package com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.impl;

import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.TreeNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.JSON;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.type.ResolvedType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.type.TypeBindings;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.type.TypeResolver;

Helper object used for efficient detection of type information relevant to our conversion needs when writing out Java Objects as JSON.

Note that usage pattern is such that a single "root" instance is kept by each JSON instance; and an actual per-operation instance must be constructed by calling perOperationInstance: reason for this is that instances use simple caching to handle the common case of repeating types within JSON Arrays.

/** * Helper object used for efficient detection of type information * relevant to our conversion needs when writing out Java Objects * as JSON. *<p> * Note that usage pattern is such that a single "root" instance is kept * by each {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.jr.ob.JSON} instance; and * an actual per-operation instance must be constructed by calling * {@link #perOperationInstance}: reason for this is that instances * use simple caching to handle the common case of repeating types * within JSON Arrays. */
public class TypeDetector { protected final BeanPropertyWriter[] NO_PROPS_FOR_WRITE = new BeanPropertyWriter[0];
While we should be able to cache all types in the active working set, we should also avoid potential unbounded retention, since there is generally just one big `TypeDetector` instances per JVM (or at least ClassLoader).
/** * While we should be able to cache all types in the active working set, * we should also avoid potential unbounded retention, since there is * generally just one big `TypeDetector` instances per JVM (or at least * ClassLoader). */
protected final static int MAX_CACHED_READERS = 500; /* /********************************************************************** /* Value constants for serialization /********************************************************************** */ /* FAQ: Why ints? Why not Enums?!? Glad you asked: one reasons is class * size reduction: javac creates annonymous inner class for each switch * on enum (per referring type and enum: can combine multiple). So by * not using enunms we try to minimize code foot print. * But this is ONLY done because Value Type constants are NOT part of * public API: if they were, size savings wouldn't make sense. * * One more note: negative values are used for dynamically introspected * Beans. */
Type not yet resolved
/** * Type not yet resolved */
public final static int SER_UNKNOWN = 0;
All kinds of Maps.
/** * All kinds of {@link java.util.Map}s. */
public final static int SER_MAP = 1;
All kinds of Lists.
/** * All kinds of {@link java.util.List}s. */
public final static int SER_LIST = 2;
All kinds of Collections other than Lists
/** * All kinds of {@link java.util.Collection}s other than {@link java.util.List}s */
public final static int SER_COLLECTION = 3;
Arrays of non-primitive types
/** * Arrays of non-primitive types */
public final static int SER_OBJECT_ARRAY = 4; public final static int SER_INT_ARRAY = 5; public final static int SER_LONG_ARRAY = 6; public final static int SER_BOOLEAN_ARRAY = 7;
An implementation of TreeNode
/** * An implementation of {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.TreeNode} */
public final static int SER_TREE_NODE = 8; // // // String(-like) types public final static int SER_STRING = 9; public final static int SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE = 10; public final static int SER_CHAR_ARRAY = 11; public final static int SER_BYTE_ARRAY = 12; // // // Numbers public final static int SER_NUMBER_BYTE = 13; public final static int SER_NUMBER_SHORT = 14; public final static int SER_NUMBER_INTEGER = 15; public final static int SER_NUMBER_LONG = 16; public final static int SER_NUMBER_FLOAT = 17; public final static int SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE = 18; public final static int SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER = 19; public final static int SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL = 20; // // // Other specific scalar types public final static int SER_BOOLEAN = 21; public final static int SER_CHAR = 22; public final static int SER_ENUM = 23; public final static int SER_DATE = 24; public final static int SER_CALENDAR = 25; public final static int SER_CLASS = 26; public final static int SER_FILE = 27; public final static int SER_UUID = 28; public final static int SER_URL = 29; public final static int SER_URI = 30; // // // Iterate-able types
Anything that implements Iterable, but not Collection.
/** * Anything that implements {@link java.lang.Iterable}, but not * {@link java.util.Collection}. */
public final static int SER_ITERABLE = 31; /* /********************************************************************** /* Other constants /********************************************************************** */ protected final static int CACHE_FLAGS = JSON.Feature.cacheBreakers(); /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper objects, serialization /********************************************************************** */
Mapping from classes to resolved type constants or indexes, to use for serialization.
/** * Mapping from classes to resolved type constants or indexes, to use * for serialization. */
protected final ConcurrentHashMap<ClassKey, Integer> _knownSerTypes; protected final CopyOnWriteArrayList<BeanPropertyWriter[]> _knownWriters; /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper objects, deserialization /********************************************************************** */
For generic containers (Collections, Maps, arrays), we may need this guy.
