 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
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 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
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package javafx.scene.chart;

import com.sun.javafx.charts.Legend;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.beans.binding.StringBinding;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringPropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.value.WritableValue;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener.Change;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.css.CssMetaData;
import javafx.css.Styleable;
import javafx.css.StyleableBooleanProperty;
import javafx.css.StyleableProperty;
import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
import javafx.geometry.Side;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.shape.LineTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.Path;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.util.Duration;

import com.sun.javafx.collections.NonIterableChange;
import javafx.css.converter.BooleanConverter;

Chart base class for all 2 axis charts. It is responsible for drawing the two axes and the plot content. It contains a list of all content in the plot and implementations of XYChart can add nodes to this list that need to be rendered.

It is possible to install Tooltips on data items / symbols. For example the following code snippet installs Tooltip on the 1st data item.

 XYChart.Data item = ( XYChart.Data)series.getData().get(0);
 Tooltip.install(item.getNode(), new Tooltip("Symbol-0"));
Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * Chart base class for all 2 axis charts. It is responsible for drawing the two * axes and the plot content. It contains a list of all content in the plot and * implementations of XYChart can add nodes to this list that need to be rendered. * * <p>It is possible to install Tooltips on data items / symbols. * For example the following code snippet installs Tooltip on the 1st data item. * * <pre><code> * XYChart.Data item = ( XYChart.Data)series.getData().get(0); * Tooltip.install(item.getNode(), new Tooltip("Symbol-0")); * </code></pre> * * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public abstract class XYChart<X,Y> extends Chart { // -------------- PRIVATE FIELDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // to indicate which colors are being used for the series private final BitSet colorBits = new BitSet(8); static String DEFAULT_COLOR = "default-color"; final Map<Series<X,Y>, Integer> seriesColorMap = new HashMap<>(); private boolean rangeValid = false; private final Line verticalZeroLine = new Line(); private final Line horizontalZeroLine = new Line(); private final Path verticalGridLines = new Path(); private final Path horizontalGridLines = new Path(); private final Path horizontalRowFill = new Path(); private final Path verticalRowFill = new Path(); private final Region plotBackground = new Region(); private final Group plotArea = new Group(){ @Override public void requestLayout() {} // suppress layout requests }; private final Group plotContent = new Group(); private final Rectangle plotAreaClip = new Rectangle(); private final List<Series<X, Y>> displayedSeries = new ArrayList<>(); private Legend legend = new Legend();
This is called when a series is added or removed from the chart
/** This is called when a series is added or removed from the chart */
private final ListChangeListener<Series<X,Y>> seriesChanged = c -> { ObservableList<? extends Series<X, Y>> series = c.getList(); while (c.next()) { // RT-12069, linked list pointers should update when list is permutated. if (c.wasPermutated()) { displayedSeries.sort((o1, o2) -> series.indexOf(o2) - series.indexOf(o1)); } if (c.getRemoved().size() > 0) updateLegend(); Set<Series<X, Y>> dupCheck = new HashSet<>(displayedSeries); dupCheck.removeAll(c.getRemoved()); for (Series<X, Y> d : c.getAddedSubList()) { if (!dupCheck.add(d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate series added"); } } for (Series<X,Y> s : c.getRemoved()) { s.setToRemove = true; seriesRemoved(s); } for(int i=c.getFrom(); i<c.getTo() && !c.wasPermutated(); i++) { final Series<X,Y> s = c.getList().get(i); // add new listener to data s.setChart(XYChart.this); if (s.setToRemove) { s.setToRemove = false; s.getChart().seriesBeingRemovedIsAdded(s); } // update linkedList Pointers for series displayedSeries.add(s); // update default color style class int nextClearBit = colorBits.nextClearBit(0); colorBits.set(nextClearBit, true); s.defaultColorStyleClass = DEFAULT_COLOR+(nextClearBit%8); seriesColorMap.put(s, nextClearBit%8); // inform sub-classes of series added seriesAdded(s, i); } if (c.getFrom() < c.getTo()) updateLegend(); seriesChanged(c); } // update axis ranges invalidateRange(); // lay everything out requestChartLayout(); }; // -------------- PUBLIC PROPERTIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private final Axis<X> xAxis;
Get the X axis, by default it is along the bottom of the plot
Returns:the X axis of the chart
/** * Get the X axis, by default it is along the bottom of the plot * @return the X axis of the chart */
public Axis<X> getXAxis() { return xAxis; } private final Axis<Y> yAxis;
Get the Y axis, by default it is along the left of the plot
Returns:the Y axis of this chart
/** * Get the Y axis, by default it is along the left of the plot * @return the Y axis of this chart */
public Axis<Y> getYAxis() { return yAxis; }
XYCharts data
/** XYCharts data */
private ObjectProperty<ObservableList<Series<X,Y>>> data = new ObjectPropertyBase<ObservableList<Series<X,Y>>>() { private ObservableList<Series<X,Y>> old; @Override protected void invalidated() { final ObservableList<Series<X,Y>> current = getValue(); if (current == old) return; int saveAnimationState = -1; // add remove listeners if(old != null) { old.removeListener(seriesChanged); // Set animated to false so we don't animate both remove and add // at the same time. RT-14163 // RT-21295 - disable animated only when current is also not null. if (current != null && old.size() > 0) { saveAnimationState = (old.get(0).getChart().getAnimated()) ? 1 : 2; old.get(0).getChart().setAnimated(false); } } if(current != null) current.addListener(seriesChanged); // fire series change event if series are added or removed if(old != null || current != null) { final List<Series<X,Y>> removed = (old != null) ? old : Collections.<Series<X,Y>>emptyList(); final int toIndex = (current != null) ? current.size() : 0; // let series listener know all old series have been removed and new that have been added if (toIndex > 0 || !removed.isEmpty()) { seriesChanged.onChanged(new NonIterableChange<Series<X,Y>>(0, toIndex, current){ @Override public List<Series<X,Y>> getRemoved() { return removed; } @Override protected int[] getPermutation() { return new int[0]; } }); } } else if (old != null && old.size() > 0) { // let series listener know all old series have been removed seriesChanged.onChanged(new NonIterableChange<Series<X,Y>>(0, 0, current){ @Override public List<Series<X,Y>> getRemoved() { return old; } @Override protected int[] getPermutation() { return new int[0]; } }); } // restore animated on chart. if (current != null && current.size() > 0 && saveAnimationState != -1) { current.get(0).getChart().setAnimated((saveAnimationState == 1) ? true : false); } old = current; } public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } public String getName() { return "data"; } }; public final ObservableList<Series<X,Y>> getData() { return data.getValue(); } public final void setData(ObservableList<Series<X,Y>> value) { data.setValue(value); } public final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<Series<X,Y>>> dataProperty() { return data; }
True if vertical grid lines should be drawn
/** True if vertical grid lines should be drawn */
private BooleanProperty verticalGridLinesVisible = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) { @Override protected void invalidated() { requestChartLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "verticalGridLinesVisible"; } @Override public CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.VERTICAL_GRID_LINE_VISIBLE; } };
Indicates whether vertical grid lines are visible or not.
See Also:
Returns:true if verticalGridLines are visible else false.
