 * This class generated by com.mchange.v2.c3p0.codegen.JdbcProxyGenerator$NewProxyResultSetGenerator
 * Sat Mar 23 23:00:50 PDT 2019
package com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.lang.Class;
import java.lang.Object;
import java.lang.String;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.NClob;
import java.sql.Ref;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.RowId;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLType;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.SQLXML;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Map;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import com.mchange.v2.log.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.mchange.v2.sql.SqlUtils;

This class was generated by com.mchange.v2.c3p0.codegen.JdbcProxyGenerator$NewProxyResultSetGenerator.
/** * This class was generated by com.mchange.v2.c3p0.codegen.JdbcProxyGenerator$NewProxyResultSetGenerator. */
public final class NewProxyResultSet implements ResultSet { protected ResultSet inner; private void __setInner( ResultSet inner ) { this.inner = inner; } NewProxyResultSet(ResultSet inner) { __setInner( inner ); } public final void updateBytes(String a, byte[] b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBytes(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBytes(int a, byte[] b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBytes(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object getObject(int a, Map b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getObject(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object getObject(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getObject(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object getObject(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getObject(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object getObject(String a, Map b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getObject(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object getObject(int a, Class b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getObject(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object getObject(String a, Class b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getObject(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean getBoolean(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBoolean(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean getBoolean(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBoolean(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final byte getByte(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getByte(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final byte getByte(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getByte(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final short getShort(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getShort(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final short getShort(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getShort(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getInt(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getInt(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getInt(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getInt(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final long getLong(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getLong(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final long getLong(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getLong(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final float getFloat(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getFloat(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final float getFloat(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getFloat(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final double getDouble(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getDouble(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final double getDouble(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getDouble(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final byte[] getBytes(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBytes(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final byte[] getBytes(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBytes(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean next() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.next(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Array getArray(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getArray(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Array getArray(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getArray(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final URL getURL(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getURL(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final URL getURL(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getURL(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean first() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.first(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void close() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); if (! this.isDetached()) { if (creator instanceof Statement) parentPooledConnection.markInactiveResultSetForStatement( (Statement) creator, inner ); else if (creator instanceof DatabaseMetaData) parentPooledConnection.markInactiveMetaDataResultSet( inner ); else if (creator instanceof Connection) parentPooledConnection.markInactiveRawConnectionResultSet( inner ); else throw new InternalError("Must be Statement or DatabaseMetaData -- Bad Creator: " + creator); if (creatorProxy instanceof ProxyResultSetDetachable) ((ProxyResultSetDetachable) creatorProxy).detachProxyResultSet( this ); this.detach(); inner.close(); this.inner = null; } } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { if (Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE )) { logger.log( MLevel.FINE, this + ": close() called more than once." ); } } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getType() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getType(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Ref getRef(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getRef(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Ref getRef(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getRef(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean previous() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.previous(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getMetaData(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getWarnings(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void clearWarnings() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.clearWarnings(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean isClosed() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return this.isDetached(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Statement getStatement() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); if (creator instanceof Statement) return (Statement) creatorProxy; else if (creator instanceof DatabaseMetaData) return null; else throw new InternalError("Must be Statement or DatabaseMetaData -- Bad Creator: " + creator); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Time getTime(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTime(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Time getTime(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTime(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Time getTime(int a, Calendar b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTime(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Time getTime(String a, Calendar b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTime(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean last() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.last(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Date getDate(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getDate(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Date getDate(String a, Calendar b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getDate(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Date getDate(int a, Calendar b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getDate(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Date getDate(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getDate(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final InputStream getUnicodeStream(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getUnicodeStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final InputStream getUnicodeStream(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getUnicodeStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final String getCursorName() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getCursorName(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int findColumn(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.findColumn(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean isBeforeFirst() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.isBeforeFirst(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean isAfterLast() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.isAfterLast(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean isFirst() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.isFirst(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean isLast() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.isLast(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void beforeFirst() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.beforeFirst(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void afterLast() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.afterLast(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean