 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.store;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.security.SecureFileStore;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils;

This class is an abstraction of a random access file. Each file contains a magic header, and reading / writing is done in blocks. See also SecureFileStore
/** * This class is an abstraction of a random access file. * Each file contains a magic header, and reading / writing is done in blocks. * See also {@link SecureFileStore} */
public class FileStore {
The size of the file header in bytes.
/** * The size of the file header in bytes. */
public static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 3 * Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
The magic file header.
/** * The magic file header. */
private static final String HEADER = "-- H2 0.5/B -- ".substring(0, Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) + "\n"; private static final boolean ASSERT; static { boolean a = false; // Intentional side-effect assert a = true; ASSERT = a; }
The file name.
/** * The file name. */
protected String name;
The callback object is responsible to check access rights, and free up disk space if required.
/** * The callback object is responsible to check access rights, and free up * disk space if required. */
private final DataHandler handler; private FileChannel file; private long filePos; private long fileLength; private Reference<?> autoDeleteReference; private boolean checkedWriting = true; private final String mode; private java.nio.channels.FileLock lock;
Create a new file using the given settings.
  • handler – the callback object
  • name – the file name
  • mode – the access mode ("r", "rw", "rws", "rwd")
/** * Create a new file using the given settings. * * @param handler the callback object * @param name the file name * @param mode the access mode ("r", "rw", "rws", "rwd") */
protected FileStore(DataHandler handler, String name, String mode) { this.handler = handler; this.name = name; try { boolean exists = FileUtils.exists(name); if (exists && !FileUtils.canWrite(name)) { mode = "r"; } else { FileUtils.createDirectories(FileUtils.getParent(name)); } file = FileUtils.open(name, mode); if (exists) { fileLength = file.size(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException( e, "name: " + name + " mode: " + mode); } this.mode = mode; }
Open a non encrypted file store with the given settings.
  • handler – the data handler
  • name – the file name
  • mode – the access mode (r, rw, rws, rwd)
Returns:the created object
/** * Open a non encrypted file store with the given settings. * * @param handler the data handler * @param name the file name * @param mode the access mode (r, rw, rws, rwd) * @return the created object */
public static FileStore open(DataHandler handler, String name, String mode) { return open(handler, name, mode, null, null, 0); }
Open an encrypted file store with the given settings.
  • handler – the data handler
  • name – the file name
  • mode – the access mode (r, rw, rws, rwd)
  • cipher – the name of the cipher algorithm
  • key – the encryption key
Returns:the created object
/** * Open an encrypted file store with the given settings. * * @param handler the data handler * @param name the file name * @param mode the access mode (r, rw, rws, rwd) * @param cipher the name of the cipher algorithm * @param key the encryption key * @return the created object */
public static FileStore open(DataHandler handler, String name, String mode, String cipher, byte[] key) { return open(handler, name, mode, cipher, key, Constants.ENCRYPTION_KEY_HASH_ITERATIONS); }
Open an encrypted file store with the given settings.
  • handler – the data handler
  • name – the file name
  • mode – the access mode (r, rw, rws, rwd)
  • cipher – the name of the cipher algorithm
  • key – the encryption key
  • keyIterations – the number of iterations the key should be hashed
Returns:the created object
/** * Open an encrypted file store with the given settings. * * @param handler the data handler * @param name the file name * @param mode the access mode (r, rw, rws, rwd) * @param cipher the name of the cipher algorithm * @param key the encryption key * @param keyIterations the number of iterations the key should be hashed * @return the created object */
public static FileStore open(DataHandler handler, String name, String mode, String cipher, byte[] key, int keyIterations) { FileStore store; if (cipher == null) { store = new FileStore(handler, name, mode); } else { store = new SecureFileStore(handler, name, mode, cipher, key, keyIterations); } return store; }
Generate the random salt bytes if required.
Returns:the random salt or the magic
/** * Generate the random salt bytes if required. * * @return the random salt or the magic */
protected byte[] generateSalt() { return HEADER.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); }
Initialize the key using the given salt.
  • salt – the salt
/** * Initialize the key using the given salt. * * @param salt the salt */
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void initKey(byte[] salt) { // do nothing } public void setCheckedWriting(boolean value) { this.checkedWriting = value; } private void checkWritingAllowed() { if (handler != null && checkedWriting) { handler.checkWritingAllowed(); } } private void checkPowerOff() { if (handler != null) { handler.checkPowerOff(); } }
Initialize the file. This method will write or check the file header if required.
/** * Initialize the file. This method will write or check the file header if * required. */
public void init() { int len = Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE; byte[] salt; byte[] magic = HEADER.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); if (length() < HEADER_LENGTH) { // write unencrypted checkedWriting = false; writeDirect(magic, 0, len); salt = generateSalt(); writeDirect(salt, 0, len); initKey(salt); // write (maybe) encrypted write(magic, 0, len); checkedWriting = true; } else { // read unencrypted seek(0); byte[] buff = new byte[len]; readFullyDirect(buff, 0, len); if (!Arrays.equals(buff, magic)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_VERSION_ERROR_1, name); } salt = new byte[len]; readFullyDirect(salt, 0, len); initKey(salt); // read (maybe) encrypted readFully(buff, 0, Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE); if (!Arrays.equals(buff, magic)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_ENCRYPTION_ERROR_1, name); } } }
Close the file.
/** * Close the file. */
public void close() { if (file != null) { try { trace("close", name, file); file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } finally { file = null; } } }
Close the file without throwing any exceptions. Exceptions are simply ignored.
/** * Close the file without throwing any exceptions. Exceptions are simply * ignored. */
public void closeSilently() { try { close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } }
Close the file (ignoring exceptions) and delete the file.