/** * Indicates whether vertical grid lines are visible or not. * * @return true if verticalGridLines are visible else false. * @see #verticalGridLinesVisibleProperty() */
public final boolean getVerticalGridLinesVisible() { return verticalGridLinesVisible.get(); } public final void setVerticalGridLinesVisible(boolean value) { verticalGridLinesVisible.set(value); } public final BooleanProperty verticalGridLinesVisibleProperty() { return verticalGridLinesVisible; }
True if horizontal grid lines should be drawn
/** True if horizontal grid lines should be drawn */
private BooleanProperty horizontalGridLinesVisible = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) { @Override protected void invalidated() { requestChartLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "horizontalGridLinesVisible"; } @Override public CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINE_VISIBLE; } }; public final boolean isHorizontalGridLinesVisible() { return horizontalGridLinesVisible.get(); } public final void setHorizontalGridLinesVisible(boolean value) { horizontalGridLinesVisible.set(value); } public final BooleanProperty horizontalGridLinesVisibleProperty() { return horizontalGridLinesVisible; }
If true then alternative vertical columns will have fills
/** If true then alternative vertical columns will have fills */
private BooleanProperty alternativeColumnFillVisible = new StyleableBooleanProperty(false) { @Override protected void invalidated() { requestChartLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "alternativeColumnFillVisible"; } @Override public CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.ALTERNATIVE_COLUMN_FILL_VISIBLE; } }; public final boolean isAlternativeColumnFillVisible() { return alternativeColumnFillVisible.getValue(); } public final void setAlternativeColumnFillVisible(boolean value) { alternativeColumnFillVisible.setValue(value); } public final BooleanProperty alternativeColumnFillVisibleProperty() { return alternativeColumnFillVisible; }
If true then alternative horizontal rows will have fills
/** If true then alternative horizontal rows will have fills */
private BooleanProperty alternativeRowFillVisible = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) { @Override protected void invalidated() { requestChartLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "alternativeRowFillVisible"; } @Override public CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.ALTERNATIVE_ROW_FILL_VISIBLE; } }; public final boolean isAlternativeRowFillVisible() { return alternativeRowFillVisible.getValue(); } public final void setAlternativeRowFillVisible(boolean value) { alternativeRowFillVisible.setValue(value); } public final BooleanProperty alternativeRowFillVisibleProperty() { return alternativeRowFillVisible; }
If this is true and the vertical axis has both positive and negative values then a additional axis line will be drawn at the zero point
/** * If this is true and the vertical axis has both positive and negative values then a additional axis line * will be drawn at the zero point * * @defaultValue true */
private BooleanProperty verticalZeroLineVisible = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) { @Override protected void invalidated() { requestChartLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "verticalZeroLineVisible"; } @Override public CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.VERTICAL_ZERO_LINE_VISIBLE; } }; public final boolean isVerticalZeroLineVisible() { return verticalZeroLineVisible.get(); } public final void setVerticalZeroLineVisible(boolean value) { verticalZeroLineVisible.set(value); } public final BooleanProperty verticalZeroLineVisibleProperty() { return verticalZeroLineVisible; }
If this is true and the horizontal axis has both positive and negative values then a additional axis line will be drawn at the zero point
/** * If this is true and the horizontal axis has both positive and negative values then a additional axis line * will be drawn at the zero point * * @defaultValue true */
private BooleanProperty horizontalZeroLineVisible = new StyleableBooleanProperty(true) { @Override protected void invalidated() { requestChartLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return XYChart.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "horizontalZeroLineVisible"; } @Override public CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> getCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.HORIZONTAL_ZERO_LINE_VISIBLE; } }; public final boolean isHorizontalZeroLineVisible() { return horizontalZeroLineVisible.get(); } public final void setHorizontalZeroLineVisible(boolean value) { horizontalZeroLineVisible.set(value); } public final BooleanProperty horizontalZeroLineVisibleProperty() { return horizontalZeroLineVisible; } // -------------- PROTECTED PROPERTIES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modifiable and observable list of all content in the plot. This is where implementations of XYChart should add any nodes they use to draw their plot.
Returns:Observable list of plot children
/** * Modifiable and observable list of all content in the plot. This is where implementations of XYChart should add * any nodes they use to draw their plot. * * @return Observable list of plot children */
protected ObservableList<Node> getPlotChildren() { return plotContent.getChildren(); } // -------------- CONSTRUCTOR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constructs a XYChart given the two axes. The initial content for the chart plot background and plot area that includes vertical and horizontal grid lines and fills, are added.
  • xAxis – X Axis for this XY chart
  • yAxis – Y Axis for this XY chart
/** * Constructs a XYChart given the two axes. The initial content for the chart * plot background and plot area that includes vertical and horizontal grid * lines and fills, are added. * * @param xAxis X Axis for this XY chart * @param yAxis Y Axis for this XY chart */
public XYChart(Axis<X> xAxis, Axis<Y> yAxis) { this.xAxis = xAxis; if (xAxis.getSide() == null) xAxis.setSide(Side.BOTTOM); xAxis.setEffectiveOrientation(Orientation.HORIZONTAL); this.yAxis = yAxis; if (yAxis.getSide() == null) yAxis.setSide(Side.LEFT); yAxis.setEffectiveOrientation(Orientation.VERTICAL); // RT-23123 autoranging leads to charts incorrect appearance. xAxis.autoRangingProperty().addListener((ov, t, t1) -> { updateAxisRange(); }); yAxis.autoRangingProperty().addListener((ov, t, t1) -> { updateAxisRange(); }); // add initial content to chart content getChartChildren().addAll(plotBackground,plotArea,xAxis,yAxis); // We don't want plotArea or plotContent to autoSize or do layout plotArea.setAutoSizeChildren(false); plotContent.setAutoSizeChildren(false); // setup clipping on plot area plotAreaClip.setSmooth(false); plotArea.setClip(plotAreaClip); // add children to plot area plotArea.getChildren().addAll( verticalRowFill, horizontalRowFill, verticalGridLines, horizontalGridLines, verticalZeroLine, horizontalZeroLine, plotContent); // setup css style classes plotContent.getStyleClass().setAll("plot-content"); plotBackground.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-plot-background"); verticalRowFill.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-alternative-column-fill"); horizontalRowFill.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-alternative-row-fill"); verticalGridLines.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-vertical-grid-lines"); horizontalGridLines.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-horizontal-grid-lines"); verticalZeroLine.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-vertical-zero-line"); horizontalZeroLine.getStyleClass().setAll("chart-horizontal-zero-line"); // mark plotContent as unmanaged as its preferred size changes do not effect our layout plotContent.setManaged(false); plotArea.setManaged(false); // listen to animation on/off and sync to axis animatedProperty().addListener((valueModel, oldValue, newValue) -> { if(getXAxis() != null) getXAxis().setAnimated(newValue); if(getYAxis() != null) getYAxis().setAnimated(newValue); }); setLegend(legend); } // -------------- METHODS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gets the size of the data returning 0 if the data is null
Returns:The number of items in data, or null if data is null
/** * Gets the size of the data returning 0 if the data is null * * @return The number of items in data, or null if data is null */
final int getDataSize() { final ObservableList<Series<X,Y>> data = getData(); return (data!=null) ? data.size() : 0; }
Called when a series's name has changed
/** Called when a series's name has changed */
private void seriesNameChanged() { updateLegend(); requestChartLayout(); } @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedParameters"}) private void dataItemsChanged(Series<X,Y> series, List<Data<X,Y>> removed, int addedFrom, int addedTo, boolean permutation) { for (Data<X,Y> item : removed) { dataItemRemoved(item, series); } for(int i=addedFrom; i<addedTo; i++) { Data<X,Y> item = series.getData().get(i); dataItemAdded(series, i, item); } invalidateRange(); requestChartLayout(); } private <T> void dataValueChanged(Data<X,Y> item, T newValue, ObjectProperty<T> currentValueProperty) { if (currentValueProperty.get() != newValue) invalidateRange(); dataItemChanged(item); if (shouldAnimate()) { animate( new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, new KeyValue(currentValueProperty, currentValueProperty.get())), new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(700), new KeyValue(currentValueProperty, newValue, Interpolator.EASE_BOTH)) ); } else { currentValueProperty.set(newValue); requestChartLayout(); } }
This is called whenever a series is added or removed and the legend needs to be updated
/** * This is called whenever a series is added or removed and the legend needs to be updated */
protected void updateLegend() { List<Legend.LegendItem> legendList = new ArrayList<>(); if (getData() != null) { for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < getData().size(); seriesIndex++) { Series<X, Y> series = getData().get(seriesIndex); legendList.add(createLegendItemForSeries(series, seriesIndex)); } } legend.getItems().setAll(legendList); if (legendList.size() > 0) { if (getLegend() == null) { setLegend(legend); } } else { setLegend(null); } }
Called by the updateLegend for each series in the chart in order to create new legend item
  • series – the series for this legend item
  • seriesIndex – the index of the series
Returns:new legend item for this series
/** * Called by the updateLegend for each series in the chart in order to * create new legend item * @param series the series for this legend item * @param seriesIndex the index of the series * @return new legend item for this series */
Legend.LegendItem createLegendItemForSeries(Series<X, Y> series, int seriesIndex) { return new Legend.LegendItem(series.getName()); }
This method is called when there is an attempt to add series that was set to be removed, and the removal might not have completed.
