 * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. This program is made
 * available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

Represents a single encrypted value for a CEK. It contains the encrypted CEK,the store type, name,the key path and encryption algorithm.
/** * Represents a single encrypted value for a CEK. It contains the encrypted CEK,the store type, name,the key path and * encryption algorithm. */
class EncryptionKeyInfo { EncryptionKeyInfo(byte[] encryptedKeyVal, int dbId, int keyId, int keyVersion, byte[] mdVersion, String keyPathVal, String keyStoreNameVal, String algorithmNameVal) { encryptedKey = encryptedKeyVal; databaseId = dbId; cekId = keyId; cekVersion = keyVersion; cekMdVersion = mdVersion; keyPath = keyPathVal; keyStoreName = keyStoreNameVal; algorithmName = algorithmNameVal; } byte[] encryptedKey; // the encrypted "column encryption key" int databaseId; int cekId; int cekVersion; byte[] cekMdVersion; String keyPath; String keyStoreName; String algorithmName; byte normalizationRuleVersion; }
Represents a unique CEK as an entry in the CekTable. A unique (plaintext is unique) CEK can have multiple encrypted CEKs when using multiple CMKs. These encrypted CEKs are represented by a member ArrayList.
/** * Represents a unique CEK as an entry in the CekTable. A unique (plaintext is unique) CEK can have multiple encrypted * CEKs when using multiple CMKs. These encrypted CEKs are represented by a member ArrayList. */
class CekTableEntry { static final private java.util.logging.Logger aeLogger = java.util.logging.Logger .getLogger("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.AE"); List<EncryptionKeyInfo> columnEncryptionKeyValues; int ordinal; int databaseId; int cekId; int cekVersion; byte[] cekMdVersion; List<EncryptionKeyInfo> getColumnEncryptionKeyValues() { return columnEncryptionKeyValues; } int getOrdinal() { return ordinal; } int getDatabaseId() { return databaseId; } int getCekId() { return cekId; } int getCekVersion() { return cekVersion; } byte[] getCekMdVersion() { return cekMdVersion; } CekTableEntry(int ordinalVal) { ordinal = ordinalVal; databaseId = 0; cekId = 0; cekVersion = 0; cekMdVersion = null; columnEncryptionKeyValues = new ArrayList<>(); } int getSize() { return columnEncryptionKeyValues.size(); } void add(byte[] encryptedKey, int dbId, int keyId, int keyVersion, byte[] mdVersion, String keyPath, String keyStoreName, String algorithmName) { assert null != columnEncryptionKeyValues : "columnEncryptionKeyValues should already be initialized."; aeLogger.fine("Retrieving CEK values"); EncryptionKeyInfo encryptionKey = new EncryptionKeyInfo(encryptedKey, dbId, keyId, keyVersion, mdVersion, keyPath, keyStoreName, algorithmName); columnEncryptionKeyValues.add(encryptionKey); if (0 == databaseId) { databaseId = dbId; cekId = keyId; cekVersion = keyVersion; cekMdVersion = mdVersion; } else { assert (databaseId == dbId); assert (cekId == keyId); assert (cekVersion == keyVersion); assert ((null != cekMdVersion) && (null != mdVersion) && (cekMdVersion.length == mdVersion.length)); } } }
Contains all CEKs, each row represents one unique CEK (represented by CekTableEntry).
/** * Contains all CEKs, each row represents one unique CEK (represented by CekTableEntry). */
class CekTable implements Serializable {
Always update serialVersionUID when prompted.
/** * Always update serialVersionUID when prompted. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4568542970907052239L; CekTableEntry[] keyList; CekTable(int tableSize) { keyList = new CekTableEntry[tableSize]; } int getSize() { return keyList.length; } CekTableEntry getCekTableEntry(int index) { return keyList[index]; } void setCekTableEntry(int index, CekTableEntry entry) { keyList[index] = entry; } }
Represents Encryption related information of the cipher data.
/** * Represents Encryption related information of the cipher data. */
class CryptoMetadata { TypeInfo baseTypeInfo; CekTableEntry cekTableEntry; byte cipherAlgorithmId; String cipherAlgorithmName; SQLServerEncryptionType encryptionType; byte normalizationRuleVersion; SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm = null; EncryptionKeyInfo encryptionKeyInfo; short ordinal; CekTableEntry getCekTableEntry() { return cekTableEntry; } void setCekTableEntry(CekTableEntry cekTableEntryObj) { cekTableEntry = cekTableEntryObj; } TypeInfo getBaseTypeInfo() { return baseTypeInfo; } void setBaseTypeInfo(TypeInfo baseTypeInfoObj) { baseTypeInfo = baseTypeInfoObj; } SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithm getEncryptionAlgorithm() { return cipherAlgorithm; } void setEncryptionAlgorithm(SQLServerEncryptionAlgorithm encryptionAlgorithmObj) { cipherAlgorithm = encryptionAlgorithmObj; } EncryptionKeyInfo getEncryptionKeyInfo() { return encryptionKeyInfo; } void setEncryptionKeyInfo(EncryptionKeyInfo encryptionKeyInfoObj) { encryptionKeyInfo = encryptionKeyInfoObj; } byte getEncryptionAlgorithmId() { return cipherAlgorithmId; } String getEncryptionAlgorithmName() { return cipherAlgorithmName; } SQLServerEncryptionType getEncryptionType() { return encryptionType; } byte getNormalizationRuleVersion() { return normalizationRuleVersion; } short getOrdinal() { return ordinal; } CryptoMetadata(CekTableEntry cekTableEntryObj, short ordinalVal, byte cipherAlgorithmIdVal, String cipherAlgorithmNameVal, byte encryptionTypeVal, byte normalizationRuleVersionVal) throws SQLServerException { cekTableEntry = cekTableEntryObj; ordinal = ordinalVal; cipherAlgorithmId = cipherAlgorithmIdVal; cipherAlgorithmName = cipherAlgorithmNameVal; encryptionType = SQLServerEncryptionType.of(encryptionTypeVal); normalizationRuleVersion = normalizationRuleVersionVal; encryptionKeyInfo = null; } boolean IsAlgorithmInitialized() { return null != cipherAlgorithm; } } // Fields in the first resultset of "sp_describe_parameter_encryption" // We expect the server to return the fields in the resultset in the same order as mentioned below. // If the server changes the below order, then transparent parameter encryption will break. enum DescribeParameterEncryptionResultSet1 { KeyOrdinal, DbId, KeyId, KeyVersion, KeyMdVersion, EncryptedKey, ProviderName, KeyPath, KeyEncryptionAlgorithm, IsRequestedByEnclave, EnclaveCMKSignature; int value() { // Column indexing starts from 1; return ordinal() + 1; } } // Fields in the second resultset of "sp_describe_parameter_encryption" // We expect the server to return the fields in the resultset in the same order as mentioned below. // If the server changes the below order, then transparent parameter encryption will break. enum DescribeParameterEncryptionResultSet2 { ParameterOrdinal, ParameterName, ColumnEncryptionAlgorithm, ColumnEncrytionType, ColumnEncryptionKeyOrdinal, NormalizationRuleVersion; int value() { // Column indexing starts from 1; return ordinal() + 1; } } enum ColumnEncryptionVersion { AE_NotSupported, AE_v1, AE_v2; int value() { // Column indexing starts from 1; return ordinal() + 1; } }