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package javafx.scene.control;

import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyBooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper;
import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue;
import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;

The Cell API is used for virtualized controls such as ListView, TreeView, and TableView. A Cell is a Labeled Control, and is used to render a single "row" inside a ListView, TreeView or TableView. Cells are also used for each individual 'cell' inside a TableView (i.e. each row/column intersection). See the JavaDoc for each control separately for more detail.

Every Cell is associated with a single data item (represented by the item property). The Cell is responsible for rendering that item and, where appropriate, for editing the item. An item within a Cell may be represented by text or some other control such as a CheckBox, ChoiceBox or any other Node such as a HBox, GridPane, or even a Rectangle.

Because TreeView, ListView, TableView and other such controls can potentially be used for displaying incredibly large amounts of data, it is not feasible to create an actual Cell for every single item in the control. We represent extremely large data sets using only very few Cells. Each Cell is "recycled", or reused. This is what we mean when we say that these controls are virtualized.

Since Cell is a Control, it is essentially a "model". Its Skin is responsible for defining the look and layout, while the Behavior is responsible for handling all input events and using that information to modify the Control state. Also, the Cell is styled from CSS just like any other Control. However, it is not necessary to implement a Skin for most uses of a Cell. This is because a cell factory can be set - this is detailed more shortly.

Because by far the most common use case for cells is to show text to a user, this use case is specially optimized for within Cell. This is done by Cell extending from Labeled. This means that subclasses of Cell need only set the text property, rather than create a separate Label and set that within the Cell. However, for situations where something more than just plain text is called for, it is possible to place any Node in the Cell graphic property. Despite the term, a graphic can be any Node, and will be fully interactive. For example, a ListCell might be configured with a Button as its graphic. The Button text could then be bound to the cells item property. In this way, whenever the item in the Cell changes, the Button text is automatically updated.

Cell sets focusTraversable to false.

Cell Factories

The default representation of the Cell item is up to the various virtualized container's skins to render. For example, the ListView by default will convert the item to a String and call Labeled.setText(String) with this value. If you want to specialize the Cell used for the ListView (for example), then you must provide an implementation of the cellFactory callback function defined on the ListView. Similar API exists on most controls that use Cells (for example, TreeView, TableView, TableColumn and ListView.

The cell factory is called by the platform whenever it determines that a new cell needs to be created. For example, perhaps your ListView has 10 million items. Creating all 10 million cells would be prohibitively expensive. So instead the ListView skin implementation might only create just enough cells to fit the visual space. If the ListView is resized to be larger, the system will determine that it needs to create some additional cells. In this case it will call the cellFactory callback function (if one is provided) to create the Cell implementation that should be used. If no cell factory is provided, the built-in default implementation will be used.

The implementation of the cell factory is then responsible not just for creating a Cell instance, but also configuring that Cell such that it reacts to changes in its state. For example, if I were to create a custom Cell which formatted Numbers such that they would appear as currency types, I might do so like this:

public class MoneyFormatCell extends ListCell<Number> {
    public MoneyFormatCell() {    }
    @Override protected void updateItem(Number item, boolean empty) {
        // calling super here is very important - don't skip this!
        super.updateItem(item, empty);
        // format the number as if it were a monetary value using the
        // formatting relevant to the current locale. This would format
        // 43.68 as "$43.68", and -23.67 as "-$23.67"
        setText(item == null ? "" : NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(item));
        // change the text fill based on whether it is positive (green)
        // or negative (red). If the cell is selected, the text will
        // always be white (so that it can be read against the blue
        // background), and if the value is zero, we'll make it black.
        if (item != null) {
            double value = item.doubleValue();
            setTextFill(isSelected() ? Color.WHITE :
                value == 0 ? Color.BLACK :
                value < 0 ? Color.RED : Color.GREEN);
This class could then be used inside a ListView as such:
ObservableList<Number> money = ...;
final ListView<Number> listView = new ListView<Number>(money);
listView.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Number>, ListCell<Number>>() {
    @Override public ListCell<Number> call(ListView<Number> list) {
        return new MoneyFormatCell();
In this example an anonymous inner class is created, that simply returns instances of MoneyFormatCell whenever it is called. The MoneyFormatCell class extends ListCell, overriding the updateItem method. This method is called whenever the item in the cell changes, for example when the user scrolls the ListView or the content of the underlying data model changes (and the cell is reused to represent some different item in the ListView). Because of this, there is no need to manage bindings - simply react to the change in items when this method occurs. In the example above, whenever the item changes, we update the cell text property, and also modify the text fill to ensure that we get the correct visuals. In addition, if the cell is "empty" (meaning it is used to fill out space in the ListView but doesn't have any data associated with it), then we just use the empty String.