/** * For generic containers (Collections, Maps, arrays), we may need * this guy. */
protected final TypeResolver _typeResolver;
Set of ValueReaders that we have resolved
/** * Set of {@link ValueReader}s that we have resolved */
protected final ConcurrentHashMap<ClassKey, ValueReader> _knownReaders;
During resolution, some readers may be in-progress, but need to be linked: for example, with cyclic type references.
/** * During resolution, some readers may be in-progress, but need to be * linked: for example, with cyclic type references. */
protected Map<ClassKey, ValueReader> _incompleteReaders; protected final Object _readerLock; /* /********************************************************************** /* Instance state /********************************************************************** */
Reusable lookup key; only used by per-thread instances.
/** * Reusable lookup key; only used by per-thread instances. */
protected ClassKey _key; protected Class<?> _prevClass; protected int _prevType; protected int _features; /* /********************************************************************** /* Construction /********************************************************************** */
Constructor for the blueprint instance
/** * Constructor for the blueprint instance */
protected TypeDetector(int features) { _features = features; _knownSerTypes = new ConcurrentHashMap<ClassKey, Integer>(50, 0.75f, 4); _knownWriters = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<BeanPropertyWriter[]>(); _knownReaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<ClassKey, ValueReader>(50, 0.75f, 4); _typeResolver = new TypeResolver(); _readerLock = new Object(); } protected TypeDetector(TypeDetector base, int features) { _features = features; _knownSerTypes = base._knownSerTypes; _knownWriters = base._knownWriters; _knownReaders = base._knownReaders; _typeResolver = base._typeResolver; _readerLock = base._readerLock; } public final static TypeDetector blueprint(int features) { return new TypeDetector(features & CACHE_FLAGS); } public TypeDetector perOperationInstance(int features) { return new TypeDetector(this, features & CACHE_FLAGS); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for ser and deser /********************************************************************** */ protected POJODefinition resolvePOJODefinition(Class<?> raw) { try { return POJODefinition.find(raw); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format ("Failed to introspect ClassDefinition for type '%s': %s", raw.getName(), e.getMessage()), e); } } protected int _findSimple(Class<?> raw, boolean forSer) { if (raw == String.class) { return SER_STRING; } if (raw.isArray()) { Class<?> elemType = raw.getComponentType(); if (elemType.isPrimitive()) { if (raw == byte[].class) { return SER_BYTE_ARRAY; } if (raw == char[].class) { return SER_CHAR_ARRAY; } if (raw == int[].class) { return SER_INT_ARRAY; } if (raw == long[].class) { return SER_LONG_ARRAY; } if (raw == boolean[].class) { return SER_BOOLEAN_ARRAY; } // Hmmh. Could support all types; add as/when needed return SER_UNKNOWN; } return SER_OBJECT_ARRAY; } if (raw.isPrimitive()) { if (raw == Boolean.TYPE) return SER_BOOLEAN; if (raw == Integer.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_INTEGER; if (raw == Long.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_LONG; if (raw == Byte.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_BYTE; if (raw == Short.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_SHORT; if (raw == Double.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE; if (raw == Float.TYPE) return SER_NUMBER_FLOAT; if (raw == Character.TYPE) return SER_CHAR; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized primitive type: "+raw.getName()); } if (raw == Boolean.class) { return SER_BOOLEAN; } if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { if (raw == Integer.class) return SER_NUMBER_INTEGER; if (raw == Long.class) return SER_NUMBER_LONG; if (raw == Byte.class) return SER_NUMBER_BYTE; if (raw == Short.class) return SER_NUMBER_SHORT; if (raw == Double.class) return SER_NUMBER_DOUBLE; if (raw == Float.class) return SER_NUMBER_FLOAT; if (raw == BigDecimal.class) return SER_NUMBER_BIG_DECIMAL; if (raw == BigInteger.class) { return SER_NUMBER_BIG_INTEGER; } // What numeric type is this? Could consider "string-like" but... return SER_UNKNOWN; } if (raw == Character.class) { return SER_CHAR; } if (raw.isEnum()) { return SER_ENUM; } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_MAP; } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { // One more thing: here we assume LIST means efficient random access if (RandomAccess.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_LIST; } // and if not, consider "only" a collection } return SER_COLLECTION; } if (TreeNode.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { // should we require more accurate type for deser? return SER_TREE_NODE; } // Misc String-like types if (Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_CALENDAR; } if (raw == Class.class) { return SER_CLASS; } if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_DATE; } if (File.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_FILE; } if (URL.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_URL; } if (URI.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_URI; } if (UUID.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_UUID; } /* May or may not help with deser, but recognized nonetheless; * on assumption that Beans should rarely implement `CharSequence` */ if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_CHARACTER_SEQUENCE; } /* `Iterable` can be added on all kinds of things, and it won't * help at all with deserialization; hence only use for serialization. */ if (forSer && Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return SER_ITERABLE; } // Ok. I give up, no idea! return SER_UNKNOWN; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for serialization /********************************************************************** */ public BeanPropertyWriter[] getPropertyWriters(int index) { // for simplicity, let's allow caller to pass negative id as is if (index < 0) { index = -(index+1); } return _knownWriters.get(index); }
The main lookup method used to find type identifier for given raw class; including Bean types (if allowed).