absolute(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.absolute(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean relative(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.relative(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getConcurrency() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getConcurrency(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean rowUpdated() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.rowUpdated(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean rowInserted() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.rowInserted(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean rowDeleted() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.rowDeleted(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNull(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNull(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNull(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNull(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBoolean(int a, boolean b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBoolean(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBoolean(String a, boolean b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBoolean(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateByte(int a, byte b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateByte(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateByte(String a, byte b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateByte(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateShort(int a, short b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateShort(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateShort(String a, short b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateShort(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateInt(String a, int b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateInt(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateInt(int a, int b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateInt(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateLong(int a, long b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateLong(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateLong(String a, long b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateLong(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateFloat(String a, float b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateFloat(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateFloat(int a, float b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateFloat(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateDouble(String a, double b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateDouble(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateDouble(int a, double b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateDouble(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBigDecimal(int a, BigDecimal b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBigDecimal(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBigDecimal(String a, BigDecimal b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBigDecimal(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateString(String a, String b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateString(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateString(int a, String b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateString(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateDate(int a, Date b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateDate(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateDate(String a, Date b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateDate(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateTime(String a, Time b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateTime(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateTime(int a, Time b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateTime(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateTimestamp(int a, Timestamp b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateTimestamp(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateTimestamp(String a, Timestamp b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateTimestamp(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateAsciiStream(String a, InputStream b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateAsciiStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateAsciiStream(String a, InputStream b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateAsciiStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateAsciiStream(int a, InputStream b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateAsciiStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateAsciiStream(int a, InputStream b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateAsciiStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateAsciiStream(String a, InputStream b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateAsciiStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateAsciiStream(int a, InputStream b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateAsciiStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBinaryStream(int a, InputStream b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBinaryStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBinaryStream(int a, InputStream b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBinaryStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBinaryStream(String a, InputStream b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBinaryStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBinaryStream(String a, InputStream b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBinaryStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBinaryStream(int a, InputStream b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBinaryStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBinaryStream(String a, InputStream b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBinaryStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateCharacterStream(String a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateCharacterStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateCharacterStream(int a, Reader b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateCharacterStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateCharacterStream(int a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateCharacterStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateCharacterStream(String a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateCharacterStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateCharacterStream(String a, Reader b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateCharacterStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateCharacterStream(int a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateCharacterStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(int a, Object b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(int a, Object b, SQLType c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(String a, Object b, SQLType c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(int a, Object b, SQLType c, int d) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b, c, d); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(String a, Object b, SQLType c, int d) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b, c, d); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(int a, Object b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(String a, Object b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateObject(String a, Object b, int c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateObject(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void insertRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.insertRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void deleteRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.deleteRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void refreshRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.refreshRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void cancelRowUpdates() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.cancelRowUpdates(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.moveToInsertRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.moveToCurrentRow(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateRef(int a, Ref b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateRef(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateRef(String a, Ref b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateRef(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBlob(int a, Blob b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBlob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBlob(String a, Blob b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBlob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBlob(int a, InputStream b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBlob(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBlob(int a, InputStream b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBlob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBlob(String a, InputStream b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBlob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateBlob(String a, InputStream b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateBlob(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateClob(String a, Clob b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateClob(int a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateClob(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateClob(String