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 * $Id: Hashtree2Node.java 475902 2006-11-16 20:03:16Z minchau $

package org.apache.xml.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

Simple static utility to convert Hashtable to a Node.
See Also:
Version:$Id: Hashtree2Node.java 475902 2006-11-16 20:03:16Z minchau $
/** * Simple static utility to convert Hashtable to a Node. * * @see org.apache.xalan.xslt.EnvironmentCheck * @see org.apache.xalan.lib.Extensions * @author shane_curcuru@us.ibm.com * @version $Id: Hashtree2Node.java 475902 2006-11-16 20:03:16Z minchau $ * @xsl.usage general */
public abstract class Hashtree2Node {
Convert a Hashtable into a Node tree.

The hash may have either Hashtables as values (in which case we recurse) or other values, in which case we print them as <item> elements, with a 'key' attribute with the value of the key, and the element contents as the value.

If args are null we simply return without doing anything. If we encounter an error, we will attempt to add an 'ERROR' Element with exception info; if that doesn't work we simply return without doing anything else byt printStackTrace().

  • hash – to get info from (may have sub-hashtables)
  • name – to use as parent element for appended node futurework could have namespace and prefix as well
  • container – Node to append our report to
  • factory – Document providing createElement, etc. services
/** * Convert a Hashtable into a Node tree. * * <p>The hash may have either Hashtables as values (in which * case we recurse) or other values, in which case we print them * as &lt;item> elements, with a 'key' attribute with the value * of the key, and the element contents as the value.</p> * * <p>If args are null we simply return without doing anything. * If we encounter an error, we will attempt to add an 'ERROR' * Element with exception info; if that doesn't work we simply * return without doing anything else byt printStackTrace().</p> * * @param hash to get info from (may have sub-hashtables) * @param name to use as parent element for appended node * futurework could have namespace and prefix as well * @param container Node to append our report to * @param factory Document providing createElement, etc. services */
public static void appendHashToNode(Hashtable hash, String name, Node container, Document factory) { // Required arguments must not be null if ((null == container) || (null == factory) || (null == hash)) { return; } // name we will provide a default value for String elemName = null; if ((null == name) || ("".equals(name))) elemName = "appendHashToNode"; else elemName = name; try { Element hashNode = factory.createElement(elemName); container.appendChild(hashNode); Enumeration keys = hash.keys(); List v = new ArrayList(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); String keyStr = key.toString(); Object item = hash.get(key); if (item instanceof Hashtable) { // Ensure a pre-order traversal; add this hashes // items before recursing to child hashes // Save name and hash in two steps v.add(keyStr); v.add((Hashtable) item); } else { try { // Add item to node Element node = factory.createElement("item"); node.setAttribute("key", keyStr); node.appendChild(factory.createTextNode((String)item)); hashNode.appendChild(node); } catch (Exception e) { Element node = factory.createElement("item"); node.setAttribute("key", keyStr); node.appendChild(factory.createTextNode("ERROR: Reading " + key + " threw: " + e.toString())); hashNode.appendChild(node); } } } // Now go back and do the saved hashes Iterator it = v.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // Retrieve name and hash in two steps String n = (String) it.next(); Hashtable h = (Hashtable) it.next(); appendHashToNode(h, n, hashNode, factory); } } catch (Exception e2) { // Ooops, just bail (suggestions for a safe thing // to do in this case appreciated) e2.printStackTrace(); } } }