  • series –
/** * This method is called when there is an attempt to add series that was * set to be removed, and the removal might not have completed. * @param series */
void seriesBeingRemovedIsAdded(Series<X,Y> series) {}
This method is called when there is an attempt to add a Data item that was set to be removed, and the removal might not have completed.
  • data –
/** * This method is called when there is an attempt to add a Data item that was * set to be removed, and the removal might not have completed. * @param data */
void dataBeingRemovedIsAdded(Data<X,Y> item, Series<X,Y> series) {}
Called when a data item has been added to a series. This is where implementations of XYChart can create/add new nodes to getPlotChildren to represent this data item. They also may animate that data add with a fade in or similar if animated = true.
  • series – The series the data item was added to
  • itemIndex – The index of the new item within the series
  • item – The new data item that was added
/** * Called when a data item has been added to a series. This is where implementations of XYChart can create/add new * nodes to getPlotChildren to represent this data item. They also may animate that data add with a fade in or * similar if animated = true. * * @param series The series the data item was added to * @param itemIndex The index of the new item within the series * @param item The new data item that was added */
protected abstract void dataItemAdded(Series<X,Y> series, int itemIndex, Data<X,Y> item);
Called when a data item has been removed from data model but it is still visible on the chart. Its still visible so that you can handle animation for removing it in this method. After you are done animating the data item you must call removeDataItemFromDisplay() to remove the items node from being displayed on the chart.
  • item – The item that has been removed from the series
  • series – The series the item was removed from
/** * Called when a data item has been removed from data model but it is still visible on the chart. Its still visible * so that you can handle animation for removing it in this method. After you are done animating the data item you * must call removeDataItemFromDisplay() to remove the items node from being displayed on the chart. * * @param item The item that has been removed from the series * @param series The series the item was removed from */
protected abstract void dataItemRemoved(Data<X, Y> item, Series<X, Y> series);
Called when a data item has changed, ie its xValue, yValue or extraValue has changed.
  • item – The data item who was changed
/** * Called when a data item has changed, ie its xValue, yValue or extraValue has changed. * * @param item The data item who was changed */
protected abstract void dataItemChanged(Data<X, Y> item);
A series has been added to the charts data model. This is where implementations of XYChart can create/add new nodes to getPlotChildren to represent this series. Also you have to handle adding any data items that are already in the series. You may simply call dataItemAdded() for each one or provide some different animation for a whole series being added.
  • series – The series that has been added
  • seriesIndex – The index of the new series
/** * A series has been added to the charts data model. This is where implementations of XYChart can create/add new * nodes to getPlotChildren to represent this series. Also you have to handle adding any data items that are * already in the series. You may simply call dataItemAdded() for each one or provide some different animation for * a whole series being added. * * @param series The series that has been added * @param seriesIndex The index of the new series */
protected abstract void seriesAdded(Series<X, Y> series, int seriesIndex);
A series has been removed from the data model but it is still visible on the chart. Its still visible so that you can handle animation for removing it in this method. After you are done animating the data item you must call removeSeriesFromDisplay() to remove the series from the display list.
  • series – The series that has been removed
/** * A series has been removed from the data model but it is still visible on the chart. Its still visible * so that you can handle animation for removing it in this method. After you are done animating the data item you * must call removeSeriesFromDisplay() to remove the series from the display list. * * @param series The series that has been removed */
protected abstract void seriesRemoved(Series<X,Y> series);
Called when each atomic change is made to the list of series for this chart
  • c – a Change instance representing the changes to the series
/** * Called when each atomic change is made to the list of series for this chart * @param c a Change instance representing the changes to the series */
protected void seriesChanged(Change<? extends Series> c) {}
This is called when a data change has happened that may cause the range to be invalid.
/** * This is called when a data change has happened that may cause the range to be invalid. */
private void invalidateRange() { rangeValid = false; }
This is called when the range has been invalidated and we need to update it. If the axis are auto ranging then we compile a list of all data that the given axis has to plot and call invalidateRange() on the axis passing it that data.
/** * This is called when the range has been invalidated and we need to update it. If the axis are auto * ranging then we compile a list of all data that the given axis has to plot and call invalidateRange() on the * axis passing it that data. */
protected void updateAxisRange() { final Axis<X> xa = getXAxis(); final Axis<Y> ya = getYAxis(); List<X> xData = null; List<Y> yData = null; if(xa.isAutoRanging()) xData = new ArrayList<X>(); if(ya.isAutoRanging()) yData = new ArrayList<Y>(); if(xData != null || yData != null) { for(Series<X,Y> series : getData()) { for(Data<X,Y> data: series.getData()) { if(xData != null) xData.add(data.getXValue()); if(yData != null) yData.add(data.getYValue()); } } if(xData != null) xa.invalidateRange(xData); if(yData != null) ya.invalidateRange(yData); } }
Called to update and layout the plot children. This should include all work to updates nodes representing the plot on top of the axis and grid lines etc. The origin is the top left of the plot area, the plot area with can be got by getting the width of the x axis and its height from the height of the y axis.