Note that there are additional methods prefixed with 'update' that may be of interest, so be sure to read the API documentation for Cell, and subclasses of Cell, closely.

Of course, we can also use the binding API rather than overriding the 'update' methods. Shown below is a very trivial example of how this could be achieved.

public class BoundLabelCell extends ListCell<String> {
    public BoundLabelCell() {

Key Design Goals

  • Both time and memory efficient for large data sets
  • Easy to build and use libraries for custom cells
  • Easy to customize cell visuals
  • Easy to customize display formatting (12.34 as $12.34 or 1234% etc)
  • Easy to extend for custom visuals
  • Easy to have "panels" of data for the visuals
  • Easy to animate the cell size or other properties

Key Use Cases

Following are a number of key use cases used to drive the Cell API design, along with code examples showing how those use cases are satisfied by this API. This is by no means to be considered the definitive list of capabilities or features supported, but rather, to provide some guidance as to how to use the Cell API. The examples below are focused on the ListView, but the same philosophy applies to TreeCells or other kinds of cells.

Changing the Cell's Colors

This should be extraordinarily simple in JavaFX. Each Cell can be styled directly from CSS. So for example, if you wanted to change the default background of every cell in a ListView to be WHITE you could do the following CSS:

.list-cell {
  -fx-padding: 3 3 3 3;
  -fx-background-color: white;
If you wanted to set the color of selected ListView cells to be blue, you could add this to your CSS file:
.list-cell:selected {
  -fx-background-color: blue;
Most Cell implementations extend from IndexedCell rather than Cell. IndexedCell adds two other pseudoclass states: "odd" and "even". Using this you can get alternate row striping by doing something like this in your CSS file:
.list-cell:odd {
  -fx-background-color: grey;
Each of these examples require no code changes. Simply update your CSS file to alter the colors. You can also use the "hover" and other pseudoclasses in CSS the same as with other controls.

Another approach to the first example above (formatting a list of numbers) would be to use style classes. Suppose you had an ObservableList of Numbers to display in a ListView and wanted to color all of the negative values red and all positive or 0 values black. One way to achieve this is with a custom cellFactory which changes the styleClass of the Cell based on whether the value is negative or positive. This is as simple as adding code to test if the number in the cell is negative, and adding a "negative" styleClass. If the number is not negative, the "negative" string should be removed. This approach allows for the colors to be defined from CSS, allowing for simple customization. The CSS file would then include something like the following:

.list-cell {
  -fx-text-fill: black;
.list-cell .negative {
  -fx-text-fill: red;


Most virtualized controls that use the Cell architecture (e.g. ListView, TreeView, TableView and TreeTableView) all support the notion of editing values directly via the cell. You can learn more about the control-specific details by going to the 'editing' section in the class documentation for the controls linked above. The remainder of this section will cover some of the finer details of editing with cells.

The general flow of editing is as follows (note that in these steps the ListView control is used as an example, but similar API exists for all controls mentioned above, and the process is exactly the same in general):

