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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.MapChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.collections.ObservableMap;
import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.WeakMapChangeListener;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAction;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.FocusModel;
import javafx.scene.control.IndexedCell;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ListCell;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.control.MultipleSelectionModel;
import javafx.scene.control.SelectionModel;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.ListViewBehavior;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.resources.ControlResources;

Default skin implementation for the ListView control.
See Also:
/** * Default skin implementation for the {@link ListView} control. * * @see ListView * @since 9 */
public class ListViewSkin<T> extends VirtualContainerBase<ListView<T>, ListCell<T>> {
* Static Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Static Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
// RT-34744 : IS_PANNABLE will be false unless // javafx.scene.control.skin.ListViewSkin.pannable // is set to true. This is done in order to make ListView functional // on embedded systems with touch screens which do not generate scroll // events for touch drag gestures. private static final boolean IS_PANNABLE = AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Boolean>) () -> Boolean.getBoolean("javafx.scene.control.skin.ListViewSkin.pannable"));
* Internal Fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Internal Fields * * * **************************************************************************/
// JDK-8090129: This constant should not be static, because the // Locale may change between instances. private static final String EMPTY_LIST_TEXT = ControlResources.getString("ListView.noContent"); private final VirtualFlow<ListCell<T>> flow;
Region placed over the top of the flow (and possibly the header row) if there is no data.
/** * Region placed over the top of the flow (and possibly the header row) if * there is no data. */
// FIXME this should not be a StackPane private StackPane placeholderRegion; private Node placeholderNode; private ObservableList<T> listViewItems; private boolean needCellsRebuilt = true; private boolean needCellsReconfigured = false; private int itemCount = -1; private ListViewBehavior<T> behavior;
* Listeners * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Listeners * * * **************************************************************************/
private MapChangeListener<Object, Object> propertiesMapListener = c -> { if (! c.wasAdded()) return; if (Properties.RECREATE.equals(c.getKey())) { needCellsRebuilt = true; getSkinnable().requestLayout(); getSkinnable().getProperties().remove(Properties.RECREATE); } }; private WeakMapChangeListener<Object, Object> weakPropertiesMapListener = new WeakMapChangeListener<>(propertiesMapListener); private final ListChangeListener<T> listViewItemsListener = new ListChangeListener<T>() { @Override public void onChanged(Change<? extends T> c) { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasReplaced()) { // RT-28397: Support for when an item is replaced with itself (but // updated internal values that should be shown visually). // This code was updated for RT-36714 to not update all cells, // just those affected by the change for (int i = c.getFrom(); i < c.getTo(); i++) { flow.setCellDirty(i); } break; } else if (c.getRemovedSize() == itemCount) { // RT-22463: If the user clears out an items list then we // should reset all cells (in particular their contained // items) such that a subsequent addition to the list of // an item which equals the old item (but is rendered // differently) still displays as expected (i.e. with the // updated display, not the old display). itemCount = 0; break; } } // fix for RT-37853 getSkinnable().edit(-1); markItemCountDirty(); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } }; private final WeakListChangeListener<T> weakListViewItemsListener = new WeakListChangeListener<T>(listViewItemsListener); private final InvalidationListener itemsChangeListener = observable -> updateListViewItems(); private WeakInvalidationListener weakItemsChangeListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(itemsChangeListener); private EventHandler<MouseEvent> ml; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new ListViewSkin instance, installing the necessary child nodes into the Control children list, as well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events.
  • control – The control that this skin should be installed onto.