/** * Called to update and layout the plot children. This should include all work to updates nodes representing * the plot on top of the axis and grid lines etc. The origin is the top left of the plot area, the plot area with * can be got by getting the width of the x axis and its height from the height of the y axis. */
protected abstract void layoutPlotChildren();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected final void layoutChartChildren(double top, double left, double width, double height) { if(getData() == null) return; if (!rangeValid) { rangeValid = true; if(getData() != null) updateAxisRange(); } // snap top and left to pixels top = snapPositionY(top); left = snapPositionX(left); // get starting stuff final Axis<X> xa = getXAxis(); final ObservableList<Axis.TickMark<X>> xaTickMarks = xa.getTickMarks(); final Axis<Y> ya = getYAxis(); final ObservableList<Axis.TickMark<Y>> yaTickMarks = ya.getTickMarks(); // check we have 2 axises and know their sides if (xa == null || ya == null) return; // try and work out width and height of axises double xAxisWidth = 0; double xAxisHeight = 30; // guess x axis height to start with double yAxisWidth = 0; double yAxisHeight = 0; for (int count=0; count<5; count ++) { yAxisHeight = snapSizeY(height - xAxisHeight); if (yAxisHeight < 0) { yAxisHeight = 0; } yAxisWidth = ya.prefWidth(yAxisHeight); xAxisWidth = snapSizeX(width - yAxisWidth); if (xAxisWidth < 0) { xAxisWidth = 0; } double newXAxisHeight = xa.prefHeight(xAxisWidth); if (newXAxisHeight == xAxisHeight) break; xAxisHeight = newXAxisHeight; } // round axis sizes up to whole integers to snap to pixel xAxisWidth = Math.ceil(xAxisWidth); xAxisHeight = Math.ceil(xAxisHeight); yAxisWidth = Math.ceil(yAxisWidth); yAxisHeight = Math.ceil(yAxisHeight); // calc xAxis height double xAxisY = 0; switch(xa.getEffectiveSide()) { case TOP: xa.setVisible(true); xAxisY = top+1; top += xAxisHeight; break; case BOTTOM: xa.setVisible(true); xAxisY = top + yAxisHeight; } // calc yAxis width double yAxisX = 0; switch(ya.getEffectiveSide()) { case LEFT: ya.setVisible(true); yAxisX = left +1; left += yAxisWidth; break; case RIGHT: ya.setVisible(true); yAxisX = left + xAxisWidth; } // resize axises xa.resizeRelocate(left, xAxisY, xAxisWidth, xAxisHeight); ya.resizeRelocate(yAxisX, top, yAxisWidth, yAxisHeight); // When the chart is resized, need to specifically call out the axises // to lay out as they are unmanaged. xa.requestAxisLayout(); xa.layout(); ya.requestAxisLayout(); ya.layout(); // layout plot content layoutPlotChildren(); // get axis zero points final double xAxisZero = xa.getZeroPosition(); final double yAxisZero = ya.getZeroPosition(); // position vertical and horizontal zero lines if(Double.isNaN(xAxisZero) || !isVerticalZeroLineVisible()) { verticalZeroLine.setVisible(false); } else { verticalZeroLine.setStartX(left+xAxisZero+0.5); verticalZeroLine.setStartY(top); verticalZeroLine.setEndX(left+xAxisZero+0.5); verticalZeroLine.setEndY(top+yAxisHeight); verticalZeroLine.setVisible(true); } if(Double.isNaN(yAxisZero) || !isHorizontalZeroLineVisible()) { horizontalZeroLine.setVisible(false); } else { horizontalZeroLine.setStartX(left); horizontalZeroLine.setStartY(top+yAxisZero+0.5); horizontalZeroLine.setEndX(left+xAxisWidth); horizontalZeroLine.setEndY(top+yAxisZero+0.5); horizontalZeroLine.setVisible(true); } // layout plot background plotBackground.resizeRelocate(left, top, xAxisWidth, yAxisHeight); // update clip plotAreaClip.setX(left); plotAreaClip.setY(top); plotAreaClip.setWidth(xAxisWidth+1); plotAreaClip.setHeight(yAxisHeight+1); // plotArea.setClip(new Rectangle(left, top, xAxisWidth, yAxisHeight)); // position plot group, its origin is the bottom left corner of the plot area plotContent.setLayoutX(left); plotContent.setLayoutY(top); plotContent.requestLayout(); // Note: not sure this is right, maybe plotContent should be resizeable // update vertical grid lines verticalGridLines.getElements().clear(); if(getVerticalGridLinesVisible()) { for(int i=0; i < xaTickMarks.size(); i++) { Axis.TickMark<X> tick = xaTickMarks.get(i); final double x = xa.getDisplayPosition(tick.getValue()); if ((x!=xAxisZero || !isVerticalZeroLineVisible()) && x > 0 && x <= xAxisWidth) { verticalGridLines.getElements().add(new MoveTo(left+x+0.5,top)); verticalGridLines.getElements().add(new LineTo(left+x+0.5,top+yAxisHeight)); } } } // update horizontal grid lines horizontalGridLines.getElements().clear(); if(isHorizontalGridLinesVisible()) { for(int i=0; i < yaTickMarks.size(); i++) { Axis.TickMark<Y> tick = yaTickMarks.get(i); final double y = ya.getDisplayPosition(tick.getValue()); if ((y!=yAxisZero || !isHorizontalZeroLineVisible()) && y >= 0 && y < yAxisHeight) { horizontalGridLines.getElements().add(new MoveTo(left,top+y+0.5)); horizontalGridLines.getElements().add(new LineTo(left+xAxisWidth,top+y+0.5)); } } } // Note: is there a more efficient way to calculate horizontal and vertical row fills? // update vertical row fill verticalRowFill.getElements().clear(); if (isAlternativeColumnFillVisible()) { // tick marks are not sorted so get all the positions and sort them final List<Double> tickPositionsPositive = new ArrayList<Double>(); final List<Double> tickPositionsNegative = new ArrayList<Double>(); for(int i=0; i < xaTickMarks.size(); i++) { double pos = xa.getDisplayPosition((X) xaTickMarks.get(i).getValue()); if (pos == xAxisZero) { tickPositionsPositive.add(pos); tickPositionsNegative.add(pos); } else if (pos < xAxisZero) { tickPositionsPositive.add(pos); } else { tickPositionsNegative.add(pos); } } Collections.sort(tickPositionsPositive); Collections.sort(tickPositionsNegative); // iterate over every pair of positive tick marks and create fill for(int i=1; i < tickPositionsPositive.size(); i+=2) { if((i+1) < tickPositionsPositive.size()) { final double x1 = tickPositionsPositive.get(i); final double x2 = tickPositionsPositive.get(i+1); verticalRowFill.getElements().addAll( new MoveTo(left+x1,top), new LineTo(left+x1,top+yAxisHeight), new LineTo(left+x2,top+yAxisHeight), new LineTo(left+x2,top), new ClosePath()); } } // iterate over every pair of positive tick marks and create fill for(int i=0; i < tickPositionsNegative.size(); i+=2) { if((i+1) < tickPositionsNegative.size()) { final double x1 = tickPositionsNegative.get(i); final double x2 = tickPositionsNegative.get(i+1); verticalRowFill.getElements().addAll( new MoveTo(left+x1,top), new LineTo(left+x1,top+yAxisHeight), new LineTo(left+x2,top+yAxisHeight), new LineTo(left+x2,top), new ClosePath()); } } } // update horizontal row fill horizontalRowFill.getElements().clear(); if (isAlternativeRowFillVisible()) { // tick marks are not sorted so get all the positions and sort them final List<Double> tickPositionsPositive = new ArrayList<Double>(); final List<Double> tickPositionsNegative = new ArrayList<Double>(); for(int i=0; i < yaTickMarks.size(); i++) { double pos = ya.getDisplayPosition((Y) yaTickMarks.get(i).getValue()); if (pos == yAxisZero) { tickPositionsPositive.add(pos); tickPositionsNegative.add(pos); } else if (pos < yAxisZero) { tickPositionsPositive.add(pos); } else { tickPositionsNegative.add(pos); } } Collections.sort(tickPositionsPositive); Collections.sort(tickPositionsNegative); // iterate over every pair of positive tick marks and create fill for(int i=1; i < tickPositionsPositive.size(); i+=2) { if((i+1) < tickPositionsPositive.size()) { final double y1 = tickPositionsPositive.get(i); final double y2 = tickPositionsPositive.get(i+1); horizontalRowFill.getElements().addAll( new MoveTo(left, top + y1), new LineTo(left + xAxisWidth, top + y1), new LineTo(left + xAxisWidth, top + y2), new LineTo(left, top + y2), new ClosePath()); } } // iterate over every pair of positive tick marks and create fill for(int i=0; i < tickPositionsNegative.size(); i+=2) { if((i+1) < tickPositionsNegative.size()) { final double y1 = tickPositionsNegative.get(i); final double y2 = tickPositionsNegative.get(i+1); horizontalRowFill.getElements().addAll( new MoveTo(left, top + y1), new LineTo(left + xAxisWidth, top + y1), new LineTo(left + xAxisWidth, top + y2), new LineTo(left, top + y2), new ClosePath()); } } } // }
Get the index of the series in the series linked list.
