer2) { return false; } if ((buffer2.length - buffer2Index) < lengthToCompare) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < buffer1.length && index < lengthToCompare; ++index) { if (buffer1[index] != buffer2[buffer2Index + index]) { return false; } } return true; } /* * Encrypts the ciphertext. */ static byte[] encryptWithKey(byte[] plainText, CryptoMetadata md, SQLServerConnection connection) throws SQLServerException { String serverName = connection.getTrustedServerNameAE(); assert serverName != null : "Server name should npt be null in EncryptWithKey"; // Initialize cipherAlgo if not already done. if (!md.IsAlgorithmInitialized()) { SQLServerSecurityUtility.decryptSymmetricKey(md, connection); } assert md.IsAlgorithmInitialized(); byte[] cipherText = md.cipherAlgorithm.encryptData(plainText); // this call succeeds or throws. if (null == cipherText || 0 == cipherText.length) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_NullCipherTextAE"), null, 0, false); } return cipherText; }
Return the algorithm name mapped to an Id
  • cipherAlgorithmId – The cipher algorithm Id
  • cipherAlgorithmName – The cipher algorithm name
Returns:The cipher algorithm name
/** * Return the algorithm name mapped to an Id * * @param cipherAlgorithmId * The cipher algorithm Id * @param cipherAlgorithmName * The cipher algorithm name * @return The cipher algorithm name */
private static String ValidateAndGetEncryptionAlgorithmName(byte cipherAlgorithmId, String cipherAlgorithmName) throws SQLServerException { // Custom cipher algorithm not supported for CTP. if (TDS.AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA256 != cipherAlgorithmId) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CustomCipherAlgorithmNotSupportedAE"), null, 0, false); } return SQLServerAeadAes256CbcHmac256Algorithm.algorithmName; }
Decrypts the symmetric key and saves it in metadata. In addition, initializes the SqlClientEncryptionAlgorithm for rapid decryption.
  • md – The cipher metadata
  • connection – The connection
/** * Decrypts the symmetric key and saves it in metadata. In addition, initializes the SqlClientEncryptionAlgorithm * for rapid decryption. * * @param md * The cipher metadata * @param connection * The connection */
static void decryptSymmetricKey(CryptoMetadata md, SQLServerConnection connection) throws SQLServerException { assert null != md : "md should not be null in DecryptSymmetricKey."; assert null != md.cekTableEntry : "md.EncryptionInfo should not be null in DecryptSymmetricKey."; assert null != md.cekTableEntry.columnEncryptionKeyValues : "md.EncryptionInfo.ColumnEncryptionKeyValues should not be null in DecryptSymmetricKey."; SQLServerSymmetricKey symKey = null; EncryptionKeyInfo encryptionkeyInfoChosen = null; SQLServerSymmetricKeyCache cache = SQLServerSymmetricKeyCache.getInstance(); Iterator<EncryptionKeyInfo> it = md.cekTableEntry.columnEncryptionKeyValues.iterator(); SQLServerException lastException = null; while (it.hasNext()) { EncryptionKeyInfo keyInfo = it.next(); try { symKey = cache.getKey(keyInfo, connection); if (null != symKey) { encryptionkeyInfoChosen = keyInfo; break; } } catch (SQLServerException e) { lastException = e; } } if (null == symKey) { if (null != lastException) { throw lastException; } else { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_CEKDecryptionFailed"), null, 0, false); } } // Given the symmetric key instantiate a SqlClientEncryptionAlgorithm object and cache it in metadata. md.cipherAlgorithm = null; SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm = null; String algorithmName = ValidateAndGetEncryptionAlgorithmName(md.cipherAlgorithmId, md.cipherAlgorithmName); // may // throw cipherAlgorithm = SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithmFactoryList.getInstance().getAlgorithm(symKey, md.encryptionType, algorithmName); // will // validate // algorithm // name and // type assert null != cipherAlgorithm : "Cipher algorithm cannot be null in DecryptSymmetricKey"; md.cipherAlgorithm = cipherAlgorithm; md.encryptionKeyInfo = encryptionkeyInfoChosen; } /* * Decrypts the ciphertext. */ static byte[] decryptWithKey(byte[] cipherText, CryptoMetadata md, SQLServerConnection connection) throws SQLServerException { String serverName = connection.getTrustedServerNameAE(); assert null != serverName : "serverName should not be null in DecryptWithKey."; // Initialize cipherAlgo if not already done. if (!md.IsAlgorithmInitialized()) { SQLServerSecurityUtility.decryptSymmetricKey(md, connection); } assert md.IsAlgorithmInitialized() : "Decryption Algorithm is not initialized"; byte[] plainText = md.cipherAlgorithm.decryptData(cipherText); // this call succeeds or throws. if (null == plainText) { throw new SQLServerException(null, SQLServerException.getErrString("R_PlainTextNullAE"), null, 0, false); } return plainText; } /* * Verify the signature for the CMK */ static void verifyColumnMasterKeyMetadata(SQLServerConnection connection, String keyStoreName, String keyPath, String serverName, boolean isEnclaveEnabled, byte[] CMKSignature) throws SQLServerException { // check trusted key paths Boolean[] hasEntry = new Boolean[1]; List<String> trustedKeyPaths = SQLServerConnection.getColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths(serverName, hasEntry); if (hasEntry[0]) { if ((null == trustedKeyPaths) || (0 == trustedKeyPaths.size()) || (!trustedKeyPaths.contains(keyPath))) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_UntrustedKeyPath")); Object[] msgArgs = {keyPath, serverName}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } } if (!connection.getColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider(keyStoreName).verifyColumnMasterKeyMetadata(keyPath, isEnclaveEnabled, CMKSignature)) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_VerifySignature"), null); } }
Get Managed Identity Authentication token
  • resource – token resource