/** * Close the file (ignoring exceptions) and delete the file. */
public void closeAndDeleteSilently() { if (file != null) { closeSilently(); handler.getTempFileDeleter().deleteFile(autoDeleteReference, name); name = null; } }
Read a number of bytes without decrypting.
  • b – the target buffer
  • off – the offset
  • len – the number of bytes to read
/** * Read a number of bytes without decrypting. * * @param b the target buffer * @param off the offset * @param len the number of bytes to read */
protected void readFullyDirect(byte[] b, int off, int len) { readFully(b, off, len); }
Read a number of bytes.
  • b – the target buffer
  • off – the offset
  • len – the number of bytes to read
/** * Read a number of bytes. * * @param b the target buffer * @param off the offset * @param len the number of bytes to read */
public void readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len) { if (len < 0 || len % Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { DbException.throwInternalError( "unaligned read " + name + " len " + len); } checkPowerOff(); try { FileUtils.readFully(file, ByteBuffer.wrap(b, off, len)); } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } filePos += len; }
Go to the specified file location.
  • pos – the location
/** * Go to the specified file location. * * @param pos the location */
public void seek(long pos) { if (pos % Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { DbException.throwInternalError( "unaligned seek " + name + " pos " + pos); } try { if (pos != filePos) { file.position(pos); filePos = pos; } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } }
Write a number of bytes without encrypting.
  • b – the source buffer
  • off – the offset
  • len – the number of bytes to write
/** * Write a number of bytes without encrypting. * * @param b the source buffer * @param off the offset * @param len the number of bytes to write */
protected void writeDirect(byte[] b, int off, int len) { write(b, off, len); }
Write a number of bytes.
  • b – the source buffer
  • off – the offset
  • len – the number of bytes to write
/** * Write a number of bytes. * * @param b the source buffer * @param off the offset * @param len the number of bytes to write */
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) { if (len < 0 || len % Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { DbException.throwInternalError( "unaligned write " + name + " len " + len); } checkWritingAllowed(); checkPowerOff(); try { FileUtils.writeFully(file, ByteBuffer.wrap(b, off, len)); } catch (IOException e) { closeFileSilently(); throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } filePos += len; fileLength = Math.max(filePos, fileLength); }
Set the length of the file. This will expand or shrink the file.
  • newLength – the new file size
/** * Set the length of the file. This will expand or shrink the file. * * @param newLength the new file size */
public void setLength(long newLength) { if (newLength % Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { DbException.throwInternalError( "unaligned setLength " + name + " pos " + newLength); } checkPowerOff(); checkWritingAllowed(); try { if (newLength > fileLength) { long pos = filePos; file.position(newLength - 1); FileUtils.writeFully(file, ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[1])); file.position(pos); } else { file.truncate(newLength); } fileLength = newLength; } catch (IOException e) { closeFileSilently(); throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } }
Get the file size in bytes.
Returns:the file size
/** * Get the file size in bytes. * * @return the file size */
public long length() { long len = fileLength; if (ASSERT) { try { len = file.size(); if (len != fileLength) { DbException.throwInternalError( "file " + name + " length " + len + " expected " + fileLength); } if (len % Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { long newLength = len + Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE - (len % Constants.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE); file.truncate(newLength); fileLength = newLength; DbException.throwInternalError( "unaligned file length " + name + " len " + len); } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } } return len; }
Get the current location of the file pointer.
Returns:the location
/** * Get the current location of the file pointer. * * @return the location */
public long getFilePointer() { if (ASSERT) { try { if (file.position() != filePos) { DbException.throwInternalError(file.position() + " " + filePos); } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } } return filePos; }
Call fsync. Depending on the operating system and hardware, this may or may not in fact write the changes.
/** * Call fsync. Depending on the operating system and hardware, this may or * may not in fact write the changes. */
public void sync() { try { file.force(true); } catch (IOException e) { closeFileSilently(); throw DbException.convertIOException(e, name); } }
Automatically delete the file once it is no longer in use.
/** * Automatically delete the file once it is no longer in use. */
public void autoDelete() { if (autoDeleteReference == null) { autoDeleteReference = handler.getTempFileDeleter().addFile(name, this); } }
No longer automatically delete the file once it is no longer in use.
/** * No longer automatically delete the file once it is no longer in use. */
public void stopAutoDelete() { handler.getTempFileDeleter().stopAutoDelete(autoDeleteReference, name); autoDeleteReference = null; }
Close the file. The file may later be re-opened using openFile.
/** * Close the file. The file may later be re-opened using openFile. */
public void closeFile() throws IOException { file.close(); file = null; }
Just close the file, without setting the reference to null. This method is called when writing failed. The reference is not set to null so that there are no NullPointerExceptions later on.
/** * Just close the file, without setting the reference to null. This method * is called when writing failed. The reference is not set to null so that * there are no NullPointerExceptions later on. */
private void closeFileSilently() { try { file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } }
Re-open the file. The file pointer will be reset to the previous location.
/** * Re-open the file. The file pointer will be reset to the previous * location. */
public void openFile() throws IOException { if (file == null) { file = FileUtils.open(name, mode); file.position(filePos); } } private static void trace(String method, String fileName, Object o) { if (SysProperties.TRACE_IO) { System.out.println("FileStore." + method + " " + fileName + " " + o); } }
Try to lock the file.
Returns:true if successful
/** * Try to lock the file. * * @return true if successful */
public synchronized boolean tryLock() { try { lock = file.tryLock(); return lock != null; } catch (Exception e) { // ignore OverlappingFileLockException return false; } }
Release the file lock.
/** * Release the file lock. */
public synchronized void releaseLock() { if (file != null && lock != null) { try { lock.release(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } lock = null; } } }