  • series – The series to find index for
Returns:index of the series in series list
/** * Get the index of the series in the series linked list. * * @param series The series to find index for * @return index of the series in series list */
int getSeriesIndex(Series<X,Y> series) { return displayedSeries.indexOf(series); }
Computes the size of series linked list
Returns:size of series linked list
/** * Computes the size of series linked list * @return size of series linked list */
int getSeriesSize() { return displayedSeries.size(); }
This should be called from seriesRemoved() when you are finished with any animation for deleting the series from the chart. It will remove the series from showing up in the Iterator returned by getDisplayedSeriesIterator().
  • series – The series to remove
/** * This should be called from seriesRemoved() when you are finished with any animation for deleting the series from * the chart. It will remove the series from showing up in the Iterator returned by getDisplayedSeriesIterator(). * * @param series The series to remove */
protected final void removeSeriesFromDisplay(Series<X, Y> series) { if (series != null) series.setToRemove = false; series.setChart(null); displayedSeries.remove(series); int idx = seriesColorMap.remove(series); colorBits.clear(idx); }
XYChart maintains a list of all series currently displayed this includes all current series + any series that have recently been deleted that are in the process of being faded(animated) out. This creates and returns a iterator over that list. This is what implementations of XYChart should use when plotting data.
Returns:iterator over currently displayed series
/** * XYChart maintains a list of all series currently displayed this includes all current series + any series that * have recently been deleted that are in the process of being faded(animated) out. This creates and returns a * iterator over that list. This is what implementations of XYChart should use when plotting data. * * @return iterator over currently displayed series */
protected final Iterator<Series<X,Y>> getDisplayedSeriesIterator() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(displayedSeries).iterator(); }
Creates an array of KeyFrames for fading out nodes representing a series
  • series – The series to remove
  • fadeOutTime – Time to fade out, in milliseconds
Returns:array of two KeyFrames from zero to fadeOutTime
/** * Creates an array of KeyFrames for fading out nodes representing a series * * @param series The series to remove * @param fadeOutTime Time to fade out, in milliseconds * @return array of two KeyFrames from zero to fadeOutTime */
final KeyFrame[] createSeriesRemoveTimeLine(Series<X, Y> series, long fadeOutTime) { final List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); nodes.add(series.getNode()); for (Data<X, Y> d : series.getData()) { if (d.getNode() != null) { nodes.add(d.getNode()); } } // fade out series node and symbols KeyValue[] startValues = new KeyValue[nodes.size()]; KeyValue[] endValues = new KeyValue[nodes.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { startValues[j] = new KeyValue(nodes.get(j).opacityProperty(), 1); endValues[j] = new KeyValue(nodes.get(j).opacityProperty(), 0); } return new KeyFrame[] { new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, startValues), new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(fadeOutTime), actionEvent -> { getPlotChildren().removeAll(nodes); removeSeriesFromDisplay(series); }, endValues) }; }
The current displayed data value plotted on the X axis. This may be the same as xValue or different. It is used by XYChart to animate the xValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this to animate when data is added or removed.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current X axis data value is obtained
Returns:The current displayed X data value
/** * The current displayed data value plotted on the X axis. This may be the same as xValue or different. It is * used by XYChart to animate the xValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot * in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this * to animate when data is added or removed. * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current X axis data value is obtained * @return The current displayed X data value */
protected final X getCurrentDisplayedXValue(Data<X,Y> item) { return item.getCurrentX(); }
Set the current displayed data value plotted on X axis.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current X axis data value is obtained.
  • value – The X axis data value
See Also:
/** Set the current displayed data value plotted on X axis. * * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current X axis data value is obtained. * @param value The X axis data value * @see #getCurrentDisplayedXValue(Data) */
protected final void setCurrentDisplayedXValue(Data<X,Y> item, X value) { item.setCurrentX(value); }
The current displayed data value property that is plotted on X axis.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current X axis data value property object is obtained.
See Also:
Returns:The current displayed X data value ObjectProperty.
/** The current displayed data value property that is plotted on X axis. * * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current X axis data value property object is obtained. * @return The current displayed X data value ObjectProperty. * @see #getCurrentDisplayedXValue(Data) */
protected final ObjectProperty<X> currentDisplayedXValueProperty(Data<X,Y> item) { return item.currentXProperty(); }
The current displayed data value plotted on the Y axis. This may be the same as yValue or different. It is used by XYChart to animate the yValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this to animate when data is added or removed.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current Y axis data value is obtained
Returns:The current displayed Y data value
/** * The current displayed data value plotted on the Y axis. This may be the same as yValue or different. It is * used by XYChart to animate the yValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot * in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this * to animate when data is added or removed. * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current Y axis data value is obtained * @return The current displayed Y data value */
protected final Y getCurrentDisplayedYValue(Data<X,Y> item) { return item.getCurrentY(); }
Set the current displayed data value plotted on Y axis.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current Y axis data value is obtained.
  • value – The Y axis data value
See Also:
/** * Set the current displayed data value plotted on Y axis. * * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current Y axis data value is obtained. * @param value The Y axis data value * @see #getCurrentDisplayedYValue(Data) */
protected final void setCurrentDisplayedYValue(Data<X,Y> item, Y value) { item.setCurrentY(value); }
The current displayed data value property that is plotted on Y axis.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current Y axis data value property object is obtained.