a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateClob(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateClob(String a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateClob(int a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateClob(int a, Clob b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateArray(String a, Array b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateArray(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateArray(int a, Array b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateArray(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateRowId(String a, RowId b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateRowId(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateRowId(int a, RowId b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateRowId(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNString(String a, String b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNString(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNString(int a, String b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNString(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNClob(String a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNClob(int a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNClob(String a, NClob b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNClob(int a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNClob(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNClob(String a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNClob(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNClob(int a, NClob b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNClob(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateSQLXML(String a, SQLXML b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateSQLXML(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateSQLXML(int a, SQLXML b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateSQLXML(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNCharacterStream(String a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNCharacterStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNCharacterStream(int a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNCharacterStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNCharacterStream(String a, Reader b, long c) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNCharacterStream(a, b, c); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void updateNCharacterStream(int a, Reader b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.updateNCharacterStream(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final String getString(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getString(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final String getString(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getString(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final InputStream getAsciiStream(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getAsciiStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final InputStream getAsciiStream(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getAsciiStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final InputStream getBinaryStream(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBinaryStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final InputStream getBinaryStream(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBinaryStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Timestamp getTimestamp(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTimestamp(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Timestamp getTimestamp(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTimestamp(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Timestamp getTimestamp(int a, Calendar b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTimestamp(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Timestamp getTimestamp(String a, Calendar b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getTimestamp(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void setFetchDirection(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.setFetchDirection(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getFetchDirection(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final void setFetchSize(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); inner.setFetchSize(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getFetchSize(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final int getHoldability() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getHoldability(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final boolean wasNull() throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.wasNull(); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String a, int b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBigDecimal(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBigDecimal(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int a, int b) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBigDecimal(a, b); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBigDecimal(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Blob getBlob(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBlob(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Blob getBlob(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getBlob(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Clob getClob(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getClob(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Clob getClob(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getClob(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final RowId getRowId(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getRowId(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final RowId getRowId(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getRowId(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final NClob getNClob(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getNClob(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final NClob getNClob(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getNClob(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final SQLXML getSQLXML(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getSQLXML(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final SQLXML getSQLXML(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getSQLXML(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final String getNString(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getNString(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final String getNString(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getNString(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Reader getNCharacterStream(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getNCharacterStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Reader getNCharacterStream(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getNCharacterStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Reader getCharacterStream(int a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getCharacterStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Reader getCharacterStream(String a) throws SQLException { try { if (proxyConn != null) proxyConn.maybeDirtyTransaction(); return inner.getCharacterStream(a); } catch (NullPointerException exc) { if ( this.isDetached() ) { throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("You can't operate on a closed ResultSet!!!", exc); } else throw exc; } catch (Exception exc) { if (! this.isDetached()) { throw parentPooledConnection.handleThrowable( exc ); } else throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( exc ); } } public final Object unwrap(Class a) throws SQLException { if (this.isWrapperForInner( a )) return inner.unwrap( a ); if (this.isWrapperForThis( a )) return this; else throw new SQLException( this + " is not a wrapper for or implementation of " + a.getName()); } public final boolean isWrapperFor(Class a) throws SQLException { return ( isWrapperForInner( a ) || isWrapperForThis( a ) ); } private final static MLogger logger = MLog.getLogger( "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewProxyResultSet" ); volatile NewPooledConnection parentPooledConnection; ConnectionEventListener cel = new ConnectionEventListener() { public void connectionErrorOccurred(ConnectionEvent evt) { /* DON'T detach()... IGNORE -- this could be an ordinary error. Leave it to the PooledConnection to test, but leave proxies intact */ } public void connectionClosed(ConnectionEvent evt) { detach(); } }; void attach( NewPooledConnection parentPooledConnection ) { this.parentPooledConnection = parentPooledConnection; parentPooledConnection.addConnectionEventListener( cel ); } private void detach() { parentPooledConnection.removeConnectionEventListener( cel ); parentPooledConnection = null; } NewProxyResultSet( ResultSet inner, NewPooledConnection parentPooledConnection ) { this( inner ); attach( parentPooledConnection ); } boolean isDetached() { return (this.parentPooledConnection == null); } public String toString() { return super.toString() + " [wrapping: " + inner + "]"; } // helper methods for unwrap( ... ), isWrapperFor( ... ) private boolean isWrapperForInner( Class intfcl ) { return ( java.sql.ResultSet.class == intfcl || intfcl.isAssignableFrom( inner.getClass() ) ); } private boolean isWrapperForThis( Class intfcl ) { return intfcl.isAssignableFrom( this.getClass() ); } Object creator; Object creatorProxy; NewProxyConnection proxyConn; NewProxyResultSet( ResultSet inner, NewPooledConnection parentPooledConnection, Object c, Object cProxy ) { this( inner, parentPooledConnection ); this.creator = c; this.creatorProxy = cProxy; if (creatorProxy instanceof NewProxyConnection) this.proxyConn = (NewProxyConnection) cProxy; } }