  1. User requests a cell enter editing mode (via keyboard or mouse commands), or the developer requests that a cell enter editing mode (by calling a method such as the ListView edit method. Note: If the user double-clicks or fires an appropriate keyboard command to initiate editing, then they are effectively calling the appropriate edit method on the control (i.e. the entry method for user-initiated and developer-initiated editing is the same).
  2. Each cell in the visible region of the control is notified that the current editing cell has changed, and checks to see if it is itself. At this point one of three things can happen:
    1. If the editing index is the same index as the cell, startEdit() will be called on this cell. Some pointers:
      1. It is recommended that subclasses of Cell override the startEdit() method to update the visuals of the cell when enters the editing state. Note however that it is very important that subclasses that override the startEdit() method continue to call super.startEdit() so that parent classes can update additional state that is necessary for editing to be successful.
      2. Within the startEdit() method is an ideal time to change the visuals of the cell. For example (and note that this example is more fleshed out in the UI control javadocs for ListView, etc), you may set the Labeled.graphicProperty() of the cell to a TextField and set the Labeled.textProperty() to null. This would allow end users to then type in input and make changes to your data model.
      3. When the user has completed editing, they will want to commit or cancel their change. This is your responsibility to handle (e.g. by having the Enter key commit the edit and the ESC key cancel the edit). You do this by attaching the appropriate event listeners to the nodes you show whilst in the editing state.
    2. If the editing index is not the same index as the cell, and if the cell is currently in the editing state, cancelEdit() will be called on this cell. As with the startEdit() method, you should override this method to clean up the visuals of the cell (and most probably return the Labeled.graphicProperty() back to null and set the Labeled.textProperty() to its (possibly new) value. Again, be sure to always call super.cancelEdit() to make sure all state is correctly updated.
    3. If the editing index is not the same index as the cell, and if the cell is not currently in the isEditing() editing state}, then nothing will happen on this cell.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – The type of the item contained within the Cell.
Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * The Cell API is used for virtualized controls such as {@link ListView}, * {@link TreeView}, and {@link TableView}. * A Cell is a {@link Labeled} {@link Control}, and is used to render a single * "row" inside a ListView, TreeView or TableView. Cells are also used for each * individual 'cell' inside a TableView (i.e. each row/column intersection). See * the JavaDoc for each control separately for more detail. * <p> * Every Cell is associated with a single data item (represented by the * {@link #itemProperty() item} property). The Cell is responsible for * rendering that item and, where appropriate, for editing the item. An item * within a Cell may be represented by text or some other control such as a * {@link CheckBox}, {@link ChoiceBox} or any other {@link Node} such as a * {@link HBox}, {@link GridPane}, or even a {@link Rectangle}. * <p> * Because TreeView, ListView, TableView and other such controls can potentially * be used for displaying incredibly large amounts of data, it is not feasible * to create an actual Cell for every single item in the control. * We represent extremely large data sets using only very few Cells. Each Cell * is "recycled", or reused. This is what we mean when we say that these controls * are virtualized. * <p> * Since Cell is a Control, it is essentially a "model". Its Skin is responsible * for defining the look and layout, while the Behavior is responsible for * handling all input events and using that information to modify the Control * state. Also, the Cell is styled from CSS just like any other Control. * However, it is not necessary to implement a Skin for most uses of a Cell. * This is because a cell factory can be set - this is detailed more shortly. * <p> * Because by far the most common use case for cells is to show text to a user, * this use case is specially optimized for within Cell. This is done by Cell * extending from {@link Labeled}. This means that subclasses of Cell need only * set the {@link #textProperty() text} property, rather than create a separate * {@link Label} and set that within the Cell. However, for situations where * something more than just plain text is called for, it is possible to place * any {@link Node} in the Cell {@link #graphicProperty() graphic} property. * Despite the term, a graphic can be any Node, and will be fully interactive. * For example, a ListCell might be configured with a {@link Button} as its * graphic. The Button text could then be bound to the cells * {@link #itemProperty() item} property. In this way, whenever the item in the * Cell changes, the Button text is automatically updated. * <p> * Cell sets focusTraversable to false. * </p> * <p> * <b>Cell Factories</b> * <p> * The default representation of the Cell <code>item</code> is up to the various * virtualized container's skins to render. For example, the ListView by default * will convert the item to a String and call {@link #setText(java.lang.String)} * with this value. If you want to specialize the Cell used for the * ListView (for example), then you must provide an implementation of the * {@link ListView#cellFactoryProperty() cellFactory} callback function defined * on the ListView. Similar API exists on most controls that use Cells (for example, * {@link TreeView#cellFactoryProperty() TreeView}, * {@link TableView#rowFactoryProperty() TableView}, * {@link TableColumn#cellFactoryProperty() TableColumn} and * {@link ListView#cellFactoryProperty() ListView}. * <p> * The cell factory is called by the platform