See Also:
Returns:The current displayed Y data value ObjectProperty.
/** The current displayed data value property that is plotted on Y axis. * * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current Y axis data value property object is obtained. * @return The current displayed Y data value ObjectProperty. * @see #getCurrentDisplayedYValue(Data) */
protected final ObjectProperty<Y> currentDisplayedYValueProperty(Data<X,Y> item) { return item.currentYProperty(); }
The current displayed data extra value. This may be the same as extraValue or different. It is used by XYChart to animate the extraValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot in any custom XYChart implementations.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current extra value is obtained
Returns:The current extra value
/** * The current displayed data extra value. This may be the same as extraValue or different. It is * used by XYChart to animate the extraValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot * in any custom XYChart implementations. * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current extra value is obtained * @return The current extra value */
protected final Object getCurrentDisplayedExtraValue(Data<X,Y> item) { return item.getCurrentExtraValue(); }
Set the current displayed data extra value.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current extra value is obtained.
  • value – The extra value
See Also:
/** * Set the current displayed data extra value. * * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current extra value is obtained. * @param value The extra value * @see #getCurrentDisplayedExtraValue(Data) */
protected final void setCurrentDisplayedExtraValue(Data<X,Y> item, Object value) { item.setCurrentExtraValue(value); }
The current displayed extra value property.
  • item – The XYChart.Data item from which the current extra value property object is obtained.
See Also:
Returns:ObjectProperty<Object> The current extra value ObjectProperty
/** * The current displayed extra value property. * * @param item The XYChart.Data item from which the current extra value property object is obtained. * @return {@literal ObjectProperty<Object> The current extra value ObjectProperty} * @see #getCurrentDisplayedExtraValue(Data) */
protected final ObjectProperty<Object> currentDisplayedExtraValueProperty(Data<X,Y> item) { return item.currentExtraValueProperty(); }
XYChart maintains a list of all items currently displayed this includes all current data + any data items recently deleted that are in the process of being faded out. This creates and returns a iterator over that list. This is what implementations of XYChart should use when plotting data.
  • series – The series to get displayed data for
Returns:iterator over currently displayed items from this series
/** * XYChart maintains a list of all items currently displayed this includes all current data + any data items * recently deleted that are in the process of being faded out. This creates and returns a iterator over * that list. This is what implementations of XYChart should use when plotting data. * * @param series The series to get displayed data for * @return iterator over currently displayed items from this series */
protected final Iterator<Data<X,Y>> getDisplayedDataIterator(final Series<X,Y> series) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(series.displayedData).iterator(); }
This should be called from dataItemRemoved() when you are finished with any animation for deleting the item from the chart. It will remove the data item from showing up in the Iterator returned by getDisplayedDataIterator().
  • series – The series to remove
  • item – The item to remove from series's display list
/** * This should be called from dataItemRemoved() when you are finished with any animation for deleting the item from the * chart. It will remove the data item from showing up in the Iterator returned by getDisplayedDataIterator(). * * @param series The series to remove * @param item The item to remove from series's display list */
protected final void removeDataItemFromDisplay(Series<X, Y> series, Data<X, Y> item) { series.removeDataItemRef(item); } // -------------- STYLESHEET HANDLING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static class StyleableProperties { private static final CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINE_VISIBLE = new CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean>("-fx-horizontal-grid-lines-visible", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(XYChart<?,?> node) { return node.horizontalGridLinesVisible == null || !node.horizontalGridLinesVisible.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(XYChart<?,?> node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.horizontalGridLinesVisibleProperty(); } }; private static final CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> HORIZONTAL_ZERO_LINE_VISIBLE = new CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean>("-fx-horizontal-zero-line-visible", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(XYChart<?,?> node) { return node.horizontalZeroLineVisible == null || !node.horizontalZeroLineVisible.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(XYChart<?,?> node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.horizontalZeroLineVisibleProperty(); } }; private static final CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> ALTERNATIVE_ROW_FILL_VISIBLE = new CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean>("-fx-alternative-row-fill-visible", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(XYChart<?,?> node) { return node.alternativeRowFillVisible == null || !node.alternativeRowFillVisible.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(XYChart<?,?> node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.alternativeRowFillVisibleProperty(); } }; private static final CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> VERTICAL_GRID_LINE_VISIBLE = new CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean>("-fx-vertical-grid-lines-visible", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(XYChart<?,?> node) { return node.verticalGridLinesVisible == null || !node.verticalGridLinesVisible.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(XYChart<?,?> node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.verticalGridLinesVisibleProperty(); } }; private static final CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> VERTICAL_ZERO_LINE_VISIBLE = new CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean>("-fx-vertical-zero-line-visible", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(XYChart<?,?> node) { return node.verticalZeroLineVisible == null || !node.verticalZeroLineVisible.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(XYChart<?,?> node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.verticalZeroLineVisibleProperty(); } }; private static final CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean> ALTERNATIVE_COLUMN_FILL_VISIBLE = new CssMetaData<XYChart<?,?>,Boolean>("-fx-alternative-column-fill-visible", BooleanConverter.getInstance(), Boolean.TRUE) { @Override public boolean isSettable(XYChart<?,?> node) { return node.alternativeColumnFillVisible == null || !node.alternativeColumnFillVisible.isBound(); } @Override public StyleableProperty<Boolean> getStyleableProperty(XYChart<?,?> node) { return (StyleableProperty<Boolean>)(WritableValue<Boolean>)node.alternativeColumnFillVisibleProperty(); } }; private static final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> STYLEABLES; static { final List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> styleables = new ArrayList<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>>(Chart.getClassCssMetaData()); styleables.add(HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINE_VISIBLE); styleables.add(HORIZONTAL_ZERO_LINE_VISIBLE); styleables.add(ALTERNATIVE_ROW_FILL_VISIBLE); styleables.add(VERTICAL_GRID_LINE_VISIBLE); styleables.add(VERTICAL_ZERO_LINE_VISIBLE); styleables.add(ALTERNATIVE_COLUMN_FILL_VISIBLE); STYLEABLES = Collections.unmodifiableList(styleables); } }
Returns:The CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the CssMetaData of its superclasses.
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * @return The CssMetaData associated with this class, which may include the * CssMetaData of its superclasses. * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getClassCssMetaData() { return StyleableProperties.STYLEABLES; }
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
@Override public List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable, ?>> getCssMetaData() { return getClassCssMetaData(); } // -------------- INNER CLASSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A single data item with data for 2 axis charts
Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * A single data item with data for 2 axis charts * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public final static class Data<X,Y> { // -------------- PUBLIC PROPERTIES ---------------------------------------- private boolean setToRemove = false;
The series this data belongs to
/** The series this data belongs to */
private Series<X,Y> series; void setSeries(Series<X,Y> series) { this.series = series; }
The generic data value to be plotted on the X axis
/** The generic data value to be plotted on the X axis */
private ObjectProperty<X> xValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<X>(Data.this, "XValue") { @Override protected void invalidated() { if (series!=null) { XYChart<X,Y> chart = series.getChart(); if(chart!=null) chart.dataValueChanged(Data.this, get(), currentXProperty()); } else { // data has not been added to series yet : // so currentX and X should be the same setCurrentX(get()); } } };
Gets the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis.