/** * Creates a new ListViewSkin instance, installing the necessary child * nodes into the Control {@link Control#getChildren() children} list, as * well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events. * * @param control The control that this skin should be installed onto. */
public ListViewSkin(final ListView<T> control) { super(control); // install default input map for the ListView control behavior = new ListViewBehavior<>(control); // control.setInputMap(behavior.getInputMap()); // init the behavior 'closures' behavior.setOnFocusPreviousRow(() -> onFocusPreviousCell()); behavior.setOnFocusNextRow(() -> onFocusNextCell()); behavior.setOnMoveToFirstCell(() -> onMoveToFirstCell()); behavior.setOnMoveToLastCell(() -> onMoveToLastCell()); behavior.setOnSelectPreviousRow(() -> onSelectPreviousCell()); behavior.setOnSelectNextRow(() -> onSelectNextCell()); behavior.setOnScrollPageDown(this::onScrollPageDown); behavior.setOnScrollPageUp(this::onScrollPageUp); updateListViewItems(); // init the VirtualFlow flow = getVirtualFlow(); flow.setId("virtual-flow"); flow.setPannable(IS_PANNABLE); flow.setVertical(control.getOrientation() == Orientation.VERTICAL); flow.setCellFactory(flow -> createCell()); flow.setFixedCellSize(control.getFixedCellSize()); getChildren().add(flow); ml = event -> { // RT-15127: cancel editing on scroll. This is a bit extreme // (we are cancelling editing on touching the scrollbars). // This can be improved at a later date. if (control.getEditingIndex() > -1) { control.edit(-1); } // This ensures that the list maintains the focus, even when the vbar // and hbar controls inside the flow are clicked. Without this, the // focus border will not be shown when the user interacts with the // scrollbars, and more importantly, keyboard navigation won't be // available to the user. if (control.isFocusTraversable()) { control.requestFocus(); } }; flow.getVbar().addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, ml); flow.getHbar().addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, ml); updateItemCount(); control.itemsProperty().addListener(weakItemsChangeListener); final ObservableMap<Object, Object> properties = control.getProperties(); properties.remove(Properties.RECREATE); properties.addListener(weakPropertiesMapListener); // Register listeners registerChangeListener(control.itemsProperty(), o -> updateListViewItems()); registerChangeListener(control.orientationProperty(), o -> flow.setVertical(control.getOrientation() == Orientation.VERTICAL) ); registerChangeListener(control.cellFactoryProperty(), o -> flow.recreateCells()); registerChangeListener(control.parentProperty(), o -> { if (control.getParent() != null && control.isVisible()) { control.requestLayout(); } }); registerChangeListener(control.placeholderProperty(), o -> updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility()); registerChangeListener(control.fixedCellSizeProperty(), o -> flow.setFixedCellSize(control.getFixedCellSize()) ); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void dispose() { if (getSkinnable() == null) return; // listener cleanup fixes side-effects (NPE on refresh, setItems, modifyItems) getSkinnable().getProperties().removeListener(weakPropertiesMapListener); getSkinnable().itemsProperty().removeListener(weakItemsChangeListener); if (listViewItems != null) { listViewItems.removeListener(weakListViewItemsListener); listViewItems = null; } // flow related cleanup // leaking without nulling factory flow.setCellFactory(null); // for completeness - but no effect with/out? flow.getVbar().removeEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, ml); flow.getHbar().removeEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, ml); super.dispose(); if (behavior != null) { behavior.dispose(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y, final double w, final double h) { super.layoutChildren(x, y, w, h); if (needCellsRebuilt) { flow.rebuildCells(); } else if (needCellsReconfigured) { flow.reconfigureCells(); } needCellsRebuilt = false; needCellsReconfigured = false; if (getItemCount() == 0) { // show message overlay instead of empty listview if (placeholderRegion != null) { placeholderRegion.setVisible(w > 0 && h > 0); placeholderRegion.resizeRelocate(x, y, w, h); } } else { flow.resizeRelocate(x, y, w, h); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { checkState(); if (getItemCount() == 0) { if (placeholderRegion == null) { updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility(); } if (placeholderRegion != null) { return placeholderRegion.prefWidth(height) + leftInset + rightInset; } } return computePrefHeight(-1, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset, leftInset) * 0.618033987; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { return 400; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected int getItemCount() { return itemCount; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void updateItemCount() { if (flow == null) return; int oldCount = itemCount; int newCount = listViewItems == null ? 0 : listViewItems.size(); itemCount = newCount; flow.setCellCount(newCount); updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility(); if (newCount != oldCount) { requestRebuildCells(); } else { needCellsReconfigured = true; } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case FOCUS_ITEM: { FocusModel<?> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel(); int focusedIndex = fm.getFocusedIndex(); if (focusedIndex == -1) { if (placeholderRegion != null && placeholderRegion.isVisible()) { return placeholderRegion.getChildren().get(0); } if (getItemCount() > 0) { focusedIndex = 0; } else { return null; } } return flow.getPrivateCell(focusedIndex); } case ITEM_COUNT: return getItemCount(); case ITEM_AT_INDEX: { Integer rowIndex = (Integer)parameters[0]; if (rowIndex == null) return null; if (0 <= rowIndex && rowIndex < getItemCount()) { return flow.getPrivateCell(rowIndex); } return null; } case SELECTED_ITEMS: { MultipleSelectionModel<T> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); ObservableList<Integer> indices = sm.getSelectedIndices(); List<Node> selection = new ArrayList<>(indices.size()); for (int i : indices) { ListCell<T> row = flow.getPrivateCell(i); if (row != null) selection.add(row); } return FXCollections.observableArrayList(selection); } case VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR: return flow.getVbar(); case HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR: return flow.getHbar(); default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void executeAccessibleAction(AccessibleAction action, Object... parameters) { switch (action) { case SHOW_ITEM: { Node item = (Node)parameters[0]; if (item instanceof ListCell) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ListCell<T> cell = (ListCell<T>)item; flow.scrollTo(cell.getIndex()); } break; } case SET_SELECTED_ITEMS: { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ObservableList<Node> items = (ObservableList<Node>)parameters[0]; if (items != null) { MultipleSelectionModel<T> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); if (sm != null) { sm.clearSelection(); for (Node item : items) { if (item instanceof ListCell) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ListCell<T> cell = (ListCell<T>)item; sm.select(cell.getIndex()); } } } } break; } default: super.executeAccessibleAction(action, parameters); } } /*************************************************************************** * * * Private implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
private ListCell<T> createCell() { ListCell<T> cell; if (getSkinnable().getCellFactory() != null) { cell = getSkinnable().getCellFactory().call(getSkinnable()); } else { cell = createDefaultCellImpl(); } cell.updateListView(getSkinnable()); return cell; } private void updateListViewItems() { if (listViewItems != null) { listViewItems.removeListener(weakListViewItemsListener); } this.listViewItems = getSkinnable().getItems(); if (listViewItems != null) { listViewItems.addListener(weakListViewItemsListener); } markItemCountDirty(); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } private final void updatePlaceholderRegionVisibility() { boolean visible = getItemCount() == 0; if (visible) { placeholderNode = getSkinnable().getPlaceholder(); if (placeholderNode == null && (EMPTY_LIST_TEXT != null && ! EMPTY_LIST_TEXT.isEmpty())) { placeholderNode = new Label(); ((Label)placeholderNode).setText(EMPTY_LIST_TEXT); } if (placeholderNode != null) { if (placeholderRegion == null) { placeholderRegion = new StackPane(); placeholderRegion.getStyleClass().setAll("placeholder"); getChildren().add(placeholderRegion); } placeholderRegion.getChildren().setAll(placeholderNode); } } flow.setVisible(!visible); if (placeholderRegion != null) { placeholderRegion.setVisible(visible); } } private static <T> ListCell<T> createDefaultCellImpl() { return new ListCell<T>() { @Override public void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) { super.updateItem(item, empty); if (empty) { setText(null); setGraphic(null); } else if (item instanceof Node) { setText(null); Node currentNode = getGraphic(); Node newNode = (Node) item; if (currentNode == null || ! currentNode.equals(newNode)) { setGraphic(newNode); } } else { /** * This label is used if the item associated with this cell is to be * represented as a String. While we will lazily instantiate it * we never clear it, being more afraid of object churn than a minor * "leak" (which will not become a "major" leak). */ setText(item == null ? "null" : item.toString()); setGraphic(null); } } }; } private void onFocusPreviousCell() { FocusModel<T> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; flow.scrollTo(fm.getFocusedIndex()); } private void onFocusNextCell() { FocusModel<T> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) return; flow.scrollTo(fm.getFocusedIndex()); } private void onSelectPreviousCell() { SelectionModel<T> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; int pos = sm.getSelectedIndex(); flow.scrollTo(pos); // Fix for RT-11299 IndexedCell<T> cell = flow.getFirstVisibleCell(); if (cell == null || pos < cell.getIndex()) { flow.setPosition(pos / (double) getItemCount()); } } private void onSelectNextCell() { SelectionModel<T> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) return; int pos = sm.getSelectedIndex(); flow.scrollTo(pos); // Fix for RT-11299 ListCell<T> cell = flow.getLastVisibleCell(); if (cell == null || cell.getIndex() < pos) { flow.setPosition(pos / (double) getItemCount()); } } private void onMoveToFirstCell() { flow.scrollTo(0); flow.setPosition(0); } private void onMoveToLastCell() { // SelectionModel sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); // if (sm == null) return; // int endPos = getItemCount() - 1; // sm.select(endPos); flow.scrollTo(endPos); flow.setPosition(1); }
Function used to scroll the container down by one 'page', although if this is a horizontal container, then the scrolling will be to the right.