whenever it determines that a new * cell needs to be created. For example, perhaps your ListView has 10 million * items. Creating all 10 million cells would be prohibitively expensive. So * instead the ListView skin implementation might only create just enough cells * to fit the visual space. If the ListView is resized to be larger, the system * will determine that it needs to create some additional cells. In this case * it will call the cellFactory callback function (if one is provided) to create * the Cell implementation that should be used. If no cell factory is provided, * the built-in default implementation will be used. * <p> * The implementation of the cell factory is then responsible not just for * creating a Cell instance, but also configuring that Cell such that it reacts * to changes in its state. For example, if I were to create * a custom Cell which formatted Numbers such that they would appear as currency * types, I might do so like this: * * <pre> * public class MoneyFormatCell extends ListCell&lt;Number&gt; { * * public MoneyFormatCell() { } * * &#064;Override protected void updateItem(Number item, boolean empty) { * // calling super here is very important - don't skip this! * super.updateItem(item, empty); * * // format the number as if it were a monetary value using the * // formatting relevant to the current locale. This would format * // 43.68 as "$43.68", and -23.67 as "-$23.67" * setText(item == null ? "" : NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(item)); * * // change the text fill based on whether it is positive (green) * // or negative (red). If the cell is selected, the text will * // always be white (so that it can be read against the blue * // background), and if the value is zero, we'll make it black. * if (item != null) { * double value = item.doubleValue(); * setTextFill(isSelected() ? Color.WHITE : * value == 0 ? Color.BLACK : * value &lt; 0 ? Color.RED : Color.GREEN); * } * } * }</pre> * * This class could then be used inside a ListView as such: * * <pre> * ObservableList&lt;Number&gt; money = ...; * final ListView&lt;Number&gt; listView = new ListView&lt;Number&gt;(money); * listView.setCellFactory(new Callback&lt;ListView&lt;Number&gt;, ListCell&lt;Number&gt;&gt;() { * &#064;Override public ListCell&lt;Number&gt; call(ListView&lt;Number&gt; list) { * return new MoneyFormatCell(); * } * });</pre> * * In this example an anonymous inner class is created, that simply returns * instances of MoneyFormatCell whenever it is called. The MoneyFormatCell class * extends {@link ListCell}, overriding the * {@link #updateItem(java.lang.Object, boolean) updateItem} method. This method * is called whenever the item in the cell changes, for example when the user * scrolls the ListView or the content of the underlying data model changes * (and the cell is reused to represent some different item in the ListView). * Because of this, there is no need to manage bindings - simply react to the * change in items when this method occurs. In the example above, whenever the * item changes, we update the cell text property, and also modify the text fill * to ensure that we get the correct visuals. In addition, if the cell is "empty" * (meaning it is used to fill out space in the ListView but doesn't have any * data associated with it), then we just use the empty String. * <p> * Note that there are additional * methods prefixed with 'update' that may be of interest, so be * sure to read the API documentation for Cell, and subclasses of Cell, closely. * <p> * Of course, we can also use the binding API rather than overriding the * 'update' methods. Shown below is a very trivial example of how this could * be achieved. * * * <pre> * public class BoundLabelCell extends ListCell&lt;String&gt; { * * public BoundLabelCell() { * textProperty().bind(itemProperty()); * } * } * </pre> * * <h2>Key Design Goals</h2> * <ul> * <li>Both time and memory efficient for large data sets</li> * <li>Easy to build and use libraries for custom cells</li> * <li>Easy to customize cell visuals</li> * <li>Easy to customize display formatting (12.34 as $12.34 or 1234% etc)</li> * <li>Easy to extend for custom visuals</li> * <li>Easy to have "panels" of data for the visuals</li> * <li>Easy to animate the cell size or other properties</li> * </ul> * * <h2>Key Use Cases</h2> * Following are a number of key use cases used to drive the Cell API design, * along with code examples showing how those use cases are satisfied by this * API. This is by no means to be considered the definitive list of capabilities * or features supported, but rather, to provide some guidance as to how to use * the Cell API. The examples below are focused on the ListView, but the same * philosophy applies to TreeCells or other kinds of cells. * <p> * <b>Changing the Cell's Colors</b> * <p> * This should be extraordinarily simple in JavaFX. Each Cell can be styled * directly from CSS. So for example, if you wanted to change the default * background of every cell in a ListView to be WHITE you could do the * following CSS: * * <pre> * .list-cell { * -fx-padding: 3 3 3 3; * -fx-background-color: white; * }</pre> * * If you wanted to set the color of selected ListView cells to be blue, you * could add this to your CSS file: * * <pre> * .list-cell:selected { * -fx-background-color: blue; * }</pre> * * Most Cell implementations extend from {@link IndexedCell} rather than Cell. * IndexedCell adds two other pseudoclass states: "odd" and "even". Using this * you can get alternate row striping by doing something like this in your CSS * file: * * <pre> * .list-cell:odd { * -fx-background-color: grey; * }</pre> * * Each of these examples require no code changes. Simply update your CSS * file to alter the colors. You can also use the "hover" and other * pseudoclasses in CSS the same as with other controls. * <p> * Another approach to the first example above (formatting a list of numbers) would * be to use style classes. Suppose you had an {@link ObservableList} of Numbers * to display in a ListView and wanted to color all of the negative values red * and all positive or 0 values black. * One way to achieve this