/** * The main lookup method used to find type identifier for * given raw class; including Bean types (if allowed). */
public final int findSerializationType(Class<?> raw) { if (raw == _prevClass) { return _prevType; } if (raw == String.class) { return SER_STRING; } ClassKey k = (_key == null) ? new ClassKey(raw, _features) : _key.with(raw, _features); int type; Integer I = _knownSerTypes.get(k); if (I == null) { type = _findPOJOSerializationType(raw); _knownSerTypes.put(new ClassKey(raw, _features), Integer.valueOf(type)); } else { type = I.intValue(); } _prevType = type; _prevClass = raw; return type; } protected int _findPOJOSerializationType(Class<?> raw) { int type = _findSimple(raw, true); if (type == SER_UNKNOWN) { if (JSON.Feature.HANDLE_JAVA_BEANS.isEnabled(_features)) { POJODefinition cd = resolvePOJODefinition(raw); BeanPropertyWriter[] props = resolveBeanForSer(raw, cd); // Due to concurrent access, possible that someone might have added it synchronized (_knownWriters) { // Important: do NOT try to reuse shared instance; caller needs it ClassKey k = new ClassKey(raw, _features); Integer I = _knownSerTypes.get(k); // if it was already concurrently added, we'll just discard this copy, return earlier if (I != null) { return I.intValue(); } // otherwise add at the end, use -(index+1) as id _knownWriters.add(props); int typeId = -_knownWriters.size(); _knownSerTypes.put(k, Integer.valueOf(typeId)); return typeId; } } } return type; } protected BeanPropertyWriter[] resolveBeanForSer(Class<?> raw, POJODefinition classDef) { POJODefinition.Prop[] rawProps =; final int len = rawProps.length; List<BeanPropertyWriter> props = new ArrayList<BeanPropertyWriter>(len); final boolean includeReadOnly = JSON.Feature.WRITE_READONLY_BEAN_PROPERTIES.isEnabled(_features); final boolean forceAccess = JSON.Feature.FORCE_REFLECTION_ACCESS.isEnabled(_features); final boolean useFields = JSON.Feature.USE_FIELDS.isEnabled(_features); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { POJODefinition.Prop rawProp = rawProps[i]; Method m = rawProp.getter; if (m == null) { if (JSON.Feature.USE_IS_GETTERS.isEnabled(_features)) { m = rawProp.isGetter; } } Field f = useFields ? rawProp.field : null; // But if neither regular nor is-getter, move on if ((m == null) && (f == null)) { continue; } // also: if setter is required to match, skip if none if (!includeReadOnly && !rawProp.hasSetter()) { continue; } Class<?> type; if (m != null) { type = m.getReturnType(); if (forceAccess) { m.setAccessible(true); } } else { type = f.getType(); if (forceAccess) { f.setAccessible(true); } } int typeId = _findSimple(type, true); props.add(new BeanPropertyWriter(typeId,, rawProp.field, m)); } int plen = props.size(); BeanPropertyWriter[] propArray = (plen == 0) ? NO_PROPS_FOR_WRITE : props.toArray(new BeanPropertyWriter[plen]); return propArray; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for deserialization; simple factory methods /********************************************************************** */ public ValueReader enumReader(Class<?> enumType) { Object[] enums = enumType.getEnumConstants(); Map<String,Object> byName = new HashMap<String,Object>(); for (Object e : enums) { byName.put(e.toString(), e); } return new EnumReader(enums, byName); } protected ValueReader collectionReader(Class<?> contextType, Type collectionType) { ResolvedType t = _typeResolver.resolve(bindings(contextType), collectionType); List<ResolvedType> params = t.typeParametersFor(Collection.class); return collectionReader(t.erasedType(), params.get(0)); } protected ValueReader collectionReader(Class<?> collectionType, ResolvedType valueType) { Class<?> raw = valueType.erasedType(); if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { List<ResolvedType> params = valueType.typeParametersFor(Collection.class); return collectionReader(raw, params.get(0)); } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { List<ResolvedType> params = valueType.typeParametersFor(Map.class); return mapReader(raw, params.get(1)); } return new CollectionReader(collectionType, createReader(null, raw, raw)); } protected ValueReader mapReader(Class<?> contextType, Type mapType) { ResolvedType t = _typeResolver.resolve(bindings(contextType), mapType); List<ResolvedType> params = t.typeParametersFor(Map.class); return mapReader(t.erasedType(), params.get(1)); } protected ValueReader mapReader(Class<?> mapType, ResolvedType valueType) { Class<?> raw = valueType.erasedType(); if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { List<ResolvedType> params = valueType.typeParametersFor(Collection.class); return collectionReader(raw, params.get(0)); } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { List<ResolvedType> params = valueType.typeParametersFor(Map.class); return mapReader(raw, params.get(1)); } return new MapReader(mapType, createReader(null, raw, raw)); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for deserialization; other /********************************************************************** */
Method used during deserialization to find handler for given non-generic type.