Returns:the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis.
/** * Gets the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis. * @return the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis. */
public final X getXValue() { return xValue.get(); }
Sets the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis.
  • value – the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis.
/** * Sets the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis. * @param value the generic data value to be plotted on the X axis. */
public final void setXValue(X value) { xValue.set(value); // handle the case where this is a init because the default constructor was used // and the case when series is not associated to a chart due to a remove series if (currentX.get() == null || (series != null && series.getChart() == null)) currentX.setValue(value); }
The generic data value to be plotted on the X axis.
Returns:The XValue property
/** * The generic data value to be plotted on the X axis. * @return The XValue property */
public final ObjectProperty<X> XValueProperty() { return xValue; }
The generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis
/** The generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis */
private ObjectProperty<Y> yValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<Y>(Data.this, "YValue") { @Override protected void invalidated() { if (series!=null) { XYChart<X,Y> chart = series.getChart(); if(chart!=null) chart.dataValueChanged(Data.this, get(), currentYProperty()); } else { // data has not been added to series yet : // so currentY and Y should be the same setCurrentY(get()); } } };
Gets the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis.
Returns:the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis.
/** * Gets the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis. * @return the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis. */
public final Y getYValue() { return yValue.get(); }
Sets the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis.
  • value – the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis.
/** * Sets the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis. * @param value the generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis. */
public final void setYValue(Y value) { yValue.set(value); // handle the case where this is a init because the default constructor was used // and the case when series is not associated to a chart due to a remove series if (currentY.get() == null || (series != null && series.getChart() == null)) currentY.setValue(value); }
The generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis.
Returns:the YValue property
/** * The generic data value to be plotted on the Y axis. * @return the YValue property */
public final ObjectProperty<Y> YValueProperty() { return yValue; }
The generic data value to be plotted in any way the chart needs. For example used as the radius for BubbleChart.
/** * The generic data value to be plotted in any way the chart needs. For example used as the radius * for BubbleChart. */
private ObjectProperty<Object> extraValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<Object>(Data.this, "extraValue") { @Override protected void invalidated() { if (series!=null) { XYChart<X,Y> chart = series.getChart(); if(chart!=null) chart.dataValueChanged(Data.this, get(), currentExtraValueProperty()); } } }; public final Object getExtraValue() { return extraValue.get(); } public final void setExtraValue(Object value) { extraValue.set(value); } public final ObjectProperty<Object> extraValueProperty() { return extraValue; }
The node to display for this data item. You can either create your own node and set it on the data item before you add the item to the chart. Otherwise the chart will create a node for you that has the default representation for the chart type. This node will be set as soon as the data is added to the chart. You can then get it to add mouse listeners etc. Charts will do their best to position and size the node appropriately, for example on a Line or Scatter chart this node will be positioned centered on the data values position. For a bar chart this is positioned and resized as the bar for this data item.
/** * The node to display for this data item. You can either create your own node and set it on the data item * before you add the item to the chart. Otherwise the chart will create a node for you that has the default * representation for the chart type. This node will be set as soon as the data is added to the chart. You can * then get it to add mouse listeners etc. Charts will do their best to position and size the node * appropriately, for example on a Line or Scatter chart this node will be positioned centered on the data * values position. For a bar chart this is positioned and resized as the bar for this data item. */
private ObjectProperty<Node> node = new SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(this, "node") { protected void invalidated() { Node node = get(); if (node != null) { node.accessibleTextProperty().unbind(); node.accessibleTextProperty().bind(new StringBinding() { {bind(currentXProperty(), currentYProperty());} @Override protected String computeValue() { String seriesName = series != null ? series.getName() : ""; return seriesName + " X Axis is " + getCurrentX() + " Y Axis is " + getCurrentY(); } }); } }; }; public final Node getNode() { return node.get(); } public final void setNode(Node value) { node.set(value); } public final ObjectProperty<Node> nodeProperty() { return node; }
The current displayed data value plotted on the X axis. This may be the same as xValue or different. It is used by XYChart to animate the xValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this to animate when data is added or removed.
/** * The current displayed data value plotted on the X axis. This may be the same as xValue or different. It is * used by XYChart to animate the xValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot * in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this * to animate when data is added or removed. */
private ObjectProperty<X> currentX = new SimpleObjectProperty<X>(this, "currentX"); final X getCurrentX() { return currentX.get(); } final void setCurrentX(X value) { currentX.set(value); } final ObjectProperty<X> currentXProperty() { return currentX; }
The current displayed data value plotted on the Y axis. This may be the same as yValue or different. It is used by XYChart to animate the yValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this to animate when data is added or removed.
/** * The current displayed data value plotted on the Y axis. This may be the same as yValue or different. It is * used by XYChart to animate the yValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot * in any custom XYChart implementations. Some XYChart chart implementations such as LineChart also use this * to animate when data is added or removed. */
private ObjectProperty<Y> currentY = new SimpleObjectProperty<Y>(this, "currentY"); final Y getCurrentY() { return currentY.get(); } final void setCurrentY(Y value) { currentY.set(value); } final ObjectProperty<Y> currentYProperty() { return currentY; }
The current displayed data extra value. This may be the same as extraValue or different. It is used by XYChart to animate the extraValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot in any custom XYChart implementations.
/** * The current displayed data extra value. This may be the same as extraValue or different. It is * used by XYChart to animate the extraValue from the old value to the new value. This is what you should plot * in any custom XYChart implementations. */
private ObjectProperty<Object> currentExtraValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<Object>(this, "currentExtraValue"); final Object getCurrentExtraValue() { return currentExtraValue.getValue(); } final void setCurrentExtraValue(Object value) { currentExtraValue.setValue(value); } final ObjectProperty<Object> currentExtraValueProperty() { return currentExtraValue; } // -------------- CONSTRUCTOR -------------------------------------------------
Creates an empty XYChart.Data object.
/** * Creates an empty XYChart.Data object. */
public Data() {}
Creates an instance of XYChart.Data object and initializes the X,Y data values.
  • xValue – The X axis data value
  • yValue – The Y axis data value
/** * Creates an instance of XYChart.Data object and initializes the X,Y * data values. * * @param xValue The X axis data value * @param yValue The Y axis data value */
public Data(X xValue, Y yValue) { setXValue(xValue); setYValue(yValue); setCurrentX(xValue); setCurrentY(yValue); }
Creates an instance of XYChart.Data object and initializes the X,Y data values and extraValue.
  • xValue – The X axis data value.
  • yValue – The Y axis data value.
  • extraValue – Chart extra value.
/** * Creates an instance of XYChart.Data object and initializes the X,Y * data values and extraValue. * * @param xValue The X axis data value. * @param yValue The Y axis data value. * @param extraValue Chart extra value. */
public Data(X xValue, Y yValue, Object extraValue) { setXValue(xValue); setYValue(yValue); setExtraValue(extraValue); setCurrentX(xValue); setCurrentY(yValue); setCurrentExtraValue(extraValue); } // -------------- PUBLIC METHODS ----------------------------------------------
Returns a string representation of this Data object.
Returns:a string representation of this Data object.