is with a custom cellFactory which changes the * styleClass of the Cell based on whether the value is negative or positive. This * is as simple as adding code to test if the number in the cell is negative, * and adding a "negative" styleClass. If the number is not negative, the "negative" * string should be removed. This approach allows for the colors to be defined * from CSS, allowing for simple customization. The CSS file would then include * something like the following: * * <pre> * .list-cell { * -fx-text-fill: black; * } * * .list-cell .negative { * -fx-text-fill: red; * }</pre> * * <h2>Editing</h2> * <p>Most virtualized controls that use the Cell architecture (e.g. {@link ListView}, * {@link TreeView}, {@link TableView} and {@link TreeTableView}) all support * the notion of editing values directly via the cell. You can learn more about * the control-specific details by going to the 'editing' section in the class * documentation for the controls linked above. The remainder of this section * will cover some of the finer details of editing with cells.</p> * * <p>The general flow of editing is as follows (note that in these steps the * {@link ListView} control is used as an example, but similar API exists for * all controls mentioned above, and the process is exactly the same in general):</p> * * <ol> * <li>User requests a cell enter editing mode (via keyboard or mouse commands), * or the developer requests that a cell enter editing mode (by calling a * method such as the ListView {@link ListView#edit(int) edit} method. * <strong>Note:</strong> If the user double-clicks or fires an appropriate * keyboard command to initiate editing, then they are effectively calling * the appropriate edit method on the control (i.e. the entry method for * user-initiated and developer-initiated editing is the same).</li> * <li>Each cell in the visible region of the control is notified that the * current {@link javafx.scene.control.ListView#editingIndexProperty() editing cell} * has changed, and checks to see if it is itself. At this point one of three * things can happen: * <ol> * <li>If the editing index is the same index as the cell, * {@link #startEdit()} will be called on this cell. Some pointers: * <ol> * <li>It is recommended that subclasses of Cell override the {@link #startEdit()} * method to update the visuals of the cell when enters the editing state. Note * however that it is very important that subclasses that override the * {@link #startEdit()} method continue to call {@code super.startEdit()} so * that parent classes can update additional state that is necessary for * editing to be successful.</li> * <li>Within the {@link #startEdit()} method is an ideal * time to change the visuals of the cell. For example (and * note that this example is more fleshed out in the UI control * javadocs for {@link ListView}, etc), you may set the * {@link #graphicProperty()} of the cell to a * {@link TextField} and set the {@link #textProperty()} * to null. This would allow end users to then type in input * and make changes to your data model.</li> * <li>When the user has completed editing, they will want * to commit or cancel their change. This is your responsibility * to handle (e.g. by having the Enter key * {@link #commitEdit(Object) commit the edit} * and the ESC key {@link #cancelEdit() cancel the edit}). * You do this by attaching the appropriate event listeners * to the nodes you show whilst in the editing state.</li> * </ol> * </li> * <li>If the editing index is not the same index as the cell, and * if the cell is currently in the {@link #isEditing() editing state}, * {@link #cancelEdit()} will be called on this cell. As with the * {@link #startEdit()} method, you should override this method to * clean up the visuals of the cell (and most probably return the * {@link #graphicProperty()} back to null and set the * {@link #textProperty()} to its (possibly new) value. Again, * be sure to always call {@code super.cancelEdit()} to make sure all * state is correctly updated.</li> * <li>If the editing index is not the same index as the cell, and * if the cell is not currently in the {@link #isEditing()} editing state}, * then nothing will happen on this cell.</li> * </ol> * </li> * </ol> * * * @param <T> The type of the item contained within the Cell. * * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public class Cell<T> extends Labeled { /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a default Cell with the default style class of 'cell'.
/** * Creates a default Cell with the default style class of 'cell'. */
public Cell() { setText(null); // default to null text, to match the null item // focusTraversable is styleable through css. Calling setFocusTraversable // makes it look to css like the user set the value and css will not // override. Initializing focusTraversable by calling set on the // CssMetaData ensures that css will be able to override the value. ((StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)focusTraversableProperty()).applyStyle(null, Boolean.FALSE); getStyleClass().addAll(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS); /** * Indicates whether or not this cell has focus. For example, a * ListView defines zero or one cell as being the "focused" cell. This cell * would have focused set to true. */ super.focusedProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable property) { pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_FOCUSED, isFocused()); // TODO is this necessary?? // The user has shifted focus, so we should cancel the editing on this cell if (!isFocused() && isEditing()) { cancelEdit(); } } }); // initialize default pseudo-class state pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_EMPTY, true); }
* Properties * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Properties * * * **************************************************************************/
// --- item private ObjectProperty<T> item = new SimpleObjectProperty<T>(this, "item");
The data value associated with this Cell. This value is set by the virtualized Control when the Cell is created or updated. This represents the raw data value.