/** * Function used to scroll the container down by one 'page', although * if this is a horizontal container, then the scrolling will be to the right. */
private int onScrollPageDown(boolean isFocusDriven) { ListCell<T> lastVisibleCell = flow.getLastVisibleCellWithinViewport(); if (lastVisibleCell == null) return -1; final SelectionModel<T> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); final FocusModel<T> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel(); if (sm == null || fm == null) return -1; int lastVisibleCellIndex = lastVisibleCell.getIndex(); // boolean isSelected = sm.isSelected(lastVisibleCellIndex) || fm.isFocused(lastVisibleCellIndex) || lastVisibleCellIndex == anchor; // isSelected represents focus OR selection boolean isSelected = false; if (isFocusDriven) { isSelected = lastVisibleCell.isFocused() || fm.isFocused(lastVisibleCellIndex); } else { isSelected = lastVisibleCell.isSelected() || sm.isSelected(lastVisibleCellIndex); } if (isSelected) { boolean isLeadIndex = (isFocusDriven && fm.getFocusedIndex() == lastVisibleCellIndex) || (! isFocusDriven && sm.getSelectedIndex() == lastVisibleCellIndex); if (isLeadIndex) { // if the last visible cell is selected, we want to shift that cell up // to be the top-most cell, or at least as far to the top as we can go. flow.scrollToTop(lastVisibleCell); ListCell<T> newLastVisibleCell = flow.getLastVisibleCellWithinViewport(); lastVisibleCell = newLastVisibleCell == null ? lastVisibleCell : newLastVisibleCell; } } else { // if the selection is not on the 'bottom' most cell, we firstly move // the selection down to that, without scrolling the contents, so // this is a no-op } int newSelectionIndex = lastVisibleCell.getIndex(); flow.scrollTo(lastVisibleCell); return newSelectionIndex; }
Function used to scroll the container up by one 'page', although if this is a horizontal container, then the scrolling will be to the left.
/** * Function used to scroll the container up by one 'page', although * if this is a horizontal container, then the scrolling will be to the left. */
private int onScrollPageUp(boolean isFocusDriven) { ListCell<T> firstVisibleCell = flow.getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewport(); if (firstVisibleCell == null) return -1; final SelectionModel<T> sm = getSkinnable().getSelectionModel(); final FocusModel<T> fm = getSkinnable().getFocusModel(); if (sm == null || fm == null) return -1; int firstVisibleCellIndex = firstVisibleCell.getIndex(); // isSelected represents focus OR selection boolean isSelected = false; if (isFocusDriven) { isSelected = firstVisibleCell.isFocused() || fm.isFocused(firstVisibleCellIndex); } else { isSelected = firstVisibleCell.isSelected() || sm.isSelected(firstVisibleCellIndex); } if (isSelected) { boolean isLeadIndex = (isFocusDriven && fm.getFocusedIndex() == firstVisibleCellIndex) || (! isFocusDriven && sm.getSelectedIndex() == firstVisibleCellIndex); if (isLeadIndex) { // if the first visible cell is selected, we want to shift that cell down // to be the bottom-most cell, or at least as far to the bottom as we can go. flow.scrollToBottom(firstVisibleCell); ListCell<T> newFirstVisibleCell = flow.getFirstVisibleCellWithinViewport(); firstVisibleCell = newFirstVisibleCell == null ? firstVisibleCell : newFirstVisibleCell; } } else { // if the selection is not on the 'top' most cell, we firstly move // the selection up to that, without scrolling the contents, so // this is a no-op } int newSelectionIndex = firstVisibleCell.getIndex(); flow.scrollTo(firstVisibleCell); return newSelectionIndex; } }