/** * Method used during deserialization to find handler for given * non-generic type. */
public ValueReader findReader(Class<?> raw) { ClassKey k = (_key == null) ? new ClassKey(raw, _features) : _key.with(raw, _features); ValueReader vr = _knownReaders.get(k); if (vr != null) { return vr; } vr = createReader(null, raw, raw); // 15-Jun-2016, tatu: Let's limit maximum number of readers to prevent // unbounded memory retention (at least wrt readers) if (_knownReaders.size() >= MAX_CACHED_READERS) { _knownReaders.clear(); } _knownReaders.putIfAbsent(new ClassKey(raw, _features), vr); return vr; } protected ValueReader createReader(Class<?> contextType, Class<?> type, Type genericType) { if (type == Object.class) { return AnyReader.std; } if (type.isArray()) { Class<?> elemType = type.getComponentType(); if (!elemType.isPrimitive()) { return new ArrayReader(elemType, createReader(contextType, elemType, elemType)); } int typeId = _findSimple(type, false); if (typeId > 0) { return new SimpleValueReader(typeId, type); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Deserialization of "+type.getName()+" not (yet) supported"); } if (type.isEnum()) { return enumReader(type); } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return collectionReader(contextType, genericType); } if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return mapReader(contextType, genericType); } int typeId = _findSimple(type, false); if (typeId > 0) { return new SimpleValueReader(typeId, type); } // Beans! final ClassKey key = new ClassKey(type, _features); synchronized (_readerLock) { if (_incompleteReaders == null) { _incompleteReaders = new HashMap<ClassKey, ValueReader>(); } else { // perhaps it has already been resolved? ValueReader vr = _incompleteReaders.get(key); if (vr != null) { return vr; } } BeanReader def = _resolveBeanForDeser(type); try { _incompleteReaders.put(key, def); for (Map.Entry<String, BeanPropertyReader> entry : def.propertiesByName().entrySet()) { BeanPropertyReader prop = entry.getValue(); entry.setValue(prop.withReader(createReader(contextType, prop.rawSetterType(), prop.genericSetterType()))); } } finally { _incompleteReaders.remove(key); } return def; } } protected BeanReader _resolveBeanForDeser(Class<?> raw) { final POJODefinition pojoDef = resolvePOJODefinition(raw); Constructor<?> defaultCtor = pojoDef.defaultCtor; Constructor<?> stringCtor = pojoDef.stringCtor; Constructor<?> longCtor = pojoDef.longCtor; final boolean forceAccess = JSON.Feature.FORCE_REFLECTION_ACCESS.isEnabled(_features); if (forceAccess) { if (defaultCtor != null) { defaultCtor.setAccessible(true); } if (stringCtor != null) { stringCtor.setAccessible(true); } if (longCtor != null) { longCtor.setAccessible(true); } } final POJODefinition.Prop[] rawProps =; final int len = rawProps.length; final Map<String, BeanPropertyReader> propMap; if (len == 0) { propMap = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { propMap = new HashMap<String, BeanPropertyReader>(); final boolean useFields = JSON.Feature.USE_FIELDS.isEnabled(_features); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { POJODefinition.Prop rawProp = rawProps[i]; Method m = rawProp.setter; Field f = useFields ? rawProp.field : null; if (m != null) { if (forceAccess) { m.setAccessible(true); } else if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) { // access to non-public setters must be forced to be usable: m = null; } } // if no setter, field would do as well if (m == null) { if (f == null) { continue; } // fields should always be public, but let's just double-check if (forceAccess) { f.setAccessible(true); } else if (!Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) { continue; } } propMap.put(, new BeanPropertyReader(, f, m)); } } return new BeanReader(raw, propMap, defaultCtor, stringCtor, longCtor); } private TypeBindings bindings(Class<?> ctxt) { if (ctxt == null) { return TypeBindings.emptyBindings(); } return TypeBindings.create(ctxt, (ResolvedType[]) null); } }