This value should only be set in subclasses of Cell by the virtualised user interface controls that know how to properly work with the Cell class.

Returns:the data value associated with this cell
/** * The data value associated with this Cell. This value is set by the * virtualized Control when the Cell is created or updated. This represents * the raw data value. * * <p>This value should only be set in subclasses of Cell by the virtualised * user interface controls that know how to properly work with the Cell * class. * @return the data value associated with this cell */
public final ObjectProperty<T> itemProperty() { return item; }
Sets the item to the given value - should not be called directly as the item is managed by the virtualized control.
  • value – the new data value to set in this cell
/** * Sets the item to the given value - should not be called directly as the * item is managed by the virtualized control. * @param value the new data value to set in this cell */
public final void setItem(T value) { item.set(value); }
Returns the data value associated with this Cell.
Returns:the data value associated with this cell
/** * Returns the data value associated with this Cell. * @return the data value associated with this cell */
public final T getItem() { return item.get(); } // --- empty private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper empty = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(true) { @Override protected void invalidated() { final boolean active = get(); pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_EMPTY, active); pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_FILLED, !active); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Cell.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "empty"; } };
A property used to represent whether the cell has any contents. If true, then the Cell contains no data and is not associated with any data item in the virtualized Control.

When a cell is empty, it can be styled differently via the 'empty' CSS pseudo class state. For example, it may not receive any alternate row highlighting, or it may not receive hover background fill when hovered.

Returns:the representation of whether this cell has any contents
/** * A property used to represent whether the cell has any contents. * If true, then the Cell contains no data and is not associated with any * data item in the virtualized Control. * * <p>When a cell is empty, it can be styled differently via the 'empty' * CSS pseudo class state. For example, it may not receive any * alternate row highlighting, or it may not receive hover background * fill when hovered. * @return the representation of whether this cell has any contents */
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty emptyProperty() { return empty.getReadOnlyProperty(); } private void setEmpty(boolean value) { empty.set(value); }
Returns a boolean representing whether the cell is considered to be empty or not.
Returns:true if cell is empty, otherwise false
/** * Returns a boolean representing whether the cell is considered to be empty * or not. * @return true if cell is empty, otherwise false */
public final boolean isEmpty() { return empty.get(); } // --- selected private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper selected = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper() { @Override protected void invalidated() { pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_SELECTED, get()); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Cell.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "selected"; } };
Indicates whether or not this cell has been selected. For example, a ListView defines zero or more cells as being the "selected" cells.
Returns:the representation of whether this cell has been selected
/** * Indicates whether or not this cell has been selected. For example, a * ListView defines zero or more cells as being the "selected" cells. * @return the representation of whether this cell has been selected */
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty selectedProperty() { return selected.getReadOnlyProperty(); } void setSelected(boolean value) { selected.set(value); }
Returns whether this cell is currently selected or not.
Returns:True if the cell is selected, false otherwise.
/** * Returns whether this cell is currently selected or not. * @return True if the cell is selected, false otherwise. */
public final boolean isSelected() { return selected.get(); } // --- Editing private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper editing; private void setEditing(boolean value) { editingPropertyImpl().set(value); }
Represents whether the cell is currently in its editing state or not.
Returns:true if this cell is currently in its editing state, otherwise false
/** * Represents whether the cell is currently in its editing state or not. * @return true if this cell is currently in its editing state, otherwise * false */
public final boolean isEditing() { return editing == null ? false : editing.get(); }
Property representing whether this cell is currently in its editing state.
Returns:the representation of whether this cell is currently in its editing state
/** * Property representing whether this cell is currently in its editing state. * @return the representation of whether this cell is currently in its * editing state */
public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty editingProperty() { return editingPropertyImpl().getReadOnlyProperty(); } private ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper editingPropertyImpl() { if (editing == null) { editing = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(this, "editing"); } return editing; } // --- Editable private BooleanProperty editable;
Allows for certain cells to not be able to be edited. This is useful in cases where, say, a List has 'header rows' - it does not make sense for the header rows to be editable, so they should have editable set to false.
  • value – A boolean representing whether the cell is editable or not. If true, the cell is editable, and if it is false, the cell can not be edited.
/** * Allows for certain cells to not be able to be edited. This is useful in * cases where, say, a List has 'header rows' - it does not make sense for * the header rows to be editable, so they should have editable set to * false. * * @param value A boolean representing whether the cell is editable or not. * If true, the cell is editable, and if it is false, the cell can not * be edited. */
public final void setEditable(boolean value) { editableProperty().set(value); }
Returns whether this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state.
Returns:true if this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state, otherwise false
/** * Returns whether this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state. * @return true if this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state, * otherwise false */
public final boolean isEditable() { return editable == null ? true : editable.get(); }
A property representing whether this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state. By default editable is set to true in Cells (although for a subclass of Cell to be allowed to enter its editing state, it may have to satisfy additional criteria. For example, ListCell requires that the ListView editable property is also true.
Returns:the representation of whether this cell is allowed to be put into an editing state
/** * A property representing whether this cell is allowed to be put into an * editing state. By default editable is set to true in Cells (although for * a subclass of Cell to be allowed to enter its editing state, it may have * to satisfy additional criteria. For example, ListCell requires that the * ListView {@link ListView#editableProperty() editable} property is also * true. * @return the representation of whether this cell is allowed to be put into * an editing state */
public final BooleanProperty editableProperty() { if (editable == null) { editable = new SimpleBooleanProperty(this, "editable", true); } return editable; } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
Starts an edit to the value of the cell. Call this function to transition from a non-editing state into an editing state, if the cell is editable. If this cell is already in an editing state, it will stay in it.
/** * Starts an edit to the value of the cell. * Call this function to transition from a non-editing state into an editing * state, if the cell is editable. If this cell is already in an editing * state, it will stay in it. */
public void startEdit() { if (isEditable() && !isEditing() && !isEmpty()) { setEditing(true); } }
Cancels an edit to the value of the cell. Call this function to transition from an editing state into a non-editing state, without saving any user input.
/** * Cancels an edit to the value of the cell. * Call this function to transition from an editing state into a non-editing * state, without saving any user input. */
public void cancelEdit() { if (isEditing()) { setEditing(false); } }
Commits an edit to the value of the cell. Call this function when appropriate (based on the user interaction requirements of your cell editing user interface) to do two things:
  1. Fire the appropriate events back to the backing UI control (e.g., ListView). This will begin the process of pushing this edit back to the relevant data source / property (although it does not guarantee that this will be successful - that is dependent upon the specific edit commit handler being used). Refer to the UI control class javadoc for more detail.
  2. Begin the transition from an editing state into a non-editing state.