  • msiClientId – Managed Identity or User Assigned Managed Identity
Returns:fedauth token
/** * Get Managed Identity Authentication token * * @param resource * token resource * @param msiClientId * Managed Identity or User Assigned Managed Identity * @return fedauth token * @throws SQLServerException */
static SqlFedAuthToken getMSIAuthToken(String resource, String msiClientId) throws SQLServerException { // IMDS upgrade time can take up to 70s final int imdsUpgradeTimeInMs = 70 * 1000; final List<Integer> retrySlots = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder(); int retry = 1, maxRetry = 1; // MSI_ENDPOINT and MSI_SECRET can be used instead of IDENTITY_ENDPOINT and IDENTITY_HEADER String identityEndpoint = System.getenv("IDENTITY_ENDPOINT"); if (null == identityEndpoint || identityEndpoint.trim().isEmpty()) { identityEndpoint = System.getenv("MSI_ENDPOINT"); } String identityHeader = System.getenv("IDENTITY_HEADER"); if (null == identityHeader || identityHeader.trim().isEmpty()) { identityHeader = System.getenv("MSI_SECRET"); } /* * isAzureFunction is used for identifying if the current client application is running in a Virtual Machine * (without Managed Identity environment variables) or App Service/Function (with Managed Identity environment * variables) as the APIs to be called for acquiring MSI Token are different for both cases. */ boolean isAzureFunction = null != identityEndpoint && !identityEndpoint.isEmpty() && null != identityHeader && !identityHeader.isEmpty(); if (isAzureFunction) { urlString.append(identityEndpoint).append("?api-version=2019-08-01&resource=").append(resource); } else { urlString.append(ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.AZURE_REST_MSI_URL).append("&resource=").append(resource); // Retry acquiring access token up to 20 times due to possible IMDS upgrade (Applies to VM only) maxRetry = 20; // Simplified variant of Exponential BackOff for (int x = 0; x < maxRetry; x++) { retrySlots.add(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR * ((2 << 1) - 1) / 1000); } } // Append Client Id if available if (null != msiClientId && !msiClientId.isEmpty()) { urlString.append("&client_id=").append(msiClientId); } // Loop while maxRetry reaches its limit while (retry <= maxRetry) { HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { connection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(urlString.toString()).openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); if (isAzureFunction) { connection.setRequestProperty("X-IDENTITY-HEADER", identityHeader); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer("Using Azure Function/App Service Managed Identity auth: " + urlString); } } else { connection.setRequestProperty("Metadata", "true"); if (connectionlogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) { connectionlogger.finer("Using Azure Managed Identity auth: " + urlString); } } connection.connect(); try (InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream()) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, UTF_8), 100); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(reader.readLine()); int startIndex_AT = result.indexOf(ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER) + ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER.length(); String accessToken = result.substring(startIndex_AT, result.indexOf("\"", startIndex_AT + 1)); Calendar cal = new Calendar.Builder().setInstant(new Date()).build(); int startIndex_ATX; // Fetch expires_on if (isAzureFunction) { startIndex_ATX = result .indexOf(ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_ON_IDENTIFIER) + ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_ON_IDENTIFIER.length(); } else { startIndex_ATX = result .indexOf(ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_IDENTIFIER) + ActiveDirectoryAuthentication.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN_IDENTIFIER.length(); } String accessTokenExpiry = result.substring(startIndex_ATX, result.indexOf("\"", startIndex_ATX + 1)); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, Integer.parseInt(accessTokenExpiry)); return new SqlFedAuthToken(accessToken, cal.getTime()); } } catch (Exception e) { retry++; // Below code applicable only when !isAzureFunctcion (VM) if (retry > maxRetry) { // Do not retry if maxRetry limit has been reached. break; } else { try { int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); // Check Error Response Code from Connection if (GONE == responseCode || TOO_MANY_RESQUESTS == responseCode || NOT_FOUND == responseCode || (INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR <= responseCode && NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR >= responseCode)) { try { int retryTimeoutInMs = retrySlots.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(retry - 1)); // Error code 410 indicates IMDS upgrade is in progress, which can take up to 70s retryTimeoutInMs = (responseCode == 410 && retryTimeoutInMs < imdsUpgradeTimeInMs) ? imdsUpgradeTimeInMs : retryTimeoutInMs; Thread.sleep(retryTimeoutInMs); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // Throw runtime exception as driver must not be interrupted here throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } else { if (null != msiClientId && !msiClientId.isEmpty()) { throw new SQLServerException( SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSITokenFailureImdsClientId"), null); } else { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSITokenFailureImds"), null); } } } catch (IOException io) { // Throw error as unexpected if response code not available throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_MSITokenFailureUnexpected"), null); } } } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } } } if (retry > maxRetry) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException .getErrString(isAzureFunction ? "R_MSITokenFailureEndpoint" : "R_MSITokenFailureImds"), null); } return null; } }