/** * Returns a string representation of this {@code Data} object. * @return a string representation of this {@code Data} object. */
@Override public String toString() { return "Data["+getXValue()+","+getYValue()+","+getExtraValue()+"]"; } }
A named series of data items
Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * A named series of data items * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public static final class Series<X,Y> { // -------------- PRIVATE PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------
the style class for default color for this series
/** the style class for default color for this series */
String defaultColorStyleClass; boolean setToRemove = false; private List<Data<X, Y>> displayedData = new ArrayList<>(); private final ListChangeListener<Data<X,Y>> dataChangeListener = new ListChangeListener<Data<X, Y>>() { @Override public void onChanged(Change<? extends Data<X, Y>> c) { ObservableList<? extends Data<X, Y>> data = c.getList(); final XYChart<X, Y> chart = getChart(); while (c.next()) { if (chart != null) { // RT-25187 Probably a sort happened, just reorder the pointers and return. if (c.wasPermutated()) { displayedData.sort((o1, o2) -> data.indexOf(o2) - data.indexOf(o1)); return; } Set<Data<X, Y>> dupCheck = new HashSet<>(displayedData); dupCheck.removeAll(c.getRemoved()); for (Data<X, Y> d : c.getAddedSubList()) { if (!dupCheck.add(d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate data added"); } } // update data items reference to series for (Data<X, Y> item : c.getRemoved()) { item.setToRemove = true; } if (c.getAddedSize() > 0) { for (Data<X, Y> itemPtr : c.getAddedSubList()) { if (itemPtr.setToRemove) { if (chart != null) chart.dataBeingRemovedIsAdded(itemPtr, Series.this); itemPtr.setToRemove = false; } } for (Data<X, Y> d : c.getAddedSubList()) { d.setSeries(Series.this); } if (c.getFrom() == 0) { displayedData.addAll(0, c.getAddedSubList()); } else { displayedData.addAll(displayedData.indexOf(data.get(c.getFrom() - 1)) + 1, c.getAddedSubList()); } } // inform chart chart.dataItemsChanged(Series.this, (List<Data<X, Y>>) c.getRemoved(), c.getFrom(), c.getTo(), c.wasPermutated()); } else { Set<Data<X, Y>> dupCheck = new HashSet<>(); for (Data<X, Y> d : data) { if (!dupCheck.add(d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate data added"); } } for (Data<X, Y> d : c.getAddedSubList()) { d.setSeries(Series.this); } } } } }; // -------------- PUBLIC PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------
Reference to the chart this series belongs to
/** Reference to the chart this series belongs to */
private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<XYChart<X,Y>> chart = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<XYChart<X,Y>>(this, "chart") { @Override protected void invalidated() { if (get() == null) { displayedData.clear(); } else { displayedData.addAll(getData()); } } }; public final XYChart<X,Y> getChart() { return chart.get(); } private void setChart(XYChart<X,Y> value) { chart.set(value); } public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<XYChart<X,Y>> chartProperty() { return chart.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
The user displayable name for this series
/** The user displayable name for this series */
private final StringProperty name = new StringPropertyBase() { @Override protected void invalidated() { get(); // make non-lazy if(getChart() != null) getChart().seriesNameChanged(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Series.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "name"; } }; public final String getName() { return name.get(); } public final void setName(String value) { name.set(value); } public final StringProperty nameProperty() { return name; }
The node to display for this series. This is created by the chart if it uses nodes to represent the whole series. For example line chart uses this for the line but scatter chart does not use it. This node will be set as soon as the series is added to the chart. You can then get it to add mouse listeners etc.
/** * The node to display for this series. This is created by the chart if it uses nodes to represent the whole * series. For example line chart uses this for the line but scatter chart does not use it. This node will be * set as soon as the series is added to the chart. You can then get it to add mouse listeners etc. */
private ObjectProperty<Node> node = new SimpleObjectProperty<Node>(this, "node"); public final Node getNode() { return node.get(); } public final void setNode(Node value) { node.set(value); } public final ObjectProperty<Node> nodeProperty() { return node; }
ObservableList of data items that make up this series
/** ObservableList of data items that make up this series */
private final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<Data<X,Y>>> data = new ObjectPropertyBase<ObservableList<Data<X,Y>>>() { private ObservableList<Data<X,Y>> old; @Override protected void invalidated() { final ObservableList<Data<X,Y>> current = getValue(); // add remove listeners if(old != null) old.removeListener(dataChangeListener); if(current != null) current.addListener(dataChangeListener); // fire data change event if series are added or removed if(old != null || current != null) { final List<Data<X,Y>> removed = (old != null) ? old : Collections.<Data<X,Y>>emptyList(); final int toIndex = (current != null) ? current.size() : 0; // let data listener know all old data have been removed and new data that has been added if (toIndex > 0 || !removed.isEmpty()) { dataChangeListener.onChanged(new NonIterableChange<Data<X,Y>>(0, toIndex, current){ @Override public List<Data<X,Y>> getRemoved() { return removed; } @Override protected int[] getPermutation() { return new int[0]; } }); } } else if (old != null && old.size() > 0) { // let series listener know all old series have been removed dataChangeListener.onChanged(new NonIterableChange<Data<X,Y>>(0, 0, current){ @Override public List<Data<X,Y>> getRemoved() { return old; } @Override protected int[] getPermutation() { return new int[0]; } }); } old = current; } @Override public Object getBean() { return Series.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "data"; } }; public final ObservableList<Data<X,Y>> getData() { return data.getValue(); } public final void setData(ObservableList<Data<X,Y>> value) { data.setValue(value); } public final ObjectProperty<ObservableList<Data<X,Y>>> dataProperty() { return data; } // -------------- CONSTRUCTORS ----------------------------------------------
Construct a empty series
/** * Construct a empty series */
public Series() { this(FXCollections.<Data<X,Y>>observableArrayList()); }
Constructs a Series and populates it with the given ObservableList data.
  • data – ObservableList of XYChart.Data
/** * Constructs a Series and populates it with the given {@link ObservableList} data. * * @param data ObservableList of XYChart.Data */
public Series(ObservableList<Data<X,Y>> data) { setData(data); for(Data<X,Y> item:data) item.setSeries(this); }
Constructs a named Series and populates it with the given ObservableList data.
  • name – a name for the series
  • data – ObservableList of XYChart.Data
/** * Constructs a named Series and populates it with the given {@link ObservableList} data. * * @param name a name for the series * @param data ObservableList of XYChart.Data */
public Series(String name, ObservableList<Data<X,Y>> data) { this(data); setName(name); } // -------------- PUBLIC METHODS ----------------------------------------------
Returns a string representation of this Series object.
Returns:a string representation of this Series object.
/** * Returns a string representation of this {@code Series} object. * @return a string representation of this {@code Series} object. */
@Override public String toString() { return "Series["+getName()+"]"; } // -------------- PRIVATE/PROTECTED METHODS ----------------------------------- /* * The following methods are for manipulating the pointers in the linked list * when data is deleted. */ private void removeDataItemRef(Data<X,Y> item) { if (item != null) item.setToRemove = false; displayedData.remove(item); } int getItemIndex(Data<X,Y> item) { return displayedData.indexOf(item); } Data<X, Y> getItem(int i) { return displayedData.get(i); } int getDataSize() { return displayedData.size(); } } }