In general there is no need to override this method in custom cell implementations - it should be sufficient to simply call this method when appropriate (e.g., when the user pressed the Enter key, you may do something like cell.commitEdit(converter.fromString(textField.getText()));

  • newValue – the value as input by the end user, which should be persisted in the relevant way given the data source underpinning the user interface and the install edit commit handler of the UI control
/** * Commits an edit to the value of the cell. * Call this function when appropriate (based on the user interaction requirements * of your cell editing user interface) to do two things: * * <ol> * <li>Fire the appropriate events back to the backing UI control (e.g., * {@link ListView}). This will begin the process of pushing this edit * back to the relevant data source / property (although it does not * guarantee that this will be successful - that is dependent upon the * specific edit commit handler being used). Refer to the UI control * class javadoc for more detail.</li> * <li>Begin the transition from an editing state into a non-editing state.</li> * </ol> * * <p>In general there is no need to override this method in custom cell * implementations - it should be sufficient to simply call this method * when appropriate (e.g., when the user pressed the Enter key, you may do something * like {@code cell.commitEdit(converter.fromString(textField.getText()));}</p> * * @param newValue the value as input by the end user, which should be * persisted in the relevant way given the data source underpinning the * user interface and the install edit commit handler of the UI control */
public void commitEdit(T newValue) { if (isEditing()) { setEditing(false); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { if (itemDirty) { updateItem(getItem(), isEmpty()); itemDirty = false; } super.layoutChildren(); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Expert API * * * **************************************************************************/
The updateItem method should not be called by developers, but it is the best method for developers to override to allow for them to customise the visuals of the cell. To clarify, developers should never call this method in their code (they should leave it up to the UI control, such as the ListView control) to call this method. However, the purpose of having the updateItem method is so that developers, when specifying custom cell factories (again, like the ListView cell factory), the updateItem method can be overridden to allow for complete customisation of the cell.

It is very important that subclasses of Cell override the updateItem method properly, as failure to do so will lead to issues such as blank cells or cells with unexpected content appearing within them. Here is an example of how to properly override the updateItem method:

protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) {
    super.updateItem(item, empty);
    if (empty || item == null) {
    } else {

Note in this code sample two important points:

  1. We call the super.updateItem(T, boolean) method. If this is not done, the item and empty properties are not correctly set, and you are likely to end up with graphical issues.
  2. We test for the empty condition, and if true, we set the text and graphic properties to null. If we do not do this, it is almost guaranteed that end users will see graphical artifacts in cells unexpectedly.
  • item – The new item for the cell.
  • empty – whether or not this cell represents data from the list. If it is empty, then it does not represent any domain data, but is a cell being used to render an "empty" row.
/** * The updateItem method should not be called by developers, but it is the * best method for developers to override to allow for them to customise the * visuals of the cell. To clarify, developers should never call this method * in their code (they should leave it up to the UI control, such as the * {@link javafx.scene.control.ListView} control) to call this method. However, * the purpose of having the updateItem method is so that developers, when * specifying custom cell factories (again, like the ListView * {@link javafx.scene.control.ListView#cellFactoryProperty() cell factory}), * the updateItem method can be overridden to allow for complete customisation * of the cell. * * <p>It is <strong>very important</strong> that subclasses * of Cell override the updateItem method properly, as failure to do so will * lead to issues such as blank cells or cells with unexpected content * appearing within them. Here is an example of how to properly override the * updateItem method: * * <pre> * protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) { * super.updateItem(item, empty); * * if (empty || item == null) { * setText(null); * setGraphic(null); * } else { * setText(item.toString()); * } * } * </pre> * * <p>Note in this code sample two important points: * <ol> * <li>We call the super.updateItem(T, boolean) method. If this is not * done, the item and empty properties are not correctly set, and you are * likely to end up with graphical issues.</li> * <li>We test for the <code>empty</code> condition, and if true, we * set the text and graphic properties to null. If we do not do this, * it is almost guaranteed that end users will see graphical artifacts * in cells unexpectedly.</li> * </ol> * * @param item The new item for the cell. * @param empty whether or not this cell represents data from the list. If it * is empty, then it does not represent any domain data, but is a cell * being used to render an "empty" row. */
protected void updateItem(T item, boolean empty) { setItem(item); setEmpty(empty); if (empty && isSelected()) { updateSelected(false); } }
Updates whether this cell is in a selected state or not.
  • selected – whether or not to select this cell.
/** * Updates whether this cell is in a selected state or not. * @param selected whether or not to select this cell. */
public void updateSelected(boolean selected) { if (selected && isEmpty()) return; boolean wasSelected = isSelected(); setSelected(selected); if (wasSelected != selected) { markCellDirty(); } }
This method is called by Cell subclasses so that certain CPU-intensive actions (specifically, calling updateItem(Object, boolean)) are only performed when necessary (that is, they are only performed when the currently set item is considered to be different than the proposed new item that could be set).

The default implementation of this method tests against equality, but developers are able to override this method to perform checks in other ways that are specific to their domain.

  • oldItem – The currently-set item contained within the cell (i.e. it is the same as what is available via getItem()).
  • newItem – The item that will be set in the cell, if this method returns true. If this method returns false, it may not be set.
Returns:Returns true if the new item is considered to be different than the old item. By default this method tests against equality, but subclasses may alter the implementation to test appropriate to their needs.
Since:JavaFX 8u40
/** * This method is called by Cell subclasses so that certain CPU-intensive * actions (specifically, calling {@link #updateItem(Object, boolean)}) are * only performed when necessary (that is, they are only performed * when the currently set {@link #itemProperty() item} is considered to be * different than the proposed new item that could be set). * * <p>The default implementation of this method tests against equality, but * developers are able to override this method to perform checks in other ways * that are specific to their domain.</p> * * @param oldItem The currently-set item contained within the cell (i.e. it is * the same as what is available via {@link #getItem()}). * @param newItem The item that will be set in the cell, if this method * returns true. If this method returns false, it may not be * set. * @return Returns true if the new item is considered to be different than * the old item. By default this method tests against equality, but * subclasses may alter the implementation to test appropriate to * their needs. * @since JavaFX 8u40 */
protected boolean isItemChanged(T oldItem, T newItem) { return oldItem != null ? !oldItem.equals(newItem) : newItem != null; }
* Private Implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
// itemDirty and markCellDirty introduced as a solution for JDK-8145588. // In the fullness of time, a more fully developed solution can be developed // that offers a public API around this lazy-dirty impl. private boolean itemDirty = false; private final void markCellDirty() { itemDirty = true; requestLayout(); }
* Stylesheet Handling * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Stylesheet Handling * * * **************************************************************************/
private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "cell"; private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_SELECTED = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("selected"); private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_FOCUSED = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("focused"); private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_EMPTY = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("empty"); private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_FILLED = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("filled");
Returns the initial focus traversable state of this control, for use by the JavaFX CSS engine to correctly set its initial value. This method is overridden as by default UI controls have focus traversable set to true, but that is not appropriate for this control.
/** * Returns the initial focus traversable state of this control, for use * by the JavaFX CSS engine to correctly set its initial value. This method * is overridden as by default UI controls have focus traversable set to true, * but that is not appropriate for this control. * * @since 9 */
@Override protected Boolean getInitialFocusTraversable() { return Boolean.FALSE; } }